Residence permits (migr_res)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Bureau of Border and Alien Police of Presidium of the Police Force (hereinafter reffered to as "BBAP")

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Bureau of Border and Alien Police of Presidium of the Police Force (hereinafter reffered to as "BBAP")

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Risk Analysis and Statistics Unit of Department of Risk Analysis and Coordination of the BBAP

1.5. Contact mail address

Úrad hraničnej a cudzineckej polície Prezídia Policajného zboru, Ružinovská 1/B, 812 72, Bratislava, Slovak Republic

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

2.1.1. Introduction

This metadata information is provided by Country's authorities to ensure compliance with the requirements of Article 6 of Regulation 862/2007 on Community Statistics on Migration and International Protection.

As required by Article 9 of the Regulation 862/2007, Member States must report to Eurostat on the data sources used, the reasons for the selection of these sources and the effects of the selected data on the quality of the statistics. Member States shall provide it with all the information necessary to evaluate the quality, comparability and completeness of the statistical information.

The reference terms for the assessment of quality compliance are provided by Eurostat in the Residence permit statistics technical guidelines applied for the reference period (See section 3.4 Statistical concepts and definitions from the Residence permits statistics ESMS file).


2.1.2. General description of the statistical domain at national level

National system for compilation of residence permits statistics (level of development, main changes that affected the system in the last years and further development)

RESPER statistics are produced based on outputs of the "Registry of Aliens permitted to stay in Slovak Republic" Information System (hereinafter reffered to as "ECU IS"). ECU IS is a single administrative source for the creation of European, National or other statistics. ECU IS collects, preserves and provides information on aliens, who are permitted to stay in Slovak Republic, information on residence permission procedure, their personal data, documentation on residence permits and penalties. Basic units of the Border and Alien Police service are responsible for inputs of data on aliens to the ECU IS (in accordance with provisions of Act No. 404/2011 on stay of aliens). Alien Police Units of the Police Force record application for residence permit with biometric data of each alien. Police officers record every change regarding the alien, whether related to person or the application for residence permit. The record remains in the ECU IS also after the residence permit has been cancelled or the alien has acquired the Slovak citizenship. The Alien Police Units are authorized to perform minor changes, mostly regarded to personal data or adress. Important data on stay of alien can be changen exclusively by the ECU IS gestor - Department of Alien Police of the BBAP. The ECU IS is connected with the Information System "Registry of Citizens", which contains data on all citizens of the Slovak Republic. This allows to register the family ties with citizens of the Slovak Republic or to perform the automatic change of status to Citizen of the Slovak Republic. For the purpose of police services activities, it is possible to perform the check of personal data of aliens in the ECU IS and also to compile statistics. Statistics are created by defined reports, through which ECU IS generates requested statistical outputs based on the input parameters. Statistical outputs are produced in MS Excel format. ECU IS is a "live registry", it means that every single change is immediately reflected in the statistics.


2.1.3. European and national legal framework relevant for Residence permits statistics

Include information on Applicable/Not applicable European legal acts at national level

Authorization to collect data on the European statistics is, in addition to European legislation (Regulation (EC) 862/2007 on Community statistics on migration and international protection), declared in the national legislation:

- Act Nr. 404/2011 of Collection of laws on stay of aliens and on amendment of certain acts as amended (§ 76)

(hyperlink: )


2.1.4. Institutional infrastructure

List of the institutions involved in managing the registers related to Residence permits statistics and the institutions involved in the compilation of the Residence permits statistics

Bureau of Border and Alien Police of Presidium of the Police Force:

- Input of data is carried out by Alien Police Units of the Police force (BBAP)

- Compilation of Resident permits statistics is within the competence of Risk Analysis and Statistics Unit of Department of Risk Analysis and Coordination of BBAP


2.1.5. General procedure for issuing first residence permits at National level

National legislation does not recognize the term "first permit", at national level, it is possible to grant, extend or renew the residence permit.

The first residence permit (in accordance with EUROSTAT) is defined only in the statistical outputs from the ECU IS, which are tailored to individual tables for the first permit (RP1 - RP4).


2.1.6. General procedure for recording change of status or reason to stay of the permit (reason)


National legislation does not recognize the term "change of status", at national level, it is possible to grant, extend or renew the residence permit.

