Air emissions accounts by NACE Rev. 2 activity (env_ac_ainah_r2)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: National Institute of Statistics

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

National Institute of Statistics

1.2. Contact organisation unit

16 Libertatii Avenue, Sector 5, Bucharest
ROMANIA, Cod postal 050706

1.5. Contact mail address

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 30/09/2020
2.2. Metadata last posted 16/01/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 16/01/2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Air emissions accounts (AEA) record flows of gaseous and particulate materials emitted into the atmosphere as a result of economic activity.

AEA are a subset of environmental-economic accounts. They offer a detailed breakdown for 64 emitting economic activities (NACE), plus households, as defined in the national accounts of EU countries.

National Statistical Institutes (NSI) submit AEA to Eurostat through a mandatory annual data collection. The data collection includes an electronic questionnaire and this quality report.


3.2. Classification system

The AEA dataset has the following dimensions:

1) Air pollutant: Emissions to air of the following gaseous and particulate substances are collected (greenhouse gases, air pollutants):

Carbon dioxide without emissions from biomass (CO2),

Carbon dioxide from biomass (Biomass CO2)*,

Nitrous oxide (N2O), Methane (CH4),

Perfluorocarbons (PFCs),

Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs),

Sulphur hexafluoride (SF6) including nitrogen trifluoride (NF3),

Nitrogen oxides (NOx),

Non-methane volatile organic compounds, (NMVOC),

Carbon monoxide (CO),

Particulate matter < 10μm (PM10),

Particulate matter < 2,5μm (PM2,5),

Sulphur dioxide (SO2),

Ammonia (NH3)

2) Economic activities: include 64 production activities (classified by NACE rev.2 A*64), and households consumption (3 sub-classes).

3.3. Coverage - sector

The data refer to national economies as defined in the system of national accounts. Greenhouse gases and air pollutants emitted by resident units representing the national economy are covered.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Conceptually AEA belong to the international system of environmental economic accounting (SEEA-Central Framework). Furthermore, AEA is one of several physical modules of Eurostat's programme on European environmental economic accounts. It is covered by Regulation (EU) No.691/2011 on European environmental economic accounts.

AEA are closely related to concepts and definitions of national accounts. Most notably, they follow the residence principle, i.e. they record emissions related to resident unit's activities, regardless where those occur geographically.

3.5. Statistical unit

Data refer to emissions by resident economic units, including households.

3.6. Statistical population

The target population are all production sectors by NACE, householdes and non-residents.

3.7. Reference area

The reference area is the economic territory as defined in SEEA CF 2012 and National Accounts (ESA). A unit is said to be a resident unit of a country when it has a centre of economic interest in the economic territory of that country, that is when it engages for an extended period (1 year or more) in economic activities in that territory.

By following this residence principle, the Air Emission Accounts record emissions from resident units' activities, regardless where they occur. This is the main conceptual difference to emission inventories for greenhouse gases (UNFCCC) and air pollutants (CLRTAP).

3.8. Coverage - Time
3.9. Base period

Not applicable

4. Unit of measure Top

The unit of measure is tonnes or thousand tonnes.

F-gases (HFC, PFC, SF6 and NF3) are reported in tonnes of CO2 equivalents.

SOX are reported in tonnes of SO2 equivalents, and NOX are reported in tonnes of NO2 equivalents.

5. Reference Period Top

Romania transmits the data to Eurostat every year in September covering the years 2008 - n-2 (n = current year).

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Air emissions accounts (AEA) are legally covered by Regulation (EU) 691/2011on European Environmental Economic Accounts.

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable at national level.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Not applicable

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

National release calendar for Air Emission Accounts data:

- on December every year “Annual publication on environmental economic accounts”, Chapter Air Emissions Accounts: conturi economice de mediu | Institutul Național de Statistică (

- on TEMPO, metadata, and data base NIS’ website: TEMPO Online (

8.2. Release calendar access


0177 BIS BT:Macheta P1.qxd (

8.3. Release policy - user access

In line with the Community legal framework and the European Statistics Code of Prantice (, NIS diseminates data and metadata of Air Emission Accounts on NIS’website (See item 10 – Accessilibity and clarity) respecting professional independence and in an objective, professional and transparent manner in which all users are treated equitably.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Data are disseminated annually.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Not applicable.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Annual publication: “Environment economic accounts”

Microsoft Word - publicatie_conturi economice de mediu_13_12_2022 (

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

TEMPO database

TEMPO Online (

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not applicable.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

No other disemination format

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not applicable.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Metadata in the annual publication ”Environmental economic accounts”

Microsoft Word - publicatie_conturi economice de mediu_13_12_2022 (

National methodology:

METADATA - Statistical Activity




10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not applicable.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

We don't have a national quality report.

