Environmental goods and services sector (env_egs)

Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Denmark

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Denmark

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Business Statistics, Research, Technology and Culture

1.5. Contact mail address

Sejroegade 11, DK 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 15/04/2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 15/04/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 15/04/2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description
The environmental goods and services sector (EGSS) accounts report on an economic sector that generates goods and services produced for environmental protection or the management of natural resources.

Products for environmental protection prevent, reduce and eliminate pollution or any other degradation of the environment. Examples are electric vehicles, catalysts and filters to decrease pollutant emissions, wastewater and waste treatment services, noise insulation works or restoration of degraded habitats.

Products for resource management safeguard the stock of natural resources against depletion. Examples are renewable energy production, energy-efficient and passive buildings, seawater desalinization or rainwater recovery, and materials recovery.

EGSS accounts provide data on output and export of environmental goods and services and on the value added of and employment in the environmental goods and services sector.

EGSS data are compiled following the statistical concepts and definitions set out in the UN System of Environmental-Economic Accounting 2012 – Central Framework.

3.2. Classification system
Data are reported cross-classified by 1) the type of environmental protection or resource management activity and 2) economic activity. Environmental protection activities are classified by environmental domain as set out in the Classification of Environmental Protection Activities - CEPA. Resource management activities are classified as set out in the Classification of Resource Management Activities - CReMA. Economic activity is classified according to the Statistical Classification of Economic Activities in the European Community, Rev. 2 (2008).
For environmental protection the CEPA classification (Classification of Environmental Protection Activities) is used:
- Cepa 1: Protection of ambient air and climate.
- Cepa 2: Wastewater management.
- Cepa 3: Waste management.
- Cepa 4: Protection of soil, groundwater and surface water.
- Cepa 5: Noise and vibration abatement.
- Cepa 6: Protection of biodiversity and landscape.
- Cepa 7: Protection against radiation.
- Cepa 8: Environmental research and development.
- Cepa 9: Other Environmental protection activities.
In the data collection and dissemination CEPA 7 is reported under CEPA 9.
For resource saving / optimizing is used the CreMa classification (Classification of resource Management activities):
- CreMa 10: Management of water.
- CreMa 11: Management of forest areas (11a og 11b).
- CreMa 12: Management of wild flora and fauna.
- CreMa 13: Management of energy resources.
  13A: Production of energy from renewable resources.
  13B: Heat/eanergy saving and management.
  13C: Minimisation of use of fossile materials.
- CreMa 14: Management of minerals.
- CreMa 15: Research and development for ressource management.
- CreMa 16: Other ressource management activities.
CreMa 12 are not directly included in the statistics, as the market based activities in these fields are seen as insignificant. Activities may be recorded under CreMa 16.
3.3. Coverage - sector
EGSS comprises a sector of the economy that produces goods and services aimed at environmental protection and resource management (see SEEA CF 2012 chapter 4). Environmental goods and services either reduce environmental pressures or help maintaining the stock of natural resources or they are designed to be cleaner and more resource efficient than conventional products. Environmental goods and services can be produced by corporations, households, governments and non-profit institutions. The list of environmental activities and products has been set out in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2174 ('the indicative compendium of environmental goods and services').
The EGSS statistics covers in DKK the following NACE-groups:
- A Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- C Manufacturing
- D Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
- E Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
- F Construction
- M Professional, scientific and technical activities - selected types of industry
3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

The EGSS statistics aim at compiling data for the following economic variables:

Output: consists of products that become available for use outside of the producer unit, any goods and services produced for own final use and goods that remain in the inventories at the end of the period in which they are produced. Apart from market output, output for own final use and non-market output, EGSS statistics also include ancillary output, comprising output intended for use within an enterprise.

Market output is to be valued at basic prices, that is, the prices receivable by the producer from the purchaser minus taxes and plus subsidies on products.
Output for own final use is to be valued at basic prices of similar products sold on the market or by the total costs of production.
Non-market output is to be estimated by the total costs of production.
Ancillary output is measured as a total of recurrent production costs (such as intermediate consumption, compensation of employees and consumption of fixed capital) incurred by enterprises to: 1) reduce environmental pressures arising from their production process or 2) produce environmental goods or services not intended for use outside the enterprise, but instead supporting other (non-environmental) activities undertaken within the enterprise (e.g. waste management services carried out in-house). For market producers, a mark-up for net operating surplus is added to the value of the EGSS ancillary output.

Gross Value Added: represents the contribution made by the production of environmental goods and services to GDP. It is the difference between the value of the output and intermediate consumption.

