'Dublin' statistics (migr_dub)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs of The Ministry of Interior of The Republic of Latvia.

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

The Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs of The Ministry of Interior of The Republic of Latvia.

1.2. Contact organisation unit

The Asylum Affairs Division of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.

1.5. Contact mail address

Čiekurkalna 1 līnija 1, k.3, Rīga, LV-1026,  LATVIJA

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 27/06/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 27/06/2023
2.3. Metadata last update 27/06/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

This metadata information is provided by the authorities of Latvia to ensure compliance with the requirements of Article 4.4 (Dublin statistics) of the Regulation (EC) 862/2007 on Migration and International Protectionas amended by the Regulation (EU) 2020/851.

As required by Article 9 of the Regulation (EC) 862/2007, Member States must report to Eurostat on the data sources used, the reasons for the selection of these sources and the effects of the selected data on the quality of the statistics. Member States shall provide Eurostat with all the information necessary to evaluate the quality, comparability and completeness of the statistical information.

The reference document used for assessing the compliance of the concepts and definitions in this metadata file is the document Dublin statistics - Eurostat Technical guidelines to Dublin statistics (see Annex).

3.1.1. General description and overview of the statistical domain at national level

The responsible authority for registering and collecting Dublin data in the Republic of Latvia is the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. Dublin statistics are manually recorded/stored to an Excel file and then collected/processed from the file. Dublin statistics are sent to Eurostat once a year and afterwards published in Eurostat database by Eurostat.

3.2. Classification system

The same classification used for Eurostat are also used at national level.

3.2.1. International and national classifications and breakdowns used
Classification Eurostat breakdown National breakdown
Request Total, Request, Re-examination request, Unknown  The same classification used for Eurostat are also used at national level 
Decision on request Total, Positive decision, Negative decision, Unknown The same classification used for Eurostat are also used at national level 
Legal provision (Dublin criteria) Please consult the latest Technical Guidelines documentation (in Annex)  The same classification used for Eurostat are also used at national level 
Duration of transfer Total, From 1 to 6 months, From 7 to 12 months, From 13 to 18 months  The same classification used for Eurostat are also used at national level 
Duration of response to a request for information Total, 5 weeks or less, Over 5 weeks, Unknown  The same classification used for Eurostat are also used at national level 
Sex Total, Males, Females, Unknown  The same classification used for Eurostat are also used at national level 
Applicant Total, Adult, Unaccompanied minor, Accompanied minor, Unknown  The same classification used for Eurostat are also used at national level 
3.3. Coverage - sector

Migration and international protection – Dublin statistics

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

See below.

3.4.1. Definitions and discrepancies
Concept / Variable Definition at national level Discrepancy from Eurostat definition
Request  The same definition used for Eurostat are also used at national level   
Re-examination request  The same definition used for Eurostat are also used at national level   
Request based on Eurodac  The same definition used for Eurostat are also used at national level   
Transfer  The same definition used for Eurostat are also used at national level   
Responsibility by default (Art. 3.2 First paragraph): no prior criteria applicable  The same definition used for Eurostat are also used at national level   
Responsibility by default (Art. 3.2 Second and third paragraph): no transfer  The same definition used for Eurostat are also used at national level   
Responsibility by default (Art. 29.2): transfer not implemented  The same definition used for Eurostat are also used at national level   
3.5. Statistical unit

The text of Art.4 of the Regulation (EC) 862/2007 on Migration and international protection refers in general to statistics based on the number of persons and not on the number of applications. However, the article describing the 'Dublin' statistics (Art.4.4) refers to statistics based on the number of requests. Commission services recommend that Art.4.4 (more precisely 4.4.a, 4.4.c and 4.4.d) is interpreted as referring to the number of persons concerned by each request, decision and transfer.


 In Latvia for all tables the statistical unit is persons, except for the tables  Incoming and Outgoing information requests where it is “cases”.

3.6. Statistical population

Only third-country nationals submitting an application of asylum under the Dublin III Regulation.

3.7. Reference area


3.8. Coverage - Time

From year 2014 onwards.

3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Number of persons.

5. Reference Period Top

2022 Calendar year.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

See link: https://www.pmlp.gov.lv/en/official-statistics

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not applicable.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

See below.

7.1.1. Information on the existence of a national policy for (not) releasing the Dublin data before a certain time after the end of reference period has passed

There is no specific national policy.

7.1.2. Required confidentiality by law and signed legal confidentiality commitments by survey staff

Yes. The Survey staff has signed a legal confidentiality agreement.

7.1.3. Potential micro-data access for research purposes by external users and confidentiality provisions applied

Not available.

