Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments (tour_occ)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Netherlands

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Netherlands

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Culture, Tourism and Technology

1.5. Contact mail address

Henri Faasdreef 312

2492JP The Hague

The Netherlands

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 05/10/2018
2.2. Metadata last posted 02/03/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 02/03/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Capacity: Number, capacity and type of tourist accommodation establishments.

Occupancy: Number of guests and overnight stays in tourist accommodation establishments by country or geographical area of residence of the guests.

3.2. Classification system

Establishment are divided to: 01 hotels*****, 02 hotels****, 03 hotels***, 04 hotels**, 05 hotels*, 06 hotels other, 07 campsites, 08 holiday dwellings, 09 group accommodation.

Regional classifications: NUTS1, NUTS2, NUTS 3, degree of urbanisation, coastal/non-coastal, Cities

3.3. Coverage - sector

NACE Rev.2 - 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1 Statistical concepts and definitions

See Regulation 692/2011 and Methodological Manual for Tourism Statistics

3.4.2 Additional comments (if deviations from the Regulation)
3.5. Statistical unit

Local kind-of-activity unit (accommodation establishment) offering short-stay accommodation to tourists.

3.6. Statistical population
3.6.1 Statistical population 

All local kind-of-activity unit (accommodation establishment) offering short-stay accommodation as a paid service (although the price might be partially or fully subsidised) to tourists as defined in NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3

3.6.2 Additional comments

NACE 55.1 (this also includes boarding houses, pensions, youth hotels and youth hostels) 
at least 5 bed places, in use during the reference period, providing paid short-stay accommodation services. This includes approximately 3600 units. We use the functional description from the NACE code, but the population is not directly based on the business register. The business register is one of multiple sources.

NACE 55.2 (including group accommodation) 
at least 10 bed places, in use during the reference period, providing paid short-stay accommodation services. This includes approximately 2500 units. We use the functional description from the NACE code, but the population is not directly based on the business register. The business register is one of multiple sources.

NACE 55.3 with at least 4 pitches, in use during the reference period, providing paid short-stay accommodation services. This includes approximately 2800 units. We use the functional description from the NACE code, but the population is not directly based on the business register. The business register is one of multiple sources.

3.7. Reference area
3.7.1 Reference area 

The Netherlands.

Figures for the Dutch Caribbean Islands are not included.

3.7.2 Regional coverage / granularity (e.g. lowest level of regional detail available)  

NUTS 3, in some case LAU 2 data are available for big municipalities.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Coverage - Time [data comparable since (YYYY)]

3.8.1 Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1) (Year)


3.8.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2) (Year)


3.8.3 Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3) (Year)


3.8.4 Additional comments (e.g. if different for CAP or OCC; older series for some vars; incoherence across regions; etc.)

Data according to Directive 95/57 is available from 1998 till 2012 and new data series according to Regulation 692/2011 from 2012 till now. The regional classifications mentioned in 3.2 (old and new data series) are available from 1998.

3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Not applicable.

5. Reference Period Top
5.1 Capacity 


5.2 Occupancy 

Annual data: 2022

Monthly data: July 2022

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements
6.1.1 European level

Regulation 692/2011

Regulation 1051/2011

6.1.2 National level
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

On national level: law BWBR0011468, also called 'WBP', comprises how confidentiality should be handled.

Besides this law, there is a specific law for the National Statistical Office. This also provides the legal boundaries for handling privacy information. The link to this law: http://www.cbs.nl/NR/rdonlyres/7D68F66A-8BDE-4C23-A0DD-ED23E7F14089/0/cbswet02082012.pdf

The national statistical office also has its own code of conduct.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Data can only be published when based on at least 4 accommodation establishments in a classification to prevent unauthorised disclosure. Special cases must be considered when large accommodation establishment tends to dominate small accommodation establishment. When one specific classification is bound to confidentiality a set of rules calculates of other cells should not be published to prevent that confidential data can be calculated with help of published totals.

Minimum number of guests must be 1000 to prevent unauthorised disclosure.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Statistics Netherlands presents on its website long-term release calendar and weekly release overview for the coming week.

Tourism data is placed on the Statistics Netherlands public accessible database (without press release) 3 months after the end of the reference period.

