Trips of EU residents - annual data (tour_dem)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: ISTAT

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation


1.2. Contact organisation unit

Trips and holidays

1.5. Contact mail address

Via Cesare Balbo 16, Rome, Italy

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 05/06/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 05/06/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 05/06/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description


3.2. Classification system

Not applicable.

3.3. Coverage - sector

National tourism: domestic tourism and outbound tourism (trips made by residents of the reporting country).

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1 Statistical concepts and definitions

See Regulation 692/2011Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/1681, and Methodological Manual for Tourism Statistics

3.4.2 Additional comments (e.g. country-specific deviations)
3.5. Statistical unit
3.5.1 Statistical unit 

Participation in tourism: the individual.
Tourism trips: the tourism trip with at least one overnight stay made by the individual.
Same-day visits: the SDV made by the individual.

3.5.2 Reporting unit Each person in the selected household (within the age scope)
3.5.3 If other or additional comments, please specify

The respondent has to be 18 years old and over

3.6. Statistical population
3.6.1 Statistical population

Participation in tourism: All residents aged 15 or over.

Tourism trips: All tourism trips of at least one overnight stay made outside the usual environment by the residents aged 15 or over

Same-day visits: All outbound SDV made outside the usual environment by the residents aged 15 or over [reference year 2022: outbound SDV].

3.6.2 Additional comments (e.g. deviating coverage in terms of age groups, multiple surveys with different subpopulation, inclusion of domestic same-day visits in years where this is not compulsory)
3.7. Reference area

All territories of Italy are included.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Coverage - Time [data comparable since (YYYY)]

3.8.1 Participation in tourism (Year)


3.8.2 Tourism trips (Year)


3.8.3 Same-day visits (outbound) (Year)


3.8.4 Same-day visits (domestic) (Year)


3.8.5 Additional comments (e.g. longer series for subgroups)
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Not applicable.

5. Reference Period Top


6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements
6.1.1 European level

Regulation 692/2011

Regulation 1051/2011

Delegated Regulation 2019/1681

6.1.2 National level

National Statistical Program 2020-2022 (

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

National legislative measures: Legislative Decree no. 322/1989

Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30th June 2003

Legislative Decree no. 33/2013

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Different measures are applied to guarantee confidentiality.

  1. The microdata exchange between Istat and private enterprises in charge of data collection, is made by Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) by using password for the access.
  2. Identificative variables are stored separately as soon as the data collection ends.
  3. Aggregated data and microdata are disseminated only after having made treatments such as the aggregation of disclosive information, cell suppression, analysis of single values.

The possibility to make personalised analyses on microdata files can be conducted in the ADELE Laboratory (Analisi di Dati ELEmentari Laboratory), which is a Research data centre (RDC) where researchers and academics are enabled to conduct their own statistical analyses on microdata produced by the Institute's surveys working directly into the safe site of the institute. Each analysis has to be in compliance with legislation concerning the confidentiality of personal data ("Code of conduct and professional practice applying to processing of personal data for statistical and scientific purposes" - Annex A.4, Legislative Decree no. 196 of 30th June 2003).

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Main provisional data of 2022 were disseminated on the 19th April 2022. These data are collected by Istat publication which is called the "Statistics Report" series, with comments and tables.

At national level, definitive aggregated data at page under "Communication, culture and trips"; microdata files for Scientific use Files (SUFs) and Public use files at page, were both dissiminated in June 2023. 

8.2. Release calendar access

The complete yearly press calendar is available on page:

8.3. Release policy - user access


9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Not applicable.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

A regular report ("Statistical report") of the reference year with provisional data on trips and tourists, by year and quarters, is disseminated to the press and on the web site on page (available Italian version)

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

For the reference year 2022 there were two publications scheduled:

1) the yearly "Statistical report" with provisional data on trips and tourists by year and quarters disseminated on the web site the 19th April 2023 (;

2) a joined "Statistical report" with data both from supply side and demand side, disseminated on the web site the 23th December 2023 ( containing provisional data on the first 9 months of 2023, compare to definitive data 2022 and 2019 to follow the recovery after the pandemic.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

