National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Finland

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Finland

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Social Statistics/Time Use, Education and Culture

1.5. Contact mail address

Mika Tuononen
Social Statistics/Time Use, Education and Culture
Statistics Finland
FI-00022 Statistics Finland

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

A general description of the statistical process and its outputs, and their evolution over time.


The following documents provide general information on the educational system; please add the relevant links for your country.

General link to Eurydice:

National system broad overview:

National Education System Description:

National Education System - Provisions regarding language learning:
Annex 1 - Provisions for language learning 2021 – Finland
Structure of Education and Training Systems:


Please, use the box below if you wish to complement or amend the information provided by Eurydice:


Link to the ISCMAP programme and qualification:
Annex 2 - ISCED Mapping for schoolyear 2020/2021 (UOE2022) – Finland
National link to programmes and qualifications:


Further information on data flagged ‘d’ in the database is available to download from the Annex of the Metadata page for Education administrative data from 2013 onwards (ISCED 2011):
2.2. Classification system

Not available.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Not available.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Not available.

2.5. Statistical unit

Not available.

2.6. Statistical population

Not available.

2.7. Reference area

Not available.

2.8. Coverage - Time

Not available.

2.9. Base period

Not available.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

For each UOE table, please list the source(s) used to compile information: UOE table, name, type, date of availability and responsibility.


Sources used for data on enrolments
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
All variables concerning enrolment.

ISCED 0: Data collected by the National Institute for Health and Welfare, KELA - The Social Insurance Institution of Finland and Statistics Finland. ISCED 1-4: Statistics Finland's data and data based on the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data. ISCED 6-8: Statistics Finland's data and data based on the Ministry of Education and Culture’s VIRTA higher education achievement register data.

Register data compiled by Statistics Finland. Statistics Finland, UOE data provider


Sources used for data on entrants
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
All variables concerning entrants. ISCED 1-4: Statistics Finland's data and data based on the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data. ISCED 6-8: Statistics Finland's data and data based on the Ministry of Education and Culture’s VIRTA higher education achievement register data. Register data compiled by Statistics Finland. Statistics Finland, UOE data provider


Sources used for data on personnel
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
All variables concerning personnel. Employment statistics/register data of Statistics Finland. Register data Statistics Finland, UOE data provider


Sources used for data on enrolments at regional level
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
All variables concerning regional enrolment.

ISCED 0: Data collected by the National Institute for Health and Welfare, KELA - The Social Insurance Institution of Finland and Statistics Finland. ISCED 1-4: Statistics Finland's data and data based on the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data. ISCED 6-8: Statistics Finland's data and data based on the Ministry of Education and Culture’s VIRTA higher education achievement register data.

Register data compiled by Statistics Finland. Statistics Finland, UOE data provider



Sources used for data on foreign languages learning
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
All variables concerning language learning. The Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data and Statistics Finland's data (ISCED 1-3). ISCED 3 data is partially estimated. Total data based on data collection UOE data provider, Statistics Finland



Sources used for data on graduates
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
All variables concerning graduates.

Statistics Finland's Register of Completed Education and Degrees and annual qualification/degree data. Both sources are based on register data compiled by Statistics Finland.

Data sources: ISCED 1-4: Statistics Finland's data and data based on the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data. ISCED 6-8: Statistics Finland's data and data based on the Ministry of Education and Culture’s VIRTA higher education achievement register data.

Register data compiled by Statistics Finland. UOE data provider, Statistics Finland


Sources used for data on education expenditure
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)

Data on early childhood education (ISCED 0) are based on data collected from municipalities by Statistics Finland on ECEC centres, on family day care and on pre-primary education expenditure for 6-year-old children and on data collected by the Finnish National Agency for Education on expenditure on pre-primary education for 6-year-old children in state's and government-dependent private institutions. ISCED 0 expenditure includes expenditure in ECEC centres and in family day care for 0-5-year-old children and expenditure in pre-primary education for 6-year-old children in comprehensive schools and in ECEC centres.

Data on comprehensive school and upper secondary general education (ISC 1, 2, 3 gen.) are based on data collected by Statistics Finland and the Finnish National Agency for Education for the system of central government transfers.
Data on vocational education (including further and specialist vocational qualifications and apprenticeship training (ISC 3 voc., ISC 4 voc.) are based on data collected by the Finnish National Agency for Education for the system of central government transfers. 

Data on university of applied sciences education (ISCED 6, 7) is based on data collected by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Statistics Finland's national accounts data.

Data on university education (ISC 6, 7, 8) is based on data collected by the Ministry of Education and Culture, on Central Government Accounts material, on Statistics Finland's national accounts data and on the OECD/DSTI/HERD data collected by Statistics Finland. 

Data on capital expenditure is based on data collected by Statistics Finland from the municipalities and on data collected by the Finnish National Agency for Education for the system of central government tranfers (ISCED 0-4). Data on capital expenditure in university of applied sciences and in universities (ISCED 6-8) is based on the Ministry of Education and Culture's and on Statistics Finland's national accounts data.

Data on expenditure from private sources is based on data collected by Statistics Finland from the municipalities (ISC 0, 1, 2, 3 gen.), on data collected by the Finnish National Agency for Education for the system of central government transfers (ISC 3 voc., 4) and on the OECD/DSTI/HERD data collected by Statistics Finland (ISC 6, 7, 8). Data on expenditure from private sources is partly estimated.

Data on expenditure on household payments outside educational institutions is based on the special report by the Finnish National Agency for Education on upper secondary education expenditures for students and their families (ISC 3-4) and on Eurostudent survey (ISC 6-8).

Data on expenditure from international sources is based on data collected by Statistics Finland from the municipalities (ISC 0), on data collected by the Finnish National Agency for Education for the system of central government transfers (ISC 1-4) and on the OECD/DSTI/HERD data collected by Statistics Finland (ISC 6-8). Data on expenditure from international sources is partly estimated.

Administrative expenditure on education includes the Ministry of Education and Culture's and the Finnish National Agency for Education's expenditure and local governments' administrative expenditure on education.

Data on expenditure have been supplemented with e.g. student grant and student loan data from the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA).

Finnish National Agency for Education's data collection on expenditure data for the central government transfers system, Statistics Finland's data collection on finances of municipalities/joint municipal boards,  the OECD/DSTI/HERD data collected by Statistics Finland, Statistics Finland's National Accounts' data on university and university of applied sciences expenditure (Central Government Accounts data and data collected by the Ministry of Education and Culture), student financial aid data by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA), a special report by the Finnish National Agency for Education on upper secondary expenditures for students and their families (household payments outside institutions) and Eurostudent survey (household payments outside institutions). Data collection data, usually total data. Other (Finnish National Agency for Education, the Ministry of Education and Culture, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA)) and UOE data provider (Statistics Finland). 
3.2. Frequency of data collection


3.3. Data collection

Not available.

3.4. Data validation

Not available.

3.5. Data compilation

Operations performed on data to derive new information according to a given set of rules.