Employment: is measured in full-time equivalent jobs engaged in the production of output of environmental goods and services. Full-time equivalent is defined as total hours worked divided by the average annual working hours in a full-time job.

Exports: consist of sales, barter, gifts, or grants, of environmental goods and services from residents to non-residents

3.5. Statistical unit

The core units in the data collection and dissemination is the legal business units, grouped by type of industry. In few cases the economic unit is used. All units are in principle covered, independent of economic size. For the public sector only aggregated results are used

3.6. Statistical population

The statistical population is the national economy as defined in SEEA CF 2012 and the European System of Accounts (ESA 2010). It includes all economic activities undertaken by resident units.

In DK this includes business units in agriculture, manufacturing, energy supply, sewage and waste, construction and professional/scientific areas. Further, public sector actvities in relation til the environmental purposes are covered. 

3.7. Reference area


3.8. Coverage - Time

From 2012

3.9. Base period

Not relevant

4. Unit of measure Top

Turnover, export and value added is shown in million DKK (and in million EURO in Eurostat), current prices. Employment is shown in annual work units, AWU/FTE.

5. Reference Period Top

Calender year

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements
Data used in the statistics is partly existing data, partly data collected specifically for this statistics. These data are collected by Statistics Denmark according to the Law on Statistics Denmark, paragraph 8.
The EGSS-statistic and five other statistics (modules) are framed by regulation 691/2011. Further, implementing regulation 2015/2174 and 2022/125 are in force.
The regulation decides that first data on EGSS had to be submitted to Eurostat by the end of 2017 with 2015 as the first reference year, but 2014-results are obligatory as well. The early compilation in Denmark (from 2012) was partly due to a wish from governmental agencies to get information earlier than stipulated by the regulation.
By implementing regulation 2022/125 totals (and not only marked production) is mandatory results. These are included from 2018.
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

No data sharing with other institutions. However helpfull information has been provided

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

The general policy in Statistics Denmark on data confidentiality applies: [Data Confidentiality Policy at Statistics Denmark](https://www.dst.dk/en/OmDS/lovgivning?#fortrolig).

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

In the compiling of results, groups are merged to ensure that the confidentiality rules are followed.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

The publication date in Denmark appears in the release calendar. The date is confirmed in the weeks before.

8.2. Release calendar access

The Release Calender can be accessed on our English website: [Release Calender](https://www.dst.dk/en/Statistik/offentliggoerelser.aspx).

8.3. Release policy - user access

Statistics are always published at 8:00 a.m. at the day announced in the release calendar. No one outside of Statistics Denmark can access the statistics before they are published.

9. Frequency of dissemination Top


10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

News releases are produced once a year - in Danish only

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Publications has been produced in 2015 (in Danish):
[Grønne varer og tjenester 2013](https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/Publikationer/VisPub.aspx?cid=22253).
and[Grønne varer og tjenester 2014](https://www.dst.dk/da/Statistik/Publikationer/VisPub.aspx?cid=22252).

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

Environmental Goods and Services by environmental purpose: [GRON1](http://www.Statbank.dk/GRON1)
Environmental Goods and Services by type of industry: [GRON2](http://www.Statbank.dk/GRON2)

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection.

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Access to Micro-data from the survey part 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021 is possible via the Research Service Unit in Statistics Denmark. 

10.5. Dissemination format - other


10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested for this metadata collection.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

Eurostats manual on environmental goods and services:  [Manual](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3859598/7700432/KS-GQ-16-008-EN-N.pdf/f4965221-2ef0-4926-b3de-28eb4a5faf47)

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not yet compiled

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Results from the quality evaluation of products and selected processes are available in detail for each statistics and in summary reports for the Working Group on Quality in Statistics Denmark.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

Statistics Denmark follows the principles in the Code of Practice for European Statistics (CoP) and uses the Quality Assurance Framework of the European Statistical System (QAF) for the implementation of the principles. This involves continuous decentralized and central control of products and processes based on documentation following international standards. The central quality assurance function reports to the Working Group on Quality. Reports include suggestions for improvement that are assessed, decided and subsequently implemented.

