Waste generation and treatment (env_wasgt)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Department of environment, energy and transport

1.5. Contact mail address

Dame Gruev 4, 1000 Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Data on amount of generated waste,  Waste treatment (recovered
waste and disposed waste), hazardous and non-hazardous waste.

2.2. Classification system

National classification of activities, NKD Rev.2 (by NACE Rev.2)
Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics, NTES (by NUTS)
List of wastes, LVO
Statistical classification of waste, SKOT (by EWC)

2.3. Coverage - sector

Sector coverage:
A/А - Agriculture, forestry and fishing
B/Б - Mining and quarrying
C/В - Manufacturing
D/Г - Eletricity, gas, steam and conditioning supply
E/Д - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
F/Ѓ - Construction
G/Е - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles
H/Ж - Transportation and storage
I/З - Accommodation and food service activities
J/Ѕ - Information and communication
K/И - Financial and insurance activities
L/Ј - Real estate activities
M/К - Professional, scientific and tehnical activities
N/Л - Administrative and support service activities

O/Љ - Public administration and defence; compulsory social security
P/М - Education
Q/Н - Human health and social work activities
S/О - Other service activities
T/П - Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods-and services-producing
activities of households for own use
R/Њ - Arts, entertainment and recreation
S/О - Other service activities
T/П - Activities of households as employers; undifferentiated goods-and services-producing
activities of households for own use
U/Р - Activities of extraterritorial organisations and bodies

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

Waste means any substance or object, which the producer or the person in possession of it, discards
or intends or is required to discard and and is included into one of the categories listed in the Waste Management Act.

Hazardous waste is waste containing substances which possess one or more of the following properties: explosiveness, reactivity, ignitability, irritability,
toxicity, infectivity, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, toxicity for reproduction, ecotoxicity and substances which release toxic gases in contact with water, air or acid, established in
accordance with the Waste Management Law or other regulation, including any other waste mixed with the hazardous waste.

Non-hazardous waste is waste which does not possess the characteristics of hazardous waste. 

Waste recovery are the operations which objective is usage of usable substances and ingredients, and cover treatments for re-usage of waste, for recycling, and for usage of waste as source for energy, excluding the waste incineration intended for its final disposal. In accordance with the European Regulation, waste which is recycled at the place where it is generated, it is not considering as generated waste, i.e. the amount of this waste is not shown in the total amount of generated waste.

Waste disposal are the operations which provide final solution for the waste that cannot be re-used or recovered, without endangering the environment and human life and health.

2.5. Statistical unit

Economic entities (with 10 or more employees belonging to sections A-U according to NACE Rev.2 ) whose activitity causes generation, recovery and disposal of waste.

2.6. Statistical population

Economic entities with 10 or more employees belonging to sections A-U according to NACE Rev.2.

2.7. Reference area

NTES 1 and 2 (Republic of North Macedonia)
NTES 3 (Statistical regions)

2.8. Coverage - Time

Since may 2008 to 2020 according to NACE Rev.2.

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data
Relationship of the parties/sources to the areas of the Regulation on Waste Statistics:


Assessment of the continuity of the data source, e.g. legal basis for the data source:

The data source for waste generation and treatment in sections A-U is a biennial statistical survey. The survey is based on the Statistical Register and covers the units with 11 and more employees.

The main documents, building the legal frame for the waste statistics survey are:

-          The National programme for statistical surveys, 2018-2022 (adopted by the government)

-          The Law on Waste management

-          The EU Regulation No. 2150/2002

-          LoW classification


Institutions involved and distribution of tasks

Name of institution Description of key responsibilities
 State Statistical Office of the Republic of Macedonia  Data collection

Data entry and data processing

Production of data and preparation of quality report

Preparation on LoW classification (for statisticial purposes in 2010 SSO has implemented changes in the structure of waste types and categories in accordance with the Manual prepared by Eurostat)

Data dissemination
 Ministry of Environment and Physical planning  Preparation on Law of waste management, Preparation on LoW classification


General description of Data set 1: Waste generation by waste category (EWC-STAT) and economic activity (NACE)

General description of methodology:
 The methodology chosen to compile the Data Set 1 of the deliverables for the Waste Statistics Regulation is based on the statistical survey on waste by section of economic activities. The information source is the business register of enterprises/local units belong to sections A-U (NACE rev.2).

The survey covered 1300 economic entitiies with more than 10 employees.

