Employment and unemployment (Labour force survey) (employ)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Portugal

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Portugal

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Demographic and Social Statistics Department

Labour Market Statistics Unit

1.5. Contact mail address

Edifício Scala

R. do Vilar n.º 235

4050-626 Porto

2. Statistical presentation Top
Please take note of the abbreviations used in the report 
Abbreviation Explanation
CV Coefficient of variation (or relative standard error)
Y/N Yes / No
H/P Households/Persons
M? Member State doesn’t know
NA Not applicable/ Not relevant
UNA Information unavailable
NR Non-response: Member State doesn’t answer to Eurostat request for information. Blank is allowed only in boxes with comments
LFS Labour Force Survey
NUTS Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics or corresponding statistical regions in the EFTA and candidates countries
NC No change from last report
2.1. Data description
Coverage Household concept Definition of household for the LFS Inclusion/exclusion criteria for members of the household Questions relating to employment status are put to all persons aged ...
The whole geographical territory of Portugal is covered, i.e. mainland, Madeira and Açores. Only private dwellings are covered, although the survey also covers part of the population living in collective dwellings that who represent a potential for the labour market, insofar as they have family links with the private dwellings.

The resident population consists of all individuals residing, or intending to reside, in the country for a period of one year or more.

Dwelling Dwelling concept A person is considered as living in a dwelling if, during the reference week, he/she:

a) lives in the dwelling (main residence); 

b) is absent (or intends to be absent) for a period less than one year;

c) is absent for a period of one year or more for work reasons, but returns to the family dwelling all or nearly all week-end;

d) is absent for a period of one year or more for study reasons (it relates to students studying in the country, living away from family).



Population concept  Specific population subgroups
Primary/secondary students Tertiary students People working out of family home for an extended period for the purpose of work People working away from family home but returning for weekends Children alternating two places of residence
Usual residence (12 months) Family home Family home Term address Family home family home


Reference week
Fixed week (data collection refers to one reference week, to which the observation unit has been assigned prior to the fieldwork) Rolling week (data collection always refers to the week before the interview)                                  
2.2. Classification system

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.3. Coverage - sector

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.5. Statistical unit

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.6. Statistical population

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.7. Reference area

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.8. Coverage - Time

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.9. Base period

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data
Sampling design & procedure
Sampling design (scheme; simple random sample, two stage stratified sample, etc.) Base used for the sample (sampling frame)  Last update of the sampling frame (continuously updated or date of the last update) Primary sampling unit (PSU)   Final sampling unit (FSU)
 Two stage cluster sampling. From the 4th quarter of 2014 onwards the samplinf frame is selected from the National Dwellings Register (NDR) based on the Census 2011 data. The NDR is composed by all addresses of private dwellings extracted from Census 2011 (excludes collective households and institutions). The NDR was built in 2012 and it has been continuously updated using the information of national surveys and administrative data.  Geographical areas Dwellings

(All households and their respective individuals are interviewed)


Sampling design & procedure
First (and intermediate) stage sampling method   Final stage sampling method Stratification (variable used) Number of strata (if strata change quarterly, refer to Q4). Rotation scheme (2-2-2, 5, 6, etc.)
In each stratum (NUTS 3) the clusters (geographical areas) were selected systematically with probability proportional to size (number of private dwellings of usual residence). The clusters are composed by one or more contiguous grid INSPIRE cells with 1 km² of area, also aiming to have at least near 300 private dwellings of usual residence in each of them - 1254 PSUs are selected. The selection of PSU are made with probability to size (in the number of private dwellings of usual residence).  Dwellings are selected systematically in each PSU. For each rotation and NUTS 2 region, 3 dwellings are selected by PSU.  NUTS3  7  6


Yearly sample size & Sampling rate
Overall theoretical yearly sampling rate Size of the theoretical yearly sample
(i.e. including non-response) (i.e. including non-response)
 2.4%  90 288 dwellings


Quarterly sample size & Sampling rate
Overall theoretical quarterly sampling rate Size of the theoretical quarterly sample
(i.e. including non-response) (i.e. including non-response)
 0.6%  22 572 dwellings


