Occupancy of tourist accommodation establishments (tour_occ)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Denmark

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

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1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Denmark

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Business Statistics, Office for Short Term Statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Statistics Denmark, Sejrøgade 11, 2100 København Ø, Denmark

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 27/09/2018
2.2. Metadata last posted 03/07/2019
2.3. Metadata last update 27/09/2018

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description


3.2. Classification system

The supply side is classified by the NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3 regarding the type of accommodation. The geographical classification is based on the NUTS2-classification.

3.3. Coverage - sector

Accommodation sector

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1 Statistical concepts and definitions

See Regulation 692/2011 and Methodological Manual for Tourism Statistics

3.4.2 Additional comments (if deviations from the Regulation)
3.5. Statistical unit

Local kind-of-activity unit (accommodation establishment) offering short-stay accommodation to tourists.

3.6. Statistical population
3.6.1 Statistical population 

All local kind-of-activity unit (accommodation establishment) offering short-stay accommodation as a paid service (although the price might be partially or fully subsidised) to tourists as defined in NACE 55.1, 55.2 and 55.3

3.6.2 Additional comments
3.7. Reference area
3.7.1 Reference area 


3.7.2 Regional coverage / granularity (e.g. lowest level of regional detail available)  


3.8. Coverage - Time

Coverage - Time [data comparable since (YYYY)]

3.8.1 Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1) (Year)


3.8.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2) (Year)


3.8.3 Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3) (Year)


3.8.4 Additional comments (e.g. if different for CAP or OCC; older series for some vars; incoherence across regions; etc.)
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top
  • Number of accommodation establishments
  • Number of rooms
  • Number of beds
  • Number of nights spent
  • Number of arrivals
  • Net occupancy rate in per cent

5. Reference Period Top
5.1 Capacity 


5.2 Occupancy 

Annual data = 2017

Monthly data = December

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements
6.1.1 European level

Regulation 692/2011

Regulation 1051/2011

6.1.2 National level

Law on Statistics Denmark

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Law on Statistics Denmark (http://www.dst.dk/da/omds/lovgivning.aspx) and The Personal Data Protection Act (Persondataloven- https://www.retsinformation.dk/Forms/r0710.aspx?id=828)

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Capacity: Rules of discretion: There always has to be a minimum of 3 enterprises in a given geographical area before data can be published. The data is always handled with extreme care. If one specific enterprise dominates a municipality with more than 80 per cent of the nights spent, this municipality will only be published on an aggregated, regional level.

Occupancy: The same applies here as for capacity

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Publication approx. 40 days after the end of a reference month.

8.2. Release calendar access

A release calendar is available at our website:


8.3. Release policy - user access

All publications are released at 8 AM on an already fixed date. The access is equal to all and no organisation, government, media etc. can gain access prior to the fixed release.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Dissemination every month.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Capacity: Our press release channel: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyt.aspx

Occupancy: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/nyt.aspx

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Access to our publications: http://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/Publikationer.aspx

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

We have a free, online database called Statistikbanken which can also be accessed in English. Here you can access most of the data made on tourism. We do not publish data broken down into municipalities - these data can be accessed for free at www.visitdenmark.com. Everything else is accessible via: www.statistikbanken.dk/11.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Micro-data can be accessed via our Research System. Here organisations, researchers and other parties with special interest in detailed data can gain access to anonymized micro-data. Statistics Denmark has to grant access prior to this and the researchers will have to adhere to a strict dissemination and confidentiality policy. See more here: http://www.dst.dk/da/TilSalg/Forskningsservice.aspx.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Capacity: We collect data on capacity and nights spent in marinas and holiday cottages on a monthly basis

Occupancy: We collect data on capacity and nights spent in marinas and holiday cottages on a monthly basis

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Hotels and holiday centers: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/dokumentation/statistikdokumentation/antal-overnatninger-paa-hoteller-og-feriecentre

Hostels: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/dokumentation/statistikdokumentation/antal-overnatninger-paa-vandrerhjem

Camp sites: https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/dokumentation/statistikdokumentation/overnatninger-paa-campingpladser

10.7. Quality management - documentation


11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Not applicable.

11.2. Quality management - assessment
11.2.1 Main strengths

High reliability and high response rate.

11.2.2 Main weaknesses

The statistics does not cover nights spent in private accommodation facilitated via digital platforms such as AirBnB. This leads to under-coverage of the total nights spent in Denmark.

Hotels and holiday resorts: Two issues are still to be addressed further: 1) The implementation and estimation of the cut-off limit 10-39 bed places. 2) The number of arrivals is still being estimated due to the fact that a vast majority of the establishments have trouble understanding the concept of arrivals and furthermore separate it from the concept of nights spent.

Hostels: The issue on arrivals is however the same here as for the hotels etc.

Camping grounds: Two issues are still to be addressed further: 1) The implementation and estimation of the cut-off limit 10-74 bed places. 2) The number of arrivals is still being estimated due to the fact that a vast majority of the establishments have trouble understanding the concept of arrivals and furthermore separate it from the concept of nights spent.

