Energy statistics - quantities (nrg_quant)

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Compiling agency: Statistics Poland

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1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Poland

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Statistics Poland - Statistical Office in Rzeszów - Centre for Energy Statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Jana III Sobieskiego 10, 35-001 Rzeszow, Poland

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 02/03/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 02/03/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 01/03/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Public Statistics Research Program - 2020; Material and fuel-energy market.

3.1.1. Data description – details and links to EU data collections
Name of the national dataset Responsible national authority List of variables included in this dataset Link to EU datasets (by frequency, energy mix, sector)
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources Statistics Poland CHP plants, heating plants, number of installations, system efficiency, calorific values, rated powers, heat production and consumption, heat sales, electricity production, electricity sales, geothermal heat, heat pumps, solar collectors

Annual statistics on renewable energy sources and waste.
For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: Geothermal energy; Solar thermal; Solid biofuels; Liquid biofuels; biogas; Municipal waste;

  • Production
  • Transformation sector
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: other
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values
  • Capacity

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

all data as from annual statistics on renewable and waste as: 

  • energy from heat pumps and
  • capasity of heat pumps installed;

ESH-A Questionnaire for statistics on final energy consumption in households

  • consumption: residential as described in annual statistics on renewables and wastes
G-02a Questionnaire on balances of energy raw materials Statistics Poland Energy raw materials, variables of the energy balance. Not applicable.
G-02b Energy Goods and Thermal Infrastructure Balance Questionnaire Statistics Poland Energy carriers, energy balance variables, heating devices, heating installation, network length, desulphurization installation, dedusting devices, low-emission burners, central heating buildings, boilers, boiler power, ordered power, building volume.

Annual statistics on solid fuels
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: anthracite; coking coal; Other hard coal; Sub-bituminous coal; Lignite; Patent fuel; Coke oven Coke; Coal tar; BKB; Coke oven gas; Other recovered gases; Peat; Peat products; Bituminous shale and tar sands;

  • Stocks

For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: anthracite; coking coal; Other hard coal; Sub-bituminous coal; Lignite; Patent fuel; Coke oven Coke; Coal tar; BKB; Peat; Peat products;

  • Transformation sector
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: other
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Solid biofuels; Liquid biofuels; Biogases; Municipal waste; Industrial waste;

  • Consumption: Other
  • Stocks


Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

all data as from annual statistics on renewable and waste as: 

  • energy from heat pumps and
  • capasity of heat pumps installed;
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Statistics Poland Total consumption of energy commodity
Net calorific value of energy commodity
Total consumption of energy commodity in the transformation input
Total consumption of energy commodity in the transformations input (in GJ)
Production of electricity in the energy object
Electricity from returns
Purchase of electricity
Other supply of electricity
Sale of electricity
Other use of electricity
Production of heat in the energy object
Heat from chemical processes
Heat from returns
Purchase of heat
Other supply of heat
Sale of heat
Other use of heat
Volume of production or service
Volume of domestic extraction or returns (from waste heaps)
Consumption of energy commodity on entire volume of production (service)
Consumption of energy commodity on entire volume of production (service) in GJ
Consumption of energy commodity in the transformation input
Net calorific value of energy commodity in the transformation input
Consumption of energy commodity for own use of the energy transformation
Net calorific value of energy commodity for own use of the energy transformation
Production of energy commodity in the energy transformation
Net calorific value of produced energy commodity in the energy transformation
Production of non-energy commodity in the energy transformation
Net calorific value of non-energy product in the energy transformation

Annual solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Anthracite; Coking Coal; Other bituminous coal; Sub-bituminous coal; Lignite; Patent fuel; Coke oven Coke; Coal Tar; BKB; Coke oven Gas; Other recovered gases; Peat; Peat products; Oil shale and oil sands;

  • Transformation sector
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Other
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Anthracite; Coking Coal; Other bituminous coal; Sub-bituminous coal; Lignite; Patent fuel; Coke oven Coke; Coal Tar; BKB; Peat; Peat products;

  • Calorific values

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Transformation sector
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Calorific values

Annual natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Transformation sector
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Solid biofuels; Liquid biofuels; Biogases; Municipal waste; Industrial waste;

  • Production
  • Transformation sector
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Calorific values
  • Production

Monthly oil statistics

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; LPG; Naphta; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Gasoline type jet fuel; Kerosene type jet fuel; Other kerosene; Gas / diesel oil; Fuel oil; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Refineries (backflows and products transferred)

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on renewable and waste, solid fuels, electricity and heat, gas, oil and petroleum products as described above
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Ministry of State Assets Coke production and types of coke , 11 quality parametres of coke,  tar production, benzol raw production, ammonium sulfate production, coke oven gas production, phenols production, sulfur from recovery production, electricity, coke production (total), sale of coke in Poland, amount of coke consumed in industry as a charge, mettalurgy of iron and steel, heating purposes (municipal sector and services), amount of coke consumed in iron & steel industry, coke export, storage of coke in the end of the period, coal consumption, storage of coal in the end of the period

Monthly solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hard coal;

  • Stocks

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Coke;

  • Deliveries
  • Production
  • Stocks
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade  Ministry of State Assets 
  • Balance: production of commercial coal, supply (the initial state, final state), coal derived from other mining companies, coal of domestic origin purchased from outside the company, coal imported, coal transferred to other mining companies, natural losses, extraordinary losses, reclassifications, wear and tear your own, colliery workers,
  • Sales: total, domestic sales (power industry, energy, industrial, and municipal heating plants, coke oven plants, the rest of the recipient country); exports to the EU and exports to other countries (exports by Węglokoks SA other intermediaries, directly by the mines),
  • The quality of coal sold: total, domestic sales (power industry, energy, industrial, and municipal heating plants, coke oven plants, the rest of the recipient country); exports to the EU and exports to other countries (exports to SA Węglokoks other intermediaries, Directly by the mines),
  • Sales of coal to other domestic customers: health care, public administration, farm equipment, gardening;  independent coal preparation plants; Auxiliary enterprises and service; production of organic assortments to individual customers; domestic customers counted for light industry and other customers unspecified. Exports of coal to countries outside the EU. Exports of coal to the EU countries.

Monthly solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hard coal;

  • Deliveries
  • Production
  • Stocks
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing  Ministry of State Assets 
  • The quality of coal seams: the deck, the type of coal involved in the extraction, ash, sulfur, total moisture, calorific value.
  • Production: spoil excavated surfaces, gross production, total waste (scrubber, with sorting, flotation),
  • Net production: concentrates of mechanical enrichment, the enrichment of manual;
  • Intermediates: veins and other mules, unenriched coal, assortments thick assortments average.
  • Operating indicators from the processing plant: time (sorting, washer, flotaji), consumption (electricity, sinker, flocculants), employment (service technology, repairs and maintenance, supervision), the cost of mechanical processing.
  • Quality indicators of production: total net production in coal for energy purposes, in coal for energy purposes without intermediates in the semi-finished products, the coal for coking.
  • Net production by types and assortments including the quality parameters: assortment, how to enrich, net production (for energy purposes, for coking),
  • Quality parameters: sulfur, ash, volatiles, moisture, sinterability, calorific value.
  • Production, sale and management of sludge coal: the current production, the acquisition of settlers or piles together - income

Annual solid fuels statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Anthracite; Coking Coal; Other bituminous coal; Sub-bituminous coal; Lignite; Patent fuel; Coke oven Coke; Coal Tar; BKB; Peat; Peat products;

As additional data source for sector

  • Production 
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite  Ministry of State Assets production, sales, inventory, calorific value 

Monthly solid fuels statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Lignite;

