Statistics on the production of manufactured goods (prom)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Short-term business statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Gedimino Ave. 29, LT 01500 Vilnius

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 17 July 2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 17 July 2024
2.3. Metadata last update 17 July 2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

PRODCOM survey is a part of the Lithuanian Commodity survey, which contains monthly data about the volume of total production, volume and value of sales of Lithuanian producers - total and in domestic market. PRODCOM survey is carried out in compliance with Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on European business statistics, repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics and Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197 of 30 July 2020 laying down technical specifications and arrangements pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2019/2152 of the European Parliament and of the Council on European business statistics repealing 10 legal acts in the field of business statistics. The survey sample consists of 3524 (536 of which are from alternative sourses) observation  units. The collection of production is separated for production on own account and production on subcontracting.

The questionnaire for commodity production has two parts:

  • production using on own account  - it requires volume of total production, volume and value for total sales, and volume and value of sales in domestic market.
  • production using the client's material - it requires volume of total production and fee paid in value (total and in domestic market)


3.2. Classification system

In the PRODCOM classification products are grouped by the NACE Rev.2, 4-digits industrial sectors, in which they are primarily produced (i.e. characteristic products). NACE Rev.2 is the EU system for classifying economic activities. The value and volume data shown for a product, therefore, includes not only the production by enterprises classified to the NACE sector where it is primarily produced but also its subsidiary production by enterprises classified to the other NACE Rev. 2 sectors.

Classification of Products

The PRODCOM list is divided into “Classes” corresponding to the classes of NACE rev 2. Within the individual classes, the headings of the list are set out in ascending order of their PRODCOM codes. PRODCOM uses an eight-digit product code of the form XX.XX.XX.YY.

The first 4-digits of the code correspond to the 4-digit classes of NACE Rev.2.

The first 6-digits are the Community Classification of Products by Activity (CPA) codes. The CPA provides a detailed listing of the characteristic products for each 4-digit NACE Rev. 2 economic activity.

The last 2-digits provide a more detailed breakdown of the CPA classes into PRODCOM product headings.

There is a direct link between the PRODCOM classification and the EU foreign trade Combined Nomenclature (CN). Each PRODCOM 8-digit heading covers one or more CN 8-digit headings.

PGPK national version of PRODCOM list is used in Lithuania for commodity survey (it can be accessed online here).

Approx. 87 extra headings are present in PGPK, mostly reflecting Lithuanian national production (B level).

National version has 10-digits for product code. If the last two digits are not '00', then it is a national code (B level). All codes ending '00' are "A" level common PRODCOM codes.

3.3. Coverage - sector

Non-financial enterprises. 

The survey covers all industrial enterprises with more than 4 employees and enterprises with secondary industrial activity, having more than 500.000 EUR turnover from the industrial activity. 

The survey covers NACE Rev.2 sections B and C (06-33 divisions) and class 38.32.

All industrial enterprises are sampled to achieve 90% of each 4 digit level NACE class.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Total manufactured production consists of production carried on territory of Lithuania by Lithuanian enterprises, including production for the enterprise's own purposes.

Sold production represents the quantity and value of sold production and industrial services.

Actual production represents all production that was produced by the enterprise during the reference period, regardless of whether it was sold, stored in stocks, used for further processing or it was production under sub-contracted operations. Actual production is presented as quantity.

At national level, the total sales and the sales in domestic market (in volume and value) are available.

Total production (in volume) is collected for all PRODCOM codes where the physical units are available.

The value is expressed in Euro. The volume is expressed in a unit specific for each product.

3.5. Statistical unit

The reporting unit - Enterprise = Kind of activity unit (KAU).

The observation unit - Kind of activity unit (KAU), principal and secondary activities.

3.6. Statistical population

Industrial companies (from B, C sectors and E sector 38.32 class, according to NACE Rev.2.) and non-industrial enterprises engaged in industrial activities.