The change of status (in accordance with EUROSTAT) is defined only in the statistical outputs from the ECU IS, which are tailored to individual table for the change of status (RP5).


2.1.7. General procedure for recording all valid residence permits at the end of the year

Include information on all permits valid in the end of the year and long term permits

All valid residence permits at the end of the year are recorded in ECU IS, which is able to produce statistical output in compliance with RESPER technical guidelines for data collection.


2.1.8. General procedure for recording residence permits for Highly Skilled Workers and EU Blue Cards

Include information for first permit data collection and EU Blue Cards data collection

At national level, it is an individual purpose of stay (EU Blue card), that is recorded in ECU IS, which is able to produce statistical output in compliance with RESPER technical guidelines for data collection (first permit - see 2.5). (National legislative does not recognize the term "Highly skilled workers").


2.1.9. General procedure for recording single permits


Currently, the ECU information system does not specify the output to the identification of the “Single permits”. For purposes of calculation of “Single permits“ for requested table, from the group of all residence permits granted during the reference period (including first permit, renewed and change of status) there were:


  1. selected individual residence purposes that are considered as “Single permits” according article 3 (1) of the Directive 2011/98/EU,
  2. at the same time there were excluded those purposes that are in accordance with article 3 (2) of the Directive, i.e. nationals to whom the Directive does not apply,
  3. excluded permitted residences of which the length of validity was less than 3 months and  
  4. then from this way filtered out group of residence permits there were individual purposes disaggregate into 4 categories in accordance with Eurostat definition: Family, Education, Occupation and Other.


2.1.10. Type of residence permits counted for Residence permits statistics (e.g. residence permits, long-term visas, authorisation to stay, work permit, education permit, etc) referirng to all applicable tables

Only granted Residence permits are counted for ResPer statistics (within the Residence permit, all purposes of stay of aliens are included, such as work, education, family reunion, bussiness etc.).


2.1.11. Main problems that affect the quality of the data and what tables are concerned including the compliance status with the definitions from Residence permits statistics Technical Guideline

In general, we can say that the implementation of any changes without compromising data consistency is quite complicated. The overall situation is complicated by the fact that we do not have enough funds, which is also related to the fact that the supplier of ECU IS is an external company. Due to aforementioned, implementation of changes in ECU IS based on new European legislative is difficult, since the ECU IS is older information system (2004). This regards, in particular, Single Permits tables and disaggregation by age and sex in other tables.

2.2. Classification system

See ESMS file.

2.3. Coverage - sector

Residence permits statistics.

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

See ESMS file.

2.5. Statistical unit

Persons, numbers of authorisations to reside or percentage; see ESMS file.

2.6. Statistical population

Third country nationals receiving the residence permit.

2.7. Reference area


2.8. Coverage - Time

2008 and onwards.

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data
Tables Presentation of the data source(s) / national registers
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
RP5. Change of immigration status or reason to stay
 Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
RP7. Long-term residents on 31 December  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Bleu Cards holders  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
SP1. Single permits  Information System on stay of aliens (ECU IS)
3.2. Frequency of data collection
Tables Frequency (Delete non-relevant attributes)
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons Annual
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons Annual
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities Annual
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons Annual
RP5. Change of immigration status or reason to stay
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December Annual
RP7. Long-term residents on 31 December Annual
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued Annual
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders Annual
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State Annual
SP1. Single permits Annual
3.3. Data collection

Systematic process of gathering data for official statistics at national level.

