Economic accounts for agriculture (aact)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistical Service of Cyprus (CYSTAT)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Agricultural Statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Statistical Service of Cyprus




2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Main characteristics

2.1.1 Describe shortly the main characteristics of the statistics  

The Economic Accounts for Agriculture (EAA) provide detailed information on income in the agricultural sector. The purpose is to analyse the production process of the agricultural industry and the primary income generated by this production. The accounts are therefore based on the industry concept. The EAA accounts are detailed data on value of output (producer prices and basic prices), intermediate consumption, subsidies and taxes, consumption of fixed capital, rent and interests, capital formation etc. The values are in current as well as in constant prices. Agricultural Labour Input (ALI) and Unit Values (UV) are an integrated part of the overall concept of Economic Accounts for Agriculture.

Reference period

2.1.2 Reference period of the data collection 


2.1.3 Is the reference period based on the calendar year starting January 1st and ending December 31st? Yes
2.1.4 If No, please specify

National legislation

2.1.5 Is there a national legislation covering these statistics?  No
If Yes, please answer all the following questions.  
2.1.6 Name of the national legislation 
2.1.7 Link to the national legislation 
2.1.8 Responsible organisation for the national legislation 
2.1.9 Year of entry into force of the national legislation 
2.1.10 Please indicate which variables required under EU regulation are not covered by national legislation, if any.
2.1.11 Please indicate which national definitions differ from those in the EU regulation, if any. 
2.1.12 Is there a legal obligation for respondents to reply?  Yes

Additional comments on data description

The legal basis for all Statistical Surveys and statistics in general carried out by CYSTAT, is the National Statistics Law of 2000. The law is very explicit in terms of the obligation in providing the requested information. (Statistics Law No 15(I) 2000). The Law specifies the following:

Article 11.(2) The officers or the other persons referred to in subsection (1) have the obligation to inform the person from whom the provision of data is required about the conduct of a survey or work by virtue of Law, the purpose of the survey or work, statistical confidentiality and the penalties imposed in case of refusal of provision of data or of provision of false data, incomplete or inaccurate data.

Article 11.(3) Any person who refuses to provide data or who provides false, incomplete or inaccurate data is guilty of an offence and in case of conviction is liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand pounds or to imprisonment not exceeding six months or to both such fine and imprisonment.

2.2. Classification system

The EAA are an integral part of the European System of Accounts. As such, they are compiled based on NACE REV.2, the statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community. The list of activities which defines the agricultural industry corresponds, in principle, to Division 01 of that classification: Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities. 

2.3. Coverage - sector

The sector covers the income of all units involved in agricultural production, even if some of those units have more important economic activities or if the purpose of some others is not commercial. Note, however, that kitchen gardens (producing for own-consumption only) are not included.

Division 01 of NACE Rev. 2 comprises:

•Group 01.1: Growing of non-perennial crops;

•Group 01.2: Growing of perennial crops;

•Group 01.3: Plant propagation;

•Group 01.4: Animal production;

•Group 01.5: Mixed farming;

•Group 01.6: Support activities to agriculture and post-harvest crop activities;

•Group 01.7: Hunting, trapping and related service activities.


The list of agricultural activities characteristic of the EAA corresponds to these seven groups of activities (01.1 to 01.7), but with the following caveats:

- the inclusion of the production of wine and olive oil (exclusively using grapes and olives grown by the same holding),

- the exclusion of certain activities which, in NACE Rev. 2, are considered as agricultural services (e.g. the operation of irrigation systems - only agricultural contract work is taken into account here).

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Output, intermediate consumption, gross and net value added, gross fixed capital formation (GFCF), both in current prices and in constant prices, as well as compensation of employees, other taxes and subsidies on production, net operating surplus or net mixed income, property income and net entrepreneurial income in current prices. Estimates of the volume of agricultural labor provided during the calendar year.

The three agricultural income indicators can be described as follows:

Indicator A: index of the real income of factors in agriculture per AWU
Indicator B: index of real net agricultural entrepreneurial income, per non-salaried AWU
Indicator C: net entrepreneurial income of agriculture

2.5. Statistical unit

The statistical unit is the agricultural holding, which is the unit currently used for statistical studies of agriculture (censuses, surveys of the structure of agricultural holdings, etc). The agricultural holding is the local KAU most appropriate to the agricultural industry. 

2.6. Statistical population

The statistical population is the production of all agricultural and livestock holdings. This unit is used to analyze inputs and outputs, since it corresponds exactly to a type of activity. 

2.7. Reference area
2.7.1 Geographical area covered

Cyprus is NUTS1 region and all statistics refer to the Government controlled areas of the Republic of Cyprus. 