7.1.4. Procedures for ensuring confidentiality during collection, processing and dissemination, including rules for determining confidential cells

Yes. The Survey staff has signed a legal confidentiality agreement.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

No specific national policy.

8. Release policy Top

No specific rules.

8.1. Release calendar

No national release calendar.

8.2. Release calendar access

Not applicable.

8.3. Release policy - user access

No release policy.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top


10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Not applicable.

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not applicable.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

No national on line database.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not applicable.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Not applicable.

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not applicable.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Not applicable.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not applicable.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

There is no such documentation.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

There are no specific guidelines.

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Good quality.

11.2.1. Overall quality assessment, at dataset level



Details in case of Sufficient or Poor quality

Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Outgoing 'Dublin' requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Incoming 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Outgoing 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Pending 'Dublin' incoming requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant

Good quality


Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Incoming 'Dublin' requests for information by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Outgoing 'Dublin' requests for information by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Incoming responses to 'Dublin' requests for information by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of response, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Outgoing responses to 'Dublin' requests for information by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of response, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Unilateral 'Dublin' decisions by partner country, type of decision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Decisions on incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Decisions on outgoing 'Dublin' requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Decisions on Incoming 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by submitting country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Decisions on outgoing 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by receiving country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of transfer, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Outgoing 'Dublin' transfers by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of transfer, sex and type of applicant

 Good quality


Pending incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant

 Poor quality

Data not available for technical reasons.

Pending outgoing 'Dublin' transfers by receiving country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant

 Good quality



  • Good quality (extensive quality) - all quality requirements are met according to the standard quality criteria and in line with the Technical Guidelines for the data collection of Dublin statistics (Annex).
  • Sufficient quality (acceptable quality) - minimum quality requirements are met: minor issues exist which need to be improved.
  • Poor quality (inadequate quality) - the data do not meet the minimum quality requirements: important/many issues exist which affect the quality of the data and which need to be solved.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The statistics collected under Regulation (EC) 862/2007 are used by a wide range of users at national, European and International level to cover various usersʼ needs.


Users of Dublin statistics :

- Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Commission, for producing the official European Union statistics on Asylum;

- EASO,  etc.;

- national authorities - the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Migration Network (EMN) contact point, etc.


Unmet user needs (on statistics) and reasons why these needs cannot be satisfied (at national and international level) : No specific user needs.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not applicable.

12.3. Completeness

See below.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate


12.3.2. Completeness by dataset

Completeness is the extent to which all requested Dublin statistics are provided to Eurostat, according to the data provisions foreseen by Articles 4.4. of Regulation (EC) 862/2007 (as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/851) and by the Technical Guidelines for Dublin statistics (Annex).




Details in case of Incomplete, Not available or Not applicable

Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Pending 'Dublin' incoming requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant




Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' requests for information by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests for information by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming responses to 'Dublin' requests for information by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of response, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing responses to 'Dublin' requests for information by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of response, sex and type of applicant



Unilateral 'Dublin' decisions by partner country, type of decision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on outgoing 'Dublin' requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on Incoming 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by submitting country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on outgoing 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by receiving country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of transfer, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' transfers by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of transfer, sex and type of applicant



Pending incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant

 Not available


Data not available for technical reasons.


Pending outgoing 'Dublin' transfers by receiving country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant




  • Complete - The statistics are complete: the dataset and all requested breakdowns are available, as foreseen by Regulation (EC) 862/2007 (as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/851) and the Technical Guidelines for the data collection of Dublin statistics (Annex)
  • Incomplete - The statistics are incomplete: the dataset is available but some of the requested breakdowns are not available, as foreseen by Regulation (EC) 862/2007 (as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/851) and the Technical Guidelines for the data collection of Dublin statistics (Annex)
  • Not available - The statistics are not available: the dataset is not available, that is all the requested breakdowns are missing, as foreseen by Regulation (EC) 862/2007 (as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/851) and the Technical Guidelines for the data collection of Dublin statistics (Annex)
  • Not applicable - The statistics are Not applicable: the concept/process is not used or it does not exist in the country

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall


13.1.1. Assessment of the accuracy of the national Dublin statistics by dataset

Accuracy is the closeness of the data to the exact or true values that the statistics were intended to measure. Reliability is the closeness of the initial provided value to the subsequent (revised) value.