Use of subsamples to survey structural variables (wave approach)
Only for countries using a subsample for yearly variables
 Wave(s) for the subsample  Are the 30 totals for ILO labour status (employment, unemployment and inactivity) by sex (males and females) and age groups (15-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+) between the annual average of quarterly estimates and the yearly estimates from the subsample all consistent? (Ref.: Commission Reg. 430/2005, Annex I) (Y/N) If not please list deviations List of yearly variables for which the wave approach is used (Ref.: Commission Reg. 377/2008, Annex II)


Brief description of the method of calculating the quarterly core weights Is the sample population in private households expanded to the reference population in private households? (Y/N) If No, please explain which population is used as reference population Gender is used in weighting (Y/N) Which age groups are used in the weighting (e.g., 0-14, 15-19, ..., 70-74, 75+)? Which regional breakdown is used in the weighting (e.g. NUTS 3)? Other weighting dimensions
The weight is derived as the product of a design weight (which incorporates design information and non-response) and a factor that calibrates the sample to the independent demographic estimates (using a posteriori stratification method by NUTS 2, sex and 5-year age groups; NUTS 3 (or groups of NUTS 3) by six age groups; and NUTS 3 (or groups of NUTS 3) by sex).  N Total population  Y Five-year age groups NUTS 2 and NUTS 3 (or groups of NUTS 3)  N


Brief description of the method of calculating the yearly weights (please indicate if subsampling is applied to survey yearly variables) Gender is used in weighting (Y/N) Which age groups are used in the weighting (e.g., 0-14, 15-19, ..., 70-74, 75+)? Which regional breakdown is used in the weighting (e.g. NUTS 3)? Other weighting dimensions


Brief description of the method of calculating the weights for households External reference for number of households etc.? Which factors at household level are used in the weighting (number of households, household size, household composition, etc.) Which factors at individual level are used in the weighting (gender, age, regional breakdown etc.) Identical household weights for all household members? (Y/N)
3.2. Frequency of data collection

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

3.3. Data collection
Data collection methods: brief description Use of dependent interviewing (Y/N)? Participation is voluntary/compulsory?
In the 1st quarter of 2011, new LFS serie was started based upon a new data collection mode, which comprises mainly the use of telephone interviews, a change in the questionnaire, and the adoption of new filed work supervision technologies. The new data mode is a mixed mode (the first interview is done face-to-face by an interviewer visiting the household; the other five interviews are done by telephone if the household agrees and provides a valid telephone number, fix or mobile - otherwise, interviews are done face-to-face), which replaces the collection mode in use until the 4th quarter of 2010 (where all interviews were done face-to-face). The other LFS characteristics remain unchanged, namely its objectives, periodicity, sample, rotation pattern, classifications, concepts and active population reference age. In view of these changes, from 2011 onwards the results are not comparable with the results for the previous series.

Classification of the non-response treatment:

Subsample wave n+1=subsample wave n  

During the (n+1)th interview, interviewers try to reach the whole sample of the first wave, includind the non-respondents.

 Y  Compulsory


Final sampling unit collected by interviewing technique (%)
 7.3  92.7  NA  NA  NA
3.4. Data validation

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

3.5. Data compilation

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

3.6. Adjustment

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

4.2. Quality management - assessment

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs
Assessment of the relevance of the main LFS statistics at national level (e.g. for policy makers, other stakeholders, media and academic research)
The regular users of the LFS data are: Statistics Portugal, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Ministry of Finance, the Portuguese Central Bank, public administration services in general, media in general, researchers and universities.
5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

5.3. Completeness
NUTS level of detail   
Regional level of an individual record (person) in the national data set Lowest regional level of the results published by NSI Lowest regional level of the results delivered to researchers by NSI Brief description of the method which is used to produce NUTS-3 unemployment and labour force data sent to Eurostat?
The regional level of the collected data is distrito/município/frequesia  NUTS2  NUTS2  NA
5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.2. Sampling error
Publication thresholds   
Annual estimates Annual estimates - wave approach 
(if different from full sample thresholds) 
 Limit below which figures cannot be published  Limit below which figures must be published with warning  Limit below which figures cannot be published Limit below which figures must be published with warning
4500  NA  NA  NA
6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators
Coefficient of variation (CV) Annual estimates
Sampling error - indicators - Coefficient of variation (CV), Standard Error (SE) and Confidence Interval (CI)       
  Number of employed persons Employment rate as a percentage of the population Number of part-time employed persons Number of unemployed persons Unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force Youth unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force Average actual hours of work per week(*)
  Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 15 -74 Age group: 15 -74 Age group: 15 -24 Age group: 20 - 64
 CV  0.42  0.42  3.18  2.80  2.82  6.86  1.1732
 SE 19059.7021  0.0031  10486.80  9811.74  0.0019  0.0155  0.4453 
 CI(**) 4491.55;4566.11 74.09;75.31  308.83;349.89  331.68;370.20  6.52;7.28  19.56;25.64  37.13;38.87 


