Livestock and meat (apro_mt)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency:  HCSO (Hungarian Central Statistical Office)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

 HCSO (Hungarian Central Statistical Office)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Statistics Directorate, Sectoral Statistics Department, Agriculture statistics section

1.5. Contact mail address

Keleti Károly u. 5-7. H-1525 Budapest

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

The livestock and meat statistics are collected under Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008 since 2009. They cover slaughtering in slaughterhouses (monthly) and other slaughtering (annual), GIP (gross indigenous production) forecast (semi-annual or quarterly data), and livestock statistics (once or twice a year), including regional statistics (annual).This template lists the questions constituting the quality report required in Article 17 of EU Regulation N°1165/2008 on livestock and meat statistics.
This quality report covers the year 2019 and all the quality indicators already reported for years 2010, 2013 and 2016.

2.2. Classification system

Not requested for reference year 2019.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Not requested for reference year 2019.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Not requested for reference year 2019.

2.5. Statistical unit

Not requested for reference year 2019.

2.6. Statistical population

Not requested for reference year 2019.

2.7. Reference area

Not requested for reference year 2019.

2.8. Coverage - Time

Not requested for reference year 2019.

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data


Methodology of sampling: the sample of the surveys is based on the 2010 agricultural census (AC 2010) and FSS 2016. Out of the 13,633 agricultural survey districts in Hungary 648 were designated, which were fully observed by enumerators (house-to-house method). A questionnaire was filled in for all holdings which reached the threshold.


An agricultural holding (holding) means a single unit, both technically and economically, which has a single management and which produces agricultural products and


  • used at least
    • 1,500 m2 of productive area (arable land, kitchen gardens, orchards, vineyards, grassland (meadows + pastures), forests, fish-ponds and reeds together), or
    • 500 m2 of orchards and vineyards altogether (where the criterion of plantation size should also be met: at least 400 m2 of fruit trees area or at least 200 m2 of berries area or vineyards), or
    • a total 500 m2 of arable land area for plantation-type crop production, or
    • a total 100 m2 of land area under cover, or
    • 50 m2 of basic area used for mushroom growing, or


  • kept at least
    • one head of bigger live animals (cattle, buffaloes, pigs, horses, sheep, goats, emus, ostriches, donkeys or mules), or
    • 50 heads of poultry (chickens, geese, ducks, turkeys and guinea fowls altogether), or
    • 25 heads of rabbits, or
    • 25 heads of furry animals, or
    • 25 heads of slaughter pigeons (carrier pigeons should not be taken into consideration!), or
    • 5 beehives.


Thus a total of 103 thousand households, within which 21 thousand holdings were included in the sample, which was 5.0% of all private holdings.


Data on slaughterings in slaughterhouses are collected by the Research Institute of Agricultural Economics (AKI) which is belonging to the National Agricultutal Reseach and Innovation Centre.

In year 2019 there were about 280 data providers of which about 87 percent sending their data regularly while the remaining part has very small capacity.

The method of data collection is based on self-declaration

- Slaughterhouses approved by the National Food Chain Safety Authority.
- Data provider (reporting unit): entrepreneur operating a slaughterhouse dealing with the slaughter of live animals, enterprise.


3.2. Frequency of data collection

See item 3.2.1.

3.2.1. Reference date of the statistics

The information are provided in the specific metadata file.

3.3. Data collection

See item 3.3.1.

3.3.1. Production of estimates

See items and Process for GIP forecast

Is the following information taken into account to produce the GIP forecast?

  Bovines Pigs Sheep and Goats
No forecast required for sheep and goats    
Extrapolation of known results on slaughtering
Expert assessment of the market
Expert assessment of the GIP by internal expert by internal expert by internal expert
Other slaughtering covered by the GIP forecast

Additional comments (on the GIP forecast) Process for estimate of other slaughtering

What significant source do you use to estimate other slaughtering?




