Waste generation and treatment (env_wasgt)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Norway

Eurostat metadata
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2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
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8. Coherence and comparability
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11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
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1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Norway

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Division for energy, environmental and transport statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Postboks 1400 Rasta

2225 Kongsvinger, Norway

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Description of data sets delivered:

The datasets reported are mainly based on the Waste Accounts for Norway.


Waste streams are quantified according to three different characteristics: material type, source of origin and treatment.

We have for this data-delivery tried to follow the description and deliver data on waste treated in Norway. As we primarilay compile data on the treatment of Norwagian waste (included waste treated abroad), we have tried to use import/export data to get the best numbers for this reporting. Data reported on treatment in previous years have been on treatment of Norwagian waste (in Norway and abroad). 

Some waste of unknown origin is divided on the other sectors and waste to unknown treatment is not included in the treatment table. Waste to known treatment, but treatment that do not fit into the described categories or we do not know exactly which treatment it received is placed in the category ""Disposal-other"

Information on number and capacity of recovery and disposal operations is received from The Norwegian Environment Agency

Derogations that apply to the data set(s):

The Waste Accounts do not cover the following:

  • Clean masses of stones, gravels, soil and other materials, which readily may be brought back into the natural cycle of the ecosystems.
  • Used products covered by recycling systems, for instance the bottle deposit scheme.
  • Infectious, explosive and radioactive wastes.
2.2. Classification system

Norway compile data using the Norwagian waste standard. Data are then translated into EWC-codes to be able to report on the WStat-R. 

2.3. Coverage - sector

All NACE sectors should be included, however data for sector L might be somewhat lacling or included in waste from the other service sectors. 

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Waste data is compiled on amount and type as well as on treatement. Some waste of unknown origin is divided on the other sectors and waste to unknown treatment is not included in the treatment table. Waste to known treatment, but treatment that do not fit into the described categories or we do not know exactly which treatment it received is placed in the category ""Disposal-other"

2.5. Statistical unit

Data is compiled in many different ways. When compiling data for waste from the service sector, the unit is the enterprise. When compiling data on household waste, the statistical unit is the household. 



Sampling and data collection

Household waste

Household waste is based on a full scale survey in KOSTRA, covering all municipal- and inter-municipal waste companies.

Waste from manufacturing industries

The manufacturing waste survey is a questionnaire survey based on a stratified sample of around 1600 Norwegian manufacturing industry establishments. In 1993, mining, quarrying and construction businesses were included in the survey. In 2003, quarrying and mining was included. Last full scale survay was for 20015. From 2012 it is calculated a change in the numbers reported by the industry itself to the Norwegian Environment agency between 2015 and the year to be estimated. This calculated change is used on the numbers from the last Statistic Norway  survey.

Hazardous waste

The statistics on hazardous waste going to approved treatment, is based on three different registers: The declaration database "avfallsdeklarering.no, owned by the Norwegian Environment Agency; administered by AS; Forurensning (database containing self-reporting data from the manufacturing industries to Norwegian Environment Agency); and the import/export database, both administered by Norwegian Environment Agency. In addition, a full scale survey is carried out in cooperation with Norwegian Environment Agency in order to better cover hazardous waste not registered in the three registers, but still treated in Norway, and to allocate hazardous waste to treatment method.

Construction and demolition waste

Statistics on construction and demolition waste is based upon Built area statistics, Building and construction statistics, the GAB register (covering all existing, newly built or demolished buildings since 1983), empirical factors on generated waste per square metre built, recovered and demolished area, and the Waste treatment and disposal survey.

Waste from service industries

Based on customer registers from a sample of waste collectors.

2.6. Statistical population

Data sources in the Waste account include both data based on reported information from businesses, enterprises or households, and data from registers. In addition, standard factors from selected studies have also been employed. See also 2.5.

2.7. Reference area

We have for this data-delivery tried to follow the description and deliver data on waste treated in Norway. As we primarilay compile data on the treatment of Norwagian waste (included waste treated abroad), we have tried to use import/export data to get the best numbers for this reporting. Data reported on treatment in previous years have been on treatment of Norwagian waste (in Norway and abroad). 

2.8. Coverage - Time


2.9. Base period

For some of the data, we have used a base year , when we have a large survey (for instance for the waste from the manufactureing industry in 2015), and based on this data we make new numbers. However, this year is not common for all calculations. 

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

Relationship of the parties/sources to the areas of the Regulation on Waste Statistics:

The Waste Accounts makes use of an array of different statistics/data sources for calculating the waste generated, waste for recovery and disposal. The most important are listed below.

All available waste statistics and other statistics, coefficients, etc. that may derive to waste statistics are collected and compiled.

Table 1:      Institutions involved and distribution of tasks

Name of institution

Description of key responsibilities

Statistics Norway

Responsible for official waste statistics in Norway

Norwegian Environment Agency

Collects data from waste treatment plants and manufacturing industries. Is the owner of the register “Forurensning”.


Main data sources in the Waste Accounts:

Brief presentation of statistics and other sources involved:


Household waste statistics (Statistics Norway)


The objective of statistics on household waste is to give an overview and knowledge about amounts of household waste, waste streams and the systems for household waste management in the municipalities and Norway in general.

The statistics are compiled from a complete survey on waste collection. Annual reporting from the municipalities and inter-municipal operations to the Norwegian state (KOSTRA).

Central users of household waste statistics, apart from Statistics Norway, are Norwegian Environment Agency, Ministry of Climate and Environment, county departments of environmental affairs, media, "waste-businesses" and organisations.

Legal basis:

Pollution Control Act §49 and Statistics Act Section 2-2.


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly


Waste statistics for the manufacturing industries (Statistics Norway)


The objective of statistics on waste in manufacturing industries is to give an overview and knowledge about amounts of waste, waste streams and the systems for waste management.

Central users of waste statistics, apart from Statistics Norway, are Norwegian Environment Agency, Ministry of Climate and Environment, county departments of environmental affairs, media, "waste-businesses", the manufacturing industries and organisations.

