Waste generation and treatment (env_wasgt)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Department  for Environment, Energy and Regional Statistics

1.5. Contact mail address

Zelenih beretki 26, 71 000 Sarajevo


2. Statistical presentation Top



2.1. Data description

The  Law on Statistics  of BiH establishes the legislative framework for the organisation, production and dissemination of statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 26).

Within the framework defined by this Law, the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina  is the competent body to process, disseminate and endorse Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Law on Statistics of BiH (Article 8 (e)):

  • the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina collect, process and disseminate statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina in accordance with internationally accepted standards based on data submitted by the Entity Institutes and/or data collected directly by the Agency. For these purposes the Agency may (i) where it considers necessary for the performance of its statutory functions provided herein collect statistical data from any Statistical Unit in the Entities; and (ii) collect data for its statutory functions provided herein from BiH Institutions; legal entities at the State level.

 Law on Statistics of BiH (Article 18 (3)):

  • The Entity Institutes shall in collecting and processing Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina apply the standards and practice issued by the Agency and transmit the data in accordance with the Agency’s requirements.

Law on Statistics of BiH (Article 19 (1) (4)):

  • In order to ensure the quality of Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina and retain the trust of the public therein, the organisation and implementation of the Programme or any other statistical activities to which this Law applies, shall be governed by the principles of reliability, objectivity, relevance, importance, statistical confidentiality and transparency.
  • Information necessary to evaluate the quality of Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina, notably the methods used for the production, and how the principles are compiled with, shall be publicly accessible.

The competent authorities for organizing, producing and disseminating statistics are: The Agency for statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BHAS) at the level of the state, (www.bhas.gov.ba), the Federal Office of Statistics for the Entity of Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina FZS (http://fzs.ba/), the Republika Srpska Institute of Statistics for the Entity of Republika Srpska RZSRS (https://www.stat.gov.rs/).

Since 2010 BHAS, together with entity statistical institutions, has been carrying out four surveys annually – two on waste from production and service activities (OTP and OTP-P) and two on municipal waste (KOM-6aS and KOM-6aD). 

2.2. Classification system

Table 1: Description of classifications used



  Name of classification (s) used Description of the classification(s)
Economic activities KD BiH (NACE Rev. 2 ) National classification based on NACE REV 2
Waste types LoW – List of Waste

Converted into EWC–Stat Version 4 classification

with conversion key (Directive No 849/2010/EC)

Recovery and treatment operations

Disposal operations and Recovery operations

(so-called R code and D code)

according to Annex I and Annex II in the Waste Directive

Used as described in Directive No 2008/98/EC,

converted to recovery and disposal operations according to WstatR

2.3. Coverage - sector

When selecting methods, a starting-point has been to prioritise good quality of statistics for flows of hazardous waste and large flows of waste that have been associated with environmental  problems. Another starting point has been to reduce the burden of respondents. There is no calculations  used for small enterprises (less than 10 employees).

Table: Description of methods for determining waste generation, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2020

See AnnexI


Annex 1
2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

The data were collected within the following surveys:

 Report on Waste Generation in Production and Service Activities (OTP):

Reporting units are business entities and parts of business entities that have 10 or more employees and are registered in sectors B by the Classification of Activities - Mining and quarrying, C - Manufacturing, D - Production and supply of electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning, F - Construction, G - Wholesale and retail, repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles (without 46.77 - Wholesale of waste and scrap), H - Transportation and storage, I - Accommodation and food service activities (hotel industry and catering). Reporting units present their own waste generated during the activity of the company where waste quantities generated in production activities (in tons) are recorded.  In 2020, a total of 3,674 reporting units was covered; the response rate was 72,3%. The questionnaire is available on website: 


 (MD „Chemicals and Waste in Agenda 2030“)

  • Annual Report on Waste Recovery/Disposal (OTP-P):

Through this survey data on types and quantities of waste that have been processed, reused or disposed is collected. In 2020, there were 180 reporting units; the response rate was 73,3%.

