Statistics on the production of manufactured goods (prom)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)


Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation


1.2. Contact organisation unit

Business Statistics Sector – Department for Industry and Construction Statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Zelenih beretki 26, 71 000 - Sarajevo

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 31/08/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 31/03/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 31/03/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Based on the list of variables required by new EBS Regulation no. 2019/2152 (variable 251001 - values of the sold production produced on own account  (including industrial services) and quantities of the sold production produced on own account; variable 251002 -  values equal to the fee received by subcontractor/paid by principal and quantities produced under sub-contracted operations; variable 251003 - a sum of quantities of the actual production on own account and quantities produced under sub-contracted operations), absolute data on the quantity (volume) of produced products, the quantity (volume) of sold products, and the value of sold industrial products are published. For these purposes, the Nomenclature of Industrial Products for BiH for PRODCOM survey (NIP BiH/PRODCOM 2022) has been updated with the EU PRODCOM List 2022 and used at the product level. Value of sold production has been published at the section and division levels of business activities, by using the Classification of Economic Activities of BiH 2010 (hereinafter: KD BIH 2010) (identical to NACE Rev. 2). Enterprises have to report which part of the production is sold to foreign countries. The data are collected based on the annual survey IND-21.  This survey collects more data than it's required at the European level. Quantities (volumes) are requested and collected for all active products in Bosnia and Herzegovina (even for those for which no European obligation exists). For some products, if the original measurement unit does not match national needs, quantities (volumes) are collected in double measurement units. In order to fulfill energy statistics needs, coverage of NACE Rev.2 divisions is broader than European one (especially NACE Rev.2 divisions 05, 06 and 09 from section B, products from division 19 of section C and products from divisions 36 and 38 of section E by NACE Rev.2).

3.2. Classification system

1. Classification of Economic Activities of BiH 2010 (KD BiH 2010) for enterprises and local units (fully harmonized with all levels of NACE Rev.2).

2. Classification of Products and Services fully harmonized with all 6-digit levels of CPA 2.1.

3. More detailed Nomenclature of Industrial Products in BiH - NIP BiH/PRODCOM (based on PRODCOM list) which is updated every year (for the reference year 2022, a valid EU PRODCOM List 2022 is used – NIP BiH/PRODCOM 2022). NIP BiH/PRODCOM 2022 is basically identical to the EU PRODCOM List 2022, 8 – digit levels, identical to CPA 6-digit levels (KPPD BiH 2010), and contains more detailed breakdowns of national aggregation (for national needs).

3.3. Coverage - sector

The survey covers the enterprises and their units with 10 or more employees within the following sections of economic activities under KD BIH 2010 (according to NACE Rev. 2): B (Mining and quarrying), C (Manufacturing), D (Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning production and supply) and section E - (Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities). For the purposes of monitoring of industrial production in BiH, the BiH version of the Nomenclature is complemented by sections: B05 - Coal and lignite mining, B06 - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas, B09 - Support service activities in mining and quarrying, C19.2 - Manufacture of refined petroleum products, E36 - Water collection, treatment and supply and E38 - Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

The aim of the PRODCOM statistics is to report on the total quantity of products produced in the country in the reporting year for each individual product defined by the NIP BiH/PRODCOM (PRODCOM List) classification of products for which there is (active) production in the country. This means that the PRODCOM statistics relate to products (not activities) and therefore it is not strictly comparable with the statistics of economic activity-based industries such as Structural Business Statistics. PRODCOM statistics, including the PRODCOM List, are based on the NACE classification, which should serve to detect enterprises (or their parts) that produce industrial products. PRODCOM statistics differ from foreign trade statistics, which are based on the so-called event-based principle, i.e. every time the product crosses the border it is registered as "trade", so if the same product has crossed the border several times then it will be registered as trade several times. On the other hand, seen from the perspective of the PRODCOM statistics, the product is never produced more than once, and for this reason, it is necessary to avoid double counting products that would increase the produced quantity.  Enterprises have to report which part of the production is sold to foreign countries.