The statistics are compiled on sample surveys conducted in 1993, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2008 and 2015. For 2003 were mining and quarrying included as well. From 2004 to 2009 annual sample survey with a very limited number of questions were conducted. For the year 2016 numbers from the database Forurensning was used to calculate the change from 2015.

Legal basis:

Statistics Act Section 2-2.


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly. 


Hazardous waste statistics (Statistics Norway)


Statistics on hazardous waste sent for external treatment or export has been prepared by Norsas (Norwegian Resource Centre for Waste Management and Recycling) since 1989 on behalf of the Climate and Pollution Agency (Klif, former SFT). In 1994, Norsas calculated the total amount of hazardous waste in Norway and concluded that 30 000 tonnes were handled in unknown ways. This estimate was used until 2002, when Statistics Norway published its hazardous waste statistics for the first time for the reference year 1999. In 2004, Statistics Norway carried out a new survey on the treatment of hazardous waste. Treatment companies constituted the sample group, and the reference year was 2003. From 2015 the reporting of hazardous waste sent for external treatment is being reported electroncally to the Norwagian Environment agency and Statistics Norway will continue to make the statistics as before based on the electronic declarations.

The main purpose of the hazardous waste statistics is to:

• Provide a comprehensive and simplistic overview of the amounts of hazardous waste in Norway divided by industry, type of treatment and material.

• Provide updated figures on hazardous waste for which the method of handling is unknown.

The Norwegian Environment Agency annually carries out a complete survey on the treatment of hazardous waste by treatment companies. Statistics Norway compile the data and published statistics based on this and other sources.

The figures are used by the Norwegian Environment Agency in compilations of key figures for the reports to the Norwegian Parliament on the state of the environment. The figures constitute the main source for Norway's reporting of hazardous waste statistics to Eurostat and the OECD. In addition, the statistics on hazardous waste constitute an integrated part of the waste account for Norway.

Legal basis:

Statistics Act Section 2-2


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly

Construction waste statistics (Statistics Norway)


The statistics is based on waste generation coefficients. These coefficients express an anticipated amount of waste per square metre. Each coefficient represent different types of activities (construction, rehabilitation and demolition), and within each activity the coefficients are divided into different types of building (residential houses, larger buildings and other buildings) and different components (concrete, wood, glass etc.).

Legal basis:

Statistics Act Section 2-2


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly


Waste from Service Industries (Statistics Norway)


The statistics for 2008 and later years cover establishments classified as Service Industry, section G-S, according to Standard Industrial Classification (SIC2007).

The following are excluded from the statistics, because they handle waste from other establishments: 46.77- Wholesale of waste and scrap, 49- Land transport; transport via pipelines, 68- Real estate activities, 81.109- Other combined facilities support activities.

Legal basis

Statistics Act Section 2-2


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly

3. Other sources


Construction statistics (Statistics Norway)


The statistics describes growth and level of turnover of building and construction. The statistics were first produced in 1995. Users include public and private sector agencies, organizations and individuals. Other users include the National accounts statistics and the Research department of Statistics Norway.

Legal basis:

The Statistics Act Sections 3-2 (Administrative registers).


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly


Building statistics (Statistics Norway)



The statistics measure the developments in building activities for all types of buildings. Statistics Norway has published the building statistics since 1967. Users of building statistics include the building and construction industry, the Ministry of Finance, Norges Bank, Statistics Norway's national accounts section, municipalities, various domestic and foreign organizations and institutions and the United Nations.

Legal basis:

The Statistics Act, paragraphs 2-1 and 3-2


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly


Statistics on scrapped cars for deposit (Statistics Norway)


The purpose is to provide information about the number of cars that have been scrapped through the refund programme introduced on 1st May 1978. The statistics were established in 1985.

The Register of Vehicles at the Directorate of Public Roads and vehicle refund data from the Directorate of Customs and Excise. The Register of Vehicles contains technical and other information about vehicle stocks in Norway. The vehicle refund data contain information on the number of scrapped vehicles as well as the scrapping date. Via the number plates of the scrapped vehicles it is possible to obtain valuable information on the specific vehicles removed from traffic.

Environmental authorities and organisations, professional organisations and others interested in information about the number of vehicles scrapped in Norway use the statistics.

Legal basis:

Statistics Act Section 3-2 (Administrative registers).


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly

Municipal wastewater statistics (Statistics Norway)


The purpose of the statistics is to give an overview of the status and development in the municipal wastewater sector. It provides information about number of wastewater plants, treatment capacity, type of treatment, degree of people connected, sludge disposal, nitrogen and phosphorus discharge, economical figures in wastewater sector (investments costs and income), together with illustrating, on a municipal level, the relationship between revenues from wastewater fees, annual costs, and wastewater tariff.

Important user groups of the wastewater statistics are the different national and regional public administrations/governments, mainly the Norwegian Environment Agency, Ministry of Climate and Environment,, the different county administrations and municipalities. To various degrees, other potential user groups are the media, business and industry and NGOs.

Legal basis

: The Pollution Control Act (13th Mars, 1981), Statistics Act Section 2-2, Council Directive of 21st May 1991 concerning urban wastewater treatment (91/271/EEC).


Established statistics – not likely to be changed significantly

Estimation of waste material distribution in household waste, 2004


The target of this project was to estimate new Norwegian national composition data for generated waste and mixed waste from households, for use in amongst others Statistics Norway’s waste account and the evaluation of waste management locally and nationally. The reference year was 2004. The estimations build on 36 characterisation studies performed from 2002 to 2006, covering 25 units (municipality or waste company). The estimation also applies data on the amount of mixed waste and sorted fractions from households, reported to Statistics Norway through the Kostra reporting system. In addition, 5

Characterisation studies on sorted kitchen waste were used to determine the percentage of food waste. The sample covers units with characterization studies only, and may be skewed. 

Rapporter 42/2010. Håkon Skullerud, Barbara K. Frøyen, Olav Skogesal og Anne Vedø. Estimering av materialfordelingen til husholdningsavfall i 2004

- in Norwegian only

Study on sorting of municipal waste by Interconsult, commissioned by Norwegian Climate and Pollution Agency (KLIF) (1997)

Heie, A (1998b): Sorteringsanalyser – Kommunalt avfall 97/284, Interconsult på oppdrag fra Klif

- in Norwegian only

The Official Register on Ground Properties, Addresses and Buildings (Matrikkelen)

Matrikkelen is a national register and information system containing data on the countries ground properties, owners, addresses and buildings. Matrikkelen covers all buildings more than 15 square meters.