The questionnaire used for the survey is based on the LoW. For the purposes of the reporting tables a linkage between European List of Waste and EWC-Stat categories is made. The selected list of enterprises/local units has been sent to the Regional Statistical Offices. The questionnaires have been delivered to the enterprises/local units by trained interviewers. Enterprises were asked for the amount of generated waste by waste types. After their completition questionnaires were returned to Regional Statistical Offices. Data have been checked and processed in the State Statistical Office in order to obtain the final results. 

Criteria for stratification:The sampling method used was stratified random sampling. Two variables were used for stratification, NACE group (sectors included: 'A','B','C','D','E','F','G','H','I','J','K','L','M','N','O','P','Q','R','S') and Size (small (those with 10 to 50 employees), medium (those with 50 to 249 employees). There were 19 NACE groups and 3 Size groups. Companies having at least 10 persons in paid employment i.e. micro-sized companies (with 1 to 9 employees) were excluded from the survey.


Determination of waste generation in the economy on the basis of information on waste collection


Determination of waste generation in the economy on the basis of administrative sources


Data sets 2 and 3: Waste treatment

General description of methodology:
 Incineration, recovery and disposal by waste type is in accordance with Annex 2 to the Regulation and it relies upon the statistical survey on waste from industry.

The data about recovered quantities are collected from the enterprises/local units from sections A-U which do not generated waste, but which collected/ received waste from other business entities (either from domestic entities, or from abroad).

The data about disposed quantities are collected from the enterprises/local units from sectionsA-U which generated waste.

Legal basis: Statistical survey programme

Reporting manner: Questionnaires

Frequency of collection: biennial

Classifications used:

waste types - EWC-Stat

treatment operations (recovery and disposal - R and D) in accordance with Regulation 2150/2002


Identification of relevant treatment facilities:


Registers used for identification of waste treatment operations

Identification of register(s) used (name; responsible institution) Description of register(s) (coverage; frequency and procedure of updating, ..)
 Register established by the Ministry of Environment with business entities having integrated ecological permission for waste treatment. Register contains business entities registered in section 38 (38.2) by NACE Rev.2 with main activity of waste treatment( recovery and disposal).  It is uptated annually together with issuing of permissions. 


Data collection on treated quantities:


Determination of treated waste quantities
Description of data sources and methods by treatment category
Item 1
 Data source - companies
Item 2
 Source of data - questionnaires - reporting units answered for amount of incinerated waste.
Item 3a
(R2 – R11)
 Source of data - questionnaires - reporting units answered for amount of recycled waste.
Item 3b
 No data fo backfilling
Item 4
(D1, D5, D12)
 Source of data - questionnaires - reporting units answered for amount of landfilled waste.
Item 5
Other disposal
(D2,D3,D4, D6,D7)
 Source of data - questionnaires - reporting units answered for amount of disposed waste by other disposal operations.


Data collection on capacity of treatment facilities:
 Data are not available yet (Only one company reported data.
3.2. Frequency of data collection


3.3. Data collection

Data are collected with the questionnaire of waste by section of economic activities (ZS.O.1). Questionnaires are sent to business entities by post.
Data are collected with the method of self-fullfilment - on printed questionnaires or electronically (questionnaire in excel format).

3.4. Data validation

Data validation is made according to the defined criteria for control. Data validation is
performing before and after data entry. For deviations reporting units are contacted. Data checks
аrе performed on the final results before their publication. A comparison with previous year/s is

3.5. Data compilation
Wet matter for sludges
Industrial effluent sludges
Industrial effluent sludges
Common sludges

Dredging spoils
non-hazardous hazardous non-hazardous non-hazardous
amounts 3896,237 72.518 4255.369 1695.491

Editing: Agregated data are obtained with data weighting of the sample. The lowest level of
agreggation is on NTES 2 level. Variable on which a sample is made is the number of employees
in each stratum. Imputaion: Imputation is made with data from the previous period.

3.6. Adjustment

Not applicable, no time series and seasonal adjustment of data is made.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

The commitment of the SSO to ensuring quality of products and services is described in the:

Law on State Statistics
Strategy of the State Statistical Office Quality

Quality Policy of the State Statistical Office

as well as in the continuous efforts for harmonisation with the European Statistics Code of Practice. The main aspects and procedures for quality management in the phases and subprocesses
of the Statistical Business Process Model, as well as the good practices for ensuringquality are documented in the internal document called “Guide for ensuring quality of statistical processes”. Input and output metadata, as well as relevant quality indicators for certain subprocesses are described in the document “Guide for survey managers.