8.2. Release calendar access

Release calendar and weekly release overview can be found here: https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/publication-calendar

8.3. Release policy - user access

Data is published in the database of the NSI with public access. Release policy can be found in the metadata published together with the data. All users can freely access and use the data (use of the figures for publications should be mentioned).

9. Frequency of dissemination Top


10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

When data is published in the public database a notification is placed at the website of the NSI.


10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Ad hoc publications: news articles available on NSI website: https://www.cbs.nl/en-gb/society/leisure-and-culture

10.3. Dissemination format - online database


Online database publicly accessible. Variables can be chosen and data can be downloaded.

Capacity in overnight accommodation by type and region: http://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/en/dataset/82062ENG/table?dl=45DA6

Capacity in hotels by star classification:  http://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/en/dataset/84040ENG/table?dl=45DA7


Online database publicly accessible. Variables can be chosen and data can be downloaded.

Guests, nights and occupancy by type of overnight accommodation: http://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/en/dataset/82058ENG/table?dl=45DAD

Guests and nights in hotels by country of residence and by region: http://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/en/dataset/82061ENG/table?dl=45DA9

Guests and nights in hotels by country of residence and by star classificaton:  http://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/en/dataset/84037ENG/table?dl=45DAC

Guests and nights in overnight accommodation by type of accommodation and by country of residence: http://opendata.cbs.nl/statline/#/CBS/en/dataset/82059ENG/table?dl=45DA8

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not available

10.5. Dissemination format - other


10.6. Documentation on methodology


10.7. Quality management - documentation


11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Statistics Netherlands strives towards ISO 9001 compliance.

11.2. Quality management - assessment
11.2.1 Main strengths

Capacity: Enquiry is yearly and based on census. Response rate is over 80% and missing response can be filled in with help of previous year or searched manually.

Occupancy: There is regular contact with large suppliers of data, e.g. large hotel chains, specific cases are discussed and reviewed if not plausible or if in contrast with opinion of the field. Data of the capital is benchmarked with local statistics of the municipality.

Non-response is managed, also large accommodation establishments with a relative big influence are always part of the sample.

11.2.2 Main weaknesses

The users of our data require figures for smaller regions, for instance cities, instead of NUTS2-regions. Data quality is not high enough at this time to produce figures for cities, except for the 5 largest cities.

11.2.3 Quality improvements compared with previous reference year

In 2020, our group started using additional registration occupancy data to enhance timeliness and improve the quality of the data.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
12.1.1 European level

See: Regulation 692/2011

12.1.2 Main users on a national level

Input for other statistics at national statistical office, used by branches, organisations, for commercial purposes.

There is a need for fast and frequent publications, and the publications are received with great satisfaction. However, there is always need for more detailed data mainly for smaller geographical areas.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not explicitly measured. There is regular contact with branch organisations and local government bodies which use the data. There is a need for fast and frequent publications, and the publications are received with great satisfaction. However, there is always need for more detailed data mainly for smaller geographical areas.

12.3. Completeness

12.3.1 Completeness Completeness

Compliant with the requirements of Regulation on tourism statistics 692/2011 as well as recommendations laid down in the Methodological Manual for tourism statistics. If not complete, please specify why and list deviations from Reg.

12.3.2 Thresholds used ("limitation of the scope") Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1)

5 beds Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2)

10 beds Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3)

4 pitches

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Capacity: The main sources of error are: 

  • Missing answers: data is filled in with help of data from the same period of previous year.
  • Non response: data is filled in with help data from the same period of previous year if available. If not, data is looked up on the internet or by direct contact with accommodation.


Occupancy: The main sources of error are:

  • Missing answers: data is filled in with help of data from the same period of previous year.
  • Non response: data is filled in by calculation of the average occupancy of establishments with the same size, type and geographical location.
  • Misconceptions: A programs scans all data for logical errors and big deviations with same period previous year. These data must be corrected manually.
13.2. Sampling error

13.2.1 Sampling errors - indicators (Occupancy only)

Information on Sampling errors may also be provided in the attached file.  Estimated value  CV Annual number of arrivals (res + non-res.)


Not applicable. Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res.)


Not applicable. Annual number of nights spent (residents)


Not applicable. Annual number of nights spent (non-residents)


Not applicable. Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.1


Not applicable. Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.2


Not applicable. Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.3


Not applicable. Monthly number of nights spent (res + non-res) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)


Not applicable.