  • Deliveries
  • Production
  • Stocks
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal  Ministry of State Assets  Thermal coal. Country of origin, place of crossing the border, the volume of imports, the value of imports, coal quality parameters: calorific value, ash, sulfur, moisture. Coking coal. Country of origin, place of crossing the border, the volume of imports, the value of imports, coal quality parameters: moisture, ash, sulfur, volatile matter content. Sales: total, domestic sales (power industry, energy, industrial, and municipal heating plants, coke oven plants, the rest of the recipient country Not applicable. 
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining  Ministry of State Assets Revenues (coal sales, sales of products, goods and materials, operating profit from the disposal of fixed assets, grants), financial revenues, costs (operating, coal sales, financial), operating results, financial result gross and net, current and fixed assets, inventories, short-term receivables short-term investments short-term prepaid expenses, assets and assets, fixed assets (land, perpetual usufruct, buildings, machinery, vehicles, tools, operating costs (depreciation, consumption of materials, energy, external services, taxes, wages, costs of reclamation, employee benefits, the value of goods sold), information about the costs of current production, supply and influence (production underground, efficiency, heating value, registered workers, labor costs, material costs, costs general costs of current production, information about supplies,coal production, revenue from coal sales, the value of produced coal).  Not applicable. 
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining  Ministry of State Assets The structure of employment: employment is 31 December of the previous year, the number of employees at the end of the month: total workers: underground, on the surface (together, including women); staff of technical supervision: underground, on the surface (together, including women); administration, office (together, including women); other employees (total, including women); the difference in employment. Departures and their causes: departure: total, of which: natural losses (pensions, etc.); for reasons not related to the employee; dismissal for reasons associated with the employee: together with this (agreement of the parties, disciplinary, expression, others). Receptions and their sources: adoption of the total graduates (together, vocational and lower college and secondary, higher); acceptance within the mining, non-mining,returns in accordance with the Labour Code, other. Status and movement of employment in the coal processing plant: headcount at 31 December of the previous year - in total, including: engineering and technical workers, laborers. Headcount at the end of the reporting period - in total, including: engineering and technical workers, laborers. Exemptions: total, natural losses, allocation, other. Receptions: total returns in accordance with the Labour Code, allocation, outside of mining, other admission; the difference to the beginning of the year. The balance of employment - employment at 31 December of the previous year: total, of which: underground, surface; Departures: total, of which: underground, including the allocation, the surface of the allocation. Receptions: Total of which: under the ground in this allocation,the surface of the allocation. Internal traffic: odejcia (below ground surface), receptions (below ground surface). Balance at end of period: total, this underground area. Pension rights: time workers holding pension rights (with a fixed date of release, without a fixed date of release), underground, surface, engineering and technical staff and other employees on the surface. The employment of workers who have acquired / acquire pension rights (compiled once a year). Year of acquisition of pension rights: to December 31 of the reporting year the following years - concerns employees: underground in a coal processing plant, remained on the surface. Age structure of employees. Age: 65 years, 65, .... 18 years - applies to workers: underground in a coal processing plant, remained on the surface. The structure of apprenticeship workers.Seniority in years: 0, 1, 2 .... more than 50 years - applies to workers: underground in a coal processing plant, remained on the surface. The structure according to seniority underground. Seniority underground in years - applies to: the workers, engineering and technical personnel, together. Wages. Base pay, remuneration for time worked Card miner, vacation pay, sick leave mine, the value of the allowances, salaries and other titles. Total salary. Average employment, average salary, annual bonus, prize on the occasion of Miner's Day, the total salary. [Month and cumulatively]. Time worked, time not worked, mining, efficiency. The working day worked in total (daily rate worked in mining coal by staff members in the workers underground; the working day worked at the coal mining workers in positions of workers of the industry - exploration;the working day worked at the coal mining workers of the industrial total, the working day worked at the coal mining workers group industrial Monday to piątu; daily rate overtime from Monday to Friday; daily rate overtime on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. the working day not worked. mining of coal output of works ekploatacyjnych total; mining coal trading with works ekspolotacyjnych total extraction of coal trading with works ekspolotacyjnychponiedziałek-Friday; performance: in ore coal mining workers, workers on the position of the mining workers of the industrial workers of the industrial group (Monday-Friday), per employee. daily rate overtime on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. the working day not worked. mining of coal output of works ekploatacyjnych total; mining coal trading with works ekspolotacyjnych total extraction of coal trading with works ekspolotacyjnychponiedziałek-Friday; performance: in ore coal mining workers, workers on the position of the mining workers of the industrial workers of the industrial group (Monday-Friday), per employee. daily rate overtime on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays. the working day not worked. mining of coal output of works ekploatacyjnych total; mining coal trading with works ekspolotacyjnych total extraction of coal trading with works ekspolotacyjnychponiedziałek-Friday; performance: in ore coal mining workers, workers on the position of the mining workers of the industrial workers of the industrial group (Monday-Friday), per employee. Not applicable. 
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining  Ministry of State Assets

It presents the amount of investment expenditures spent for replacement investments, improvement of fixed assets and development and modernisation investments in hard coal industry . In concern expeditures with regard to capital construction, the purchase of investment goods It also presents the sources of investment, including own sources and other ones i.e. leasing, credits

Not applicable.
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining  Ministry of State Assets  Expenses related to covering the current public law obligations to the state budget, social insurance, environmental funds and municipalities, expenses related to covering the current civil liabilities, the structure of liabilities of coal mining (liabilities to the state budget liabilities to ZUS, FP, FGŚP, FEP, liabilities due payments for PFRON, liabilities exploitation fee on the National Fund, commitment fees for using the environment as well as administrative fines for exceeding or violating the terms of use of the environment, commitment to municipalities, trade payables and services), public liabilities, commitments civil, salaries and wages payable, long- and short-term receivables and long-krókoterminowe, data on the state of reserves according to their creation.   Not applicable. 
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources  Ministry of State Assets  Resources until the end of the concession by category of knowledge (active, not open), resources (balance, industrial, resources until the end of the concession by ash content, resources until the end of the concession by the sulfur content, resources until the end of the concession by groups stratigraphic , resources until the end of the concession by types of coal resources until the end of the concession by the calorific value of the inventory change until the end of the concession.  Not applicable.
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity  Ministry of State Assets Consumption of potable and industrial water from surface and underground water mine developed - in total, of which: for their own needs, cargo Cl + SO4 in waters developed for the needs of their own, transfer (sale) of water to other units, wastewater discharge to surface waters - total including water mine, cargo Cl + SO4 in waters mining, mining of coal mining gross - total production of rock masses and mining waste - total (waste from coal processing, storage masses of rock and mining waste on the surface, the economic use of mining waste and masses of rock on the surface, waste mining at the bottom, temporary storage of extractive waste), wastes management , dust and gases emission,  (greenhouse methane), the combustion of fuels in internal combustion engines, draining rainwater or snowmelt from hardened surfaces,the use of agricultural and forest land for other purposes, not otherwise specified. Fees time, penalties (in total) for exceeding the permissible Parametro Cl, SO4 in underground waters, for exceeding the permissible parameters of pollutants in the remaining wastewater, for exceeding the permissible noise, the other, the surface of degraded areas worked on reclamation and disposal.   Not applicable. 
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines  Ministry of State Assets  The total amount of methane separated in the process ekspoatacji carbon, including: emissions into the atmosphere, surface stations included in methane drainage - including recessed into the atmosphere; development of a recognized methane - in total, of which: to use for their own needs, of which the production of electricity and heat, this was used to produce thermal energy, to produce electricity, the cogeneration system, use for other purposes, transfer, sales to industrial customers ; the relative rate of methane; the amount of energy produced in their installations   Not applicable. 
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation  Ministry of Climate and Environment 
  • The production capacity of the power plant - at the end of the year / change of installed capacity;
  • Basic operating data of power plants;
  • technical information of power units, heating and turbine sets;
  • The balance of assets according to the Classification of Assets and investments in fixed assets, emission of dust and gas and CO2 emissions;
  • Fees and penalties for use of the environment and the operating costs of environmental protection and waste disposal;
  • Electricity sales and regulatory system services;
  • Electricity trading;
  • The financial result on electricity by type of activity;
  • Costs by type of activity;
  • The financial result of the heat;
  • Sales of heat from own production

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Combustible fuels; Combustible fuels heat;

  • Production

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Infrastructure 

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Solid biofuels, Biogases, Other liquid biofuels

  • Capacity
  • Production 

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on renewable and waste, electricity and heat as described above
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers  Ministry of Climate and Environment  Production and capacity of power plant, The electricity balance. Sale and purchase of electricity
Basic operating data, Emission of dust and gases. CO2 emission, Changing of the parameters of power boilers and heat turbine, Technical data and production of cogeneration units 

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Combustible fuels; Combustible fuels heat;

  • Production

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Solar; Wind; Heat from chemical sources; Other; Heat pumps; Heat from chemical sources heat; Other heat;

  • Production

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Infrastructure

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Solid biofuels, Biogases, Other liquid biofuels