4.2. Quality management - assessment

- Data for waste by section of economic activity are used by the Ministry of Environment,
business comunity and by Government as the economic indicator. According to the Regulatives
all levels of agregation are calculated and released on national level and are transmitted ti
- Statistical survey on waste by section of economic activity is satisfyiing the principle of
- All data are published according to the deadlines in the Release calendar and are timely
transmitted to Eurostat.
- Data on waste by section of economic activity are time and geografically comparable,
interdomain and internal coherency of data is ensured.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

Data on waste by sectors of economic activity are used by national institutions: Ministry of
environment and physical planning, Regional center of environment, industrial and business
associations, environmental associations, nongovermental organizations, local government
units for monitoring the trends of the amount of waste through the years as well as for
calculation of indicators, companies, citizens. Data are used by the decision-makers for the technical justification of
their policies, for strategies and plans of actios in the field of waste management, in
establishing strategic actions and measures for economic development aiming to implement
programmes for active measurement of the lowering the amount of waste, as well as
preparation of reports for the status of the environment in the field of waste management.
International users: European organizations express their necessity for information through
specific regulations and agreements, regular working meetings (Eurostat), international
meetings (for database updating), questionnaires and requirements send out do SSO (OECD;


5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

The State Statistical Office conducts the http://www.stat.gov.mk/ZaNas_en.aspx?id=33.
This Survey was conducted in 2009, 2012, 2015 and the last one in 2017. 

5.3. Completeness
Description of missing data in data set 1 on waste generation

Description of missing data
(waste category, economic activity, ..)


How to overcome the deficit

 No missing data  All categories from European list of waste types (categories) are covered.  


Description of missing data in data sets 2 and 3 on treated waste quantities and capacities

Description of missing data
(waste category, treatment category, region, ..)


How to overcome the deficit

 No missing data for waste treatment.  All types of treatment are covered.  
 Number and capacities for treatment facilities are missing  The Ministry of Environment prepares register of companies having permits for waste treatment. Only one company reported data on number ena capacity of treatment facoilities.  To encourage companie to report data.
5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

All levels of aggregation for waste by section of economic activity are calculated and published
at national level and are transmitted to Eurostat.
Completness of data at national level = 100%.
Completness of data to Eurostat = 90%.
Variable on characteristics of capacities for waste treatment. Data on this variable will be
obtained in the future based on uodated register of business entities having licence for waste
treatment which manage the Ministry of Environment and Physical planning.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

Data accuracy is ensured by working on decreasing sampling and non-sampling errors, as well
as with additional data comparisons and analysis before dissemination.

6.2. Sampling error

In each variable there are different waste categories. The size of the business entity (small,
medium, large enterprise) has a big role and the combination of enterprises like this is
contained into the variables, thus there are big differences in the standard error and the
mediana (the coefficient of variation is a quotient of the two).

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators
Totals and coefficients of variation for the key aggregates

Key aggregate

Amount of hazardous waste

[1000 tonnes]

Amount of Non-hazardous waste

[1000 tonnes]

Coefficient of variation hazardous waste

Coefficient of variation non-hazardous waste

Waste generation

Waste generated by households


Waste generated by economic activities

Waste treatment

Waste used as fuel (item 1) (incineration in the form of recovery R1)


Waste incinerated (item 2) (incineration as disposal D10)


Waste recovered (R2 – R11), incl. backfilling (item 3a and 3b)


Waste disposed of by landfilling (D1, D5, D12) and other disposal operations (D2, D3, D4, D6, D7) (item 4 and 5)


Since the survey is not based on a sample, the calculations do not contain a sampling error.

6.3. Non-sampling error

Measurement errors: Data providers are informed for the survey by sending notification for
electronical data collection. Collected data are controlled at the Central Office. Data processing
errors: In line with the electronical filling out the questionnaires, a process of procesing and
control was performed. The most common errors identified were wrongly identified waste
category, uncompleted appropriate table linked with the basic table (e.g. generated waste, it is
not filled in that it is stored or disposed). In case of some larger shortcomings in the
questionnaires, data providers were contacted, and for certain items an imputaion was made
using a method of expert estimation (manual imputation). Non-response errors: The nonresponse
rate amounts to 36.63%.

