Census 2011 round (cens_11r)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: INE (National Statistics Institute)-Spain

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Dissemination format
11. Accessibility of documentation
12. Quality management
13. Relevance
14. Accuracy
15. Timeliness and punctuality
16. Comparability
17. Coherence
18. Cost and Burden
19. Data revision
20. Statistical processing
21. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

INE (National Statistics Institute)-Spain

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Census Area

Population Statistics Directorate

1.5. Contact mail address

Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)

Paseo de la Castellana, 183

Planta 3ª (Izquierda), Despacho 336 -> (Carmen)


Planta 3ª (Izquierda), Despacho 344 -> (Jorge)

28071 Madrid (Spain)

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 17/03/2014
2.2. Metadata last posted 17/03/2014
2.3. Metadata last update 17/03/2014

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Our main data set is the enumeration survey. 


Using information from the survey we were able to disseminate information from 

-People (Demographic topic, Economic topics, Education topics, Migration...)



-Family nucleus

3.2. Classification system

Group of topics


-Population enumerated

-Geographic characteristics

-Demographic characteristics

-Economic characteristics

-Educational characteristics

-International and internal migration

-Household and family characteristics

-Living queartes, dwellings and housing arrangements

3.3. Coverage - sector
3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1. Statistical concepts and definitions - Usual residence

Information about usual residence was obtained from the population register.


The concept of population that we used is the "resident population", but considering the population that exits in the population register.


In order to identify:

registered population that should be considered as resident, or

resident population not registered,

information from other administrative registers (Social Security, Tax Agengy, Home Affairs) and from a specific survey has been used.


Third level students have been counted where they were registered.


Both primary and secondary homeless were counted (because they were registered), but we were not able to identify them.

3.4.2. Statistical concepts and definitions - Sex

Male or Female

3.4.3. Statistical concepts and definitions - Age

Information from date of birth is collected and then age calculated

3.4.4. Statistical concepts and definitions - Marital status

Concerning opposite-sex and same-sex marriages, the law was modified in 2005.



This is an updated version of the Civil Code :


In Spain:

-Since 2005 same-sex couples are allowed to get married.


-The minimun age for marriages was 14 years old.


-It is possible both to divorce or to separate.


3.4.5. Statistical concepts and definitions - Family status

Using the information obtained from the questionnarie (question number 6) that asked each person of the household about:



-Partner or Couple

-Other parentship

We were able to assign each person the familly-nucleus they belong (1-Couple with children, 2-Couple without children, 3-Lone father with children, 4-Lone mother with children) 

3.4.6. Statistical concepts and definitions - Household status

We used the 'household-dwelling' concept.

Relationships between household members were identified with a question (number 6) that asked each member about:



-Partner or Couple

-Other parentship

We did not collect any information about homeless.

3.4.7. Statistical concepts and definitions - Current activity status

Information about CAS was obtained from the questionnarie (number 14).

The national minimum age for economic activity in the country is 16 years old.

3.4.8. Statistical concepts and definitions - Occupation

Persons with more than one job should have answered the occupation where they spent more hours.

3.4.9. Statistical concepts and definitions - Industry

Persons with more than one job should have answered the "industry" where they spent more hours.

3.4.10. Statistical concepts and definitions - Status in employment

Persons with more than one job should have answered the status in employment of the place where they spent more hours.

3.4.11. Statistical concepts and definitions - Place of work

Location of place of work (municipality)

3.4.12. Statistical concepts and definitions - Educational attainment

Highest level succesfully completed in the educational system

3.4.13. Statistical concepts and definitions - Size of the locality

Population living in neighbouring or continuos buildings

3.4.14. Statistical concepts and definitions - Place of birth

In the few cases we had no information about the place of birth, we obtained it from the place of usual residence of the mother.

