Employment and unemployment (Labour force survey) (employ)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee)

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2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
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10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
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For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Employment and earned income department

1.5. Contact mail address

Institut de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques

Département de l'Emploi et des Revenus d'Activité

Division Emploi

Timbre F230

88 avenue Verdier, 92120 Montrouge


2. Statistical presentation Top
Please take note of the abbreviations used in the report 
Abbreviation Explanation
CV Coefficient of variation (or relative standard error)
Y/N Yes / No
H/P Households/Persons
M? Member State doesn’t know
NA Not applicable/ Not relevant
UNA Information unavailable
NR Non-response: Member State doesn’t answer to Eurostat request for information. Blank is allowed only in boxes with comments
LFS Labour Force Survey
NUTS Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics or corresponding statistical regions in the EFTA and candidates countries
2.1. Data description
Coverage Household concept Definition of household for the LFS Inclusion/exclusion criteria for members of the household Questions relating to employment status are put to all persons aged ...
The survey covers private households living in their usual residence in France, except Mayotte (which is covered by a specific annual survey). Other overseas departments (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane, La Réunion) joined the quarterly LFS in 2014. Dwelling Persons living in the same dwelling. People should be interviewed in their usual residence : the dwelling where they spend the majority of time (except particular cases). 15+ (simplified questions for 75+)


Population concept  Specific population subgroups
Primary/secondary students Tertiary students People working out of family home for an extended period for the purpose of work People working away from family home but returning for weekends Children alternating two places of residence
Usual residence (12 months) Mostly family home Family home Most of the time Family home Family home / The "night before the interview" rule in case of joint custody


Reference week
Fixed week (data collection refers to one reference week, to which the observation unit has been assigned prior to the fieldwork) Rolling week (data collection always refers to the week before the interview)                                  
Yes. All weeks of the year are reference weeks. Data collection is continuous throughout the whole year. The quarterly sample is evenly distributed among its 13 reference weeks.  No
2.2. Classification system

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.3. Coverage - sector

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.5. Statistical unit

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.6. Statistical population

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.7. Reference area

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.8. Coverage - Time

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

2.9. Base period

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

In Metropolitan France, the sample was renewed during 2020. As of Q3 2019, each new cluster (1st wave : 1/6th of the sample) belongs to the new sample. This has ensured the gradual renewal of the sample. Therefore, the samples for Q1, Q2 & Q3 2020 include both old and new sample dwellings ; the sample for Q4 2020 is fully renewed. The sampling frame and the sample design of the new sample are very similar to the sample used until now.

The sampling in Dom (oversea Departements) has not changed in 2019.

In 2020, the sample is smaller than usual, due to the new sample-design (a more effective sampling allowed to reduce the sample size without affecting the precision) and a puncture for the realization of the Pilot survey (and the mesure of the break in series).


Sampling design & procedure
Sampling design (scheme; simple random sample, two stage stratified sample, etc.) Base used for the sample (sampling frame)  Last update of the sampling frame (continuously updated or date of the last update) Primary sampling unit (PSU)   Final sampling unit (FSU)
The sample in Metropolitan France is a two stage stratified sample of dwellings.

In overseas departments, the sample is a one stage stratified sample of dwellings.

Dwellings are uniformly distributed over reference weeks of the year.

In Metropolitan France, the sampling frame is the housing-tax register for the old sample and the demographic file of dwellings and individuals (« Fideli ») for the new sample. Concretely, Fideli is a new file built from several tax registers, including the housing-tax register. Only the housing-tax register perimeter of Fideli is used as sampling frame for the LFS. The change in sampling frame has no impact.

For overseas departments, the base is the French annual population census.

The sampling frame is updated each year with new information, and a sample of new dwellings is added. Geographic sectors in Metropolitan France.

With the new sample, LFS sectors and primary units of the Master Sample used for other soial surveys are coordinated: LFS sectors are selected in the neighbourhood of the sampled PU, in order to avoid the travel costs to reach isolated LFS sectors located far from the interviewer network.

No PSU in overseas departments



Sampling design & procedure
First (and intermediate) stage sampling method   Final stage sampling method Stratification (variable used) Number of strata (if strata change quarterly, refer to Q4). Rotation scheme (2-2-2, 5, 6, etc.)
For Metropolitan France, for both old and new semples, the sampling design consists in a selection of geographic sectors with a stratified and balanced method. The stratification is carried out by NUTS2.

