Structure of earnings survey 2014 (earn_ses2014)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Netherlands

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Netherlands

1.2. Contact organisation unit


1.5. Contact mail address

P.O. Box 24500
2490 HA The Hague

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

[Not requested]

2.2. Classification system

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

2.5. Statistical unit

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

2.6. Statistical population

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

2.7. Reference area

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

2.8. Coverage - Time

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

2.9. Base period

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

For the 2010 SES the following sources were used:

  1. Annual Survey on Employment and Earnings (ASEE 2014);
  2. Population Register (PR 2014; in Dutch: Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie persoonsgegevens, GBA);
  3. Labour Force Survey (LFS 2013, 2014 and 2015; in Dutch: Enquête beroepsbevolking, EBB).


1. Annual Survey on Employment and Earnings (ASEE 2014)

Data of ASEE have formed the core for the SES. The ASEE contains information about earnings and working hours of all individual employees as well as some characteristics of their jobs. In addition a number of variables (economic activity, geographical location, size of the enterprise) were taken from Statistics Netherlands’ General Business Register (GBR; in Dutch: Algemeen Bedrijfsregister, ABR). For the GBR Statistics Netherlands (SN) receives monthly information from three registers, which are kept by the Chambers of Commerce and the Social Security Board. This information relates to:

  • newly registered legal units;
  • existing legal units and local units removed from registration;
  • changes in address;
  • changes in principle kind of activity of units;
  • changes in persons employed by units.


2. Population Register (PR 2014; in Dutch: Gemeentelijke Basisadministratie persoonsgegevens, GBA)

The Population Register (PR) contains demographic information on every inhabitant of the Netherlands. The PR is built from the municipal population registers, which are of outstanding quality nowadays. Municipalities have a major incentive to record all their inhabitants because the allocation of central government funds is mainly based on population size.

The Population Register (PR) is used for: 

  • the variables age and sex;
  • grossing up LFS (2013 + 2014 + 2015) to the PR-population October 2014;
  • and micro-linkage: ASEE-PR,  LFS-PR  and  ASEE(PR)-LFS(PR).


3. Labour Force Survey (LFS 2013, 2014 and 2015; in Dutch: Enquête beroepsbevolking, EBB).

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a household sample survey. It is needed for information that is not available in registers. It contains variables of interest for the SES such as occupation and educational attainment levels. The LFS is a survey on private households, in which the survey population is restricted to persons aged 15 years and older. It is a continuous survey, meaning that sampling and surveying of persons is spread throughout the year. The sample size is actually quite small; yearly some 90 thousand persons are sampled, which is approximately 0.7 percent of the total population.

3.2. Frequency of data collection

[Not requested]

3.3. Data collection

[Not requested]

3.4. Data validation

[Not requested]

3.5. Data compilation

For grossing up the SES data SN made use of data from the new ASEE.

3.6. Adjustment

[Not requested]

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

Not available.
New concept added with the migration to SIMS 2.0.
Information (content) will be available after the next collection.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

[Not requested]

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

Not available

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not available

5.3. Completeness

[Not requested]

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

[Not requested]

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

[Not requested]

6.2. Sampling error

not available at the moment

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Coefficients of variation (CV), standard deviation (s, square root of the variance) and mean are listed in tables 1 and 2. In table 1 for variable B42 ‘Gross earnings in the reference month’ and in table 2 for variable B43 ‘Average gross hourly earnings in the reference month’. The key-variables, B42 and B43, are broken down to:

- full-time (separately for men and women) and part-time employees,

- economic activity (NACE Rev.2),

- occupation (ISCO-08 at the 1-digit level),

- age band,

- geographical location (NUTS level 1),

- highest level of education (ISCED 2011),

- size of enterprise.