Weighting methods
Weighted figures for differing reference periods Weighted figures for differing theoretical ages Conversion factors from part-time to full-time equivalent (FTE) data
In enrolment data adjusted to financial year factors 0.583333 (school/academic year t) and 0.416667 (school/academic year t+1) have been used.   In enrolment tables part-time students are converted to FTE students by a factor 0.5.



Estimations methods used in the UOE questionnaires
Type of data Detailed variables concerned ISCED level Reference year(s) Data source (internal to UOE or not) Data type (sample-based or not) Data source name in English Reason Description of the estimation method
Enrolment Age of students. Gender of students.  Age and gender of children at ISCED 0.   School/academic year 2020-21 Data collected by Statistics Finland, external. Register-based data, data collection data Data collected by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA)  Age data is not available for all children at ISCED 0. Gender data is not available for all children at ISCED 0. Age and gender distribution is partially estimated at early childhood education.

At early childhood education (ISCED 0) estimation is based on data collected by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), on information from the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA) and on Statistics Finland's population statistics.

Enrolment  Full-time/part-time data, FTE data ISCED 6, 7, 8 School/academic year 2020-21 Data transfered from higher education institutions, external Total data, data collection data Data compiled by Statistics Finland on study credits in university and university of applied sciences education. Data source  the Ministry of Education and Culture’s VIRTA higher education achievement register data. Full-time/part-time status of students is defined based on the study credits they have taken during the school/academic year. In principle all students study in full-time programmes at ISCED 6 and 7. Starting from UOE 2003 (data for the school/academic year 2001-2002) Finland has reported students at ISCED 6-8 divided to full-time/part-time students based on their study activities and full-time equivalent data (FTE) at ISCED 6-8. The division to full-time and part-time students is made based on the study credits which students have been taken during the academic year. Statistics Finland has collected individual-based study credit data on all university and university of applied sciences (polytechnics) students starting from the academic year 2002-2003 (excluding students in advanced research programmes, ISCED 8 and programmes for specialist's degrees in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine, ISCED 7).

If a student has obtained less than 30 study credits during the academic year he or she will be classified as a part-time student (FTE 0.5). If a student has obtained 30 study credits or more during the academic year he or she will be classified as a full-time student (FTE 1.0). If a student has been registered as absent FTE is 0.0.  First year students are classified as full-time students (FTE 1.0) unless they are registered as absent (FTE 0.0).

All students in advanced research programmes at ISCED 8 and in programmes for specialist's degrees in veterinary medicine at ISCED 7 are excluded from full-time students and have a FTE conversion factor 0.5 (no study credit data are available for these programmes due to the type of study in these programmes, e.g. a considerable part of the advanced research programmes consists of the preparation of the dissertation thesis).  If a student in advanced research programmes at ISCED 8 or in programmes for specialist's degrees in veterinary medicine at ISCED 7 has been registered as absent the FTE  conversion factor is 0.0.
Enrolment Mobile student, prior education ISCED 6, 7, 8 School/academic year 2020-21 Statistics Finland's register data, external Register data Statistics Finland's register data Data on prior education of students by country is not available directly from Statistics Finland's registers.  Data on mobile students is defined based on prior education (upper secondary qualification).

Statistics Finland's student registers are combined to Statistics Finland's Register of Completed Education and Degrees in order to produce data on students' prior education. The Register of Completed Education and Degrees includes data on all post-comprehensive school (ISCED 2) qualifications and degrees taken in Finland.

If there is no data on prior qualifications or degrees taken in Finland in the Register of Completed Education and Degrees it is assumed that student's prior education have been taken abroad (outside Finland).

The data on the specific country where the prior education has been taken is defined based on the data from the Finnish  National Agency for Education's student application register data where the information on the country of upper secondary qualification is obtained. This data is not available for all students whose upper secondary qualification has been taken abroad. In this case the data on the specific country where the prior education has been taken is reported based on citizenship (also second and third citizenships have been taken into account if the student has Finnish citizenship).  

In few exceptional cases it is possible to obtain study right at ISCED 6/7 level without any prior post-comprehensive school qualifications or degrees. In these cases the student will be classified as a student whose prior education has been taken abroad because there is no data on any prior qualifications or degrees taken in Finland in the Register of Completed Education and Degrees for this student. This may overestimate the number of students whose prior education has been taken abroad. However the number of these exceptional cases should be small.

The prior qualifications or degrees which have been taken into account in the definition of prior education for ISCED 6-8 students are (these qualifications or degrees qualify for ISCED 6-7): matriculation examination (ISCED 3), initial and further vocational qualifications (ISCED 3), specialist vocational qualifications (ISCED 4), vocational college qualifications (ISCED 5) and engineer's qualifications obtained in vocational institutes (ISCED 6).   
Finance Different variables, please see description of the estimation method. ISCED 0-8 School/academic year 2020-21. Different data sources, both internal and external. Mainly total data if available. Different data sources. All required breakdowns on finance data are not readily available.

Data cover the expenditure on youth and adult education leading to a degree or qualification. The expenditure on youth and adult education not leading to a degree or qualification is excluded (based on an estimation if separate data on education leading to a degree or qualification is not otherwise available).

Data on capital expenditure is partly estimated based on e.g. data on municipalities' expenditure on educational institutions collected by Statistics Finland. Administrative expenditure on education has been allocated by level based on student numbers at respective ISCED levels. 

The distribution of expenditure to ISCED 01 Early childhood educational development and ISCED 02 Pre-primary education is an estimate based on the estimated difference between expenditure per children at ISCED 01 and ISCED 02 (coefficient 1,0 for ISCED 01 and coefficient 1,75 for ISCED 02 per children). The estimate is based on the difference in stipulated group sizes at ISCED 01 and ISCED 02 (the stipulated group sizes are bigger in ISCED 02 than in ISCED 01).

The distribution of expenditure to ISCED 1 and ISCED 2 (comprehensive school) is an estimate based on special survey data collected by Finnish National Agency for Education on expenditure per pupil in comprehensive schools and enrolment numbers in these levels.

Administrative expenditure on education has been allocated by level based on student numbers at respective ISCED levels. 

Graduates Mobile graduates, prior education of graduates. ISCED 6, 7, 8 School/academic year 2020-21 Statistics Finland's register data, external to UOE. Register data Statistics Finland's register data Data on prior education of graduates by country is not available directly from Statistics Finland's registers. 

The definition of graduated mobile students is based on the prior education of graduates (upper secondary qualification). The prior education of graduates is defined based on the Register of Completed Education and Degrees. The Register of Completed Education and Degrees includes data on all post-comprehensive school (ISCED 2) qualifications and degrees taken in Finland.

If there is no data on prior qualifications or degrees taken in Finland in the Register of Completed Education and Degrees it is assumed that graduate's prior education have been taken abroad (outside Finland).

The data on the specific country where the prior education has been taken is defined based on the data from the Finnish  National Agency for Education's student application register data where the information on the country of upper secondary qualification is obtained. This data is not available for all graduates whose upper secondary qualification has been taken abroad. In this case the data on the specific country where the prior education has been taken is reported based on citizenship (also second and third citizenships have been taken into account if the student has Finnish citizenship).  