The Norwegian Mapping Authority provides data to Matrikkelen.


General description of Data set 1: Waste generation by waste category (EWC-STAT) and economic activity (NACE)

General description of methodology:
  See Annex 1


Determination of waste generation in the economy on the basis of information on waste collection
 The item called “Survey III” in table 2 represents a sample survey indirectly covering the service industries. Data on collected amounts of waste per customer have been extracted from the customer registers of a sample of waste collectors.
  • Waste types covered: All waste types
  • Sectors covered: Theoretically all sectors covered – in this context only applied on the service industries
  • Methods applied for differentiation by generating economic sectors (sources): Merging of dataset on customers with The Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises
  • Restrictions of the method: The possibility of multiple customer relationships – i.e an establishment may be a customer at more than one waste collector. This may lead to that not all waste of a given customer is covered by the sampling of waste collectors.


Determination of waste generation in the economy on the basis of administrative sources
 Statistics Norway is itself a major administrative source, since a large amount of information regularly is gathered from a wide range of enterprises and institutions, used in statistics and stored in databases available for use in the making of statistics. A typical example of this practise is The National Accounts.


Data sets 2 and 3: Waste treatment

Registers used for identification of waste treatment operations

Identification of register(s) used (name; responsible institution) Description of register(s) (coverage; frequency and procedure of updating, ..)
 The Central Register of Establishments and Enterprises, Statistics Norway (CRE)  
  • legal basis: the Statistics Act
  • the coverage of the register: all establishments and enterprises inNorway
  • frequency and procedure of updating the register: continuously, by registrations from establishments and enterprises, but also by a set of updating routines covering other registers containing information on the activities in the economy.
  • the selection procedure: search in the register by NACE-code – on a digit-level according to the need for information.
  The database “Forurensning” at the Norwegian Climate and Pollution agency  
  • legal basis: the Pollution Control Act
  • the coverage of the register: Coverage is good and includes all units that have a license.
  • frequency and procedure of updating the register: Annual reporting from facilities, and the database are updated with new licenses, or changes in the existing license
  • the selection procedure: search in the register by activity-code, NACE-code, IPPC-code or other entries in the database.


Data collection on treated quantities:
 Data on treated quantities and capacities are both derived from the database “Forurensning”. Data for R1, R2, D10 and Landfilling are extracted from the database by Statistics Norway and verified by the Norwegian Environment Agency. The coverage is very good.

The data for recovery operations are also extracted from the database Forurensning in combination with information from the Central Register of Establishments. The coverage of this population is more uncertain because some of the recovery plants may not be included in the register.


Determination of treated waste quantities
Description of data sources and methods by treatment category
Item 1


Responsible inst:

Norwegian Environment Agency

Legal basis for data collection:

The Pollution Control Act

Reporting forms/ questionnaires used:

The facilities reports to the Norwegian Environment Agency in an electronic questionnaire

Frequency of data collection: Annual

Classifications used:

Waste types:

NS 9431.E:2011 Classification of waste

Treatment operations:

Incineration of waste

Item 2


Responsible inst:

The Norwegian Environment Agency

Legal basis for data collection:

The Pollution Control Act

Reporting forms/ questionnaires used:

The facilities reports to the Climate and Pollution Agency in an electronic questionnaire

Frequency of data collection: Annual

Classifications used:

Waste types:

NS 9431.E:2011 Classification of waste

Treatment operations:

Incineration of waste

Item 3a
(R2 – R11)
 Annual full survey:

Questionnaire to compositing and biogas plants. Not done since 2012. Will be repeated for 2017 and forward.

Responsible inst:

Used to be Statistics Norway. From 2017 The Norwegian Environment Agency have taken over the questionaire. Statistics Norway will produce officaial statistics.

Legal basis for data collection:

The Pollution Control Act and

The Statistics Act.

Frequency of data collection: Annual

Classifications used:

Waste types:

NS 9431.E:2011 Classification of waste

Treatment operations:

Biological treatment of waste




Responsible inst:

The Norwegian Environment Agency

Legal basis for data collection:

The Pollution Control Act

Reporting forms/ questionnaires used:

The facilities reports to the Climate and Pollution Agency in an electronic questionnaire

Frequency of data collection: Annual

Classifications used:

Waste types:

NS 9431.E:2011 Classification of waste

Treatment operations:

Biological treatment of waste and treatment of WEEE


Item 3b
Item 4
(D1, D5, D12)


Responsible inst:

The Norwegian Environment Agency

Legal basis for data collection:

The Pollution Control Act

Reporting forms/ questionnaires used:

The facilities reports to the Norwegian Environment Agency in an electronic questionnaire

Frequency of data collection: Annual

Classifications used:

Waste types:

NS 9431.E:2011 Classification of waste

Treatment operations:

Landfill (including internal landfills at manufacturing industry)

Item 5
Other disposal
(D2,D3,D4, D6,D7)


Data collection on capacity of treatment facilities:
 Data for capacity is extracted from the register Forurensning:
  • legal basis: the Pollution Control Act
  • the coverage of the register: Coverage is good and includes all units that have a license.
  • frequency and procedure of updating the register: Annual reporting from facilities
  • the selection procedure: search in the register by activity-code, NACE-code, IPPC-code or other entries in the database.



3.2. Frequency of data collection

Annual data collection.

3.3. Data collection

One of the main intentions with waste accounts is to build upon already existing data sources, like register data and statistics.

However it is still beeing collected some data from the recovery industry, This is numbers for treatment of special material fractions and types (for instance plastic packaging, WEEE and more). This extra numbers is used in the calculations of treatment numbers for the different material types. We also hope in the future to be able to have separate surveys for the sectors where we now have old and somewhat lacking data, but where we now have not been able to collect data because we assume that the numbers are quite small. This is true for some of the materials from the sectors A, B, D and E.