The questionnaire is available on website:


 (MD „Chemicals and Waste in Agenda 2030“)

 Aforementioned surveys are related to waste from production and service activities. Next two surveys are related to generation and treatment of municipal waste:


  • Annual survey on municipal waste collectors (survey KOM-6aS)

For the annual statistical survey on municipal waste - KOM-6aS, reporting units are business entities, which have been granted the right to waste collection, regardless of whether they are only waste collectors or at the same time manage the landfill site. The reporting units show data on all quantities of municipal waste that were collected during the reference year. Within this survey data are collected for quantity of municipal waste, data on the source of municipal waste and data on the further handling of collected municipal waste. In addition to municipal waste from group 20 (Municipal waste - household waste and similar commercial, industrial and institutional waste, including separately collected fractions) and 15 01 (Packaging - including separately collected municipal waste packaging) from the List of Waste. In 2020, 155 reporting units were covered, and the response rate was 97,8%.

The questionnaire is available on website:


 (MD „Chemicals and Waste in Agenda 2030“)


  • Annual survey on waste brought to landfill sites (survey KOM-6aD)

 For the annual statistical survey on municipal waste - KOM 6aD reporting units are the business entities that manage the municipal landfill. Data are collected on the amount of waste that, in the year of reporting, arrived at the landfill, regardless of how the waste was collected. Data are collected on the amount of received waste to landfills and the amount of waste disposed. In 2020, 112 reporting units were covered; the response rate was 73,2%.

The questionnaire is available on website:


(MD „Chemicals and Waste in Agenda 2030“)


Waste: any substance or item specified in the waste categories prescribed by the implementing regulation of the FBiH Waste Management Law (Official Gazette of FBiH 33/03), and the RS Waste Management Act (Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia 53/02), which the owner discards, intends or must discard.
Inert waste is waste which is not subject to essential physical chemical and / or biological changes, and is determined by the regulations from Article 4 (FBiH) and Article 5 (RS) of the Law.
Non-hazardous waste is waste which by its composition and properties is designated as non-hazardous waste by the regulation referred to in Article 4 (FBiH) and Article 5 (RS) of the Law.
Hazardous waste is any waste that by its composition and properties is defined as hazardous waste by the regulations referred to in Article 4 (FBiH) and Article 5 (RS) of the Law.
2.5. Statistical unit
Reporting units are business entities and parts of business entities that have 10 or more employees and are registered in the sectors B - Mining and quarrying, C - Manufacturing and D - Production and supply of electricity, gas , steam and air conditioning, F-Construction and G-I.
Reporting units are all business subjects and parts of business entities from the Register of Business Entities classified according to the Classification of Activities (KD BiH 2010) in the field of activities E - Water supply, waste water treatment, waste management and environmental remediation activities. The area is 38 - Waste collection, waste treatment and disposal activities; recycling materials.
2.6. Statistical population

In the table on Waste generation: all national waste generated exc. NACE A-Agriculture.

In the table on Waste treatment: all waste treated within the boarders of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


2.7. Reference area

Country name: Bosnia and Herzegovina

 Reference year: 2020



2.8. Coverage - Time

Data is published biennial since 2012.

Description of data set(s) delivered



Waste generation by waste category


(EWC-STAT) and economic activity (NACE), tonnes/year


Generated waste 2020

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data
 Via printed questionnaire filled-in by the active business subjects and parts of business entities from the Register of Business Entities classified according to the Classification of Activities (KD BiH 2010).
3.2. Frequency of data collection

Communal waste survey (KOM6as; KOM6aD): Yearly

Industrial waste survey (OTP): bi-annual

Processing waste (OTP-P): Yearly 

3.3. Data collection

Determination of waste generation by survey

In our main survey on waste, the Report on Waste Generation in Production and Service Activities (OTP), the reporting units were selected business entities whose activity has generated waste from production and service activities and also municipal waste. For the year 2020 in general we observed 3,674  units in the OTP survey.

During selection of reporting units a  cut-off method was used,  threshold was applied (with 10 or more employees), the full scope of active business entities that are registered in three NACE areas B, C and D. The frame used is the Statistical Business Register (SBR).

For NACE Rev. 2 activities F, a  method threshold was applied (with 10 or more employees) and additionaly active business entities with 250.000 EUR and more annual turnover.

For NACE Rev. 2 activities G-I stratified sampling design with proportional allocation was used, except for Class 46.770 covered with a method threshold (with 10 or more employees).