Description of the assumption underlying the denominator for the calculation of the CV for the employment rate
The CV for the number of employed persons (aged 20-64) and for the employment rate (aged 20-64) are identical because the denominator of the employment rate (aged 20-64) is the total of population (aged 20-64) which has a zero CV.


Reference on software used: Reference on method of estimation:
CALJACK (SAS-MACRO) Jackknife technique


Coefficient of variation (CV) Annual estimates at NUTS-2 Level        
NUTS-2  CV of regional (NUTS-2) annual aggregates (in %)     
Regional Code  Region Number of employed persons Employment rate as a percentage of the population Number of part-time employed persons Number of unemployed persons Unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force Youth unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force Average actual hours of work per week(*)
    Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 15 -74 Age group: 15 -74 Age group: 15 -24 Age group: 20 - 64 
 PT11 Norte  0.72  0.72  5.29  4.46  4.49  8.27  0.49
 PT15 Algarve 1.46  1.46  8.17  7.85   8.12 10.99  0.66 
 PT16 Centro (P) 1.00  1.00  8.08  7.44  7.47  13.81  0.64 
 PT17 Área Metropolitana de Lisboa 0.85  0.85  6.16  5.72  5.79  8.66  0.64 
 PT18 Alentejo 1.13  1.13  12.30   8.49 8.48   16.93 0.89 


Região Autónoma dos Açores 1.70  1.70  7.74   8.39 8.81  14.41  0.82 
 PT30 Região Autónoma da Madeira  1.11   1.11 9.24   8.53 8.39  14.84  0.85 


(*) The coefficient of variation for actual hours worked should be calculated for the sum of actual hours worked in 1st and 2nd jobs, and restricted to those who actually worked 1 hour or more in the reference week.

(**) The value is based on a CI of 95%. For the rates the CI should be given with 2 decimals.

6.3. Non-sampling error

 [not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.3.1. Coverage error
Frame quality (under-coverage, over-coverage and misclassifications(b))      
Under-coverage rate (%) Over-coverage rate (%) Misclassification rate (%)  Comments: specification and impact on estimates(a)   
 Undercoverage  Overcoverage  Misclassification(b)  Reference on frame errors
 x 11.76  UNA With regard to the under-cover rate, people living in collective households or institutions are excluded from the sampling frame. According to the last Census (2011), this population represents less than 1% of the total population. Nevertheless, calibration ensures that LFS weighted sample sums the estimates of resident population in Portugal.

In addition, the new or renewed buildings and dwellings constructed after the last Census are also excluded, but we it is not known the occupation status, that is if they are being used as usual residence or if they are vacant, and the percentage of the population they represent.



(a) Mention specifically which regions / population groups are not suitably represented in the sample.
(b) Misclassification refers to statistical units having an erroneous classification where both the wrong and the correct one are within the target population. Over-coverage - rate

[Over-coverage rate, please see concept 6.3.1 Coverage error in the LFS quality report] Common units - proportion

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.3.2. Measurement error
Errors due to the medium (questionnaire)   
Was the questionnaire updated for the 2018 LFS operation? (Y/N) Synthetic description of the update Was the questionnaire tested? (Y/N) If the questionnaire has been tested, which kind of tests has been applied (pilot, cognitive, internal check)?
 No  NA  NA  NA


