Environmental goods and services sector (env_egs)

Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich (Statistics Austria)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Bundesanstalt Statistik Österreich (Statistics Austria)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Directorate Spatial Statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Guglgasse 13, 1110 Wien

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 25/10/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 25/10/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 25/10/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

The environmental goods and services sector (EGSS) accounts report on an economic sector that generates goods and services produced for environmental protection or the management of natural resources.

Products for environmental protection prevent, reduce and eliminate pollution or any other degradation of the environment. Examples are electric vehicles, catalysts and filters to decrease pollutant emissions, wastewater and waste treatment services, noise insulation works or restoration of degraded habitats.

Products for resource management safeguard the stock of natural resources against depletion. Examples are renewable energy production, energy-efficient and passive buildings, seawater desalinization or rainwater recovery, and materials recovery.

EGSS accounts provide data on output and export of environmental goods and services and on the value added of and employment in the environmental goods and services sector.

EGSS data are compiled following the statistical concepts and definitions set out in the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 – Central Framework.

3.2. Classification system

Data are reported cross-classified by 1) the type of environmental protection or resource management activity and 2) economic activity. Environmental protection activities are classified by environmental domain as set out in the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities - CEPA. Resource management activities are classified as set out in the Classification of Resource Management Activities - CReMA. See the revised CEPA and CReMA explanatory notes for details. Economic activities are classified according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, Rev. 2 (2008).

3.3. Coverage - sector

EGSS comprises a sector of the economy that produces goods and services aimed at environmental protection and resource management (see SEEA CF 2012 chapter 4). Environmental goods and services either reduce environmental pressures or help maintaining the stock of natural resources or they are designed to be cleaner and more resource efficient than conventional products. The list of environmental activities and products has been set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2174 ('the indicative compendium of environmental goods and services').

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

EGSS has the same system boundaries as the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010) and consists of all environmental products within this production boundary. ESA defines production as the activity carried out under the control and responsibility of an institutional unit that uses input of labour, capital, goods and services to produce output of goods and services.

Only goods and services produced for environmental purposes are included in the scope of the environmental goods and services sector.

'Environmental purpose' means that a good or service helps either 1) preventing, reducing and eliminating pollution and any other degradation of the environment or 2) preserving and maintaining the stock of natural resources and hence safeguarding against depletion.

The EGSS statistics aim at compiling data for the following economic variables:

Output: consists of products that become available for use outside of the producer unit (market and non-market), any goods and services produced for own final use and goods that remain in the inventories at the end of the period in which they are produced. Apart from market output, output for own final use and non-market output, EGSS statistics also include ancillary output, comprising output intended for use within an enterprise.

Market output is to be valued at basic prices, that is, the prices receivable by the producer from the purchaser minus taxes and plus subsidies on products.
Output for own final use is to be valued at basic prices of similar products sold on the market or by the total costs of production.
Non-market output is to be estimated by the total costs of production.
Ancillary output is measured as a total of recurrent production costs (such as intermediate consumption, compensation of employees and consumption of fixed capital) incurred by enterprises to: 1) reduce environmental pressures arising from their production process or 2) produce environmental goods or services not intended for use outside the enterprise, but instead supporting other (non-environmental) activities undertaken within the enterprise (e.g. waste management services carried out in-house). For market producers, a mark-up for net operating surplus shall be added to the value of the EGSS ancillary output.
Gross Value Added: represents the contribution made by the production of environmental goods and services to GDP. It is the difference between the value of the output and intermediate consumption.

Employment: is measured in full-time equivalent jobs engaged in the production of output of environmental goods and services. Full-time equivalent is defined as total hours worked divided by the average annual working hours in a full-time job.

Exports: consist of sales, barter, gifts or grants of environmental goods and services from residents to non-residents.

3.5. Statistical unit

Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93 of 15 March 1993 on the statistical units for the observation and analysis of the production system in the Community describes the different statistical units of the production system.

The recommended statistical unit for the collection and compilation of EGSS statistics (excluding general government) is the establishment. For general government, the recommendation is to use institutional units and groupings of units as defined in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010).

EGSS is predominantly based on existing primary statistics. Detailed information on the statistical units used can be found in the documentation of the relevant basic statistics.

Data on environmental shares of output, exports and employment are directly collected by means of telephone inquiries, if the necessary information cannot be obtained from existing data. Institutional units are statistical units/reporting units of these inquiries.

3.6. Statistical population

The statistical population is the national economy as defined in SEEA CF 2012 and the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). It includes all economic activities undertaken by resident units.

3.7. Reference area

The reference area of the statistics is Austria.

The reference area is the economic territory as defined in the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). A unit is said to be a resident unit of a country when it has its centre of economic interest in the economic territory of that country, that is, when it engages for an extended period (1 year or more) in economic activities in that territory.