In few exceptional cases it is possible to obtain a study right at ISCED 6-8 level without any prior post-comprehensive school qualifications or degrees. In these cases the graduate will be classified as a graduate whose prior education has been taken abroad because there is no data on any prior qualifications or degrees taken in Finland in the Register of Completed Education and Degrees for this graduate. This may overestimate the number of graduates whose prior education has been taken abroad. However the number of these exceptional cases should be small.

The prior qualifications or degrees which have been taken into account in the definition of prior education for ISCED 6-8 graduates are (these qualifications or degrees qualify for ISCED 6-7): matriculation examination (ISCED 3), initial and further vocational qualifications (ISCED 3), specialist vocational qualifications (ISCED 4), vocational college qualifications (ISCED 5) and engineer's qualifications obtained in vocational institutes(ISCED 6).

Personnel Distribution to levels. ISCED 1-2 School/academic year 2020-21 Teacher data collection, external to UOE Total data Teacher data collection (by Statistics Finland) All breakdowns are not available. The distribution of educational personnel to ISCED levels 1 and 2 has been partly estimated (government-dependent private institutions). The estimation is based on a specific teacher data collection which has been conducted by Statistics Finland.
Regional data Age data, gender data. Age and gender data ISCED 0. School/academic year 2020-21. Data collected by Statistics Finland, external to UOE. Total data Gender distribution of children in the population data in the age groups corresponding ISCED 0 (Statistics Finland's population data). Age distribution of children at ISCED 0 (UOE data). Gender data for ISCED 0 is not available for all children. Data on age distribution of children participating in ECEC at ISCED 0 by using a service voucher is not available by one year age groups.
Gender distribution of 0-5-years-old children at ISCED 0 have been estimated based on Statistics Finland's population data. Age distribution of children participating in ECEC at ISCED 0 by using a service voucher have been estimated based on the age distribution of children participating in other private ECEC at ISCED 0 (UOE data, data by the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (KELA)).
Language data Number of languages studied, languages studied. ISCED 1-3 School/academic year 2020-21. Data from the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data and Statistics Finland's data. Total data Data on language studies from the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data and Statistics Finland's data. KOSKI data warehouse data includes information on completed language studies during the school year (not on language study choices) which means that language study data is not available for all students during every school year.   Language study data is produced by monitoring students' language studies during the school year and connecting this data to enrolment data in 20.9. at the beginning of school year (ISCED 1-3). Language study data is partially estimated at upper secondary general and vocational education (ISCED 3) if language study data on total student population has not been available from the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data. KOSKI data warehouse data includes information on completed language studies during the school year (not on language study choices) which means that language study data is not available for all students during every school year.  
3.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available for the next collection.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available for the next collection.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

Not available.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not available.

5.3. Completeness

The extent to which all statistics that are needed are available.


ISCED levels not covered
  Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional enrolments Graduates Education expenditure
Data not covered     Data on ISCED 0.1 Early childhood educational development is missing. Data on teacher aides at ISCED 0.2 Pre-primary education is missing.        
Reasons for unavailable data and, planned actions to improve coverage     Methods to produce missing data are being developed. The missing data are optional in the UOE data collection.        
5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not available.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

Not available.

6.2. Sampling error

Not applicable.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable.

6.3. Non-sampling error

See below.

6.3.1. Coverage error

Divergence between the frame population and the target population.


Vocational training Programmes shorter than one semester
(or Implementation of the semester rule)
Are vocational and technical training programmes in enterprises included in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If Yes, how is the 10% school based component over the whole length of the programme assessed? Do (formal) programmes of shorter duration than one semester, full time equivalent duration as defined nationally, exist (YES/NO)? If Yes, how their duration (shorter than one semester) is assessed? Are all programmes of shorter duration than one semester, full time equivalent duration as defined nationally excluded from the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If NO, how does the coverage deviate from the UOE Manual recommendation?
YES All formal education meets this requirement. NO     YES  



Early childhood education programmes
ISCED 01 programmes Reporting of Age in ISCED 0 Personnel in ISCED 0 What is the starting age of compulsory Primary education (ISCED 1)? This is needed for the calculation of ECE indicators such as 'Pupils aged between 4 years old and the starting age of compulsory education, by sex - as % of the population of the corresponding age group'
Do Early Childhood Educational Development programmes (ISCED 01) exist in the country
If Yes, are these programmes included in the UOE data collection
Are children under the age of 3 reported as participating in ISCED 02 Pre-primary education programmes? (YES/NO) If YES, please explain why. Are Classroom Teachers and Teacher Aides reported separately in the UOE data collection? (YES/NO) If NO, why? How are they reported? What is the minimum level of qualification required to become a Classroom Teacher at ISCED 01 and 02? Please give ISCED level. What is the minimum level of qualification required to become a Teachers’ Aide at ISCED 01 and 02? Please give ISCED level.
 YES  YES  NO    YES/NO  Only Classroom Teachers are reported. Data on Teacher Aides are missing.  ISCED 6 or ISCED 7.  ISCED 3  7 years


Special education needs (SNE) programmes

Are students in special education included in the data provided on enrolments, entrants, graduates and regional data
If NO, could you please specify for which questionnaires and explain why?


Adult education programmes and "continuing education"

Are adult education programmes included in the data? (YES/NO)  If NO, why?  If YES, does the national definition of “adult” or “continuing” education fully comply with the category as defined by the UOE manual? If the national definition of “adult” or “continuing” education programmes does not fully comply with the category as defined by the UOE manual, how it is assessed that the national “adult” or “continuing” programmes are similar or equivalent to corresponding initial education? 
 YES    No. Only adult or continuing education which is leading to formal and officially recognised qualifications and degrees is included in the UOE reporting. These qualifications must be the same or corresponding qualifications/degrees which are given in initial formal education. Other adult or continuing education is excluded from the UOE reporting.  Only adult or continuing education which is leading to formal and officially recognised qualifications and degrees is included in the UOE reporting. These qualifications must be the same or corresponding qualifications/degrees which are given in initial formal education. Other adult or continuing education is excluded from the UOE reporting (by estimation if information is not otherwise available).


Students enrolled in educational institutions organised by ministries other than ministry of education

Do educational programmes organised by Ministries other than Ministry of education exist in the country (YES/NO)?  If Yes, what is the coverage of these programmes in the UOE data collection?  If Yes, and if relevant, which of those programmes are excluded from the UOE data collection?
 YES  E.g. police and firemen programmes (which are under the Ministry of the Interior) and military education programmes (which are under the Ministry of Defence) are included when their content and awarded qualifications correspond qualifications/programmes which are organised by the Ministry of Education and Culture.  Programmes which do not lead to officially recognised qualifications/degrees are not included.