11.2. Quality management - assessment
There are several potential sources of errors, which are considered to induce uncertainty to the results for environmental goods and service. In particular, this is due to the level of clarity of definitions on EGSS and measuring problems. This size of these problem has been reduced by very intensive validation of data.
In particular service in EGSS can be difficult to estimate, as EGSS services often is a part of a comprehensive process. Isolation of buildings is most often part of repair or construction and the time spend on the particular EGSS-activities is not easy to estimate. Further, advisory service also contains elements of EGSS, but difficult to distinguish between EGSS and non-EGSS.
EGSS-data from existing statistical sources is considered to be of good quality. Is is not possible to access the quality of the estimated figures (2017-2020) for the construction sector, but the single components in the model has been evaluated carefully.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

Information about business activities related to environmental and resource purposes is highly requested,  in order to show the importance for the business sector in this field. Statistics on environmental goods and services (EGSS) has the aim to provide such information and was established in cooperation with governmental agencies in these fields.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction
Not yet measured. 
The members of relevant fora for dialogue about the statistics has been informed and involved.
12.3. Completeness
The dissemination for 2012 to 2014 got further than requested in the EU-regulation due to domestic interests. Since almost only mandatory requirements in the regulation has been met. The dataset are complete in all dimensions.
Only results for market-based activities is included in the results which are published in DK. For results submitted to Eurostat also total results are submitted, taking several non-market activities on board, including non-market activitites in the public sector
12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall
Compiled on total turnover for EGSS, the error is expected to be plus/minus 10-15 billion DKK (related to a level for output at 250 billion DKK). The main part of the total error are considered to be due to measurement errors.
For value added, employment and export, the errors are of at least same size, relatively, as data are linked.
There is no knowledge if the results are over- or underestimating the "true" value.
13.2. Sampling error
The variance (CV) on the total estimate for turnover of EGSS in the surveyed types of industries is calculated to about 2 per cent . Its correspond to an error on 3 billion DKK, as the turnover in the subpopulation is 150 billion DKK.
For the single types of industries the error is higher, relatively. The typical variation is about 10 per cent.
On smaller units (less than 50 employees) the error is about 10 per cent. For larger holdings about 1,5 per cent.
13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3. Non-sampling error
The errors from other reasons/sources than sample survey is measurement errors. It is difficult exactly to assess if a good or service is part of EGSS or not.
What matters other variables than turnover, the assumption is, that an EGSS share of turnover also reflects the EGSS share of export, value added and employment. Furthermore, it is assumed that 2013-data also could be used for 2012 and 2014 compilation - 2015 data for 2016 compilation, 2017-data for 2018-compilation, 2019-data for 2020-compilation and 2021-data for 2022-compilation
The results for export is expected to underestimate the real level, due to problems to connect data on production and export. It is assessed, that the underestimation is less than 10 per cent.
13.3.1. Coverage error

Not requested for this metadata collection. Over-coverage - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection. Common units - proportion

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3.2. Measurement error

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3.3. Non response error

Not requested for this metadata collection. Unit non-response - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection. Item non-response - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3.4. Processing error

Not requested for this metadata collection.

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not requested for this metadata collection.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness
Results are published in DK October or November after end of reference year
Provisional results for 2019 were published November 19, 2020, together with consolidated data on 2018.
Provisional results for 2020 were published November 15, 2021, together with consolidated data on 2019.
Provisional results for 2021 were published November 9, 2022, together with consolidated data on 2020.
Provisional results for 2022 were published November 16, 2023, together with consolidated data on 2021.
Regarding deliveries to Eurostat - the timelines were kept
14.1.1. Time lag - first result

First results are publiced in DK 11 months after end of reference years

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

Final results are published in DK 1 year and 11 months after end of reference years

14.2. Punctuality

The data for 2020 (including revised data for 2018 and 2019) were delivered to Eurostat on 27th of October . The reporting deadline for EGSS to Eurostat is 31 October.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The data for 2020 (including revised data for 2018 and 2019) were delivered to Eurostat on 27th of October 2022 . The reporting deadline for EGSS to Eurostat is 31 October.

The data for 2021 (including revised data for 2018, 2019 and 2020) were delivered to Eurostat on 18th of October 2023 . The reporting deadline for EGSS to Eurostat is 31 October.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical
The statistics are in line with the Eurostat guidelines. Different methods by country may have impact on the comparability. 
Results for more countries are available in Eurostat database (https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/)
In November 2015 a News release with international comparisons were produced.  [Danmark i top-3 med grønne varer og tjenester](https://www.dst.dk/da/statistik/nyt/NytHtml?cid=25318
In the publication Green National Accounts 2015-16, comparisons also can be found.
15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not requested for this metadata collection.