Sheep and Goats
Administrative information from veterinary service
Farm Survey
Consumer Survey
Coefficients based on ad hoc study
Year of calculation (Coefficients based on ad hoc study)
Discrepancy between slaughtering and estimated GIP (For instance, if overall GIP is directly estimated based on data at farm level)
Comprehensive study
Year of calculation (Comprehensive study)

Additional comments (on other slaughtering)

The data on other slaughtering are surveyed together with the livestock data in June and in December on the same sample.
3.4. Data validation

Not requested for reference year 2019.

3.5. Data compilation

Not requested for reference year 2019.

3.6. Adjustment

Not requested for reference year 2019.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

Not requested for reference year 2019.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

Not requested for reference year 2019.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

See items 5.1.1, 5.1.2 and 5.1.3.

5.1.1. Main national users of the statistics on livestock and meat

The data produced under Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008 are used by the following users, in addition to being delivered to Eurostat:

  National accounts (National Accounts, including European Accounts of Agriculture) Supply balance sheets Gross nutrient balance
Main national users Livestock - Bovines
Livestock - Pigs
Slaughtering - Pigs
Slaughtering - Sheep and goats
Slaughtering - Bovines
Slaughtering - Pigs
Slaughtering - Sheep and goats
Livestock - Bovines
Livestock - Pigs
5.1.2. Other Main national users of the statistics on livestock and meat

Other Main national users of the statistics on livestock and meat, please specify:



Ministry of Agriculture, professional organizations, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, individual persons, media


Ministry of Agriculture, professional organizations, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, individual persons, media

Sheep and goats

Ministry of Agriculture, professional organizations, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, individual persons, media



Ministry of Agriculture, professional organizations, individual persons, media


 Ministry of Agriculture, professional organizations, individual persons, media

Sheep and goats

 Ministry of Agriculture, professional organizations, individual persons, media


 Ministry of Agriculture, professional organizations, individual persons, media

GIP forecast





Sheep and goats


Other slaughtering

Ministry of Agriculture, professional organizations, Research Institute of Agricultural Economics, individual persons, media

5.1.3. Main international users of the statistics on livestock and meat

Does the department in charge of livestock and meat statistics provide data to the following international organisations at their request?

DG Agriculture and Rural Development YES
Other EU institutions YES
Other international ‘governmental’ organisation YES
5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

See item 5.2.1.

5.2.1. User satisfaction survey

User satisfaction survey

Have you already carried out a survey on user satisfaction?
If yes, how long ago (months)?
If yes, are the results available to the public?
5.3. Completeness

Not requested for reference year 2019.

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not requested for reference year 2019.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

See items 6.1.1. and 6.1.2.

6.1.1. Thresholds and legal derogation

Thresholds and legal derogation (Article 4 of regulation N°1165/2008)

Livestock statistics Total number of animals if under the legal threshold in December 2019 (Number of Head)
Bovine animals (under 1.5 million head)


Pigs (under 3 million head)  2,634,000
Sheep (under 500 000 head)  
Goats (under 500 000 head)


6.1.2. Quality control survey

Quality control survey

Quality control survey (livestock statistics)
Quality control survey (meat statistics)
6.2. Sampling error

See items and

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

See items and Coefficient of variation achieved for the main variables (only for sample survey)

The information are provided in the specific metadata file. Sampling rate

Sampling rate

  Non-relevant * 1. Frame (Number of units) 2. Sample size (Number of units) Sampling rate ((2/1) x 100%)




Cattle farms
Pig farms
Sheep farms
Goat farms
Animal farms **




* If the main information is drawn from a census, a register or a source other than a survey, the first column is ticked ** Animal farms: if the survey is designed for all livestock together

6.3. Non-sampling error

See item

6.3.1. Coverage error

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes. Over-coverage - rate

No overcoverage. Common units - proportion

Not requested for reference year 2019. Coverage error for each process

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

6.3.2. Measurement error

See item Checklist on measurement errors

Whereas coherence refers to the data disseminated, the measurement errors refer to the data collection.


