Land prices and rents (apri_lpr)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMSAL)

Compiling agency: Statistics Poland

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: EUROPEAN STATISTICAL DATA SUPPORT


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Poland

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Trade and Services Department

1.5. Contact mail address

Statistics Poland

street address: Al. Niepodległości 208

postcode: 00-925

City: Warsaw


2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 28/12/2020
2.2. Metadata last posted 28/12/2020
2.3. Metadata last update 28/12/2020

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description
  Land prices  Land rents 
Data description

The data sets which are disseminated by Statistics Poland are bases on the sample survey on land prices and rents. Agricultural land and rents prices in private turnover relate to the transactions of agricultural land intended only for agricultural activities.

Data sets that are disseminated:

  • average annual and quarterly prices of arable land in private turnover at national level and by voivodship, in total and with division into fertile land, medium fertile land and barren land - in zl per ha,
  • price indices of arable land in private turnover at national level and by voivodship in total and with division into fertile land, medium fertile land and barren land (previous year=100),
  • average prices of arable land and meadows in private turnover at national level, total  and with division into fertile land, medium fertile land and barren land and meadows with division into good meadows, bad meadows - in zl per ha, in dt of rye per ha, in dt of pigs for slaughter per ha.

Data sets that are released  on the websie of Statistics Poland at:

  • Analytical Platform - knowledge databases - average annual and quarterly prices of arable land in private turnover at national level and by voivodship, in total and with division into  fertile land, medium fertile land and barren land,
  • Local Data Bank - the annual and quarterly price purchase/sale of agricultural land per ha in private turnover at national level and by voivodship, in total and with division into fertile land, medium fertile land and barren land, and meadows with division into good meadows and bad meadows; average prices of arable land in private turnover at national level and by voivodship, in dt of rye per ha and in dt of pigs for slaughter per ha.

Data are published by Statistics Poland in the following scope:

  • average annual and quarterly prices of leasing of arable land in private turnover at national level in total and with division into fertile land, medium fertile land and barren land - in zl per ha.


3.2. Classification system
  Land prices  Land rents 
Classification system

NUTS 2016 Classification

NUTS 1 - macroregions - 7 units,

NUTS 2 regions - 17 units.

Classification of agriculture land

The used classification of agriculture land is defined by the Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development adapted by definitions to the requirement of Eurostat. Agricultural land include land keeping in good agricultural conditions maintained in accordance with norms covered in law on the payments under direct support schemes (uniform text Journal of Laws 2015 item 1551) and other agricultural land.

Agricultural land in good condition includes:

- sown areas,

- fallow land,

- permanent crops (of which orchards),

- kitchen gardens,

- permanent meadows,

- permanent pastures.

Other agricultural land - not cultivated and not maintained in good agricultural conditions.

Arable land contain sown area and fallow land.

Soil classification

The agricultural land prices are divided into 3 categories according to the decree of the Council of Ministers in regard to soil classification (uniform text Journal of Law 2012 item 1246);

- fertile land (wheat and beet soil type) - soil valuation class I, II, III a,

- medium land (rye-potato soil type) - soil valuation class III b, IV a, IV b,

- barren land (sandy soil) - soil valuation class V, VI.

The same classification as for land prices is used.

3.3. Coverage - sector
  Land prices  Land rents 
Coverage - sector

Data on prices are collected within the scope of representative survey from individuals farms  (with a surface of agricultural area 1 ha and more). Persons providing the data are farmers, and the land prices are reported on the basis of their knowledge on the transactions of purchase/sale/leases of agricultural land made in the nearest neighbourhood.

Data on leases are collected as for land prices.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Definition of the land price values

  Land prices  Land rents 
Definition of the land price values

Prices of purchase/sale of agricultural land in private turnover relate to the transaction of arable land and meadows intended for agriculture activities. Private turnover means transactions between farmers. The selling and the buying party are identified as a natural person.

Prices of leasing of agricultural land and meadows in private turnover relate to the transaction of arable land and meadows intended for agriculture activities.

The costs of transferring ownership (therefore lawyer's fees, registration taxes and real estate) are excluded from collected selling/purchase price of agricultural land? Yes Not applicable. 
The value of deductible VAT is excluded from the price of agricultural land? Yes Yes
The entitlements related to the land are excluded from the collected selling/purchase/renting price of agricultural land? Yes Yes
The value of any buildings or dwellings situated on it and any other expenses related to other assets except the agricultural land (current maintenance expenditure on buildings, buildings insurance, depreciation of buildings, rents paid for the professional use of non-residential buildings etc.) are excluded from the price of agricultural land? Yes Yes
The value of any monetary compensation received by farmers for the sales/acquisition of the Utilized Agricultural Area is excluded from the collected selling/purchase price of agricultural land? Yes Not applicable. 
The value of any inheritances transfers related to the sold/purchased land is excluded from the collected selling/purchase price of agricultural land? Yes Not applicable. 
If you have replied NO to any of the above questions explain the reason why. 