I.Stat is the data warehouse of statistics produced by Istat, a complete and homogeneous wealth of information unique for the Italian official statistics ( Access to I.Stat is open and free of charge. Statistics are organised by theme in a two-level hierarchical tree. Data are presented in aggregated form in multidimensional tables; acting on variables, reference periods and the arrangement of heads and sides, users can create custom tables and graphs. The system can be searched by keyword, theme and region. A wide range of standard metadata facilitates the understanding of statistics by users. I.Stat’s contents are constantly upgraded.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Yearly Microdata files are released free of charge and in compliance with the principle of statistical secrecy and protection of personal data. There are 4 types:

  • Public use files (mIcro.STAT), downloaded directly from the Istat website;
  • Standard file, issued upon request with a valid reason for research purposes (until 2013);
  • Files for research purposes (MFR) issued to subjects belonging to universities or research bodies upon the presentation of a research project;
  • Files for Sistan, accessible only by the statistical offices of the National Statistical System.

Standard files are being gradually replaced by MFR. In particular, until 2013, microdata on Tourism demand were disseminated as "standard files"; since 2014, microdata are produced as "mIcro.STAT files" and "Files for research purposes" (MFR files). Files for Sistan are yearly produced.

Through the Laboratory for Elementary Data Analysis (ADELE), researchers and academics can access to microdata files of all Istat surveys. Moreover, further special datasets (linked microdata) are available for access at the Laboratory. Also the access to the Laboratory is free of charge.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Microdata and aggregated data are published regularly since 1997 referring to all age groups. Outbound same-day visits have been disseminated since 2014 (every year) and domestic same day vists since 2015 (every three years).

10.6. Documentation on methodology

A volume on the new methodology of the survey due to the introduction of Regulation 692/11 and to the change of technique in 2014, has been written in 2018 (, only in Italian language). A volume on methodology of the survey in the previous years from 1997 to 2013 can be found at (only in Italian language).

Documentation on methodology of the survey is also collected into the Istat's information system on quality SIQual (, searching for the tag 'trips' in 'complete list' in the web page SIqual collects information on the characteristics of all  Istat's surveys as well as on activities performed to guarantee the quality of statistical information.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Quality tools have been developed by Istat in order to improve the quality of statistical processes and products, consistently with Istat's mission and according to the framework of the European Statistical System. Any information can be found on the page In particular, the volume  "Quality Guidelines for Statistical Processes" ( and the Information System on Quality (SIQual: are useful to the scope. The survey complies with the "Guidelines for Statistical Processes" which contains the principles to be followed in planning, executing and assessing statistical processes. The guidelines also specify the quality requirements that statistics should be compliant with.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Not applicable.

11.2. Quality management - assessment
11.2.1 Main strengths

Timeliness and punctuality are the main strengths of the survey because in 2022 provisional data were disseminated 80 days about after the last day of the reference period, and definitive data 180 days about after the last day of the reference period. There is not any time lag between the actual delivery of the data and the target dates. 

Accuracy is taken into high consideration both for provisional and definitive estimates. Procedures of editing and imputation aim to obtain definitive estimates, adjusting more in depth each single item of the microdata. Aggregated definitive estimates of trips, nights and tourists do not change much respect to the provisional ones.

Relevance has always been highly considered in order to meet user needs.

Comparability over time has been always guaranteed. In case of series break due to structural changes (such as change in the technique or new data from Census of population) the main variables are re-built over last years, avoiding the series break. Guidelines and methodological documents allow users to compare data over time. 

11.2.2 Main weaknesses

Accuracy, in particular the editing and imputation procedures, partially affects timeliness, even if this guarantees more detailed estimates.

11.2.3 Quality improvements compared with previous reference year

In 2022, punctuality of definitive data was improved because the release date of data was anticipated with respect to the target date on which they were scheduled for release as announced in the official calendar (July-October). Data were disseminated in June 2022. 

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs
12.1.1 European level

See: Regulation 692/2011

12.1.2 Main users on a national level

The survey generally meets current and potential user needs. In particular, users have always asked to provide a higher degree of disaggregation in geographical breakdown of residence (NUTS 2) which is possible for the main regions with yearly estimates only. The main users of data are researchers from academic world and institutional entities belonging to the national statistical system such as regions, province and municipalities.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction


12.3. Completeness
12.3.1 Completeness

Compliant with the requirements of Regulation on tourism statistics 692/2011, Delegated Regulation 2019/1681, as well as recommendations laid down in the Methodological Manual for tourism statistics.

12.3.2 If not, please specify why and list deviations from Reg.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

The main sources of error for Italian estimates are sampling errors, nonresponse errors (unit and item), measurement errors, coverage errors.

