Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments (tour_occ)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Lithuania. State Data Agency

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Lithuania. State Data Agency

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Transport and Tourism Statistics Division

1.5. Contact mail address

Gedimino av.29, Vilnius, Lithuania

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 27/09/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 27/09/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 27/09/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description


National data: annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places are available by types of accommodation establishments (NACE classification).

Regional data: annual data on number of establishments, bedrooms and bed places by types of accommodation establishments are available on NUTS 3 and LAU 1 level.



National data: monthly and annual data on arrivals, nights spent and occupancy rates at tourist accommodation establishments.

Regional data: monthly and annual data on arrivals, nights spent and occupancy rates at tourist accommodation establishmenare available on NUTS 3 and LAU 1 level.

3.2. Classification system

Data as of reference periods 2012 (under Regulation (EU) 692/211) are described according to the NACE Rev.2 classification (groups 55.1, 55.2, 55.3) and national classification types of accommodation establishments:

  • Establishments classifications NACE 55.1: Hotels; Guesthouses; Motels;
  • Establishments classifications NACE 55.2: Rest establishments; Hostels; Sanatoriums‘ Children‘s recreational summer camps; private rented accommodation (owners of individual residences having a business license for providing short-stay accommodation); Rural tourism homesteads of natural persons;
  • Establishments classifications NACE 55.3: Campsites.

For data up to 2011, the classification system applicable was the one under Directive 95/57/EC and national classification types of accommodation establishments: group 55.2 excluded Sanatoriums‘ Children‘s recreational summer camps; private rented accommodation; Rural tourism homesteads of natural persons.

Regional data: The territorial classification of regional data is broken down according to the NUTS classifications: NUTS 3 and LAU 1.

3.3. Coverage - sector

NACE Rev.2 - 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1 Statistical concepts and definitions

See Regulation 692/2011 and Methodological Manual for Tourism Statistics

3.4.2 Additional comments (if deviations from the Regulation)
3.5. Statistical unit

Local kind-of-activity unit (accommodation establishment) offering short-stay accommodation to tourists.

3.6. Statistical population
3.6.1 Statistical population 

All local kind-of-activity unit (accommodation establishment) offering short-stay accommodation as a paid service (although the price might be partially or fully subsidised) to tourists as defined in NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3

3.6.2 Additional comments
3.7. Reference area
3.7.1 Reference area 


3.7.2 Regional coverage / granularity (e.g. lowest level of regional detail available)  


3.8. Coverage - Time

Coverage - Time [data comparable since (YYYY)]

3.8.1 Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1) (Year)


3.8.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2) (Year)


3.8.3 Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3) (Year)


3.8.4 Additional comments (e.g. if different for CAP or OCC; older series for some vars; incoherence across regions; etc.)

NACE 55.1:


  • Annual data according to Regulation 692/2011 is available from 2012 onwards.
  • Data according to Directive 95/57 is available from 2000 up to 2011.
  • Regional data is available from 2000 onwards.


  • Monthly and annual data according to Regulation 692/2011 is available from 2012 onwards.
  • Monthly and annual data according to Directive 95/57 is available from 2003 up to 2011.
  • Regional data is available from 2003 onwards.


NACE 55.2:


  • Annual data according to Regulation 692/2011 is available from 2012 onwards.
  • Data according to Directive 95/57 is available from 2000 up to 2011.
  • Regional data is available from 2000 onwards.


  • Monthly and annual data according to Regulation 692/2011 is available from 2012 onwards.
  • Monthly and annual data according to Directive 95/57 is available from 2003 up to 2011.
  • Regional data is available from 2003 onwards.

Data in group 55.2  for 2012 and 2011 are not comparable, break in time series.


NACE 55.3:


  • Annual data according to Regulation 692/2011 is available from 2012 onwards.
  • Data according to Directive 95/57 is available from 2000 up to 2011.
  • Regional data is available from 2000 onwards.