3.8. Coverage - Time

In accordance with Regulation (EC) 691/2011, the reporting of EGSS has been mandatory for the reference years from 2014 onwards. 

A time series from 2008 to 2021 is available for Austria.

At national level, preliminary data are compiled at t-1. For example, preliminary data for 2022 are compiled at the end of 2023. 

3.9. Base period

Not requested for this metadata collection.

4. Unit of measure Top

Output, gross value added, and exports are measured in million units of national currency (Euro).

Employment is measured in full time equivalents (i.e., full time equivalent jobs).

5. Reference Period Top

The reference period for EGSS data is the calendar year.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

EGSS accounts are compiled and reported in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts (EEEA).

The EEEA follow internationally agreed concepts and definitions set out in the SEEA Central Framework (2012), the international statistical standard adopted by the UN Statistical Commission. They present data in a way that is compatible with National Accounts (ESA, 2010).

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.



7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Confidentiality principles are laid down in the Statistics Act, article 17 and are defined more in detail by the internal quality guidelines of Statistics Austria.

Article 17 of the Austrian Federal Statistics Act 2000 regulates the confidentiality of statistics. Article 19 of the Austrian Federal Statistics Act 2000 specifies rules for publication of statistics. According to it statistics shall be published in a manner that prevents any connection being made with statements concerning specific or identifiable data subjects unless the data subject concerned has no interest warranting protection in his/her data remaining confidential. In the event such connections cannot be ruled out, publication is subject to the explicit prior written consent of the data subject involved.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Factors and models are used for all values. Moreover, the number of companies or products behind each value is not made public. For individual companies environmental shares are applied, which are not made public either, and the values of one company are often distributed over several different CEPA- and CReMA-categories. All these aspects make the disclosure of the data of individual companies impossible. Thus, there are no confidentiality issues.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The final results of EGSS are published in October/November (t+22/t+23).

Preliminary data are usually published in March/April (t+15/t+16).

Data on subnational level (for the nine provinces) are published in December (t+24).

EGSS are disseminated at national level since 2009 (reference period 2008).

There are data files, reports as well as news releases. At subnational level (for the nine provinces) only data files are published.

8.2. Release calendar access

 Statistics Austria’s release calendar: https://www.statistik.at/en/medien/release-calendar 


8.3. Release policy - user access

Results are disseminated to all users at the same time. Standard tables are freely accessible and they are also available in Statistics Austria’s dissemination database STATcube.

At the moment some detailed tables are only published in the project report.

Data are disseminated on the Website of Statistics Austria.

Metadata, in form of a standard documentation, are also made available to users on the webiste.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

EGSS data are published twice a year.

The final results of EGSS are usually published in October/November (t+22/t+23).

Preliminary data are usually published in March/April (t+15/t+16).

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

News release is usually published on the preliminary results.

The latest news release was published in May 2023.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Results are published in the following Statistics Austria publication media:

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Data are disseminated in the online database STATcube on an annual basis – in German and English. 

The database can be accessed on the thematic website of EGSS (under Stat. databases).

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Data are sent to Eurostat to be released as national data and to be used in European aggregates.

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Detailed documentation of the methodology and quality is available as "Standard Documentation" on the webiste of Statistics Austria.

The Standard Documentation is available in German, the most important information is available in English as well.

Methodology and quality issues are also described in each Project Report and in other publications like in the Articles in the "Statistische Nachrichten".

At international level, the following guidance documents for EGSS data are available:

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Quality documentation is included in the Standard Documentation available on the website of Statistics Austria.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Statistics Austria is committed to ensuring the highest quality with respect to the compilation of statistical information. In accordance with the Federal Statistics Act (Article 24), Statistics Austria has to use statistical methods and processes in compliance with internationally recognised scientific principles and standards, conduct ongoing analyses of the statistics with a view to quality improvements and ensure that statistics are as up-to-date as possible. This commitment to quality is also specified in Statistics Austria’s mission statement. In adopting the European Statistics Code of Practice, Statistics Austria has committed to adhering to principles and standards for the production and dissemination of high-quality statistics. As part of the European Statistical System (ESS), Statistics Austria recognises the Quality Declaration of the ESS. The Statistics Council has set up a Quality Assurance Committee, a primary focus of which is the ongoing examination of potential quality improvements

Statistics Austria uses standard-documentation to provide users with information about the underlying concepts, definitions, methods used and the quality of the statistics (meta-information) in a standardised format.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

In cooperation with the Statistic Committee’s Quality Assurance Committee, feedback meetings concerning the quality of the different statistical products are held regularly within the framework of Statistics Austria’s quality management programme. In addition, internal quality audits are carried out by the quality management team. The content and objectives concern critical examination of the quality aspects of statistics with particular consideration of the methods and processes used; identification of quality improvement potential; development of recommendations for improvement measures; and improvement of the standard documentation relating to the statistics in question, with special attention to the views of users and external experts.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The ministry of climate action, environment, energy, mobility, innovation and technology (BMK) is the contracting authority of the EGSS in Austria. This ministry has defined a 'master plan green jobs'. Even though the definition of green jobs differs from that of EGSS the data of EGSS are used to show the development of 'green jobs'.