In the data collection for the statistics on waste from the service industry, customer registers from several waste handlers are collected. These registers contain among other data treatment and waste amounts data. This treatment data is used together with other sources for the treatment to calculate treatment for all the material types.

The different waste statistics of Statistics Norway making part of the waste account use different methods of data collection.

3.4. Data validation

Revision carried out in connection with waste accounts may be divided into two steps:

  • Revision of the different basic statistics
  • Revision in connection with the compilation of the account

1. Revision of the basic statistics: The possibility for revision of basic statistics varies depending on the data collection methods in use. It also depends on which institution being responsible for the data collection. The statistics on household waste, industrial waste, waste handling and hazardous waste treatment is revised mainly through the following techniques:

  • Automatic controls in the electronic forms, for example numerical limits and logical controls.
  • Comparison with previous reported figures for municipalities and enterprises.
  • Comparison with country average and comparable municipalities and enterprises.
  • Collection of missing/insufficient information.
  • Direct contact with municipalities/enterprises regarding errors or cases of doubt, which cannot readily be corrected internally in Statistics Norway.

Several revision controls are carried out automatically by computer-based applications.

The micro data concerning the service industries are based on customer registers from waste collectors. Revision of these includes identifying the establishments and connecting them to the Business register, and calculating the amount of waste per employee for each establishment as a basis for identifying outliers. No corrections are made in the micro data, but some industries delivering other establishments’ waste (transport, real estate activities, etc.) are excluded from the survey.

External sources are checked for errors or shortcomings in the following way:

  • Units and values are checked against previous reference years of the same data source.
  • Register units are checked automatically and manually against the Business register in Statistics Norway.
  • Reported values are checked against values normally to be expected.
  • Reported values are compared to values of comparable units for example assessed by size of enterprises (number of employees or turnover).

Corrections are made in copies of original fils or separat correction files. Moreover, information originating directly from other statistical sources is covered by revision routines performed by the unit responsible for the statistics or data.

2. Revision in connection with the compilation of the waste accounts: Compilation of the different basic statistics, summed up into one single account, may reveal inconsistencies in any of the underlying statistics. In addition, shortcomings in the account, not covered by the available basic statistics, must also be incorporated. This applies to both specific years and parts of the account.

These tasks are mainly carried out by the following techniques: * By returning back to the original information source, deviations of values in different substatistics can be checked again. Then, the most credible value is chosen.

  • Incomplete time series and deficiencies are interpolated. Alternatively, using for example gross product (value added), production value (output) or number of employees as an auxiliary variable, deficiencies may be amended.
  • Time series are extended by extrapolation using an auxiliary variable.

Similar techniques are utilized also in the compilation of the different waste statistics. For further details, please refer to the associated publications.

 In compiling the waste accounts, all available waste statistics and other statistics, factors, etc. that may derive to waste statistics are collected and compiled. Please refer to the different waste statistics for further details.

12.4 Validation


We have tried to apply some of the validation rules suggested. 

1a and b

We have some economic activities where the calculation shows a value above or below the suggested thresholds

  Current/previous (total) Current/previous (haz)
A 0,84 0,85
B 1,02 1,08
C10-C12 0,91 2,53
C13-C15 0,88 1,85
C16 0,93 1,05
C17_C18 1,53 0,86
C19 1,76 2,48
C20-C22 1,01 1,10
C23 1,01 1,24
C24_C25 1,27 1,11
C26-C30 0,81 1,51
C31-C33 0,94 1,14
D 1,01 0,82
E36_E37+E39 1,08 1,48
E38 0,95 1,65
F 1,07 0,51
G 0,60 1,12
46.77 14,44 28,46
HH 1,05 1,11


 In the cases where we are above or belove the treshold for hazardous waste, it is for sectors with small amounts of waste and where there will be some fluctuations. We believe them to be OK. We are not sure about the increase in waste for G46.77.


A 1,00
B 1,06
C10-C12 2,78
C13-C15 2,10
C16 1,13
C17_C18 0,56
C19 1,41
C20-C22 1,09
C23 1,23
C24_C25 0,88
C26-C30 1,86
C31-C33 1,20
D 0,81
E36_E37+E39 1,37
E38 1,73
F 0,48
G 1,87
46.77 1,97
HH 0,97


For the validation rule 1b, the numbers seem to be OK. Only three sectors show numbers above or below the treshold and they are only slightly above/below. 

Validation rules 1c


  Recovery - Energy recovery (R1) Disposal - Incineration (D10) Recovery - recycling Recovery - backfilling Disposal - landfill Disposal - other Total waste treatment
2020/2018 0,41673894 6,87060553 0,95680894 0,228481736 0,99386455 0 0,8813404


We see an increase in incinerated waste. This amount is, however not to large and we think it is correct. The decreae in incinerated waste is maily because we this year have tried to report waste treated in Norway and not as before all treatement of Norwegian waste. Hence waste exported for treatment is no loger included as it was for 2018 and earlier. 


Rule 1d - generated

3,20 Industrial effluent sludges NHAZ 3,23
3,30 Sludges & liquid wastes from w. treatm. HAZ 0,35
3,30 Sludges & liquid wastes from w. treatm. Total 0,35
5,00 Health care and biological wastes NHAZ 0,17
6,20 Metallic wastes, non-ferrous NHAZ 6,93
6,20 Metallic wastes, non-ferrous Total 6,93
7,50 Wood wastes HAZ 2,46
7,60 Textile wastes NHAZ 0,46
7,60 Textile wastes Total 0,46
8,41 Batteries and accumulators wastes NHAZ 2,32
9,10 Animal and mixed food waste HAZ 0,15
10,10 Household and similar wastes HAZ 12,22
10,30 Sorting residues HAZ 319,39
12,70 Dredging spoils HAZ 0,00
12,70 Dredging spoils Total 0,00




Here are the material types and where the ratio of the numbers for current/previous years were above or below the suggested thresholds. We see that there are a large difference for some materials, but still considers the numbers as the best we could and can give. 

