Waste generation and treatment (env_wasgt)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Cross-sectional Statistics Department

1.5. Contact mail address

Lamačská cesta 3/C, 840 05 Bratislava 45, Slovakia

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Data on generation and treatment of waste and information on waste treatment facilities according to the Regulation on waste statistics (EC) No. 2150/2002, amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 849/2010. Submitted datasets provide information on generation and treatment of waste and on waste treatment facilities in Slovakia, specifically:

  • GEN_table 1: data on waste generation by waste category (EWC-STAT) and economic activity (NACE) + households,
  • TRT_table 1: data on waste treatment by waste category (EWC-STAT) and treatment category (energy recovery, incineration, recycling, backfilling, landfill, other disposal),
  • FAC_table 1: data on number and capacity of recovery and incineration facilities by type of facilities and by NUTS 2 regions,
  • FAC_table 2: information on landfills by NUTS 2 regions.
2.2. Classification system

The following classifications are used for compiling datasets on waste:

  • European Waste Classification for statistical purposes (EWC-Stat), the classification is linked to the European List of Wastes, on which is based the Slovak Waste Catalogue (established by Decree of the Ministry of the Environment No. 365/2015 Coll., establishing the Waste Catalogue),
  • NACE rev. 2 classification (18 aggregated NACE categories) + households (HH),
  • Waste treatment categories based on waste treatment operations (R, D codes) which are defined in the Waste Framework Directive 2008/98/EC (Annex I, Annex II),
  • NUTS classification - information on waste treatment facilities is provided at regional level NUTS 2.

All applied classifications are compatible with requirements under the Regulation on waste statistics.

2.3. Coverage - sector

The dataset on waste generation includes waste generated by all economic activities and also by households activities.

The dataset on waste treatment includes only the final treatment operations, pre-treatment activities (like sorting, drying) are excluded. 

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Concepts and definitions regarding waste statistics are specified in the Regulation on waste statistics (EC) No. 2150/2002, amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 849/2010. Waste statistics is regulated at national level by the Act on Waste No 79/2015.

2.5. Statistical unit

Responding units are:

  • companies with production over 50 kg of HAZ waste or over 1 ton of NON-HAZ waste per year - for waste produced by economic activities,
  • all municipalities in Slovakia - for municipal waste.
2.6. Statistical population

Dataset on waste generation includes waste generated in Slovakia by companies (statistics covers companies that produce over 50 kg of HAZ waste or over 1 ton of NON-HAZ waste per year) and municipal waste generated by households.

Dataset on waste treatment includes waste treated by final treatment operations (recovery, disposal operations) on the territory of Slovakia.

2.7. Reference area

Datasets on waste generation and waste treatment: data are compiled at national level - Slovakia.

Datasets on waste treatment facilities: data are compiled at regional NUTS2 level (Bratislavský kraj, Západné Slovensko, Stredné Slovensko, Východné Slovensko).

2.8. Coverage - Time

Data are available biennially for time series 2004 - 2020 (for even years).

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

The following source data were used for compiling datasets on waste generation and waste treatment (both datasets GEN, TRT are based on the same data sources):

  • source data from the statistical survey on municipal waste from municipalities conducted by the Statistical Office of the SR - data on municipal waste from municipalities,
  • source data from the Waste Information System - database (the database contains data recorded from reports on waste submitted by companies according to Act on Waste) - data on waste generated by economic activities and data on municipal waste from other sources.

Database on waste treatment facilities managed by the Ministry of Environment of the SR was used as the data source for dataset on facilities (FAC). The database contains data from Registration lists of waste treatment facilities.

Review of used data sources:

Data source

Responsible organization

Internal/External source

Statistical survey on municipal waste from municipalities

Statistical Office of the SR

Internal/Statistical survey

Reports on waste submitted by companies

Ministry of Environment of the SR

External/Administrative data (included in the Programme of State Statistical Surveys, Annex 3 - administrative sources for the purpose of state statistics)

Registration lists of waste treatment facilities

Ministry of Environment of the SR

External/Administrative data 

3.2. Frequency of data collection

Source data described in sub-concept 3.1 are obtained on annual basis.