11.2.3 Quality improvements compared with previous reference year

On-going validation and further digitalization ensure high reliability.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
12.1.1 European level

See: Regulation 692/2011

12.1.2 Main users on a national level

The users have expressed a wish for more detailed data, i.e. the business/leisure-distinction broken down into country of residence as well. Furthermore, they want data on nights spent in private accommodation via digital platforms such as AirBnB. The main users of the tourism statistics are the ministries, political organizations, regional developments organizations, tourism organizations, The National Tourism Board VisitDenmark, the media, students, scientists, researchers and similar.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction


12.3. Completeness

12.3.1 Completeness Completeness

Compliant with the requirements of Regulation on tourism statistics 692/2011 as well as recommendations laid down in the Methodological Manual for tourism statistics. If not complete, please specify why and list deviations from Reg.

The estimation of the establishments with 10-39 bed places and 10-74 camping grounds yet has to be fully implemented in the monthly indicators.

12.3.2 Thresholds used ("limitation of the scope") Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1)

40+ bed places. The 10-39 bed places is estimated on the basis of a survey conducted every 5 years. Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2)

40+ bed places. The 10-39 bed places is estimated on the basis of a survey conducted every 5 years. Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3)

75+ units. The 10-74 bed places is estimated on the basis of a survey conducted every 5 years.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

The main sources of error are:

  • Missing answers --> Data is then imputed from the same month the previous year.
  • Misconceptions --> A vast majority of the respondents have difficulties understanding and separating the concepts of arrivals and nights.
  • The magnitude of these errors is not alarming but requires resources and a continuous contact with the establishments.
13.2. Sampling error

13.2.1 Sampling errors - indicators (Occupancy only)

Information on Sampling errors may also be provided in the attached file.  Estimated value  CV Annual number of arrivals (res + non-res.)

7 673 208 Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res.)

32 157 794 Annual number of nights spent (residents)

20 243 007 Annual number of nights spent (non-residents)

11 914 787 Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.1

15 546 971 Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.2

5 899 997 Annual number of nights spent (res + non-res), NACE 55.3

10 710 826 Monthly number of nights spent (res + non-res) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

1 314 846

13.2.2 Additional comments on sampling error

13.2 Sampling error
13.3. Non-sampling error

13.3.1 Coverage-errors Over-coverage

N/A Under-coverage


13.3.2 Unit non-response (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

Information on Unit non-response may also be provided in the attached file.  NACE 55.1  NACE 55.2  NACE 55.3 Number of ineligible units/ elements

Will be added

Will be added

Will be added Number of eligible units/elements

Will be added

Will be added

Will be added Number of non-contacts

Will be added

Will be added

Will be added Number of refusals

Will be added

Will be added

Will be added Number of rejected questionnaires

Will be added

Will be added

Will be added Number of other types of non-response

Will be added

Will be added

Will be added Total non-response

Will be added

Will be added

Will be added Unit non-response rate

Will be added

Will be added

Will be added

13.3.3 Methods used for dealing with/minimising unit-non response

Notifications by e-mail and reminders by e-mail and subsequently telephone and letter before handing over non-responding establishments to the police. This procedure ensures almost 100 per cent response rate.

13.3.4 Item non-response Item non-response 

Almost no non-response items. If there are any it is often due to the variable number of arrivals. Methods used for dealing with/minimising item-non-response

We usually contact the relevant establishment and guide them

13.3.5 Additional comments on non-sampling error (e.g. in case the reference month is very different from other months in terms of non-response)


13.3.2 Unit non-response

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness
14.1.1 Capacity

Approx. 40 days

14.1.2 Occupancy (annual data)

Approx. 100 days after the end of the reference year

14.1.3 Occupancy (monthly data) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

Approx. 40 days

14.2. Punctuality
14.2.1 Capacity

2017 annual capacity data have been transmitted to Eurostat within the deadline.

14.2.2 Occupancy (annual data)

2017 annual occupancy data have been transmitted within the deadline.

14.2.3 Occupancy (monthly data) (for the reference month mentioned under 5.2)

December 2017 monthly data on nights spent (rapid key indicators) have been transmitted to Eurostat before the deadline.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

See 3.7

No problems with geographical comparability due to the use of the NUTS-classification.

15.2. Comparability - over time
15.2.1 Hotels and similar accommodation (NACE 55.1)

See 3.8.1

Comparable time series from 1992 and onwards. Full comparability. It is however important to be aware of the shifting numbers of nationalities. The level of detail has increased.

15.2.2 Holiday and other short-stay accommodation (NACE 55.2)

See 3.8.2

Comparable time series from 1992 and onwards. Full comparability. It is however important to be aware of the shifting numbers of nationalities. The level of detail has increased.