15.1.2. Comparability - geographical - excluded products

No products excluded deliberately - however not possible to know exactly what is reported in the survey

15.1.3. Comparability - geographical - products not present in Indicative compendium - included

Caused by the character of the survey, additional products cannot be clearly identified

15.2. Comparability - over time

The EGSS statistics for 2012, 2013 and 2014 is comparable. Regarding 2015 -2021 , the higher values (compared to 2012-14) for construction and knowledge based service is partly due to improved questionnaire. Regarding the purposes, the improved questionnaire meant in particular higher values for waste water management

Enterprises in type of industry NACE 18xxxx was not surveyed until 2015. Data for previous years has not been estimated.

Enterprises in type of industry NACE 31xxxx was not surveyed until 2021. Data for previous years has not been estimated.

From 2012 to 2017 the totals by  industry and by environmental purpose were similar to the marketable production. For 2018 and onwards the total are including non-market activities as required by regulation.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

The EGSS statistics for 2012, 2013 and 2014 is comparable. Regarding 2015 -2022 , the higher values (compared to 2012-14) for construction and knowledge based service is partly due to improved questionnaire. Regarding the purposes, the improved questionnaire meant in particular higher values for waste water management

Enterprises in type of industry NACE 18xxxx was not surveyed until survey covering 2015. Data for previous years has not been estimated.

Enterprises in type of industry NACE 31xxxx was not surveyed until survey covering 2021. Data for previous years has not been estimated.

From 2012 to 2017 the totals by industry (except public sector) and by environmental purpose were similar to the marketable production. For 2018 and onwards the total are including non-market activities as required by regulation.

15.2.2. Comparability - over time detailed

The EGSS statistics for 2012, 2013 and 2014 is comparable. Regarding 2015 -2021 , the higher values (compared to 2012-14) for construction and knowledge based service is partly due to improved questionnaire. Regarding the purposes, the improved questionnaire meant in particular higher values for waste water management

Enterprises in type of industry NACE 18xxxx was not surveyed until 2015. Data for previous years has not been estimated.

Enterprises in type of industry NACE 31xxxx was not surveyed until survey covering 2021. Data for previous years has not been estimated.

From 2012 to 2017 the totals by industry (except public sector) and by environmental purpose were similar to the marketable production. For 2018 and onwards the total are including non-market activities as required by regulation. 

15.3. Coherence - cross domain
The EGSS statistics is using similar grouping and classifications as other business statistics. Final results for marketable production will be consistent with The Accounts Statistics. The totals is consistent to National accounts by type of industry.
The classifications used for environmental protection is also these used in (other) environmental statistics, in example Environmental Protection Expenditure Accounts (EPEA)
15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Only annual results are compiled.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

The EGSS variables are according to the classifications also used in the compiling of National Accounts. The EGSS-results based on concept in Business statistics are to possible extend converted into National Accounts concept. 

15.3.3. Coherence - EPEA

There are not fully coherence with EPEA - due to different statistical production systems. Work are done to try to minimize the differencies in coherence

15.3.4. Coherence - other statistics

No information on this

15.4. Coherence - internal

Data are consistent. However, there are minor changes on which types of industry is surveyed.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Regarding cost for the data providers: They are estimated to DKK 100.000 for 2019. In Statistics Denmark the workload are in average app. one FTE per year, equivalent to a cost of DKK 750.000.

16.1. Cost and Burden - other accounts

Not measured

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Statistics Denmark revises published figures in accordance with the [Revision Policy for Statistics Denmark](https://www.dst.dk/en/OmDS/strategi-og-kvalitet/revisionspolitik.aspx)

17.2. Data revision - practice

There have no been recent revision as regards turnover, employment and value added. Provisional results are updated to final figures in the consecutive year.

The export results for 2012-2014 has been revised, due to revisions in the original results.

The totals has been revised from 2018-2020 - to comply with the updated regulation

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Exports was revised regarding 2012-2014. At slightly higher level - up to 4 per cent - was observed.

The addition of non-market production in the business sector meant an increase on about 2 per cent on the totals from 2018.