The balanced sampling for old sample uses the following variables: age, incomes, type of dwelling, type of urban/rural areas,resident status (owner/tenant).

The balanced sampling for new sample uses the following variables: age/sexe, type of household, QPV, income (total,unemployment benefits, wages). The new sample is spatially balanced in order to limit spatial autocorrelation.

For overseas departments, the sample is composed of dwellings selected through a stratified systematic sampling (systematic sampling with equal inclusion probabilities, within geographic strata which form a partition of the territory).

The sample unit is the dwelling: in each sampled area, every person living in its main residence is surveyed.

For Metropolitan France, the sectors are cut into 6 clusters of nearby dwellings, in such a way that there be around 20 main residences in each cluster. Inside the sectors. Each cluster is randomly assigned to a number between 1 and 6; this number determines when the cluster enters the sample, each cluster is interviewed 6 consecutive quarters and then replaced by another cluster of the same sector.

For overseas departments, dwellings are directly selected within strata through a systematic sampling with equal  inclusion probabilities. Strata sample sizes are proportional to the total numbers of main residences in the strata.

For Metropolitan France : Stratification by NUTS2 and Balanced sampling. The stage sampling method guarantees that the sample of clusters really surveyed each quarter - and not only the sample of sectors (PSU) - is well stratified and balanced.

For overseas departments : Stratification by small geographic areas (infra-NUTS3, infraemployment zone).

22 NUTS2 strata in Metropolitan France.

18 strata in overseas departments

Each cluster is surveyed during six consecutive quarters.

Each quarter, the sample contains 6 subsamples: 1/6 of the sample is surveyed for the first time, 1/6 is surveyed for the second time, …, 1/6 is surveyed for the 6th (and last) time.


Yearly sample size & Sampling rate
Overall theoretical yearly sampling rate Size of the theoretical yearly sample
(i.e. including non-response) (i.e. including non-response)
If considering only observations of the first wave (for which the "yearly" variables of the French LFS are available), the yearly sampling rate is around 1/2800 = 0.03 % in 2020. 12 900 dwellings (including 11 300 considered as main residences) for 1 quarter in 2020.


Quarterly sample size & Sampling rate
Overall theoretical quarterly sampling rate Size of the theoretical quarterly sample
(i.e. including non-response) (i.e. including non-response)
 The quarterly sampling rate amounts to 0.20% in 2020.  70 000 dwellings (including 54 000 considered as main residences) for 1 quarter in 2020


Use of subsamples to survey structural variables (wave approach)
Only for countries using a subsample for yearly variables
 Wave(s) for the subsample  Are the 30 totals for ILO labour status (employment, unemployment and inactivity) by sex (males and females) and age groups (15-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55+) between the annual average of quarterly estimates and the yearly estimates from the subsample all consistent? (Ref.: Commission Reg. 430/2005, Annex I) (Y/N) If not please list deviations List of yearly variables for which the wave approach is used (Ref.: Commission Reg. 377/2008, Annex II)
first wave only An annual re-calibration is carried out to get consistency between these totals.   All yearly variables are sub-sampled on 1st wave


Brief description of the method of calculating the quarterly core weights Is the sample population in private households expanded to the reference population in private households? (Y/N) If No, please explain which population is used as reference population Gender is used in weighting (Y/N) Which age groups are used in the weighting (e.g., 0-14, 15-19, ..., 70-74, 75+)? Which regional breakdown is used in the weighting (e.g. NUTS 3)? Other weighting dimensions
The quarterly core weights are derived from the household weights (see below for the  description of the method of calculating the quarterly household weights). From them, each respondent individual gets the household weight, normalized by dividing it by the number of respondents in the household and multiplying it by the total number of individuals in the household.  Y  NA  Y five-year groups (for small NUTS2 in Metropolitan France, more aggregated age groups may be used) NUTS 2.

Since Q1 2019, Corsica is treated separately in the weighting. Before Q1 2019, Corsica was aggregated with Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur.