Not applicable

Not applicable

EU Target Methodology

  Land prices  Land rents 
Does the data collection observe the land categories as specified in the EU Target Methodology?  Yes Yes
If not, please describe the differences. 

Not applicable

Not applicable

Other UAA categories

  Land prices  Land rents 
Does the price information provided to Eurostat include information on other UAA categories?  No No
If yes, specify which categories. 

Data an rents developed under the grant (for data on 2013 and 2014) ) included price of 1 ha of arable land, which apart from arable land included other land such as green land, wasteland.

3.5. Statistical unit
  Land prices  Land rents 
Reporting unit 

As concerns the land price statistics the requested information is obtained from statistical survey conducted by Statistics Poland. It is survey on pigs stock and animal output (R-ZW-S). These information is collected from holders of private farms selected for agricultural sample survey.

The reporting unit is the same as for land price.

Observation unit 

Observation unit in the statistical survey is the price of 1 ha of arable land and meadows purchased/sold/leased for agriculture activities.


Observation unit in the statistical survey is the price of 1 ha of arable land and meadows leased for agriculture activities.

3.6. Statistical population
  Land prices  Land rents 
Does any kind of physical, economical or other threshold apply for data collection on land prices and rents? 

The sample survey R-ZW-S covers approximately 2% of randomly selected farms keeping pigs (with the area of agricultural land above 1 ha). The sample consist of approximately 30 thousand farms.

The statistical population is the same as in the case of land prices.

3.7. Reference area
  Land prices  Land rents 
Reference area

The information available at the level of regions (17 in PL) - NUTS2016

as for land prices

3.8. Coverage - Time
  Land prices Land rents
Time coverage 

The first set of data on land prices that were transferred to Eurostat in 2009 year (at a national level) covers the year 1995 (meadows 1997), and with regard to leases - the year 2006. Data in this scope by voivodship were transferred for the first time in 2013.

The first set of data on rent prices that were transferred to Eurostat in 2009 year (at a national level) concerns annual data from  the year 2006 (for arable land and meadows). Data in this scope by voivodship were transferred for the first time in 2013.

When was the first survey/data collection on land prices and rents in line with common Target Methodology organised? 

in the year 2013

in the year 2013

3.9. Base period

For calculating price indices of arable land in private turnover at national level and by voivodship, in total and with division into fertile land, medium fertile land and barren land - previous year =100.

4. Unit of measure Top
  Land prices  Land rents 
Is the price provided in national currency?  Yes Yes
Is the data on area provided in hectares?  Yes Yes

5. Reference Period Top
  Land prices Land rents
Is the reference period used for rental price the calendar year?  Not applicable.  Yes
If not, specify the reference period used Not applicable. 

Not relevant.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements
  Land prices Land rents
Legal acts and other agreements 

In the Statistics Poland research of prices of arable land in the private market is conducted on the basis of the Act on Official Statistics of 29 June 1995 (consolidated text as of 13 January 2017) and on the basis of the annually introduced Regulation of the Council of Ministers on the Programme of Statistical Research for Public Statistics.

The same legal act applies for land prices.

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

In the Statistics Poland research of prices of arable land in the private market is conducted on the basis of the Act on Official Statistics of 29 June 1995 (consolidated text as of 13 January 2017) and on the basis of the annually introduced Regulation of the Council of Ministers on the Programme of Statistical Research for Public Statistics.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

All data collected during survey on land and rent prices is conducted in accordance with the Programme of Statistical Surveys for Official Statistics, regardless of conducting body. The collected and gathered in the statistical survey of official statistics individual data shall be confidential and subject to particular protection.

The term of individual and personal data shall be understood as:

personal data - data about natural persons concerning their life and status. Always refer to specific person (art. 5 of the Law on Official Statistics of 29 June, 1995),

individual data - data about  agricultural holdings of legal entities, organizational units without legal personality and natural persons dealing with pigs breeding.  Always refer to specific entity (art. 5 of Official Statistics Law of 29 June, 1995).

The individual and personal data shall be used exclusively for statistical calculations, compilations and analyses, and by statistical services in preparation of statistical survey.