The EGSS data transmitted to Eurostat have a different breakdown than the data published at national level. In Austria 5 product groups are published (services incl.ancillary activities, connected goods, adapted goods, end-of-pipe technologies and integrated technologies). The scope remains the same. At national level, there is a strong demand to include public transport activities (more environment friendly than individual traffic). Data on public transport are published as an additional item.

Main international users are Eurostat, the OECD and the UN.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Currently no satisfaction survey for environmental accounts is undertaken, but in cooperation with the Statistic Committee’s Quality Assurance Committee, feedback meetings concerning the quality of the different statistical products on the basis of the standard documentation are held regularly within the framework of Statistics Austria’s quality management programme. In these feedback meetings special attention is given to the views of users and external experts.

Additionally every two years the Advisory council for the environment gathers for a meeting. Results from ongoing work in environmental accounts is presented and discussed among experts.

12.3. Completeness

The Austrian EGSS data are complete except for some data on ancillary activities and own final use lacking especially in the domain of resource management activities.  

The data comply with the reporting requirements of Regulation 691/2011.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

High level of accuracy is ensured by using as far as possible in-house basis data and annual checks of the methodology and detailed data.

In general, the methodology and data bases of EGSS are checked annually and if there is a possibility to increase the data quality, it is implemented. 
In 2019 and 2020, a new methodology to increase the coherence between EPEA and EGSS and in relation to national accounts was develeloped. 
The figures of the basic statistics that are used to compile the EGSS are now adjusted to the figures of the national accounts using models.
In 2021, a new data compilation system was developed to be able to revise the whole time series. 
In 2023 data on ancillary activities and own final use were completed as far as possible. These data could be compiled for the reference years 2019-2021. 
The quality of the data on the construction of energy-efficient/passive houses is assumed to be rather weak and the latest Guidance Notes of Eurostat covering this area could not be taken into account in detail yet.
Moreover, methodological discussions are ongoing on EU-level, regarding for example sustainable forest management. As soon as consensus has been reached, adjustements might become necessary.
13.2. Sampling error

EGSS accounts are compiled using a range of primary statistical sources. The sampling and non-sampling errors are described in the metadata of the underlying statistical data.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3. Non-sampling error

EGSS accounts are compiled using a range of primary statistical sources. The sampling and non-sampling errors are described in the metadata of the underlying statistical data.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Not requested for this metadata collection. Over-coverage - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection. Common units - proportion

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3.2. Measurement error

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3.3. Non response error

Not requested for this metadata collection. Unit non-response - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection. Item non-response - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3.4. Processing error

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

The final results of EGSS are usually published in October/November (t+22/t+23).

Preliminary data are usually published in March/April (t+15/t+16).

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Preliminary data are usually published in March/April (t+15/t+16).

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

The final results of EGSS are usually published in October/November (t+22/t+23).

14.2. Punctuality

The data were delivered to Eurostat on the 25th of October. The reporting deadline for EGSS to Eurostat is 31 October. 

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The number of days between the delivery/release date of data and the target date on which they were scheduled for delivery/release: 7

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

There are some products/activities from the indicative compendium that are not covered by the Austrian EGSS accounts.