  • Production 
  • Capacity

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on renewable and waste, electricity and heat as described above
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices  Ministry of Climate and Environment  Power lines and substations - types, length; Transformers Network TSO and DSO; Assets according to the; Classification of Assets and capital expenditures; Rating bandwidth lines of low and medium voltage; Cable cross-sections of overhead lines of high, medium and low voltage; connection - types, number, length; Number of customers with smart energy meter; The voltage at the ends of low voltage circuits; Rating long line of low voltage circuits; Network failure; Indicators of power outages; The number of failures of network elements MV and LV; Transmission capacity of international trade  Not applicable. 
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources  Ministry of Climate and Environment  Generation and capacity, own production of electricity, hydro pumped 

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro; Solar; Wind; Heat from chemical sources; Other; Heat pumps; Heat from chemical sources heat; Other heat;

  • Production

Annual renewables and wastes statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power; Wind power; Solar photovoltaic; solid biofuels; biogases;

  • Production 
  • Capacity

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on renewable and waste, electricity and heat as described above
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units  Ministry of Climate and Environment  sale, supply, electricity consumption by territorial units 

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other

Short-term monthly electricity statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: electricity

  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)

Short-term monthly natural gas statistics
For the sectors below and the following energy products: natural gas

  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports) 


Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on renewable and waste, electricity and heat as described above

ESH-A Questionnaire for statistics on final energy consumption in households

  • consumption: residential as described in annual statistics on electricity and heat
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity  Ministry of Climate and Environment Renewables, cogeneration systems, electric power flows from abroad and abroad - number of power plants,The planned connection of renewable energy sources;
New renewable sources and cogeneration units 

Annual electricity and heat statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products:

  • Trade (imports / exports)

Monthly electricity statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Hydro power; Wind power; Conventional thermal;

  • Generation
  • Consumption in public power thermal stations
  • Nuclear heat production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Fuel stocks in public power thermal stations

Monthly natural gas statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: natural gas

  • Deliveries to power generation


Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on renewable and waste, electricity and heat as described above
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system  Ministry of Climate and Environment Electric power injected into the network and taken from the network; The energy introduced into the low voltage grid from power plants, The energy taken from the network by DSO (distribution system operator); The energy introduced into the network NN with DSO  Not applicable. 
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution  Ministry of Climate and Environment Electricity inflows to the network and outflows from the network  Not applicable. 
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation  Ministry of Climate and Environment 
  • Sales of electricity and and regulatory system services; Electricity trading
  • The financial result on electricity by type of activity; Costs by type of activity;
  • The total result on energy (electricity and heat);
  • Liabilities arising from the energy business;
  • Buying coal originating in third countries (non-EU);
  • Production and sale of heat;
  • Technical data and production of cogeneration units
Not applicable. 
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants  Ministry of Climate and Environment  The financial result on electricity; Costs by type of activity - a calculation, the state fixed assets and investments in fixed assets; Sale of electricity; Number of contracts and the number of end users Not applicable. 
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity  Ministry of Climate and Environment  Sales of distribution services; Buying gas transmission / distribution; Buying electricity; The financial result for the distribution business; The costs of licensed activities; Fixed capital formation and employment; Receivables in the distribution business; Liabilities in the distribution business; Activity Connection,; The balance of the electricity network;illegal consumption of electricity; The number of service contracts distribution; Sales of distribution services  Not applicable. 
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system  Ministry of Climate and Environment  Sales of transmission services; Purchase of electricity to cover losses in the network transmission and for its own station; Purchase of system services; Turnover on the balancing market; The financial result for energy business,; Operating costs of energy; Costs of by type; Fixed capital formation and employment; Revenues and expenses related to connecting customers; Liabilities in transmission activities,; Balance of electricity in high voltage networks  Not applicable. 
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity Ministry of Climate and Environment  Electricity sales and distribution services to users holding comprehensive agreements; Sales of electricity to customers holding a contract of sale; Sales of distribution services to end users within the framework of comprehensive agreements; Buying electricity; The financial result for the energy business; The costs of the activities licensed; Fixed capital formation and employment; Receivables in electricity trading,; Fees for electricity by type of customer; Buying electricity on the markets organized by brokerage firms on behalf of end users and the end users  Not applicable. 
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products  Ministry of Climate and Environment  Settlement process of converting energy 

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; LPG; Naphta; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Kerosene type jet fuel; Fuel oil; Paraffin waxes;

  • Calorific values
  • Production

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas;

  • Transformation sector / Refinery
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; White spirit and SPB; Lubricants; Bitumen; Paraffin waxes; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Infrastructure

Monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Fuel oil;

  • Refinery output or production in case of crude oil
  • Direct use
  • Refineries (backflows and products transferred)
  • Trade (imports / exports)

Short-term monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; LPG; Fuel oil; Other products;

  • Refinery (intake and output)
  • Demand

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on oil and petroleum products as described above
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products  Ministry of Climate and Environment

The balance of raw materials and petroleum products; The net value of the purchase and sale of selected raw materials and petroleum products; Import and export of selected raw materials and petroleum products; Import of crude oil; Fuel sales on the domestic market - once a year

Infrastructure storage of crude oil and fuels; Transmission infrastructure of crude oil and fuels; Inventories of selected raw materials and petroleum products; stored outside the country; Inventories of selected raw materials and petroleum products 

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; LPG; Naphta; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Kerosene type jet fuel; Fuel oil; Paraffin waxes;

  • Transformation sector / Refinery
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Production

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; White spirit and SPB; Lubricants; Bitumen; Paraffin waxes; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Transformation sector / Refinery
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Industry
  • Consumption: Transport
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: Other
  • Stocks

Monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; Other hydrocarbons; Refinery gas; Fuel oil;

  • Stocks
  • Refinery output or production in case of crude oil

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; Refinery feedstocks; Additives-oxygenates; LPG; Naphta; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Gasoline type jet fuel; Kerosene type jet fuel; Other kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Petroleum coke; Other oil products;

  • Refinery output or production in case of crude oil
  • Direct use
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: LPG; Motor gasoline; Aviation gasoline; Kerosene type jet fuel; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Other oil products;

  • Refinery output or production in case of crude oil
  • Direct use
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks

Short-term monthly oil statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Crude oil; LPG; Fuel oil; Other products;

  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: LPG; Naphta; Gasoline; Total kerosene; Gas/diesel oil; Fuel oil; Other products;

  • Refinery (intake and output)
  • Demand
  • Production
  • Trade (imports / exports)
  • Stocks

Annual renewables and wastes statistics

For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: Bioethanol, biodiesel;

  • Production 
  • Capacity


Short assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on oil and petroleum products as described above

ESH-A Questionnaire for statistics on final energy consumption in households

  • consumption: residential as described in annual statistics on oil and petroleum products
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies  Ministry of Climate and Environment  The balance of natural gas; foreign trade high methane gas; The number of final customers and gas sales to end users; The length of the gas network -without direct pipelines and mining; The length of direct pipelines and mining; The quantity of gas transported transmission or distribution networks
and changes in the number of gas consumers; The capacity of the storage tanks of natural gas;
Average gas prices;Technical skills at the connection points with the systems of neighboring countries and the size of the actual transport of gas through the connecting points; Long-term gas purchase contracts;
Quantities and prices of natural gas and separate charges for the supply of the net
for the selected recipients 

Annual statistics on solid fuels
For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: Gas Works Gas;

  • Transformation sector
  • Production
  • Consumption: Energy sector
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: other
  • Trade (import / export)
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

Annual statistics on natural gas
. For the sectors and energy products listed below: natural gas

  • Production
  • Consumption: Residential
  • Consumption: other
  • Trade (import / export)
  • Stocks
  • Infrastructure
  • Calorific values

Monthly Natural Gas Statistics
For the Sectors below with some of the following energy products: natural gas

  • Production
  • Trade (import / export)
  • Stocks

 Short assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on solid fuels and gas as described above

ESH-A Questionnaire for statistics on final energy consumption in households

  • consumption: residential as described in annual statistics on gas
GAZ-1 - coke oven gas trade report  Ministry of Climate and Environment coke oven gas balance - production, purchase, sale, own consumption, losses, statistical differences 

Annual statistics on solid fuels
For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: Gas Works Gas;

  • Consumption: Industry 


Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on solid fuels and gas as described above
GAZ-2 - natural gas trade report from methane discharge from mines  Ministry of Climate and Environment  balance of natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines - production, purchase, sale, own consumption, losses, statistical differences 

Annual natural gas statistics

  • Production

Monthly Natural Gas Statistics

  • Production 

Short-term monthly natural gas statistics

  • Production 

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on gas as described above
G-11g - Natural Gas Price Report by Standard End User Categories  Ministry of Climate and Environment  Natural gas prices by category of standard end-users  Semestrial and Annual Prices of Natural gas - semestrial prices are divided in 3 levels : excluding taxes and levies, excluding VAT and other recoverable taxes and including all taxes and levies. Annual prices are divided into components and taxes: Energy and supply, Netwotk cost, VAT, Capcity taxes, Environmental taxes, all other taxes. 
G-11e - report on electricity prices by category of standard end consumers  Ministry of Climate and Environment  Electricity prices by standard categories of end-users (comprehensive contracts) 

Semestrial and Annual Prices of Electricity - semestrial prices are divided in 3 levels : excluding taxes and levies, excluding VAT and other recoverable taxes and including all taxes and levies. Annual prices are divided into components and taxes: Energy and supply, Netwotk cost, VAT, Capcity taxes, Environmental taxes, all other taxes. 

