Environmental taxes by economic activity (NACE Rev. 2) (env_ac_taxind2)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: National Statistics Office, 

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

National Statistics Office, 

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Unit

1.5. Contact mail address

National Statistics Office (NSO), Lascaris, Valletta, VLT2000, Malta

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 26/04/2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 26/04/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 26/04/2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Data presents environmental tax revenue (by tax category - energy, transport, pollution and resource taxes) broken down by economic activity (taxpayer), using the NACE classification for production activities extended to cover taxes payable by households and non-residents.

3.2. Classification system

Environmental tax revenue is broken down by:
A. type of environmental tax,
B. sector/industry of taxpayer

A. Classification according to type of environmental tax

For analytical purposes, the environmental taxes are divided into four categories:
1. energy taxes (including CO2 taxes),
2. transport taxes,
3. pollution taxes,
4. resource taxes (excluding taxes on oil and gas extraction).

B. Environmental taxes by economic activity

Environmental tax revenues are allocated to the different tax payers:
• by economic activity according to the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev.2)
• households as consumers
• non-residents
• not allocated (impossible to be allocated to one of the categories mentioned above)

3.3. Coverage - sector

Environmental taxes by economic activity data cover taxes payable by all sectors of the economy: producers (economic activities by NACE), households as consumers as well as non-residents. 

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

 The environmental tax statistics are compiled based on Eurostat’s 2024 'Environmental taxes - a statistical guide'. Environmental tax is defined as "A tax whose tax base is a physical unit (or a proxy of a physical unit) of something that has a proven, specific negative impact on the environment, and which is identified in ESA2010 as a tax".

Environmental tax statistics are part of European environmental economic accounts, which constitute satellite accounts to national accounts. Thus, environmental tax statistics follows ESA2010 definition of ‘taxes’. Consequently, only payments that are identified as taxes in the national accounts can be reported as environmental taxes whereas other types of payments to government are not excluded from the scope of the data collection. Compliance with the tax definition of the national accounts improves international comparability of the statistics, and is in line with the guidance, concepts and definitions of the System of environmental and economic accounting (SEEA).

3.5. Statistical unit

Data refer to environmental taxes collected by the government and payable by the different economic agents.

3.6. Statistical population

The target population are all production sectors by NACE, households as consumers and non-residents.

3.7. Reference area


3.8. Coverage - Time

Data series cover years 1995-2022.  

3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Million Euro.

5. Reference Period Top

The data refers to the calendar years.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Statistics on environmental taxes are based on Regulation (EC) No. 691/2011 (Annex II) on European environmental economic accounts as amended by Regulation 538/2014, as well as legal acts in the area of national accounts. Data transmission became obligatory in September 2013. Before, Eurostat collected the data on a voluntary basis.

The basis for the national accounts tax aggregates is Table 9 "Detailed tax and social contribution receipts by type of tax or social contribution and receiving sub-sector including the list of taxes and social contributions according to national classification" of the ESA2010 transmission programme - Annex B of Regulation (EU) No. 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national and regional accounts in the European Union. Moreover, Commission Regulation (EC) N° 995/2001 of 22 May 2001 implementing Council and European Parliament Regulation (EC) N° 2516/2000 of 10 July 2000 on the recording of taxes and social contributions sets the rules for the data sources, time of recording and comparable treatment of taxes and social contributions assessed but unlikely to be collected.

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

At the National level:

The NSO requests information for the compilation of official statistics according to the articles of the Malta Statistics Authority (MSA) Act – Cap. 422 (https://legislation.mt/eli/cap/422/eng/pdf) and the Data Protection Act – Cap. 586 (https://legislation.mt/eli/cap/586/eng/pdfof the Laws of Malta implementing the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Article 40 of the MSA Act stipulates the restrictions on the use of information while Article 41 stipulates the prohibition of disclosure of information. Furthermore, Section IX of the Act (Offences and Penalties) lays down the measures to be taken in case of unlawful exercise of any officer of statistics regarding confidentiality of data.

Since its inception, the NSO has always assured that all data collected remains confidential and that it is used for statistical purposes only according to the articles and derogations stipulated in the laws quoted above. The Office is obliged to protect the identity of data providers and refrain from divulging any data to third parties that might lead to the identification of persons or entities.