3.3. Data collection

Statistical survey on municipal waste from municipalities:

  • annual, exhaustive statistical survey,
  • responding units are all municipalities of the SR,
  • survey is carried out by the Statistical Office of the SR.

Data and information obtained in the statistical survey on municipal waste  from municipalities (statistical questionnaire ZP 6-01: www.statistics.sk – Metadata > Pattern of statistical questionnaires).

    • waste codes (chapter 20) - detailed 6-digit codes specified in the Slovak Catalogue of Wastes (in compliance with European List of Waste),
    • waste name - identification of waste,
    • recovery and disposal operations codes - codes for waste recovery (R), waste disposal (D) and waste temporary storage in place of origin (Z),
    • Y codes - hazardous waste codes,
    • quantity of municipal waste in tonnes.

Description of statistical survey on municipal waste from municipalities

  1. Description of responding units applied: all municipalities of the SR.
  2. Description of the reporting system: annual survey on municipalities.
  3. Waste types covered: all waste codes under chapter 20.
  4. a) Total no. of municipalities (population size): 2887, b) No. of municipalities selected for survey: all municipalities, c) No. of responses used for the calculation of the totals: all municipalities, d) Factor for weighting: not applicable.
  5. Method applied for the differentiation between the sources household and commercial activities: only data on whole municipal waste are available.
  6. Population served by a collection scheme for mixed household and similar waste, in %: almost the whole territory of Slovakia is covered by MW collection services.

Reports on waste submitted by companies:

  • obligation of companies to submit reports on waste to respective District Environmental Offices is regulated by the Act on Waste No. 79/2015,
  • threshold for obligatory reporting is production over 50 kg of HAZ waste or over 1 ton of NON-HAZ waste per year, 
  • content of reports including methodological notes is specified in Annex II of the Regulation of the Ministry of Environment of the SR No. 366/2015 on obligation to keep records and on reporting obligation (hereinafter only regulation No. 366/2015),

Data from reports are recorded into the Waste Information System - database, which is managed by the Ministry of Environment of the SR.

Data and information obtained in the reports on waste:

    • waste codes (chapters 01-20) - detailed 6-digit codes specified in the Slovak Catalogue of Wastes (in compliance with European List of Waste),
    • waste name - identification of waste,
    • waste categories - waste category according to the Slovak Catalogue of Wastes (N - hazardous, O - non-hazardous waste),
    • Y Codes - hazardous waste codes specified in Annex II of the regulation No. 366/2015,
    • quantity of waste in tonnes, 
    • recovery and disposal operations codes - codes for waste recovery (R), waste disposal (D) and waste temporary storage in place of origin (Z) specified in Annex II of the regulation No. 366/2015,
    • identification of organizations responsible for waste treatment - identification number and name of the recipient of waste.

Registration lists of waste treatment facilities:

  • obligation of waste treatment facilities to keep registration lists and submit them to respective District Environmental Offices is regulated by the Act on Waste No. 79/2015,
  • reporting is obligatory for all authorized waste treatment facilities,
  • content of registration list for landfills is specified in Annex VII and content of registration list for waste recovery/disposal facilities in Annex VI of the regulation No. 366/2015,
  • the registration list contains data on quantities of treated waste (disposed, recovered) and also information on capacity of facilities,
  • data from registration lists are recorded into the waste treatment facilities database, which is managed by the Ministry of Environment of the SR.
3.4. Data validation

Validation process for data collected from reports on waste submitted by companies:

  • Submitted reports are checked for possible errors and inconsistencies - competent persons from the District Environmental Offices check data provided in report and identify the errors. Identified errors/inconsistencies are consulted with concerned responding unit and corrected if necessary.
  • Data are recorded in the Waste Information System - database and subsequently experts from the Ministry of Environment of the SR check the database for possible errors.
  • Data from the database are provided to the Statistical Office of the SR as administrative data. Statistical Office performs additional validation of data (data are compared with previous years at aggregated level for NACE categories, for waste treatment operations).