  • Monthly and annual data according to Regulation 692/2011 is available from 2012 onwards.
  • Monthly and annual data according to Directive 95/57 is available from 2003 up to 2011.
  • Regional data is available from 2003 onwards.
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Capacity: Data is expressed in absolute values.

Occupancy: Data is expressed in absolute values. Occupancy rates are expressed in percentages.

5. Reference Period Top
5.1 Capacity 


5.2 Occupancy 

Annual =2022;

Monthly = July 2022 (peak month)

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements
6.1.1 European level

Regulation 692/2011

Regulation 1051/2011

6.1.2 National level
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Republic of Lithuania Law on Official Statistics and State Data Governance;

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 March 2009 on European statistics and repealing Regulation (EC, Euratom) No 1101/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the transmission of data subject to statistical confidentiality to the Statistical Office of the European Communities, Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 on Community Statistics, and Council Decision 89/382/EEC, Euratom establishing a Committee on the Statistical Programmes of the European Communities

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

The character "confidential" is mentioned on the questionnaire used to collect data. The individual data: name, address, business profile, capital, turnover shall be considered as confidential.

Frequency rule - data are confidential when based on less than 3 units;

Dominancy rule - data are confidential when one unit represents more than 75% of share . 

Description of Statistical Disclosure Control Methods, approved by Order No DĮ-107 of 26 April 2022 of the Director General of Statistics Lithuania.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The calendar of statistical release dates is publicly accessible. 

8.2. Release calendar access


8.3. Release policy - user access

Accommodation statistics are disseminated on website. All users are treated equitably.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Not applicable.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Press releases - OSP


10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Free annually publications on website.  Statistical Yearbook of Lithuania, Lithuania in Figure, Regions of Lithuania.


10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Free data on-line.


10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not available

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available

10.6. Documentation on methodology


10.7. Quality management - documentation


11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

The quality of statistical information and its production process is ensured by the provisions of the European Statistics Code of Practice. In 2007, a quality management system, conforming to the requirements of the international quality management system standard ISO 9001, was introduced at Statistics Lithuania.

11.2. Quality management - assessment
11.2.1 Main strengths

Overall data quality is very good: all the requirements of the Regulation are taken in the consideration, data are published on time, response rate is under control, data and metadata are easily accessible to users.

11.2.2 Main weaknesses

Overall data quality is very good.

11.2.3 Quality improvements compared with previous reference year

Overall data quality is very good.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
12.1.1 European level

See: Regulation 692/2011

12.1.2 Main users on a national level

The main users of statistical information are State and municipal authorities and agencies, international organisations, the media, research and business communities, students.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

From 2005, user opinion surveys have been conducted on a regular basis. Official Statistics Portal traffic is monitored, website visitor opinion polls, general opinion poll on the products and services of Statistics Lithuania, target user group opinion polls and other surveys are conducted. In 2007, the compilation of a user satisfaction index was launched. The said surveys are aimed at the assessment of the overall demand for and necessity of statistical information in general and specific statistical indicators in particular.

12.3. Completeness

12.3.1 Completeness Completeness

Compliant with the requirements of Regulation on tourism statistics 692/2011 as well as recommendations laid down in the Methodological Manual for tourism statistics. If not complete, please specify why and list deviations from Reg.

12.3.2 Thresholds used ("limitation of the scope") Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1)

No threshold used Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2)

No threshold used Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3)

No threshold used

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Census survey. All registered establishments are surveyed. Respondent response rate is higher than 95% per year.

13.2. Sampling error

13.2.1 Sampling errors - indicators (Occupancy only)

Information on Sampling errors may also be provided in the attached file.  Estimated value  CV Annual number of arrivals (res + non-res.)


0 Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res.)


0 Annual number of nights spent (residents)


0 Annual number of nights spent (non-residents)


0 Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.1


0 Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.2


0 Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.3


0 Monthly number of nights spent (res + non-res) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)



13.2.2 Additional comments on sampling error

Survey on accommodation statistics is not a sample survey, so the estimates do not contain sampling error.