In 2009, the NSO has set up a Statistical Disclosure Committee to ensure that statistical confidentiality is observed, especially when requests for microdata are received.

Upon employment, all NSO employees are informed of the rules and duties pertaining to confidential information and its treatment. In line with stipulations of the MSA Act, before commencing work, every employee is required to take an oath of secrecy whose text is included in the same Act.

An internal policy on anonymisation and pseudo-anonymisation is in place to ascertain that adequate methods are used for the protection of data that the office collects and shares with the public in its capacity as the National Statistics Office. The policy is meant to safeguard the confidentiality of both personal and business data entrusted to the NSO. The document provides guidance for all NSO employees who process data on a daily basis as to how anonymisation and pseudo-anonymisation methods should be applied. The policy applies to all confidential, restricted and internal information, regardless of form (paper or electronic documents, applications and databases) that is received, processed, stored and disseminated by the NSO.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Data is not treated for confidentiality.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Tax Revenue by economic activity is not published by NSO.



8.2. Release calendar access

not applicable

8.3. Release policy - user access

Policies directly related to the user's access to statistical data include the 'Dissemination' Policy. 

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

See concept 8.1

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

The Public Finance Unit publishes the news release on the Tax revenue once a year in November according to a pre-announced schedule that is available on the NSO’s website. The News Release may be accessed at the following link: https://nso.gov.mt/tax-revenues-2022-2/


10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not applicable.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Not applicable.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not applicable.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Not applicable

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not applicable.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Not applicable.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not applicable.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Not applicable.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Quality of data is assured by adherence to the Eurostat manual Environmental taxes; A statistical guide and the ESA 2010. A quality assurance approach comprises of checks of the source data statistics (National Accounts and Public Finance Units’ data), ongoing checks of the results and methodology applied, and external checks and consultation (validation of the result by Eurostat).

11.2. Quality management - assessment

The input data is regularly checked, questioned and verified with the providers i.e. Public Finance and National Accounts Units. The procedures and processes are reviewed on annual basis for each questionnaire transmission.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Not applicable.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not applicable.

12.3. Completeness

All data required under Regulation (EU) 691/2011 and Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2022/125 in the area of Environmental Taxes is available by the tax category, by economic activities including taxes paid by households and non-residents. The data cover years 1995-2022.


12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not applicable.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

The source data for the environmental taxes by category are the NSO Public Finance Unit statistics. The unit uses administrative data from the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS) which is coded in accordance with the requirements of the ESA 2010. The quality of environmental taxes is further checked in the Environment, Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Unit. Major elements of this quality assurance procedure include checks for completeness and plausibility and comparison of the source statistics used in National Accounts Unit.


13.2. Sampling error

Not applicable.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable.

13.3. Non-sampling error

A potential non-sampling error may arise due to data source errors, coverage errors in supply and use tables (SUT) and processing errors.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Not applicable. Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable. Common units - proportion

Not applicable.

13.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable.

13.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable. Item non-response - rate

Not applicable.

13.3.4. Processing error

The processing errors have been minimized over the last three years by the introduction of a number of validation checks into the working setup.  The process is still in progress following changes in the SUT source data provided by the National Accounts Unit.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Environmental taxes data is transmitted to Eurostat at t+16 months

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

First estimates of environmental taxes are available at t+9 months

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Environmental taxes data is transmitted to Eurostat at t+16 months

14.2. Punctuality

Environmental taxes data is submitted to Eurostat without delays.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not applicable.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

The estimates are based on the source data compiled in accordance with the European System of Accounts - ESA 2010, Regulation (EU) No 549/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 May 2013 on the European system of national accounts. This ensures consistency across EU member states.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

15.2. Comparability - over time

Environmental statistics are comparable over time following the approach adopted by the source data providers: Public Finance and National Accounts Units. Agreed methodological changes are implemented in a coordinated way and include the estimation of the back series. Whenever data are not comparable over time, it is considered and treated as a "break" in series with a flag. In case of fundamental changes to methods or classifications, revisions of long time series are performed going far back, so that an optimum range of data are offered to data users.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Environmental taxes data are available from 1995 onwards with the exception of the pollution taxes which commence from 2004.