For NACE Rev. 2 activities G-I strata were defined.  According to the number of employees, enterprises were divided into 3 groups:

•          group 1: > 250 employees,

•          group 2: 50 - 250 employees,

•          group 3: < 50 employees.


Determination of extractive waste generation

Table: Coverage of waste statistics with regard to extractive waste






Completely covered





Partially covered





Generally excluded






If wastes like topsoil, overburden and waste-rock from mining activities are managed (crushing, sieving, etc.) on the site where they were generated and are then also used on place of their origin (for example for backfilling, for dikes, etc.), according to BHAS methodology not considered as waste.

Excluded from the press release are quantities of waste from four waste codes according to the EWCStat classification: Other mineral waste (12.2, 12.3, 12.5) and Excavated earth (12.7), and according to the Waste List code Waste from mineral extraction (0101) from area B - Mining and stone.

Determination of waste generated by households

Table: Determination methods for waste generated by household

see Annex V.

Data collection on treated quantities:

General description of methodology:

Data on tretated quantities are not reported. 

Data on treated quantities are collected with statistical surveys namely:

  • Report on Waste Generation in Production and Service Activities (OTP) – data about temporary storage,
  • Annual Report on Waste Recovery/Disposal (OTP-P),
  • Annual Report on Collected Municipal Waste (KOM 6aS) - data on public collection and removal of municipal waste, data on source of municipal waste and data on further handling of municipal waste,
  • Annual Report on the Amount of Waste Brought to Landfill Sites in previous year (KOM 6aD) - data on the number and the location of landfill sites and data about amounts of waste landfilled on the landfill sites.

Description of data sources and methods by treatment categories


Item 1

Incineration (R1)

Item 2

Incineration (D10)

Item 3a
(R2 – R11)

Item 3b

Item 4
(D1, D5, D12)

Item 5
Other disposal
(D2, D3, D4, D6, D7)

Data source

Annual statistical surveys:

  • OTP (internal)
  • OTP-P

Annual statistical surveys:

  • OTP (internal)
  • OTP-P

Annual statistical surveys:

  • OTP (internal)
  • OTP-P
  • KOM 6aD (covering)

Annual statistical surveys:

  • OTP (internal)
  • OTP-P

Annual statistical surveys:

  • OTP (internal),
  • OTP-P
  • KOM6aD (disposal)

Annual statistical surveys:

  • OTP (internal),
  • OTP-P



Collecting data from all business entities who obtain permit for incineration (R1)

Collecting data from all business entities who obtain permit for incineration (D10).

Collecting data from all business entities who obtain permit for waste recovery (R2 – R11), and data from landfill sites (amount of waste used for covering landfill sites).

Collecting data from all business entities who obtain environmental permit for backfilling, including permit for internal backfilling.

Collecting data from all business entities that have permit for landfilling (D1, D5, D12), including permit for internal disposal of waste and data from landfill sites.

Collecting data from all business entities who have permit for other disposal (D2, D3, D4, D6, D7) of waste, including permit for internal other waste disposal.

Legal basis for data collection

Regulation on Waste management

Regulation on Landfills

Annual program of statistical surveys

In formulating the methodology it was into account the current legislation for the field of waste management and the EU Waste Statistics Regulation . It was also incorporated methodological elements of the United Nations (relating Waste section)

Reporting forms


  • OTP-P - Survey on recovery / disposal of waste– printed statistical questionnaire send to reporting unit by ordinary mail.
  • OTP (internal treatment) - Survey on waste generation in production and service activities– statistical questionnaire send to reporting unit by ordinary mail.
  • KOM6a-D - Survey on waste brought to landfill sites - statistical questionnaire send to reporting unit by ordinary mail.

Frequency of data collection

OTP-Biannual; OTP-P, KOM6aD-Annual

Classifications used

Waste types:

  • Data are collected at 6 digit classification number by LoW classification and for the purpose of reporting under Waste Statistic Regulation converted into EWC Stat version 4 classifications with conversion key as described in Directive No. 849/2010/EC.    