The survey covers all industrial enterprises with more than 4 employees and enterprises with secondary industrial activity, having more than 500.000 EUR turnover from the industrial activity.

3.7. Reference area

Information can be calculated at the national level and on regional level: county.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Industrial production statistics for Lithuania date back to 1995 (paper archive and Oracle database archive)

Starting with statistics from year 2000, the annual data can be consulted in electronic format in Eurostat Database.

Also, statistics starting with year 2005 can be accessed on State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania)website: (Database of indicators/
Business statistics/Industry/Production of commodities)

Commodity statistics data according to PRODCOM are available from 2002, when PRODCOM list was implemented in the commodity survey.

3.9. Base period

Not applicable

4. Unit of measure Top

For volumes: measure units are specific to each PRODCOM code.

For value (sales): thousands EUR

5. Reference Period Top

Year 2023

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

This survey is carried out in compliance with following regulations:

at EU level: 

at the National level:   PGPK 2022 Part II (PRODCOM)) approval for the reporting period of version (No. DĮ - 32 of 26 January 2022). 

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Information on the production of meat and dairy products is received from the Agricultural Data Center.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

The confidentiality policy is based on:

National level:

In the process of statistical data collection, processing and analysis and dissemination of statistical information, State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) fully guarantees the confidentiality of the data submitted by respondents (households, enterprises, institutions, organisations and other statistical units), as defined in the Confidentiality Policy Guidelines of Statistics Lithuania

Lithuania is applying the passive confidentiality.

EU level:

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

In Lithuania, information based on product codes is not confidential. However, we sometimes receive written requests from enterprises asking us not to disclose their information.

In such cases, we maintain confidentiality. The confidential information we publish makes up only 0.5% (from 1534 codes that Lithuanian enterprises fill out).

More info:

Statistical Disclosure Control Manual, approved by Order No DĮ-107 of 26 April 2022 of the Director General of Statistics Lithuania;

The State Data Governance Information System Data Security Regulations and Rules for the Secure Management of Electronic Information in the State Data Governance Information System, approved by Order No DĮ-202 of 27 August 2021 of the Director General of Statistics Lithuania.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Statistical information is published in accordance with an approved release calendar.

8.2. Release calendar access

  The release calendar can be accessed at: Calendars 

8.3. Release policy - user access

Statistical information is prepared and disseminated under the principle of impartiality and objectivity, i.e. in a systematic, reliable and unbiased manner, following professional and ethical standards (the European Statistics Code of Practice), and the policies and practices followed are transparent to users and survey respondents.

All users have equal access to statistical information. All statistical information is published at the same time – at 9 a.m. on the day of publication of statistical information as indicated in the calendar on the Official Statistics Portal. Relevant statistical information is sent automatically to news subscribers.

The President and Prime Minister of the Republic of Lithuania, their advisers, the Ministers of Finance, Economy and Innovation, as well as Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania or their authorized persons, as well as, in exceptional cases, external experts and researchers have the right to receive early statistical information. The specified persons are entitled to receive statistical reports on GDP, inflation, employment and unemployment and other particularly relevant statistical reports one day prior to the publication of this statistical information on the Official Statistics Portal. Before exercising the right of early receipt of statistical information, a person shall sign an undertaking not to disseminate the statistical information received before it has been officially published.

Statistical information is published following the Official Statistics Dissemination Policy Guidelines and Statistical Information Dissemination and Communication Rules of Statistics Lithuania approved by Order No DĮ-176 of 2 July 2021 of the Director General of Statistics Lithuania.