17.2.2. Status of data

The newest published data are provisional - the others can be considered as final. Eventually mistakes in data older than two years are corrected. Updates in sources behind are in geral implemented more years back 

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data
The data collection on EGSS turnover is based on a stratified sample in the relevant types of industries
In the complete statistics also estimates for smaller business units and  compiled results from existing sources are used in the compiling.
18.1.1. Source data - detailed - environmental accounts
The data collection on EGSS turnover is based on a stratified sample of 2,200 business units out of in total 6,100 units with 10 employees or more in the relevant types of industries
In the complete statistics also estimates for smaller business units and  compiled results from existing sources are included.
Both sources are linked to statistical data on employment, value added and export.
18.1.2. Source data - detailed - other statistics
Existing data is used for the following industries: Nace 01, 02, 03, 35, 37, 38+39 (from 2015),41+42+42 (2017-2020) and 72. Construction is included in the survey 2021 by the aim to update the model based estimation
The rough estimate for non-market activity is based om general National Accounts data for the respective industries.
Other statistical sources:
- Account statistics for agriculture
- Forestry statistics
- Fishery statistics
- Energy statistics
- Account statistics, non-agricultural industries
- Enterprise statistics
- Employment statistics
- External trade statistics
- National account statistics
- Sale and purchase, enterprises
- Business register
- Construction statistics
- Public sector environmental statistics
18.1.3. Source data - survey
A survey by questionnaire, where enterprises are asked about turnover in 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021 from EGSS broken down by environmental purposes. About 2.200 units were selected in 2021 as a sample covering a population of about 6.100 business units in the respective types of industry. The selection is by stratified methods.
The stratification is by type of industry and by number of employees (10-19, 20-49 and 50+). In the last group the selection is 100 per cent of population. Within manufacturing a pre-selection is carried out according to a list of environmental goods type of goods (CN8). Within advisory service engineer firms are prioritized. In 2013 Enterprises in Nace_rev2 38 and 39 was selected 100 per cent. From 2015 results for this sector is estimated from other statistics.
18.1.4. Source data - detailed - other macro economic data (trade, VAT etc.)

Non-statistical information, in example from business associations, is partly used in the compiling model for the Construction sector.

18.2. Frequency of data collection
Every second year. Latest regarding 2021.
For other years results for environmental goods and services is compiled by combining newest data collected and other statistics.
For the types of industry, where existing data is used, the data collection is annual or more frequent.
18.3. Data collection
The survey for EGGS is web-based, meaning that a web questionnaire has been developed. The Danish version can be reached at: [Grønne varer og tjenester](https://www.dst.dk/da/Indberet/oplysningssider/groenne-varer-og-tjenester.aspx).
The questionnaire was from 2015-collection developed into three sections, addressing manufacturing, construction  and knowledge based services, respectively. However, the construction sector was not included in the data collection for 2017 and 2019, but covered by model-based estimates.
18.4. Data validation
The validation of collected data are given high priority. This because the not very precise definition on environmental goods and services makes it difficult to formulate very clear questions in the survey. 
Overall, 70-80 per cent of the received answers has been subject to validation. Main checks was:
- if the answers match information from web site and other sources about the production of the firm in relation to possible EGSS products.
- if the answers about activity match with the PRODCOM statistics information.
- if the distinction between specific and adapted EGSS has been fully understood.
- if the data about turnover match in size with statistics from last years (to check the measurement unit).
- if the answers are consistent with answers regarding 2017
About 2-300 enterprises has been contacted for clarification of data. In many cases the communication has led to an increase in figures related to EGSS, as the definition has not been fully understood in first stage.
The reported data from consulting  engineers units has been compared to data collected for the specific statistics on services for this type of industry.
The non-reporting units have been checked for their importance. In few cases imputation based on available information has been the practical solution.
18.5. Data compilation
The consistency of the specific collected data is to the possible extend ensured through the validation. 
In general, there has been no imputation needed. The final weighting is expected to adjust for non-response.
18.5.1. Imputation - rate

Not requested for this metadata collection.