RESPER statistics are produced based on outputs of the ECU IS. ECU IS is a single administrative source for the creation of European, National or other statistics. ECU IS collects, preserves and provides information on aliens, who are permitted to stay in Slovak Republic, information on residence permission procedure, their personal data, documentation on residence permits and penalties. Basic units of the Border and Alien Police service are responsible for inputs of data on aliens to the ECU IS (in accordance with provisions of Act No. 404/2011 on stay of aliens). Alien Police Units of the Police Force record application for residence permit with biometric data of each alien. Police officers record every change regarding the alien, whether related to person or the application for residence permit. The record remains in the ECU IS also after the residence permit has been cancelled or the alien has acquired the Slovak citizenship. The Alien Police Units are authorized to perform minor changes, mostly regarded to personal data or adress. Important data on stay of alien can be changen exclusively by the ECU IS gestor - Department of Alien Police of the BBAP. The ECU IS is connected with the Information System "Registry of Citizens", which contains data on all citizens of the Slovak Republic. This allows to register the family ties with citizens of the Slovak Republic or to perform the automatic change of status to Citizen of the Slovak Republic. For the purpose of police services activities, it is possible to perform the check of personal data of aliens in the IS ECU and also to compile statistics. Statistics are created by defined reports, through which ECU IS generates requested statistical outputs based on the input parameters. Statistical outputs are produced in MS Excel format. ECU IS is a "live registry", it means that every single change is immediately reflected in the statistics.

3.4. Data validation

Description of the data validation system at national level

Validation procedure Applied
Checks of totals consistency Yes
Checks of magnitude of changes over time Yes
Using intervals of values for outliers/errors detection Yes
Using visual validation (visual verification of the tables or the graph resulted) Yes
Checking the data integrity over each processing step Yes
Using special programs/software for data validation No
Checking if the double counting cases are excluded Yes
Checking the consistency between EU Blue Cards from first permits (RP3) and EU Blue Cards data collection (BC1-BC3) Yes
Checking the consistency between flow and stock data (RP1-RP4 vs RP6) Yes
Checking the consistency between statistics by "reason" and statistics by "age" and "sex" categories No
Analyse the statistics reported by other countries No
3.5. Data compilation

Estimations used: Details on the estimations done for Residence permits statistics (methodology applied and the concerned categories and tables)

Single Permits table - For reference period data “SP Renewed” and "SP Change of status" are not available by duration. Data “SP Renewed” and "SP Change of status" are available only by estimation in column „Total“ - (see point 3.2) - ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs.

3.6. Adjustment

not applicable

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

See points 2, 3 or 4.2.1.

4.2. Quality management - assessment
4.2.1. Description of the Quality management system at national level

Quality policy is not formally treated in a separate document, but is being fulfilled. The quality policy arises from the very high quality data processing needs for evidence, statistical and analytical purposes (national and international), as apparent from the national legislation and the fulfillment of commitments of the Slovak Republic to the European Union and Schengen. In addition, there are personal (obligations of employees), technical (within the registry systems) and legislative measures. The quality of statistical processes and outputs is guaranteed by methodical and user manuals and other internal regulations regarding the functioning of the ECU IS.


4.2.2. General Quality assessment (Delete non-relevant attributes: Good quality / Sufficient quality / Poor quality)    
  Topics   Output / Product Quality   Process Quality   Institutional Environment Details in case of sufficient quality / Poor quality
First permits issued for family reasons Good quality
Good quality Good quality  
First permits issued for education reasons Good quality Good quality Good quality  

First permits issued for remunerated activities

Good quality Good quality Good quality  
First permits issued for other reasons Good quality Good quality Good quality  
Change of immigration status or reason to stay Sufficient quality Sufficient quality Good quality
see point 2.11
All valid permits on 31 December Sufficient quality Sufficient quality
Good quality see point 2.11
Long-term residents on 31 December Sufficient quality Sufficient quality Good quality see point 2.11
Single Permits Poor quality Sufficient quality Good quality Data “SP Change of status, Renewal” are not available by duration. Data “SP Change of status, Renewal” are available only by estimation in column „Total“. 
EU Blue Cards issued Good quality Good quality Good quality  
Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders Sufficient quality Sufficient quality Good quality It is not possible to produce the individual statistical output, individual nationalities must be searched within lists from ECU IS.
EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State Good quality / Sufficient quality / Poor quality Good quality / Sufficient quality / Poor quality Good quality / Sufficient quality / Poor quality  N.A.

Good quality (extensive quality) - covers all quality requirements, substantial quality checks are performed and a very good cooperation exists between institutions.

Sufficient quality (acceptable quality) - covers minimum requirements, but issues still exist and more information/validation is needed for a better quality assessment and acceptable cooperation issues exists.

Poor quality (inadequate quality) - the data do not meet the minimum requirements or there is not enough information for quality assessment and important cooperation issues exists.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

5.1.1. General aspects

Include information on main users of Residence permits statistics at national level, European and International level.

