Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments (tour_occ)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Central Statistics Office

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Central Statistics Office

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Tourism and Travel Section

1.5. Contact mail address

Skehard Road, Cork, Ireland

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 12/09/2019
2.2. Metadata last posted 12/09/2019
2.3. Metadata last update 12/09/2019

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description


Capacity data is derived from Failte Ireland's Register. Failte Ireland is the national tourism development authority.

All capacity data is provided by Fáilte Ireland, our national tourism development authority. Registration for hotels, guesthouses, hostels, caravan and campsites and group self-catering schemes (group properties of more than 7 units) is mandatory for such accommodation to achieve minimum quality standards in order to comply with Irish law. Registration for bed and breakfasts and individual self-catering units is voluntary. As part of the registration process, hotels and guesthouses must provide information on bedrooms and bedplaces, hostels provide the number of bedplaces, group properties the number of units and caravan and campsites the number of pitches. 


Occupancy data is derived from Failte Ireland's survey of  the number of beds, rooms and/or units sold in tourist accommodation establishments in Ireland. Data from the Central Statistics Office's (CSO) Passenger Card Inquiry (PCI) survey is used to provide the detailed breakdown of non-resident nights by country of residence and to estimate the number of arrivals. Data from the CSO's Household Travel Survey (HTS) is used to estimate domestic arrivals.

Occupancy data is provided by Failte Ireland based on the results of surveys of their registered population. These surveys are stratified by accommodation type and location. Data on bednights is collected for all of Nace 55.1 - 55.3. Failte Ireland does not collect any data on arrivals for any of the relevant Nace sectors.

The breakdown of bednights  between residents and non residents is collected by Failte Ireland, although the breakdown of non residents country of residence is limited. To provide the detailed breakdown of non resident bednights required by regulation, Failte Ireland use PCI non resident bed nights by country of residence results. To estimate the number of arrivals, Failte Ireland use PCI average length of stay by accommodation type and country of residence results. Failte Ireland also use HTS average length of stay for domestic trips by Nace code to estimate domestic arrivals. 

3.2. Classification system

The classification of tourism accommodation establishments used is Nace Rev 2. The regional classification used is NUTS 2.

3.3. Coverage - sector

NACE Rev.2 - 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1 Statistical concepts and definitions

See Regulation 692/2011 and Methodological Manual for Tourism Statistics

3.4.2 Additional comments (if deviations from the Regulation)
3.5. Statistical unit

Local kind-of-activity unit (accommodation establishment) offering short-stay accommodation to tourists.



Failte Ireland: The statistical unit is the local kind of activity unit.

CSO: The statistical unit for the PCI is the overseas trip made by non-residents to Ireland.

3.6. Statistical population
3.6.1 Statistical population 

All local kind-of-activity unit (accommodation establishment) offering short-stay accommodation as a paid service (although the price might be partially or fully subsidised) to tourists as defined in NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3
CSO: PCI: All overnight tourism trips made by non-residents with at least one overnight in Tourism accommodation establishments in Ireland.

NACE 55.1
Hotels, guest houses and bed and breakfasts

NACE 55.2
Self-catering holiday homes and hostels

NACE 55.3
Campsites and trailer parks

3.6.2 Additional comments
3.7. Reference area
3.7.1 Reference area 

All regions of Ireland are covered by the data. 

3.7.2 Regional coverage / granularity (e.g. lowest level of regional detail available)  

LAU2 level

All regions are currently covered.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Coverage - Time [data comparable since (YYYY)]

3.8.1 Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1) (Year)

Series available from the year 1993

Fáilte Ireland: Hotel data available since 1989. Guesthouse and Bed & Breakfast annual data available since 2008

CSO PCI: Series 'Overseas Trips to Ireland by Non-Residents - Average Length of Stay' available from Quarter 3 1994.

CSO PCI: Series 'Overseas Trips to Ireland by Non-Residents - Number of Bednights' available from Quarter 2 2001.

3.8.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2) (Year)

Series available from the year 1993

Fáilte Ireland: holiday and other short-stay annual data available since 2008

CSO PCI: Series 'Overseas Trips to Ireland by Non-Residents - Average Length of Stay' available from Quarter 3 1994.

CSO PCI: Series 'Overseas Trips to Ireland by Non-Residents - Number of Bednights' available from Quarter 2 2001.

3.8.3 Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3) (Year)

Series available from the year 1993

Fáilte Ireland: Caravan and campsite annual data available since 2008

CSO PCI: Series 'Overseas Trips to Ireland by Non-Residents - Average Length of Stay' available from Quarter 3 1994.