13.2 Sampling error
13.3. Non-sampling error

13.3.1 Coverage-errors Over-coverage

Over-coverage errors could occur if the units were registered in the activities that are observed but they are doing some other activity. In practice, the accommodation unit which no longer offers tourists activity are excluded from observation. Under-coverage

Under-coverage errors occur when certain units are not included in the survey. No coverage error because the register of accommodation establishments is updated continuously (every quarter).

13.3.2 Unit non-response (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

Information on Unit non-response may also be provided in the attached file.  NACE 55.1  NACE 55.2  NACE 55.3 Number of ineligible units/ elements



2 Number of eligible units/elements



31 Number of non-contacts



0 Number of refusals



0 Number of rejected questionnaires



0 Number of other types of non-response



0 Total non-response



0 Unit non-response rate




13.3.3 Methods used for dealing with/minimising unit-non response

No questionnaire is rejected, in case of poor quality we contact unit and ask unit to fill in the questionnaire once again.

Methods used for minimising unit non-response: letter by e-mails or post or directly contacted by phone

Methods used for dealing with unit non-response: No methods used for dealing with unit non-response. Number of non-response are very small.

13.3.4 Item non-response Item non-response 

No variable, no breakdown Methods used for dealing with/minimising item-non-response

not used, item non-response is very small

13.3.5 Additional comments on non-sampling error (e.g. in case the reference month is very different from other months in terms of non-response)

Census survey with very high response rate. Non-response rate lower than 5%

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness
14.1.1 Capacity

The data are released 55 days after the end of the reference year (T+55).

14.1.2 Occupancy (annual data)

The data are released 55 days after the end of the reference year (T+55).

14.1.3 Occupancy (monthly data) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

The data are released 55 days after the  end of quarter  of the reference year (T+55).

14.2. Punctuality
14.2.1 Capacity

2021 annual  data has been transmitted to Eurostat on the deadline.

14.2.2 Occupancy (annual data)

2021 annual  data has been transmitted to Eurostat on the deadline.

14.2.3 Occupancy (monthly data) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

The data are released 55 days after the  end of quarter of the reference year (T+55).

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

See 3.7

Geographically comparable.

15.2. Comparability - over time
15.2.1 Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1)

See 3.8.1

15.2.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2)

See 3.8.2

Due to change in scope of observation with new Regulation 692/2011, there is a break in time series in 2012. Until 2012 the sanatoriums and individual residences owners, who have a business license to provide short-stay accommodation services and rural tourism homesteads of natural persons were not included in the scope of observation. From 2012 onwards, they are included.  

Due to this change in methodology, data from 2012 onwards for Holiday and other short stay accommodations (NACE I55.2) are not comparable with previous years.

15.2.3 Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3)

See 3.8.3

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Reliable source is not available.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Coherence between annual and monthly data: Full reconcilable

16. Cost and Burden Top

Cost and burden are not systematically collected

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy
17.1.1 Capacity 

Data are published as final and are not subject to revision. Published data may be revised for mistakes or significant improved information and changes.

17.1.2 Occupancy 

Monthly data can be revised during the next period after the detection of significant errors.  Also data by months are revised after the end of the reference year in March.

17.2. Data revision - practice
17.2.1 Capacity 

Data are published as final and are not subject to revision. Published data may be revised for mistakes or significant improved information and changes.

17.2.2 Occupancy 

Monthly data can be revised during the next period after the detection of significant errors.  Also data by months are revised after the end of the reference year in March.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

18.1.1 Source data Source data Census Name of data collection in national language

Apgyvendinimo paslaugų statistinis tyrimas. Name of data collection in English

Statistical survey on accommodation services Additional comments, if any (e.g. differences per NACE class, use of statistical estimation techniques)

18.1.2 Population frame Population frame Capacity Statistical business register Occupancy  Statistical business register Update of population frame Capacity  Quarterly Occupancy  Quarterly Other or additional comments 

Population frame: Included:  natural persons  from State Tax Incpection  list, who have business licenses for providing accommodation services  and providing rural tourism homestead services Coverage errors of population frame Capacity 

NACE 55.1: The coverage of hotels and motels as registration is mandatory under Law on Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania for such accommodation businesses to operate. The level of undercoverage is unknown.