As regard sampling errors, they are assessed for the main estimates (tourists, trips, nights, same day visits, expenditures) and the main domains (geographical breakdown and main type of trips) and, when necessary, for other type of estimates. The statistical model adopted is RE-genesees (

Nonresponse errors due to units non-response, are monitored by indicators in order to prevent and reduce them. Units non-response can be "voluntary" because respondents refuse to answer the questionnaire due to hostility, lack of interest, lack of availability, suspicion, etc.; otherwise unit non-response can be "non-voluntary" because they can not be able to provide the information due to diseases, dialect, mourning, foreign language, temporarily absent, etc. During data collection phase it is required that each non-responding household have to be replaced with a household having similar characteristics, in order to maintain the sample representativeness and to minimize the impact of unit non-response as well. No more than 3 replaces are admitted. After data collection, these kinds of errors can be eliminated by using calibration estimators (this is partially useful to avoid under-coverage errors).

Measurement errors and item non-response errors, which are monitored by indicators and reports during data collection and in the process phase. These kind of errors could depend on: 1) interviewers: not understanding or misinterpreting the respondents answers, typing errors; 2) respondents: not understanding the questions, not knowing the answers. These are corrected by control and editing procedures (deterministic and probabilistic procedures).

Coverage error (see 13.3.1 and 8.10%

13.2. Sampling error
Restricted from publication
13.3. Non-sampling error
Restricted from publication

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness
14.1.1 Participation in tourism


14.1.2 Tourism trips


14.1.3 Same-day visits (outbound)


14.2. Punctuality
14.2.1 Participation in tourism

Data transmitted to Eurostat 35 days before the deadline.

14.2.2 Tourism trips

Data transmitted to Eurostat 36 days before the deadline.

14.2.3 Same-day visits (outbound)

Data transmitted to Eurostat 35 days before the deadline.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

The survey fulfills the geographical comparability because the sample is representative of all regions of the country.

15.2. Comparability - over time
15.2.1 Participation in tourism

See 3.8.1

The survey has been implemented in 1997 with the CATI technique. In 2014 CATI has been changed to CAPI. In this occasion other two important changes have been introduced:

- the reference period moved from three months to one;

- the data collection is included into the Household budget survey with a unique questionnaire asked in two different periods each month (so called 'beginning interview' and 'final interview'). 

Despite all these changes, at national level comparability of the series of the main data has been guaranteed over time. In fact, the principal macrodata have been re-built by applying time series re-building methods. However, tables and microdata disseminated by Eurostat until 2013 will not be re-built, according to the Tourism unit of Eurostat. 

In 2001 and 2011, when the Census occurred, data series had been replaced, in order to guarantee the time series comparability. In these occasions microdata and aggregated data already sent to Eurostat were updated.

15.2.2 Tourism trips

See 15.2.1

15.2.3 Same-day visits (outbound)

See 15.2.1

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

To assess coherence of data, statistics from demand side are compared with other two sources. In particular, data about outbound flows (overnights, trips, same day visits, expenditures) are compared with data from National Bank of Italy (International tourism Sample Survey). Data about domestic overnights spent in rented accommodation by resident are compared with data from Istat supply side (Monthly statistics on “Occupancy in collective accommodation establishments Census Survey”)

15.4. Coherence - internal

Not applicable.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Cost and burden are not systematically collected.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

First provisional results were disseminated at national level in t+80 days from the last day of the reference period.

Definitive data were transmitted to Eurostat in t+(40 days)+(3 months) and disseminated at national level in t+(40 days) + (4 months).

17.2. Data revision - practice

Yearly provisional results are revised when they are disseminated as definitive. The procedures of editing and imputation aim to obtain definitive estimates, adjusting more in depth single items. Deterministic and probabilistic methods are used. The definitive estimates of trips, nights, tourists, same day visits do not change much respect to the provisional ones.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

18.1.1. Source data Source data

Survey Name of data collection in national language

Viaggi e Vacanze Name of data collection in English

Trips and Holidays Survey vehicle Embedded in another survey If "Embedded in another survey", please indicate which other survey. In case both options were ticked, please describe here separately the approach for PARTIC, TRIPS, SDVOUT

The survey is integrated into the Household budget survey.