Domestic educational activities Distance learning / e-learning programmes
Are all country’s domestic educational activities reported in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If NO, which domestic educational activity (e.g. for example Distance learning/e-learning involving two countries, commuting students, foreign campus, European administration schools, etc.) are not reported and why? Are distance learning programmes data reported in the UOE questionnaires? (YES / NO / Partially / Not relevant) If NO, please explain why. If Partially, which ones are excluded and for what reasons? If distance students are included in the data, are national distance learners in programmes organised by institutions outside your country excluded?
 NO Data on outlets of foreign educational institutions in Finland are not reported in Finland's UOE data. Data is not available. However the number of enrolments in these is small (e.g. in two outlets of Estonian universities in Finland: Tallinn University and Estonian Business School). Data on schools abroad which are under the jurisdiction of Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture are not reported in Finland's UOE data (e.g. Finnish schools in Estonia and Spain).  YES      YES


Students participating in exchange programmes (credit mobile students) Foreign languages learning
Are students in short term postings (i.e. exchange programmes (credit mobility)) excluded from the population of students in the data collection (YES/NO)? If Yes, how the length of their stay abroad is assessed? If NO, why they are not excluded? Are students with SNE (Special Needs Education) enrolled in special schools excluded from the data on foreign languages? (YES/NO) Apart from SNE pupils, is the scope of the population the same as the total of students enrolled? (YES/NO) If NO, which pupils are not included?
 YES A student must be participating in the programme which leads to a full qualification/degree in Finland to be included. If a student is e.g. only doing few study credits or is on a short-term exchange programme the student is not included.    NO  NO At ISCED 2 pupils in voluntary 10th grade and ISCED 2 adult education students are not included in the language data but are included in the total enrolment data. In ISCED 3 vocational education students in further vocational qualification programmes are excluded in the language data but are included in the total enrolment data.


National programmes not covered by the UOE data collection, by ISCED level - Reasons why they are not covered
Programmes not covered at ISCED 0-Early childhood education Programmes not covered at ISCED 1-primary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 2-lower secondary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 3-upper secondary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 4-post-secondary non-tertiary education Programmes not covered at ISCED 5-short-cycle tertiary education Programmes not covered at ISCED 6– Bachelor's or equivalent level Programmes not covered at at ISCED 7 – Master's or equivalent level Programmes not covered at ISCED 8 – Doctoral or equivalent level


Graduates: unduplicated count
Is the method of unduplicated count used for calculation of Graduates in the UOE data collection
If YES, please explain the method.
 YES First-time graduates are defined based on Statistics Finland's Register of Completed Education and Degrees. The Register of Completed Education and Degrees includes data on all post-comprehensive school (ISCED 2) qualifications and degrees taken in Finland. The Register of Completed Education and Degrees includes also some data on qualifications and degrees taken abroad but the coverage of this data is not complete.

If there is no data on prior qualifications or degrees taken at the ISCED level in question in the Register of Completed Education and Degrees the graduate is classified as a first-time graduate at that level. If there is data on prior qualification or degree at the level in question the graduate is excluded from first-time graduates at that level.

First-time graduates at tertiary level are defined by monitoring if the graduate has a previous degree at tertiary level. If no the graduate is a first-time graduate at tertiary level. The specific ISCED level of the tertiary first-time graduate is defined by the degree the graduate has taken in the year in question.  


Tertiary education programmes (ISCED Levels (5-8)
Orientation of programme in tertiary education Personnel in tertiary education, Academic staff
Does the orientation (general/academic, vocational/professional) in tertiary education (ISCED levels 5 to 7) exist in the country
If YES, what is the national definition of the programme orientation? Are PhD candidates who are employed and hold titles such as teaching assistant, teaching associate, teaching fellow, research assistant reported as academic staff in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)?
 NO    YES Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable. Common units - proportion

Not applicable.

6.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable.

6.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable. Item non-response - rate

Not applicable.

6.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

6.5. Data revision - policy

Not available.

6.6. Data revision - practice

Any change in a value of a statistic released to the public.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Not available.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

Length of time between data availability and the event or phenomenon they describe. Typically includes:


Information related to the latest reference year (academic year t-t+1, or financial year t)
Data collection Post-collection phase Dissemination/publication in your country Additional comments on deadlines and timeliness
Type of data Start date End date Start date End date Start date End date
Data related to students and graduates. September year t October year t October year t April year t+1 April year t+1 October year t+1  
Data related to finance. April year t+1 Different data collection systems. Varies. April year t+1 April t+2 October year t+1 May year t+2  
7.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not available.

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not available.

7.2. Punctuality

See below.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The number of days between the delivery/release date of data and the target date on which they were scheduled for delivery/ release.


Submission dates for the latest reference year (academic year t-t+1, or financial year t)
Deadline for transmission of data: 30 September t+2 Deadline for transmission of data: 30 November of t+2
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure
30 September t+2 30 September t+2 30 September t+2 30 September t+2 30 September t+2 29 November t+1 (calendar year) 29 November t+2


If relevant,reasons for late delivery and action taken or planned for improving punctuality
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

The extent to which statistics are comparable between countries.

A. Deviations between the national methodology and the UOE Manual: non financial data

Reference period Data collection period Reference date for student and personnel ages
  Data collection period for enrolment data is usually 20th September (date near the beginning of school/academic year) but for enrolment in ISCED 3/4 vocational programmes leading to further/specialist vocational qualifications data collection period is the whole calendar year.  Reference date for age in school/academic year 2020-21 was 31.12.2020 and in calendar year 2021 (graduate data) 31.12.2021.


Enrolment: data collection period Enrolment in multiple fields of education Count of students: if relevant, detailed list of variables for which double counting are significant and why. Regional enrolment Foreign languages learning
Data collection period for enrolment data is usually 20th September (date near the beginning of school/academic year) but for enrolment in ISCED 3/4 programmes leading to further/specialist vocational qualifications data collection period is the whole calendar year.  Some enrolment in multiple fields. The number is not significant. Some double counting of students. The number is not significant.     


Entrants New entrants by field of education Graduates from specific programmes Graduates by field of education
    Licentiate degrees are reported at ISCED 8. These are doctorate level advanced research degrees with shorter duration than PhD degrees.  


Educational personnel in work- and school-based combined programmes Educational personnel taxonomy: classroom teachers (ISCED 0-4) and academic staff (ISCED 5-8) Educational staff at ISCED level 0 Educational personnel at ISCED levels 5-8 Educational personnel and temporary replacements
  At ISCED levels 6-8 the data on academic staff includes only instructional personnel (personnel whose main function is instruction or instruction forms a significant part of the time use).
Research personnel is excluded (personnel whose main function is research).
  At ISCED levels 6-8 the data on academic staff includes only instructional personnel (personnel whose main function is instruction or instruction forms a significant part of the time use).
Research personnel is excluded (personnel whose main function is research).


B. Deviations between the national methodology and the UOE Manual: financial data

Expenditure at the pre-primary level - the childcare component
Reference period Expenditure at the pre-primary level: is the childcare component excluded (yes/no/partially)? If yes, which is exactly the share of "day care component" to be excluded from the data on the pre-primary level? If no, which estimation method is used to determine the share? Expenditure for teaching/academic hospitals Ancillary services expenditure Evening child care
   No All expenditure in ECEC centers (day care centers) and in family day care is included in the UOE reporting. The programmes are integrated programmes (combining education and care). According to the UOE instructions expenditure in these programmes should be included fully in the UOE reporting.      