The statistics collected under the Regulation 862/2007 are widely used in official publications and by a wide range of users at national, European and International level. The Residence permits statistics produced are regularly used by national administrations, academic researchers and civil society groups working on a wide range of topics including the integration of immigrants, the development and monitoring of national asylum and immigration procedures, and the projection of the future population and labour force.

At European level, the main users of Residence permits statistics are Eurostat and DG Migration and Home Affairs. These statistics are used in several publications of the Commission, as well as in the preparation of regular reports, policy proposals and analysis.  The statistics also provide an input to the European Migration Network (EMN) studies and reports that address specific issues of current policy importance.


5.1.2. Residence permits statistics data publication at national level

Include information on residence permits statistics published at national level and differences between the data provided to Eurostat and the data published at national level (first permits, all valid permits at the end of the year, long term permits at the end of the year, single permits, single permits and EU Blue Cards)

At national level, the Department of Risk Analysis and Coordination compiles own statistics and overviews of legal and illegal migration, that are published (on the website of the Ministry of Interior) and are in the same time accessible by public. The BBAP produces basic statistical overviews on annual and semi-annual basis, that are accessible by public on the website of the MInistry of interior (link: The European statistics are compiled based on administrative sources, but we are not obliged to publish it on national level. The EU statistics are accessible to other subjects (state authorities, NGOs, legal entities and natural persons) on demand.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

If available/applicable, provide information on user satisfaction at national level.

Not applicable.

5.3. Completeness

Completeness of the data provided based on Article 6 of the Regulation 862/2007 (mandatory data provision), justification of the missing mandatory breakdowns and completeness of the data provided on voluntary basis.

Availability Details related to "not applicable" and "not available" cases
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons
Citizenship Available  
Length of validity Available  
Reason Available  
Member Available  
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons
Citizenship Available  
Length of validity Available  
Reason Available  
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities
Citizenship Available  
Length of validity Available  
Reason Available  
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons
Citizenship Available  
Length of validity Available  
Reason Available  
RP5. Change of immigration status or reason to stay
Citizenship Available  
Reason Available  
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December
Citizenship Available  
Length of validity Available  
Reason Available  
RP7. Long-term residents on 31 December
Citizenship Available  
Reason Available  
SP1. Single permits
Reason Available  
Decision type  Not available Data “SP Change of status, Renewal” are not available by duration. Data “SP Change of status, Renewal” are available only by estimation in column „Total“.
Length of validity Not available Data “SP Change of status, Renewal” are not available by duration. Data “SP Change of status, Renewal” are available only by estimation in column „Total“.
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued
Citizenship Available  
Decision type Available  
ISCO08 Available  
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders
Citizenship Available  
Decision type Available  
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State
Previous residence Not applicable  
Indicator type Not applicable  
5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not available.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

6.1.1. Accuracy of the total provided for each dataset

Categories The interval in which the real population could be comparing with the total provided 100% = high accuracy (total provided reflects the real measured population) Details
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons  95%  
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons  95%  
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities   95%  
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons   95%  
RP5. Change of immigration status or reason to stay
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December  93% Persons, who already left the territory of Slovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included.
RP7. Long-term residents on 31 December  93% Persons, who already left the territory of Slovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included.
SP1. Single permits  90% Data “SP Change of status, Renewal” are not available by duration. Data “SP Change of status, Renewal” are available only by estimation in column „Total“.
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued  100%  
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders  95%  
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State  N.A.  


6.1.2. Accuracy of the total provided for each category

(Delete non-relevant attributes for Accuracy issue: No/Yes; Overestimation/Underestimation and Delete/Change/Adapt the text for impact percentage; see definitions from Eurostat Statistics Explained glosary:

Categories Accuracy issue Description of the accuracy issue Details about the impact on the statistics reported
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons
Citizenship  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Length of validity  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Member No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Reason  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons
Citizenship  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Length of validity  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Reason  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities
Citizenship  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Length of validity  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Reason  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons
Citizenship No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Length of validity No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Reason No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP5. Change of immigration status or reason to stay
Citizenship No
  Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Reason Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS. Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December
Citizenship No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Length of validity Yes Persons, who already left the territory of Slovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Reason No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP7. Long-term residents on 31 December
Citizenship No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Reason Yes national long term -   Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS. - in relation with counting of stays with duration at least 5 years. Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
SP1. Single permits
Reason Yes see point 3.2. - ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers. Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total
Decision type Yes ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total
Length of validity Yes
ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued
Citizenship No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Decision type No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
ISCO08 No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders
Citizenship Yes ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - persons are manually counted from lists/registers. Underestimation with [5%] impact in the total
Decision type Yes ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - persons are manually counted from lists/registers.  Underestimation with [5%] impact in the total
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State
Previous residence No / Yes  N.A. Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Indicator type No / Yes  N.A. Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
6.2. Sampling error

Procedures and classifications used in case of missing information (e.g. unknown citizenship, age, etc.)

Cases of missing information are very rare and they might only occur in relation to residence granted based on humanitarian reasons - tolerated residence for certain period - in such cases we use information provided by the person.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable.


6.3. Non-sampling error

Not applicable.

6.3.1. Coverage error

Not applicable. Over-coverage - rate

Over-coverage (Delete non-relevant attributes: 0%/1%/5%/10%/15%/20%/>20%)

Categories The proportion of cases recorded that do not belong to the target population (%)
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons 0%
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons  0%
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities  0%
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons  0%
RP5. Change of immigration status or reason to stay
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December 5%
RP7. Long-term residents on 31 December 5%
SP1. Single permits 5%
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued 0%
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders 0%
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State N.A. Common units - proportion

Not applicable.

6.3.2. Measurement error

Double counting (Delete non-relevant attributes: No / Yes; 0% / 1% / 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% / >20%)

Categories One person can be included more than once in the reference datasets Share of "double counting" cases in the total for the datasets Description of the non-compliance issue
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons No
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons No
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities No
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons No
RP5. Change of immigration status or reason to stay
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December No
RP7. Long-term residents on 31 December No
SP1. Single permits No    
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued No    
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders No    
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State No    
6.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable. Item non-response - rate

Not applicable.

6.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

6.5. Data revision - policy

Data revision policy at national level

Data revision is done before the processing of statistics. If a mistake is found on any level after dissemination of statistics, the mistake is corrected and revised version is disseminated. 

Not applicable.

6.6. Data revision - practice

Details related to the data revision policy and expected revisions of the data send to Eurostat

Data revision is done during the processing of data and before data are sent. We do not expect revision od data sent to Eurostat, but it is not excluded.


6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Not available.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

Not available.

7.1.1. Time lag - first result

Possible annual date when the available data has sufficient quality to be published (sent to Eurostat)

15th May - as the processing of data is time consuming.

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not applicable.

7.2. Punctuality

Problems with data provision to Eurostat in due time and the impact of these problems on the data quality provided to Eurostat

There are no problems, data are being provided to Eurostat on time.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not available.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical
Provision of data using the Eurostat Residence permits statistics Technical Guidelines and exceptions applied

Fully Compliance. No exceptions involved.

Statistical outputs for RP data are produced in line with article 6 of Regulation 862/2007 on Community Statistics on Migration and International Protection. We are using actual Technical Guidelines for the data collection under art. 6 of Regulation 862/2007 for filling out RP data and verification of required level of data quality.


Details on categories of Non-EU citizens difficult to be classified using the reference definitions from Residence permits statistics technical guidelines and the categories excluded from these reasons (excluded from the statistics reported)
 There is no issue regarding classification of Non-EU citizens difficult to be classified.


Description of records related to "Unknown" country of citizenship category
Cases of missing information are very rare and they might only occur in relation to residence granted based on humanitarian reasons - tolerated residence for certain period - in such cases we use information provided by the person.


Counting all family members in case of issued permit for the principal applicant only

Provide information if the residence permit can be issued for the principal applicant only and if all the family members are counted for residence permits statistics

 Legislative of the Slovak Republic does not recognize group residence permit, every residence permit is issued to one person.