CSO PCI: Series 'Overseas Trips to Ireland by Non-Residents - Number of Bednights' available from Quarter 2 2001.

3.8.4 Additional comments (e.g. if different for CAP or OCC; older series for some vars; incoherence across regions; etc.)
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Not applicable.

5. Reference Period Top
5.1 Capacity 


5.2 Occupancy 

Annual data= 2018

Monthly data = August 2018

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements
6.1.1 European level

Regulation 692/2011

Regulation 1051/2011

6.1.2 National level  
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
As a state body, Failte Ireland adheres to the regulations laid out in the Data Protection Act 1988 and the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
As a state body, Failte Ireland adheres to the regulations laid out in the Data Protection Act 1988 and the Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2003. As well as adhering to the two Data Protection Acts, the confidentiality of all data collected by the Central Statistics Office is further guaranteed by law under the Statistics Act 1993.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Fáilte Ireland’s Register is available on http://www.failteireland.ie/Supports/Get-quality-assured.aspx 

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Failte Ireland: All necessary precautions are taken during the collection, processing and compilation of the data to ensure that no individual tourism establishment is identifiable. Data is published in aggregate format only.

Central Statistics Office: No personal details which would enable the identification of any individual is collect on the PCI. All forms are scanned and verified once received in the office and are then stored in a secure location until they are securely destroyed. Data is also published in aggregate format to ensure confidentiality.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Central Statistics Office: A release calendar showing all upcoming publications is availabe at http://www.cso.ie/en/csolatestnews/releasecalendar/

8.2. Release calendar access

Central Statistics Office: The release calendar is available to all members of the public at http://www.cso.ie/en/csolatestnews/releasecalendar/

8.3. Release policy - user access


9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Central Statistics Office: The PCI release is published quarterly under the title of 'Tourism and Travel'

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Ad hoc press releases are available on http://www.failteireland.ie/ when the data is available to the public.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Ad hoc press releases are available on http://www.failteireland.ie/ when the data is available to the public.

CSO: The PCI release date is placed on the CSO's weekly announcements which is updated weekly on the CSO's website at http://www.cso.ie/

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Failte Ireland - 'Annual Accommodation Capacity by County 2018'; http://www.failteireland.ie/FailteIreland/media/WebsiteStructure/Documents/3_Research_Insights/3_General_SurveysReports/Accommodation-Capacity-in-Ireland-2018.pdf?ext=.pdf

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)

Failte Ireland - 'Accommodation Occupancy Survey Preliminary Findings January-June 2018'; http://www.failteireland.ie/FailteIreland/media/WebsiteStructure/Documents/3_Research_Insights/1_Sectoral_SurveysReports/Accommodation-Occupancy-Survey-Preliminary-Findings-January-June-2018.pdf?ext=.pdf

CSO: 'Tourism and Travel Quarter 4 2018'; https://www.cso.ie/en/releasesandpublications/er/tt/tourismandtravelquarter42018/

Note that this CSO release contains 2018 annual data on average length of stay (but no breakdown by accommodation type is released). It also contains data on total bednights by accommodation type. However, it is bednight/arrivals calculated by Failte Ireland that are transmitted to Eurostat, not those in this release.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Failte Ireland does not have an online database.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Failte Ireland does not have an online database.

CSO's tourism data is available on Statbank at http://www.cso.ie/px/pxeirestat/Database/eirestat/Tourism%20and%20Travel%20Annual%20Series/Tourism%20and%20Travel%20Annual%20Series_statbank.asp?SP=Tourism

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Fáilte Ireland’s Register is available at http://www.failteireland.ie/Supports/Get-quality-assured.aspx

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
No access to microdata is given by Failte Ireland. Access to tourism microdata is not provided by the CSO.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Failte Ireland also publish data on capacity by administrative county for all tourism establishments. 

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
CSO: Additional quarterly data is available on the average length of stay by reason for journey for non-resident overseas travellers to Ireland. Total bednights spent by non-residents by accommodation type, cross classified by reason for journey is also available. Data on the number of trips, including same-day trips, and expenditure by non-residents in Ireland is also published as part of the 'Tourism and Travel' publication. In relation to bednights, please note that the bednights published by the CSO differs from those published by Failte Ireland. Please note also that the data published by the CSO includes all overseas travel, i.e. both tourism and non tourism overseas travel.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Failte Ireland: Data is collected through Fáilte Ireland’s registration system,  please refer to the following link: http://www.failteireland.ie/Supports/Get-quality-assured.aspx


Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)

Failte Ireland uses RIBOS software to collect data directly from accommodation providers. The online methodology is topped up by telephone interviews to ensure adequate coverage.