There are also some products/activities included in the Austrian EGSS accounts that are not explicitely mentioned in the indicative compendium.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15.1.2. Comparability - geographical - excluded products
Environmental goods and services:
  • Perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains: There seems to be no production in Austria.
  • Lead containers for radioactive waste: There is no production in Austria.
  • Charcoal when complying with sustainability measures: There seems to be no production in Austria.
  • Reconditioned wooden containers: No data available.
  • Reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip, bio-plastic sacks and bags: No data available.
  • Desalinated water and collection of rainwater; maintenance of water mains for reducing water losses: Partly not relevant, partly no data available.
  • Nuclear waste treatment and disposal services: Not relevant for Austria.
  • Noise insulation works: Not directly covered but most probable via construction works (NACE 41) and insulations activities (NACE 43).
Environmental economic activities:
  • Manufacture of perforated buckets and similar articles used to filter water at the entrance to drains: There seems to be no production activity in Austria.
  • Manufacture of lead containers for radioactive waste: There is no production activity in Austria.
  • Manufacture of charcoal complying with sustainability measures: There seems to be no production activity in Austria.
  • Reconditioning of wooden containers: No data available.
  • Manufacture of reclaimed rubber in primary forms or in plates, sheets or strip, bio-plastic sacks and bags: No data available.
  • Desalination of water and collection of rainwater; maintenance of water mains for reducing water losses: Partly not relevant, partly no data available.
  • Provision of nuclear waste treatment and disposal services: Not relevant for Austria.
  • Noise insulation works: Not directly covered but most probable via construction works (NACE 41) and insulations activities (NACE 43).
15.1.3. Comparability - geographical - products not present in Indicative compendium - included
  • Eco-labelled textiles: Because of the eco-label.
  • Sound-absorbing elements of coniferous or non coniferous wood: Mainly used at highways and rail networks for noise protection.
  • Eco-labelled soil conditioners: Because of the eco-label and its positive effect on the quality of soils.
  • Insecticides based on botanical products; biologicals: It is assumed that these insecticides based on botanical products are more environment-friendly than chemical insecticides.
  • Eco-labelled paints and varnishes: It is assumed that they are more environment-friendly.
  • Natural cosmetics: It is assumed that they are more environment-friendly.
  • Ecological detergents and cleaners: It is assumed that they are more environment-friendly.
  • Glues and other prepared adhesives free of solvents, based on rubber or plastics (incl. synthetic resins): It is assumed that they are more environment-friendly because they are solvent-free.
  • Eco lubricants: It is assumed that they are more environment-friendly than traditional lubricants. And they are eco-labelled.
  • Retreaded pneumatic tyres, of rubber: Minimisation of the use of natural resources.
  • Equipment for technical inspection services of road transport vehicles regarding emissions: This equipment is the precondition for the services carried out.
  • Charging stations for electric vehicles: Necessary for the use of electric vehicles.
  • Eco furniture: They are more environment-friendly.
15.2. Comparability - over time

Until 2021, it was not possible to revise EGSS-data compiled in previous years due to the lack of appropriate compilation tools. Consequently, there were several breaks in the time series which were due to methodological changes and also minor breaks due to products and companies which already existed but were not taken into account in EGSS in previous years. In 2021, a new compilation system was developed which now allows the revision of the time series. A comparable time series could be compiled back to 2008.

In 2023, data on ancillary activities and own final use were completed. However, these data could so far be compiled only for the reference years 2019 - 2021.  Not all data source used are available for the previous reference years. Possibilities to complete the time series of ancillary activities and of own final use will be investigated. 

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

A comparable time series is basically available for 2008 - 2021.

However, data on ancillary activities and own final use currently only covers the reference years 2019 - 2021. 


15.2.2. Comparability - over time detailed

Until 2021, it was not possible to revise EGSS-data compiled in previous years due to the lack of appropriate compilation tools. Consequently, there were several breaks in the time series which were due to methodological changes and also minor breaks due to products and companies which already existed but were not taken into account in EGSS in previous years. In 2021, a new compilation system was developed which now allows the revision of the time series. A comparable time series could be compiled back to 2008.

In 2023, data on ancillary activities and own final use were completed. However, these data could so far be compiled only for the reference years 2019 - 2021.  Not all data source used are available for the previous reference years. Possibilities to complete the time series of ancillary activities and of own final use will be investigated. 

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Generally speaking, the data are coherent with EPEA and with the national accounts.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable; reported data are only annual.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

The data are principally coherent with the National Accounts. 

Data from NA is not available in the detailedness needed, therefore data from business statistics is mainly taken into account. As these statistics are a basic data for NA too, a kind of coherence should be given.
The figures of the basic statistics that are used to compile the EGSS are adjusted to the figures of the national accounts using models. 
Where appropriate, NA data are used (e.g. conversion of worked hours to FTE on the basis of worked hours per FTE at national accounts NACE 2-digit level or calculation of FTE in NACE 01 and 84).
Data on research and development as own account production as well as on construction works undertaken by households for the energetic refurbishment of their own dwellings are based on the data from NA.
In the case of COFOG data from EPEA is used and coherence is ensured.
15.3.3. Coherence - EPEA
For market and non-market activities of general government in EGSS, EPEA data are used.
EPEA-Data on the ancillary EP output in the manufactoring sector are used of EGSS. 
Production of environmental services, exports and other data from EGSS are used for EPEA. 
In 2019 and 2020, the coherence of EGSS and EPEA has been further improved in the frame of a Eurostat grant project.
15.3.4. Coherence - other statistics

The EGSS data is coherent with the forest accounts, agricultural statistics and energy statistics. 

15.4. Coherence - internal

As far as possible, one database is used for all variables (output, GVA, exports, employment). However, in many cases this is not possible, e.g. calculation of exports from SBS or GVA from STS. 