Romania provides the quality report, according to Regulation 691/2011, article 7 and Eurostat publishes it on CIRCABC.


11. Quality management Top

To ensure the quality of data Romania implements the following guidelines and methodological reference documents:

-          Manual for air emissions accounts (2015,2009);

-          Validation rules for air emissions accounts 2021;

-          Annex I (Correspondence between CRF/NFR - NACE Rev. 2) to Manual for Air Emissions Accounts (2015 edition);

-          Task force allocation of road transport ENV/EA/WG/2.2(2018);

-           NAMEA task force on transport-related issues ENV/ACC/WG/06 (2013);

-           Short AEA guidelines on residence adjustments for water and air transport (visual schemes).

Also,  the data assurance is full correlated with inventories.

11.1. Quality assurance

To ensure quality of data Romania implements the following guidelines and methodological reference documents:

- Manual for air emissions accounts (2015,2009);

- Validation rules for air emissions accounts 2021;

- Annex I (Correspondence between CRF/NFR - NACE Rev. 2) to Manual for Air Emissions Accounts (2015 edition);

- Task force allocation of road transport ENV/EA/WG/2.2(2018);

- NAMEA task force on transport related issues ENV/ACC/WG/06 (2013).

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Validation procedures, estimation of missing statistical data (gap-filling), and quality reports are in place.

There is a continuous quality improvement process for Air Emissions Accounts due to analyzes and decisions made by the Environmental Accounts Working Group, Eurostat, and other stakeholders.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Air Emissions Accounts are relevant for monitoring the interaction between the economy and environment, in particular in the context of global climate change.

The users include policymakers in environmental ministry, environmental agencies or organizations, students, and interested citizens. 

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not applicable.

12.3. Completeness

Not applicable.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Mandatory data are complete, meaning they encompass all sectors of the economy, pollutants, and years.

The missing data (pollutant/year) are only for Bridging items, in particular the emissions of non-resident on the territory. 

13. Accuracy Top


13.1. Accuracy - overall

See Annex 1.

Annex 1
13.2. Sampling error

Not applicable

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable

13.3. Non-sampling error

Not applicable.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Not applicable. Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable. Common units - proportion

Not applicable.

13.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable.

13.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable. Item non-response - rate

Not applicable.

13.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

By 30 September, Romania transmits data every year covering the period 2008 – n-2 (n = current year).

The average production time for data is five months.

Data are diseminate in app. one month on INS'website - within data base TEMPO and in three months later in national publication.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not applicable.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not applicable.

14.2. Punctuality

No lag between the actual delivery of the data and the target date when it should have been delivered.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not applicable.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

AEA are compiled according to harmonised guidelines provided by Eurostat and hence comparable across European countries reporting AEA to Eurostat.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

15.2. Comparability - over time

See Annex 2.

The comparability over time is good due to clear statistical concepts and definitions.

Annex 2
15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

We have no break in time series. 

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

The data are coherent with principles, definitions and concepts in National Accounts (ESA - European System of Accounts) and Environmental Accounting (SEEA - System of Environmental-Economic Accountiong).


15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable.

15.4. Coherence - internal

The internal coherence is high, ensured by the accounting framework.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Not available.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Revision Policy of the National Institute of Statistics

Calendar of indicators to review 2023



17.2. Data revision - practice

Every year we published the complete time series, which may lead to revisions of data previously published. Data are not revised in between annual releases.

The estimation of Emissions of national residents abroad for air transport has been updated, in accordance with " AEA guidelines on residence adjustments for water and air transport (visual schemes)".