Table 1. Gross monthly earnings

    CV s Mean
Total   0.2 4 2395
Full-time employees
  Male 0.2 9 3665
  Female 0.4 13 3089
Economic activity
  B Mining and quarrying 4 181 4503
  C Manufacturing 0.5 14 2993
  D Electricity, gas, steam and air condition supply 2 88 4373
  E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation 2 61 2999
  F Construction 0.6 20 3166
  G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles .. 0.5 9 1836
  H Transport and storage 0.8 19 2508
  I Accommodation and food service activities 1.1 10 979
  J Information and communication 0.9 34 3676
  K Financial and insurance activities 0.9 37 4055
  L Real estate activities 1.7 51 3037
  M Professional, scientific and technical activities 0.7 24 3469
  N Administrative and support service activities 0.7 11 1592
  O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 0.4 13 3210
  P Education 0.5 12 2543
  Q Human health and social work activities 0.4 8 2036
  R Arts, entertainment and recreation 1.8 29 1588
  S Other services activities 1.4 28 1998
  Armed forces occupations 2.7 78 2886
  Managers 0.6 31 4940
  Professionals 0.3 11 3284
  Technicians and associate professionals 0.4 11 2600
  Clerical support workers 0.5 10 1986
  Service and sales workers 0.5 6 1332
  Skilled agricultural, forestry an fishery workers 1.9 33 1730
  Craft and related trades workers 0.5 12 2345
  Plant and machine operators and assemblers 0.8 16 2057
  Elementary occupations 0.9 9 970
  1 15-19 Years 1.4 4 284
  2 20-29 Years 0.4 6 1518
  3 30-39 Years 0.4 9 2618
  4 40-49 Years 0.4 11 2969
  5 50-59 Years 0.4 11 2945
  6 60 Years and over 0.8 21 2594
Geographical location
  NL1 Noord-Nederland 0.7 15 2053
  NL2 Oost-Nederland 0.5 10 2161
  NL3 West-Nederland 0.3 7 2576
  NL4 Zuid-Nederland 0.5 11 2249
Highest level of education
  G1 Basic 0.5 9 1766
  G2 Secondary 0.3 6 2015
  G3 Tertiary (up to 4years) 0.4 9 2584
  G4 Tertiary (more than 4years) 0.5 21 3903
Size of the enterprise
  E1_9 0.7 15 2021
  E10_49 0.6 12 2203
  E50_249 0.5 12 2548
  E250_499 0.7 18 2589
  E500_999 0.7 17 2547
  E1000 0.3 8 2482
  F Female 0.2 4 1783
  M Male 0.2 6 2955
Full-time or part-time employees
  FT Full-time employees 0.2 7 3532
  PT Part-time employees 0.3 4 1433