15.2.2. Comparability - over time detailed

Tax type

Reference period

Reasons for breaks

Pollution taxes

2015 / NACE A03

New Fee on Caging Bluefin Tuna was introduced in 2015

Pollution taxes

2016 onwards / HH

Since 2015 the eco-contribution tax has been phased out and replaced by several excise levies on the specific products which were classified under the households sector

Pollution taxes

2015-2022 / NACE G45

Introduction in 2015 of the Excise Duties on pneumatic tyres, which replaced the eco-contribution tax. The tax is on the increase for the years 2015-2022.

Pollution taxes

2008, 2010 / NACE G46

2008-2010 Increase in eco-contribution tax

Pollution taxes

2022 / NACE G46

Increase in new excise duties on plastic bags

Pollution taxes

2014-2020 / NACE F41-F43

Excise levies on Cement which between 2014-2020 were on the increase

Pollution taxes

2005 & 2016 / NACE C26

Increase and phase-out of the eco-contribution tax; the distribution by NACE was based on the SUT ratios.

Pollution taxes


New data of the Supply and Use Tables 2018 was introduced for 2024 data collection, and the years 2018 onwards were revised in line with the new result. The revisions resulted in further redistribution across various NACE activities. Following analysis of the 2018 SUT and trade data, the allocation by NACE activities in 2018 was revised for the following pollution taxes: excise duties on Bottled water, Toiletries, Pneumatic tyres and Construction components and fixtures. 

Energy taxes


New data of the Supply and Use Tables 2018 was introduced for 2024 data collection, and the years 2018 onwards were revised in line with the new result. It resulted in revision across NACE activities, Households and Non-residents due to changes in the use of the product CPA 19 Coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuels from 28%-16%-56% in SUT 2017 to 33%-17%-50% in SUT 2018.

ETS taxes were revised from 2012 onwards. 

Transport taxes



New data of the Supply and Use Tables 2018 was introduced for 2024 data collection, and the years 2018 onwards were revised in line with the new result. New Fuel Survey data was available with a more detailed NACE breakdown for 2018-2022. Additionally, subdivision ratios between households and businesses were available from 2015 onwards. The revisions resulted in further redistribution across various NACE activities and backward revision to 1995. 

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

The data originates from the Public Finance Unit within the NSO which report the taxes listed in the NTL. Any discrepancies with the NTL are continuously checked during the calculation process and possible errors are detected and eliminated prior to transmission.

The Public Finance Unit collects the taxes data in view of Council Regulation 2516/2000 which amended the Regulation on the European system of national and regional accounts in the Community (ESA 2010) as concerns taxes and social contributions and clarified the rules concerning both the time of recording and the amounts to be recorded. The time of recording is defined in ESA 10 §4.26 and §4.82 as the time "…when the activities, transactions or other events occur which create the liabilities to pay taxes". In Malta, the main method for recording taxes is the time-adjusted cash. The time-adjusted cash method is applied for VAT (D211), Income Tax (D51) and Social Contributions (D611), which cover in 2022 around 85.7% of the total taxes received by the General Government Sector. The other taxes, including the environmental taxes, are recorded on a cash basis and are adjusted for accruals using the Treasury’s accruals template, which are based on the realizable debtors’ balances as recorded on the books of the tax authorities.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

The Public Finance Unit collects the taxes data on an annual basis.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

The source data which originate from the Public Finance Unit is supplied in the environmental taxes questionnaire and National Accounts estimates. Moreover, the National Accounts supply and use tables are used to derive ratios applied for the economic activities’ breakdown.  The breakdown by the industry for years before 2008 was recalculated from NACE rev.1.1 to NACE rev.2. using a bridge table provided by National Accounts Unit. Coherence - National Accounts detailed

Tax type


Size of discrepancy



















15.4. Coherence - internal

Data is fully coherent internally; only one vintage of data originated from the Public Finance Unit is used.

16. Cost and Burden Top

ETEA is compiled by 1 FTE and it takes around one month to complete.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

A written revision policy related to environmental taxes and ETEA compilation is not in place.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Revisions in ETEA estimates follow the revisions in the source data units: Public Finance and National Accounts. Any possible changes and revisions in the environmental taxes in the Public Finance Unit are communicated early with the ETEA compilers, so these are reflected in the transmitted result in the same reporting year. A complex revision in the National Accounts Unit, availability of new SUT results is followed by the Environmental, Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Unit, depending however on the time span between the availability of revised statistics and transmission deadlines.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

During the 2024 ETEA data collection, revisions were registered for the energy, pollution and transport taxes following new SUT tables for 2018. The years 2018 onwards were revised in line with the new result. The revisions resulted in further redistribution across various NACE activities.