G-11n - Petroleum Product Price Report  Ministry of Climate and Environment  actual prices (including duties, VAT, excise duty and fuel surcharge) 

Weekly Prices of Petroleum Products Poland 

prices on every Monday (including duties, VAT, excise duty and fuel surcharge) for biogaoline euro super 95, automotive diesel oil, LPG, Heating gas oil, Residual Fuel Oil - LS, Residual Fuel Oil - HS,

Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE),

Energy regulatory office (URE)

Liquid fuel type, Liquid fuel CN code, Measure unit, Amount of liquid fuel produced, Amount of liquid fuel imported from abroad, Amount of liquid fuel exported abroad.  Annual statistics on renewable energy sources and waste.

For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: Biogasoline, Biodiesel;

  • Production
  • Import


Annual oil and petroleum products statistics.
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: LPG; Naphta; Motor gasoline; Fuel oil;

  • Production

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data as from annual statistics on oil and petroleum products and renewable and wastes  above

Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE),

Energy regulatory office (URE)

Type of liquid fuel used for the implementation of the National Indicative Target, Amount of liquid fuel used for the implementation of the National Indicative Target, Type of biocomponent contained in the liquid fuel used for the implementation of the National Indicative Target, Amount of biocomponent contained in the liquid fuel used for the implementation of the National Indicative Target, Type of liquid fuel not used for the implementation of the National Indicative Target, Amount of liquid fuel not used for the implementation of the National Indicative Target, Type of biocomponent contained in the liquid fuel not used for the implementation of the National Indicative Target, Amount of biocomponent contained in the liquid fuel not used for the implementation of the National Indicative Target, Type of liquid biofuel, Amount of liquid biofuel, Type of biocomponent contained in liquid biofuel, Amount of biocomponent contained in liquid biofuel, Type of other renewable fuel, Amount of other renewable fuel.  Annual statistics on renewable energy sources and waste.

For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: Biogasoline, Biodiesel;

  • Production
  • Import

Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),

National support center for agriculture (KOWR)

Raw materials used for the production of agricultural biogas, the amount of agricultural biogas produced, the amount of electricity generated from agricultural biogas (GWh)  Annual statistics on renewable energy sources and waste.

For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: Biogasoline, Biodiesel;

  • Production
  • Import

Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),

National support center for agriculture (KOWR)

Type of liquid biofuels produced by farmers for their own use, number of farmers authorized to produce liquid biofuels for their own use, amount of liquid biofuels produced by farmers for their own use, amount of liquid biofuels used on their own farm, maximum annual limit for the production of liquid biofuels  Annual statistics on renewable energy sources and waste.

For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: Biogasoline, Biodiesel;

  • Production
  • Import

Annual oil and petroleum products statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: LPG; Naphta; Motor gasoline; Fuel oil;

  • Production

Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),

National support center for agriculture (KOWR)

Producers of biocomponents, entities importing biocomponents, entities implementing the National Index Target (including meeting the Sustainable Development Criteria), types of biocomponents obtained (bioethanol, methyl ester, liquid biocarbons, bio propane-butane, bio propane, biohydrogen),  Annual statistics on renewable energy sources and waste.

For the following sectors with some of the following energy products: Biogasoline, Biodiesel;

  • Production
  • Import


Annual oil and petroleum products statistics
For the sectors below with some of the following energy products: LPG; Naphta; Motor gasoline; Fuel oil;

  • Production

Short Assesment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

  • all data from annual statistics on renewable energy sources and oil and petroleum products  as described below
3.2. Classification system

See Table under 3.2.1.

3.2.1. Classification system – industry sector, products and geographical
Name of the national data collection  Industry sector Products Geographical
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CN codes (Combined Nomenclature, EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) National classification: PKWiU National classification: NTS
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD2007) is fully methodologically, conceptually, in the scope and coding system (up to fourth digit) coherent and comparable with the classification NACE Revision 2. National classification: Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU 2008). PKWiU is 7-digits classification. Groupings at the level of 7th digit were created solely for the national needs. National classification: Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics (NTS). NTS classification is based on the basic three-tier territorial division of the country into municipalities, districts and provinces, and introduces two additional non-administrative levels: regions and sub-regions.
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) CN codes (Combined Nomenclature, EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: PKWiU NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: PKWiU NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: PKWiU NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: PKWiU NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines National classification: Polish Classification of Activities (PKD) National classification: Polish Classification of Goods and Services (PKWiU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) CPA (Classification of Products by Activity in the EU) NUTS 2 classification of administrative units
Administrative data on liquid fuels, (URE) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels, (URE) NACE rev. 2 (EU classification of economic activities) Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics  NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas, (KOWR) National classification Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics  NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use, (KOWR) National classification Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics  NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
Administrative data on the biocomponent market, (KOWR) National classification Classification in Regulation (EC) 1099/2008 on energy statistics  NUTS (Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics)
3.3. Coverage - sector

Energy statistics data covers all major sectors of the economy that are involved in the production, trade, energy transformation or energy consumption.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Definitions of Regulation (EC) No 1099/2008 on energy statistics apply.

3.5. Statistical unit

See table under 3.5.1.

3.5.1. Statistical unit – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Reporting unit
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources entrepreneurs, producers, and consumers according to the targeting choice
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances Producers and consumers
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure Producers and consumers according to the targeting choice
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Producers and consumers according to the targeting choice
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry the Unit of Homogeneous Production (UHP)
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade the Enterprise
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing the Enterprise
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite the Enterprise
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal the Enterprise
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining the Enterprise
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining the Enterprise
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining the Enterprise
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining the Enterprise
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources the Enterprise
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity the Enterprise
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines the Enterprise
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation thermal power plants and power generation plants for their local units
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers Other
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices entities engaged in the transmission and distribution of electricity clasified in group 35.1 (NACE REV 2)
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources hydropower and wind power, as well as operators involved in the transmission, distribution or trading in electricity, or extracted in the structure of the branch offices
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units operators engaged in the trade or distribution of electricity and extracted in their structure branch offices
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity Electricity producers: public power plants, autoproducers, hydro plants, wind power plants (with a capacity greater or equal than 10 MW), trading companies for their own generation sources, other companies producing electricity which are classified according to the NACE Rev.2. in the groups other than 35.1 and 35.3, distribution and transmission system operators
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system traders operating in the transmission of electricity
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution traders operating in the distribution of electricity and extracted in their structure branch offices
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation thermal power plants and power generation plants for their local units
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants hydro power plant and wind farms
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity traders operating in the distribution of electricity
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system Other
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity enterprises engaged in electricity trading and brokerage firms acting on behalf of end users and end users on organized markets
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products oil refineries
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products Enterprises active in production, imports, exports and trade in crude oil and oil products,
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies Enterprises active in production, transmission, distribution, storage, trade in natural gas
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas coking plants and operators of gas trading coke
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines coal mines and operators to trade in gas from methane discharge from mines
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users entities engaged in the distribution of natural gas and natural gas trading
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users operators engaged in the distribution and trading of electricity and extracted in their structure branch offices
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products The report consists of operators classified in NACE Rev. 2 - class 46.71.Z 47.30.Z and the licensing and distributors of petroleum products.
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), Producers, importers and exporters of liquid fuels
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), Producers and importers of liquid fuels used in transport
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR), Entrepreneurs
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR), Farmers 
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR), Entrepreneurs
3.6. Statistical population

Statistical population is a concept that is difficult to break down and define precisely at the national level.

3.7. Reference area

The national territory.