Providing or use this data for other than specified above purposes is prohibited (statistical confidentiality, art. 10 of Law as above).

Use of individual and personal data for other than specified purpose is prohibited and carries a penalty of up to 3 years of imprisonment.

Use of individual and personal data to obtain material or personal gains carries a penalty of up to 5 years of imprisonment.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
  Land prices Land rents
Confidentiality - data treatment 

In statistical survey of land prices and rents conducted by Statistics Poland are obtained information only in relation to prices of selected agricultural land (soil valuation classes) and meadows categories.

Neither the surface nor the value of sold agricultural land are being explored.

It shall not be allowed to publish or disseminate individual data which can be linked or can identify natural persons or individual data characterizing entities, especially if the aggregated data consist of less than three entities or the share of one entity in the compilation is higher than the three-fourths of the total.

In case there is the need to put statistical confidentiality are used methods of encoding of information allowing identification of a specific farms or a natural person.

as for land prices

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Data is released on the website of Statistics Poland in the following publications:

Statistical Yearbook of Agriculture - in September (9 months after the end of the year),

Databases - in September at Analytical Platform of the Statistics Poland - knowledge databases PRICES and the  Local Data Bank - data are released after transmitting by the Trade and Services Department, that is in September and in March.

Data contained at the Analytical Platform and the Local Data Bank are released at the same time.

8.2. Release calendar access

Information is available in the Information Portal of Statistics Poland in Publications (covered in Editorial Title Plan of the Statistics Poland and in Publications announcements), in Release Calendar (monthly and yearly) and in Press Bureau with  information about publications and the nearest press conference.

Detailed Editorial Title Plan of the Statistics Poland is released by Intranet for internal users.

The Statistical Study Plan including among others publication dates, is also available only to internal users.

8.3. Release policy - user access

In accordance with Official Statistics Law of 29 June 1995, the Statistics Poland guarantees: indiscriminatory, equal and simultaneous access to statistical data for all users.

The hour of providing data for the media, which is given on the website (Release Calendar), it is also the time of publishing the data on the CSO website.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Information about prices  appears in a given year according to internal schedule contained in Statistical Study Plan, which is prepared by the  Programming and Coordination of Statistical Surveys Department.

Data are presented as annual and quarterly data.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Depending on the reported media needs, a proposed topic may be discussed at the press conference.

About conferences and their topics Statistics Poland inform the public in advance.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Statistics Poland develops  only regular publications.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Access to the on-line databases is available on the website of Statistics Poland at the Analytical Platform  - knowledge databases.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

The data available concern land and rent prices for Poland, macroregions and regions. 

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Data on land and rent prices are elaborated and disseminated by the National Support Center for Agriculture (KOWR), which gather data about transactions on the grounds of Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury. KOWR took over duties from liquidated  Agricultural Property Agency in September 2017.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Methodology is not published. Only metadata are released on website of Statistics Poland in  the Analytical Platform - knowledge databases.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

No comments.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

In order to eliminate errors, assumptions are made into the computer system - guidance for the formal check.

Automatic check of country set causes exclusion of the incorrect answers from further control and from preparing regions tables.

Verification is carried out within the regions data and applies to the following procedures:

- control of regions prices not included in the average prices; there are eliminated errors caused by failure of measures,

- elimination in regions prices, for which the set is smaller than 3,

- elimination other information suspected of errors using a test based on numerical range determined by multiples of standard deviations to the arithmetic mean.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

The obtained results by Statistics Poland are analyzed in relation to the prices calculated by KOWR. The price level and trend in prices of Statistics Poland is similar to prices obtained by KOWR.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
  Land prices Land rents
Are the data on land prices and rents collected for national purposes (by NSI or any other national administration) in your country? 

National Support Center for Agriculture (KOWR) - former  Agricultural Property Agency.

as for land prices

Are there any differences between the current EU Target Methodology and the national methodology?  No No
If yes, please describe the differences. 

Not relevant.

Not relevant.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

There are no research regarding user satisfaction measurement.

12.3. Completeness

Questions regarding land prices appear in the one of the division of the questionnaire concerning pigs stock and animal output (R-ZW-S).

Therefore, it is impossible to separate information about the share of registered responses regarding only land prices.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Coefficient of variations (in %) are rather small, it do not excced the contractual threshold of 10 % and for some categories amounts to several percent.

It gives a good quality at the country level.

13.2. Sampling error

From the survey methodology it is impossible to assess the level of error that results from the fact in the survey we randomly draw the sample from the farms breeding pigs and not from all individual farms.