Table 2. Average gross hourly earnings

    CV s Mean
Total 0.1 0.02 17.93
Full-time employees
  Male 0.2 0.05 21.42
  Female 0.4 0.08 18.86
Economic activity
  B Mining and quarrying 3.9 1.05 26.83
  C Manufacturing 0.4 0.09 19.03
  D Electricity, gas, steam and air condition supply 1.9 0.50 26.46
  E Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation 1.8 0.34 19.08
  F Construction 0.6 0.12 19.49
  G Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles .. 0.4 0.06 14.07
  H Transport and storage 0.7 0.12 17.37
  I Accommodation and food service activities 0.7 0.07 9.90
  J Information and communication 0.9 0.20 22.90
  K Financial and insurance activities 0.8 0.23 26.73
  L Real estate activities 1.7 0.38 21.64
  M Professional, scientific and technical activities 0.6 0.14 22.79
  N Administrative and support service activities 0.5 0.07 13.50
  O Public administration and defence; compulsory social security 0.4 0.09 22.32
  P Education 0.4 0.08 21.51
  Q Human health and social work activities 0.3 0.06 18.61
  R Arts, entertainment and recreation 1.4 0.21 15.25
  S Other services activities 1.4 0.24 16.85
  Armed forces occupations 2.3 0.40 17.24
  Managers 0.6 0.17 30.78
  Professionals 0.3 0.06 23.72
  Technicians and associate professionals 0.3 0.06 19.16
  Clerical support workers 0.3 0.05 15.57
  Service and sales workers 0.3 0.04 12.72
  Skilled agricultural, forestry an fishery workers 1.4 0.18 12.74
  Craft and related trades workers 0.5 0.07 15.04
  Plant and machine operators and assemblers 0.5 0.08 14.25
  Elementary occupations 0.5 0.05 10.50
  1 15-19 Years 1.0 0.06 6.23
  2 20-29 Years 0.3 0.04 12.70
  3 30-39 Years 0.3 0.05 18.58
  4 40-49 Years 0.3 0.06 21.12
  5 50-59 Years 0.3 0.06 21.27
  6 60 Years and over 0.7 0.14 20.88
Geographical location
  NL1 Noord-Nederland 0.5 0.09 16.47
  NL2 Oost-Nederland 0.3 0.06 16.69
  NL3 West-Nederland 0.2 0.04 18.90
  NL4 Zuid-Nederland 0.4 0.06 17.00
Highest level of education
  G1 Basic 0.3 0.05 13.74
  G2 Secondary 0.2 0.03 15.44
  G3 Tertiary (up to 4years) 0.3 0.05 19.54
  G4 Tertiary (more than 4years) 0.4 0.12 27.11
Size of the enterprise
  E1_9 0.5 0.08 16.22
  E10_49 0.4 0.07 15.87
  E50_249 0.4 0.07 18.11
  E250_499 0.6 0.10 18.93
  E500_999 0.5 0.10 19.14
  E1000 0.2 0.05 18.99
  F Female 0.2 0.03 16.18
  M Male 0.2 0.04 19.54
Full-time or part-time employees
  FT Full-time employees 0.2 0.04 20.83
  PT Part-time employees 0.2 0.03 15.48
6.3. Non-sampling error

not available at the moment

6.3.1. Coverage error

The 2014 SES of the Netherlands is not based on a single questionnaire but on a combination of three sources: the population register (PR 2014; in Dutch: De Basisregistratie Personen (BRP)) the Labour Force Survey (LFS; in Dutch: Enquête Beroepsbevolking, EBB) and a Annual Survey on Employment and Earnings (ASEE)

The ASEE 2014 is based on, a combination of, the ‘Register of persons insured under employee insurance schemes’ (in Dutch: Polisadministratie) and the ‘Tax register of earnings’.


This register contains information about earnings and working hours of all individual employees, working or living in the Netherlands, as well as some characteristics of their jobs .


There is always a certain time lag between changes and the updating of the information in a register. The conclusion can be drawn that because of the way of updating (monthly) and the extra work that was done to overcome certain "shortcomings" of misclassification, under-coverage and over-coverage do not strongly influence the SES results.


Population 2014 SES of the Netherlands:

  • jobs of employees, aged 14 years and over
  • who have an employment contract in reference month (October)
  • and received remuneration during the reference month
  • all size classes are covered, included enterprises with fewer than 10 employees (except enterprises without employees)
  • and in the areas of economic activity defined by section B-S of NACE (Rev.2). Over-coverage - rate

not applicable Common units - proportion

[Not requested]

6.3.2. Measurement error

For the 2014 SES the following sources were used:

1. Annual Survey on Employment and Earnings (ASEE 2014);

2. Population Register (PR 2014; in Dutch: De Basisregistratie Personen (BRP));

3. Labour Force Survey (LFS 2013, 2014 and 2015; in Dutch: Enquête beroepsbevolking, EBB).

Data of ASEE have formed the core for the SES. The ASEE contains information about earnings and working hours of all individual employees as well as some characteristics of their jobs. In addition a number of variables (economic activity, geographical location, size of the enterprise) were taken from Statistics Netherlands’ General Business Register (GBR; in Dutch: Algemeen Bedrijfsregister, ABR). For the GBR Statistics Netherlands (SN) receives monthly information from three registers, which are kept by the Chambers of Commerce and the Social Security Board. This information relates to:
- newly registered legal units;
- existing legal units and local units removed from registration;
- changes in address;
- changes in principle kind of activity of units;
To compensate for "shortcomings" in the administrative registers the GBR sends questionnaires to all units that are newly registered or for which the activity code has been changed by the registers. On the basis of this information the legal units can be turned into meaningful statistical units.