3.4.15. Statistical concepts and definitions - Country of citizenship

All the people have information about their country of citizenship (either a concrete country or stateless)

3.4.16. Statistical concepts and definitions - Year of arrival in the country

Information about year of last arrival in the country

3.4.17. Statistical concepts and definitions - Residence one year before

Question number 2 of the questionnarie asked each household member about:

-First: Place of usual residence one year before the Census

-Second: Place of usual residence ten years before the Census

3.4.18. Statistical concepts and definitions - Housing arrangements

Type of housing where a person is usual resident at the time of the census

3.4.19. Statistical concepts and definitions - Type of family nucleus

Two or more persons who live in the same household and are related as:

-Husband and wife

-Cohabiting partners

-Parent and child

3.4.20. Statistical concepts and definitions - Size of family nucleus

Number of members of the family nucleus

3.4.21. Statistical concepts and definitions - Type of private household

A private household is either:


-A one person household. A person who lives alone in a separate housing unit

-A multi-person household. A group of two or more persons who occupy the whole housing unit.


In Spain, one ocuppied dwelling implies one (and only one) household

3.4.22. Statistical concepts and definitions - Size of private household

Number of members of the private household

3.4.23. Statistical concepts and definitions - Tenure status of household

Arrangements under which a private household occupies all or part of a housing unit

3.4.24. Statistical concepts and definitions - Type of living quarter

Type of living quarters relate to occupied conventional dwellings, other housing units and collective living quarters.

3.4.25. Statistical concepts and definitions - Occupancy status

Enumerators decided the occupancy status of the dwelling according to the external signs and some interviews with people they found.

3.4.26. Statistical concepts and definitions - Type of ownership

We did not collect any information about co-operative dwellings.

Under the breakdown 'Dwellings by other types of ownership' we found the case of the houses that are rented continuosly during the seasonal period. Of course, this is not the only situation that exists under this breakdown.

3.4.27. Statistical concepts and definitions - Number of occupants

Number of peple living in a household

3.4.28. Statistical concepts and definitions - Useful floor space

This information was directly obtained from the questionnarie and it collects the amount of square meters of the occupied dwellings.

3.4.29. Statistical concepts and definitions - Number of rooms

Not applicable

3.4.30. Statistical concepts and definitions - Density standard (floor space)

Definition = Useful floor space / Number of occupants

3.4.31. Statistical concepts and definitions - Density standard (number of rooms)

Not applicable

3.4.32. Statistical concepts and definitions - Water supply system

Piped or no piped water

3.4.33. Statistical concepts and definitions - Toilet facilities

Flush or no flush toilet

3.4.34. Statistical concepts and definitions - Bathing facilities

Bath or shower

3.4.35. Statistical concepts and definitions - Type of heating

Central or not

3.4.36. Statistical concepts and definitions - Type of building

Classification of buildings by number of dwellings a building cointains

3.4.37. Statistical concepts and definitions - Period of construction

Is measured in terms of the building was completed (or renovated)

3.5. Statistical unit




Family nucleus

3.6. Statistical population

People living in Spain at Census date (1st November 2011)

3.7. Reference area


3.8. Coverage - Time
3.9. Base period

4. Unit of measure Top

People or Total population

5. Reference Period Top

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements
6.1.1. Bodies responsible

Real Decreto 753/2011

Orden Ministerial PRE/1794/2011

Orden Ministerial
Real Decreto
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

No documents related with this issue

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy



Special attention to Chapter III (Articles from 13 to 19)

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

-Data swapping techniques.

-All values rounded to the closest integer multiple of 5.

-Constraints in the dissemination depending on the breakdown of the different topics, the amount of cells and a value (for each topic involved in the request) that represents how sensititive is the information disseminated

-In the microdata, small LAU2 municipalities have been recoded depending on their size.

-In the microdata, occupation and industry are only disseminated with 2-digits detail. Apart from that, some sensitive values (for example Forced Arms) have been agregated with others.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

December 2012:

   -Population figures and basic demographic information (Tables)

April 2013:

   -Provisional households and buildings information (Tables)

May 2013:

   -Collective living quarters information (Tables)

December 2013: (Specific software that allows personalized requests)

   -Detailed population information

   -Dwellings and Family nucleus information

   -Definitive household and buildings information


8.2. Release calendar access
8.3. Release policy - user access

-2 months before the dissemination date, we announce the day when we will publish

the information at INE's web page. Information is published at 11.00 am


-Each dissemination contains a press release document.