3.5. Statistical unit

Reporting units are enterprises and LKAUs dealing with the production of industrial products (goods and services) defined under the Nomenclature of Industrial Products (NIP BiH/PRODCOM 2022, most recently updated with EU PRODCOM List 2022). LKAUs are used in case when the enterprise’s principal activity falls outside the NACE Rev.2 sections B, C, D and E. This survey does not cover the reporting units (enterprises and LKAUs) outside the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Observation units are all industrial products defined by NIP BIH/PRODCOM 2022 produced by the reporting units.

3.6. Statistical population

The target population covers all active enterprises from sections B, C, D and E according to NACE Rev.2 and amounts to 7017 active enterprises (note: entrepreneurs are not included in the target nor frame population) based on data available from the Statistical Business Register of BiH. Section B contains 253 units; Section C contains 5970 units, 371 units in Section D and Section E 423 units. 

Approximately 2,340 enterprises and KAUs are covered by the annual PRODCOM survey based on a chosen cut-off sample by using at least 10 persons employed threshold and in exceptional cases smaller enterprises (with less than 10 persons employed) in order to get significant coverage. The sample was drawn by using SBR in combination with data from PRODCOM and SBS surveys.

Statistical population includes the observation units – industrial products defined by the NIP BiH/PRODCOM 2022 (harmonized with EU PRODCOM List 2022) which are produced by the reporting units (enterprises performing industrial activities, sections B, C, D and E or KAUs as a part of the enterprise which secondary activity falls outside the sections B, C, D and E according to NACE Rev.2).


3.7. Reference area

The BiH territory (includes two entities – the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Republika Srpska as well as one district, the Brčko District)

3.8. Coverage - Time

Data on industrial production statistics in BiH have been made and published since 2004 following the annual frequency.  However, care should be taken in terms of data comparability due to changes in the classification, nomenclature, scope, methods and definitions, etc. over the years. Most recent PRODCOM results are available for the 2022 reference year. 

3.9. Base period

not applicable

4. Unit of measure Top

Units of measure for every single product are defined under the NIP BiH/PRODCOM 2022 - EU PRODCOM List 2022. Volume: in physical units; Value: in thousands of national currency (thousands of BAM) 

5. Reference Period Top

The reference period is the calendar year.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

- Law on Statistics of BiH (Official Gazette of BiH No. 26/04 and 42/04), as well as laws on statistics of the entity's statistical institutions. The Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina is responsible for data collection, data processing and data publishing for the state level (BiH level) as well as for the implementation of methodologies in all three statistical institutions in BiH in a unique way;

- Annual Work Plan of the Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina for 2022;

- Multi-annual statistical work programmes for BiH (2021 – 2024) and Annual work plans of BiH;

- Strategy for development of statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina 2030;

- Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/1197, EUR-Lex - 32020R1197 - EN - EUR-Lex ( and Regulation (EU) 2019/2152

- International recommendations and manuals (Eurostat, IMF, UN).

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Data delivery/sharing between the Institutes of Statistics from the entities (Republic of Srpska Institute for Statistics and the Institute of Statistics of the Federation of BiH) and the Agency for Statistics of BiH is regulated by Laws on statistics as well as Agreement on data sharing between all three statistical institutions;

- Data sharing to external users - state institutions in the country is regulated by the Law on Statistics and other laws that regulate the work of state institutions (for example Directorate for Economic Planning of BiH, the Ministry of Finance of BiH; the Central Bank of BiH, etc.).

- Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat);

- External users – international organizations like UN Statistics Division (UNSD), International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank (WB), World Casting Metal Organization, etc. based on their requests and/or signed agreements;

- Other users (students, the academic community, individual users, etc. in accordance with special procedures defined by the Agency together with the individual agreements signed).