Brief description of the method of calculating the yearly weights (please indicate if subsampling is applied to survey yearly variables) Gender is used in weighting (Y/N) Which age groups are used in the weighting (e.g., 0-14, 15-19, ..., 70-74, 75+)? Which regional breakdown is used in the weighting (e.g. NUTS 3)? Other weighting dimensions
Yearly weights are derived from the quarterly core weights of the first wave. Quarterly individual weights of the first wave respondent are re-calibrated on the totals described above, and some other margins: those used for the quarterly weights, ISCO totals, education levels totals and halo by age and sex totals.  Y five-year groups (for small NUTS2
in Metropolitan France, more aggregated age groups may be used)

Since Q1 2019, Corsica is treated separately in the weighting. Before Q1 2019, Corsica was aggregated with Provence-Alpes-Côte-d'Azur.



Brief description of the method of calculating the weights for households External reference for number of households etc.? Which factors at household level are used in the weighting (number of households, household size, household composition, etc.) Which factors at individual level are used in the weighting (gender, age, regional breakdown etc.) Identical household weights for all household members? (Y/N)
For metropolitan France, a unique calibration is performed on each wave (subsample) both to correct biases induced by non-response and to get consistency with external margins (population margins, number of housings).

For overseas departments, weights are first adjusted to correct for non-response by using an estimation of response probabilities (obtained by a logit model) ; In a second step, they are calibrated in each department on external margins (population margins crossed with waves (subsamples), number and type of housings, micro-region (infra-NUTS3), diploma declared in the Population census, place of birth (3 modalities))

When calibrating (both in Metropolitan France and in overseas departments), the sampling weights are corrected so that the number of respondent households correspond to the total number of households in the field, according to different variables. When the variables are individual (for instance age), they are summed at the household level (for instance proportion of 15-20 years-old in the household).

Yes: number of households and population totals are estimated from administrative data and the census. Other totals come from the sample base (housing tax register). For Metropolitan France : size of the urban unit, number of rooms in the housing, type of housing (house / appartment), year of the building, number of students, type of housing (individual house, building, farm), income of the household (deciles), social housing or not, rented accommodation or property

For overseas departments :  type of housing, microregion (infra-NUTS3), being respondent or not during the previous quarter

For both Metropolitan France and overseas departments: NUTS2, gender and age  Y
3.2. Frequency of data collection

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

3.3. Data collection
Data collection methods: brief description Use of dependent interviewing (Y/N)? Participation is voluntary/compulsory?
The collection method is a face-to-face interview (CAPI) for the first and the last waves and a telephone interview (CATI) for intermediate waves(2nd to 5th). New households are interviewed face-to-face even in intermediate waves.  Y  compulsory


Final sampling unit collected by interviewing technique (%)
 19%  81%  NA NA  NA 

(not including households where all persons are aged 65 or more and are inactive, for which there is no interview in intermediate waves).

In 2020, with the health crisis, a larger proportion of the questionnaires had to be carried out in CATI instead of CAPI, especially in Q2 2020 (97%) and Q3 2020 (90%).

3.4. Data validation

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

3.5. Data compilation

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

3.6. Adjustment

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

4.2. Quality management - assessment

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs
Assessment of the relevance of the main LFS statistics at national level (e.g. for policy makers, other stakeholders, media and academic research)
The LFS is the reference source for french national ILO employment and unemployment rates (by sex and age groups) and some national indicators related to employment (part-time employment rates, employment by type of work contracts). For national statistics on employment levels or employment by NUTS3 and NUTS2, the reference source comes from registers. For regional indicators about unemployment (NUTS2, NUTS3), composite statistics combining data from registers and the LFS are calculated and disseminated by Insee.
5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

5.3. Completeness
NUTS level of detail   
Regional level of an individual record (person) in the national data set Lowest regional level of the results published by NSI Lowest regional level of the results delivered to researchers by NSI Brief description of the method which is used to produce NUTS-3 unemployment and labour force data sent to Eurostat?
NUTS-3 level data available to the researchers; city level data are available in the Research Data Center (CASD, limited access). Most published statistics are at the national level.  NA NUTS3 unemployment rates are estimated with a component method using LFS and administrative data on unemployment and employment.

The number of unemployed persons by NUTS3 is obtained by breaking down national figures for unemployment (computed with the LFS) using the geographical structure of the registered unemployed persons (more precisely, only those who have not worked during the previous month ("DEFM en catégorie A")).