Description of records related to "Unknown" age and sex category
 not applicable


Description of records related to "Other remunerated activities" sub-category of first permits from table related to "occupation reasons" (RP3) 

List of categories of permits included in the "Other remunerated activities" subcategory

  • Business
  • Employment
  • Specific activity: Lecturing
  • Specific activity: Artistic activities
  • Specific activity: Sport
  • Specific activity: accredited journalist
  • Slovak living abroad with category remunerated activity, which is stated in application for residence permit. 
  • permanent residence for five years in the interest of the Slovak Republic
  • EEA (not EU) + EFTA (not EEA) with category remunerated activity, which is stated in application for residence permit
  • Temporary residence for a third country national who has the status of a person with long term residence in another member state who is conducting business activities in the Slovak Republic territory or is employed in the Slovak Republic territory.


Description of records related to "Other" subcategory of first permits from table related to "other reasons" (RP4)

List of categories of permits included in the "Other" subcategory

  • Armed Forces member
  • Medical treatment
  • Art.46/2/b) of Act 404/2011 Coll. (stateless person)
  • Art.46/2/c) of Act 404/2011 Coll. (for reasons of particular concern)
  • Art.46/2/d) of Act 404/2011 Coll. (upon a proposal of the Slovak Information Service due to safety interests of the Slovak Republic)
  • Art.58/3 of Act 404/2011 Coll. (upon the request of a prosecuting authority)
  • Art.58/4/a) of Act 404/2011 Coll. (provision of institutional care)
  • Art.58/4/b) of Act 404/2011 Coll. (duration of quarantine measures)
  • Slovak living abroad with category other, which is stated in application for residence permit
  • EEA (not EU) + EFTA (not EEA) with category other, which is stated in application for residence permit


Description of records related to "Other reasons" subcategory of table related to all valid permits in the end of the year (RP6)

List of categories of permits included in the "Other" subcategory

 - Humanitarian reasons

- Unaccompanied minors

- Victims of trafficking in human beings

- Residence only

- Residual categories


Procedure of establishing the reason for residence permits statistics and the treatment of the multiple reasons cases
Not applicable.


Counting only once the first permits in one of the datasets related to for family or for education or for occupation or for other reasons (counting only once the persons in all tables RP1, RP2, RP3 and RP4 together)


The definition of "First permit" applied (comparing with the one mentioned in Residence permits Technical guidelines)
The definition of "First permit" is applied as provided by Residence permits Techincal guidelines.


The definition of "EU Long-term status" applied (comparing with the one mentioned in Residence permits Technical guidelines)
The definition of "EU Long-term status" is applied as provided by Residence permits Technical guidelines.


The definition of "National Long-term status" applied

Please list the categories of long-term permits available at national level (under national legal framework).

- Art.46/1/a) of Act 404/2011 Coll. (spouse or dependent relative in direct line of the Slovak citizen)

- EU national relative - permanent

- EU national - permanent

- National long-term residence

- Residence durating longer than 5 years


Counting the permanent residence permits for the "all valid permits in the end of the year" and for "long-term permits valid in the end of the year" (table RP6 and RP7)


The definition of "EU Blue Card" applied for table RP3 (comparing with the one mentioned in Residence permits Technical guidelines)

Please indicate if "comparable definition" was applied.



The definition of "highly-skilled workers" applied (table RP3)

Please provide details on national programmes facilitating the admission of highly-skilled workers counted for the data sent to Eurostat for this category. Include also details on 'Highly skilled workers' category reported in another main table from first permits data collection than the table related to occupation reasons (“family reason”, “education reason” or “other reasons”)

 Not applicable.


Counting the renewed residence permit, referring to first permits and change of status or reason to stay tables (RP1-RP5 tables)
 Renewed permits are not included to tables RP1-RP4.


The definition of "single permit" applied (comparing with the one mentioned in residence permits technical guidelines)

Currently, the ECU information system does not specify the output to the identification of the Single Permits. For purposes of calculation of “single permits“ for requested table, from the group of all residence permits granted during reference period(including first permit, renewed and change of status) there were:


  1. selected individual residence purposes that are considered as single permits according article 3 (1) of the Directive 2011/98/EU,
  2. at the same time there were excluded those purposes that are in accordance with article 3 (2) of the Directive, i.e. nationals to whom the Directive does not apply,
  3. excluded permitted residences of which the length of validity was less than 3 months and  
then from this way filtered out group of residence permits there were individual purposes divided into 4 categories in accordance with Eurostat definition: family purposes, study purposes, work and other purposes.