2.7.2 Which special Member State territories are included?
2.8. Coverage - Time

2003 - 2017

2.9. Base period

Economic Accounts of Agriculture for year n are calculated at current prices, at prices of year n-1 and at prices of year 2015, 2010 and 2005. Value, volume and price indices are also obtained for reference years: n-1=100, 2015=100, 2010=100 and 2005=100. Labor input data are shown as total Annual Work Units and as indices 2015=100, 2010=100 and 2005=100.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

Overall summary

3.1.1 Total number of different data sources used


The breakdown is as follows: 
3.1.2 Total number of sources of the type "Census"


3.1.3 Total number of sources of the type "Sample survey"


3.1.4 Total number of sources of the type "Administrative source"


3.1.5 Total number of sources of the type "Experts"


3.1.6 Total number of sources of the type "Other sources"



If there is a specific census conducted in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe it in this part. For other data sources please use table 3.1 in the annexed Excel file. If metadata already exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.1.7 Name/Title
3.1.8 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.9 Main scope
3.1.10 List used to build the frame
3.1.11 Any possible threshold values
3.1.12 Population size
3.1.13 Additional comments

Sample survey

If there is a specific survey conducted in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe it in this part. For other data sources please use table 3.1. If metadata already exist just provide the name of the data source.(e.g. FSS, Crop production, Animal production, Prices in Agriculture) 
3.1.14 Name/Title
3.1.15 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.16 Main scope
3.1.17 List used to build the frame
3.1.18 Any possible threshold values
3.1.19 Population size
3.1.20 Sample size
3.1.21 Sampling basis
3.1.22 If Other, please specify
3.1.23 Type of sample design
3.1.24 If Other, please specify
3.1.25 If Stratified, number of strata
3.1.26 If Stratified, stratification criteria
3.1.27 If Other, please specify
3.1.28 Additional comments

Administrative source

If there is a specific administrative source in your country witch provide data exclusively for the EAA please describe it in this part. For other administrative sources please use table 3.1. If metadata already exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.1.29 Name/Title
3.1.30 Name of Organisation responsible
3.1.31 Contact information (email and phone)
3.1.32 Main administrative scope
3.1.33 Geospatial Coverage
3.1.34 Update frequency
3.1.35 Legal basis
3.1.36 Are you able to access directly to the micro data?
3.1.37 Are you able to check the plausibility of the data, namely by contacting directly the units?
3.1.38 How would you assess the proximity of the definitions and concepts (including statistical units) used in the administrative source with those required in the EU regulation?
3.1.39 Please list the main differences between the administrative source and the statistical definitions and concepts
3.1.40 Is a different threshold used in the administrative source and statistical data?
3.1.41 If Yes, please specify
3.1.42 Additional comments


If there is a specific expert source in your country witch provide data exclusively for the EAA please describe it in this part. For other expert sources please use table 3.1. If metadata already exist just provide the name of the data source.
3.1.43 Name/Title
3.1.44 Primary purpose
3.1.45 Legal basis
3.1.46 Update frequency
3.1.47 Expert data supplier
3.1.48 If Other, please specify
3.1.49 How would you assess the quality of those data?
3.1.50 Additional comments

Other sources

If there is more than one other statistical activity, please describe the main one below and the additional ones in table 3.1 of the annexed Excel file 
3.1.51 Name/Title
3.1.52 Name of Organisation
3.1.53 Primary purpose
3.1.54 Data type
3.1.55 If Other, please specify
3.1.56 How would you assess the quality of those data?
3.1.57 Additional comments


Data sources
3.2. Frequency of data collection

Monthly and annually


3.3. Data collection


If there is a specific census conducted in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe the method of data collection in this part. For other data sources please use table 3.3. If metadata alredy exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.3.1 Name/Title
3.3.2 Methods of data collection
3.3.3 If Other, please specify
3.3.4 If face-to-face or telephone interview, which method is used?
3.3.5 Data entry method, if paper questionnaires?
3.3.6 Please annex the questionnaire used (if very long: please provide the hyperlink)
3.3.7 Additional comments

Sample survey

If there is a specific survay conducted in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe the method of data collection in this part.For other data sources please use table 3.3. If metadata alredy exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.3.8 Name/Title
3.3.9 Methods of data collection
3.3.10 If Other, please specify
3.3.11 If face-to-face or telephone interview, which method is used?
3.3.12 Data entry method, if paper questionnaires?
3.3.13 Please annex the questionnaire used (if very long: please provide the hyperlink)
3.3.14 Additional comments