CSO: See attached document, 'Standard Report on Methods and Quality for Passenger Card Inquiry' for further details on the PCI methodology

Standard Report on Methods and Quality for Passenger CArd Inquiry
10.7. Quality management - documentation

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Failte Ireland: Not applicable as based on administrative register.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Failte Ireland: Research agency commissioned to undertake the Accommodation Survey is Strategic Research & Insight,  Strategic Research & Insight operates a Quality Management System that fully complies with ISO 9001 and is assessed and approved by Certified International Systems, Certification No. 1186/070780.

CSO: See attached document, 'Standard Report on Methods and Quality for Passenger Card Inquiry' for further details on PCI quality management.

Standard Report on Methods and Quality for Passenger Card Inquiry

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Not applicable.

11.2. Quality management - assessment
11.2.1 Main strengths

Central Statistics Office: Administrative data received from our airport authorities and sea carriers are reliable control totals for the total number of passengers entering and leaving Ireland on overseas routes. These control totals  are used in the grossing of our sample surveys and add to the reliability of our Tourism data. Furthermore, all routes are covered by our tourism surveys.

11.2.2 Main weaknesses

CSO: One of the main weakness of the PCI survey is that there is no coverage of flights/sailings between the hours of midnight and six am. Furthermore, while the PCI collects data on the total number of nights spent in each of the required tourism accommodation types, it does not collect data on the number of arrivals. Sample sizes for some of the residency breakdowns as set out in the legislation can be small, leading to volatile inter-annual data with a high variance. We also currently have some difficulty determining passengers travelling for 'business reasons' from those who are travelling to work in Ireland. The PCI also currently allows passengers to submit 'group returns', i.e. one survey form can be completed for groups of passengers that are travelling together. Finally, as the PCI is a 'self completion' paper based survey, this raises some concerns about the quality of the data collected.  All of these issues will be addressed by the CSO with the migration of the tourism surveys to an electronic data capture, interviewer led survey which is currently being development.

11.2.3 Quality improvements compared with previous reference year

CSO: There are no quality improvements compared with 2016. All efforts to imporve data quality are concentrated on the development of the new electronic data capture survey which will be interviewer led and include validation checks on all key variables and improving the sample selection methodology used.   

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
12.1.1 European level

See: Regulation 692/2011

12.1.2 Main users on a national level

Regular user meetings are held with all relevant stakeholders to ensure that the tourism data collected by Failte Ireland is as relevant and timely as possible to meet user needs. The main users of our data are as follows: The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport; Tourism Ireland; Irish Tourism Industry Confederation (ITIC); Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA).

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

The All Ireland Tourism Statistics Liasin Group (AITSLG) meet annually to discuss all aspects of Tourism Statistics in Ireland and Northern Ireland. The objective of these meetings is to ensure key user satisfaction with the quality, quantity and timeliness of the Tourism statistics, as well as to inform of trends and developments in the area. 

12.3. Completeness

12.3.1 Completeness Completeness

Compliant with the requirements of Regulation on tourism statistics 692/2011 as well as recommendations laid down in the Methodological Manual for tourism statistics.

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
All the requirements of the Regulation on Tourism Statistics and the recommendations as laid down in the methodological manual are considered when preparing the capacity data. There are no thresholds for registering with Fáilte Ireland. Their coverage for hotels, guesthouses, hostels, caravan and campsites and group self-catering schemes (group properties of more than 7 units) is complete as registration is mandatory under Irish law for such accommodation businesses to operate.  However, as registration for other forms of accommodation is voluntary, the level of under coverage is unknown.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
All the requirements of the Regulation on Tourism Statistics and the recommendations as laid down in the methodological manual are considered when preparing the occupancy data.

Fáilte Ireland: occupancy data is provided by Fáilte Ireland.  All occupancy data is based on sample surveys weighted to the known population on Fáilte Ireland’s Register, which does not have a threshold.  The true population of hotels, guesthouses, hostels, caravan and campsites and group self-catering schemes (group properties of more than 7 units) is known. However, the true population for other tourism accommodation local kind of activity units is unknown.  Therefore while all tourism accommodation local kind of activity units are covered, the true population is only known for hotels, guesthouses, hostels, caravan and campsites and group self-catering schemes (group properties of more than 7 units).  All LAU2s are covered for the year. 