3.8. Coverage - Time

See table under 3.8.1.

3.8.1. Coverage time – Data collections
Name of the national data collection Coverage time
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources data set is disseminted  since 2008
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption data set is disseminted  since 1999
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry  data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade  data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing  data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite  data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal  data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining  data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining  data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices data set is disseminted  since 2000
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity data set is disseminted  since 2001
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity data set is disseminted  since  2009
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system data set is disseminted  since 1999
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity data set is disseminted  since  2009
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products data set is disseminted  since 2000
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products data set is disseminted  since 2000
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies data set is disseminted  since 2000
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas data set is disseminted  since 2000
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines data set is disseminted  since 2000
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users data set is disseminted  since 2001
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users data set is disseminted  since 2001
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products data set is disseminted  since 2002
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), data set is disseminated since 2017
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), data set is disseminated since 2017
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR), data set is disseminated since 2017
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR), data set is disseminated since 2017
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR), data set is disseminated since 2017
3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

See table under 4.1.

4.1. Unit of measure – data collections
Name of the national data collection Unit of measurement
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • dam³
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • dam³, PLN
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • dam³
  • km
  • PLN
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • dam³, kJ/kg, kJ/m³, hl, thous. gross tkm / tonne-km, thous. km, thous. moto∙h, thous. pass∙km, thous. t, thous.tkm / tonne-km, thous. vkm / vehicle-km
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry
  • ktonnes
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade
  • ktonnes
  • zł/t
  • tys.zł
  • kJ/kg
  • %
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing
  • ktonnes
  • %
  • h/d
  • MW/h
  • kg/t
  • m³/t
  • kg/month
  • employee
  • tys.zł
  • kJ/kg
  • zł/t
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite
  • ktonnes
  • kJ/kg
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal
  • ktonnes
  • kJ/kg
  • PLN, USD
  • %
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • PLN
  • tew, tew/person
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining
  • ktonnes
  • PLN
  • persons
  • time equivalent
  • daily rate
  • kg/Rdn
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining
  • ktonnes
  • PLN
  • %
  • days
  • m
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining
  • PLN
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources
  • ktonnes
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity
  • ktonnes
  • tys.m3, tys.ton, ha, tys.zł, tys.m2
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines
  • tys.m³
  • m³/t
  • m³CH4/min
  • MWh
  • GJ
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • thousand PLN
  • KJ/m³
  • mg/m³
  • hours
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • kJ/ kWh; t/h; pieces
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • km
  • thousand PLN
  • number of lines
  • h, min
  • piece/consumer
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • number of energy consumers
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • thousand PLN,
  • kJ/kg,
  • %
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • thousand PLN
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • thousand PLN,
  • PLN/MWh
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • thousand PLN,
  • PLN/MWh
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • thousand PLN,
  • PLN/MWh;
  • number of jobs,
  • the number of consumers of the electricity
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products
  • ktonnes
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kJ/t;
  • thousand t/year;
  • kJ/dam³
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products
  • ktonnes
  • thousand PLN,
  • m³ of storage capacities,
  • km of pipelines
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • MJ/m³;
  • km;
  • mln m³/h;
  • MWh/h;
  • PLN/m³; PLN/MWh
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas
  • MJ/m³
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines
  • MJ/m³
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • units;
  • GJ/h;
  • PLN/GJ
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users
  • MJ, GJ, TJ
  • MWh, GWh, TWh
  • kW, MW, GW
  • PLN/kWh
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products
  • PLN/1000 litres;
  • PLN/t
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE),
  • tonnes
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE),
  • tonnes
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),
  • tonnes
  • m3
  • GWh
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),
  • tonnes
  • liters
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),
  • tonnes 

5. Reference Period Top

See table under 5.1

5.1. Reference period – data collections
Name of the national data collection Reference period
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources 1 year
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances 3 months
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure 1 year
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption 1 year
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry 1 month for Energy Development Agency,  3 months (quarterly)  - for Ministry of State Assets
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade 1 month
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing 1 month
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite 1 month
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal 1 month
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining 1 month
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining 1 month
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining 1 month
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining 1 month
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources 1 year
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity 3 months
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines 3 months
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation 1 year
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers 1 year
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices 1 year
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources 1 year
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units 1 year
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity 1 month
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system 1 year
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution 1 year
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation quarter, some parts half a year, some parts once a year
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants quarter, year
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity quarter, year
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system quarter, year
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity quarter/ year
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products 1 month
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products 1 month
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies 1 month
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas 1 month
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines 1 month
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users 6 months
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users 6 months
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products 1 week
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE),  quarter
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE),  quarter, year
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),  1 year
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),  1 year
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),  1 year

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

See table under 6.1.1.

6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
Name of the national data collection National legal framework Reference of national legal text
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of  11 October 2019 on the program of statistical surveys for 2020
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  The law on the public statistics of 29 June 1995 (OJ 2020 item 443, as amended)
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of October 11, 2019 on the program of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2020. Regulation of the Minister of Energy of May 17, 2019 on the template of the report on the types and quantities of produced, imported and exported liquid fuels, as well as their destiny. The Act of April 10, 1997 - Energy Law.
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), Mandatory (included in a national legal act) Regulation of the Council of Ministers of October 11, 2019 on the program of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2020. Regulation of the Minister of Energy of June 3, 2019 on the template of the quarterly report of the entity implementing the National Index Target in the field of liquid fuels, liquid biofuels and other renewable fuels. Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels.
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR), Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of October 11, 2019 on the program of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2020 (Journal of Laws, item 2366). Act of February 20, 2015 on renewable energy sources (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 610, as amended). The detailed scope of statistical surveys is defined annually by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers.
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR), Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of October 11, 2019 on the program of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2020 (Journal of Laws, item 2366). Act of February 20, 2015 on renewable energy sources (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 610, as amended). The detailed scope of statistical surveys is defined annually by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers.
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR), Mandatory (included in a national legal act)  Regulation of the Council of Ministers of October 11, 2019 on the program of statistical surveys of official statistics for 2020 (Journal of Laws, item 2366). Act of February 20, 2015 on renewable energy sources (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 610, as amended). The detailed scope of statistical surveys is defined annually by the Regulation of the Council of Ministers.
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

See table under 6.2.1.

6.2.1. Institutional mandate – data sharing – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Situation, if more than 1 body is involved in this data collection Degree of integration of this data collection among different National bodies
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework   Integrated system through the whole data process
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR), Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR), Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR), Coordination defined in a legal institutional framework Integrated system through the whole data process

7. Confidentiality Top

Annex_Confidentiality in EU data collections
Annex_Confidentiality in EU data collections
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recitals 23-27, 31-32 and Articles 20-26) applies.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Confidential data are not shown. The most common approach is to present only aggregation of the confidential data point with the non-confidential data that is the nearest suitable data point.

7.2.1. Confidentiality – EU data collections



Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics

Yes - depends on international situation

Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics


Natural gas - short term monthly statistics

Yes mandatory stocks /national,held abroad 

Solid fuels - monthly statistics


Electricity - monthly statistics


Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics


Natural gas - monthly statistics


Nuclear - annual statistics

not applicable

Electricity and heat - annual statistics


Natural gas - annual statistics


Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics


Renewables and wastes - annual statistics


Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics


Short Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)


Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption


8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

There is a schedule with statistical publication dates

8.2. Release calendar access

The dates of statistical publications are included in the annual Statistical Research Program of Public Statistics:

8.3. Release policy - user access

Act of 29 June 1995 on Official Statistics

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

See table under 9.1.

9.1. Frequency of dissemination – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of dissemination
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources yearly
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances quaterly
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure yearly
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption yearly
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Databases of Eurostat and other international organizations - Eurostat, IEA, ONZ - Energy - monthly
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade quarterly
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing quarterly
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite quarterly
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal quarterly
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining quarterly
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining quarterly
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining quarterly
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining quarterly
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources yearly
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity every six months
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines every six months
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation yearly
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers yearly
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices yearly
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources yearly
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units yearly
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity monthly
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system yearly
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution yearly
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation quarterly
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants quarterly,yearly
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity quarterly,yearly
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system quarterly,yearly
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity quarterly,yearly
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products monthly, yearly
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products monthly
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies monthly,quarterly,yearly
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas quarterly,yearly
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines monthly,quarterly,yearly
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users 6 months, yearly
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users 6 month, yearly
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products weekly
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), Once a quarter
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE),  Once a quarter, once a year
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR), Once a year, statistical data were submitted to the Central Statistical Office for the previous year.
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR), Once a year, statistical data were submitted to the Central Statistical Office for the previous year.
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR), Once a year, statistical data were submitted to the Central Statistical Office for the previous year.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Usually these are ad hoc press releases depending on the thematic social needs

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

This is usually a very diverse and difficult to define dissemination format

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Currently, there is no uniform database on the subject of the energy domain, but work is underway to establish one.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Confidential data are not made available. The most common approach is to present only aggregation of the confidential data point with the non-confidential data that is the nearest suitable data point.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

The form of data dissemination is usually adjusted to the needs and requirements of their recipients.