Validation process for data collected in the statistical survey on municipal waste from municipalities:

  • Electronic data collection is used for obtaining the data. Data recorded by municipalities in electronic statistical forms are automatically checked (programmed check links/algorithms) and possible errors are identified – blocking errors (submission of electronic form is blocked), significant errors and informative errors.
  • In cases when municipalities submit completed electronic forms without correcting significant errors, the Statistical Office contacts them and requests correction of data identified as errors or explanation of the outlying values.
  • Also further additional checks are performed on collected data – comparison with data from previous reference years at aggregated level for regions, for waste types, for waste treatment operations and comparison with other related information.
3.5. Data compilation

The source data described in sub-concept 3.1. were used for compilation of datasets for waste generation and waste treatment. Individual data at the level of companies, municipalities broken down by waste types (6-digit codes) and by waste treatment operations (R, D codes) are available.

Table "Waste generation" was compiled as follows:

  • rows: individual data at the level of 6-digit waste codes were allocated to EWC-Stat categories (broken down by hazardous, non-hazardous) by applying the Table of equivalence included in Annex III of the Regulation on waste statistics,
  • columns: data were allocated into NACE categories on the basis of main economic activity of companies; the company identification number is used for assignment of main economic activity (5-digit NACE code) from the Register of Organizations of the Statistical Office of SR,
  • column for households (HH) - reported are data on all municipal waste from municipalities (household waste + commercial waste), share of household waste is not possible to determine.

Table "Waste treatment" was compiled as follows:

  • rows: individual data at the level of 6-digit waste codes were allocated to EWC-Stat categories (broken down by hazardous, non-hazardous) by applying the Table of equivalence included in Annex III of the Regulation on waste statistics,
  • columns: individual data at the level of R, D codes were allocated to waste treatment categories as follows: RCV_E - R1; DSP_I - D10; RCV_R - R2-R11; RCV_B - national code for backfilling TU; DSP_L - D1, D5, D12; DSP_OTH - D2-D4, D6, D7,
  • pre-treatment operations - codes D8, D9, D13, D14, D15, R12, R13 and specific national codes DO - Delivering to households for final treatment, Z - Waste temporary storage in place of origin are excluded from reporting.

Note: Specific national waste code 200308 "Small scale construction and demolition municipal waste" is excluded from reporting.

Tables "Recovery and disposal facilities by NUTS 2" (table 1, table 2): Data on recovery and disposal facilities were compiled by experts from the Ministry of Environment of the SR by using information from the national database on waste treatment facilities.

3.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

Statistical Office of the SR has implemented the Quality Management System (QMS) which is based on the International Standardization Organization standard - ISO 9001. The QMS has been certified by the certification body every three years, starting with 2006. Respecting the process approach principle and Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) model, the system covers issues related to management, resources, operation and measurement, analysis and improvement. The system has been enhanced by the inclusion of requirements of the European Statistics Code of Practice and of selected elements of other advanced quality management systems. The QMS is described in the Quality manual (only available in Slovak). The application of the quality manual in practice ensures that all activities that have an impact on the quality of statistical products are planned, managed, examined and assessed.

Also, the following documents are part of the QMS: Quality Policy of the Statistical Office of the Slovak RepublicQuality Declaration of the Statistical Office of the Slovak RepublicQuality Objectives of the Statistical Office of the Slovak Republic.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

The good quality of waste statistics for Slovakia is ensured by use of reliable source data, applying sound methodology for data compiling in compliance with the Regulation on waste statistics and checking and validating compiled data at the national level and also by Eurostat. 

Data accuracy and reliability are described in more detail in the concept 6 of the quality report.

National waste statistics (definitions, concepts, classifications) is harmonised with the EU waste statistics.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

The main user of waste statistics for Slovakia is Eurostat. Requirements on waste statistics are specified in the Regulation 2150/2002 on waste statistics.

Another important users of this statistical product are:

  • at international level - OECD, EEA,
  • at national level - Ministry of Environment of the SR and its organizations (Slovak Environmental Agency, Slovak Environmental Inspection etc.).

Needs and requirements of the users of waste statistics have been met.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

The customer's satisfaction survey specifically regarding waste statistics is not carried out at national level. In general, feedback of users of waste statistics is positive.