Young cattle and calves recorded separately
Goats actually recorded
Carcass weight recorded fully compliant (Compliant with Regulation (EC) No 1165/2008)
Even for poultry
Poultry slaughtering recorded in tonnes and head
6.3.3. Non response error

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes. Unit non-response - rate

The information are provided in the metadata files. Item non-response - rate

The information are provided in the metadata files.

6.3.4. Processing error

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes. Imputation - rate

Under 1%

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not requested for reference year 2019.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not requested for reference year 2019.

6.5. Data revision - policy

The information are provided in the metadata files.

6.6. Data revision - practice

Not requested for reference year 2019.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested for reference year 2019.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

7.1.1. Time lag - first result

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

7.2. Punctuality

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

See items 8.1.2 to 8.1.15.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not requested for reference year 2019.

8.1.2. Comparability – geographical Calves

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the animals age and/or intended use with the ones used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.3. Comparability – geographical Bulls

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the castration status of the animals and the ones used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition?(Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.4. Comparability – geographical Buffaloes

Is there any difference between the accounting of buffaloes in the different age bovine animal categories and the above referred classes?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.5. Comparability – geographical Cows

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the animals age and/or purpose and the ones used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.6. Comparability – geographical Heifers

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the age and/or the intended use and the ones used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.7. Comparability – geographical Lambs

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the age and/or the purpose and the ones used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.8. Comparability – geographical Goats

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the animals status and the ones used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.9. Comparability – geographical Piglets

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the weight and the one used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.10. Comparability – geographical Sows

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the covered status of the animals and the ones used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.11. Comparability – geographical Slaughter units

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the units provided by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.12. Comparability – geographical Carcasses

Is there any difference between the above referred definitions based on the animals carcass weight and the ones used by respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.13. Comparability – geographical Carcasses poultry

Is there any difference between the above referred definition and the one used by respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Carcass for poultry includes also the head in a couple of small-scale slaughterhouses

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?

 Correction is not expected in the near future

SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons

 There is no sufficient data on carcass weight at some of the small-scale slaughterhouses

Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.14. Comparability – geographical Slaughterhouse

Is there any difference between the above referred definition and the one used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.1.15. Comparability – geographical Gross indigenous production

Is there any difference between the above referred definition and the one used by the respondents in your Member State?

If yes, please describe briefly the difference in the definition

Geographical correction

Do you apply correction of your data in order to meet the EU definition? (Yes/No)


IF YES correction of your data is applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Value /Method of calculation

Briefly describe the value of the correction or of the coefficient?


Frequency of the revision of the values

Please specify the last time that this value was updated?


Main source used

Please define the data source used for the data


IF NO, correction of your data is not applied in order to meet the EU definition?

Is a standard operation procedure (SOP) envisaged to solve the above-mentioned differences?

Briefly describe if a correction will be implemented and if so when?


SOP to correct the differences is not envisaged

Please explain the reasons


Any further comments, please provide them here


8.2. Comparability - over time

See item 8.2.2.

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Not requested for reference year 2019. 

8.2.2. First year of availability of comparable data

First year when the statistics were produced with comparable figures for all, most or only the main variables (e.g. total numbers of animals):




Main variables

Number of periods per year*














Sheep and goats










 2009  1997




 2009  1997



Sheep and goats

 2009  1997








* Number of periods per year: according to the frequency of statistics, i.e. 12 for monthly data, 4 for quarterly data, 1 for annual data, etc.

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not requested for reference year 2019.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Not requested for reference year 2019.

8.6. Coherence - internal

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

Not requested for reference year 2019.

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

9.5. Dissemination format - other

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

9.7. Quality management - documentation

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested for reference year 2019.

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

10. Cost and Burden Top

See item 10.1.

10.1. Burden on the respondents

The information are provided in the specific metadata file.

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Information requested in the metadata files on statistical processes.

12. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Sample survey for June and December data collections for all kind of animals
Slaughtering statistics for all species
Slaughterings outside slaughterhouses