In two cases different vintages of source data are used for the compilation:

  • Firstly, for the calculation of some exports, export shares at NACE 2-digit level of the input-output-table of domestic output are used. The input-output-tables are available with a two years time lag. Thus, for 2021 the IO-table for 2019 was used.
  • Secondly, only three studies are available for the estimation of R&D at universities and extramural reserach institutes. These employment figures are updated with SBS data of a given year but the number of FTE remains unchanged until the next update of the study.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Reg. (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics stipulates cost effectiveness as statistical principle; however, there is no legal obligation to provide cost and burden information in quality reports. Such an obligation is also not covered by sectoral legislation. Due to the fact that consistent standards and definitions for cost reporting are currently not available and are yet to be developed, there is a high risk of misrepresentation and distortions when comparing costs of statistics production across countries. Statistics Austria will, hence, not provide any information until agreed harmonised reporting standards are in place.

16.1. Cost and Burden - other accounts

The costs and burden to compile EGSS data are comparable to those of other accounts.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

The revision policy of Statistics Austria is explained on the Website of Statistics Austria.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Until 2021, it was not possible to carry out revisions of data already published. In 2021 new tools for the compilation and revision were developed in the frame of a Eurostat grant project.  In the course of this work, the whole time series back to 2008 was revised. The revision included several methodological updates, including the implementation of the adjustment to the figures of the national accounts using models. Production value is now reported as output instead of turnover in order to be more consistent with the national accounts. The time series on gross value added and exports were completed so that they now cover all years from 2008 till 2021. 

Some of the most important methodological changes implemented in 2022 included:

- Adjustment to the national accounts. This had effects on practically all reported values of the years 2008 - 2016. The data of the years 2017 - 2019 had already been adjusted in the course of the previous reporting. Changes of particular relevance could be observed in the NACE-divisions E37 and E38.

- Leaving out products made of recycled materials. Products made of recycled materials (paper, plastics, metal and glas) used to be included in the EGSS of the years 2008 - 2013. The change had large effects especially in the NACE-divisions C16-C18 and C24-C25.

The method for sustainable forestry was implemented consistently over the whole time series. This change had effects on the results of the years 2008-2016 in the NACE-division A. The output of sustainable management of forest areas is calculated based on the Economic Accounts for forestry and on the share of PEFC-certified forest area in Austria. The increment of roundwood is allocated to CReMA 11A and woodfuel to CReMA 13A.

- Sustainable financial products were left out. This change had effects on the results of the years 2013-2019 in the NACE-divisions K64-K66

- Actitivities that used to be reported under CReMA 12 (management of wild flora and fauna) are now reported under CEPA 6 (protection of biodiversity and landscapes).


In this year's reporting, data on ancillary activities and on own final use were completed. This means, that the following activities were taken into account for the first time:

- Photovoltaic electricity, solar thermal energy, and heat from heat pumps produced by households for their own consumption (Own final use). Compiled based on data from the survey on energy consumption of households.

Construction works undertaken by households for the energetic refurbishment of their own dwellings (Own final use). Compiled based on data from the Austrian NA.

Research and development as own account production for own gross fixed capital formation (Own final use). Compiled based on data from the Austrian NA.

Ancillary environmental activities that support the production of non-environmental products (Ancillary activities). Compiled based on data from EPEA. 

- Production of energy from renewable resources for own use by companies (Ancillary activities). Compiled based on data from production statistics and energy balances.  


Furthermore, changes are annually caused by adaptions that are made due to reviews of the allocations:

CEPA/CREMA-classifications of some products/companies may be adjusted.

- Adjustments of the allocations to the categories of environmental products may be made for some activities/products.

- Adjustements may be made to the environmental shares of some products/companies.

- The NACE-allocation of some companies may be adjusted.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

The whole data series 2008 - 2019 was revised in the course of the data compilation in 2022. The revision included several methodological updates, including the implementation of the adjustment to the figures of the national accounts using models.

In the course of the data compilation in 2023 minor changes were made in the whole time series 2008-2020, which were mainly dur to reviews of allocations.

17.2.2. Status of data

All the submitted data can be considered final.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

Basic statistics of Statistics Austria, e.g.:

  • National accounts
  • Short term statistics in manufacturing
  • Structural business statistics
  • Environmental protection expenditure accounts
  • Foreign trade statistics
  • Austrian energy balances
  • Input-output tables
  • Economic Accounts for Forestry

Business register of Statistics Austria

Other data sources,e.g.:

  • Green report (BML)
  • Reports on Innovative energy technologies in Austria (TU Wien)
  • Reports on housing subsidies in Austria (IIBW – Institut für Immobilien, Bauen und Wohnen)
  • Report on R&D in environmental technology at universities and extramural research institutes (Environment Agency Austria)
  • Company reports

Voluntary survey by telephone among approx. 130 companies of environment industry on their environmental share of output, exports and employment.

18.1.1. Source data - detailed - environmental accounts

Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts:

  • Production value of non-market activities are taken from EPEA. GVA and FTE of non-market activities are calculated by using average values of NACE 84 from national accounts. Exports are not calculated. 
  • EPEA-Data on the ancillary EP output in the manufactoring sector are used of EGSS. GVA and FTE are calculated by using average values from national accounts.