Spent solvents HAZ 0,5
Spent solvents Total 0,5
Industrial effluent sludges NHAZ 3,2
Sludges & liquid wastes from w. treatm. HAZ 2,4
Sludges & liquid wastes from w. treatm. Total 2,4
Health care and biological wastes NHAZ 0,2
Metallic wastes, non-ferrous NHAZ 6,9
Metallic wastes, non-ferrous Total 6,9
Wood wastes NHAZ 0,4
Wood wastes Total 0,5
Mixed and undifferentiated materials HAZ 0,2
Mixed and undifferentiated materials NHAZ 0,5
Mixed and undifferentiated materials Total 0,5
Soils HAZ 0,4

Several waste categories show a belove/above treshold value, but we do not know the reason for the change.


The validation was performed and we did not see any major issues that we could do anything with. 




This test where performed and we listed out the largest differences in the inner cells. The largest increase was in mineral wastes from construction and demolition and then combustion wastes. Mineral wastes seem to differ a bit from year to year and the numbers appear correct. 

When looking at the treatment the largest increase is in in mineral wastes from construction and demolition and then mixed and undifferentiated materials. 









The relation between treatment and generation was calculated for ordinary and hazardous waste. The hazardous waste was outside the limit. Most probably because some waste are exported for treatment abroad. 


For the calculations in validation 1a+b, we have used the following employment data and population data for 2020 and earlier years.

  2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
A 65463 63493 57156 59143 63725
B 62004 66684 52890 54326 58751
C10-C12 49229 49339 47365 47413 47293
C13-C15 4678 4460 4112 4692 4502
C16 13595 12975 12571 12930 12962
C17_C18 9633 8500 7566 7404 6603
C19 1233 1228 1163 1180 1187
C20-C22 17017 16919 16274 16687 16675
C23 10352 10064 9495 9891 9459
C24_C25 33441 33391 30277 30817 31034
C26-C30 54237 58132 52932 51898 49744
C31-C33 27585 28641 26530 26912 26843
D 15309 15573 15961 15802 16406
E36_E37+E39 2212 2412 2330 2490 2670
E38 9094 9505 9631 10370 10967
F 201896 212507 212290 225667 230246
G-S 1986994 2031904 2013336 2078397 2068184
T 597 415 1315 1344 1020
U 190 204 245 270 281
46.77 419 560 541 542 453


  2012 2014 2016 2018 2020
  4985870 5109056 5213985 5295619 5 367 580


 - In the treatment file there is reported incineration (with and without energy recovery) considerable amounts of mixed metals (W063), discarded equipment (W08A) and other mineral wastes (W12B). These wastes are not suited for incineration. Statistics Norway get their data from waste handlers and see that whis data might not be correct or the reported treatment is before sorting. We will/can not do any correction to this now, but will try to consider such data even closer the next time, to see if the correct treatment should be something else.

- Big amounts of discarded equipment (W08A) is landfilled. This should may be have been reported as the materials they consist of. However, in Norway we use the Norwegian waste standard and in some cases it is hard to translate to the reporting standard, In this case we also do not know exactly what is reported here in in which amopunts. However we place hazardous waste of the types: oil filters, fluorescent tubes and energy saving bulbs and hazardous CFC-containing waste in this category. 



3.5. Data compilation
Wet matter for sludges
Industrial effluent sludges
Industrial effluent sludges
Common sludges

Dredging spoils
non-hazardous hazardous non-hazardous non-hazardous
amounts 10833 330000  Data for wet matter are missing  0

In compiling the waste accounts, all available waste statistics and other statistics, factors, etc. that may derive to waste statistics are collected and compiled. Please refer to the different waste statistics for further details.

3.6. Adjustment

[not requested]

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

Reporting is based on the waste account and all our availabe statistics. The numbers are yearly published and used by for instance the Norwegian Environment agency. In addition there is a yearly meeting with several different institutions in Norway that suggest improvemts to the waste collection and production. 

4.2. Quality management - assessment

Data sources in the Waste account include both data based on reported information from businesses, enterprises or households, and data from registers. In addition, standard factors from selected studies have also been employed. A comprehensive description of errors and uncertainties of the different waste statistics entering the Waste Accounts is given in report 98/3, 2000/8, 2000/12, 2000/15, 2001/38, note 99/10 and NOS C625.

5. Relevance Top

The main purpose with Waste Accounts is to present a holistic overview of the waste situation in Norway. Waste streams are quantified based on three different characteristics: material type, source of origin and treatment.

The work with the waste accounts started in 1995. The first results for paper and glass were published in 1997. Until 2011 the waste accounts showed data for paper, glass, wetorganic waste, metalls, wood, plastics, sludge, other materials and hazardous waste.

From the 2012 publications the waste accounts has been revised and new materials have been included. The waste accounts now publish data for wetorganic waste, park and garden waste, wood, sludge, paper, glass, metals, WEEE, concrete and tiles, cinders, dust, bottom ash and fly ash, plastics, rubber, textiles, discarded vehicles, hazardous waste, mixed waste, other materials and slightly polluted soil. As of the 2016 data, the data for especially the industry has been evised back to 2012 to not include biproducts. This has led to a decrease in waste, especially for the industry section (NACE C). Updated data are delivered for 2014.

5.1. Relevance - User Needs

The Norwegian Environment Agency makes use of the figures in their reports to the Parliament. The figures also constitute the main data source on waste statistics presented to Eurostat and OECD. Moreover, the statistics are also applied as part in the Norwegian Emission Inventory, the integrated Economic and Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) and sustainable development indicators, thereby representing a relevant foundation for resource and environmental studies. The waste account is also used by industrial and nongovernmental organisations, education and research institutes and the media.

5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

5.3. Completeness
Description of missing data in data set 1 on waste generation

Description of missing data
(waste category, economic activity, ..)


How to overcome the deficit

 There might be some missing data for category A This is because in some cases it is difficult to separate from houshold waste. Especially for small farms. At the same time there might be a small overreporing of household waste from the same farms/households  
 Old/missing data for sectors D and E  Lack of survey Has included these sectors in a new waste survey for 2022 (together with sector C), and wiill hopefylly have better data for the next reporting period. 
5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

[not requested]

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

The Waste Accounts is built upon several data sources. These sources contain either data based on reported information from businesses, enterprises or household, or alternatively on data registers. In addition, standard factors from selected studies have also been employed. The figures will reflect any inherent uncertainty of data sources and calculation methods in use. Possible errors and uncertainty connected to individual sources, is explained in the associated documentation.