9. Frequency of dissemination Top

PRODCOM data, as a part of the statistical information collected and disseminated by NSI, contains:

  • Monthly data of the volume of production for the main aggregated PRODCOM codes
  • Annual data of the volume and value by PRODCOM codes, as sum of the 12 months of the year.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

The information note “Alcohol and tobacco consumption and its consequences” will be published on 30 May after the end of the reporting year.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications
  1. From 1996 onwards, "Production of commodities" catalogue, dedicated annual publication, which can be found in the online publications catalogue .
  2. "Production of commodities", latest edition 2016 (with data for 2015), (it was last paper edition, from 2016 information is available only in database).
  3. Statistical information is published in the statistical electronic publication "Regions of Lithuania".
  4. Preparation of information for the UN "Monthly Bulletin of Statistics".
10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Statistical indicators are published in the Database of Indicators (Business statistics -> Industry -> Production of commodities).

The Indicators Database page is for viewing and analyzing statistical information. For more information on the Indicators Database, see the Database of Indicators User Guide.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Feedback from enterprises.

Each company has the opportunity to access its annual data in e-statistics (structured by Prodcom headings) and to compare it with data at country level.

Microdata for scientific purposes shall be available and provided in accordance with the provisions specified in the Description of the Procedure for the Provision of Confidential Statistical Data for Scientific Purposes by Statistics Lithuania.

More information is available on the Official Statistics Portal open data sets.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Statistical information is published in the Eurostat database.

Statistical information can also be provided upon individual requests (more information on the website of State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) at ).

Statistical information is published on product production every month, on the last working day in the Database of Indicators (Business statistics -> Industry -> Production of commodities->Production of main commodities).

10.6. Documentation on methodology


10.7. Quality management - documentation

General documents on quality of statistics are available on the website: Quality

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

The quality of statistical information and its production process is ensured by the provisions of the European Statistics Code of Practice  and ESS Quality Assurance Framework. In 2007, a quality management system (aligned with the requirements of the international quality management system standard ISO 9001) was enclosed into State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania). The main trends in activity of State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) aimed at quality management and continuous development in the institution are established in the Quality Policy.

PRODCOM survey is based on monthly statistics, offering enough time to check the annual information (calculated as agreggate of the 12 months).

PRODCOM data is checked in several ways:

  1. PRODCOM data are produced in close cooperation with STS, enabling the data reported in the two surveys to be checked against each other.
  2. PRODCOM uses also the administrative data (VAT) in the validation procedures.
  3. PRODCOM staff applies its own data checks by comparing unit values across enterprises, across time and also some additional algorithms. Any identified outliers are reported to the declarant, asking an explanation or correction. In addition, if users are questioning the accuracy of data, the declarant is asked to investigate it.
11.2. Quality management - assessment

Quality of statistical results meets the requirements of accuracy, timeliness and punctuality, comparability and consistency.

Industrial product statistics are collected through an electronic system that includes many arithmetic and logic controls.

In 2020, the company's survey of industrial production statistics was carried out. It showed that the results of the survey meet the requirements for the quality of statistical information.

In 2016, a review of the questionnaire P-12 of the survey was carried out, and the recommendations received were implemented.

Statistical information on the production of products is compared with previous periods, the results of other statistical surveys, results of surveys on the production of products from other countries. Unit prices of products are compared with the average unit prices of European countries. Outstanding values of indicators are identified and analyzed. In the event of significant deviations, the data provider shall be contacted and the reasons for the deviation explained.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The main users of statistical information are state and municipal institutions and establishments, the media, representatives of business and science, and students whose needs are met without violating the principle of confidentiality. 

All statistical indicators are compiled and published to the extent defined in the legislation governing their compilation and publication. More detailed statistics are compiled according to individual user requests.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Since 2005, user opinion surveys have been conducted on a regular basis.

Official Statistics Portal traffic is monitored. There are website visitor opinion polls, general opinion polls on the products and services of State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania), target user group opinion polls and other surveys.

In 2007, the compilation of a user satisfaction index was launched. The Methodology for evaluation of the Customer satisfaction index was approved in January 2008. It relates to the Code of Practice four quality characteristics: relevance, sufficiency, clarity, reliability, as well as quality and one of the national interests on the visibility of the official statistics. Users themselves rate the listed characteristics according to their importance. The satisfaction index has been calculated from the results of the annual General public opinion polls on Image perception. The identified shortcomings and treatment of Customer satisfaction surveys are an effective means to respond to user needs and improve the quality of products and services.