CSO: The PCI is conducted at all international air and sea ports in Ireland. Details on nights spent by non-residents in all accommodation types is collected. While the survey is designed to cover all days and routes, there is no coverage of flights/sailings between the hours of midnight and six am. While the PCI collects data on the total number of nights spent in each of the required tourism accommodation types, it does not collect data on the number of arrivals. Sample sizes for some of the residency breakdowns as set out in the legislation can be small, leading to volatile inter-annual data with a high variance. If not complete, please specify why and list deviations from Reg.  

12.3.2 Thresholds used ("limitation of the scope") Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1)

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Hotels by national definition must have a minimum of 10 bedrooms and guest houses must have a minimum of 7 bedrooms. Establishments below these thresholds are classified as 'bed and breakfasts' which also fall within the scope of NACE 55.1.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
No threshold used Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2)

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
No threshold used

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
No threshold used Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3)

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
No threshold used

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
No threshold used

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Data for hotels, guesthouses, hostels, caravan and campsites and group self-catering schemes (group properties of more than 7 units) has a high level of accuracy as a result of a legal obligation on these establishments to register with Fáilte Ireland. The capacity of the other types of tourism accommodation establishments is less accurate due to the fact that registration of these accommodation establishments is voluntary, therefore some may be unaccounted for. Bed space capacity is estimated for self-catering and caravan and camping establishments as these data are supplied on a voluntary basis through the Fáilte Ireland registration process.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Occupancy data is fairly accurate at a national level. However, at disaggregated levels, accuracy diminishes as the surveys are based on samples. Arrivals are estimated using the average length of stay by country of residence and accommodation type which is derived from the PCI results. The detailed breakdown of non-resident arrivals and bednights by country of residence is also estimated using the PCI data. As the PCI is a self-completion survey, there may be an issue with some short term economic migrants (non-tourists) being incorrectly classified as tourists. Furthermore, the data for NACE codes 55.2 and 55.3 for some countries are unreliable due to the small sample sizes.

13.2. Sampling error

13.2.1 Sampling errors - indicators (Occupancy only)

Information on Sampling errors may also be provided in the attached file.  Estimated value  CV Annual number of arrivals (res + non-res.)


Not available. Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res.)


Not available. Annual number of nights spent (residents)  

Not available. Annual number of nights spent (non-residents)  

Not available. Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.1  

Not available. Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.2  

Not available. Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.3  

Not available. Monthly number of nights spent (res + non-res) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)


Not available.

13.2.2 Additional comments on sampling error

Fáilte Ireland:  As with all sample surveys, there is inevitably sampling error.  However, Fáilte Ireland endeavours to ensure that the sample is representative of the population by stratifying the sample by accommodation type and location.  As these are business to business surveys, we are reliant on individual businesses to provide accurate data.  Despite issuing numerous reminders, response rates are declining which inevitably impacts on data quality.

The breakdown of resident and non-resident bednights is collected by Failte Ireland. However, the breakdown of non-residents by country of residence is not available and a detailed breakdown is estimated by applying the ratio of total non-resident bednights by country of residence from the CSO's PCI survey to the Failte Ireland bednight data. Similarly, estimates of arrivals by country of residence are derived by applying the CSO's average length of stay by country of residence to the number of derived bednights as calculated by Failte Ireland. 

Furthermore, in the case of certain categories of accommodation, eg, hostels and caravan/camping, the number of establishments is very small and they are highly seasonal by nature leading to a further erosion of the population available to sample.

CSO: The PCI survey is a self-completion survey and therefore is subject to some inherent weaknesses. 


PCI Sample Size by NACE - Non Residents:  (Note: a) The sum of observations by NACE is greater than the total number of observations for Naces 55.1 to 55.3 as some observations will have spent nights in more than one type of tourism accommodation establishment b) The sum of observations by NACE is less than the total sample size due to the number of overnight tourists who don't spend any night in accommodation types covered by NACEs 55.1 to 55.3) :

PCI Annual No of eligible non resident observations: Nace 55.1 to 55.3 : 37,754forms covering 78,806 passengers

PCI Annual No of eligible non resident observations: Nace 55.1 : 32,669 forms covering 67,846 passengers

PCI Annual No of eligible non resident observations: Nace 55.2 : 6,235 forms covering 13,686 passengers

PCI Annual No of eligible non resident observations: Nace 55.3 :  903 forms covering 2,046 passengers

PCI Monthly No of eligible non resident observations (August) : Nace 55.1 to 55.3 : 3,396 forms covering 8,049 passengers

PCI Monthly No of eligible non resident observations (August): Nace 55.1 : 2,791 forms covering 6,495 passengers

PCI Monthly No of eligible non resident observations (August): Nace 55.2 : 681 forms covering 1,762 passengers

PCI Monthly No of eligible non resident observations (August): Nace 55.3 :  265 forms covering 700 passengers

13.2 Sampling error
13.3. Non-sampling error

13.3.1 Coverage-errors Over-coverage

Not relevant as all units belong to the target population.