Main methods of reducing measurement errors 
Error source  
Respondent  Letter introducing the survey (Y/N) Phone call for booking or introducing the survey (Y/N)
 Y  Y (interviewers are autonomus in that task)
Interviewer  Periodical training (at least 1 time per year) (Y/N)  Feedbacks from interviewer (reports, debriefings, etc.) (Y/N)
 Y  Y (online opinion form - not a regular basis)
Fieldwork  Monitoring directly by contacting the respondents after the fieldwork (Y/N) Monitoring directly by listening the interviews (Y/N) Monitoring remotely through performance indicators (Y/N)
 Y  Y  Y
Questionnaire  Questionnaire in several languages (Y/N)  On-line checks (for computer assisted interviews (Y/N)
 N  Y
Other / Comments  
6.3.3. Non response error

[not requested for the LFS quality report] Unit non-response - rate


Methods used for adjustments for statistical unit non-response

Adjustment via weights (Y/N) Variables used for non-response adjustment Description of method
 Y  NR Each individual in the sample receives a weight which is derived as the product of a design weight (which incorporates design information and non-response) and a factor that calibrates the sample to the independent demographic estimates.
Substitution of non-responding units (Y/N) Substitution rate Criteria for substitution
 N  NA   NA 
Other methods (Y/N) Description of method
 N  NA 


Non-response rates by survey mode. Annual average (% of the theoretical yearly sample by survey mode)
 74.35  30.61  NA  NA  NA


Divisions of non-response into categories. Quarterly data and annual average
Quarter Non-response rate
Total (%)             of which:
 Refusals (%)      Non-contacts (including people who migrated (or moved) internally or abroad) (%)    of which people who migrated (or moved) internally or abroad (%)
1 23.99  3.03  13.61  M?
2 37.79  3.21  26.5  M? 
3 44.38  2.81  34.55  M? 
4 45.72  2.48  36.07  M? 
Annual  38.27  2.87  27.99  M? 


Units who refused to participate in the survey  (Please indicate the number of the units concerned in the cells where the wave is mentioned)
Subsample Quarter1_2020 Quarter2_2020 Quarter3_2020 Quarter4_2020
Subsample_Q4_2018  87      
Subsample_Q1_2019 106   87    
Subsample_Q2_2019 112  107  80   
Subsample_Q3_2019 90  97  90   77
Subsample_Q4_2019 96  89  91  89 
Subsample_Q1_2020 81  89  92  105 
Subsample_Q2_2020   163  146  120 
Subsample_Q3_2020     70  76 
Subsample_Q4_2020       49 
Total in absolute numbers  572 632   569 516 
Total in % of theoretical quarterly sample 2.53  2.80  2.52  2.29 


Units who were not contacted (including people who migrated (or moved) internally or abroad) (Please indicate the number of units only in the cells where the wave is mentioned)
Subsample Quarter1_2020 Quarter2_2020 Quarter3_2020 Quarter4_2020
Subsample_Q4_2018  406      
Subsample_Q1_2019 410   764    
Subsample_Q2_2019 426  798   965  
Subsample_Q3_2019 353  772  927   882
Subsample_Q4_2019 413  784  1022  1008 
Subsample_Q1_2020 563  1133  1405  1410 
Subsample_Q2_2020   964  1768  1790 
Subsample_Q3_2020     914  1640 
Subsample_Q4_2020       786 
Total in absolute numbers  2571  5215 7001  7516 
Total in % of theoretical quarterly sample 11.39  23.1  31.02  33.30 


of which people who migrated (or moved) internally or abroad) (Please indicate the number of units only in the cells where the wave is mentioned)
Subsample Quarter1_2020 Quarter2_2020 Quarter3_2020 Quarter4_2020
Subsample_Q4_2018  UNA      
Subsample_Q1_2019 UNA   UNA    
Subsample_Q2_2019 UNA   UNA  UNA  
Subsample_Q3_2019 UNA   UNA  UNA  UNA
Subsample_Q4_2019 UNA   UNA  UNA  UNA
Subsample_Q1_2020 UNA   UNA  UNA  UNA
Subsample_Q2_2020    UNA  UNA  UNA
Subsample_Q3_2020      UNA  UNA
Subsample_Q4_2020        UNA
Total in absolute numbers  UNA  UNA  UNA  UNA
Total in % of theoretical quarterly sample  UNA  UNA  UNA  UNA