The number of employed persons by NUTS3 is mainly derivated from employment estimations (synthesis of administrative sources and company surveys on employment).

The unemployment rate is calculated using these 2 agregates.

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.2. Sampling error
Publication thresholds   
Annual estimates Annual estimates - wave approach 
(if different from full sample thresholds) 
 Limit below which figures cannot be published  Limit below which figures must be published with warning  Limit below which figures cannot be published Limit below which figures must be published with warning
 5000  10000  20000  40000
6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators
Coefficient of variation (CV) Annual estimates
Sampling error - indicators - Coefficient of variation (CV), Standard Error (SE) and Confidence Interval (CI)       
  Number of employed persons Employment rate as a percentage of the population Number of part-time employed persons Number of unemployed persons Unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force Youth unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force Average actual hours of work per week(*)
  Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 15 -74 Age group: 15 -74 Age group: 15 -24 Age group: 20 - 64

Due to the new sample for the French LFS from 2019 Q3 to Q4 2020, it is not possible to estimate the precision for 2020.


Description of the assumption underlying the denominator for the calculation of the CV for the employment rate


Reference on software used: Reference on method of estimation:
 NR   NR


Coefficient of variation (CV) Annual estimates at NUTS-2 Level        
NUTS-2  CV of regional (NUTS-2) annual aggregates (in %)     
Regional Code  Region Number of employed persons Employment rate as a percentage of the population Number of part-time employed persons Number of unemployed persons Unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force Youth unemployment rate as a percentage of labour force  Average actual hours of work per week(*)
    Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 20 - 64 Age group: 15 -74 Age group: 15 -74 Age group: 15 -24 Age group: 20 - 64 
FR21 Champagne-Ardenne UNA  UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA
FR30 Nord - Pas de Calais UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA
FR53 Poitou-Charrentes UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA
FR81 Languedoc-Roussillon UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA
FR82 Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA UNA

 Due to the new sample for the French LFS from 2019 Q3 to Q4 2020, it is not possible to estimate the precision for 2020.

(*) The coefficient of variation for actual hours worked should be calculated for the sum of actual hours worked in 1st and 2nd jobs, and restricted to those who actually worked 1 hour or more in the reference week.

(**) The value is based on a CI of 95%. For the rates the CI should be given with 2 decimals.

6.3. Non-sampling error

 [not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.3.1. Coverage error
Frame quality (under-coverage, over-coverage and misclassifications(b))      
Under-coverage rate (%) Over-coverage rate (%) Misclassification rate (%)  Comments: specification and impact on estimates(a)   
 Undercoverage  Overcoverage  Misclassification(b)  Reference on frame errors
Some  0  0 No impact on estimates.  NA  NA  NA


(a) Mention specifically which regions / population groups are not suitably represented in the sample.
(b) Misclassification refers to statistical units having an erroneous classification where both the wrong and the correct one are within the target population. Over-coverage - rate

[Over-coverage rate, please see concept 6.3.1 Coverage error in the LFS quality report] Common units - proportion

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.3.2. Measurement error
Errors due to the medium (questionnaire)   

Was the questionnaire updated for the 2020 LFS operation? (Y/N)

Synthetic description of the update Was the questionnaire tested? (Y/N) If the questionnaire has been tested, which kind of tests has been applied (pilot, cognitive, internal check)?
Y Minor changes and bug corrections, with no impact on data

New questions about Covid.

 Y Internal check 


Main methods of reducing measurement errors 
Error source  
Respondent  Letter introducing the survey (Y/N) Phone call for booking or introducing the survey (Y/N)
 Y  Y
Interviewer  Periodical training (at least 1 time per year) (Y/N)  Feedbacks from interviewer (reports, debriefings, etc.) (Y/N)
 Y  Y
Fieldwork  Monitoring directly by contacting the respondents after the fieldwork (Y/N) Monitoring directly by listening the interviews (Y/N) Monitoring remotely through performance indicators (Y/N)
 N  Y  Y
Questionnaire  Questionnaire in several languages (Y/N)  On-line checks (for computer assisted interviews (Y/N)
 N Y (interactive controls of the responses, warnings and short reminders of collection instructions ; interactive codification of occupations, economic activities and diplomas/educational degrees)
Other / Comments  
6.3.3. Non response error