Over coverage is not a problem as tourism establishments register just once each year and checks are made to ensure that there are no duplicates on the register.



Over coverage caused by surveying ineligible passengers does not appear to be a serious issue for the PCI. In 2017, just 43 ineligible non resident forms covering 64 passengers were completed for the PCI survey. These were deemed ineligible as their stated reason for making their journey was not tourism. However, it should be noted that we currently have some difficulty determining which passengers are travelling for 'business reasons' from those who are travelling to work in Ireland. In addition to the 43 ineligible non resident forms, a further 229 PCI forms representing 494 passengers (both Residents and Non Residents) were also rejected from the sample during the editing process. These surveys are rejected mainly because either they failed to enter their country of residence or they completed the incorrect form (i.e. a non resident passenger inadvertently completed a PCI survey form that is intended for Irish residents). The PCI also currently allows passengers to submit 'group returns', i.e. one survey form can be completed for groups of passengers that are travelling together. This raises the issue of duplicate group returns. Every effort is made to identify and eliminate duplicate group returns by manually checking all group returns received on the same date, time period and location with the same duration, number of passengers and reason for travel. The number of identified duplicate returns is not measured but is known to be very small (estimated at less than 20 duplicate returns per annum covering approximately 39 passengers). The CSO will address the issue of duplicate returns with the move from paper based surveys to CAPI. Under-coverage


Fáilte Ireland’s coverage for hotels, guesthouses, hostels, caravan and campsites and group self-catering schemes (group properties of more than 7 units) is complete as registration is mandatory under Irish law for such accommodation businesses to operate. However, as registration for other forms of accommodation, i.e., Bed & Breakfasts and individual self-catering units, is voluntary, the level of undercoverage is unknown. On-going efforts are being made to deal with under coverage as Failte Ireland are putting considerable effort into encouraging participation in the registration system. 




The data on occupancy is also provided by Fáilte Ireland. Samples are selected using the same population frame that is used for the capacity data, namely, Fáilte Ireland’s Register. Therefore, the issues that apply to the capacity population frame also applies to the occupancy population frame. Namely, there is full coverage of hotels, guesthouses, (NACE 55.1) hostels, group self-catering schemes (NACE 55.2) and caravan and campsites (NACE 55.3) but undercoverage of Bed & Breakfasts (NACE 55.1) and individual self-catering units (NACE 55.2). The level of undercoverage is unknown.

While the PCI sample size for non-resident overnight tourism trips in 2017 was 53,914 survey forms covering 105,618 non resident overseas passengers (4,732 surveys covering 10,600 passengers for August 2017), no data is collected from overseas passengers travelling between 12 midnight and 6 am. The CSO is currently addressing this issue with the planned recruitment of additional interviewers to cover these early/late time periods.

13.3.2 Unit non-response (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

Information on Unit non-response may also be provided in the attached file.  NACE 55.1  NACE 55.2  NACE 55.3 Number of ineligible units/ elements

CSO: 1 PCI return representing 1 passenger

CSO: 1 PCI return representing 2 passengers

CSO: None Number of eligible units/elements

Failte Ireland: Peak Month: Sample size = 293.

CSO Peak Month (August 2017 Sample size = 6,495 relevant passengers

Failte Ireland: Peak Month: Sample size = 180.

CSO Peak Month (August 2017):Sample size = 1,762 relevant passengers

Failte Ireland: Peak Month: Sample size = 30.

CSO Peak Month (August 2017):Sample size = 700 relevant passengers Number of non-contacts

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available Number of refusals

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available Number of rejected questionnaires

Failte Ireland = None.

CSO: Peak Month (August 2017): There were a total of 24 rejected PCI returns which covered 48 passengers for all NACE Groups . As these returns didn't provide a breakdown of nights spent by NACE group, we cannot allocate the rejected PCI returns to individual NACE groups. 

Failte Ireland = None.

CSO: Peak Month (August 2017): There were a total of 24 rejected PCI returns which covered 48 passengers for all NACE Groups . As these returns didn't provide a breakdown of nights spent by NACE group, we cannot allocate the rejected PCI returns to individual NACE groups. 

Failte Ireland = None.

