Organic farming (org)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Service d'Economie Rurale

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Service d'Economie Rurale

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Service d'Economie Rurale: Division des statistiques agricoles

1.5. Contact mail address

Service d'Economie Rurale


L-1021 Luxembourg

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 14/06/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 14/06/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 14/06/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

The collected statistics for the country cover the following data:

  • Certified registered organic operators (referring to their main or secondary activity) (expressed in number of operators)
  • Certified registered organic processors who manufacture organic products (as their main or secondary activity) (expressed in number of processors)
  • Certified organic crop area (under conversion and fully converted) (expressed in hectares)
  • Certified organic crop production from fully converted area (expressed in 1 000 kg)
  • Certified organic livestock (expressed in heads of live animals)
  • Production of certified organic products of animal origin (expressed in 1 000 kg of carcass weight and in thousand eggs)
  • Production of certified organic milk products (Produced on farms or Processed on farms or by dairy enterprises) and Honey and products of bee-keeping (expressed in 1 000 kg of products obtained)
  • Certified organic aquaculture sold by producers (expressed in 1 000 kg live weight)
3.2. Classification system

See ESS Agreement on Organic Production Statistics

3.3. Coverage - sector

See Organic farming Metadata

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

See Organic farming Metadata

3.5. Statistical unit

See Organic farming Metadata

3.6. Statistical population

See Organic farming Metadata

3.7. Reference area

organic area managed by national agricultural holdings, this also includes areas managed by the national holdings on the territories of other states

3.8. Coverage - Time

from 2012 onwards

3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top
  • Certified registered organic operators (referring to their main or secondary activity) (expressed in number of operators)
  • Certified registered organic processors who manufacture organic products (as their main or secondary activity) (expressed in number of processors)
  • Certified organic crop area (under conversion and fully converted) (expressed in hectares)
  • Certified organic crop production from fully converted area (expressed in 1 000 kg)
  • Certified organic livestock (expressed in heads of live animals)
  • Production of certified organic products of animal origin (expressed in 1 000 kg of carcass weight and in thousand eggs)
  • Production of certified organic milk products (Produced on farms or Processed on farms or by dairy enterprises) and Honey and products of bee-keeping (expressed in 1 000 kg of products obtained)
  • Certified organic aquaculture sold by producers (expressed in 1 000 kg live weight)

5. Reference Period Top


6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

In the elaboration of organic farming statistics, 2 administrations belonging to the Ministry of agriculture are involved: SER and ASTA

SER is part of the national statistical system and responsible for agricultural statistics in general.

ASTA is managing the organic farm register and makes available data on organic operators and processors to SER.


Law of the SER (only available in French):

Grand-ducal regulation on the public statistics committee (only available in French):

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Belonging to the same Ministry, the exchange of data between SER and ASTA can be done without special arrangement.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

According to article 16 of STATEC's law (, the dissemination of confidential data is forbidden and subject to criminal penalty. The definition of confidential data is in line with the Regulation (EC) 223/2009 on European Statistics. As a member of the Luxemburgish Statistical System, the SER applies this article in all respects. In addition, all employees of the SER are public servants engaging them for confidentiality in every aspect.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

data concerning less than 3 units are supposed to be confidential. In case confidentiality cannot be assured by just hiding the concerned item, the second lowest item is flagged as confidential too.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

No release calendar available.

8.2. Release calendar access

not applicable

8.3. Release policy - user access

not applicable

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

annual dissemination

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

not applicable

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

National dissemination of annual organic data is only punctual and/or on request, there is no database or regular publication.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

National dissemination of annual organic data is only punctual and/or on request, there is no database.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

not applicable

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

not applicable

10.5. Dissemination format - other

not applicable

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

not applicable

10.6. Documentation on methodology

not applicable

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not applicable.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

not applicable

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

not applicable

11.2. Quality management - assessment

not applicable

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

On national level, the data is used to assess if the evolutioun of organic farming is in line with the targets set by the government.

Other known user needs are information requests from journalists.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

user satisfaction is not measured

12.3. Completeness

to be assessed by Eurostat

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

to be assessed by Eurostat

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

overall accuracy is assured because almost all information is derived from administrative sources, registers or administrative data.