17.2.2. Status of data

ETEA data is considered to be final or subject to revision depending on the source data changes:

-          Years 1995-2018 - final estimate

-          Years 2019-2022– half final; revision will follow new National Accounts SUT result (SUTs 2019 onwards)




18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

The source data of environmental taxes is based on administrative data. Breakdown by economic activities are mainly based on the National Accounts supply and use tables.

18.1.1. Source data detailed
  Tax Name/ESA Code Source data for compiling tax revenue by payer
Energy taxes Petroleum / D212 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  
Excise Levies - Petroleum / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Duty is charged on the amount released for consumption.
Excise Levies - Electricity / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Duty is charged on the amount released for consumption.
Bunkering Tax / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Duty is charged on the quantity of fuel (per metric ton) released from the bonded installation, marine terminal or marine facility.
Emission Trading Permits / D29 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  The EU ETS was implemented to combat climate change and is based on a cap and trade system. 
Transport taxes Airport tax  / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Tax removed from 2009 onwards following a change in the Maltese legislation in 2008. 
Motor Vehicle Registration Tax / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Based on the flow of Motor Vehicles in year n
Sale of Number plates - Government / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Based on the fee paid for new motor vehicles registered per annum
Sale of Number plates - Households / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Based on the fee paid for new motor vehicles registered per annum
Adm Charge - Test Motor Vehicles / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Based on the fee paid when applying for the driving licence test per annum
Motor Vehicle Licences- Business / D29 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Based on the flow of Motor Vehicles in year n
Sale of Number Plates - Business / D29 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Based on the stock of Motor Vehicles in year n
Driving Licences - Households / D59 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Based on the fee paid for the driving licenses to be issued or renewed in year n
Motor Vehicle Licences - Households / D59 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Based on fees paid for new driving licences issued per annum 



Eco contribution / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  The eco contribution was introduced in 2004. From 2015 the tax has been phased out and replaced by several excise levies on specific products.
Waste disposal at sea / D29 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  
Excise Levies - Cement / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  
Excise Duties - Pneumatic Tyres / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Replaced previous eco contribution tax from 2015 onwards.
Excise Duties - Ammunition Cartridges / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Replaced previous eco contribution tax from 2015 onwards.
Excise Duties - Chewing Gum    / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Replaced previous eco contribution tax from 2015 onwards.
Excise Duties - Plastic Bags   / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; theCorporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Replaced previous eco contribution tax from 2015 onwards.
Excise Duties - Bottled Water  / D214

Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Replaced previous eco contribution tax from 2015 onwards.

Excise Duties - Non-Alcohol Beverages / D214

Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Replaced previous eco contribution tax from 2015 onwards.

Fee on Caging Bluefin Tuna / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  the fee was introduced to make up for the pollution of the tuna fish food in the sea. 
Excise Duties - Toiletries / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  Prior to 2015, taxes on toiletries and batteries were classified under the eco-contribution tax, which was phased out and replaced by several excise levies on specific products. The excise duty toiletries (and batteries) new tax was introduced in 2017.
Excise Duties - Construction components / D214 Administrative source: the Treasury Department’s reports; the Corporate Financial Management System (CFMS).  In 2017 custom duties on certain materials used in the construction industry, particularly in large scale buildings, were introduced to compensate for the impact of this industry on the environment. 
Resource taxes not applicable  



18.2. Frequency of data collection

The source data is available by end of February of the reporting year.

18.3. Data collection

All source data is provided by other NSO units: Public Finance and National Accounts. The Public Finance Unit provides annual environmental taxes by category by end of February of the reported year. National Accounts provides the SUT data which is used to subdivide the taxes by economic activities. If the SUT compilation is delayed in the National Accounts Unit, the latest SUT available is considered as the benchmark for the following years, including the early estimates.

18.4. Data validation

The methodology used to check the data is typically that of comparing past trends, growth rates, and published data by National Accounts and Public Finance so as to ensure consistency within the NSO.