15.2.3 Camping grounds, etc. (NACE 55.3)

See 3.8.3

Comparable time series from 1992 and onwards. Full comparability. It is however important to be aware of the shifting numbers of nationalities. The level of detail has increased.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

There are no alternative data sources so it is difficult to say anything meaningful on the coherence with alternative sources. The Hotel Association collects data but these data are for members only and have not been under our scrutiny.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Coherence between annual and monthly data:

The tentative and the final data does not differ significantly. Only minor revisions.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Cost: 1,4 full-time equivalent

Burden on respondents: Minimal due to an increase in digital solutions and automatic data collection.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy
17.1.1 Capacity 

The monthly data in the ongoing reference year is revised every month or from day to day in case of a significant error. When the reference year is over it is closed in April the following year. Data can be revised instantly on our StatBank. If an error has been detected in our press release the publication is released again with the revisions/corrections clearly marked with red.

17.1.2 Occupancy 

The monthly data in the ongoing reference year is revised every month or from day to day in case of a significant error. When the reference year is over it is closed in April the following year. Data can be revised instantly on our StatBank. If an error has been detected in our press release the publication is released again with the revisions/corrections clearly marked with red.

17.2. Data revision - practice
17.2.1 Capacity 

The data is revised every month. This is typically minor revisions due to imputations. The data is revised again in April the following year and finalized.

17.2.2 Occupancy 

The data is revised every month. This is typically minor revisions due to imputations. The data is revised again in April the following year and finalized.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

18.1.1 Source data Source data Census Name of data collection in national language

Overnatninger på hoteller o.l.

Overnatninger på campingpladser Name of data collection in English

Nights spent in hotels and similar

Nights spent at camp sites Additional comments, if any (e.g. differences per NACE class, use of statistical estimation techniques)

18.1.2 Population frame Population frame Capacity Administrative register maintained outside the statistical office Occupancy  Administrative register maintained outside the statistical office Update of population frame Capacity  Continuously (e.g. daily or weekly automated delivery) Occupancy  Continuously (e.g. daily or weekly automated delivery) Other or additional comments 

For hostels the population frame is the member register at The Danish Hostel Association combined with establishments from the hotel register Coverage errors of population frame Capacity 

NACE 55.1 and 55.2: Problem with establishments that can be defined as both hotel, apartments and holiday resorts

NACE 55.3: Some establishments are registered as a shop or similar and therefore not visible in our Business Register. It is difficult to know whether we have all the camp sites in our database. Occupancy 

NACE 55.1 and 55.2: Problem with establishments that can be defined as both hotel, apartments and holiday resorts

NACE 55.3: Some establishments are registered as a shop or similar and therefore not visible in our Business Register. It is difficult to know whether we have all the camp sites in our database.

18.1.3 Sampling design

NACE 55.1 and 55.2: Census. The establishments with 10-39 bed places are estimated.

NACE 55.3: Census. The establishments with 10-74 units are estimated.

18.1.4 Other or additional comments on source data, population frame or sampling design (e.g. differences per NACE class)

18.2. Frequency of data collection
18.2.1 Capacity Monthly
18.2.2 Occupancy  Monthly
18.2.3 If other frequency or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify
18.3. Data collection

18.3.1 Type of survey Capacity Business survey collected by the NSI Occupancy Business survey collected by the NSI If other type or non-NSI, or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify

18.3.2 Data collection methods Capacity Electronic/online survey via webform
Automated extraction and transmission by the establishments from the reservation management system Occupancy Electronic/online survey via webform
Automated extraction and transmission by the establishments from the reservation management system If other or additional comments (e.g. differences per NACE class), please specify If a combination of data collection methods is used, please indicate the share of reporting establishments per method (as well as their share in total nights spent) Questionnaire in national language (Annex/Link)

Overnatninger på hoteller o.l.

Overnatninger på campingpladser

See attached file Questionnaire in English (Annex/Link)

Not available Interviewer instructions in English (Annex/Link)
18.4. Data validation
18.4.1 Capacity 

The data is first validated in the online form with cross-validation checks. When entered into our database the data is micro-validated again. The data is extracted and micro-validated via SAS again and then aggregated and validated a final time. The validation rules from Eurostat will be implemented in the output data for the monthly dissemination to Eurostat.

18.4.2 Occupancy 

The data is first validated in the online form with cross-validation checks. When entered into our database the data is micro-validated again. The data is extracted and micro-validated via SAS again and then aggregated and validated a final time. The validation rules from Eurostat will be implemented in the output data for the monthly dissemination to Eurostat.

18.5. Data compilation

Firstly, the data is extracted from our database and then missing values are imputed. Secondly, the data is aggregated and made ready for publication on our website and in a press release. A grossing-up procedure for the establishments with 10-39 bed places will be implemented.

18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top

The statistics does not cover nights spent in private accommodation facilitated via digital platforms such as AirBnB. The statistics does in other words not fully cover the numbe rof nights spent in Denmark. Furthermore, nights spent in private summerhouses that are rented via agencies are not a part of the data disseminated to Eurostat although they are a very substantial part of nights spent in Denmark. These numbers will be incorporated in 2018.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top