[not requested for the LFS quality report] Unit non-response - rate


Methods used for adjustments for statistical unit non-response

Adjustment via weights (Y/N) Variables used for non-response adjustment Description of method
 Y For Metropolitan France (through calibration) : gender, age, size of the urban unit, number of rooms in the housing, type of housing (house / appartment), age of the building, number of students

For overseas departments (through an estimation of response probabilities with a logit model) : type of housing, microregion (infra-NUTS3), being respondent or not during the previous quarter

For metropolitan France, a unique calibration is performed on each wave (subsample) both to correct biases induced by non-response and to get consistency with external margins (population margins, number of housings).

For overseas departments, weights are first adjusted to correct for non-response by using an estimation of response probabilities (obtained by a logit model) ; In a second step, they are calibrated in each department on external margins (population margins crossed with waves (subsamples), number and type of housings, micro-region (infra-NUTS3), diploma declared in the Population census, place of birth (3 modalities))

When calibrating (both in Metropolitan France and in overseas departments), the sampling weights are corrected so that the number of respondent households correspond to the total number of households in the field, according to different variables. When the variables are individual (for instance age), they are summed at the household level (for instance proportion of 15-20 years-old in the household).

Substitution of non-responding units (Y/N) Substitution rate Criteria for substitution
 N  NA  NA
Other methods (Y/N) Description of method


Rates of non-response by survey mode. Annual average
 39.4%  24.4%  NA  NA   NA 

 (*) Non-reponse rate for rank 1

(**) Non-réponse rate for ranks 2-6

Divisions of non-response into categories. Quarterly data and annual average
Quarter Non-response rate
Total (%)             of which:
 Refusals (%)     Non-contacts (including people who migrated (or moved) internally or abroad) (%)  

of which people who migrated (or moved) internally or abroad (%)

1 23.8  3.8  12.3  UNA
2 31.9  3.4  11.4  UNA 
3 25.3  4.2  17.7  UNA 
4 27.6  3.7  15.7  UNA 
Annual  27.2  3.8  14.1  UNA 


 Units who refused to participate in the survey  (Please indicate the number of the units concerned in the cells where the wave is mentioned)
Subsample Quarter1_2020 Quarter2_2020 Quarter3_2020 Quarter4_2020
Subsample_Q4_2018 410      
Subsample_Q1_2019 298 295    
Subsample_Q2_2019 350 308 427  
Subsample_Q3_2019 278 221 292 305
Subsample_Q4_2019 399 292 403 366
Subsample_Q1_2020 468 355 381 361
Subsample_Q2_2020   601 556 481
Subsample_Q3_2020     496 340
Subsample_Q4_2020       471
Total in absolute numbers 2 203 2 072 2 555 2 324
Total in % of theoretical quarterly sample 3.8  3.4 4.2  3.7


Units who were not contacted (including people who migrated (or moved) internally or abroad) (Please indicate the number of units only in the cells where the wave is mentioned)
Subsample Quarter1_2020 Quarter2_2020 Quarter3_2020 Quarter4_2020
Subsample_Q4_2018 1070 1021 1379 1073
Subsample_Q1_2019 1141 894 1074 1426
Subsample_Q2_2019 1071 819 1670 1475
Subsample_Q3_2019 984 1210 1828 1884
Subsample_Q4_2019 1441 1442 2516 1759
Subsample_Q1_2020 1362 1692 2207 2264
Subsample_Q2_2020 7069 7078 10674 9881
Subsample_Q3_2020     2208 1765
Subsample_Q4_2020       2469
Total in absolute numbers 10 214 10 903 12 094 11 255
Total in % of theoretical quarterly sample 12.3  11.4  17.7 15.7


of which people who migrated (or moved) internally or abroad) (Please indicate the number of units only in the cells where the wave is mentioned)
Subsample Quarter1_2020 Quarter2_2020 Quarter3_2020 Quarter4_2020
Subsample_Q4_2018 NA      
Subsample_Q1_2019 NA NA    
Subsample_Q2_2019 NA NA NA  
Subsample_Q3_2019 NA NA NA NA
Subsample_Q4_2019 NA NA NA NA
Subsample_Q1_2020 NA NA NA NA
Subsample_Q2_2020   NA NA NA
Subsample_Q3_2020     NA NA
Subsample_Q4_2020       NA
Total in absolute numbers NA  NA  NA  NA
Total in % of theoretical quarterly sample  NA  NA  NA  NA