CSO: Peak Month (August 2017): There were a total of 24 rejected PCI returns which covered 48 passengers for all NACE Groups . As these returns didn't provide a breakdown of nights spent by NACE group, we cannot allocate the rejected PCI returns to individual NACE groups. Number of other types of non-response

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available Total non-response

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available Unit non-response rate

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available

CSO: Not available

13.3.3 Methods used for dealing with/minimising unit-non response

Capacity: Not applicable as based on administrative register.  The capacity data is collected as part of Failte Ireland's registration process and as registration is mandatory for hotels, guesthouses, hostels, caravan and campsites and group self-catering schemes (group properties of more than 7 units), there should be a zero unit non response rate for these categories of tourism establishments. The unit non response rate for other forms of accommodation is unknown. 


Failte Ireland: A high level of telephone reminders are made to try and maximize response rates.
CSO: The PCI survey is translated into 9 languages other than English to faciliate response. When enumerators issue surveys to passengers, they explain the purpose of the survey, how simple it is to complete etc in the hope that this will encourage response. Where necessary and feasible, enumerators will conduct a face to face interview to improve response rates.

As the unit non response rate is unknown, there are no methods used for dealing with unit non response.

Item and Unit non-response: The number of non contacts and refusals is currently not captured for the PCI and therefore it is not possible to estimate unit non-response rates. However, it is planned that non response will be recorded when we move to CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews).

13.3.4 Item non-response Item non-response 

Capacity: Not applicable as based on administrative register. Item non response rate: For bedrooms, there should be a zero item non response rate as the supply of this information is mandatory as part of the registration process for all tourism accommodation establishments other than for self-catering and caravan/camping establishments. For self-catering and caravan/camping establishments, estimates are made for bedplaces.

Failte Ireland: None.
CSO: Not relevant as only those surveys which have completed bednights and country of residence are considered as eligible units. Methods used for dealing with/minimising item-non-response

Not relevant.

13.3.5 Additional comments on non-sampling error (e.g. in case the reference month is very different from other months in terms of non-response)

Number of ineligible units / elements - Capacity: Data on capacity is derived from an administrative data source (Fáilte Ireland’s Register) where registration for hotels and guesthouses is required by law, therefore there is zero non-response rate. Registration for bed and breakfasts is voluntary. As the data is derived from an administrative source rather than from a survey and the only known population is that which is on the Register, this question is not relevant.

Unit non-response, Occupancy: CSO: We are currently developing an electronic data capture system which would enable the recording of non response rates.

While the PCI survey is available in a number of languages, there may be issues with the interpretation of the questions leading to response errors. A further source of non sampling error arises from the technology used to process our data. The survey forms are scanned into our database. The scanning process can lead to incorrect values being read into the system which may not always be picked up during verification and editing. The planned move to CAPI (Computer Assisted Personal Interviews) will eliminate this type of data entry errors.

13.3.2 Unit non-response

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness
14.1.1 Capacity

There is no delay in the publication of capacity data as this is collected and published by Failte Ireland within the reference year.

14.1.2 Occupancy (annual data)

The CSO PCI 2017 annual data used for non-resident occupancy estimates was published by the the CSO within T+ 73 days. Data on domestic bednights  for 2017 was published by the CSO by t+94 days.

14.1.3 Occupancy (monthly data) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

The PCI data is published each quarter. The average timeliness for the publication of 2017 quarterly data was t+73 days, with the annual data published within t+73 days.

14.2. Punctuality
14.2.1 Capacity

Annual capacity data for 2017 was delivered to Eurostat within the transmission deadline as set out in the Regulation.

14.2.2 Occupancy (annual data)

Annual occupancy data for 2017 was delivered to Eurostat within the transmission deadline as set out in the Regulation.

14.2.3 Occupancy (monthly data) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

The occupancy data for all months in 2017 were delivered within the transmission deadline set out in the Regulation.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Capacity: There are no known issues with geographical comparibility

Occupancy: There are no known issues with geographical comparibility

15.2. Comparability - over time
15.2.1 Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1)

See 3.8.1

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
There is a major break in the series after 2011 due to a change in the  methodology adopted from 2012 onwards.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
There is a major break in the series after 2011 due to a fundamental change in the methodology adopted from 2012 onwards.

In 2012, to ensure consistency between the capacity and occupancy data, responsibility for providing occupancy data to Eurostat was transferred to Failte Ireland from the CSO. This has led to a major break in the series from 2012 onwards as different data sources and estimation techniques are now used.

There is a further major break in the series after 2014 due to the adoption of a new methodology and research agency.

15.2.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2)

See 3.8.2

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
There is a major break in the series after 2011 due to a change in the  methodology adopted from 2012 onwards.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
There is a major break in the series after 2011 due to a fundamental change in the methodology adopted from 2012 onwards.