Coverage of specific subcategories relate to the "reason" of issuing the residence permit

see definitions from Eurostat Statistics Explained glosary:

  Categories Accuracy issue Description of the accuracy issue Details about the impact on the statistics reported
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons
Spouse/partner No
  Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Children (Minor/ Adult) No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Other member No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Joining an EU citizen No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Joining an non-EU citizen No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons
Students No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Other educational-related No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities
Highly skilled workers No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
EU Blue Card  No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Researchers No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Seasonal workers No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Other remunerated activities No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons
Refugee status and subsidiary protection No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Humanitarian reasons No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Unaccompanied minors (non asylum related) No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Victims of trafficking in human beings No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Residence only No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Residual categories No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP5. Change of immigration status or reason to stay
     - Previous permission was granted for reasons related to family formation and reunification
Reasons related to education and study Yes Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Reasons related to remunerated activities Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Other reasons Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
     - Previous permission was granted for reasons related to education and study
Reasons related to family formation and reunification Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Reasons related to remunerated activities Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Other reasons Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
     - Previous permission was granted for reasons related to remunerated activities
Reasons related to family formation and reunification Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Reasons related to education and study Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Other reasons Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
     - Previous permission was granted for other reasons
Reasons related to family formation and reunification Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Reasons related to education and study Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Reasons related to remunerated activities Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statistical output from ECU IS Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December
Family formation and reunification Yes Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Education and study Yes Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included.  Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Remunerated activities Yes  Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Refugee status Yes  Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Subsidiary protection Yes  Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
Other reasons Yes  Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
RP7. Long-term residents on 31 December
EU long-term resident status No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
National long-term resident status Yes  Accuracy issue might be caused by process of creation of relevant statatistical output from ECU IS - in relation with counting of stays with duration at least 5 years. Underestimation with [7%] impact in the total
SP1. Single permits
Family reasons Yes  ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers. Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total
Education reasons Yes  ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers. Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total
Occupation reasons Yes  ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers. Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued
Citizenship No
  Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Decision type No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
ISCO08 No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
ISCO08 No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders
Citizenship Yes ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers.  Underestimation with [5%] impact in the total
Decision type Yes ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers. Underestimation with [5%] impact in the total
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State
Previous residence No / Yes  not applicable Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Indicator type No / Yes  not applicable Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total


Coverage of specific subcategories relate to EU Blue Cards data collection

see definitions from Eurostat Statistics Explained glosary:

  Categories Accuracy issue Description of the accuracy issue Details about the impact on the statistics reported
BC1. EU Blue Cards issued
EU Blue Cards Granted No
  Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
EU Blue Cards Renewed No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
EU Blue Cards Withdrawn No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
ISCO 08 No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
BC2. Admitted family members of EU Blue Cards holders
EU Blue Cards Granted Yes  ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers. Underestimation with [5%] impact in the total
EU Blue Cards Renewed Yes  ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers. Underestimation with [5%] impact in the total
EU Blue Cards Withdrawn Yes  ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs - reasons are manually counted from lists/registers. Underestimation with [5%] impact in the total
BC3. EU Blue Cards holders and family members with previous residence in another EU Member State
EU Blue Cards holders No / Yes  not applicable Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
Family members No / Yes  not applicable Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total


Coverage of specific subcategories relate to the "length of validity" of the residence permit

see definitions from Eurostat Statistics Explained glosary:

  Categories Accuracy issue Description of the accuracy issue Details about the impact on the statistics reported
RP1. First permits issued for family reasons
At least 3 months but less than 6 months No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
At least 6 months but less than 12 months No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
12 months and more No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP2. First permits issued for education reasons
At least 3 months but less than 6 months No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
At least 6 months but less than 12 months No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
12 months and more No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP3. First permits issued for remunerated activities
At least 3 months but less than 6 months No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
At least 6 months but less than 12 months No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
12 months and more No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP4. First permits issued for other reasons
At least 3 months but less than 6 months No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
At least 6 months but less than 12 months No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
12 months and more No   Overestimation / Underestimation with [N%] impact in the total
RP6. All valid permits on 31 December
At least 3 months but less than 6 months Yes  Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
At least 6 months but less than 12 months Yes  Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
12 months and more Yes  Person, who already left the territory of SLovak Republic, but are not deleted from the ECU IS yet, might be included. Overestimation with [7%] impact in the total
SP1. Single permits
At least 3 months but less than 6 months Yes   ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total
At least 6 months but less than 12 months Yes   ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total
12 months and more Yes   ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs Overestimation / Underestimation with [10%] impact in the total