18.1.2. Source data - detailed - other statistics
  • Short term statistics: From STS, PRODCOM data for the consideration of goods and specific company data for those companies that belong to EGSS are used. In the case of goods, the sold production is converted into production value using factors and is then used for output. For companies data on output (total turnover and turnover abroad), employment and performed hours are available.
  • Structural business statistics: From SBS, company data is used, if the respective company is not covered by STS. Furthermore, NACE 4-digit data is used. Both for companies and NACE 4-digits, data on output (turnover/production value), GVA, employment (persons) and FTE are used. Data on exports are not available.
  • National accounts: Are used as data source for specialist industries (NACE 37-39) and for the calculation of factors to adapt production values of SBS and STS to those of national accounts and for the calculation of FTE in some industries. Moreover, data on construction works undertaken by households and data on research and development as own account production are based on the NA. 
  • Foreign trade statistics: This data source is used for the calculation of exports on PRODCOM level.
  • Energy balances: This data source is used for the calculation of environmental shares of energy products (renewable energy products) on PRODCOM level and the respective exports as well as for the compilation of data on the production of energy from renewable resources for own use by companies. 
  • IO table of domestic production at basic prices: This table is used to calculate some of the export shares. Data is availabe for the years 2013-2019.
  • Economic Accounts for Forestry: Data are used to calculate output/production value, GVA and employment of fuelwood (100%) and sustainable forestry according to PEFC (78% in 2020).
  • Survey on energy consumption of households: Data are used for the calculation of Photovoltaic electricity, solar thermal energy, and heat from heat pumps produced by households for their own consumption. 
  • Statistics on energy prices: Data are usesd for the monetary valuation of the production of renewable energy for own consumption.  

survey on energy consumption of households

18.1.3. Source data - survey

Surveys on environmental industries providing environmental services: In 2010 and 2014 surveys were carried out with the focuse on output and employment of service industries related to the provision of environmental services. The resulting shares are still in use. An update was carried out 2022. Together with structural Business Statistics, the environmental shares are used to estimate the environmental services of some NACEs. 

Telephone survey on environmental shares: Approximately 130 companies are asked to provide estimates of their environmental shares of output, employment and exports.

18.1.4. Source data - detailed - other macro economic data (trade, VAT etc.)
  • Business Register: Many companies are not covered by STS or SBS. Output and emloyment (persons) are taken from the business register. Turnover is converted to production value using factors.
  • Annual publication on innovative energy technologies in Austria (Technical University in Vienna): This publication is used to calculate output/production value, exports and FTE of the production of photo-voltaics and heat pumps, R&D in photo-voltaics as well as the installation of photovoltaics, heat pumps and biomass ovens.
  • Green report (BMLRT): This publication provides detailed information on agriculture. Book-keeping data of organic farms are used to calculate output/production value and GVA. This report also provides data from the Austrian Agri-Environmental Programme (ÖPUL) which are used to calculate ancillary activities.
  • Report from the Environment Agency Austria on R&D in environmental technology at universities and extramural research institutes: This report was published three times up to know and provides data on FTE but the research focuses are not fully consistent with CEPA and CReMA. Therefore employment is 50:50 allocated to CEPA 8 and CReMA 15.
  • Business reports and data from business associations: Are used to cover the environmental shares of companies and products.
  • Websites of companies: Are used to estimate the environmental shares of companies.
  • Expert estimates: Are used to estimate the environmental shares, e.g. of NACE 45.1, 81.2
  • Data on eco-labelled companies and products: Provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management. 
18.2. Frequency of data collection

The survey on producers of environmental services, with the focus on NACE 69, 70, 71 and 72, has been conducted three times(2010, 2014 and 2022).

Telephone survey on environmental shares is usually carried out on an annual basis.

18.3. Data collection

The annual survey on environmental shares is carried out as a voluntary telephone survey. Environmental shares for output, employment and exprts are asked. There is no specific questionnaire. The list of the around 130 EGSS-relevant companies is based on extensive literature research. They are companies, for which the environmental shares can not be determined based on available statistical data.

Statistical data used for the compilation are mainly made available by means of customised data extractions carried out at request. Some statistical data used can be downloaded from publicly available sources.

The external data used is mainly downloaded from publicly available sources. Detailed data on ecolabelled companies and products are made available by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management at request.

The official statistics are always available in time. In case that some external sources are not availble according to the schedule planned, the latest data available is used for approximations.

18.4. Data validation

The results of the basic statistics have been validated and checked for their plausibility as they have been compiled.

During the compilation of EGSS, the results from the basic statistics are compared with the results of previous years. In case of remarkable deviations without obvious reasons, the compilers of the statistics are contacted.