The Population Register (PR) contains demographic information on every inhabitant of the Netherlands. The PR is built from the municipal population registers, which are of outstanding quality nowadays. Municipalities have a major incentive to record all their inhabitants because the allocation of central government funds is mainly based on population size. Even though the PR seeks to optimally record every person in the population, it is by no means perfect (homeless people, illegal residents, people may emigrate and forget to notify the authorities, persons are registered at separate addresses but actually live together).


The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a household sample survey. It is needed for information that is not available in registers. It contains variables of interest for the SES such as occupation and educational attainment levels. The LFS is a survey on private households, in which the survey population is restricted to persons aged 15 years and older. It is a continuous survey, meaning that sampling and surveying of persons is spread throughout the year. The sample size is actually quite small, considering the requested level of detail; yearly some 90 thousand persons are sampled, which is approximately 0.7 per cent of the total population. The consequence is that estimations for small subpopulations at a detailed level may be unreliable or even impossible. For this reason three LFS-surveys, 2013, 2014 and 2015, were joined to create more mass for the SES compilation process. In general the above mentioned LFS variables are relatively stable in time, so that it can be assumed that they represent the situation at reference date without much error.

The Population Register (PR) is used for:

- the variables age and sex;

- grossing up LFS (2013 + 2014 + 2015) to the PR-population of October 2014;

- and micro-linkage: ASEE-PR, LFS-PR and ASEE(PR)-LFS(PR).

Most of the present administrative registers are provided with a unique linkage key. BSN-number ( in Dutch: Burgerservicenummer), a personal identifier for every (registered) Dutch inhabitant and those abroad who receive an income from the Netherlands and have to pay tax on it to the Dutch fiscal authorities. Statistics Netherlands recodes the BSN-number for statistical processing into a so-called Record Identification Number (in accordance with regulations of the Dutch Data Protection Authority to protect the privacy of the citizens). A limited amount of BSN-numbers may be registered with incorrect values in the data files, in which case linkage with other files may fail. However, in general, the percentage of matches is close to one hundred per cent.


For grossing up the SES data SN made use of data from the new ASEE.

6.3.3. Non response error

The ASEE contains information about earnings and working hours of all individual employees, working or living in the Netherlands, as well as some characteristics of their jobs. The ASEE is based on, a combination of, the ‘Register of persons insured under employee insurance schemes’ (in Dutch: Polisadministratie) and the ‘Tax register of earnings’.


The Population Register (PR) contains demographic information on every inhabitant of the Netherlands. The PR is built from the municipal population registers. Municipalities have a major incentive to record all their inhabitants because the allocation of central government funds is mainly based on population size.


The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a survey on private households, in which the survey population is restricted to persons aged 15 years and older. It is a continuous survey, meaning that sampling and surveying of persons is spread throughout the year.


In case of 2014 SES non-response errors is not an issue. The non-response is already taken to account at the sources. The LFS we use is corrected for non-response. Unit non-response - rate

[Not requested] Item non-response - rate

[Not requested]

6.3.4. Processing error

Most of the present administrative registers are provided with a unique linkage key. It is the so-called social security and fiscal number (SoFi-number or BSN-number; in Dutch: Burgerservicenummer), a personal identifier for every (registered) Dutch inhabitant and those abroad who receive an income from the Netherlands and have to pay tax on it to the Dutch fiscal authorities. Statistics Netherlands recodes the BSN-number for statistical processing into a so-called Record Identification Number (in accordance with regulations of the Dutch Data Protection Authority to protect the privacy of the citizens). A limited amount of BSN-numbers may be registered with incorrect values in the data files, in which case linkage with other files may fail. However, in general, the percentage of matches is close to one hundred percent. Imputation - rate

not applicable

6.3.5. Model assumption error

The SES data used only refer to employees working in October 2014. This implies that the earnings and working hours data of employees who left the enterprise in 2014 were not included in the SES data. All data relate to the year 2014. It was not necessary to make adjustments from fiscal year to calendar year. All economic activities (NACE Rev.2) are covered; except the sections, A and T. All size classes are covered, except enterprises without employees.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

[Not requested]

6.5. Data revision - policy

[Not requested]

6.6. Data revision - practice

[Not requested]

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

[Not requested]

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

For compiling the 2014 SES figures, Statistics Netherlands used a methodology in which, by using existing sources, it was not necessary to conduct a separate survey.