13.2.2 Additional comments on sampling error

Sampling error is reduced because sampling only occurs for the smaller accommodation establishments (which account for a relatively small part of the total). Data for large accommodation establishments are based on a census.

Coefficient of variation: unfortunately this is not known

13.3. Non-sampling error

13.3.1 Coverage-errors Over-coverage

Accommodation not enlisted with the chamber of commerce or enlisted under other type the nace 55 (and not registered at our tourism board) cannot be found.

Coverage errors could occur when an accommodation establishment refuses to fill in its capacity. If that is the case, an estimate is made based on internet information. Overcoverage is almost not possible. New accommodation establishments are checked if they exist and can be booked.

Population is especially maintained for these tourism statistics and therefore all accommodation belong to the target population Under-coverage

Undercoverage is possible if accommodation establishments are registered as another type of business (e.g. an accountancy office might possibly run a hotel). We try to solve this by searching booking sites and other registers (but you can't find them all). However, error is probably very small.

13.3.2 Unit non-response (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

Information on Unit non-response may also be provided in the attached file.  NACE 55.1  NACE 55.2  NACE 55.3 Number of ineligible units/ elements



0 Number of eligible units/elements



1131 Number of non-contacts



219 Number of refusals

Not known

Not known

Not known Number of rejected questionnaires

Not known

Not known

Not known Number of other types of non-response

Not known

Not known

Not known Total non-response



219 Unit non-response rate




13.3.3 Methods used for dealing with/minimising unit-non response

Capacity: Non response is managed actively. The yearly survey on capacity for 2022 had a unit non response rate of 25%.

Unit non-response is solved by reminders on paper or reminding them on the phone. Infomation from previous years is used, or unit is called to get exact variables needed. In the end, unit non-response where we have no data from previous years is looked up manually, using e.g. internet websites.

Occupancy: Non response is managed actively. Monthly surveys on occupancy usually have unit non response rates less than 25%.

Unit non-response is solved by sending reminders on paper or reminding them on the phone. The rest of the non-response is estimated with help of capacity and the occupancy of same type of accommodation establishment with same size in the same region.

13.3.4 Item non-response Item non-response 

not measured Methods used for dealing with/minimising item-non-response

For the capacity item non-response is solved manually for inconsistencies that might occur when big deviations compared to previous year occur or when capacity is left blank which should not occur (e.g. rooms are filled in but no sleeping places), data from previous years can be used or unit is called to get exact variables needed.

For the occupancy item non-response is solved manually for inconsistencies that might occur when totals don’t match or when big deviations compared to previous year occur. Other gaps are filled in with estimates of same type of accommodation establishment with same size in the same region. 

13.3.5 Additional comments on non-sampling error (e.g. in case the reference month is very different from other months in terms of non-response)

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness
14.1.1 Capacity

Publications after 2 months. However the capacity is known in advance because we send an inquiry before the start of the reference period. Final results of the complete year (including months) are available 6 months after end of the reference year.

14.1.2 Occupancy (annual data)

First results are published 2 months after end of the reference period. Final results of the complete year (including months) are available 6 months after end of the reference year.

14.1.3 Occupancy (monthly data) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

First results are published 2 months after end of the reference period. Final results of the complete year (including months) are available 6 months after end of the reference year.

14.2. Punctuality
14.2.1 Capacity

2022 annual capacity data have been transmitted to Eurostat on 28 June, i.e. 2 days before the deadline.

14.2.2 Occupancy (annual data)

2022 annual occupancy data have been transmitted to Eurostat on 28 June, i.e. 2 days before the deadline.

14.2.3 Occupancy (monthly data) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

July 2022 rapid key indicators (number of nights spent) have been transmitted to Eurostat 7 september 2022, 4 days before the deadline.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

See 3.7

At the NUTS 1 to NUTS 3 levels, the results may be easily compared on a geographical basis.

15.2. Comparability - over time
15.2.1 Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1)

See 3.8.1

Series from 1998 to 2012 are comparable, new series started from January 2012 till now are not comparable to previous series.

15.2.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2)

See 3.8.2

Series from 1998 to 2012 are comparable, new series started from January 2012 till now are not comparable to previous series.