Non-response rates. Annual averages (% of the theoretical yearly sample)
NUTS-2 region (code + name)  Non response rate (%)
 PT11 Norte  40.25
 PT15 Algarve 44.71 
 PT16 Centro (P) 38.18 
 PT17 Área Metropolitana de Lisboa 41.64 
 PT18 Alentejo 41.65 
 PT20 Região Autónoma dos Açores 19.91 
 PT30 Região Autónoma da Madeira 24.10 

* If the final sampling unit is the household it must be considered as responding unit even in case of some household members (not all) do not answer the interview

Units who were not contacted - corrected values Item non-response - rate
Item non-response (*) - Quarterly data (Compared to the variables defined by the Commission Regulation (EC) No 377/2008)       

Variable status

Column Identifier Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Short comments on reasons for non-available statistics and prospects for future solutions

Compulsory / optional

compulsory Col_054 TEMPDUR 20.1 19.5 20.8 23.0 Corresponds to non-response of the employees who did not give an answer to this variable.
compulsory Col_082/83 HWACTUA2 . 10.9 . .  Corresponds to non-response of the employed persons with second activity who did not give an answer to this variable.
compulsory Col_115 - Employed METHODM C C C C  This variable does not exist in our national questionnaire.
compulsory Col_115 - Not employed METHODM C C C C  This variable does not exist in our national questionnaire.


Item non-response - Annual data (Compared to the variables defined by the Commission Regulation (EC) No 377/2008)    
Variable status Column Identifier This reference year Short comments on reasons for non-available statistics and prospects for future solutions
compulsory Col_154/155 INCDECIL 11.3  Corresponds to non-response of the employees who did not give an answer to this variable.
optional Col_132 COURPURP 100  Optional variables were not included in our national questionnaire.
optional Col_133/135 COURFILD 100  Optional variables were not included in our national questionnaire.
optional Col_136 COURWORH 100  Optional variables were not included in our national questionnaire.

(*) "C" means all the records have the same value different from missing.

6.3.4. Processing error
Editing of statistical item non-response
Do you apply some data editing procedure to detect and correct errors? (Y/N) Overall editing rate (Observations with at least one item changed / Total Observations )
 Y  UNA Imputation - rate
Imputation of statistical item non-response
Are all or part of the variables with item non response imputed? (Y/N) Overall imputation rate (Observations with at least one item imputed / Total Observations )
 N  NA
 Main variables Imputation rate  Describe method used, mentioning which auxiliary information or stratification is used 
6.3.5. Model assumption error

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.4. Seasonal adjustment
Do you apply any seasonal adjustment to the LFS Series? (Y/N) If Yes, is your adopted methodology compliant with the ESS guidelines on seasonal adjustment? (ref. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/research-methodology/seasonal-adjustment) (Y/N) If Yes, are you compliant with the Eurostat/ECB recommendation on Jdemetra+ as software for conducting seasonal adjustment of official statistics. (ref. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/ess/-/jdemetra-officially-recommended-as-software-for-the-seasonal-adjustment-of-official-statistics) (Y/N) If Not, please provide a description of the used methods and tools
 N  NA  NA  NA
6.5. Data revision - policy
Do you adopt a general data revision policy fully compliant with the ESS Code of Practice principles? (in particular see the 8th principle) (Y/N) Are you compliant with the ESS guidelines on revision policy for PEEIs? (ref. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3859598/5935517/KS-RA-13-016-EN.PDF) (Y/N)
 Y (In the Portuguese LFS the revisions have been made every 10 years due to the Census)  Y
6.6. Data revision - practice

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness
Restricted from publication
7.1.1. Time lag - first result
Restricted from publication
7.1.2. Time lag - final result
Restricted from publication
7.2. Punctuality
Restricted from publication
7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication
Restricted from publication

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical
Divergence of national concepts from European concepts
(European concept or National proxy concept used) List all concepts where any divergences can be found    
Is there a divergence between the national and European concepts for the following characteristics? (Y/N) Give a description of difference and provide an assessment of the impact of the divergence on the statistics
Definition of resident population (*)  N NA
Identification of the main job (*)  N NA 
Employment  Y Portugal - i) Persons who work on their own small agriculture farms and produce only for their own consumption are considered as employed if the output is considered important (by the household) for the household budget; ii) If the absence from work has exceeded 3 months then a person is considered to be employed only if he/she continues to receive at least 50% of the salary during the absence. However, the persons on compensation leave, sick leave, maternity or paternity leave, paid parental leave are always considered to be employed, regardless of the length of the absence.
Unemployment  N NA
8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