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.6. Documentation on methodology

G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Statistics Poland / Metainformation / Glossary

G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Statistics Poland / Metainformation / Glossary

G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Statistics Poland / Metainformation / Glossary

G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Statistics Poland / Metainformation / Glossary

MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Statistics Poland / Metainformation / Glossary


G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.2 za 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.3 za 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.5 za 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.6 za 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.8 za 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.m - monthly data on electricity

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.m 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.7(P) za 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.7 za 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.1k 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.1(w)k 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.4(D)k 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.4(P)k 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-10.4(Ob)k 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz RAF-1 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz RAF-2 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz GAZ-3 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz GAZ-1 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz GAZ-2 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-11g 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-11e 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Formularz G-11n 2020 (

Link to national metadata

Not available.

Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE),

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

 Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE),

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

 Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

 Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),

Links to quality and methodology documentation (reference material on methods and questionnaires used)

Link to national metadata

Not available.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Documentation and procedures used in the preparation of quality reports are available internally but not published.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

The current quality assurance procedures are training, benchmarking, evaluations and the application of best practice. In addition, the most common activities are: self-assessment, peer review, compliance monitoring and audit of statistical surveys.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

The results of the evaluation of the quality of statistical surveys based on standard criteria are positive and will be further improved in the future.

11.2.1. Quality assessment – data collections
Name of the national data collection Most important quality problem of this data collection Measures taken in the last 5 years to improve quality of the data collection
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources There is no problem We continually develop methodology of the data collection
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances There is no problems. Improving the range of surveyed variables. Improving methods of choosing the units.
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure There is no problems. Improving the range of surveyed variables. Improving methods of choosing the units.
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Time-consuming form filling. Improving methods of filling out a form reporting.
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry There is no problems Not applicable.
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade Not available. Not available.
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing Not available. Not available.
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite Not available. Not available.
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal Not available. Not available.
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining Not available. Not available.
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining Not available. Not available.
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining Not available. Not available.
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining Not available. Not available.
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources Not available. Not available.
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity Not available. Not available.
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines Not available. Not available.
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products there are no problems the checks are improved and complemented
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), there is no problem We continually develop methodology of the data collection
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), there is no problem We continually develop methodology of the data collection
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR), there is no problem We continually develop methodology of the data collection
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR), there is no problem We continually develop methodology of the data collection
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR), there is no problem We continually develop methodology of the data collection

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

This is a very broad issue that requires appropriate research in the future.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Reports determining the satisfaction, opinions and views of users are not collected.

12.3. Completeness

See table under 

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

See table under Data completeness - rate – EU data collections




Crude oil imports register – Short term monthly statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Oil and petroleum products – Short term monthly statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Natural gas - short term monthly statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Solid fuels - monthly statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Electricity - monthly statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Oil and petroleum products - monthly statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Natural gas - monthly statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Nuclear - annual statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Electricity and heat - annual statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Natural gas - annual statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Oil and petroleum products - annual statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Renewables and wastes - annual statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

Solid fossil fuels and manufactured gases - annual statistics

 not calculated

  not calculated

SHort Assessment of Renewable Energy Sources (SHARES)

 not calculated

  not calculated

Households - detailed annual statistics on final energy consumption

 not calculated

  not calculated

13. Accuracy Top

Accuracy indicators
Annex_Confidentiality in EU data collections
13.1. Accuracy - overall

See table under 13.1.1.

13.1.1. Accuracy – most common errors for specific data collections
Name of the national data collection Most common errors for this collection
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Sampling errors
  • Classification errors
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Sampling errors
  • Classification errors
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Sampling errors
  • Classification errors
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Sampling errors
  • Classification errors
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Sampling errors
  • Classification errors
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade
  • Processing errors
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing
  • Processing errors
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite
  • Not available
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal
  • Processing errors
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining
  • Not available
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining
  • Processing errors
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining
  • Not available
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining
  • Not available
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources
  • Not available
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity
  • Processing errors
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines
  • Processing errors
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units
  • Measurement errors
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity
  • Measurement errors
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system
  • Processing errors
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution
  • Processing errors
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation
  • Measurement errors
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity
  • Measurement errors
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products
  • Processing errors
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas
  • Measurement errors
  • Classification errors
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines
  • Measurement errors
  • Classification errors
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products
  • Measurement errors
  • Processing errors
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE),
  • Processing errors
  • Classification errors 
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE),
  • Processing errors 
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),
  • Processing errors 
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),
  •  Processing errors
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),
  •  Processing errors
13.2. Sampling error

Not available.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators
Name of the national data collection Sampling error
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources Not available.
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances Not available.
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure Not available.
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Not available.
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Not available.
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade Not available.
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing Not available.
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite Not available.
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal Not available.
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining Not available.
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining Not available.
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining Not available.
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining Not available.
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources Not available.
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity Not available.
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines Not available.
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation Not available.
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers Not available.
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices Not available.
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources Not available.
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units Not available.
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity Not available.
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system Not available.
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution Not available.
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation Not available.
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants Not available.
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity Not available.
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system Not available.
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity Not available.
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products Not available.
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products Not available.
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies Not available.
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas Not available.
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines Not available.
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users Not available.
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users Not available.
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products Not available.
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), Not available.
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), Not available.
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR), Not available.
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR), Not available.
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR), Not available.
13.3. Non-sampling error

Not available.

13.3.1. Coverage error

There was no discrepancy between the target population and the reference population. Over-coverage - rate

See annex Common units - proportion

See annex

13.3.2. Measurement error

Non available

13.3.3. Non response error

Non-response errors are rare and are modeled on an ongoing basis whenever possible. Unit non-response - rate

In the case of missing data, we enter the differences between the statistics calculated on the basis of the collected data and those that would have been calculated had there been no missing data. Item non-response - rate

See annex

13.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable as they have not been officially disclosed.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable as it has not been officially disclosed.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

 See table under 14.1.3.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14.1.3. Timeliness – deadlines for data transmission for each national data collection
Name of the national data collection Deadline for data transmission
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources 2 months after the end of the reference period 
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances Until the 15th day after the end of the refernce period  
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure 2 months after the end of the reference period 
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption 2 months after the end of the reference period 
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry 20 days after the end of the reference period 
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade 20 days after the end of the reference period
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing 20 days after the end of the reference period 
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite 20 days after the end of the reference period 
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal 20 days after the end of the reference period
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining 20 days after the end of the reference period
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining 10 days after the end of the reference period 
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining 20 days after the end of the reference period 
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining 20 days after the end of the reference period 
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources 20 days after the end of the reference period 
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity 25 days second month after the end of the reference period 
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines 30 days second month after the end of the reference period 
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation 31 March after the reference year 
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers 20 January after the reference year 
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices 20 February after reference year 
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources 22 February after reference year 
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units 22 February after reference year 
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity 10th calendar day after each month, for December reference year - 20 th January after reference year
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system 22 February after reference year 
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution 22 February after reference year 
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation 20 day of month after reference quarter; 9 February after reference year for the IV quarter of reference year 
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants 20 day of month after reference quarter; 9 February after reference year for the IV quarter of reference year 
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity 20 day of month after reference quarter; 9 February after reference year for the IV quarter of reference year 
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system 20 day of month after reference quarter; 9 February after reference year for the IV quarter of reference year 
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity 20 day of month after reference quarter; 9 February after reference year for the IV quarter of reference year 
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products 15th calendar day after each month 
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products 15th calendar day after each month 
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies 20th calendar day after each month 
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas 20th calendar day after each month 
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines 20th calendar day after each month 
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users 20 July reference year for the first half of the reference year; 1 February after reference year for the second half of the reference year; 1 February after reference year for the all reference year; 
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users 20 July reference year for the first half of the reference year; 1 February after reference year for the second half of the reference year; 1 February after reference year for the all reference year; 
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products each Tuesday till 10.00 a.m. 
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), May 15, 2020 for Q1 2020, August 17, 2020 for Q2 2020, November 16, 2020 for Q3 2020, February 15, 2021 for Q4 2020
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE),  June 15, 2020 for Q1 2020, September 15, 2020 for Q2 2020, December 15, 2020 for Q3 2020, March 15, 2021 for Q4 2020, April 15 2021 for 2020
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),  15 March after the reference year 
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),  15 March after the reference year 
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),  15 March after the reference year 
14.2. Punctuality

The delay between the actual delivery of the data and the target date when it should have been delivered was generally non-existent.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

There is no need for the comparability of statistics between the regions of the country.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15.2. Comparability - over time

No information available on the above subject.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

No information available on the above subject.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

No information available on the above subject.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

No information available on the above subject.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

No information available on the above subject.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Statistics are consistent across datasets.