5.3. Completeness

The submitted datasets for waste statistics for Slovakia are complete and meet the requirements under the Regulation on waste statistics.

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

All mandatory data are reported.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

Overall, the accuracy of data on waste statistics for Slovakia is considered to be good. Source data come from reliable national sources (official statistics produced by institutions within the national statistical system - Statistical Office of the SR and Ministry of Environment of the SR).

Data sources are described in detail in sub-concept 3.1 and validation of source data in sub-concept 3.4 of the quality report.

Compiled datasets were checked and verified before submission to Eurostat.

6.2. Sampling error

Not applicable, data are not based on a sample surveys.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable.

6.3. Non-sampling error

Non-sampling errors are described in detail in sub-concept 6.3.1 - 6.3.5.

6.3.1. Coverage error

No divergence between responding units and the target population. Over-coverage - rate

All covered responding units belong to the target population. Common units - proportion

Not applicable.

6.3.2. Measurement error

Data on waste are provided by responding units in tonnes. Possible inconsistencies identified in data submitted by responding units are usually corrected within the process of data validation.

Waste treatment facilities report capacity data either in tonnes or in litres. Data that are reported in litres are subsequently converted into tonnes.

6.3.3. Non response error

Non response errors are insignificant according our assessment. Unit non-response - rate

The unit response rate in statistical surveys on waste is very highsince the obligation of responding units to provide data is regulated by national legislation:

  • statistical survey on municipal waste - obligation of municipalities to submit completed statistical form is regulated by the Act No. 540/2001 on State Statistics; unit non-response rate - 0% (all responding units reported data for reference year 2020)
  • reports on waste from economic activities submitted by companies - obligation of companies to submit reports on waste is regulated by the Act on Waste; unit non-response rate - not calculated. Item non-response - rate

Not calculated.

The completeness of data on all items is ensured - in case that responding units submit incomplete reports, they are requested to provide missing data additionally.

6.3.4. Processing error

Processing of the data is performed by experts from the Statistical Office the SR for MW data and by experts from the Ministry of Environment of the SR for data on waste from economic activities. Processed data are checked for possible errors. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

6.5. Data revision - policy

There is no need for national revision policy for waste statistics, since the data provided to Eurostat and disseminated at national level are final verified data (not preliminary data). 

6.6. Data revision - practice

Final verified data are submitted to Eurostat. Preliminary data are not reported. Therefore no regular/planned revisions are performed on data on waste.

The high accuracy of the final data is assured, so data revisions are not frequent in practice. In case that some revisions are necessary (e.g. error is detected within validation process), the revised dataset is provided to Eurostat.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Not measured.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

See sub-concepts below.

7.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not applicable. The data are provided to Eurostat only as a final results.

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

Time lag between the end of reference period and the availability of the source data on waste statistics is circa 12 months.

Final results - datasets submitted to Eurostat are available 18 months after the end of the reference year.

7.2. Punctuality

The transmission deadline specified in the Regulation on waste statistics was met.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The datasets on waste generation and waste treatment for reference year 2020 were submitted to Eurostat on 29.6.2022 and the dataset on waste treatment facilities for reference year 2020 was submitted to Eurostat on 30.6.2022.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

Datasets for Slovakia are compiled in compliance with the Regulation on waste statistics, applying common definitions and classifications, thus comparability with other EU countries is ensured. Since 2001, the Slovak Catalogue of Waste is harmonized with the European List of Waste and national classification of waste treatment operations is harmonized with the European list of disposal and recovery operations (R and D codes).

Note: The current system of statistical reporting based mainly on data from waste generators does not allow to find sufficiently high-quality data on actual waste treatment. Therefore currently, WEEE waste is reported under W08A ‘Discarded equipment’ within the waste treatment data.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

8.2. Comparability - over time

Data for available time series 2004 - 2020 are comparable, since there were no significant changes in methodology of collection and processing data on waste at national level during this period.

However there is one change (enhancement) in datasets on waste generation and waste treatment for reference year 2020 in comparison with previous reference years - inclusion of data on municipal waste from other sources (source of these data is the Waste Information System - database).

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

2004 - 2020 (data are available biennially).