8.2. Comparability - over time
Changes at CONCEPT level introduced during the reference year and affecting comparability with previous reference periods (including breaks in series)
Changes in (Y/N) Description of the impact of the changes Statistics also revised backwards (if Y: year / N) Variables affected Break in series to be flagged (if Y: year and quarter/N)  
concepts and definition N NA  NA  NA  NA 
coverage (i.e. target population) NA  NA  NA  NA 
legislation NA  NA  NA  NA 
classifications NA  NA  NA  NA 
geographical boundaries NA  NA  NA  NA 


Changes at MEASUREMENT level introduced during the reference year and affecting comparability with previous reference periods (including breaks in series)
Changes to (Y/N) Description of the impact of the changes Statistics also revised backwards (if Y: year / N) Variables affected Break in series to be flagged (if Y: year and quarter/N)
sampling frame N NA  NA  NA  NA 
sample design NA  NA  NA  NA 
rotation pattern NA  NA  NA  NA 
questionnaire NA  NA  NA  NA 
instruction to interviewers NA  NA  NA  NA 
survey mode NA  NA  NA  NA 
weighting scheme N NA NA  NA  NA 
use of auxiliary information NA  NA  NA  NA 
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

8.3. Coherence - cross domain
Coherence of LFS data with Business statistics data    
  Description of difference in concept Description of difference in measurement Give an assessment of the effects of the differences Give references to description of differences
Total employment Staff (persons employed): The persons who during the reference period participated in the business of the firm/institution, regardless of the duration of this participation, under the following conditions: a) staff bound to the enterprise/institution by na employment contract, receiving remuneration in return; b) staff which has ties to the enterprise/institution, who, for not being bound by na employment contract, does not receive regular remuneration for the hours worked or the labour supplied (e.g. owner-managers, unpaid family workers, active members of cooperatives); c) staff with ties to other enterprises/institutions who worked at the enterprise/institution and receive remuneration directly from it; d) persons in the above situations, absent for a period of no more than one month due to holidays, labour dispute, vocational training, as well as disease and occupational accident. The following persons are not considered to be staff: i) those in the situations described in a), b), and c) above and who are absent for a period of over one month; ii) workers with ties to the enterprise/institution who moved to other enterprises/institutions, receiving remuneration directly from the latter; iii) workers in the enterprise/institution whose remuneration is borne by other enterprises/institutions (e.g. temporary workers); iv) self-employed workers (e.g. service providers, that use the so-called 'recibos verdes', which is the popular name of the receipt form).   UNA See table in item Annexes  UNA 
Total employment by NACE Excluded:
  • Public administration and defence; compulsory social security;
  • Activities of households as employers of domestic staff
  • Extra-territorial organization and bodies
 UNA See table in item Annexes  UNA 
Number of hours worked  Covers all units considered in the population.  UNA  UNA   UNA


Coherence of LFS data with registered unemployment  
Description of difference in concept Description of difference in measurement Give references to description of differences
The registered unemployment includes the individuals registered in a "Centro de Emprego" (on a voluntary basis), who declare: not having a work, seeking for a job as employees and being are available to work.  UNA  UNA 


Assessment of the effect of differences of LFS unemployment and registered unemployment     
Give an assessment of the effects of the differences          
Overall effect Men under 25 years Men 25 years and over Women under 25 years Women 25 years and over Regional distribution (NUTS-3)
 -26.8 thousand individuals  +19.2 thousand individuals  -13.6 thousand individuals  +10.9 thousand individuals  -43.3 thousand individuals  NA

Coherence of LFS with Business Statistics data_2020
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts
Coherence of LFS data with National Accounts data    
  Description of difference in concept Description of difference in measurement Give an assessment of the effects of the differences Give references to description of differences
Total employment Included:
  • Non residents who work in resident units of production.
  • Absent from work with assurance of return, receiving or not total or patial payment from the employer.
  • non paid volunteers whose activity produce goods or services. 