More information on user opinion surveys and results thereof are published in the User Surveys section on the State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) website.

12.3. Completeness

Product production data is collected and published on all products manufactured in Lithuania that are included in the PRODCOM list. 

There are some codes that exist only for Lithuanian dissemination (some products break down into a smaller B level).

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

A cut sample selected from the population is used for the statistical survey. The sampling plan is compiled on the basis of information of the Statistical Register of Economic Entities on the type of economic activity of the enterprise, the number of employed persons and annual turnover class level. The sample includes companies with at least 90 per cent of the total annual sales of the relevant class. The default rate is low. Data are revised (new information is received - data from administrative sources; respondents are revising the reports provided). Estimation of the values of the missing indicators has no significant effect on the overall accuracy. The quality of administrative data is ensured by searching for excreted, missing, duplicate values, analyzing the results and, if necessary, editing the data.

13.2. Sampling error

Sampling errors do not occur in the PRODCOM survey as these statistics are collected by non-probability sampling (which means that it's a full-coverage survey with a cut-off threshold).


13.3. Non-sampling error

Errors not related to the sample do not significantly affect the results. There are not many cases of non-receipt of data from respondents. Significant measurement errors are found by applying outlier detection methods, as well as by comparing data with data from previous periods and with data from other countries. They are fixable. The electoral report template and data entry form contain logical and arithmetic control conditions. For errors or missing values, respondents are contacted and corrected.

Non-response rate in 2023 by fix term - 0.89%.

Final non-response rate - 0.03 %.

Imputation rate for selected enterprises - 0.03 %.

Response rate - 99.97 %.

If it is established that the enterprises does not perform industrial activities, the Prodcom survey will be terminated.


Enterprises carrying out industrial activities but not accessed by the survey, because to reduce the burden on respondents, small enterprises with less than 5 employees and turnover below 500,000 are excluded from the survey.

Enterprises non-response.In case of unit non-response or delayed answers, estimation values are inserted in the monthly production survey.

Activity classification errors.

Commodity classification errors.


Errors tend to occur if the monitored units are engaged in non-industrial activities or incorrect activity of the company in the business register.

Activity classification errors.

Commodity classification errors.

Multiple listings: there may be errors of identical records, but in our survey each company has an identical ID and cannot repeat itself in the survey.

Incorrect auxiliary information:

Incorrect information in the business register from administrative data sources about the number of employed persons and turnover can also lead to errors.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Monthly statistical information is published on the last working day of the month after the end of the reporting month, annual - on the 80th day after the end of the reporting year.

14.2. Punctuality

Statistical information is published in accordance with an approved release calendar.

In case of delay, users are notified in advance with the reason and the new publication date.

The share of statistical information published on time is 100 percent.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Statistical information is comparable across the EU.

15.2. Comparability - over time

The extensive revision of NACE in 2007 leaded to major changes in PRODCOM estimates as they were calculated starting with 2008.

Data according to the new NACE Rev.2 version were recalculated, starting from 2005.

Data for NACE Rev.1 is available from 1996 to 2004. All the data for 1996-2002 were recalculated based on CN codes.

In 2021, there is a specific reason for the break in the statistical time series (changes in the PRODCOM variable), because a new subcontracting variable appears.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Values of the indicators are combined with the data of the short-term survey of industrial enterprises, foreign trade, fuel and energy balance, the average prices of individual products of Eurostat PRODCOM survey units.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Product codes are compatible between the different versions of PGPK 2022 Part II (PRODCOM).

The values of production and sales indicators shall be cross-checked.

Unit prices of products are checked and compared.

Variables checking in time series is done using an interval of 3 years.

16. Cost and Burden Top

In 2023, the amount of EUR 199 thousand was allocated for the monthly statistical survey of the production of industrial products.