13.3. Non-sampling error

As described in point 13.2.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness
  Land prices Land rents

The prices are collected 2 times a year. These data are submitted by interviewers to Statistics Poland on the following dates: to 29th July and to 21th December of a given year. On the basis of average quarterly prices, average annual prices are calculated. Annual data are sent to Eurostat.

The processed data are transmitted by the Trade and Services Department for publication in September and March and concern data for each quarter.  The year average prices are being counted on the base of average prices in quarters.

as for land prices

When were data first released to the public? 

The first data on land prices are released in September and in March.

In publication Prices in National Economy - 8 months after the end of the year

14.2. Punctuality

The data are collected and transmitted in accordance with the schedule, it is 2 months after collection data in the survey,  they are submitted for publication.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical
  Land prices Land rents
Comparability - geographical (regional) 

The methodology for calculating land and rent prices is the same.

1. Quarterly individual data gathered in survey is combined into regional sets and national ones.  Prices which considerably differ from the average value are being eliminated from quarterly sets. The  methodology defines algorithms for calculating average levels of agricultural prices.

- average quarterly purchase/sale/lease prices of land for regions calculated as an arithmetic mean of all price quotations for arable land and meadows that occur in a given region,

- average quarterly prices  for macroregions is calculated as an arithmetic mean of all quotations for arable land and meadows that occur in all voivodships in macroregion,

- average quarterly prices for country is calculated as an arithmetic mean of all quotations for arable land and meadows that occur in the whole country.

2. Calculation of the average purchase/sale/lease prices of arable land and meadows in semi-annual and annual periods for regions, macroregions and country - calculated as an arithmetic mean based on average quarterly prices.

as for land prices

15.2. Comparability - over time
  Land prices Land rents
Comparability - over time 

There were no breaks in the statistical survey based on which data are sent to Eurostat.

Comparable data concern quarterly and annual data.

as for land prices

Data on average rent price of arable land obtained under the grant (data for 2013 and 2014) included  other land, such as green land and waste land.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

As described in point 11.2.

15.4. Coherence - internal

No comments.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Burden on respondents is not estimated in terms of prices. The average time spent by the respondents to provide information to the whole survey amounts to about 15 minutes.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Data is processed as the final data.  There is not preliminary data. Possible data correction takes place at the next publication.

In the Analytical Platform and in the Local Data Bank errors can be corrected on a current basis.

17.2. Data revision - practice

As described in point 17.1

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data
  Land prices Land rents
Source data 

The prices on land prices are obtained on the basis of one of the divisions of sample survey on pigs conducted in agricultural holdings breeding pigs. The survey is conducted by the CATI (Computer Assisted Telephone Interview), CAWI/CAII (Computer Assisted Web/Internet Interview) and CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interview) methods.

Persons providing data are farmers and the land prices are reported on the basis of their knowledge on transactions of purchase/sale of agricultural land made in the nearest neighbourhood. In the case of unknown number of transaction the price given is the one occurring most frequently.

as for land prices

18.2. Frequency of data collection
  Land prices Land rents
Are the data collected on the regular, annual, basis?  Yes Yes
If yes, since when? If not, what is the frequency of data collection? 

The survey R-ZW-S was realised three times a year since 2015 . It is realised two times a year since 2019. Data are collected quarterly.

as for land prices

18.3. Data collection
  Land prices Land rents
Primary data collection method 

It is described in point 18.1.

It is described in point 18.1.

18.4. Data validation
  Land prices Land rents
Data validation 

Validation is carried out at the level of calculating tables as it is described in point 11.1 and 15.1.

as for land prices

18.5. Data compilation
  Land prices Land rents
Data compilation process 

Obtained information enabled the creation of a basis for calculating the average prices of 1 ha of land property.  Calculation of average prices was made on the basis of aggregated data from local markets, with the use of weighted average of all quotations prices in the given area, taking into consideration the surface area as weight.

In order to eliminate voivodship prices which significantly differ from the average land price, a formula is used that rejects prices which not fit in the appropriate range. The elimination was made with regard to information about agricultural land prices for which a set of the number of transaction in the voivodship was lower than 3.

as described in point 3.4 and 18.1

Is the aggregation at country level carried out in accordance with the EU Target Methodology?  No No
How the aggregation at country level is carried out? 

It is described in point 15.1.

as for land prices

18.6. Adjustment
  Land prices Land rents

Work related to the implementation of the new aggregation method is ongoing.

as for land prices

19. Comment Top

As it is described in point 18.6

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top