R & D codes:

  • Used as described in Directive 2008/98/EC


Separation of waste at source is a condition prescribed by the Law on Waste Management and contained in the Management Strategy waste to encourage recycling. The task is for the municipality to organize a waste sorting system and establish an appropriate infrastructure to enable this process. The system of separate waste collection is underdeveloped, the quantities of separately collected waste are low.

Statistical survey OTP-P (Annual Waste Treatment/Disposal Survey) is carried out in accordance with Regulative 2150/2002/EC on waste statistics (in the part of waste treatment reporting). Business entities involved in the collection, recycling, waste treatment and/or import/export of waste are included.

Business entities of this survey may be registered in any of the activities of NACE Rev. 2. For this reason, it is difficult to establish the statistical address book of reporting units for this survey, therefore the registry of competent ministries that issue waste management licenses is used. The address book of the Chambers of commerce is also used in order to establish the statistical address book of active entities.

Data are not reliable enough (very few companies deal with waste treatment, mostly trade companies (after sorting, resell waste multiple times.) Although the statistical form is designed to track waste flows, it is very difficult to monitor individual waste streams (waste taken over from other companies / waste handed over to others for management).

Coordination of entity statistical institutions with Environmental Funds regarding waste data collection is insufficient. the situation is such that statistical institutions and Funds independently perform their data collection activities.

The result of this situation is that there is no detailed and comprehensive, reliable and accurate data as we would wish on the quantities of separately collected and treated waste, which affects non-reporting for TRT table.

Assignment of certain types of waste from the activity (LoW) that it is actually generated is sometimes difficult and can affect the distribution of waste by industries, as well as the quality of the data. As regards the LoW, there are codes that are not sufficiently descriptive, and reporting units have difficulty finding appropriate codes.

Regarding the use of R and D codes, in some cases, there is difficulty in selecting the appropriate operation, because from the existing description it is not always obvious to companies which code is best suited for procedure applied.

Data on number and capacity of treatment facilities

Data on treatment facilities are not reported to Eurostat because they are not available.

Table: Identification of relevant treatment facilities

Identification of register(s) used
(name; responsible institution)
Description of register(s)
(coverage; frequency and procedure of updating, ...)

Issuance of a permit for activities in the field of waste management

obtained by Ministry of Physical Planning, Construction and Ecology RS and

Federal Ministry of Environment and Tourism.

Management of registers on the basis of issued administrative acts and permits in

the legislation regulating waste management

All business entities that have environmental permits for

waste collection for waste treatment (for particular waste and

particular process of waste treatment and waste treatment facilities). 

Updated: The established registers are updated by entity Ministry on their website.

Annex 5
3.4. Data validation

The Agency for Statistics of BiH and entity statistical institutions perform checks on the validity and credibility of the data. The data validity error is detected when the data entry is incorrect, which can lead to problems when processing data, so data can not be included in statistical analysis, and must be erased or corrected. Examples of such mistakes are incorrect waste codes or units of quantity, etc. Data authentication checks include data accuracy checks and estimates of all possible data related errors. The fact is that some of the data that passed the validation check can still be incorrect. Residual errors can be detected if we are looking for inconsistent variables.

Changes compared with previous years

SP IPA MBP 5.6 Waste statistics has been launched, which includes all parts of waste statistics in BA.

Will be analyzed the status of waste statistics in BA in general and in particular in view of the implementation of the new legal requirements with a focus on MW and WStatR data.

During two years of project duration will be identifyed and prioritized weaknesses in waste statistics with the aim to draw up a work program / action plan to tackle these shortcomings in this project.

SP will provide for the timely delivery of MW and WStatR data to Eurostat in 2022. The changes in the questionnaire are not of a methodological nature, there were no methodological changes compared with previous reference years. It was more related to greater clarity and comprehensibility of waste flows for reporting units.

 Foreseen changes

 Further aspects need to be considered for a comprehensive assessment of statistical gaps. Due to various specific causes, it is not possible to obtain a completely consistent picture of hazardous waste generation and treatment data. The main reasons are:

- in cases where statistical deficiencies cannot be explained - even when all the reasons explaining the differences in data are taken into account - it can be concluded that there is poor reporting on waste activities and that there is no full record / control of these activities.