NACE 55.2: The coverage of holiday and other short-stay accommodations  as registration is mandatory under Law on Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania for such accommodation businesses to operate. The level of undercoverage is unknown.

NACE 55.3: The coverage of campsites as registration is mandatory under Law on Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania for such accommodation businesses to operate. The level of undercoverage is unknown. Occupancy 

NACE 55.1: The coverage of hotels and motels as registration is mandatory under Law on Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania for such accommodation businesses to operate. The level of undercoverage is unknown.

NACE 55.2: The coverage of holiday and other short-stay accommodations  as registration is mandatory under Law on Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania for such accommodation businesses to operate. The level of undercoverage is unknown.

NACE 55.3: The coverage of campsites as registration is mandatory under Law on Tourism of the Republic of Lithuania for such accommodation businesses to operate. The level of undercoverage is unknown.

18.1.3 Sampling design


18.1.4 Other or additional comments on source data, population frame or sampling design (e.g. differences per NACE class)

18.2. Frequency of data collection
18.2.1 Capacity Monthly
18.2.2 Occupancy  Monthly
18.2.3 If other frequency or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify

Capacity: Monthly data collection.


Occupancy: Monthly data collection.

18.3. Data collection

18.3.1 Type of survey Capacity Business survey collected by the NSI Occupancy Business survey collected by the NSI If other type or non-NSI, or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify

18.3.2 Data collection methods Capacity Paper/postal survey (including e-mail)
Electronic/online survey via webform Occupancy Paper/postal survey (including e-mail)
Electronic/online survey via webform If other or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify If a combination of data collection methods is used, please indicate the share of reporting establishments per method (as well as their share in total nights spent) Questionnaire in national language (Annex/Link)

Apgyvendinimo paslaugų statistinio tyrimo ataskaita HOT-01 (see annex: "questionnaire-on acccommodation services-1");

Privataus apgyvendinimo paslaugų statistinio tyrimo anketa HOT-02 (see annex: "questionnaire-on accommodation services-2"); Questionnaire in English (Annex/Link)

Accommodation services statistical questionnaire HOT-01(month);
Privat accommodation services statistical questionnaire HOT-02 (quarter); Interviewer instructions in English (Annex/Link)

questionaire-on accommodation services-1
questionaire-on accommodation services-1
18.4. Data validation
18.4.1 Capacity 

Primary data controls are introduced for the electronic questionnaire. Data validation rule is carried out by each of the questionnaire during the loading into the database or during the data entry: logical relation between values are checked, arithmetic errors of values are detected as well as missing values​​. Errors are corrected by contacting the respondents. For respondents who did not respond, a reminder letter is sent by e-mail or post or the respondent is directly contacted by phone. For aggregated data, the plausibility of indicators is studied and aggregated results are compared to the corresponding period.

18.4.2 Occupancy 

Primary data controls are introduced for the electronic questionnaire. Data validation rule is carried out by each of the questionnaire during the loading into the database or during the data entry: logical relation between values are checked, arithmetic errors of values are detected as well as missing values​​. Errors are corrected by contacting the respondents. For respondents who did not respond, a reminder letter is sent by e-mail or post or the respondent is directly contacted by phone. For aggregated data, the plausibility of indicators is studied and aggregated results are compared to the corresponding period.

18.5. Data compilation

Capacity : Historical methods are used to deal with non-response. Missing responses are imputed with data given by the same respondent from previous period.

Occupancy : Imputation methods are used to deal with non-response. Primary method is cold-deck imputation: in case of non-response, the missing monthly data for a certain establishment is imputed with the data from previous year and same month. In case no previous data exists, the secondary method consists in nearest neighbour imputation: the missing data is imputed using the closest match records based on month, region and size of establishment.

18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top