  • Residents  who work in non resident units of production. 
Included in NA: non-resident border workers + members of the country armed forces stationed in the rest of the world + nationals who are on the staff of diplomatic missions abroad + local employees of general government bodies situated outside the economic territory.

Not included in NA: residents who are border workers or seasonal workers, i.e. who work in another economic territory + members of the armed forces of a foreign country who are stationed in the country + members of armed forces working with international military organisations located on the geographic territory of the country + nationals working in foreign scientific bases established in the economic territory + members of foreign diplomatic missions stationed in the country


See table below International Tourism Expenditure Survey+ Public Accounts and DGAEP (Directorate General for Administration and Public Employment).

Answers LFS: Work Abroad and NACE 99

Total employment by NACE  UNA UNA  See tabel below  UNA
Number of hours worked  UNA UNA   UNA  UNA 


Which is the use of LFS data for National Account Data?   
Country uses LFS as the only source for employment in national accounts. Country uses mainly LFS, but replacing it in a few industries (or labour status), on a case-by-case basis Country not make use of LFS, or makes minimal use of it Country combines sources for labour supply and demand giving precedence to labour supply sources (i.e. LFS) Country combines sources for labour supply and demand not giving precedence to any labour side Country combines sources for labour supply and demand giving precedence to labour demand sources (i.e. employment registers and/or enterprise surveys)
 N  N  N  Y  N N

Coherence of LFS with National Accounts
8.6. Coherence - internal

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
Please provide a list of type and frequency of publications
  • Press release, in Portuguese and English, with the main indicators from the national Labour Force Survey, both quarterly and yearly; a set of tables with more detailed information is simultaneously placed at the Statistics Portugal internet website [http://www.ine.pt].
  • Statistical data bank to enable the users to obtain the tables as they wish.
  • Anonimysed microdata bases, to be used by researchers under a specific agreement between Statistics Portugal and the Ministry of Science and Technology, quarterly.
  • Other publications from Statistics Portugal that disseminate labour market data.
9.3. Dissemination format - online database
Documentation, explanations, quality limitations, graphics etc.    
Web link to national methodological publication Conditions of access to data Accompanying information to data Further assistance available to users

Link to the national web page (English):


Note: The national LFS information is spread across multiple theads, like as: Statistical data, Press releases, Publications, and metada system (concepts, methodological documents).

The LFS ad-hoc modules microdata , and the corresponding methodological notes, concepts, questionnaire, etc., are available in DVD/CD-Rom (only for researchers). For all results considered in a pre-defined set of tables from the national Labour Force Survey, the related coefficients of variation are presented.

The source of information (national Labour Force Survey) is referred with all disseminated/published information.

The anonimysed microdata bases as well as the available information in internet have also methodological notes.

Under specific requests from the users, it is possible to provide crossed tabulations of several variables under certain conditions: they exist in the data base, they have a logical relation in the context of the survey, the results have acceptable levels of quality (e.g., they respect the reliability limits followed by Statistics Portugal for this survey). 

All information can be provided in several possible supports: paper,  CD, by e-mail or by downloading from the site.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access
Accessibility to LFS national microdata (Y/N) Who is entitled to the access (researchers, firms, institutions)? Conditions of access to data Accompanying information to data Further assistance available to users
Y Researchers. Statistics Portugal has established a Protocol with the Ministry of Education and Science,  with a view to making it easier for researchers to access the statistics they need to carry out their activity.  They have to submit some documets on the project for which  they need the data, to be accredited as researchers. Metadata, variable-description and methodological document. Help on the clarification of the data.
9.5. Dissemination format - other

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.6. Documentation on methodology
References to methodological notes about the survey and its characteristics
The Portuguese LFS methodology is described in Documento Metodológico do Inquérito ao Emprego, which is available at the Statistics Portugal website. 
9.7. Quality management - documentation

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

10. Cost and Burden Top
Restricted from publication

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
Please provide information on the policy for anonymizing microdata in your country
The Portuguese LFS microdata anonymization consists in the suppression of personal identification, the variables used in the selection of the sample and of those associated with the fieldwork, as well as the use of top/bottom coding and grouping in several variables in order to eliminate the risk of identification. 

12. Comment Top

No comments

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top