Cost of a dual-system programme to the employer. Adjustment of enrolments in case there is no data on expenditure at the workplace Expenditure for contributions on pension schemes Households' payments for private tutering Student living costs Ancillary services coverage
Included as local government expenditure.   Fully funded system, contributions are included in the expenditure data. Not reported. Data not available. Not reported in UOE Finance H18 Payments outside institutions. Meals, housing and transport offered by educational institutions are reported as ancillary services. 
8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

8.2. Comparability - over time

The extent to which statistics are comparable or reconcilable over time.


Main changes compared to data transmitted for the previous reference period
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure  
Changes in the methodology

The data source on enrolments at ISCED levels 1-2 (and pre-primary education for 6-year-old children at ISCED 0) changed to Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data in school year 2020-21. Previosly data were based on Statistics Finland's data collections. This may cause some differences in the time series and data coverage. Previosly age distribution in comprehensive school programmes for adults (ISCED 1-2) was estimated. The data on age distribution  in comprehensive school programmes for adults (ISCED 1-2) is based on the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data starting from the school year 2020-21.

    The data source for foreign language learning at ISCED levels 1-3 changed to Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data in school year 2020-21. Previosly data were based on Statistics Finland's data collections. This causes some differences in the time series and data coverage. Foreign language learning data is partially estimated at ISCED 3 starting from school year 2020-21. The data source on enrolments at ISCED levels 1-2 (and pre-primary education for 6-year-old children at ISCED 0) changed to Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data in school year 2020-21. Previosly data were based on Statistics Finland's data collections. This may cause some differences in the time series and data coverage. Previosly age distribution in comprehensive school programmes for adults (ISCED 1-2) was estimated. The data on age distribution  in comprehensive school programmes for adults (ISCED 1-2) is based on the Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data starting from the school year 2020-21. The number of credit mobility stays has decreased significantly compared to the previous UOE data reporting (c. 50 %). The main reason for this is the international COVID-19 pandemia and its effects. In addition the change in reporting of the data from higher education institutions has also impact on the results. In some cases higher education institutions had previously included the same credit mobility stay for both ISCED level 6 and ISCED level 7 degrees causing thus some double-counting of credit mobility stays. In the UOE reporting for the calendar year 2021 this double-counting between ISCED levels has been eliminated which also decreases the number of reported credit mobility stays. Due to the change in the reporting the data are not totally comparable to the previous years and there is a break in time series.  
Changes in the methodology

The data source on enrolments at ISCED levels 3-4 changed to Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data in school year 2019-20. Previosly data were based on Statistics Finland's data collections. This may cause some differences in the time series and data coverage. At the same time the reform of vocational education system which started in 2018 was still ongoing and some students were still studying according to the old vocational education system. This may also cause some fluctuation in the results. Due to the changes the data is not wholly comparable to previous years. E.g. data on enrolment in vocational school- and work-based programmes (ISCED 3) is situation in 20 September starting from school year 2019-20. Previously this enrolment data covered the whole school year. 

The change in enrolment between public and government-dependent private institutions in school year 2019-20 is mainly explained by the change in the vocational education system in Finland and the change in the data source for vocational education in Finland. The change between public and government-dependent private institutions on enrolment numbers (public decreases and government-dependent private increases) is mainly caused by the change in the reporting of vocational school- and work-based programmes. Previously all students in vocational school- and work-based programmes were recorded as enrolling in public institutions. Starting from school year 2019-20 information on whether the institution is public or government-dependent private institution is reported. This is a break in time series on the division of ISCED 3 and 4 vocational education enrolment to public and government-dependent private institutions.

The data source on entrants at ISCED levels 3-4 changed to Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data in school year 2019-20. Previosly data were based on Statistics Finland's data collections. This may cause some differences in the time series and data coverage. Due to the changes the data is not wholly comparable to previous years.     The data source on enrolments at ISCED levels 3-4 changed to Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data in school year 2019-20. Previosly data were based on Statistics Finland's data collections. This may cause some differences in the time series and data coverage. At the same time the reform of vocational education system which started in 2018 was still ongoing and some students were still studying according to the old vocational education system. This may also cause some fluctuation in the results. Due to the changes the data is not wholly comparable to previous years. The data source on graduates at ISCED levels 3-4 changed to Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data in 2019. Previosly data were based on Statistics Finland's data collections. This may cause some differences in the time series and data coverage. At the same time the reform of vocational education system which started in 2018 was still ongoing and some students were still studying according to the old vocational education system. This may also cause some fluctuation in the results. Due to the changes the data is not wholly comparable to previous years.  

The data source on enrolments at ISCED levels 3-4 changed to Finnish National Agency for Education's KOSKI data warehouse data in school year 2019-20. Previously data were based on Statistics Finland's data collections. This causes some differences in the data on expenditure per student especially for ISCED 3-4 vocational education. E.g. data on enrolment in vocational school- and work-based programmes (ISCED 3) is the situation in 20 September starting from the school year 2019-20. Previously this data covered the whole school year. The changes increase expenditure per student at ISCED 3-4 vocational education.

The change between public and government-dependent private institutions on enrolment numbers in vocational education in school year 2019-20 (public decreases and government-dependent private increases) is mainly caused by the change in the reporting of vocational school- and work-based programmes. Previously all students in vocational school- and work-based programmes were recorded as enrolling in public institutions. Starting from school year 2019-20 information on whether the institution is public or government-dependent private institution is reported. This is a break in time series on the division of ISCED 3 and 4 vocational education enrolment to public and government-dependent private institutions and on expenditure per student. At the same time the reform of vocational education system which started in 2018 was still ongoing and some students were still studying according to the old vocational education system. This may also cause some fluctuation in the results. 