The Waste Accounts constitutes an integrated system, involving both harmonization and control with data inconsistencies. Hence, particular parts of the accounts may actually be more reliable than the original data. On the other hand, the Waste Accounts requires estimates in parts with originally inadequate data. In these cases, the figures are generated either from residual calculations (difference between known quantities) or imputation of numbers based on different estimation techniques. Then, uncertainty can increase dramatically.

It is hard to quantify uncertainty of the Waste Accounts as a whole, mainly because the uncertainties of the different sub-accounts differ markedly. The account is structured in a way that allows the relatively uncertain parts to be separated from the more certain ones. Thus, it is possible to take uncertainty into account by using either subtotals or totals.

Some types of waste do not enter the regular waste system when obsolete, for example pipes and cables or long term storage in houses or barns etc. Due to this fact, some waste types are probably underestimated. This may represent an important factor for metals in particular.

Apart from a few expert opinions, there has been no actual attempt to calculate uncertainties of the basic statistics entering the Waste Accounts. The methodological experts of Statistics Norway consider it to complex to give a figure for the overall uncertainty.

6.2. Sampling error

Sampling errors arise from the fact that the estimates are based on a sample and not a census of the entire population.

A comprehensive description of errors and uncertainties of the different waste statistics entering the Waste Accounts is given in the “About the statistics” of the different waste statistics here:






 The uncertainty inherent in external data sources of the accounts is usually hard to control.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

See 5.2

6.3. Non-sampling error


6.3.1. Coverage error
Coverage of waste statistics with regard to extractive waste1)






Completely covered


Partially covered


Generally excluded

 x  x  x  x

1)Please mark with an X whether the listed materials are completely covered, partially covered or generally excluded from waste statistics.


One of the main intentions with waste accounts is to build upon already existing data sources, like register data and statistics.

However it is still being collected some data from the recovery industry. This is numbers for treatment of special material fractions and types (for instance plastic packaging, WEEE and more). This extra numbers is used in the calculations of treatment numbers for the different material types.

The different waste statistics of Statistics Norway making part of the waste account use different methods of data collection. Samples and methods of data collections of waste accounts are presented in the table below.


Samples and data collection in the waste statistics forming the micro data of the waste accounts.


Sampling and data collection

Household waste

From the year 2001, household waste has been based on a full scale survey in KOSTRA, covering all municipal- and inter-municipal waste companies. Before 2001, the survey covered all municipal waste. In 1992, 1995 and 1998 to 2000 the survey was full scale, and in 1993, 1994, 1996 and 1997 it was based on a representative selection (systematically and stratified sampling). The sample then covered 143 municipalities, equal to more than half the population of Norway.

Waste from manufacturing industries

The manufacturing waste survey is a questionnaire survey based on a stratified sample of around 1600 Norwegian manufacturing industry establishments. In 1993, mining, quarrying and construction businesses were included in the survey. In 2003, quarrying and mining was included. Last full scale survey was for 2015. From 2012 and forward it is calculated a change in the waste numbers reported by the industry itself to the Norwegian Environment agency between 2015 and the year to be estimated. This calculated change is used on the numbers from the last Statistic Norway survey.

Hazardous waste

The statistics on hazardous waste going to approved treatment, is based on three different registers: "Avfallsdeklarering.no", which is an electronic declaration database, Forurensning (database containing self-reporting data from the manufacturing industries to Norwegian Environment Agency); and the import/export database, all administered by the Norwegian Environment Agency. In addition, a full scale survey is carried out in cooperation with the Norwegian Environment Agency in order to better cover hazardous waste not registered in the four registers, but still treated in Norway, and to allocate hazardous waste to treatment method. Statistics on hazardous waste handled in unknown ways is based on different kinds of calculations (register based, factor methods, etc.).

Construction and demolition waste

Statistics on construction and demolition waste is based upon Built area statistics, Building and construction statistics, the GAB register (covering all existing, newly built or demolished buildings since 1983), empirical factors on generated waste per square metre built, recovered and demolished area, and treatment reported through customer registers used in the calculation of Waste from the Service Industry.

Waste from service industries

Based on customer registers from a sample of waste collectors each year since 2008. Before that a smaller survey in 2006, and from Norsk Gjenvinning (a former Norwegian waste collection and recycling company) in 1999.

Waste treatment and disposal

Full scale survey of landfills, incineration, composting and sorting plants. First reference year was 2001, annual from 2003 to 2011. For 2012 data collected from Forurensning (database containing self-reporting data from the manufacturing industries to Norwegian Environment Agency) and customer registers reported by waste handlers.




Coverage of waste treatment facilities and criteria for exclusion

No. of facilities included

No. of facilities excluded

Reasons for exclusion of facilities
and other comments

Item 1Incineration (R1)

17  0  

Item 2Incineration (D10)

3  0  

Item 3a Recycling (R2-R11)

 159 several  Have excluded a number of recycling facilities that only treat sludge

Item 3b Backfilling

 0  0  

Item 4 Landfilling
(D1, D5, D12)

 129  0  

Item 5 Other disposal
(D2, D3, D4, D6, D7)

 -  -  


In Norway, the municipalities are by regulations obliged to handle all household waste, and to keep accounts for this. The survey is designed for household waste, and the data reported are on household waste only. The survey does in addition include a question on amounts of waste from commercial activities collected together with the household waste.

The main problem with misclassifications and under-coverage is in Item 3 Recovery. These facilities might be spread on different economic activities and not necessary within the registers for pollution control authorities. We have not excluded any facility, but there might be some under-coverage.

Coverage errors are due to divergences between the target population and the frame population. Coverage errors comprise over coverage, under coverage, delayed updating or classification errors in the survey frame. This kind of error might be present especially in the statistic from the manufacturing industry, but it is hard to quantify. Over-coverage - rate

[not requested] Common units - proportion

[not requested]

6.3.2. Measurement error

The external trade statistics (ETS) build on custom registrations, covering all import and export except shipments below the threshold value of 1,000 NOK. We believe that this source of error is unsignificant in the waste account. However, the threshold value would lead to incomplete estimations of transboundary movement of waste based on the ETS for several waste streams. Hence, such estimations are performed only for waste fractions with a large market value (sorted metals).