Assessment of the accuracy of the national Dublin statistics, at dataset level



Summary of main sources of error in case of Good/Low/Very low Accuracy

Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Pending 'Dublin' incoming requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant



Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' requests for information by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests for information by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming responses to 'Dublin' requests for information by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of response, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing responses to 'Dublin' requests for information by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of response, sex and type of applicant



Unilateral 'Dublin' decisions by partner country, type of decision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on outgoing 'Dublin' requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on Incoming 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by submitting country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on outgoing 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by receiving country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of transfer, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' transfers by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of transfer, sex and type of applicant



Pending incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant



Pending outgoing 'Dublin' transfers by receiving country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant




  • High = 100 % accuracy. The reported statistics measure accurately the target population, as foreseen by Regulation (EC) 862/2007 (as amended by Regulation (EU) 2020/851) and as defined in the Technical Guidelines for Dublin statistics (Annex)
  • Good = 95 - 99 % accuracy. The reported statistics do not cover accurately the target population and a small part of the targeted population is missing, or a small part of non-targeted (erroneous) population is included in the reported statistics; the bias/error in the reported statistics is expected to be small
  • Low 80 - 94 % accuracy. The reported statistics do not cover accurately the target population and a large part of the targeted population is missing, or a large part of non-targeted (erroneous) population is included in the reported statistics; the bias/error in the reported statistics is expected to be large
  • Very low = less than 80 % accuracy. The reported statistics do not cover accurately the target population and a very large part of the targeted population is missing, or a very large part of non-targeted (erroneous) population is included in the reported statistics; the bias/error in the reported statistics is expected to be very large
13.2. Sampling error

Not applicable.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable.

13.3. Non-sampling error

See below.

13.3.1. Coverage error

See below. Over-coverage - rate

See the file ‘Proportion of units (persons) reported in the statistics that do not belong to the target populationʼ in annex.

Proportion of units (persons) reported in the statistics that do not belong to the target population Common units - proportion

Not applicable. Assessment of potential coverage errors


Coverage errors - Discrepancies from Eurostat target population

Summary of main sources of errors in case of errors and/or discrepancies from Eurostat practice

Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Pending 'Dublin' incoming requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant



Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' requests for information by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' requests for information by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming responses to 'Dublin' requests for information by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of response, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing responses to 'Dublin' requests for information by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of response, sex and type of applicant



Unilateral 'Dublin' decisions by partner country, type of decision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on outgoing 'Dublin' requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on Incoming 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by submitting country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Decisions on outgoing 'Dublin' requests based on EURODAC by receiving country (PARTNER), type of decision, type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant



Incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of transfer, sex and type of applicant



Outgoing 'Dublin' transfers by receiving country (PARTNER), legal provision, duration of transfer, sex and type of applicant



Pending incoming 'Dublin' transfers by submitting country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant



Pending outgoing 'Dublin' transfers by receiving country (PARTNER), sex and type of applicant

 No Average lag of registering (to the national database/register) the following administrative events
Event Lag in number of days Details
An incoming Dublin request from a partner country  5  
An incoming decision from a partner country accepting the request to take back/charge a person  3  
A decision made by the national authority to accept or to reject a request from a partner country to take charge/back a person  1  
13.3.2. Measurement error

See concept 13.3.4 Processing Error.

13.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable. Item non-response - rate

Not applicable.

13.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

See below concepts 14.1.1 and 14.1.2.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

- Number of days (on average) after the end of the reference period at which the country is able to report the first/preliminary data, at the earliest : 20 days

- Reasons for possible long production of the first/preliminary data and plans to improve the situation :  While the above is technically possible, it does not account for possible workload.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

- Number of days (on average) after the end of the reference period at which the country is able to report the final data, at the earliest : 30 days

- Reasons for possible long production of the final data and plans to improve the situation :  Data is continuously updated, there is no “final date” per se. The later date the better to see stable numbers.

14.2. Punctuality


14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

Not applicable.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

See below.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

15.1.2. Assessment of possible sources of lack of comparability between countries

Assessment of possible sources of lack of comparability between countries, due to discrepancies from Eurostat concepts, definitions or due to differences in methods.