6.3.1. Coverage error
Coverage of waste statistics with regard to extractive waste1)






Completely covered


Partially covered


Generally excluded


1)Please mark with an X whether the listed materials are completely covered, partially covered or generally excluded from waste statistics.



Some local units do not report data, because they were identified they were either inactive, dormant or bancrupt or some other reason which made the reporting inadequate.


Since all the reporting units are included in the survey which have been registered at the business register in sections B, C and D this error does not occur in the survey.

Some local units do not report data, because they were identified in other NACE section.

Description of issues related to the allocation of mining waste to NACE section B or C:



Annex I on waste generation:



Annex II on waste treatment:



Coverage of waste treatment facilities and criteria for exclusion

No. of facilities included

No. of facilities excluded

Reasons for exclusion of facilities
and other comments

Item 1Incineration (R1)


Item 2Incineration (D10)


Item 3a Recycling (R2-R11)


Item 3b Backfilling


Item 4 Landfilling
(D1, D5, D12)


Item 5 Other disposal
(D2, D3, D4, D6, D7)



Commercial waste inclusion: Main problems description: Over-coverage - rate

[not requested] Common units - proportion

[not requested]

6.3.2. Measurement error

Statistical units selected in the survey are in accordance with the rules, valid for the Business

register. Main unit in the business register is a local unit . Units are selected by economic activity (NACE А-У) and by number of employees.

All collected data are measured in tones of waste.

We made the validation of the questionnaire on the basis of pilot survey and since we

established the cooperation with Ministry of Environment in 2008. Questionnaires were tested on

90 enterprises and there were no major remarks from the enterprises to be encompassed

into the questionnaire. Questionnaire has not been significantly changed for the full scale survey, so enterpresises did not have problems with fulfilling it. A questionnaire for the 2020 was the same as it was in 2009.

6.3.3. Non response error

Number of reporting units from business register (NACEA-U)


Number of answers


Response rate

67 %

Of the 206 questionnaires which were not completed:

  • 30 reporting units were not identified on the field
  • 60 reporting units did not complete the questionnaire because they were identified they were either inactive, dormant or bancrupt or some other reason which made the reporting inadequate
  • 280 reporting units didn’t complete the questionnaire – they returned a blank

questionnaire which is considered as a negative answer

  • 25  reporting units didn't complete the questionnaire because they were identified performing activity in other NACE or for other reasons.

After the analysis according to the notes received from the field for each reporting unit, it can be definitely concluded that the "non-response" is accurately defined. Within the non-response are included:

- All reporting units, which refused to be interviewed;

- All reporting units for which the obtained data proved that they are not working, based on the received information specified at the address list used at the field (each interviewer had an obligation to record the actual situation within the part of notes);

- Half of the reporting units identified on the field, but which were empty (for those assumed that they were working at the reference year 2010).

Based on the above mentioned the non-response has been treated.

The report is consists of the results about generated, recovered and disposed waste. The quantity is expressed in tones. There is also information on how the coefficient of correction concerning non-response is calculated (number of all companies in the stratum /number companies that respond in the stratum. So companies are first grouped by 2-digit nace activity and then they are divided into 4 groups concerning how big they are (small-two groups, medium and large):

str=020; <= 20

str=049 ;>20 and <=49

str=250 ;>49 and <=250

str=251; >250.

Outliers (those records with data out of the range [ mean -2 STD, mean+2STD] were not multiplied), but they were included in the sum. Unit non-response - rate

[not requested] Item non-response - rate

[not requested]

6.3.4. Processing error

After the questionnaires were collected and sorted accordingly whether they were completed or no completed the processing steps began with data editing of the completed questionnaires.

First the questionnaires were visually examined in order to identify particular data errors so the data could be corrected.

The most common processing errors identified are partially missing data regarding the waste type codes  and use of incorrect or less appropriate waste (Low) codes in regard to business activity performed by a local unit. Other type of errors are data that aren’t stated in tones but in some other units (in kilograms, cubic meters, or pieces). For correction the factors of conversion have been used.

The collected data on waste are coded on national level according to the National List of Waste (based on European List of Waste - LoW) classification. For reporting purposes of Waste Statistics Regulation, SSO of Republic of North Macedonia prepared data according to WStatR classification. Regarding how coding is handled and of the validation routines established. This is done in both visual and automatic way (Blaise programme). Imputation - rate

[not requested]

6.3.5. Model assumption error

No models are used.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable, no seasonal adjustment of data is made.