Administrative source

If there is a specific administrative source in your country to collect data exclusively for the EAA please describe the metod of data collection in this part.For other data sources please use table 3.3. If metadata alredy exist just provide the name of the data source. 
3.3.15 Name/Title
3.3.16 Extraction date
3.3.17 How easy is it to get access to the data?
3.3.18 Data transfer method
3.3.19 Additional comments


If there is a specific expert source in your country witch provide data exclusively for the EAA please describe the metod of data collection in this part. For other expert sources please use table 3.3. If metadata alredy exist just provide the name of the data source.
3.3.20 Name/Title
3.3.21 Methods of data collection
3.3.22 Additional comments

Census of Agriculture 2010 - Questionnaire
3.4. Data validation
3.4.1 Which kind of data validation measures are in place? Automatic
3.4.2 What do they target? Completeness
3.4.3 If Other, please specify
3.5. Data compilation
3.5.1 Describe the data compilation process

For the compilation of EAA, data are used from the results of all annual surveys of the Agricultural Statistics Section of CYSTAT, as well as other statistics carried out by CYSTAT such as agricultural exports, industrial statistics, etc. The results of all surveys are weighted. Administrative sources are also used in several cases, where the data are received as aggregated results. The use of statistical indicators and price indices is mostly used in the calculation of first and second estimates.

Checks are carried out throughout all processes and during the data entry and comparisons are made with the results of the previous year.

3.5.2 Additional comments
3.6. Adjustment

No adjustments are made

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance
4.1.1 Is there a quality management system used in the organisation? No
4.1.2 If yes, how is it implemented?
4.1.3 Has a peer review been carried out? No
4.1.4 If Yes, which were the main conclusions?
4.1.5 What quality improvements are foreseen? Further automation
4.1.6 If Other, please specify
4.1.7 Additional comments
4.2. Quality management - assessment

Development since the last quality report

4.2.1 Overall quality Improvement
4.2.2 Relevance Stable
4.2.3 Accuracy and reliability Improvement
4.2.4 Timeliness and punctuality Stable
4.2.5 Comparability Improvement
4.2.6 Coherence Improvement
4.2.7 Additional comments

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs
5.1.1 If certain user needs are not met, please specify which and why

EAA are sometimes requested to be provided by type of farming. This request cannot be met without further increasing the statistical burden, and most of the sources for the EAA are not suitable for such breakdowns.

5.1.2 Please specify any plans to satisfy needs more completely in the future

At the moment we have no plans in providing EAA by type of farming. 

5.1.3 Additional comments
5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
5.2.1 Has a user satisfaction survey been conducted? No
If Yes, please answer all the following questions 
5.2.2 Year of the user satisfaction survey
5.2.3 How satisfied were the users?
5.2.4 Additional comments
5.3. Completeness
5.3.1 Data completeness - rate


5.3.2 If not complete, which characteristics are missing?


01600 RICE
02130 SOYA
02910 Fibre plants
02920 Hops
02930 Other industrial crops: others
04230 Plantations
12920 Silkworm cocoons
15200 Renting of milk quota
17110 Cereals
17120 Vegetables
17140 Wine
17150 Animals
17162 Other animal products
17190 Other
19011 Seeds and planting stock supplied by other agricultural holdings
19031 Fertilisers supplied by other agricultural holdings
21900 Others
37100 Investment grants
37200 Other capital transfers


5.3.3 Additional comments

The most serious gaps in the data are due to nonexistent items for Cyprus or limited availability of information.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall
6.1.1 How good is the accuracy? Good
6.1.2 What are the main factors lowering the accuracy? Sampling error
Non-response error
Measurement error
6.1.3 If Other, please specify
6.1.4 Additional comments
6.2. Sampling error
6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

For all agricultural surveys the standard error for each variable is estimated by:

 Se = √ΣHi=1 Nhi (Whi - 1) S2i


  • Nhi is the total number of holdings in stratum i
  • Whi is the weight of each holding in stratum i and
  • S2i is the variance within stratum i
6.3. Non-sampling error
6.3.1. Coverage error Over-coverage - rate Common units - proportion
6.3.2. Measurement error

When cases of measurement errors are found, they are corrected at the very moment they are found, therefore by the end of the surveys the measurement errors in the data are minimised. The analytical checking process in conjunction with the intensive call-back strategy minimises almost entirely missing and inaccurate data as well as the number of lost cases. However, there is lack of prices in some products and we also face some difficulties in the output and use of forage.