8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable

8.2. Comparability - over time

Methodological changes between the present reference year and previous year(s). Justification of the important changes in figures reported for the present reference year and previous year(s)

For reference year 2015 data “SP Renewed” are not available by duration. Data “SP Renewed” are available only by estimation in column „Total“ - (see point 3.2) - ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs.

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Not applicable.

8.3. Coherence - cross domain
Links between the EU Blue Cards declared for first permits statistics (for occupation reasons - table RP3) and EU Blue Cards statistics (tables BC1, BC2 and BC3)
Fully Compliance. No exceptions involved.


Correspondence between the residence permits statistics by reason and residence permits statistics by age and sex
not applicable


Links between all valid permits on 31 December and Long-term residents
Long-term residents are a subset of all valid permits on 31 December. No exceptions involved.


Links between first permits and single permits
First single permits are a subset of all single permits.

8.3.1 Links between the Residence permits statistics and Asylum statistics and details related to the asylum applicant(s) case(s) included in Residence permits statistics in First residence permits

Please cover the differences between the Residence permits statistics and Asylum statistics reported to Eurostat

Asylum applicants are not included in RP statistics. Asylum statistics are managed by Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior.


8.3.2 Links between the Residence permits statistics and special short-term study on "trafficking in human beings" collected by Eurostat for statistics on crime and criminal justice.

Please cover the differences between the Residence permits statistics and the statistics reported for short-term study on "trafficking in human beings"

Such information is not available to BBAP.

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable.

8.6. Coherence - internal

Coherence between different categories/breakdowns required for each dataset (e.g. is each category well delimitated for the statistics reported or some of them are merged for technical reasons). Please refer to each category that has problem.

Change of Status and Renewed in Single permits table - Data  are not available by duration. Data are available only by estimation in column „Total“ - (see point 3.2) - ECU IS is not set to produce such statistical outputs.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

If applicable, regular or ad-hoc press releases linked to the data at national level.

Not applicable.

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

List of residence permits publications at national level.

Statistical Overview of Legal and Illegal Migration in the SLovak Republic - annual publication accessible by public on the website of the MInistry of interior (link:

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Presentation of the National online national database for Residence permits statistics data accessible to the public and the accessibility procedure

Not applicable.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

If available, number of consultations of data tables within residence permits statistical domain at national level, for a given time period displayed in a graph.

Not applicable.

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

9.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available.

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Documentation on Residence permits statistical methodology available at national level.

Not available.

9.7. Quality management - documentation

Presentation of the available data quality management - documentation at national level

Quality assurance policy is not defined in a separate document but is being complied with. Quality assurance policy arise from the need to process quality data for registration, statistical and analytic purposes (on national and European level). This is a result of national legislation and fulfilling the commitments of SR to EU and Schengen. There are also personnel (employee responsibilities), technical (within systems for registration) and legislative measures. The quality of statistical processes and outputs is ensured by Methodologies, User manuals,  other internal regulations related to the operation of information systems and regular checks of the data and outputs. Commitment to quality is expressed publishing the Code of Practice in Slovak and English language on the Ministry of Interior of the SR website (

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not available.

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

Not available.

10. Cost and Burden Top

Not applicable.

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

Not applicable.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Not applicable.

12. Comment Top

The following classification is used for data availability at Eurostat level:

  • The term "not applicable" related to the categories of permits which do not exist in national legislation/administrative procedures and therefore such statistics cannot be issued.
  • The term "not available" relates to categories of data that exist in the national legal/administrative system but cannot be delivered under Residence permits statistics data collection for various reasons (e.g. data cannot exist, data exist but are not collected, data are unreliable, etc.).

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
SK_Metadata on EU Directives SW ICT SR