15.2.3 Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3)

See 3.8.3

Series from 1998 to 2012 are comparable, new series started from January 2012 till now are not comparable to previous series.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

There is no coherence in cross domain. Mainly because the population is based on a functional approach (which means there should be actual beds available no matter what the main or other activities are) whereas other statistics are based on business registers or even on surveys among inhabitants.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Coherence between annual and monthly data: Monthly data should add up to the annual data but only if the monthly data is updated to be aligned with the latest publication of the annual data.

In a given dataset the figures are coherent. For example nationalities should sum up to the totals and regions to total country.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Cost and burden are not systematically collected

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy
17.1.1 Capacity 

Capacity data are first published as provisional. 6 months after the last reference period (December), all data is revised and will become definite.

17.1.2 Occupancy 

Occupancy data are first published as provisional. 6 months after the last reference period (December), all data is revised and will obtain definite status.

17.2. Data revision - practice
17.2.1 Capacity 

See item 17.1: practice is in line with policy

Data revision - average size: Changes tend to be less then 1% for totals. For small regions, the deviation may be larger, especially if there are only few units in the region.

17.2.2 Occupancy 

See item 17.1: practice is in line with policy

Data revision - average size: Changes tend to be less then 1% for totals. For small regions, the deviation may be larger, especially if there are only few units in the region.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

18.1.1 Source data Source data Census Name of data collection in national language

Capacity: logies inventarisatie

Occupancy: logies exploitatie Name of data collection in English

Capacity: Lodging accommodation, capacity

Occupancy: Lodging accommodation, guest and overnight stays Additional comments, if any (e.g. differences per NACE class, use of statistical estimation techniques)

Occupancy: Sample survey

Capacity: Register, completed with a census survey

18.1.2 Population frame Population frame Capacity Statistical business register Occupancy  Statistical business register Update of population frame Capacity  Other frequency Occupancy  Other frequency Other or additional comments 

Annually, last update January 2020

Population frame: Local statistical NSI Register maintained specifically for this statistic, updated with business register and other smaller registers available on the internet Coverage errors of population frame Capacity 

Undercoverage is possible if accommodation establishments are registered as another type of business (e.g. an accountancy office might possibly run a hotel). We try to solve this by searching booking sites and other registers (but you can't find them all). However, error is probably very small.

Coverage errors could occur when an accommodation establishment refuses to fill in its capacity. If that is the case, an estimate is made based on internet information.

Overcoverage is almost not possible. New accommodation establishments are checked if they exist and can be booked. Occupancy 

Undercoverage is possible if accommodation establishments are registered as another type of business (e.g. an accountancy office might possibly run a hotel). We try to solve this by searching booking sites and other registers (but you can't find them all). However, error is probably very small.

Coverage errors could occur when an accommodation establishment refuses to fill in its capacity. If that is the case, an estimate is made based on internet information.

Overcoverage is almost not possible. New accommodation establishments are checked if they exist and can be booked.

18.1.3 Sampling design

Capacity: Census survey

Occupancy: Stratified sample survey

18.1.4 Other or additional comments on source data, population frame or sampling design (e.g. differences per NACE class)

18.2. Frequency of data collection
18.2.1 Capacity Other frequency
18.2.2 Occupancy  Monthly
18.2.3 If other frequency or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify

Capacity: Yearly

18.3. Data collection

18.3.1 Type of survey Capacity Business survey collected by the NSI Occupancy Business survey collected by the NSI If other type or non-NSI, or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify

18.3.2 Data collection methods Capacity Electronic/online survey via webform Occupancy Electronic/online survey via webform If other or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify If a combination of data collection methods is used, please indicate the share of reporting establishments per method (as well as their share in total nights spent) Questionnaire in national language (Annex/Link)

Three different questionnaires, depending on type of accommodation. Questionnaire in English (Annex/Link)

not available Interviewer instructions in English (Annex/Link)

not available

18.4. Data validation
18.4.1 Capacity 

Check for completeness, check for large changes compared to previous year. Check for normal ratio between beds/rooms/accommodation.

18.4.2 Occupancy 

Check for normal occupancy, normal ratio guests/nights. Check for abnormal amounts of specific nationality.

18.5. Data compilation

Capacity; Not applicable (census)

Occupancy: Grossing up using ratio estimate by type and region and nationality

18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top