Non-response rates. Annual averages (% of the theoretical yearly sample)
NUTS-2 region (code + name)  Non response rate (%)
FR10-Île de France                36.8
FR21-Champagne-Ardenne                25.0
FR22-Picardie                24.2
FR23-Haute-Normandie                24.3
FR24-Centre                26.2
FR25-Basse-Normandie                22.3
FR26-Bourgogne                24.2
FR30-Nord - Pas de Calais                23.3
FR41-Lorraine                25.4
FR42-Alsace                20.8
FR43-Franche-Comté                23.7
FR51-Pays de la Loire                19.4
FR52-Bretagne                16.5
FR53-Poitou-Charrentes                21.4
FR61-Aquitaine                23.0
FR62-Midi-Pyrénées                27.6
FR63-Limousin                22.5
FR71-Rhône-Alpes                26.9
FR72-Auvergne                29.7
FR81-Languedoc-Roussillon                27.0
FR82-Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur                29.6
FR83-Corse                38.8
FRA1-Guadeloupe                23.6
FRA2-Martinique                25.6
FRA3-Guyane                49.8
FRA4-Réunion                19.4

* If the final sampling unit is the household it must be considered as responding unit even in case of some household members (not all) do not answer the interview Item non-response - rate
Item non-response (*) - Quarterly data (Compared to the variables defined by the Commission Regulation (EC) No 377/2008)       

Variable status

Column Identifier Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4 Short comments on reasons for non-available statistics and prospects for future solutions

Compulsory / optional

compulsory Col_054 TEMPDUR 12 12.2 11.8 11.9 A part of the non response comes from the people that declare to be in internship. We do not ask or use the duration of the internship. Other part of the non response comes from diverse non response or from the fact that some people say they do
not have any work contract and thus cannot be asked about its duration
compulsory Col_065/66 HWOVERP . 19.9 . . In the Q2 2020, a very high proportion of employed persons did not work any hours, due to the health crisis. This question is not asked for people who have not worked.
compulsory Col_067/68 HWOVERPU . 19.9 . .  Same reason as for HWOVERP.
compulsory Col_080/81 NACE2J2D 24.3 24.9 23.8 24.6  The code for EXIST2J has recently changed to correct some errors. The code of NACE2J2D was not changed to take this into account.
compulsory Col_101 - Not employed SEEKTYPE . 12.5 10.4 .  For this variable, we have approx. 5% of missing values (with filter from explanatory notes). These are unemployed or inactive people who are not looking for a job. Most of them have already found a job that starts later, so they are not asked what kind of job they have found.
compulsory Col_102 - Not employed SEEKDUR . 10.8 . . Same reason as SEEKTYPE.
compulsory Col_113 - Employed METHODK C C C .  
compulsory Col_114 - Employed METHODL . C . .  
compulsory Col_114 - Not employed METHODL C C . C  
compulsory Col_162/163 INTWEEK 11.9 12.6 11.7 13.2  For households where all persons are aged 65 or more and are inactive, the
variables are imputed for waves 2 to 5; thus there is no interview week for them.


Item non-response - Annual data (Compared to the variables defined by the Commission Regulation (EC) No 377/2008)    
Variable status Column Identifier This reference year Short comments on reasons for non-available statistics and prospects for future solutions
compulsory Col_053 TEMPREAS 11.4  Question is not asked to people with no employment agreement.
compulsory Col_119 PRESEEK 41.3  PRESEEK is not asked in the French LFS questionnaire. However, this variable is rebuilt for people who
have been seeking a job for one year or less; Indeed, informations are available in the questionnaire regarding the situation at each of the last twelve months and regarding the date since people have been seeking a job.
compulsory Col_121 REGISTER 15.8  Information is not available for people over 65
compulsory Col_150/151 COUNTR1Y 17.0  Question is not asked to people under 15
optional Col_132 COURPURP 11.5  Question is not asked to people over 65.

(*) "C" means all the records have the same value different from missing.