18.5.2. Data compilation - by variable and type of output
The market based results are compiled as follows:
2022-compilation: The collected data for 2021 are adjusted by turnover from the provisional account statistics 2022. Grossing has been done by using the provisional statistics on enterprises as frame, meaning that original weights has been adjusted. Estimation for small units (below 10 employed) is based on 2021-results adjusted to provisional 2022-account statistcs results for the strata. 
2021-compilation: The collected data for 2021 are adjusted by turnover from the final account statistics 2021. Grossing has been done by using the final statistics on enterprises as frame, meaning that original weights has been adjusted. Estimation for small units (below 10 employed) is based on 2021-results adjusted to provisional 2021-account statistcs results for the strata.
2020-compilation: The collected data for 2019 are adjusted by turnover from the final accounts statistics 2020. Grossing has been done by using the final statistics on enterprises as frame, meaning that original weights has been adjusted. Estimation for small units (below 10 employed) is based on 2019-results adjusted to final 2020-accouunt statistics results for the strata.
2019-compilation: The collected data for 2019 are adjusted by turnover from the final account statistics 2019. Grossing has been done by using the provisional statistics on enterprises as frame, meaning that original weights has been adjusted. Estimation for small units (below 10 employed) is based on 2019-results adjusted to final 2019-account statistics results for the strata.
Compiling for previous years has followed similar procedures resulting in provisional and final results.
Linking survey data to other statistics: The survey data are merged to data on employment and GVA for the individual firm by using the unique business ID. Data for small units has been merged at strata-level.
Value added: Value added is based on Account statistics, by using the green share of turnover as proxy for share of value added. 
Employment: Employment is based on Account statistics by using the green share of turnover as proxy for share of employment. For small units the employment are adjusted to try to include the owner under employment.
Export: Export values of goods is based on registers, where production data and export data is merged at enterprise level. However, the merging cannot be perfect as exporting unit are sometimes different from the producing unit, which may induce some noise in the overall picture. The Export is calculated by using the green share of turnover as proxy for EGSS-share of export. For 2021 and 2022 the export data are provisional and based on preliminary export data. Export values for services is compiled using the same model as for goods.
Total EGGS:
The non-market EGSS-activities are estimaed using data from general National Accounts information by type of industry. By adding these element to the marketable production the totals are compiled.
18.5.3. Data compilation - by NACE
Existing statistics used for for EGGS in certain types of industry are listed below. Results are in most cases provisional for latest year in question.
Agriculture: The results from Farm account statistics on organic holdings has been used for compiling turnover,, value added and employment. Export value is a subselection from Statistical results on external trade with organic product as only primary goods are selected. The activity under agriculture is allocated to the environmental purpose: Protection of soil and water. 
Forestry: The results from gross output calculation on primary wood production are used together with information on certified forest National Account statistics to compile turnover, employment and value added from wood production in certified forest. Export value are not compiled as expected to be insignificant .The activity under forestry is allocated to the environmental purpose: Management of forest resources.
Fishery and aquaculture: Turnover, value added and employment is based on data from account statistics on fisheries and aquaculture for organic producers. Export is estimated to 40 per cent of the turnover. As regards the environmental purposes, the results are equally distributed to Protection of soil and water. 
Energy Supply: The activities in NACE  35.10.00, 35.21.00 and 35.30.00 includes energy products from renewables. Statistics Denmark compile economic data for the types of activity. From the statistics on energy production (From Danish Energy Agency) the share of renewables can be compiled and used to estimate of share of turnover, value added etc. A share of export of electricity is compiled using the share of renewables in electricity production. The activity relates to environmental purpose Production of energy from renewable sources.
Collection and treatment of waste water: Data for this type of industry is already compiled by Statistics Denmark and can directly be used for EGSS compilation. No export is expected .The activities relates to the purpose Wastewater management.
Collection and treatment of waste: Data for this type of industry is already compiled by Statistics Denmark and are, using adjusted results for 2013 data collection, distributed to six environmental purposes, mainly Treatment of waste. The export values are compiled by taking EGSS-shares of output and take simelar shares of from export statistixs.
Construction. Using statistics covering the construction sector and information on environmental and resource saving activities in construction, the turnover 2017 - 2020 of EGSS in construction has been estimated. Further information on the sources and the compilation can be provided by the contact person.  Employment and value added is compiled by combining the EGSS-turnover and the Account statistics. The export values are compiled by taking EGSS-shares of output and take simelar shares of from export statistixs. Previously the construction sector was part of direct data collection for EGSS. In 2021, construction is covered by the survey.
Research and development: By use of the R&D register and the variables Research in energy and Environmental research turnover and employment can be estimated for the EGSS. The value added is estimated based on Account statistics. Export is based on value of export and is the EGSS-share of exports from units in type of industry NACE 72. The estimates build upon several assumptions, which have to be noted when using of data.
Total EGGS:
The non-market EGSS-activities are estimaed using data from general National Accounts information by type of industry. By adding these element to the marketable production the totals are compiled.
18.5.4. Data compilation – CReMA 13B memo item

The phenomena of Nearly Zero Energy Buildings are included in the questionarie for the survey. By this a reliable EGSS -share of this activity is covered and recorded as part of Crema 13B. The memo item is not compiled seperately

18.6. Adjustment

Not relevant in this statistics

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not requested for this metadata collection.

19. Comment Top

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