6.5. Data revision - policy

In accordance with the Statistical Data Revision Policy

6.6. Data revision - practice

Not applicable, there is no data revision in this SS.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Not applicable.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness























Formation the address book of reporting units













Distribution of questionnaires to reporting units













Collecting questionnaires from reporting units












Data processing of questionnaires











Entering the data










Data analysys and validation










Data tabulation























The first results are published in the form of First Release on the web-site of the State Statistical Office.

Timeliness of the first release.

Reference period


Date of publication


7.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not applicable

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

Time ddifference to definitive resuls=120

7.2. Punctuality
Explanation for any delay in data transmission and measures taken to avoid delays in future:
 Data are released within the established deadlines in accordance with the Release Calendar and
are timely transmited to Eurostat.
The time difference of first release publisihing = 0 days.
7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The time difference of first release publisihing = 0 days.
The time difference of transmission to Eurostat = 0 days.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical
Description of classifications used

Name of
classification(s) used

Description of the classification(s)
(in particular compatibility with WStatR requirements)

Economic activities

 NACE  Rev. 2  Data are distributed by sections of economic activity (NACE Rev.2)

Waste types

 European List of Waste For the purposes of the reporting tables a linkage between European List of Waste and EWC-Stat categories is made (Table of Equivalence)

Recovery and treatment operations

 R&D codes Nomenclature of recovery activities acc. Art. 29 of the Waste Management Law "Official Gazzete", no. 68/2004 and 71/2004.

There is geographical comparability of the released data at national and regional level. With
respect to geographical comparability with other EU countries, it is also ensured because data
are collected in line with EU regulations.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

8.2. Comparability - over time
 Changes compared with previous years:
Time series from 2008 and there is no break in the time series. The number of reference periods
in the time series is 8.


 Foreseen changes:
 Taking into account the expirience acquired in conducting the waste from these surveys, it is necessary to improve the data quality and observe as much as possible the requirements of the concerned regulation. One of the field need to be improved is updating the Statistical Business Register, in order to reduce the non-response rate.      

Changes will be made in accordance with the recommendations of Eurostat.


 Specific issues concerning the data collection on the current reference year:


 Detailed description and consequences:
 Data can be compared only for the section Manufacturing.
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

The lenth of comparable time series = 8 reference periods.

8.3. Coherence - cross domain
Environment statistics:
 Coherence between fields is not ensured.


Socio-economic statistics:

[not requested]

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

The coherence with National Accounts is not exercised.

8.6. Coherence - internal

Internal coherence of data is ensured, data are controlled and analysed withinthe production

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

News release ""Waste by section of economic activity.

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not applicable, data from the SS are not published in the thematic publication.

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

MAKStat database-Environment

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Number of reviews of data tables = 58.

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

According to the Law on State Statistics (Article 41) and the Policy on Access to
Anonymised Microdata for scientific purposes , data collected for the purpose of official
statistics may be used for scientific purposes if there is no risk of direct or indirect identification,
i.e. disclosure of data individuality. Access to microdata is possible only in the safe room at the
SSO, based on a submitted and approved request and a signed agreement.

9.5. Dissemination format - other

- Statistical Yearbook
- Environmental statistics
- Regions of the Republic of North Macedonia
Survey data are sent to Eurostat and they are released on the web site of this institution

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Methodological explanation, national
Methodology from Eurostat

9.7. Quality management - documentation

[not requested]

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Metadata coverage of statistical outputs = 88.9%.
Metadata coverage of statistical processes = 75%.
Metadata coverage of quality = 70%.

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

[not requested]

10. Cost and Burden Top
Burden on respondents

Survey /

Type and total number of respondents

Actual no. of respondents

Time required for response

Measures taken to minimise the burden

   Nusiness entities - 1200 805  15 minutes  Not applicable

The burden on respondents could not be quantified. Enterprises were not asked to register the time spent for filling in the questionnaire. We plan to introduce this issue in the survey for the next reference year.

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy
Description of the relevant confidentiality policy:
 All individual or personal data, in each phase of statistical processing, are treated as confidential
data and may be used only for statistical purposes. When releasing data from this survey at an
aggregated level, there is no need for additional data treatment for the purpose of ensuring
11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

[not requested]

12. Comment Top


Related metadata Top

Annexes Top