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Confidentiality of statistical data has been regulated by law, and personnel conducting statistical surveys are obliged, under the same legislation, to protect confidentiality.  The Law on Statistics of BiH (Official Gazette of BIH 26/04 and 42/04 - Chapter XI - Articles 23-29) sets forth the principle of confidentiality as one of the main principles. The Agency for Statistics of BiH distributes statistics in accordance with the principles of the European Statistics Code of Practice, and especially with the principle of statistical confidentiality.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

The document titled “Book of Rules on Protection of Statistical Data in the Agency for Statistics” contains the procedure to secure confidentiality during data gathering, processing and dissemination - which includes protocols securing individual data to which access is allowed, rules defining confidential cells in the output tables and procedures for detection and prevention of subsequent disclosures, as well access to micro-data for the survey purposes. Confidential data are not published and the minimum number of units for which data should be kept confidential in practice is less than three (not relevant for PRODCOM). Relevant for PRODCOM: all three statistical institutions in BiH agreed that if an enterprise does not request specifically that their data are confidential, then all data are considered public.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The release calendar for Statistical Press Releases in BiH is published in advance for the entire year and it contains detailed information about all publications planned to be published. In December every year, the Agency for Statistics of BIH publishes on a website a calendar with accurate dates and times of publication of statistics for the next year. The calendar is published on the website in four language versions (Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian and English languages) and in PDF format. Preliminary results are published by the end of July for the previous year (reference year) and the final results by the end of October for the previous year, in line with the defined Release Calendar.

8.2. Release calendar access

The release calendar for Statistical Press Releases in BiH for 2022/2023 is available on the following link: 

8.3. Release policy - user access

All publications are published in accordance with the defined release calendar on the exactly specified date, at 11 o’clock, on the Agency’s website. If publishing publication is delayed, the relevant information shall be posted on the website and a new date/time shall be published. All publications intended for users are available in 4 languages, that is, 3 local languages plus the English version. Users shall not have access to new data prior to their official publication on the Agency’s website, nor is it possible for them to be granted access to data earlier. The principle that all users should have equal access to statistical data on an unbiased base is stipulated in Article 8, paragraph (2), subparagraph h) and Article 19, paragraph (2) of the Law on Statistics of BiH, and the Agency for Statistics of BiH strictly comply with it in practice.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

PRODCOM results for BiH are disseminated on a regular annual basis.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

PRODCOM preliminary and final results are available to all users free of charge twice a year in accordance with a defined date of publication in the Release Calendar, at 11 o’clock, on the Agency’s website: in pdf and also as a hard copy, upon request.

Preliminary PRODCOM results are published in the Press release form on July 30 at 11 o’clock while the final results are published in the Bulletin form on October 20, at 11 o’clock.

The publication on preliminary and final results of the PRODCOM for BiH:

 -   Production and sales of industrial products in BiH (PRODCOM), 2022, first results (press release)

-   Industrial production in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2022, PRODCOM final results (thematic bulletin) will be available in October 2023 (last available version is for 2021 reference year):

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

PRODCOM publications of preliminary and final results are available to all users free of charge twice a year in accordance with a defined date of publication in the Release Calendar, at 11 o’clock, on the Agency’s website: in pdf form. Final PRODCOM results are also published in hard copy - a book and available, in Excel format on the website of the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina and at users' request.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Online database is not available.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Micro-data are not disseminated and users have no access to them.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Excel file with PRODCOM results on the product code level (section Time series):

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Methodological explanations, including the PRODCOM list, for the production of PRODCOM results for BiH, are given within the publication of the Nomenclature of Industrial Products for BiH (NIP BIH/PRODCOM), which is updated based on EU PRODCOM List updates (latest available version of NIP BIH/PRODCOM 2022):

Methodological explanations are given in the thematic bulletin with the final PRODCOM results:

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Development of the Quality Report is in progress.  

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

The Agency for Statistics of BiH (BHAS) follows the recommendations for quality management provided in the European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP) and implements the guidelines provided in the European Statistics System Quality Assurance Framework (QAF). More details about quality assurance and all procedures describing the BHAS’s quality policy are contained in the document: 

BHAS Quality management policy and mechanisms available on the website:

11.2. Quality management - assessment

PRODCOM is highly relevant for national and international users as well as internally. PRODCOM is based on reliable survey data and the level of accuracy is high. PRODCOM results are based on PRODCOM methodology. The response rate is very high, almost 98%. Publication of results is always punctual and easily assessable. Notes on methodology are clear and comprehensive for demanding users’ needs. PRODCOM is comparable across the EU since follows the EU concepts, definitions and classifications. Comparability over time is good to the greatest extent. Comparability with other statistical domains primarily the monthly IPI and Industrial Turnover results is ensured.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Key users of the data are:

- International main users: Eurostat, IMF, UN/UNECE, OECD, WB

- National main users: Directorate for Economic Planning of BiH with the Council of Ministers of BiH, Foreign Trade Chamber of BiH, Central Bank of BiH, Ministry of Finance of BiH, other bodies and institutions of the Government

- Other users: business entities – enterprises, associations of employers, researchers and students, media and the general public.