# Topic Response  Explanatory details and assessment of the magnitude of error (where applicable)
1 Does the country report all persons individually (e.g. in case of families all persons must be reported individually)?  Yes  
2 Does the country report each request/decision/transfer concerning the same person during the same year (even if multiple requests/decisions/transfers are made for the same person during the year)?  Yes  
3 For the data on “Requests based on Eurodac hit” and “Decisions based on Eurodac hit”, does the country report also children below 14 years old who are not fingerprinted?  Yes  
4 In case a request for a person involves more than one partner countries, does the country report all requests it sent/received to/from all the partner countries involved?  Yes  
5 Where the request is accepted based on a different legal basis from the one on which the request was sent, does the country report the data based on the article (legal basis) on which the request is accepted?  Yes  
6 Does the country report only successful incoming transfers (i.e. only those where the country has effectively received the person on its territory)?  Yes  
7 Does the country report only successful outgoing transfers (i.e. those for which the country has undertaken all appropriate measures in order to send a transferee to another Member State)?  Yes  
8 Does the country report transfers for cases where the applicant otherwise travelled back to the Member State responsible on its own within the transfer time limits (without the country organizing the actual transfer)?  Yes  
9 Does the country report requests sent/received by mistake (i.e. when the actual partner country should have been different than the one intended)?  No  
10 Does the country report a person as adult or minor according to the age of the person at the date of the respective administrative event (e.g. the person was minor at the date of the request, but at the date of transfer the person was not a minor anymore)?  No  
11 Does the country carry out the Dublin/Eurodac check before the formal registration of the asylum application?  No  
12 For the data of “Article 3.2 first paragraph – Responsible by default: no prior criteria applicable”, does the country report any applicant for which the Dublin criteria do not apply? This means any person who applied for protection in the reporting country, as a first Member State of application, and for whom no Dublin criteria applied for him/her to be taken charge of by another Member State.



13 Does the country report under the data of “Decisions on incoming requests” positive decisions accepting a request implicitly?  Yes  
14 Does the country report under the data of “Decisions on outgoing requests” positive decisions accepting a request implicitly?  Yes  
15 Does the country report under the data of “Decisions on incoming requests bases on Eurodac” positive decisions accepting a request implicitly?  Yes  
16 Does the country report under the data of “Decisions on outgoing requests bases on Eurodac” positive decisions accepting a request implicitly?  Yes  
17 For the data of Transfers, in case of different legal basis between the request and the positive decision to accept the responsibility to examine the application, does the country report the legal ground (LEG_PROV) on which the decision (acceptance of request) was based on?  Yes  
18 Does the country report under 'Incoming pending transfers' cases where the partner country did not implement the transfer within the foreseen time limits (Article 29.2)?  No  
19 Does the country report under ‘Outgoing pending transfers' cases where the country did not implement the transfer within the foreseen time limits (Article 29.2)?  No  
15.2. Comparability - over time

Dublin statistics is comparable since 2014.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Since 2014.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Not applicable.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Not applicable.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Not available.

17. Data revision Top

Not applicable.

17.1. Data revision - policy

Not applicable.

17.1.1. Description of the national revision policy for Dublin statistics

There is no such policy.

17.1.2. Number of revisions planned on average
Data revision practice National practice  Further details (if necessary)
Average number of planned revisions performed during a year (for latest reference year)  None  
Average number of unplanned revisions performed during a year (usually caused by the discovery of a mistake)  None  
Main reasons for revisions (new source data are becoming available, new methods/concepts, etc.) and extent to which the revisions improved the accuracy of the data  None  
Where the request is accepted based on a different legal basis from the one on which the request was sent, Member States have to report their data based on the article (legal basis) on which the request is accepted.

As far it is possible, this applies also to the data on outgoing and incoming requests. In case the requests are submitted/received in a different reference year than the decision was taken, data on requests shall be revised accordingly by both countries.

Does the country revise its data according to the above guidance?

17.1.3. Description of the main reasons for revisions

Not applicable.

17.2. Data revision - practice

See below.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

The size of revision gives an idea of the stability of the data while direction is important to understand whether preliminary data tend to overestimate or underestimate the real target population.

Not applicable.

18. Statistical processing Top

In the Republic of Latvia, the authority responsible for examining Dublin requests and collecting Dublin statistics is the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs. There is just only one officer in the Office who is responsible for examining incoming/outgoing Dublin requests and at the same time collecting asylum and Dublin statistics.

18.1. Source data

National register.

18.2. Frequency of data collection


18.3. Data collection

Standard Eurostat templates are used for data collection.

18.4. Data validation
18.4.1. Validation procedures
Validation activity Performed Periodicity Details (methods and tools)
Check that the population coverage is accurate, as required according to the definitions of the Technical guidelines (Annex)  Yes Monthly  Manually
Compare the data with data of previous periods  No    
Check for outliers  No    
Investigate inconsistencies in the statistics (checking the consistency of "Total" values over each variable)  No    
Verify the statistics against expectations and domain intelligence  No    
Confront the data against other relevant data (e.g. Asylum statistics, of the mirror data from the partner countries)  No    
Check retrospectively (a sample of) the data in the register/database in order to confirm they are accurate  Yes  Monthly  Manually
18.5. Data compilation

In the Republic of Latvia responsible authority for proceeding of Dublin issues Dublin statistics are manually recorded/stored to an Excel file and then collected/processed from the file. Dublin statistics are sent to Eurostat once a year and afterwards published in Eurostat database by Eurostat.

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

19. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Eurostat Guidelines on Dublin statistics - v. 3.1 - 2021