- The ASEE is updated every month (with mutations).

- The PR is built from the municipal population registers.

- The LFS is a continuous survey, meaning that sampling and surveying of persons is spread throughout the year. Three LFS-surveys, 2013, 2014 and 2015, were joined to create more mass for the SES compilation process.

Up from January 2016 several sources were collected and processed.


The ASEE data used for the SES Regulation refers to reference month October, while the other months of 2014 are used for composing annual figures. This work was time-consuming (many basic data had to undergo further treatments) and the processing of data lasted until April 2016.


In the period from Mai onward, the basic data were processed and a data set with the required SES variables (from ASEE and the other sources, PR and LFS) was gradually built. For this purpose many data had to be linked. In June 2016 the data in the SES data set were provided with weights.


In June 2016 the plausibility checks, which were already started in May 2016, could be finalised.


Thereafter, the data tables for Eurostat were prepared, including confidentiality checks, and on 28 June 2016 the SES data were successfully sent to Eurostat (by Edamis Web Application):

7.1.1. Time lag - first result

[Not requested]

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

[Not requested]

7.2. Punctuality

For compiling the 2014 SES figures, Statistics Netherlands used a methodology in which, by using existing sources, it was not necessary to conduct a separate survey.

- The ASEE is updated every month (with mutations).

- The PR is built from the municipal population registers.

- The LFS is a continuous survey, meaning that sampling and surveying of persons is spread throughout the year. Three LFS-surveys, 2013, 2014 and 2015, were joined to create more mass for the SES compilation process.

Up from January 2016 several sources were collected and processed.


The ASEE data used for the SES Regulation refers to reference month October, while the other months of 2014 are used for composing annual figures. This work was time-consuming (many basic data had to undergo further treatments) and the processing of data lasted until April 2016.


In the period from Mai onward, the basic data were processed and a data set with the required SES variables (from ASEE and the other sources, PR and LFS) was gradually built. For this purpose many data had to be linked. In June 2016 the data in the SES data set were provided with weights.


In June 2016 the plausibility checks, which were already started in May 2016, could be finalised.


Thereafter, the data tables for Eurostat were prepared, including confidentiality checks, and on 28 June 2016 the SES data were successfully sent to Eurostat (by Edamis Web Application):

- SES_EARNINGS_A4 (table A- Reporting Units);

- SES_EARNINGS_A4 (table B- Employees).


Annotations on selected variables:

- B23: for occupation unknown we used code 999.

- B26: a new method, based on time series of earlier Annual Surveys on Employment and Earnings, was used to derive this variable.

- B41: ‘Gross annual earnings’, B421: ‘Earnings related to overtime’, B321: ‘Number of overtime hours’, and several others do not fully comply with the plausibility checks. These variables are derived from the new Register of Jobs and Wages, which also gives information on paid hours en wage payments. Statistics Netherlands judges the information from this source as reliable.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

[Not requested]

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

Statistical units

The General Business Register of SN does not contain information regarding local units. The information about units does not refer to local units, but to enterprises (containing all the employees) at NUTS-1 level.



All economic activities (NACE Rev.2), except the sections A and T, are included in the SES.

All size classes are covered (except enterprises without employees).


Reference times

All variables refer to 2014, except for occupation and education.

The Labour Force Survey (LFS) is a household sample survey and it is needed for information that is not available in registers, such as occupation and educational attainment levels. The sample size is actually quite small; yearly some 90 thousand persons are sampled, which is approximately 0.5 per cent of the total population. The consequence is that estimations for small subpopulations at a detailed level may be unreliable or even impossible. For this reason three LFS-surveys, 2013, 2014 and 2015, were joined to create more mass for the SES compilation process. In general the above mentioned LFS variables are relatively stable in time, so that it can be assumed that they represent the situation at reference date without much error.