Changes in the methodology Class size data are based on Statistics Finland's data collection in school year 2019-20 on number of classes and pupils in comprehensive school (ISCED 1-2). Previously class size data has been based on Statistics Finland's teacher data collection data on group sizes which has been collected every three years.            
Changes in the educational system Finland's vocational education system (ISCED 3 voc., ISCED 4 voc.) was revised in 2018. This had impact on legislation, qualification system, financing, monitoring and provision of vocational education. The changes affect the data from school year 2018-19 and calendar year 2018 onwards. Due to the changes in the vocational education system the data is not wholly comparable to previous years. Finland's vocational education system (ISCED 3 voc., ISCED 4 voc.) was revised in 2018. This had impact on legislation, qualification system, financing, monitoring and provision of vocational education. The changes affect the data from school year 2018-19 and calendar year 2018 onwards. Due to the changes in the vocational education system the data is not wholly comparable to previous years. Finland's vocational education system (ISCED 3 voc., ISCED 4 voc.) was revised in 2018. This had impact on legislation, qualification system, financing, monitoring and provision of vocational education. The changes affect the data from school year 2018-19 and calendar year 2018 onwards. Due to the changes in the vocational education system the data is not wholly comparable to previous years. Finland's vocational education system (ISCED 3 voc., ISCED 4 voc.) was revised in 2018. This had impact on legislation, qualification system, financing, monitoring and provision of vocational education. The changes affect the data from school year 2018-19 and calendar year 2018 onwards. Due to the changes in the vocational education system the data is not wholly comparable to previous years. Finland's vocational education system (ISCED 3 voc., ISCED 4 voc.) was revised in 2018. This had impact on legislation, qualification system, financing, monitoring and provision of vocational education. The changes affect the data from school year 2018-19 and calendar year 2018 onwards. Due to the changes in the vocational education system the data is not wholly comparable to previous years. Finland's vocational education system (ISCED 3 voc., ISCED 4 voc.) was revised in 2018. This had impact on legislation, qualification system, financing, monitoring and provision of vocational education. The changes affect the data from school year 2018-19 and calendar year 2018 onwards. Due to the changes in the vocational education system the data is not wholly comparable to previous years. Finland's vocational education system (ISCED 3 voc., ISCED 4 voc.) was revised in 2018. This had impact on legislation, qualification system, financing, monitoring and provision of vocational education. The changes affect the data from school year 2018-19 and calendar year 2018 onwards. Due to the changes in the vocational education system the data is not wholly comparable to previous years.
Changes in the educational system Due to the reform of vocational education system in 2018 (ISCED 3 voc., ISCED 4 voc.) initial and adult education can't be separated in vocational education. Therefore in ENRL9 vocational adult education (ISCED 3 voc, ISCED 4 voc.) is not reported in school year 2018-19 as was done in previous years. Adult education in ISCED 3 includes only adult education in upper secondary general education in school year 2018-2019. The data (ISCED 3, ISCED 4) in ENRL9 in school year 2018-19 is not comparable to previous years.            
Changes in methodology             The data on capital expenditure in central government's and government-dependent private schools are based on data from the Finnish National Agency for Education. Previously data were estimated. The impact of the change is not significant.
Changes in the methodology The number of enrolments at ISCED 3 vocational education decreased 13 % compared to the previous year. This was caused partly by the change in the methodology for the definition of enrolments in ISCED 3 vocational education. Previously the enrolment data for school-based vocational education leading to vocational qualification was recorded in 20.9. and for competence-based vocational education leading to vocational qualifications the enrolment data were recorded during the whole calendar year. In school year 2018-19 both are recorded in 20.9. The number of new entrants at ISCED 3 vocational education decreased 5 % compared to the previous year. This was caused partly by the change in the methodology for the definition of new entrants in ISCED 3 vocational education. Previously the new entrants data for school-based vocational education leading to vocational qualification was recorded in 20.9. and for competence-based vocational education leading to vocational qualifications the new entrants data were recorded during the whole calendar year. In school year 2018-19 both are recorded in 20.9.     The number of enrolments at ISCED 3 vocational education decreased 13 % compared to the previous year. This was caused partly by the change in the methodology for the definition of enrolments in ISCED 3 vocational education. Previously the enrolment data for school-based vocational education leading to vocational qualification was recorded in 20.9. and for competence-based vocational education leading to vocational qualifications the enrolment data were recorded during the whole calendar year. In school year 2018-19 both are recorded in 20.9.    
Other changes             Student financial aid decreased significantly in 2017 (UOE 2019) compared to the previous year (Finance 1, C10). Starting from 1.8.2017 students are entitled to general housing allowance irrespective their student status. This benefit is not included in the student financial aid. Previosly students received housing supplement related to their student status and this benefit was included in the student financial aid. Thus data on student financial aid before and after 1.8.2017 are not totally comparable.
Changes in the educational system   In academic year 2017-18 (UOE 2019) the number of international new entrants at ISCED 6, 7 and 5 to 7 (unduplicated count) decreased by 11%, 32% and 22% respectively compared to the previous year. Possible explanation for the decrease in number of international entrants to levels ISCED 6 and 7 is the introduction of tuition fees for students coming outside EU/EEA area starting in academic year 2017-18.          
Changes in the methodology          

In calendar year 2018 (UOE 2019) credit mobility data the degrees taken in the joint and double degree programmes are excluded from the data if the graduate’s country of origin is not Finland (based on the country of upper secondary qualification). This has some impact (although not significant) on the results.

Changes in the methodology             Expenditures from international sources were reported for the first time separately in UOE Finance 2018 (data for the year 2016). Previously expenditures from international sources were included in financing from central and local government.
Changes in the methodology             Payments outside educational institutions (H18) were reported for the first time in UOE Finance 2018 (data for the year 2016). Previously this data was missing.
Changes in the educational system       The number of pupils studying Swedish at ISCED 1 over tripled in school year 2016-17 compared to the previous year. This was due to the change in the structure of language studies in Finland. The mandatory studies in Swedish/Finnish as a second language start in the 6th grade starting from the school year 2016-17. These studies started previously in the 7th grade (ISCED 2). This causes a significant increase in the number of pupils studying Swedish at ISCED 1 and in language studies overall at ISCED 1.      
Changes in the educational system

Enrolment in government-dependent private institutions increased 15% in school/academic year 2015-16 at ISCED 6 and 27% at ISCED 7 compared to the previous year. This was caused by the change of three universities of applied sciences (polytechnics) from public institutions to government-dependent private institutions. Enrolment in public institutions at ISCED 6/7 decreased correspondingly.

Changes in the coverage

Enrolment in government-dependent private institutions at ISCED 01 Early childhood educational developent increased by 71% and enrolment in government-dependent private institutions at ISCED 02 Pre-primary increased by 50% in school/academic year 2015-16 compared to the previous year.

The increase was caused by the improved coverage of the data on government-dependent private institutions at ISCED 0. In UOE 2017 (school/academic year 2015-16) based on the improved coverage of the national data collection by the National Institute for Health and Welfare also children enrolled in private ECEC with a service voucher are covered in the data. This data has not been available previously. The improved coverage increases also total number of children at ISCED 0.

Changes in the educational system At ISCED 7 specialist's degrees in medicine and dentistry are not formal education degrees starting from school/academic year 2015-2016 and thus are not reported in the UOE data collection.         At ISCED 7 specialist's degrees in medicine and dentistry are not formal education degrees starting from year 2015 and thus are not reported in the UOE data collection.    
Changes in the educational system Enrolment in government-dependent private institutions increased over 30% in school/academic year 2014-15 at ISCED 6/7 compared to previous year. This was caused by the change of several universities of applied sciences (polytechnics) from public institutions to government-dependent private institutions. Enrolment in public institutions at ISCED 6/7 decreased correspondingly.           Expenditure on government-dependent private institutions increased around 30% in 2014 at ISCED 6-8 compared to previous year. This was caused by the change of several universities of applied sciences (polytechnics) from public institutions to government-dependent private institutions. Expenditure on public institutions at ISCED 6-8 decreased correspondingly.  
Changes in the methodology             The estimation method for the expenditure on education leading to further vocational qualifications in specialised vocational institutes (ISCED 3/4) was revised in 2014 finance data. The change did not have substantial impact on the reported expenditure at ISCED 3/4 (estimated impact 0.3% on ISCED 3/4 total expenditure).  
Changes in the coverage At ISCED 0 inclusion of children under 3 years and inclusion of family day care according to ISCED 2011 (starting from school/academic year 2012-13). ISCED 3 and ISCED 4 levels have been included in the reporting of new entrants (starting from school / academic year 2012-13).   Data on ISCED 3 vocational education has been included based on new data collection data (starting from school / academic year 2012-13). At ISCED 0 inclusion of children under 3 years and inclusion of family day care according to ISCED 2011 (starting from school / academic year 2012-13).   At ISCED 0 inclusion of expenditure on children under 3 years and inclusion of expenditure on family day care according to ISCED 2011 (starting from school/academic year 2012-13).  
Changes in the methodology Home coming mobile students are included in mobile students according to the new UOE instructions.