6.3.3. Non response error Unit non-response - rate Item non-response - rate
6.3.4. Processing error Imputation - rate
6.3.5. Model assumption error
6.4. Seasonal adjustment
6.5. Data revision - policy
The data are revised according to national schedules and revisions are applied to Eurostat's online database.
•First estimates: received in November of the reference year (N) and published in December N.
•Second estimates: received in January of N+1 and published in March N+1
•Final data: received in September of N+1 and published in November N+1
6.6. Data revision - practice
6.6.1 Data revision - average size
6.6.2 Were data revisions due to conceptual changes (e.g. new definitions)  carried out since the last quality report? Yes
6.6.3 What was the main reason for the revisions?
Changes in the methodology/definitions, new information on some items. 
6.6.4 How do you evaluate the impact of the revisions? Very important
6.6.5 Additional comments

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness
7.1.1 When were  the first  results for the reference period published?

No time lag.

7.1.2 When were  the final results for the reference period published?

No time lag

7.1.3 Reasons for possible long production times?
7.2. Punctuality
7.2.1 Were data released nationally according to a pre-announced schedule (Release Calendar)? Yes 
7.2.2 If Yes, were data released on the target date? Yes
7.2.3 If No, reasons for delays?
7.2.4 Number of days between the national release date of data and the target date

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

No differences. Cyprus is NUTS 1 region.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient
8.2. Comparability - over time
8.2.1 Length of comparable time series

The comparability over time can be considered as good. There are no extreme changes.

8.2.2 Have there been major breaks in the time series? No
8.2.3 If Yes, please specify the year of break and the reason
8.2.4 Additional comments
8.3. Coherence - cross domain
8.3.1 With which other national data sources have the data been compared?

Unit Values are to some extent compared with absolute prices.

8.3.2 Describe briefly the results of comparisons

Comparisons do not show significant deviations.

8.3.3 If no comparisons have been made, explain why
8.3.4 Additional comments
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics
8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Use of EAA-data in NA calculations

Are EAA used by NA as data source for Group 01 Degree of implication Please describe briefly the reasons
Intermediate consumption
Fixed capital consumption
Compensation of employees
Gross fixed capital formation
Labour input

Use of NA-data in EAA calculations

Are NA used as data source for EAA Degree of implication  Please describe briefly the reasons 
Intermediate consumption
Fixed capital consumption
Compensation of employees
Gross fixed capital formation
Labour input
8.6. Coherence - internal

EAA data are considered consistent.


9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release
9.1.1 Do you publish a news release? No
9.1.2 If Yes, please provide a link
9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
9.2.1 Do you produce a paper publication? No
9.2.2 If Yes, is there an English version?
9.2.3 Do you produce an electronic publication? No
9.2.4 If Yes, is there an English version?
9.2.5 Please provide a link
9.3. Dissemination format - online database
9.3.1 Data tables - consultations

Not applicable

9.3.2 Is an on-line database accessible to users? No
9.3.3 Please provide a link
9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access
9.4.1 Are micro-data accessible to users? No
9.4.2 Please provide a link
9.5. Dissemination format - other
9.6. Documentation on methodology
9.6.1 Are national reference metadata files available? Yes 
9.6.2 Please provide a link


9.6.3 Are methodological papers available? No 
9.6.4 Please provide a link
9.6.5 Is a handbook available? No 
9.6.6 Please provide a link
9.7. Quality management - documentation
9.7.1 Metadata completeness - rate
9.7.2 Metadata - consultations
9.7.3 Is a quality report available? No
9.7.4 Please provide a link

10. Cost and Burden Top
10.1 Efficiency gains if compared to the previous quality report Other
10.2 If Other, please specify

No other quality report is available.

10.3 Burden reduction measures since the previous quality report Multiple use of the collected data
More user-friendly questionnaires
10.4 If Other, please specify

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy
11.1.1 Are confidential data transmitted to Eurostat? No 
11.1.2 If yes, are they confidential in the sense of Reg. (EC) 223/2009?
11.1.3 Describe the data confidentiality policy in place

Official statistics are released in accordance to all confidentiality provisions of the following:

  • National Statistics Law No. 15(I) of 2000 (especially Article 13 on statistical confidentiality).
  • Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on European statistics and its later amendments (especially Chapter 5 on statistical confidentiality).
  • European Statistics Code of Practice (especially Principle 5 on statistical confidentiality).
  • CYSTAT's Code of Practice for the Collection, Publication and Storage of Statistical Data.

Statistics Law No. 15(I) of 2000
European Statistics Code of Practice
Code of Practice for the Collection, Publication and Storage of Statistical Data
11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
11.2.1 Describe the procedures for ensuring confidentiality during dissemination

Only non-confidential data are received. 

The treatment of confidential data is regulated by CYSTAT's Code of Practice for the Collection, Publication and Storage of Statistical Data.

Eurofarm data are send through Edamis encrypted and the summary tables will show total values for all Cyprus and will not include row data in order to ensure confidentiality.

11.2.2 Additional comments

12. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top