Internally, these data are used for the National Account statistics for the production of the Gross Domestic Product and in the Structural and Short-term Business Statistics.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

The Agency for Statistics of BiH is conducting a user satisfaction survey, carried out in 2020. This survey is conducted in a 3-annual periodicity.  A total of 242 users were asked to respond to the questionnaire and 107 users provided their responses. Most interviewees visit the internet site and use the Agency’s statistical data occasionally (37.0%) or monthly (24.0%), at the same time, our website is daily visited by 7.0% of interviewees. Most interviewees are interested in the statistical field of population statistics (64.0%), employment and salaries (56.0%). A report on the survey conducted is posted on the Agency’s website and is available to the users:

Users’ main needs for data pertaining to the website notification format. Namely, for the purpose of easier data management and analysis, the pdf format of the notification does not suit the users’ needs and efforts are being made for excel tables to also be posted.


12.3. Completeness

All key indicators are calculated for PRODCOM statistics, those that are required under the international standards, and the Eurostat requirements concerning the level of detail about the PRODCOM data have also been met.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

Considering a very high rate of responses in general, about 98%, the overall accuracy is very good. For all reporting units covered by the sample, data must be completed before data compilation (reporting units are re-called or visited and, if even after re-calling it is not possible to obtain data from them, imputation will be applied).


13.2. Sampling error

Not applicable. PRODCOM survey is a cut-off survey (with 10+ persons employed).

13.3. Non-sampling error

In this survey, data are not combined (from two or more sources). It solely concerns data from a single source (statistics questionnaire for annual survey IND-21).

Errors may occur during entering data, as well as, during filling in the questionnaire. If data are incorrect, it may cause problems for data processing and it will not be possible to include them in the statistical analysis and they must be corrected. Examples of such errors include incorrect codes or missing codes, values inconsistent with the measurement units defined by the Nomenclature, etc.  

For each enterprise data are compared on the product level in order to find possible discrepancies. For the Entity territories, data are controlled by the Entity Institute/Office for Statistics, while for the territory of the Brčko District, the control is performed by the Agency for Statistics of BiH. For the aggregated data for the BiH level, checking is done by different persons, firstly by persons directly involved in the calculation of indices and then by their supervisor responsible for PRODCOM. A lot of tables are prepared in Excel every year in order to check the data for each particular Entity and then to check the data calculated for the BiH level. If there will be a need for data correction due to unrealistic values confirmed by the enterprise then data will be correct at the micro-level, and all treatments should be repeated.


14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Data collection has been done on an annual frequency. Reporting units have the deadline for data delivery on 15th April for the previous (reference) year. Eventually, five more days are available for re-calling of reporting units that didn’t deliver the data in order to get the data from all surveyed reporting units. The deadline for data publishing is T+7 months (for the BiH level) for the Preliminary results.  T+10 months (for the BiH level) is the deadline for the Final results.


14.2. Punctuality

There is no difference between the announced and actual date of the publication (according to the Release Calendar). The results are published within the set deadline - the foreseen date of publication laid down in the Release Calendar.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Considering that the PRODCOM results are published in accordance with the EU PRODCOM Regulation, the results are comparable among the other countries (EU Member States, primarily). 

15.2. Comparability - over time

The annual industrial production for BiH has been calculated and published since 2004. Annual PRODCOM results on product level are available since the 2009 reference year based on NACE Rev.2. Annual PRODCOM results prior to 2009  (from 2004) are available on appropriate PRODCOM Lists based on NACE Rev.1.1.

Based on requirements of EBS Regulation no. 2019/2151, the data on production under sub-contracted operation are collected separately from the own account production for the 2022 reference year. Production on own account is labeled with modality "0" in the questionnaire and for production under sub-contracted operations modality "1" is used. These two types of production data will be published in the annual thematic bulletin. Since the same questionnaire has been used for the data collection for previous years, there is a possibility to do a comparison of available datasets.  