- the correct use of the classification is of the utmost importance because incorrect classification can lead to HW entering the treatment streams that are intended for non-hazardous waste,

- additional statistics on HW are needed to complete the picture and draw the correct conclusions (connection with Basel Y codes - EWC codes)

- monitoring the amount of hazardous waste that is temporarily stored.

3.5. Data compilation

Statistics are compiled on the following topics:

  • Waste generation and treatment
  • Management of waste

This data is used to produce the first release about waste management and to report national data to Eurostat. This includes annual reporting on municipal waste generation and treatment, and reporting for the Regulation on Waste Statistics (EC) No. 2150/2002 as amended by Commission Regulation (EU) No. 849/2010.


3.6. Adjustment

The data are not adjusted; they are rounded to thousands of tonnes, or kilograms per person respectively.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

Code of European Statistics Practice.


4.2. Quality management - assessment

Pursuant to the Law on Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official gazette of BiH“, No 26/2004 and 42/2004), Bosnia and Herzegovina Statistical Development Strategy 2020 (December, 2013), as well as to other relevant documents, and relying on the Declaration on the quality of European Statistical System, European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP), the recommendations of EUROSTAT The Leadership Group (LEG) that refer to system of quality management, Eurostat’s Quality Assurance framework (QAF) and other documents on internationally accepted good practices, Agency is committed to consistent esteem and implementation of the quality policy that is also based on following principles of Total Quality Management Model (TQM):

  • Monitoring of the Quality of statistical processes and products
  • Users’ satisfaction with statistical data
  • Strengthening of cooperation with data providers (reducing respondents burden)
  • Rational usage of resources available
  • Professional orientation of staff (education, motivation and satisfaction) Agency uses standard documentation that is prepared in accordance with Eurostat recommendations.

Detailed documentation is prepared for internal uses in national languages, while information provided to users are available in national languages and in English, (information on concepts, definitions, methods applied, level of data quality) in standardized format. Applying this documentation, based on multi-dimensional concept harmonized with EU standards (relevance, accuracy and reliability, timeliness and punctuality, coherence and comparability, accessibility and clarity) the basic frame for running internal and external assessments of quality of statistical processes and products in Agency is provided.

Quality documentation: Quality report according to Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs


There are many different users of waste statistics - citizens, politicians, municipal, regional and national authorities, industry, researchers, press reporters, etc. The needs differ depending on type of user. Usually, users are interested in the total numbers in certain NACE or sub-categories of NACE, rarely for certain waste types.


5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Since 2011, Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina conducts user satisfaction surveys.

The purpose and goal of the User Satisfaction Survey of the Agency for Statistics of BiH is to obtain valuable data about the habits and needs of our users. With the survey a broad scope of users was provided with the possibility to share their views about our work and suggestions for further improvements. Results of this survey provide quality improvement of data and services offered by Agency, in the segments with which users were least satisfied.

All results are available on the website at http://www.bhas.gov.ba/Content/Read/92?title=Kvalitet&lang=en

Relevance refers to how the statistics are used (using the requirements in the waste statistics regulation as a starting point). Apart from the reporting obligations to the EU in accordance with the waste statistics regulation, statistics on waste generation and recovery and disposal of waste are needed in Bosnia and Herzegovina for the follow-up and development of environmental policies. The existing waste statistics are considered to be useful for both the follow-up and the development of action plans in this field.



5.3. Completeness

Missing data in dataset 1 for NACE A-Agriculture, and NACE E36,37,38,39, G46.77 and parts of G-U (J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S, T,U)


Completely missing data in dataset 2 and 3.

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

When processing the data, in those cells where the reported values are zero, additionally checked indications that the combinations of waste and economic activities are actually not occurring. These indications are typically the fact that the waste item is not reported by enterprises included in the survey, or that the combinations of activity and waste type is extremely unlikely.

Data on waste management are considered incomplete, therefore data are not provided for TRT 2020 and FAC 2020. Bosnia and Herzegovina still does not have a NUTS regions.


Description of missing data
(waste category, treatment category, region, ..
Explanation How to overcome the deficit
All treatment parameters of sets 2 and 3

The research is still in the testing phase

due to poor data quality

Confirm stability of data in future

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

Due to the large number of units included in the survey and legislative reporting requirements, it could be say that the survey covers most of the units, which significantly contribute to the total amount of waste generated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was assume that the defects do not exist and  that the accuracy of the data is good.