-There are no distinctions/privilege among different users

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

See chapter 8.1

10. Dissemination format Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Pdf files

(December 2012)


(April 2013)


(May 2013)


(December 2013)


10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

(June 2013)

Special brochure


10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Predefined Tables (Excel, Pc-Axis...)



Advanced query systems

-Customized table query system



-Maps viewer


10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access



Microdata available both for:

-Persons and households

-Housing and buildings

10.5. Dissemination format - other

No other dissemination formats

11. Accessibility of documentation Top
11.1. Documentation on methodology

Information about methodology available:



Census project:







Some methodology documents:





11.2. Quality management - documentation


http://www.ine.es/en/prensa/np824_en.pdf (Pages 21 and 22)

12. Quality management Top
12.1. Quality assurance

-Documents with tasks list: task-flow, responsible of each task and duration.


-Application for monitoring enumerators: internal application with tables that summed up information collected by enumerators in different regions/days/... and that allowed to redistribute the amount of work according to the results.

-Use of electronic channels (CAWI, CAPI) for collecting data with internal control that assure high quality information


-Linkage methods between registers and sampling information that were useful during the edit and imputation phase.

12.2. Quality management - assessment
12.2.1. Coverage assessment

Methodology developed for the 2011 Spanish Census assures high quality information with

no coverage problems:


-On a simplistic way, our starting point can be considered the information of the Population



-This information is linked with other registers (Social Security, Tax Agency, Vital Statistics...)

in order to be sure if we should count each person or not.


-If we are sure that we should count a person, we assign that person a counting factor of 1. If we are

sure that we should not count a person, we assign that person a counting factor of 0. If we have doubts

of counting or not that person, then we use information from the survey to assign a counting factor

(more details in the methodological document).


-Once we have all the people with a counting factor, we calibrate information from the survey (previosly

linked) to information with the register in order to disseminate the same figures.

12.2.2. Post-enumeration survey(s)

Post-enumeration survey was not carried out.

13. Relevance Top
13.1. Relevance - User Needs

Different types of users:

-Public organizations (Ministeries, Councils, Agencies...)

-Private companies

-Researches (Teachers at university, students, ...)

-Private persons


Needs can vary a lot among different users. But, most of the users that write to us, want more

detailed information (maybe more geographic detail or more detail in the topics or both).

13.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

We have an email account that receives all the user requests, complaints, opinions

and gratitudes.


We try to give to each user a personalized answer as soon as possible.


We try to learn from the information received by our users. If the same complaint is considered

by several users, we try to improve our system and to provide that information to the users.

13.3. Completeness

We have a generic criteria to disseminate as much information as possible.


But sometimes, this information is not enough for users. So, they write to us and they make

a personalized request.


In these personalized request, we study deeply the information that the user wants and we

try to provide him (under a certain cost) as much information as possible considering the

confidentialiy issues.

14. Accuracy Top
14.1. Accuracy - overall
14.1.1. Accuracy overall - Usual residence

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.2. Accuracy overall - Sex

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.3. Accuracy overall - Age

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.4. Accuracy overall - Marital status

The questionnarie did not include the possibility of registered partnerships, although they exist in

our country.

14.1.5. Accuracy overall - Family status

For people living in conventional dwellings, the questionnarie did not include the possibility of registered partnerships, although they exist in our country.


For people living in collective living quarters, the questionnarie did not ask about partnership relationship among the people living there.

14.1.6. Accuracy overall - Household status

For people living in conventional dwellings, the questionnarie did not include the possibility of registered partnerships, although they exist in our country.


For people living in collective living quarters, the questionnarie did not ask about partnership relationship among the people living there.