6.3.3. Non response error

See part Unit non-response - rate

Both the Industry survey and the survey of Waste from the service industry are sample surveys. Here the data are weighted after the number of employees and distributed by NACE classification. The inflation factors are calculated as the number of employees in the sample divided on the number of employees in the population. For each industry 2-3 strata are established, in addition are deviants given the weight 1. The data are inflated by a rate model.  The samples are run twice, and the second time without deviates from the first run. The results after inflation give waste amounts to all the establishments. The data is distributed by material and industry after SIC2007.

Similar processing are done for the Hazardous waste and the waste from the households if we have non-respondents. These surveys includes all enterprises/municipalities.

Since we receive a response from more than 90 per cent of the units in the sample in both the industry and the survey of waste from the service industry , the problem with non-response errors are small. Item non-response - rate

See part

6.3.4. Processing error

    Control and revision

Revision carried out in connection with waste accounts may be divided into two steps:

  • Revision of the different basic statistics
  • Revision in connection with the compilation of the account

Revision of the basic statistics: The possibility for revision of basic statistics varies depending on the data collection methods in use. It also depends on which institution being responsible for the data collection. The statistics on household waste, industrial waste and hazardous waste treatment is revised mainly through the following techniques:

  • Automatic controls in the electronic forms, for example numerical limits and logical controls.
  • Comparison with previous reported figures for municipalities and enterprises.
  • Comparison with country average and comparable municipalities and enterprises.
  • Collection of missing/insufficient information.
  • Direct contact with municipalities/enterprises regarding errors or cases of doubt, which cannot readily be corrected internally in Statistics Norway.

Several revision controls are carried out automatically by computer-based applications.

The micro data concerning the service industries are based on customer registers from waste collectors. Revision of these includes identifying the establishments and connecting them to the Business register, and calculating the amount of waste per employee for each establishment as a basis for identifying outliers. No corrections are made in the micro data, but some industries delivering other establishments’ waste (transport, real estate activities, etc.) are excluded from the survey.

In regards to external sources, the options for revision are more limited. In general, these sources are checked for obvious errors or shortcomings. External registers and data files are mainly revised in the following way:

  • Units and values are checked against previous reference years of the same data source.
  • Register units are checked automatically and manually against the Business register in Statistics Norway.
  • Reported values are checked against values normally to be expected.
  • Reported values are compared to values of comparable units for example assessed by size of enterprises (number of employees or turnover).

Corrections are made in copies of original files or separate correction files. Moreover, information originating directly from other statistical sources is covered by revision routines performed by the unit responsible for the statistics or data.

Revision in connection with the compilation of the waste accounts: Compilation of the different basic statistics, summed up into one single account, may reveal inconsistencies in any of the underlying statistics. In addition, shortcomings in the account, not covered by the available basic statistics, must also be incorporated. This applies to both specific years and parts of the account.

These tasks are mainly carried out by the following techniques: * By returning back to the original information source, deviations of values in different sub-statistics can be checked again. Then, the most credible value is chosen.

  • Incomplete time series and deficiencies are interpolated. Alternatively, using for example gross product (value added), production value (output) or number of employees as an auxiliary variable, deficiencies may be amended.
  • Time series are extended by extrapolation using an auxiliary variable.

Similar techniques are utilized also in the compilation of the different waste statistics. All available waste statistics and other statistics, factors, etc. that may derive to waste statistics are collected and compiled. Imputation - rate

[not requested]

6.3.5. Model assumption error

See part 5.3.3 and 5.3.4

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

[not requested]

6.5. Data revision - policy

[not requested]

See part 5.3.4

6.6. Data revision - practice

[not requested]

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

[not requested]

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top


7.1. Timeliness

See 6.1.1 and 6.1.2

7.1.1. Time lag - first result

The Waste Account for Norway: 11-12 months from th

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

The Waste Account for Norway:: 11-12 months from th

7.2. Punctuality

The Waste Account for Norway was published at the target day. The data delivery of all data-sets for the WStatR-reporting was delivered on time.

 Reporting after WStatR:

Explanation for any delay in data transmission and measures taken to avoid delays in future:


7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The Waste Account for Norway was published at the target day.


Reporting after WStatR:

Description of data set(s) delivered:                                  Transmission date:

FAC 2020                                                          2022-06-30

GEN 2020                                                                               2022-06-30

TRT 2020                                                                               2022-06-30

QR ESS                                                                              2022-06-30


8. Coherence and comparability Top



8.1. Comparability - geographical
Description of classifications used

Name of
classification(s) used

Description of the classification(s)
(in particular compatibility with WStatR requirements)

Economic activities

 Standard Industrial Classification (SIC 2002 and SIC 2007)



 SIC is primarily a statistical standard. The standard will be the basis for coding units according to principal activity in Statistics Norway's Business register and units in the Central Coordinating Register of Legal Units. The SIC is one of the most important standards of economic statistics, and it will make it possible to compare and analyze statistical data both at the national/international level and over time. SIC is also used for administrative purposes. SIC 2007 is based on NACE Rev.2.

Waste types


NS 9431.E:2011- Classification of waste



 The standard provides a classification of waste for reporting and registration purposes. The objective of the standard is to achieve a uniform classification of waste weighed in at waste recovery and treatment operations. It can also be used in:
  • statistics
  • entering of contracts
  • trading of waste
  • determination of waste treatment fees

In Norwegian only.

Translation of NS 9431.E:2011 for hazardous waste and conversion table for EWC-Stat

Recovery and treatment operations


a) Treatment categories in the survey: “Waste treatment and disposal”

b) Treatment categories in the survey: “Waste statistics for the manufacturing industries 2015”

a) Translation of the treatment categories:

- Material recovery and re-use

- Energy  recovery

- Landscaping landfills

- Composting and biogas production

- Landfill

- Other treatment


b) Translation of the treatment categories:

- Energy recovery

- Incineration without energy recovery

- Composting

- Other biological treatment

- Landfill

- Landscaping

- Other treatment



8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

[not requested]

8.2. Comparability - over time
 Changes compared with previous years:
 Amounts of generated waste:

The amount of generated waste have some changes compared to 2010:

  • Manufacturing industry: New survey in 2015 used the definition og biproducts. This led to a significant decrease in waste amounts. This has resulted in changes in the figures and gives reduced amounts of waste generated for both 2012 and 2014. New data for 2014 is given. 