Measurement and data processing errors 

Statistical units were selected for the survey in accordance with the rules applicable to the Business Register. In the statistical form, data on quantities are presented in tonnes of waste with one decimal place. Telephone control of data suspected to indicate an incorrect unit of measure is performed. Statistical forms have not been changed since 2008, so companies are familiar with the form and content of the form, and have no problems filling them out.

Once the forms are collected, they are recorded and sorted according to whether they have been completed or not (filling in the list of reporting units with the ID number for each reporting unit). This is followed by visual control of completed questionnaires, as part of visual control of all received completed questionnaires, all errors are corrected (incorrect data on quantities, incorrect classification regarding LoW codes, false links between NACE Rev. 2 activities and waste classification number by LoW, incomplete questionnaire, etc.). When the questionnaires are visually examined, attention is paid to whether the listed LoW codes correspond to certain business activities of NACE Rev. 2. 2. If there is an unbelievable or unusual combination, the reporting unit contacts the telephone and inquires about the reasons for using certain waste codes. After quick visual controls, data from the questionnaire are entered. Data from printed questionnaires are entered into the database using the Blaise program. With the help of the computer program "Blaise", the logical control of the data in the questionnaires is performed, the subsequent correction of undetected errors (which were missed during the visual inspection) via telephone or e-mail contact with the responding units. When the data is entered, the data is transferred to the final database.

The most commonly identified processing errors are partially missing information (not all required columns have been filled in) and missing codes related to waste production and treatment processes. These are the most common types of errors and are very common. Less common errors, which still occur in significant numbers, are: the use of incorrect or less appropriate waste classification number (LoW) in relation to the business activities performed by the unit and the discrepancy between the amount of waste generated and the amount of treated waste. Wrongly written amount of waste (for example, instead of tonnes, quantities are shown in kilograms). Errors in displaying quantities also occur in some other units (most commonly in cubic meters or “pieces”).

Another inconsistency that emerges is double computation, especially in codes 20 and 15 01 according to the Low classification. The type of treatment (codes) is in line with the explanations in the Waste Statistics Manual. Coding errors related to the type of treatment is problematic for small businesses, they usually do not know which code to report in the questionnaire.

In the total amount of waste from production and service activities shown in the statistical releases, the quantities of waste are excluded four waste codes according to the EWCStat classification: Other mineral waste (12.2, 12.3, 12.5) and Excavated earth (12.7), and according to the Waste List code Waste from excavation of mineral resources (0101) from area B - Mining and quarrying.

 Model assumption errors 

Not relevant

6.2. Sampling error

Due to the large number of units included in the survey and legislative reporting requirements, it could be say that the survey covers most of the units, which significantly contribute to the total amount of waste generated in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was assume that the defects do not exist and  that the accuracy of the data is good.

The published data could be regarded as final, unless otherwise stated.Corrections and revisions might occur.Important corrections are necessarily clarified and explained in the summary methodology.There is no major changes in the methods caused by changes in legislation.

See Annex 2

Annex 2
6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable

6.3. Non-sampling error

Not applicable

6.3.1. Coverage error

Not applicable. Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable. Common units - proportion

Not applicable.

6.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable.

6.3.3. Non response error

NRE is calculated Unit non-response - rate

KOM: 96,55%-99,28%

OTP: 83.04%-83,91%

OTP-P: 85,41%-94,36% Item non-response - rate

INR rate is not calculated.

6.3.4. Processing error

There is no processing errors findings performed. Imputation - rate

There is no imputation rate findings performed.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable since no model is used.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Communal waste: Statistical procedures for setting the series (seasoning methods) are not used.

Industrial waste: Not applicable because it is a bi-annual research.

Processing waste: Not applicable because it is a annual research.

6.5. Data revision - policy

The  Agency for Statistics of BiH does not have an official audit policy paper for data revision.

6.6. Data revision - practice

The published data could be regarded as final, unless otherwise stated.

Corrections and revisions might occur.

Important corrections are necessarily clarified and explained in the summary methodology.

There is no major changes in the methods caused by changes in legislation.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size


7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

All publications are published timely, according to the Release Calendar presenting the results of the statistical surveys.