There was not disseminated any figure related with homeless people.

14.1.7. Accuracy overall - Current activity status

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.8. Accuracy overall - Occupation

There was not disseminated any figure related with occupation for people at collective living quarters.

14.1.9. Accuracy overall - Industry

There was not disseminated any figure related with industry for people at collective living quarters.

14.1.10. Accuracy overall - Status in employment

There was not disseminated any figure related with status in employment for people at collective living quarters.

14.1.11. Accuracy overall - Place of work

There was not disseminated any figure related with place of work for people at collective living quarters.

14.1.12. Accuracy overall - Educational attainment

We used a national educational attainment classification and there was no correspondence between

our values and ISCED Level 4.


For people living in collective living quarters, we used a short-version of a national educational attainment classification and there was no correspondence between our values and ISCED Level 4 and ISCED Level 6.

14.1.13. Accuracy overall - Size of the locality

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.14. Accuracy overall - Place of birth

For people living in collective living quarters, we did not ask about the country of birth.

There were three different possibilities of answer in this question:


-Other country inside the European Union

-Other country outside the European Union

14.1.15. Accuracy overall - Country of citizenship

For people living in collective living quarters, we did not ask about the country of citizenship.

There were four different possibilities of answer in this question:


-Other country inside the European Union

-Other country outside the European Union


14.1.16. Accuracy overall - Year of arrival in the country

There was not disseminated any figure related with year of arrival in the country for people at collective living quarters.

14.1.17. Accuracy overall - Residence one year before

For people living in collective living quarters, we did not ask about the detail municipality of residence one year before the Census(*), so in some regions (islands) we do not know if the person has moved from one NUTS3 region to another one or not.



There were four different possibilities of answer in this question:

-Same municipality

-Different municipality, same region

-Different region

-Different county

14.1.18. Accuracy overall - Housing arrangements

There was not disseminated any figure related with homeless people.

14.1.19. Accuracy overall - Type of family nucleus

The questionnarie did not include the possibility of registered partnerships, although they exist in

our country.

14.1.20. Accuracy overall - Size of family nucleus

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.21. Accuracy overall - Type of private household

The questionnarie did not include the possibility of registered partnerships, although they exist in

our country.

14.1.22. Accuracy overall - Size of private household

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.23. Accuracy overall - Tenure status of household

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.24. Accuracy overall - Type of living quarter

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.25. Accuracy overall - Occupancy status

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.26. Accuracy overall - Type of ownership

We did not ask about dwellings in cooperative ownership.

14.1.27. Accuracy overall - Number of occupants

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.28. Accuracy overall - Useful floor space

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.29. Accuracy overall - Number of rooms

Not available (We chose the topics UFS=Useful Floor Space and DFS=Density of Floor Space)

14.1.30. Accuracy overall - Density standard (floor space)

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.31. Accuracy overall - Density standard (number of rooms)

Not available (We chose the topics UFS=Useful Floor Space and DFS=Density of Floor Space)

14.1.32. Accuracy overall - Water supply system

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.33. Accuracy overall - Toilet facilities

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.34. Accuracy overall - Bathing facilities

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.35. Overall accuracy - Type of heating

No reasons for unreliability

14.1.36. Overall accuracy - Type of building

For some dwellings we do not know exactly the type of building.

14.1.37. Overall accuracy - Period of construction

No reasons for unreliability

14.2. Sampling error
14.3. Non-sampling error

15. Timeliness and punctuality Top
15.1. Timeliness

Timeliness depends on each dissemination we carried out:


(December 2012). Timeliness=13 months

(April 2013). Timeliness=17 months

(May 2013). Timeliness=18 months

(December 2013). Timeliness=25 months

15.2. Punctuality

16. Comparability Top
16.1. Comparability - geographical

In general, all the information is comparable among different geographic areas

(our survey design ensured that all the LAU2 areas were represented)


Apart from that, some detailed information may not be comparable becasue

its sampling error is too high.