In case of identified deviations, cross-checks for example between SBS und Business Register are made. 

External data sources are compared with internal data sources, if possible (e.g. output per FTE).

The time series of the aggregated results are analysed and explanations for outliers are sought.

18.5. Data compilation

Austria uses a mix of methods, preferring supply side data, i.e. data of producers. In a few cases also demand side data are used for data calculation. If these data are not available at all or not in the required scope or level of detail, internet research, specialist literature as well as expert estimations are used. Data applied for the calculations are inter alia production data of short term statistics, data of structural business statistics, information on organic farming from the Green Report and environmental protection expenditure accounts. In addition, data of companies specialised in environmental technologies and goods are taken into account.

The scope of EGSS is based on the EGSS operational list, the EGS lists of Eurostat and further national research. This national research is necessary as it is not possible to dertermine all environmental products and services at product level. This research is focused on companies. They are chosen on the basis of external data sources, like the annual report on innovative environmental products from the Technical University Vienna (list of companies), studies of the Austrian Institute of Economic Research, list of national parks and natural parks, specific online databases for the environment industry and current research of the internet, newspapers etc. The scope is reviewed every year.

 In those cases where it is not possible to take products fully into account, we use other data sources to estimate the environmental share:
  • Some products are taken into account with the reported output of eco-labelled products (provided by the Ministry of Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobilty, Innovation and Technology).
  • By external data sources, like representatives of window industry, business associations, expert estimates (NACE 45.1., 81.2 etc.)
  • Surveys on service industries providing environmental services
  • Telephone survey among non-specialist companies
  • Sustainable forestry by share of PEFC certificated wood area
  • Share of organic agricultural area in total agricultural are
In many cases the same environmental share is used for output, GVA and FTE.
Specific shares are available for the companies included in the telephone survey.
Exports always have specific shares, different from the other variables.
Some companies, products or activities (e.g.  non-market activities of general government) are allocated to several CEPA/CReMA-categories.
If no concrete information is available, expert judgments are made (e.g. 50:50 or 33:33:34 allocations).
18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection.