7.1.1. Time lag - first result

Time lag - first result:

The time lag between the end of the reference period and the publishing data is around 14 months.

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

Time lag - final result:

Final results are submitted to Eurostat two weeks after the publishing data.

7.2. Punctuality

All publications are prepared timely, according to the Release Calendar presenting the results of the statistical surveys carried out by the Agency for Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

All national data and publications were delivered in time.

The Agency deliver the data to Eurostat within 18 months after the end of the reference period,  in a few cases with a small delay.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

For all  waste statistical surveys, Agency for Statistics of BiH applies international methodological standards for data processing.

This allows comparison of BiH data with waste data from other countries.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not measured.

8.2. Comparability - over time

The current survey WStatR2020 is basically comparable to the prior surveys WStatR 2018, WStatR 2016, WStatR2014 and WStatR2012. All surveys follow the guidelines from Eurostat, why they should be comparable over time .

8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

The current survey WStatR2020 is  comparable to the prior surveys WStatR2018, WStatR 2016, WStatR2014 and WStatR2012.

All surveys follow the guidelines from Eurostat, why they should be comparable over time.

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

- Statistics on Environment-Economic Accounts are still in development in Bosnia and Herzegovina, so in-depth analyzes have not been done yet. Within the professional contributions we have prepared some comparisons between the environmental protection expenditure for the purpose of environmental domain waste management and quantities of waste generated.

- Coherence with Trade Statistic: the Department of Environmental Statistics of Statistics Agency Bosnia and Herzegovina has taken action to process the available data of external trade statistics- data on exported/imported quantities of non-hazardous waste. Agency for Statistics recives the data from the single administrative document of the Indirect Taxation Authority, in accordance  with the Protocol on Cooperation signed between the two institutions. Data on exported/imported quantities of non-hazardous waste were obtained from processing databases of external trade statistics. The database contains information that is relevant to statistics on import and export of waste. These data include the following elements:

 • Description of goods

 •   The quantities traded in tons

 •   Country of origin and destination

 •   There are also other information such as the value of   the goods, but they are not relevant to statistics on imports and exports of waste in the context of Regulation 2150/2002/EC on waste statistics.

Processing of a database of external trade statistics are extracted tariff numbers (CN codes) containing waste. The choice of these codes was based on an assessment and identification conducted by German Bureau of Statistics, as well as amendments proposed by the Federal Environment Agency UBA (Federal Environment Agency).

- Agency for Statistics of BiH in previous years prepared also brochures namely:

  • Sustainable development indicators in BiH, 2020
  • Chemicals and Waste in Agenda 2030
  • SDG indicators 2020“

These brochures on some way represent comparison between different environmental issues.

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

The use of statistical units and the NACE classification of economic activities makes the waste domain coherent with annual economic statistics.

This allows the computation of indicators based on economic variables.



8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Waste Accounts is not developed as a part of Environmental Accounts

8.6. Coherence - internal

The data are  internally coherent (totals are equal to the sum of the breakdowns).

The information on the generation of waste can not be directly linked to the information on the treatment of waste for several reasons (see 8.3)

The generation of waste concerns the waste produced in the country, the treatment of waste the waste treated in the country, so differences can occur due to import and export of waste.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top

Data are published on national level using LoW classification. Data are first published in Bosnia and Herzegovina in the form of the first release on the BHAS website.                                                                                                                                                                                     

It was improving  clarity with methodology explanations that were sent out as a booklet together with the questionnaires. Reporting units could also use waste statistic internet page (http://www.bhas.ba/index.php?option=com_publikacija&view=publikacija_pregled&ids=5&id=18&n=Okoli%C5%A1%20i%20energija&Itemid=&lang=en  (old web page) and

http://www.bhas.gov.ba/Calendar/Category/27?lang=en (new web page), where they could find additional information

9.1. Dissemination format - News release

The first releases, Annual, according to the Release Calendar presenting the results of the statistical surveys:



9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
1. "Chemicals and Waste in Agenda 2030" (http://www.bhas.gov.ba/Calendar/Category/27)
2. "Statistics for Sustainable Development Goals" (http://www.bhas.gov.ba/data/Publikacije/Bilteni/2019/RDE_00_2018_TB_0_BS.pdf)
Other  environmental statistics publications are:
1. Indicators of sustainable development of BiH, 2017 (http://www.bhas.ba/tematskibilteni/TB_I_odr_razvBiH_BS.pdf)
2. Indicators of sustainable development of BiH, 2014 (http://www.bhas.ba/tematskibilteni/Okolis_2015_BiH.pdf)
3. Selected environmental indicators 2013 (  http://www.bhas.ba/tematskibilteni/OPS_2013_001_01_bh.pdf)
9.3. Dissemination format - online database

For now, there is no on-line BHAS database on waste statistics.