13.2. Sampling error

not applicable

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

not applicable

13.3. Non-sampling error

Initially there is over-coverage in the organic farming register, but it can easily be corrected by applying IFS thresholds.

13.3.1. Coverage error

Some kind of over-coverage exists in the organic farming register although it is no survey. It contains farms that are not covered by IFS because the thresholds fixed by the IFS regulation are not met. The concerned farms are not taken into account for the organic farming statistics in order to assure coherence. Over-coverage - rate

after correction there is no over-coverage in the organic farming register, so it is 0% Common units - proportion

not applicable

13.3.2. Measurement error

not applicable

13.3.3. Non response error

non response not existing Unit non-response - rate

0% Item non-response - rate


13.3.4. Processing error

For datasets 1A and 1B, units are only classified according to their main activity, even if they are active in different sectors.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

See concepts below.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

 6 months (end of June N+1)

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

6 months (end of June N+1)

14.2. Punctuality

See concepts below.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

data is delivered on time

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

As there are no regional statistics,

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

15.2. Comparability - over time

there is no major break in the time series since 2012.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

all data is comparable since 2012.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

organic statistics are comparable with

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Problems with coherence occur in Dataset 2 for aggregates like C0000 and H0000 when area and production figures are not available on the same detail level. For example in area for H0000 fruits are included, but in production they are not. This is due to the fact that only area is collected, but validation rules state that the total of H0000 has be the sum of its sub-items. This results in the fact that area and production for the same aggregate are not comparable.

16. Cost and Burden Top

is not assessed.

Burden on respondants is not significant because all of the data is taken from existing registers, administrative sources or other data collections. There is no independent data source for organic statistics.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

no data revision policy

17.2. Data revision - practice

no planned revisions, in general data is final at the moment of production.

unplanned revisions may occure if errors are detected or better information becomes available.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not applicable.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data
  • organic operators and processors: organic farming register
  • organic area: IACS in combination with organic farming register
  • organic crop production: organic yields are taken from FADN and multiplied by the organic area
  • certified organic livestock: IFS (annual census in LU) and bovine register in combination with organic farming register
  • organic products of animal origin:
    • organic meat production is taken from slaughtering statistics (administrative data)
    • organic eggs for consumption: calculated with the number of places for organic laying hens and and a coefficient of 270 eggs per place in a year
  • milk products:
    • cows' milk: information from the dairies (same source as Table B from milk statistics)
    • goats' milk: estimation based on the number of dairy goats
    • processed milk products: information from the dairies (same source as Table B from milk statistics)
  • honey: expert estimates based on the number of organic beehives and observed yields in the frame of the national label "marque nationale"
18.2. Frequency of data collection

Dataset 1A: continuous

Dataset 1B: continuous

Dataset 2: annual

Dataset 3: annual

Dataset 4A: meat weekly and eggs annual

Dataset 4B: annual

Dataset 5: not applicable

18.3. Data collection
  • organic farming register: data provided by ASTA where it is taken from the electronically transmitted reports of the control instances
  • IACS: electronic data collection
  • FADN: paper questionnaire on area and yield
  • IFS (annual census in LU): electronic questionnaire
  • bovine register: registration of bovines in a database
  • slaughtering statistics (administrative data): electronic transmission from the slaughterhouses
  • number of places for organic laying hens: paper questionnaire
  • dairies (Table B): electronic questionnaire filled in monthly by the dairies
  • honey: data made available through the registrations for the national label "marque nationale"
18.4. Data validation

Plausibility checks (horizontal and vertical)

Data format checks

Completeness checks

18.5. Data compilation

Dataset 2: Production is obtained by multiplying the area by the yield. Adjustments to the yield are made by expert estimation if necessary.

Dataset 4B: the different items represent the sum of all the dairies active in the production of the concerned item.

For all the other datasets, no data compilation is necessary.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

not applicable

18.6. Adjustment

adjustments may be applied to the yield of organic crops when organic area in FADN is not representative

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top