In 2012, to ensure consistency between the capacity and occupancy data, responsibility for providing occupancy data to Eurostat was transferred to Failte Ireland from the CSO. This has led to a major break in the series from 2012 onwards as different data sources and estimation techniques are now used.

There is a further major break in the series after 2014 due to the adoption of a new methodology and research agency.

15.2.3 Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3)

See 3.8.3

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
There is a major break in the series after 2011 due to a change in the  methodology adopted from 2012 onwards.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
There is a major break in the series after 2011 due to a fundamental change in the methodology adopted from 2012 onwards.

In 2012, to ensure consistency between the capacity and occupancy data, responsibility for providing occupancy data to Eurostat was transferred to Failte Ireland from the CSO. This has led to a major break in the series from 2012 onwards as different data sources and estimation techniques are now used.

There is a further major break in the series after 2014 due to the adoption of a new methodology and research agency.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Failte Ireland is the only source of accommodation capacity data in the Republic of Ireland, thus the data is coherent across the domain.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
While total bednights for all three Nace groups are broadly comparabile between the CSO and Failte Ireland, the only two sources of bednights available in Ireland, the split of bednights between residents and non residents between the three Nace sectors differ between the two sources. Attempts to reconcile these difference have been unsuccessful due to the different methods of compiling the data, i.e. Failte Ireland = survey of accommodation establishments, CSO= frontier survey of overseas passengers.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Capacity: There is full coherence between inter-annual statistics as all establishments must register with Failte Ireland prior to the commencement of the reference year. 

Occupancy: There is full coherence between quarterly and annual statistics regarding the total number of bednights across all accommodation types as the annual statistics are the sum of the component quarters. In 2012, to ensure consistency between the capacity and occupancy data, responsibility for providing occupancy data to Eurostat was transferred to Failte Ireland from the CSO. This has led to a major break in the series from 2012 onwards as different data sources and estimation techniques are now used. 

16. Cost and Burden Top

Cost and burden are not systematically collected

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy
17.1.1 Capacity 

Data is collected by Failte Ireland once a year. Once the registration process has been completed, it is not revised.

17.1.2 Occupancy 

Failte Ireland: As this is an on-going survey, revisions occur during the course of the year and data is revised at year end

CSO: Revisions are not foreseen. In the event that they do occur, these are highlighted by the CSO in its 'Tourism and Travel' release.

17.2. Data revision - practice
17.2.1 Capacity 

Data is only revised if an error is identified. This is a very rare occurrence.

17.2.2 Occupancy 

Failte Ireland: major revisions are made in  January and March of the following year.

CSO: Revisions only occur due to changes in methodology. There was a major revision to the  2009 PCI results due to new methodologies being introduced. Subsequently, minor revisions were made to the 2011 PCI data.  

In 2012, to ensure consistency between the capacity and occupancy data, responsibility for providing occupancy data to Eurostat was transferred to Failte Ireland from the CSO. This has led to a major break in the Eurostat series from 2012 onwards as different data sources and estimation techniques were used. There is a further major break in the series after 2014 due to the adoption of a new methodology and research agency by Failte Ireland.

Data revision - average size: Not Applicable

Annual data - No revisions were made.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

18.1.1 Source data Source data Sample Name of data collection in national language

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Fáilte Ireland Register

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Failte Ireland Accommodation Occupancy Survey;

CSO's Passenger Card Inquiry survey (PCI), the results of which are  published as the 'Tourism and Travel' release. Name of data collection in English

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Fáilte Ireland Register

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Failte Ireland Accommodation Occupancy Survey;

CSO's Passenger Card Inquiry survey (PCI), the results of which are  published as the 'Tourism and Travel' release. (See attached the PCI forms for air and sea passengers. Please note that only the Non Resident Section of each form is relevant for the purpose of this report) Additional comments, if any (e.g. differences per NACE class, use of statistical estimation techniques)

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Administrative Source (Failte Ireland Register)

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Sample Surveys (CSO's PCI and HTS Surveys and Failte Ireland's Accommodation Occupancy Survey).

18.1.2 Population frame Population frame Capacity Administrative register maintained outside the statistical office Occupancy  Administrative register maintained outside the statistical office Update of population frame Capacity  Other frequency Occupancy  Continuously (e.g. daily or weekly automated delivery) Other or additional comments 

Fáilte Ireland Register is updated annually.  Closing date for registration is 31stDecember each year. Coverage errors of population frame Capacity 

Fáilte Ireland’s coverage for hotels and guesthouses is complete as registration is mandatory under Irish law for such accommodation businesses to operate.  However, as registration for bed and breakfasts is voluntary, the level of undercoverage is unknown. Occupancy 

Fáilte Ireland’s coverage for hotels and guesthouses is complete as registration is mandatory under Irish law for such accommodation businesses to operate.  However, as registration for bed and breakfasts is voluntary, the level of undercoverage is unknown.