The definition of mobile students at ISCED 8 has been changed. Previously the prior education which was taken into account was ISCED 6/7. Now the prior education which is taken into account for ISCED 8 is ISCED 3 which is according to the new UOE instructions (above mentioned change in methodology has been applied starting from school/academic year 2012-13).

Methodology for netting out of previous studies has changed. Previously a student was netted out from new entrants if he or she had taken a qualification / degree at the level in question or been a new student at the level in question (individual-based register data starting from 1995).

Starting from UOE 2014 a student is netted out from new entrants if he or she has taken a qualification / degree at the level in question or been a student at the level in question (individual-based register data starting from 1995).

The change in the methodology decreases the number of new entrants compared to the previous methodology (above mentioned change in methodology has been applied starting from school/academic year 2012-13).

  Methodology for data reporting for ISCED 3 general education has changed. Previously data on language choises at ISCED 3 general education was based on graduation data at the end of studies. Now data are based on data on language choises of all ISCED 3 general education students. Data are collected annually.

The change in methodology decreases the number of languages studied compared to the previous methodology (above mentioned change in methodology has been applied starting from school/academic year 2012-13).

  Home coming mobile graduates are included in mobile graduates according to the new UOE instructions.

The definition of mobile graduates at ISCED 8 has been changed. Previously the prior education which was taken into account was ISCED 6/7. Now the prior education which is taken into account for ISCED 8 is ISCED 3 which is according to the new UOE instructions (above mentioned change in methodology has been applied starting from school/academic year 2012-13).

Other changes                


Main changes over time
Type of data Detailed variables concerned Reference year(s) Changes in the educational system Changes in the coverage Changes in the methodology Other changes
Personnel data The definition of public institutions / private institutions for teacher data. School/academic year 2011-12    

The method for the definition of public institutions/private institutions for teacher data has been changed from the previous year.
The new definition is based on the Classification of Sectors which is based on the European System of Accounts (ESA 1995). Previous definition was based on national definition in Employment statistics data.
Especially in tertiary education this change has significant impact on the public/private sector division of teachers (private sector increases). In ISCED 3/4 vocational programmes the proportion of teachers in private institutions increases from 16 % to 19 % of all teachers in vocational programmes at ISCED 3/4 compared to the previous reporting method. The proportion of teachers in private institutions increases from 7 % to 25 % of all teachers in ISCED 5A/6 programmes compared to the previous reporting method.