16. Cost and Burden Top

No information available on the above subject.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Before their publication, statistical data are verified each time

17.2. Data revision - practice

G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources - At present, the revision of the statistical data and its methodology is under preparation. So far, the data were corrected when it was needed.

G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure - The data collected on G-02b is compared with the data of industrial production questionnaire.

G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption - Collected data are compared with the data of industrial production questionnaire.

MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry - The data collected on MG-15 is compared with the data of industrial production questionnaire: P-02.

MG-21 Import of coking coal for coke production - Comparison with data from the costoms office

G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.m - monthly data on electricity - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis every month

G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis

RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis. Just after confluence and throughout the year, if the respondent raises the need to correct or find the error from other sources

RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE) - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE) - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR) - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR) - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR) - There is no a clear revision practice, data are revised when necessary, on a regular basis.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested for this metadata collection.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data

See table under 18.1.1.

18.1.1. Source data – data collections
Name of the national data collection Main data collection method Target population Population frame Sample size
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources Statistical compilation   6 531 6 056 6 056
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances Statistical compilation  6 247 6 247 6 247
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure Statistical compilation  22 219 22 219 22 219
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Statistical compilation  5 501 5 501 5 501
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Coke oven industry  6 5 5
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade statystical reporting - full scale survey 27 27 27
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing statystical reporting - full scale survey 34 34 34
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite statystical reporting - full scale survey 5 5 5
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal statystical reporting - full scale survey   48 48
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining statystical reporting - full scale survey 27 27 27
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining statystical reporting - full scale survey 43 43 43
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining statystical reporting - full scale survey 27 27 27
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining statystical reporting - full scale survey 9 9 9
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources statystical reporting - full scale survey 26 26 26
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity statystical reporting - full scale survey 9 9 9
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines statystical reporting - full scale survey 7 7 7
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation Other (measurement, mixture of several sources…): Sample constructed by purpose 182 181 181
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers Other (measurement, mixture of several sources…).  130 130 130
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  36 36 36
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  230 227 227
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  58 57 57
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  713 540 540
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system Other (measurement, mixture of several sources…): complete method  1 1 1
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  32 32 32
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  182 178 178
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  164 161 161
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  6 6 6
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  1 1 1
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): Sample constructed by purpose  185 94 94
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products Ot4her (measurement, mixture of several sources…): complete method  3 3 3
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products Other (measurement, mixture of several sources…): Sample constructed by purpose (all producers, importers, exporters etc.) 929 398 398
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies Other (measurement, mixture of several sources…): complete method  160 158 158
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas Other (measurement, mixture of several sources…): complete method 8 8 8
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines Other (measurement, mixture of several sources…): complete method  11 11 11
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): sample constructed by purpose   94 88 88
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): sample constructed by purpose   69 65 65
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products Other sectorial survey (industry, agriculture, etc.): sample constructed by purpose   185 120 120
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE),  Reporting of data by reporting units 560 560 343
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE),  Reporting of data by reporting units 17 17 17
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),  Quarterly reports  103  103  103
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),  Annual report  2  2  2
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),  Quarterly reports  

1) The producers of bio-components - 27
2) The entities importing bio-components - 32
3) The entities implementing the National Indicative Target - 25


1) The producers of bio-components - 27
2) The entities importing bio-components - 32
3) The entities implementing the National Indicative Target - 25


1) The producers of bio-components - 27
2) The entities importing bio-components - 32
3) The entities implementing the National Indicative Target - 25

18.2. Frequency of data collection

See table under 18.2.1.

18.2.1. Frequency of data collection – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Frequency of transmission
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources Once per year
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances After the Ist, IInd and IIIrd quarter
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure Once per year
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Once per year
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Once per month
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade Once a month
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing Once a month
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite Once a month
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal Once a month
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining Once a month
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining Once a month
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining Once a month
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining Once a month
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources Once a year
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity Once a quarter
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines Once a quarter
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation Once per year
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers Once per year
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices Once per year
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources Once per year
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units Once per year
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity Once per month
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system Once per year
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution Once per year
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation once a quarter, some parts once a year, some parts half a year
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants once a quarter, once a year
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity once a quarter, once a year
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system once a quarter, once a year
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity once a quarter, once a year
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products Once per month
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products Once per month
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies Once per month
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas Once per month
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines Once per month
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users Once every 6 months, once per year
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users Once every 6 months, once per year
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products Once per week
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), Once a quarter
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), Once a quarter, once a year
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),  Once a quarter
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),  Once per year
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),  Once a quarter
18.3. Data collection

The statistics are usually collected via web portals made available to reporting agents.

18.4. Data validation

See table under 18.4.1.

18.4.1. Data validation – national data collections
Name of the national data collection Operations performed to this collection in order to improve data quality (e.g. checks between monthly, quarterly and annual, verification of time series, investigation of outliers…)
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources Every year we improve control algorithms of statistical data entered into the form by means of reporting portal.
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances Improving methods of choosing the units. Consultations with responders.
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure Comparison between quarterly and annually questionnaires. Improving methods of choosing the units. Consultations with responders.
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption The data are comparable with other data collections due to the possible occurrence of differences in volumes of consumption and production.
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Checks between monthly, consultation with outliers
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade Checking / compare monthly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing Checking / compare monthly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite Checking / compare monthly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal Checking / compare monthly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining Checking / compare monthly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining Checking / compare monthly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining Checking / compare monthly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining Checking / compare monthly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources Checking / compare yearly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity Checking / compare quarterly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines Checking / compare quarterly statements, consultation in case of too large differences
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation Checks between monthly and annual questionnaires, checks between the sections, logic control of the data, cheks sums of the data, compare with other questionnaires containing electricity production data; investigation of outliers; contact with the respondents to analyze errors; checks units
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers Checks between monthly and annual questionnaires, checks between the sections, logic control of the data, checks sums of the data, checks units, contact with the respondents to analyze errors; investigation of outliers; compare with other questionnaires using a special programme;
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices Checks between year to year, checks between the sections, logic control of the data, cheks sums of the data, checks units, investigation of outliers, contact with the respondents to analyze errors; checks units
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources Checks between year to year, checks with other questionnaires; logic control of the data, investigation of outliers, contact with the respondents to analyze errors; checks units
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units Checks between year to year, controling of sums; logic control of the data, contact with the respondents to analyze errors; checks units
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity Checks month to month, verification of time series, investigation of Outliers, discovering of data which are reported with the inappropriate unit of measure, checks of the data sums in particullar sections of this questionnaire, compare with other questionnaires containing electricity production data; checks units
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system Checks year to year, checks between the sections, logic control of the data, checks sums of the data, investigation of outliers; contact with the respondents to analyze errors; checks units
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution Checks year to year, checks between the sections, logic control of the data, checks sums of the data, investigation of outliers; contact with the respondents to analyze errors; checks units
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation Checks year to year, quarter to quarter, year to the sum of quarters; checks with other questionnaires; checks between the sections, logic control of the data, checks sums of the data, investigation of outliers; contact with the respondents to analyze errors; check if the numbers are within the limits; check units
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants Checks year to year, quarter to quarter, year to the sum of quarters; checks with other questionnaires; comparition the data within sections, logic control of the data, checks sums of the data, investigation of outliers; contact with the respondents to analyze errors; check if the numbers are within the limits; check units
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity Checks year to year, quarter to quarter, year to the sum of quarters; comparition the data within sections; logic control of the data, checks sums of the data; check units
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system Checks year to year, quarter to quarter, year to the sum of quarters; comparition the data within sections; logic control of the data, checks sums of the data; check units
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity Checks year to year, quarter to quarter, year to the sum of quarters; comparition the data within sections; logic control of the data, checks sums of the data; check units
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products Checks year to the sum of quarters; comparition the data within sections of this questionnaire; logic control of the data, checks sums of the data; investigation of outliers; check units
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products Cheks between monthly and yearly data, checks between RAF-1 and RAF-2, cheks refinery losses; checks sums, checks between sections; checks units and too big values; investigation of outliers
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies Verification of time series, year to year, quarter to quarter, month to month; investigation of Outliers, discovering of data which are reported with the inappropriate unit of measure (eg. In litres instead of tonnes), checks of the data sums in particullar sections of this questionnaire, checks data between the sections of this questionnaire
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas Checks between monthly, quaterly and annual data, checks between the sections, compare with other questionnaires and with the information from the literature and the internet; logic control of the data, checks sums of the data; checks units; investigation of outliers
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines Checks between monthly, quaterly and annual data, checks between the sections, compare with other questionnaires and with the information from the literature and the internet; logic control of the data, checks sums of the data; checks units; investigation of outliers
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users Checks between monthly, quaterly and annual data, checks between the sections, compare with other questionnaires and with the information from the literature and the internet; logic control of the data, cheks sums of the data; checks units; investigation of outliers
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users Checks year to year; compare with other questionnaires - GAZ-3; checks units; investigation of outliers; checks within the sections; checks whether the value is within the set limits, veryfication algorithms
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products Checks year to year; compare with other questionnaires G10.4 (ok) k and G.10.4(d)k; checks units; investigation of outliers; checks within the sections; checks whether the value is within the set limits; veryfication algorithms
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), Comparing with data from previous reporting periods
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), Comparing with data from previous reporting periods
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),  The data are verified at the level of an administrative check or an on-the-spot check.
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),  The data are verified at the level of an administrative check or an on-the-spot check.
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),  The data are verified at the level of an administrative check or an on-the-spot check.
18.5. Data compilation