18.5. Data compilation

The data computation process includes source data validation and updating of the template used which combines the aggregated annual environmental tax by category and the SUT ratios.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

18.5.2. Use of imputation methods
Tax type Reference years  Tax Name/ESA Code Method for breaking down revenue to payer
Energy taxes The latest available SUT is the SUT 2018. The ratios were applied to reference years 2018-2022 Petroleum / D212 Based on SUT: use of Coke and refined petroleum products (CPA 19)
Excise Levies - Petroleum / D214 Based on SUT: use of Coke and refined petroleum products (CPA 19)
Excise Levies - Electricity / D214 Based on SUT: use of electricity, gas, steam and air-conditioning (CPA 35)
Bunkering Tax / D214 Based on SUT and National Accounts NACE 46-47 statistics
Emission Trading Permits / D29 Based on SUT and National Accounts statistics: NACE 35 (Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply) and 51 (Air transport)
Transport taxes The latest available SUT is the SUT 2018. The ratios were applied to reference years 2018-2022 Airport tax  / D214 Tax collected up to 2008: reported under NACE 51 (Air transport)
Motor Vehicle Registration Tax / D214 Annual survey data (Use of automotive fuel) conducted by NSO and the Energy and Water Agency (EWA) Malta combined with the SUT product breakdown - use of transport fuel (CPA 19 Coke and refined petroleum products)
Sale of Number plates - Government / D214 SUT product breakdown combined with EWA Malta annual survey of use of automotive fuel
Sale of Number plates - Households / D214 SUT product breakdown combined with EWA Malta annual survey of use of automotive fuel
Adm Charge - Test Motor Vehicles / D214 SUT product breakdown combined with EWA Malta annual survey of use of automotive fuel
Motor Vehicle Licences- Business / D29 SUT product breakdown combined with EWA Malta annual survey of use of automotive fuel
Sale of Number Plates - Business / D29 SUT product breakdown combined with EWA Malta annual survey of use of automotive fuel
Driving Licences - Households / D59 Based on the fee paid for the driving licenses to be issued or renewed in year n / Allocated to households
Motor Vehicle Licences - Households / D59 Based on fees paid for new driving licences issued per annum / Allocated to households
Pollution taxes The latest available SUT is the SUT 2018. The ratios were applied to reference years 2018-2022 Eco contribution / D214 Based on SUT: distribution of output by industry (Supply of products CPA 22-28 and 32)
Waste disposal at sea / D29 Based on SUT: construction activities by industry (supply of CPA products 41-43)
Excise Levies - Cement / D214 Based on SUT: use of Other non-metallic mineral products by industry (CPA 23)
Excise Duties - Pneumatic Tyres / D214 Based on Import data by NACE
Excise Duties - Ammunition Cartridges / D214 Based on Import data by NACE and National Accounts NACE 46-47 statistics
Excise Duties - Chewing Gum    / D214 Based on Import data by NACE
Excise Duties - Plastic Bags   / D214 Based on Import data by NACE and National Accounts NACE 46-47 statistics
Excise Duties - Bottled Water  / D214 Based on Import data by NACE
Excise Duties - Non-Alcohol Beverages / D214 Based on Import data by NACE
Fee on Caging Bluefin Tuna / D214 Based on Import data by NACE
Excise Duties - Toiletries / D214 Based on Import data by NACE
Excise Duties - Construction components / D214 Based on SUT: use of construction products (CPA 41-43)
Resource taxes    not applicable  



18.5.3. Compilation of estimations

The breakdown by industry is estimated on the basis of the SUT ratios. When the tables are not available or not compiled, the latest SUT ratios are used for the set of years. 

18.5.4. Compilation of revenue payable by non-residents

The tax payable by non-residents is estimated based on the SUT ratios, which indicate the export of goods and services and its fluctuations. The latest SUT 2018 shares are applied to the years 2018-2022.

When the tables are not available or not compiled, the latest SUT ratios are used for the set of years. 


18.5.5. Compilation of revenue broken down by payer for years before 2008

The breakdown by industry for the years before 2008 was recalculated from NACE rev.1.1 to NACE rev.2 using a bridge table provided by National Accounts Unit.

18.6. Adjustment

Data is not adjusted.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top

Not applicable.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top