Data on Municipal waste are available to all users of the BHAS website under the heading Environment.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not applicable.

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not accessible

9.5. Dissemination format - other

Not applicable.

9.6. Documentation on methodology


1. Handbook  on Waste Statistics (http://www.bhas.ba/metodoloskidokumenti/MWS_2013_001_01-bh.pdf)

2. Determination of Waste according to List of Waste (http://www.bhas.ba/metodoloskidokumenti/LoW_2012_001_01_BA.pdf)

9.7. Quality management - documentation

Pursuant to the Law on Statistics of Bosnia and Herzegovina (“Official gazette of BiH“, No 26/2004 and 42/2004), Bosnia and Herzegovina Statistical Development Strategy 2020 (December, 2013), as well as to other relevant documents, and relying on the Declaration on the quality of European Statistical System, European Statistics Code of Practice (CoP), the recommendations of EUROSTAT The Leadership Group (LEG) that refer to system of quality management, Eurostat’s Quality Assurance framework (QAF) and other documents on internationally accepted good practices, Agency is committed to consistent esteem and implementation of the quality policy that is also based on following principles of Total Quality Management Model (TQM):

 Monitoring of the Quality of statistical processes and products

 Users’ satisfaction with statistical data

 Strengthening of cooperation with data providers (reducing respondents burden)

 Rational usage of resources available

 Professional orientation of staff (education, motivation and satisfaction) Agency uses standard documentation that is prepared in accordance with Eurostat recommendations.

Detailed documentation is prepared for internal uses in national languages, while information provided to users are available in national languages and in English, (information on concepts, definitions, methods applied, level of data quality) in standardized format. Applying this documentation, based on multi-dimensional concept harmonized with EU standards (relevance, accuracy and reliability, timeliness and punctuality, coherence and comparability, accessibility and clarity) the basic frame for running internal and external assessments of quality of statistical processes and products in Agency is provided.

Quality documentation: Quality report according to Regulation (EC) No 2150/2002.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate


Not available.

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

Not applicable. 

10. Cost and Burden Top

In all WStatR survey an evaluation of the burden of respondents was not made. BHAS estimated average time per respondent to answer the questionnaires:

Survey /

Type of respondents

Actual no. of respondents

Time required for response

Measures taken to minimise the burden


Waste generators - business entities from NACE Rev. 2 activities


35 minutes

Reporting on questionnaire OTP is take place with printed forms.

Preparation of electronic reporting in future.



Waste processors


40 minutes


Municipal waste collectors


60 minutes

Reporting on questionnaires are take place with printed forms.

Preparation of electronic reporting in future.



Managers of landfill sites 


60 minutes

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy


  • The Law on Statistics of BiH (Official Gazette of BiH 26/04 and 42/04 - Chapter XI - Article 23-29) establishes the principle of confidentiality as one of the main principles.
  • Regulation (EC) No 223/2009 on European statistics (recital 24 and Article 20(4)) of 11 March 2009 (OJ L 87, p. 164), stipulates the need to establish common principles and guidelines ensuring the confidentiality of data used for the production of European statistics and the access to those confidential data with due account for technical developments and the requirements of users in a democratic society.




11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

 The document "Rules on the Protection of Statistical Data in the Agency" lists procedures for ensuring confidentiality during collection, processing and dissemination - including, protocols for securing individual access data, rules for defining confidential cells in output tables and procedures for the detection and prevention of subsequent exposures, as well as access to microdata for research purposes.

12. Comment Top

A comprehensive national Waste Information System is needed to provide the necessary data for reporting at the national and international level, improved access to waste data, support regulatory reforms and related reporting.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Annex _BA