Amounts of treated waste; we now report on all waste treated in Norway (new as of 2020)

  • Recovery: The amounts are increased compared to 2010. This is because the calculation method are changed and improved.
  • Deposit (D1): The amount is reduced due to legal changes. From July 2009 it is prohibited to deposit waste consisting biological degradable waste. For 2014 we see an increase again. This is mainly due to the deposition of more hazardous waste and some more combustion waste.


 Foreseen changes:
 No foreseen changes are known.


Comparability over time and space:

One of the goals with the waste accounts is to follow the waste amounts over time. Therefore, it has been emphasized to make the account comparable in time. As a consequence, all reference years used to revised when the waste accounts are updated. From 2012 the Waste account has been revised and the numbers are calculated based on a new method. We no longer update the numbers from prevoius years. On a more detailed level, the different basic statistics contain typical statistical errors, first of all due to change in data collection routines and samples

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

The work with the waste accounts started in 1995. The first results for paper and glass were published in 1997. Until 2011 the waste accounts showed data for paper, glass, wetorganic waste, metalls, wood, plastics, sludge, other materials and hazardous waste.

From the 2012 publications the waste accounts has been revised and new materials have been included. The waste accounts now publish data for wetorganic waste, park and garden waste, wood, sludge, paper, glass, metals, WEEE, concrete and tiles, cinders, dust, bottom ash and fly ash, plastics, rubber, textiles, discarded vehicles, hazardous waste, mixed waste, other materials and slightly polluted soil.

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

The Waste Account depends on an array of statistics for its calculations. Simultaneously, the Waste Account forms the basis of analyses and comparisons with other statistics, both internally in Statistics Norway and within external institutions.

Principally, the Waste Account is now included in the following statistics:

  • Other waste statistics. For instance, the Manufacturing waste survey and are forming parts of the hazardous waste statistics.
  • Discharge of methane from landfills.
  • Air pollution and energy accounts (figures on waste incineration).
  • NAMEA (Norwegian Economic and Environmental Accounts).
  • Fees and full costs statistics in the municipal waste sector.

It is considered using waste statistics in the set of sustainable development indicators.

A long-term goal is to make the waste account more integrated into a comprehensive system of environmental and socio-economic statistics. Waste amounts can then be seen in context with environmental effects from discharge to air and water, transport and logistic, employment and withdrawal of natural resources, together with environmental consequences by production and use of commodities.

One of the goals with the waste accounts is to follow the waste amounts over time. Therefore, it has been emphasized to make the account comparable in time. Therefore, until the year 2010, all reference years were revised when the waste accounts were updated. This is not happening anymore. There are several reasons for this, one is a great change in methodology from year 2012 and another is that many sources for the statistics do not have numbers for earlier years.

From the publication in 2012, the waste types are also different and many more than before and mixed waste is no longer separated onto its different material types. By including more material types like park and garden waste, mixed waste, WEEE, discarded vehicles and cinders, dust, bottom ash and fly ash, the waste amounts on many of the other categories are smaller than before.

Comparison of waste statistics in different countries may be problematic, because of dissimilar set of definitions etc. This applies especially to waste totals, depending on what's been included in the different countries. The same applies to waste divided into different sources. The semi-annual reporting to Eurostat, pursuant to Regulation No 2150/2002 on waste statistics, is believed to have improved this situation.

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

The Waste Account is published annually.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

[not requested]

8.6. Coherence - internal

[not requested]

9. Accessibility and clarity Top

[not requested]

9.1. Dissemination format - News release

The Waste Acoount for Norway. Annual release of statistics:


9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Annual release of statistics at Statistic Norways web site:


9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Tables in "Statbank":


9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Tables in "Statbank":


About the statistics:


Information on contact person:


9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Micro data are not released.

9.5. Dissemination format - other

[not requested]

9.6. Documentation on methodology



9.7. Quality management - documentation

Data sources in the Waste account include both data based on reported information from businesses, enterprises or households, and data from registers. In addition, standard factors from selected studies have also been employed. A comprehensive description of errors and uncertainties of the different waste statistics entering the Waste Accounts is given in report 98/3, 2000/8, 2000/12, 2000/15, 2001/38, note 99/10 and NOS C625.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

About the statistics:



9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

About the statistics:



10. Cost and Burden Top
Burden on respondents

Survey /

Type and total number of respondents

Actual no. of respondents

Time required for response

Measures taken to minimise the burden

KOSTRA - Household waste statistics Municipalities, 357 and  Inter-municipal companies, 62 404 20 minutes/per unit (national average) Improved online reporting for KOSTRA.
Waste from service industries 2020 The statistics are compiled on data from customer registers gathered from waste collectors, 34 31 310 minutes/unit  
Waste statistics for the manufacturing industries 2015 Establishments in manufacturing (sample: 1582)  1366 80 minutes/unit  Data reported to the Norwegian Environment Agency are gathered and prefilled in the questionnaires. Only about 1300 got a form to fill out from Statistics Norway. The rest had already reported to the Norwegian Environment Agency.

The information on burden on respondents is limited with respect to the administrative sources as well as the majority of the statistics employed. However, some information is available on some of the statistics, and it is presented in the table below:

11. Confidentiality Top


11.1. Confidentiality - policy

The figures are aggregated prior to release, and follow Statisrics Norways rules for confidentiality.

The Statistics Act of 21. June 2019, paragraph 7.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
Description of the relevant confidentiality policy:
With regard to the Council Regulation (EC) No 322/97 of 17 February 1997 on Community Statistics. In practice: Figures are not published if they represent 2 or less individuals or businesses, or if 90 per cent or more of the figure in question represents an individual or business.

12. Comment Top


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Annexes for 2020 for Norway