CSO: There are no known coverage errors of the population frame. There is 100% coverage of all overseas passengers travelling into and out of Ireland.

18.1.3 Sampling design

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Census of all registered local kind of activity units.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Failte Ireland: Stratified random sample of registered establishments. CSO: PCI - random sample of overseas passengers travelling into and out of the Republic of Ireland. In total, approximately 175,300 passengers were sampled in 2017, of which 105,600 were non-resident overnight tourists. A sample of flights and sailings are selected to facilitate proper representation of routes, day/night and weekday/weekend sailings and flights.

18.1.4 Other or additional comments on source data, population frame or sampling design (e.g. differences per NACE class)


Copy of PCI Departures Form for Air Passengers
Copy of PCI Departures form for Sea Passengers
18.2. Frequency of data collection
18.2.1 Capacity Other frequency
18.2.2 Occupancy  Continuously (e.g. daily or weekly automated delivery)
18.2.3 If other frequency or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)

18.3. Data collection

18.3.1 Type of survey Capacity Other (please, specify under Occupancy Other (please, specify under If other type or non-NSI, or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
Administrative data collected by Failte Ireland, our national tourism development authority.

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Failte Ireland: A sample survey.

CSO: A self completion, continuous sample survey  conducted at all main international sea and airports within Ireland.

18.3.2 Data collection methods Capacity Electronic/online survey via webform Occupancy Electronic/online survey via webform
Other If other or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify If a combination of data collection methods is used, please indicate the share of reporting establishments per method (as well as their share in total nights spent)
Sector % of the returns that are completed directly online by the business % of the returns that are completed by the agency over the phone
Hotels 25% 75%
Guesthouses 15% 85%
B&Bs 10% 90%
Self-catering 15% 85%
Hostels 10% 90%
Caravan & camping 10% 90% Questionnaire in national language (Annex/Link)

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Fáilte Ireland Accommodation Occupancy Survey; Central Statistics Office's Passenger Card Inquiry (PCI) - See attached Questionnaire in English (Annex/Link)

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Fáilte Ireland Accommodation Occupancy Survey;

Central Statistics Office's Passenger Card Inquiry (PCI) - See attached Interviewer instructions in English (Annex/Link)

Failte Ireland: Yes (see annex: "Methodology and questionnaire screenshots of Fáilte Ireland's Accommodation Survey")

CSO: Instructions are incorporated into the survey form. See attached

Methodology and questionnaire screenshots of Fáilte Ireland's Accommodation Survey
PCI Departures Form - Air Passengers
PCI Departures Form - Sea Passengers
18.4. Data validation
18.4.1 Capacity 

Failte Ireland: Capacity data is checked for the consistency of the ratio of rooms to beds.  It is also checked relative to previous years to ensure the reliability of data on a year-to-year basis and any discrepancies are verified / corrected. 

18.4.2 Occupancy 

Failte Ireland: Micro checks: Checks are done to ensure that the beds occupied cannot exceed the number of rooms occupied and that the number of rooms and beds occupied do not exceed capacity. Consistency checks on a month to month and year to year basis are also undertaken. Additional checks are made with other data sources to ensure consistency with other tourism performance indicators at a macro level.

Central Statistics Office - Consistency with 'norms' checked at a micro level. All outliers double checked. At a macro level, quarterly results are checked for consistency with previous year's results. Consistency checks are done by residency, reason for journey etc. Additional checks are made with other data sources to ensure consistency with other tourism performance indicators at a macro level.

18.5. Data compilation

Capacity (Annex I, Section 1)
No operations are performed on establishments in NACE 55.1

Occupancy (Annex I, Section 2)
Once editing is completed on the data, Failte Ireland's sample data of rooms and bed nights sold are grossed up to the national stock by month, accommodation type and grade (for hotels) and county.  This gives Failte Ireland the total number of bed nights. These nights are broken down between residents and non-residents. Failte Ireland's does not break down non-resident nights by country of residency. They also do not collect data on the number of arrivals.  To estimate the detailed breakdown of non-resident nights as required by the legislation, Failte Ireland use the CSO's PCI distribution of non-resident bed nights by the required geographical breakdown. The arrivals are then estimated  by applying the CSO's PCI average length of stay by country of residence and accommodation type to Failte Ireland's estimated number of bednights per country of residence and accommodation type.

18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top