18.1.2. Population frame Population frame Population register Update of population frame Annually If other frequency or additional comments, please specify Coverage errors of population frame

The municipalities' registry office from which households are selected, covers the whole reference population. However, data might contain coverage errors as for information such as:

1) over-coverage: non-existent or inhabited houses or population no longer living in the country/municipalities (due for instance to recent change of address or wrong inclusions (recent emigration)); 

2) under-coverage errors depending on the time lag in registering new residents which lands to missed inclusions (recent immigration).

18.1.3. Gross sample size (year, individuals) Gross sample size for trips (= +

169,384 Gross sample size for participation in tourism

see Gross sample size for (outbound) same-day visits

see Additional comments

Gross sample size is the same as for trips, participation and SDV

18.1.4. Net sample size (year, individuals) Net sample size for trips (= –

62,921 Net sample size for participation in tourism

see Net sample size for (outbound) same-day visits

see Additional comments

Net sample size is the same as for trips, participation and SDV. It refers to all individuals who are respondents (all ages groups)

18.1.5. Sampling design Sampling design Stratified sampling
Systematic sampling
Random sampling
Two-stage sampling If other or additional comments (also when more than one options is chosen in, please specify. Links to national methodology documentation can also be inserted here.

Partly single-stage sampling, with a random selection scheme of elementary sample units (households). Partly two-stage sampling: stratification of primary sampling unit (municipalities) and a sistematic selection scheme for the unit in the first stage; a random selection scheme of elementary sample units for selecting elementary units (households) in the second stage (see

18.1.6. Second survey or source

18.2. Frequency of data collection
18.2.1 Frequency of data collection Continuously
18.2.2 Other frequency or additional comments
18.3. Data collection

18.3.1. Type of survey

Household survey

18.3.2. Data collection methods Data collection methods CAPI face-to-face (computer-assisted personal interview) If other or additional comments, please specify. In case a combination of data collection methods is used, please give an indication of the importance of the different methods (in terms of number of respondents) 

Data collection is made by the CAPI technique (since 2014). It is conducted by a private enterprise. The interviewers are regularly trained by Istat through briefings at the beginning of their activity. Moreover, once per year, before a new annual edition, Istat organises on-line refreshing to the interviewers to introduce changes in the questionnaire, to test their preparation, to receive opinions and evaluations on the collection. Questionnaire in national language (Annex/Link)

Indagine sulle spese delle famiglie (see annex: "Italian version of Trips and Holidays survey's questionnaire") Questionnaire in English (Annex/Link)

Not available Interviewer instructions in English (Annex/Link)

Not available

18.3.3. Proxy interviews Proxy interviews Allowed If "Allowed" or "Only in exceptional cases", please indicate for which variables in particular proxy interviews were used (it not all questions); If 4. "Not applicable", please explain why.

Proxy interviews are accepted because only one adult person (aged 18+) per household answers both for him/herself and for all the other components of the household. As a consequence, the number of proxy interviews can be deducted by the subtraction between the net sample size of individuals (64,556) and the net sample size of households  (28,609): 35,947 proxy interviews.

18.3.4. Average interview time (The average interview time is X minutes.) Average interview time

8 minutes Average interview time for respondents that reported trips

Not available

18.3.5 Second survey or source

18.4. Data validation
18.4.1 Data validation

The process of monitoring the results of data compilation is made by controlling time series of the same survey and by comparing data from other surveys or sources.

18.4.2 Second survey or source (In case a second survey or source is used for collecting data on participation, trips or same-day visits, please briefly describe 18.4.1 here in relation to those surveys/sources)
18.5. Data compilation
18.5.1 Data compilation

Data compilation has different phases.

- Data editing and imputation phase is done by using different approaches: fully deterministic procedures and mixed procedures with deterministic detection and probabilistic imputation.

- Subsequently, there are grossing-up procedures and calibrating. The grossing up procedure (which adopts the "calibration estimators" methodology: Deville, J.C. e Särndal, C.E. in Calibration Estimators in Survey Sampling, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Vol. 87, n.418, 1992) takes into account some totals of population well known because deriving from external sources, such as gender, age, territorial aggregation, etc. These variables are strictly correlated with those under investigation. As the frame has the same auxiliary information, a grossing up procedure consists in calibrating the sample unit inside the strata built with these information.

18.5.2 Second survey or source (In case a second survey or source is used for collecting data on participation, trips or same-day visits, please briefly describe 18.5.1 here in relation to those surveys/sources)
18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Questionnaire 2022 -Italian language