16.2. Comparability - over time

17. Coherence Top
17.1. Coherence - cross domain

In general, information from Census is reconcilable with other sources.


Because of the methodology used information is reconcilable with other types

of registers.


Differences can appear if we try to compare topics that are not exactly the same

(different definitions) or that were not collected using the same methodology

(amount of questions, channels, response choices...).

17.2. Coherence - internal

Because of the methodology used all the information is coherent.

18. Cost and Burden Top

Cost: 85M Euros


Burden on respondents

-First contact with users was a letter inviting them to answer using Internet (if information

was available, users only had to check it).

-If no response was given, they were invited to answer using paper forms.

-If still no response was given, an enumerator visited the dwelling.


Because of our methodology (sampling survey + registers) only one part of the population

had to answer to the Census information.

19. Data revision Top
19.1. Data revision - policy
19.2. Data revision - practice

In general we disseminate definitive figures. The only exception was the

household and building information that was disseminated as provisional figures

in April 2013 and as definitve figures in December 2013.


There is no data revision foreseen.

20. Statistical processing Top
20.1. Source data
20.1.1. List of data sources List of data sources - data on persons

-Population register

-Vital Statistics Bulletins (Births and Deaths)

-Social Security register

-Tax Agency

-2001 Census

-Conventional dwellings and people questionnarie

-Collective living quarters and people questionnarie List of data sources - data on households

-Conventional dwellings and people questionnarie List of data sources - data on family nuclei

-Conventional dwellings and people questionnarie List of data sources - data on conventional dwellings

-2001 Census


-2011 Building Census


For data on occupied conventional dwellings, also:

-Conventional dwellings and people questionnarie List of data sources - data on living quarters

-2001 Census


-Conventional dwellings and people questionnarie

-Collective living quarters and people questionnarie

-2011 Building Census

20.1.2. Classification of data sources Classification of data sources - data on persons
04.Combination of register-based censuses and sample surveys Classification of data sources - data on households
04.Combination of register-based censuses and sample surveys Classification of data sources - data on family nuclei
04.Combination of register-based censuses and sample surveys Classification of data sources - data on conventional dwellings
06.Combination of register-based censuses, sample surveys and conventional censuses Classification of data sources - data on living quarters
06.Combination of register-based censuses, sample surveys and conventional censuses
20.2. Frequency of data collection

In general, Census information is collected every decade.

20.3. Data collection

Census information was collected using these channels:



-Hand held devices (CAPI)


Data collection operation was carried out from Sept-2011 to March-2012. But these operation had

some previous preparation...


During the first moths of 2011 we generated two pre-Census files (one that contained information from

people and other one with information from territory). Information from those two files was obtained

from 2001 Census, Population Register and Cadaster. All these information was used for several purposes:

-In order to select the frame of the survey

-Information that was pre-charged in the electronic channels (Internet and CAPI)

-To send the letters to the dwellings that had to collaborate

20.4. Data validation

As we explained in 12.2.1, because of the methodology we used (that includes counting

factors and calibration), information from basic demographic topics was validated with other sources.


Apart from that, for other topics we checked information obtained from the Census with other

type of sources:

-Information from 2001 Census

-Information derived from the Population Register

-Information obtained from other surveys (LFS, SILC...)

20.5. Data compilation

Information obtained by paper was scanned and codified. An OCR-system was used to check the

information and people working in a call-center ckecked the incoherences of the questionnarie.


Information from the survey was linked with information from the register using these information:

-Name and Surname

-Date of Birth


-Place of Birth

-Place of Residence

Both deterministic and probabilistic methods were used in order to maximize the linkage porcentage

between the two sources.


For all the topics:

-Fist of all we edited the information and tried to detect all the wrong values.

-Secondly, both the wrong and missing values were imputed, most of the times using probabilistic



Generation of household and families information was possible using information from the questionnarie:

-Name and surname


-Question number 5 (Legal marital status) and

-Question number 6 (Relation between household members)

20.6. Adjustment

21. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top