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not applicable

18. Statistical processing Top





18.1. Source data

The main data sources are national emission inventories:

National Inventory of Greenhouse Gases Emissions under the Framework - Convention of United Nations on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and under the Kyoto Protocol,  transmitted in the Common Reporting Format (CRF) made by the National Environment Protection Agency (NEPA)

Air emission annual data reporting (CLRTAP/EMEP) 1990-2021_resubmission (

Emission Inventory for air pollutants is prepared according to the UNECE/EMEP, consistent with CLRTAP (Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution and transmitted in the Nomenclature for reporting format (NFR) by NEPA.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory 2023 (



Road Transport:

- Road Transport Statistics used for splitting household and companies vehicles and for compilation data for Land Transport of residents abroad from bridging items.

The road transport of goods is established on the basis of a selective statistical survey - “Statistical survey on the transport of goods by road”, with observation unit the vehicle for the transport of goods, registered in Romania, with a maximum load capacity equal to or exceeding 3.5 tons, working on the basis of a license valid for goods transport.

This survey is carried out by NIS in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 70/2012 on statistical returns in respect of the carriage of goods by road.

The survey database of motor vehicles for the transport of goods contains information transmitted by the Romanian Road Authority.

- Physical Energy Flow Accounts (PEFA)

Beginning with 2013 NIS provides data on PEFA. We use for compilation international road transport -Table E

- Administrative data: Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA)

provides data on national vehicle fleet: number on vehicle categories (Passenger Car, Light Duty Vehicle, Heavy-Duty Vehicle, Two Wheels), technology (Non-Euro, Euro 1-  Euro 6), fuel used (diesel, gasoline, LPG, NGL), property form (private - HH, enterprises) and the information on the owner(resident, non-resident).

Air Transport :

- Statistical survey on the transport of passenger and freight at airports carries out by NIS used for compilation data for Air Transport of residents abroad from bridging item;

The source of airport transport data is represented by the national airport administrations that transmit the information to the INS quarterly, in electronic format, for all aircraft that land / take off on/from the airport, (regardless of the nationality of the aircraft) and perform commercial services.

Total aircraft movements on commercial air services-all take-offs and landings performed by civil aircraft for remuneration, for scheduled and non-scheduled services.

Total aircraft movements on non-commercial air services-all take-offs and landings performed by aircraft for school flights, business and private flights, governmental flights, and other non-commercial flights.

- The estimation of Emissions of national residents abroad for air transport has been updated, in accordance with the UK sketch (Air Transport), thus the emission has been doubled compared to AEA reporting data 2021. 

 Water Transport

- Publication “Transport of passengers and goods by modes of transport”;

Data on the transport of goods by inland waterways are collected through exhaustive statistical surveys whose respondents are the Port Administrations, the Zonal Port Authorities, the Local Administration that manages ports, the 

General Inspectorate of Border Police for all ships operating in ports, regardless of registration nationality.

- Emission factors 2019 Refinement to the 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories

 EEA factor database  - selected emission factors and abatement efficiencies included in the EMEP/EEA Guidebook 2019.

18.2. Frequency of data collection


18.3. Data collection

We received data regarding the national vehicle fleet based on the convention between NIS and the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA).

Also, National Environmental Protection Agency send the link where the inventories could be downloaded.

18.4. Data validation

We ensure the proper quality of data sources by checking them with the previous year's data.

18.5. Data compilation

The approach used to compile Air Emissions Accounts is inventory-first.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

18.5.2. Method used to allocate emissions to economic activities

The allocation of emissions to economic activities (NACE A*64) is based on a compilation between the economic activity data (NA) and the factor of emissions - “EMEP/EEA air pollutant emission inventory guidebook – 2016”

18.5.3. Method used to determine and distribute road transport emissions

The distributed road transport emissions are made based on combination vehicles categories (Passenger Car, Light Duty Vehicle, Heavy Duty Vehicle, Two Wheels), technology (Non-Euro, Euro 1-  Euro 6), fuel used (diesel, gasoline, LPG, NGL), property form (private - HH, enterprises) breakdown on economic activities (NACE A*64) and COPERT-type transport model.

18.5.4. Adjustments for residence principle

The Transport Statistics provide for each model of transport, the nationality of the transport – owner (resident/non-resident). 

Physical Energy Flow Accounts (PEFA)


18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top