Enrolment data ISCED 0 enrolment in private day care centres School/academic year 2011-12     Data on children in private day care centres (kindergartens) at ISCED 0 has been estimated in school year 2011-12. The estimation is based on data collected in school year 2010-11. Data on school year 2011-12 is not available. It is difficult to estimate the impact of the change in the methodology but the impact should not be very significant. The total number of children in private day care centres is circa 16000 children. This is approximately 10 % of total enrolment at ISCED 0.  
Entrants ISCED 6 new entrants School/academic year 2010-11   Data on ISCED 6 new entrants was reported for the first time in academic year 2010-11. This data was based on new data collected from the universities by Statistics Finland on the year when ISCED 6 students have obtained the study right for ISCED 6 studies. This made possible to report new entrants data at ISCED 6.    
Finance Expenditure at ISCED 5A/6 and central government funding at ISCED 0-2. 2010 Legislation on universities changed in 2010. Based on the new University Act the legal position and funding of universities was reformed. The autonomy of universities was extended and they were given independent legal personality, either as public corporations or as foundations. Also the management and decision-making system of universities was reformed. This change has impact on data reporting on university expenditure. Due to the changes the university expenditure are not totally comparable with the previous years.
The state funding system for pre-primary and comprehensive school education (ISCED 0-2) was reformed in 2010. Funding for pre-primary and comprehensive school education are now allocated as a part of the general central government funding for municipalities and private service providers. The system includes also social and health sector state funding. Funding is allocated by the Ministry of Finance as previously pre-primary and comprehensive school education funding was allocated by the Ministry of Education. The change in the system has an impact on data reporting as the educational funding must be separated from other funding by different methodology than in the previous years. Due to this data on central government funding are not totally comparable with the previous years at ISCED levels 0-2. 
Regional data ISCED 0-2 regional data School/academic year 2010-11     The regional and age/gender distribution of pre-primary education (ISCED 0) and comprehensive school education (ISCED 1 and 2) are reported. These data were not reported previously. The data are partially estimated. The estimation is based on existing data on regional and age/gender distribution of pupils. Age/gender distribution by region has been estimated in cases when data by one year age groups and by gender has not been available.  
Regional data The new NUTS 2012 classification has been used in this questionaire. School/academic year 2010-11       The new NUTS 2012 classification has been used in this questionaire.
Graduate data Number of graduates at ISCED 5A second and further degree graduations Calendar year 2010 The number of ISCED 5A second and further degree graduations increased by 34 % (4146 graduations) compared to previous year. The increase is partly explained by the revision of university degree structure (the introduction of the two-tier Bologna process structures). The revision was implemented in most of the fields during the year 2008 at the latest but in engineering and medical fields it was possible to study according to the old curriculum until the year 2010. The ending of the possibility to graduate according to the old study curriculum increased the number of graduations in the fields of engineering and health in 2010 which explains partly the overall increase in the number of graduations in ISCED 5A second degrees. The increase in fields Engineering, manufacturing and construction and Health and welfare was 2316 graduations which is 56 % of the overall increase in graduations in ISCED 5A second and further degrees.       
Finance data Expenditure on government-dependent private institutions Financial year 2009 Expenditure for government-dependent private institutions at ISCED 3/4 vocational education increased by 26.7 % compared to previous year. This change has been caused by the increase in enrolment in government-dependent private institutions at ISCED 3/4 vocational ecucation. Enrolment in ISCED 3/4 government-dependent vocational institutions at ISCED 3/4 vocational education increased from 43514 to 52503 students (by 20.7 %) compared to previous year (school/academic year 2009-2010 compared to school/academic year 2008-2009). 
At the same time central government expenditure on ISCED 3/4 vocational education decreased by 32.8 %. This is explained by the decrease in enrolment in central government public institutions at ISCED 3/4 vocational education. Enrolment in these institutions decreased from 1103 to 2035 students (by 45.8 %) compared to previous year (school/academic year 2009-2010 compared to school/academic year 2008-2009).    
Graduate data Number of first and second degree graduates at ISCED 5A Calendar year 2009     Year 2008 was the last year when university students could graduate according to the old pre-Bologna process study programmes (exceptions are programmes in technical fields and in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine where graduation is possible until 2010). This means that in 2009 most of the graduates graduated from the new study programmes according to the Bologna process specifications (the two-tier degree structure at ISCED 5A).  
In the UOE 2010 reporting (graduates/graduations in calendar year 2009) this has been taken into account by changing the reporting of long (5-6-years) Master level programmes. Previously graduates/graduations from these programmes have been reported as first ISCED 5A degrees in the UOE reporting. In 2009 graduates/graduations from these programmes are reported as second ISCED 5A degrees. 
This change of the reporting decreases the number of first ISCED 5A degrees and increases the number of second ISCED 5A degrees compared to previous years.
Enrolment Mobile students School/academic year 2007-2008     Mobile students are defined differently than in previous years. Previously homecoming nationals (students who are Finnish citizens but have taken their prior education outside Finland) were included in the number of mobile students. In UOE 2009 data (school/academic year 2007-2008)homecoming nationals are excluded from the number of mobile students.
This reflects the change in UOE data collection instructions implemented in UOE 2009 data collection. Previously instructions stated that all students with prior education taken abroad had to be included in the number of mobile students but starting from UOE 2009 data collection instructions state that citizens of the host country should be excluded from the number of mobile students even if their prior education has been taken abroad.  
Graduate data Number of graduates Calandar year 2008 Year 2008 was the last year when university students could graduate according to the old pre-Bologna process study programmes (exceptions are programmes in technical fields and in medicine, dentistry and veterinary medicine where graduation is possible until 2010).
This increased the number of graduates/graduations considerably at ISCED 5A level. E.g the number of first-time graduates at ISCED 5A was 41770 in 2008 compared to 32248 in 2007. This means an increase of 30 % from the previous year. It is likely that graduate numbers decrease in 2009 from the high level of the year 2008. The number of graduates at ISCED 5A was 55099 in 2008 compared to 40282 in year 2007 (an increase of 37 % from the previous year). The number of graduations at ISCED 5A was 58072 in 2008 compared to 41293 in year 2007 (an increase of 41 % from the previous year). 
Graduate data Mobile graduates Calendar year 2008     Graduated mobile students are defined differently than in previous years. Previously homecoming nationals (graduates who are Finnish citizens but have taken their prior education outside Finland) were included in the number of graduated mobile students. In UOE 2009 data (calendar year 2008) homecoming nationals are excluded from the number of graduated mobile students.
This reflects the change in UOE data collection instructions implemented in UOE 2009 data collection. Previously instructions stated that all graduated mobile students with prior education taken abroad had to be included in the number of graduated mobile students but starting from UOE 2009 data collection instructions state that citizens of the host country should be excluded from the number of graduated mobile students even if their prior education has been taken abroad.  
Personnel data Distribution of teachers to ISCED levels 1 and 2 School/academic year 2007-2008     The method for the estimation of the distribution of educational personnel in comprehensive schools to ISCED levels 1 and 2 has been changed. The estimation is now based on Statistics Finland's teacher data collection for the school year 2007-2008. The data collection was done in March 2008 and it covered all comprehensive school teachers and head masters. The answer rate was approximately 87%. Previosly the estimation was based on the distribution of personnel by school-based data in Statistics Finland's Register of Educational Institutions.
The method for the estimation of the distribution of teacher aides in comprehensive schools to ISCED levels 1 and 2 has also been changed. The estimation is now based on occupation specific register data in Statistics Finland's Employment Register by Standard Industrial Classification. Previosly the estimation was based on the distribution of personnel by school-based data in Statistics Finland's Register of Educational Institutions. 
Personnel data Academic staff, ISCED 5A/6 School/academic year 2005-2006     At ISCED levels 5-6 the data on academic staff includes only instructional personnel.
Research personnel is excluded (personnel whose main function is research). Previously also research personnel was included in the academic staff at ISCED levels 5-6.
Enrolment Number of students, ISCED 3/4 vocational education School/academic year 2004-2005   Data collection on programmes preparing for competence-based qualifications/skills examinations covers all students enrolled during the calendar year starting from school/academic year 2004-2005. Previously these data covered students enrolled in 20th September. Programmes preparing for competence-based qualifications/skills examinations include programmes preparing for initial vocational qualifications taken as competence-based qualifications/skills examinations (ISCED 3 vocational), programmes preparing for further vocational qualifications (ISCED 3 vocational) and programmes preparing for specialist vocational qualifications (ISCED 4 vocational). 
The improved coverage for these programmes increases the number of students in ISCED level 3 vocational and ISCED level 4 vocational programmes. 
Enrolment, graduates, finance ISCED 5B enrolment, graduates, expenditure School/academic years in the beginning of 2000s The programmes at ISCED 5B were being phased out in early 2000s. Enrolment, graduate numbers and expenditure in 5B programmes decreased rapidly due to this in early 2000s.       
Graduates Graduate numbers at ISCED 6 Calendar year 2003     Graduate numbers at ISCED 6 were reported as unduplicated counts until UOE 2004 (data for calendar year 2002).
Starting from UOE 2005 (data for calendar year 2003) all ISCED 6 graduates are reported in graduate data.
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Not available.

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

The extent to which statistics are reconcilable with those obtained through other data sources or statistical domains.


Name of the national publication Coherence issues

UOE based figures differ in some respects from national statistics although they are mainly based on the same national data collections. These differences are due to the fact that UOE instructions differ in some respects from national statistical system. UOE data are processed in order to comply with the UOE instructions before reporting to UIS, OECD and Eurostat.
Education statistics published by Statistics Finland:


Data are usually coherent with the national statistics but as mentioned
international definitions and concepts differ in some respects from national data.
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not available.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

The extent to which statistics are reconcilable with National Accounts.


Calculation method Scope of education
Differences are based on the general differences of the methodology in the UOE reporting and National Accounts. University expenditure is mainly based on National Accounts data in Finnish UOE reporting which makes it the most reconcilable data between the different data systems. Differences are based on general differences on the scope of education in the UOE data collection and National Accounts. Finnish UOE reporting follows UOE reporting guidelines on the scope of education.
8.6. Coherence - internal

Not available.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

Not available.

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not available.

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Not available.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not available.

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not available.

9.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available.

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Not available.

9.7. Quality management - documentation

Not available.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not available.

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

Not available.

10. Cost and Burden Top

Indication of the cost associated with the collection and production of a statistical product and burden on respondents.


Time spent (in working days) Comments
Circa 60 full-time working days (circa 3 working months) Only work directly involved with the completion of UOE data collection tables and the validitation process of UOE data collection tables is included in this estimate. All data collections on which UOE data are based are excluded from the estimate. All development work concerning UOE data production is also excluded.

Annex 1: Provisions for language learning 2022 - Finland
Annex 2: ISCED Mapping 2021 (UOE 2022) for Finland

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

Not available.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Not available.

12. Comment Top

No comment.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Annex 1 - Provisions for language learning 2021 – Finland
Annex 2 - ISCED Mapping for schoolyear 2020/2021 (UOE2022) – Finland