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

The use of statistical units and the classification of economic activities NACE makes the waste domain coherent with economic statistics.

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable. Sub-annual waste statistic is not available.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable.

8.6. Coherence - internal

The data are internally coherent (totals are equal to the sum of the breakdowns). 

The information on generation of waste can not be directly linked to the information on the treatment of waste for several reasons. Main reason is that the dataset on waste generation includes all produced waste, whereas the dataset on waste treatment only includes waste treated by final operations (waste recovered, disposed) on the territory of the country.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

No news release at national level.

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Statistical Office of the SR publishes regularly (annually in December) the thematic publication on waste statistics with the title "Waste in the Slovak Republic" which is available for public on the website of the Statistical Office of the SR (access: www.statistics.sk – Statistics > Environment > Environment > Publications). The publication is issued in accordance with the Catalogue of Publications of the Statistical Office of the SR.

Waste statistics is included as a part of comprehensive publications of the Statistical Office of the SR - "Selected indicators on Environment", "Statistical Yearbook of the Slovak Republic". Information on waste is also published in the "Report on State of the Environment of the Slovak Republic" issued by Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic.

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Data on municipal waste are available in DATAcube. database on the website of the Statistical Office of the SR in the following tables:

  • Quantity of municipal waste according to the waste subgroup (in Tonnes) [zp3001rr],
  • Municipal waste from municipalities according to the waste treatment categories (in Tonnes) [zp1005rs],
  • Relative indicators from the area of treatment with municipal waste [zp3002rr],
  • Quantity of municipal waste according to the waste code (in Tonnes) [zp3801rr],
  • Municipal waste from municipalities according to the waste treatment categories per district (in Tonnes) [zp3802rr

Access: http://datacube.statistics.sk/#!/lang/en > 5. Environment > 5.1 Environment.


Information on waste are also available for public on the Information portal of the Ministry of the Environment of the SR - Enviroportal  - folder Indicator > Indicator sets > Key Indicators > Waste.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not available.

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Microdata are not disseminated.

9.5. Dissemination format - other

No other dissemination.

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Definitions regarding waste statistics are included in the Concepts dictionary which is available on website of the Statistical Office of the SR.

Respective methodological notes are included in all publications and public databases.

9.7. Quality management - documentation

Metadata/Quality report for users of municipal waste statistics is published on the website of the Statistical Office of the SR - access: www.statistics.sk > Metadata > Quality Reports > Municipal waste.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not applicable.

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

Not applicable.

10. Cost and Burden Top

Statistical survey on municipal waste from municipalities: the survey is optimized; its costs and burden on respondents are reasonable; respondents/municipalities keep records from which they can fill in data into statistical forms rather easily; the statistical survey is conducted in electronic form.

Reports on waste submitted by companies according to Act on Waste: the data collection poses a relatively heavy reporting burden on companies that have to fulfill also many other reporting obligations in the area of environment (air pollution, water consumption etc.); it is conducted in paper form - data from paper reports submitted by companies is necessary to record into the electronic database, which is time-consuming.

Burden on respondents:

Survey /Source

Type and total number of respondents

Actual no. of respondents

Time required for response

Measures taken to minimise the burden

Statistical survey on  municipal waste

all municipalities

all municipalities

not available

survey is optimized

 Reports on waste

all waste producers that produce over 50 kg of haz. waste or over 1 ton of non-haz. waste per year

cca 11.3 thousands

not available


11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

In general, the dissemination of statistical information in Slovakia is defined in part five of the Act No 540/2001 on state statistics. According to the Act, all national authorities or bodies executing state statistics shall adhere the obligation to ensure protection of confidential statistical data as specified in §29 and §30 of the Act. Rules for ensuring statistical confidentiality are defined in the document "Principles of applying protection of confidential statistical data" available on the website of the Statistical Office of the SR (only available in Slovak). The document is based on the Directive of the Statistical Office of the SR on protection of confidential data.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Datasets on waste statistics for Slovakia submitted to Eurostat don't contain confidential statistical data (no data are flagged as "confidential"). Data on waste are compiled at the aggregated level. 

12. Comment Top

No comments.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top