There are no differences between the national classifications and the Eurostat classifications.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

[Not requested]

8.2. Comparability - over time


In the 1995 SES the requisite data were compiled from Survey on Employment and Earnings (SEE 1995), Labour Force Survey (LFS 1994, 1995 and 1996) and the Insured Persons Register (1995).

For the 2002 SES the data were compiled form Survey on Employment and Earnings (SEE 2002) and Labour Force Survey (LFS 2000, 2001 and 2002).

With the 2006 SES we started with a new method, based on a new Register on Jobs and Wages (ASEE). The 2014 SES is based on the ASEE 2014 and the Labour Force Survey (LFS 2013, 2014 and 2015). The ASEE 2014 is based on (combination of) the ‘Register of persons insured under employee insurance schemes’ (in Dutch: Polisadministratie) and the ‘Tax register of earnings’.

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

[Not requested]

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

A comparison between the results of 2014 SES and 2014 NA is faced with difficulties because of conceptual differences between both sources. The SES gives information about the number of employees working during October 2014, the National Accounts gives the mean of whole 2014. The NA figures also relate to employees who do not figure on the payroll of enterprises. Because of this, the distribution of the number of employees over the sections differ between SES end NA.

Comparable conceptual differences in wages and salaries between SES and NA results in different outcomes.


Table 3. Comparison between 2014 SES and 2014 NA (National Accounts)

NACE 2014 SES, Structure of Earnings Survey National Accounts
  Observations Grossing-up factor (B52), mean Employees Gross annual earnings in the reference year (B41), mean Employees Wages and salaries
  x 1   x 1000 euro x 1000 euro
Total 155625 72 7630 31020 7585 32843
B 203 76 11 66314 10 80500
C 15497 65 739 39768 738 41573
D 637 50 26 61415 24 60000
E 650 73 33 39947 32 43469
F 6129 65 306 39089 306 41873
G 24746 72 1289 23648 1289 26311
H 6825 77 365 32076 365 35290
I 5585 91 360 11268 357 12790
J 5203 66 234 48473 229 51694
K 5632 58 243 57433 244 61643
L 1415 64 66 39176 66 41364
M 10705 65 488 44805 486 51638
N 11573 114 880 17678 879 20065
O 12000 56 506 44580 520 42685
P 13249 57 508 33431 511 34470
Q 30172 63 1311 26442 1274 26846
R 2548 81 132 19301 127 22819
S 2856 67 132 25465 128 27023
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

[Not requested]

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

[Not requested]

8.6. Coherence - internal

[Not requested]

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

[Not requested]

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications


9.3. Dissemination format - online database

The SES 2014 will published only by Eurostat, no Dutch version of the SES2014 will be published by Statistics Netherlands.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

[Not requested]

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

[Not requested]

9.5. Dissemination format - other


9.6. Documentation on methodology

At this moment there is no description on the methodology and results of the 2014 SES available.

The used method was published in 2005 in an article ‘Wages by occupation and level of education: Structure of Earnings Survey 2002’ (in Dutch: ‘Loon naar beroep en opleidingsniveau: het Loonstructuuronderzoek 2002’) with main results was published in the: Sociaal-economische trends, 2e kwartaal 2005, page 39-51 ( See:

9.7. Quality management - documentation

[Not requested]

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

[Not requested]

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

[Not requested]

10. Cost and Burden Top

[Not requested]

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

In June 2016 the plausibility checks, which were already started in May 2016, could be finalised.Thereafter, the data tables for Eurostat were prepared, including confidentiality checks, and on 28 June 2016 the SES data were successfully sent to Eurostat

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

In June 2016 the plausibility checks, which were already started in May 2016, could be finalised.Thereafter, the data tables for Eurostat were prepared, including confidentiality checks, and on 28 June 2016 the SES data were successfully sent to Eurostat

12. Comment Top

no comment

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top