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

A comparison of PRODCOM results with the results of the monthly IPI and ITI Survey (M KPS IND-1) is conducted and achieved. Also, PRODCOM results are compared with SBS survey data (turnover data). It is taken into account that the SBS data are collected at the enterprise level (enterprises as reporting units). It is possible to compare the data with the statistics of foreign trade to a limited extent.

15.4. Coherence - internal

A very detailed micro table exists to be checked for each respondent on products (total production, value of products sold, with respect to production under sub-contracted operations) to find possible discrepancies.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Currently, data on annual industrial production (PRODCOM data) are collected by using paper questionnaires which requires a lot of money and human resources. Data are collected by three statistical institutions: the Republic of Srpska Institute of Statistics for the territory of Republika Srpska, the Federal Institute of Statistics of FBIH for the territory of Federation of BIH, and the Agency for Statistics of BiH for the Brcko District of BiH territory. Approximately, 19 people are involved in the data collection process and data compilation process on an annual basis in full-time equivalent. In addition, one IT expert per institution is responsible for the development and maintenance of IT applications (20% of their working time). All three statistical institutions have very high costs of printing the questionnaires, postal and telephone costs. The response burden is not very high, approximately 30 minutes for fulfilling the questionnaires per respondent.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

There is no clearly defined revision policy except in the case of an error, wherein the corrected data shall be marked as "corrected data" and accompanied by an explanation to all users of the reasons for the data correction. This is published in the official publication as well as on the website of the Agency for Statistics of BiH. After publishing corrected data on the website of the Agency for Statistics of BiH, these data are also transmitted to Eurostat.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Usually, big revisions are done in a way that representatives of all three statistical institutions have to discuss together and agree on new proposed Statistical Standards/methodologies that will require data revision. Main changes in the methodology shall be published on the website of the Agency for Statistics of BiH. All methodology changes are thoroughly explained in the thematic bulletins. Preliminary results are published on July 20 for the previous (reference) year. All the required data revisions (by the reporting units and statisticians) are carried out and published with the publishing of the final PRODCOM results on October 20. There are no big changes in the preliminary and final PRODCOM results in general. Final PRODCOM data are transmitted to Eurostat in October every year.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

The annual survey on Industrial Production (IND-21) is the main data source for PRODCOM results, which is conducted in a traditional way by sending out paper questionnaires to the field by mail. 

18.2. Frequency of data collection

PRODCOM data for BiH have been collected annually through the IND – 21 annual statistical surveys. 

18.3. Data collection

PRODCOM data for BiH are collected through the IND-21 statistical survey conducted by mail and using paper questionnaires. Data are collected by the cantonal/regional offices of the Entities – for the Entity level and by the Brčko District Branch Office of the Agency for statistics of BiH for the territory of the Brčko District.

18.4. Data validation

The Entity Institutes/Offices for Statistics perform entry and validation of data for their Entity territory, while the Agency performs that for the territory of the Brčko District. The Entity Institutes/Offices provide the Agency with all data required for PRODCOM compilation at the BiH level, in agreed formats. Data cross-checking controls are applied. If “Suspicious” data are found, they are sent back to the Entity's statistical institutions for checking and verification. The Entity Institutes/Offices for Statistics recheck data and, if required, a phone call-back procedure is applied or pays a visit to reporting units, if it is necessary. This is a standard procedure that has been applied for a long period of time, enabling the Industry Statistics departments to obtain data of good quality. Data validation is done automatically by applying predefined data controls through IT applications. The validation process includes the following: cross-cutting, comparison with previous data sets, etc. All verifications are performed through the IT application for the Industry. For the data transmission to Eurostat, a new SDMX-ML format is used. No validation controls and checking are applied to this file because the national validation rules have already been applied.

18.5. Data compilation

The data provided by the Entities Institutes/Offices for Statistics and the Brcko District Branch Office data are aggregated in order to produce PRODCOM data for BiH. The quantities produced, quantities sold, and value of sold production, with respect to production under sub-contracted operation, are summarised on the product level defined by the NIP BiH/PRODCOM list for the reference year.

18.6. Adjustment

Not available.

19. Comment Top


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top