In 2023, the average time of respondents to fill in the Statistical Report on the Production of Industrial Products of the Company (P-12) - 46,55 min. Compared to last year, the burden of statistical reporting increased slightly because we updated the collection program, which may have contributed to the longer collection time.

Administrative sources are used to reduce the statistical reporting burden: Data sources of the State Tax Inspectorate, data on the production of dairy and meat products are obtained from the Agricultural Data Center.

State Data Agency (Statistics Lithuania) pays a lot of attention to reducing the statistical reporting burden on respondents. Its obligations to implement the Law on Reducing the Administrative Burden of the Republic of Lithuania and to reduce the statistical reporting burden of the respondents are defined in the Policy of Reducing the Statistical Reporting Burden of the Respondents.

More information on burden reduction .

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Revisions of statistical indicators are performed in accordance with the Description of procedure for performance, analysis and publication of revisions of statistical information, approved by Order No DĮ-173 of 30 June 2021 of the Director General of Statistics Lithuania. Users are informed in advance about scheduled revisions by intermediate of a Calendar of Scheduled Revisions of Statistical Indicators.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Data on manufacturer's sales of goods are submitted to Eurostat annually for the previous reference year (T+6).   If major revisions have been made since the last data submission,  then (T+18) are send a revised dataset.

After amendments in legal acts and detection of significant errors, the revisions of statistical indicators are performed.

Users are informed immediately about these results and changes, as well as about the planned revisions (by intermediate of a planned statistical information revision calendar).

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data
  • Monthly statistical report P-12 - statistical report of enterprises' production of commodity.
  • Administrative sources - data on the production of dairy and meat products received from the Agricultural Data Center.
  • Administrative sources - tax authority data (VAT).
18.2. Frequency of data collection


18.3. Data collection

PRODCOM data collection is organized through the Data Preparation Divisions. Data control is carried out separately at the regional and at national levels. The NSI of Lithuania uses an online and e-statistics questionnaire, named "e-statistika" (P-12). The questionnaires contain the entire list of products reported by the enterprise in the previous survey. The list of all products is available in the web questionnaire, and the list of all products with corresponding CN codes is available on the website. Logical errors are checked during the process of questionnaire's filling-in.

The questionnaire for commodity production has two parts: production using own materials and production using customer materials (subcontracting).

After collecting the data, we carry out:

1. A comparison with the short-term survey „Statistical Report on Industrial Activity”, which contains an indicator on the value of the customer's raw materials.

2. An additional call to enterprises completing the second part of the questionnaire (production from customer inputs) to check whether production is indeed taking place from customer inputs.

When interviewing companies, it becomes clear that companies often do not distinguish between own materials and materials from customers. They consider the materials purchased by the company to be the customer's materials and not their own.

18.4. Data validation

The quality of statistical data is performed to ensure the quality of statistics and the validity of the suitability. The data recording determines whether the data is mathematical and logical conditions. Once the discrepancies are identified, the statistics shall be corrected according to the nature of the error. Statistical information is compared to information in other countries and other statistical research compared to the previous period statistical information. In the event of non response, the recording of missed statistics is applied. Failure to respond to statistics are used for short -term business statistics and data from these companies in previous periods. Once the inaccuracies are detected, the statistics are corrected and the eligibility of the data is confirmed.

18.5. Data compilation

Received data are checked on regional level.

A special program is checking the similarity of PRODCOM's total industrial output versus STS data at enterprise level.

NSI performs monthly and annual data validation, edit and evaluation of non-response data, aggregation, calculation and analysis.

Checks are made against previous returns in order to spot the inconsistencies and, when is necessary, the enterprises are contacted and asked to recheck/correct the data they submitted.

18.6. Adjustment

The imputation method of non-response is used to fill-in the missing indicators.

The imputation of missing data is based on other administrative sources (STS) and the time series (previously reported data by the same enterprise).

19. Comment Top

No comment

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top