See table under 18.5.2.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection

18.5.2. Data compilation – data collections
Name of the national data collection Additional techniques used for the compilation of the final data set Details
G-02o - report on heat from renewable sources Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected, Other Sometimes data are clearly wrong spelled. After consultation with the reporting unit these data are corrected.
G-02a Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected, Other Some values must be within determined ranges.
G-02b Questionnaire on Energy Commodities Balances and Heating Infrastructure Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected, Other Some values must be within determined ranges.
G-03 Questionnaire on energy commodities consumption Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected, Other Checking with other surveyies.
MG-15 Production and sale in coke oven industry Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected, Other Weighted average, arithmetic mean, summation
G-09.1 Report on hard coal trade Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.2 Report on the mechanical coal processing Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.3 Report on production and sale of coal lignite Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.4 Report on import and intra-EU acquisition of black coal Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.5 Report on revenues, costs and results of operations in black coal mining Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.6 Report on employment, productivity, remuneration and fulfilled working time in black coal mining Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.7 Report on investment in black coal mining Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques, Grossing up the sample, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Not available.
G-09.8 Report on the public law and civil law payments implemented by black coal mining Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.9 Report on the black coal resources Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.10 Report on the environmental effects of black coal mining activity Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-09.11 Report on demethanization and management of methane from black coal mines Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques Not available.
G-10.2 - report on thermal power plant operation Estimation techniques, Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Cross-checking between the other questionnaires. Estimation data by the respondent in case of lack of metering values. Verification algorithms based on literature data and estimates with respect to the used fuel
G-10.3 - report on capacity and production of electricity and heat by the CHP autoproducers Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected, Other Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Cross-checking between the other questionnaires. Comparing the data with the data found on the internet.
G-10.5 report on the condition of electrical devices Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected, Other Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents., veryfication of the data, analysis of the data, verification algorithms
G-10.6 - report on capacity and production of hydro power plants, wind power plants and other renewable sources Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents., veryfication of the data, analysis of the data, verification algorithms
G-10.8 - report on sales/supply and consumption of electricity according to administrative division units Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents., veryfication of the data, analysis of the data, verification algorithms
G-10.m - monthly data on electricity Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Cross-checking between the other questionnaires, veryfication of the data, analysis of the data, verification algorithms
G-10.7 (P) -report on electricity flows (according to voltage) in the highest tension system Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Verification algorithms.
G-10.7 - report of electricity flows (according to voltage) in the network of electrical enterprises dealing with electricity distribution Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Verification algorithms.
G-10.1k - Report on thermal power plant operation Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Verification algorithms.
G-10.1(w)k - report on operation of hydro power plants/wind power plants Estimation techniques, Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Verification algorithms. Estimation of the data (in accordance with the principle of proportionality and accrual) in the absence of the possibility of giving the not yet invoiced but classified to the statistical period
G-10.4(D)k - report on energy enterprise dealing with distribution of electricity Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Verification algorithms.
G-10.4(P)k - report on the activity of operator of electricity transmission system Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Verification algorithms.
G-10.4(Ob)k - report of enterprise dealing with trading in electricity Imputing missing/non-response rate, Estimation techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected incorrect data are explained with the respondent, comparable, the size of the missing values are completed depending on the weight data Verification algorithms.
RAF-1 - report on the transformation process in companies producing and processing the oil products Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Cross-checking data with RAF-2; verification algorithms
RAF-2 - report on production, trade, stocks and infrastructure for crude oil and oil products Imputing missing/non-response rate, Cross-checking techniques, Grossing up the sample, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents. Aggregate data are cross-checked with the available information from the oil industry associations.Imputing missing values with the comparision of the previous month; Grossing up the sample every year or on a regular basis - add new companies, delete companies in liquidation and companies who ends working
GAZ-3 - report on activities of gas companies Imputing missing/non-response rate, Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected or complemented after consultation with the respondents. Imputing missing values dependent on the seriousness of the issue. Aggregate data are cross-checked and compare with other questionnaires. verification algorithms
GAZ-1 - report on trading with coke oven gas Imputing missing/non-response rate, Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected  
GAZ-2 - report on natural gas trade from methane discharge from mines Imputing missing/non-response rate, Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected or complemented after consultation with the respondents. Imputing missing values dependent on the seriousness of the issue. Aggregate data are cross-checked and compare with other questionnaires. verification algorithms
G-11g - report on natural gas prices according to standard categories of end-users Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents; verification algorithms; control of sums and outliers; weighted average national electricity prices are calculated using the market shares of the electricity supply undertaking surveyed as weighting factors
G-11e - report on electricity prices according to the category of standard end-users Weighting values, Cross-checking techniques, Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected  
G-11n - report on the prices of petroleum products Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected Incorrect data are corrected after consultation with the respondents; verification algorithms; control of sums and outliers
Administrative data on liquid fuels (URE), Correcting data after consultation with the reporting entity or after it has been corrected by that entity Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Administrative data on the implementation of the National Index Target referred to in the Act of August 25, 2006 on biocomponents and liquid biofuels (URE), Correcting data after consultation with the reporting entity or after it has been corrected by that entity Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce agricultural biogas or to generate electricity from agricultural biogas, produced agricultural biogas, electricity produced from agricultural biogas (KOWR),  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected  The data are corrected after consultation with the reporting unit; the data are corrected or supplemented on the basis of received documents
Administrative data on raw materials used to produce liquid biofuels and liquid biofuels produced and used for their own use (KOWR),  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected  The data are corrected after consultation with the reporting unit; the data are corrected or supplemented on the basis of received documents
Administrative data on the biocomponent market (KOWR),  Incorrect data is adjusted or corrected  The data are corrected after consultation with the reporting unit; the data are corrected or supplemented on the basis of received documents
18.6. Adjustment

Statistical data are modified in consultation with the reporting units during their collection or later after their discrepancy with the entire data set is found.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Statistical data may be seasonally adjusted after finding their discrepancy in relation to the entire data set.

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Annexes Top
Annex_Confidentiality in EU data collections
Annex_Confidentiality in EU data collections