18.5.2. Data compilation - by variable and type of output


In most cases data of STS and SBS are used or external data are adjusted to these data sources as these sources are more detailed than national accounts. 
Production value is reported as output instead of turnover in order to be more consistent with the national accounts. In addition, the figures of the basic statistics that are used to compile the EGSS are adjusted to the figures of the national accounts using factors, which have been calculated on 2- and 4-digit level of NACE. 
Non market output consists of General Goverment non market activities according to EPEA and some companies which are classified as non-market by national accounts. All other products and enterprises are classified as market activities.
Ancillary output consists of 1) payments to farmers within the scope of the Austrian Agri-Environmental Programme (ÖPUL), 2) Ancillary environmental activities that support the production of non-environmental products compiled based on data from EPEA and 3) production of energy from renewable resources for own use by companies compiled based on data from production statistics and energy balances.
Own final use consists of 1) photovoltaic electricity, solar thermal energy, and heat from heat pumps produced by households for their own consumption compiled based on data from the survey on energy consumption of households, 2) construction works undertaken by households for the energetic refurbishment of their own dwellings compiled based on data from the Austrian NA and 3) research and development as own account production for own gross fixed capital formation also compiled based on data from the Austrian NA.
The breakdown by NACE is based on a mixed approach. Products are classified according to ÖPRODCOM (Austrian version of PRODCOM) at the most detailed level. Producers are classified according to NACE. In some cases producers are reclassified if activities to be taken into account differ from the classification of the company.
Gross value added
If the data source for a company is SBS then GVA is directly taken from SBS. In all other cases (products, companies) GVA is calculated on the basis of average GVA/output ratios at SBS 4-digit-level.
The figures on GVA are additionally adjusted to the figures of the national accounts using models/factors.
On ÖPRODCOM level foreign trade statistics data are used as far as possible. This is not always possible due to problems in identifying the relevant CN-codes or because of re-exports which are not identifiable. In some cases re-exports are assumed and deducted from export data. In some cases, it is assumed that no re-exports take place and the exports are fully taken from foreign trade statistics. In some cases foreign trade data and ÖPRODCOM are a mismatch. In these cases exports are not calculated. Exports of renewable energy products are calculated on the basis of the Austrian energy balances (energy statistics). Some products or services are calculated on the basis of the export share (NACE 2-digit level) of the input-output-table at basic prices (only domestic production).
Exports of companies are calculated on the basis of short term statistics, if possible. In that case the variables "turnover" and "turnover abroad" are used to calculate the export share. It is assumed that the export share of the environmental output is the same as for the whole output.
Approximately 130 enterprises are asked by telephone to estimate the export share of the environmental output (response rate of approx. 75%). For some enterprises export shares are researched on the internet. For some companies export shares can not be calculated.
In the case of short term statistics, data on performed hours are available at PRODCOM and company level. Performed hours of each company are divided by the average number of performed hours of the NACE 2-digit in which the company concerned is classified. For products the approach is similar but it encompasses 2 steps: First, the FTEs are calculated for the NACE 4-digit which corresponds to the PRODCOM code of a given product, irrespective of the digit of the product code. This is done by dividing the performed hours of the NACE 4-digit by the average number of performed hours of the relevant NACE 2-digit. Second, the FTEs of the sold production are calculated by using the formula 'FTE of NACE 4-digit/sold production of NACE 4-digit*sold production of the product under consideration'. This is done for each of the products taken from short term statistics.
In the case of companies surveyed by structural business statistics FTEs are available. Further calculations are not necessary.
In the case of companies which are neither surveyed by STS nor by SBS we have data on the employment from the business register. These employment figures are weighted by average FTE/employment rations on NACE 4-digit level of structural business statistics.
Some transfers from the Austrian Agri-Environmental Programme (ÖPUL) are regarded as payments for ancillary activities. These transfers are a part of the output (income) of organic farmers.  FTEs in agriculture are calculated by weighting total FTEs of NACE 01 (from national accounts) with the share of organic agricultural area in total agricultural area.
In all other cases where there are no FTEs we use the approach of weighting employment figures by average FTE/employment rations on NACE 4-digit level of structural business statistics.
The figures on FTEs are additionally adjusted to the figures of the national accounts using models/factors. 
18.5.3. Data compilation - by NACE
The breakdown by NACE is based on a mixed approach. Products are classified according to ÖPRODCOM (Austrian version of PRODCOM) at the most detailed level. Producers are classified according to NACE. In some cases producers are reclassified if activities to be taken into account differ from the classification of the company.
Structural Business Statistics together with environmental shares (based on surveys on service industries related to the provision of environmental services, expert estimations and ecolabels) are used to estimate the environmental services of some NACEs.
These NACEs are:
  • NACE 45.2: With the support of the interest group of vehicle technicians, the costs of checking vehicles with reference to the defect "environmental pollution" and the costs for removing these defects were estimated as share of output. This share is used for output, FTE and gross value added. Exports are calculated using the share of IO-tables (share of exports of domestic production).
  • NACE 55 and 56: The number of companies with the Austrian eco-label for tourism are taken into account as share of total companies of the respective tourism industries (NACE 55.1, 55.3 and 56.1). This share is used for output, FTE and gross value added. Exports are calculated using the share of IO-tables (share of exports of domestic production).
  • NACE 69.1, 70.2, 74.9: Environmental output, FTE and GVA are calculated on the basis of environmental shares which are used in EPEA. These shares were confirmed by the surveys on services industries providing environmental services. Exports are assumed for NACE 70.2 and 74.9. The shares are taken from IO table of domestic production.
  • NACE 71.1, 71.2, 72.1: Environmental output, FTE and GVA are calculated on the basis of environmental shares from the surveys on service industries providing environmental services. Exports are calculated by using the exports shares of the respective NACE 2-digits from the IO table of domestic production.
  • NACE 81.2: This industry encompasses in particular chimney sweeps.The environmental share of their services was determined by expert estimation. Further minor environmental services were determined with the surveys on service industries providing environmental services. Output, GVA and FTE are from SBS weighted by the environmental shares. No exports are assumed for this industry.
  • NACE 81.3: Minor environmental services were determined with the surveys on service industries providing environmental services. Output, GVA and FTE are from SBS weighted by the environmental share. No exports are assumed for this industry. 
18.5.4. Data compilation – CReMA 13B memo item
For the time being we are not yet in the position to report data required for the MEMO ITEM. 
Our current method for CReMA 13B & NACE F is based on housing subsidies. The Austrian subsidy schemes for residential buildings support the construction of low energy buildings and passive houses. Since 2008, the criteria for housing subsidies have generally been aimed at energy-saving construction and thermal renovation. Justified by this fact, the Austrian method for compiling data on energy-efficient buildings for EGSS is based on the statistics on housing subsidies in Austria. As only subsidised buildings are taken into account there might be an underestimation because there is no information available on the construction of low energy buildings and passive houses without housing subsidies.

We have tried to analyse the data of the energy certificate database. It would allow us to calculate the share of energy efficient buildings of the total number of new buildings. However, the informations on the energy classes of new buildings are not complete, which impede the implementation of this method. Further, we only have data for most recent years and not for the whole time series. For the time being, our current method, which is based on the Austrian subsidy schemes, seems for us still to be the most suitable way to determine energy efficient building.

18.6. Adjustment

The figures of the basic statistics that are used to compile the EGSS are adjusted to the figures of the national accounts using factors that are calculated on the 2- or 4-digit level of NACE.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not requested for this metadata collection.

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