6.3.4. Processing error
Editing of statistical item non-response
Do you apply some data editing procedure to detect and correct errors? (Y/N) Overall editing rate (Observations with at least one item changed / Total Observations )
 N  NA Imputation - rate
Imputation of statistical item non-response
Are all or part of the variables with item non response imputed? (Y/N) Overall imputation rate (Observations with at least one item imputed / Total Observations )
 Main variables Imputation rate  Describe method used, mentioning which auxiliary information or stratification is used 
6.3.5. Model assumption error

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.4. Seasonal adjustment
Do you apply any seasonal adjustment to the LFS Series? (Y/N) If Yes, is your adopted methodology compliant with the ESS guidelines on seasonal adjustment? (ref. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/research-methodology/seasonal-adjustment) (Y/N) If Yes, are you compliant with the Eurostat/ECB recommendation on Jdemetra+ as software for conducting seasonal adjustment of official statistics. (ref. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/ess/-/jdemetra-officially-recommended-as-software-for-the-seasonal-adjustment-of-official-statistics) (Y/N) If Not, please provide a description of the used methods and tools
 Y  Y  Y  NA
6.5. Data revision - policy
Do you adopt a general data revision policy fully compliant with the ESS Code of Practice principles? (in particular see the 8th principle) (Y/N) Are you compliant with the ESS guidelines on revision policy for PEEIs? (ref. http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/3859598/5935517/KS-RA-13-016-EN.PDF) (Y/N)
 Y  Y
6.6. Data revision - practice

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness
Restricted from publication
7.1.1. Time lag - first result
Restricted from publication
7.1.2. Time lag - final result
Restricted from publication
7.2. Punctuality
Restricted from publication
7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication
Restricted from publication

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

Divergence of national concepts from European concepts

(European concept or National proxy concept used) List all concepts where any divergences can be found

Is there a divergence between the national and European concepts for the following characteristics? (Y/N) Give a description of difference and provide an assessment of the impact of the divergence on the statistics
Definition of resident population (*)  N  NA 
Identification of the main job (*)  N  NA 
Employment  N  NA 
Unemployment  N  NA 
8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

8.2. Comparability - over time
Changes at CONCEPT level introduced during the reference year and affecting comparability with previous reference periods (including breaks in series)
Changes in (Y/N) Description of the impact of the changes Statistics also revised backwards (if Y: year / N) Variables affected Break in series to be flagged (if Y: year and quarter/N)  
concepts and definition N  NA  NA   NA   NA 
coverage (i.e. target population) N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
legislation N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
classifications N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
geographical boundaries N  NA   NA   NA   NA 


Changes at MEASUREMENT level introduced during the reference year and affecting comparability with previous reference periods (including breaks in series)
Changes to (Y/N) Description of the impact of the changes Statistics also revised backwards (if Y: year / N) Variables affected Break in series to be flagged (if Y: year and quarter/N)
sampling frame N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
sample design N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
rotation pattern N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
questionnaire N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
instruction to interviewers N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
survey mode N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
weighting scheme N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
use of auxiliary information N  NA   NA   NA   NA 
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

8.3. Coherence - cross domain
Coherence of LFS data with Business statistics data    
  Description of difference in concept Description of difference in measurement Give an assessment of the effects of the differences Give references to description of differences
Total employment INSEE compiles quarterly and annual “Employment estimates”, based on business payroll declarations. Annual estimates cover total employment (employed and self-employed), as declared in administrative registers. Quarterly estimates only cover salaried employment. Employment Estimates are the reference source for cyclical employment monitoring by NACE.

Employment measurement in the LFS is based on households declaration. Employment measurement in Business statistics is based on the declaration of firms. Total employment from business sources tend to be slightly higher than in the LFS, mainly through a better coverage of very small jobs.

« Emploi quelle source pour quel usage » (PDF, in French)

Total employment by NACE
Number of hours worked UNA UNA UNA UNA


Coherence of LFS data with registered unemployment  
Description of difference in concept Description of difference in measurement Give references to description of differences
The registered unemployment corresponds to an administrative procedure : the registration on Pôle emploi lists. Registered unemployed persons do not always get unemployment benefits but registration is compulsory to be able to get some. This administrative concept clearly differs from the ILO status ; in particular, the avaibility criteria and the active search criteria are not necessarily complied by registered unemployed persons. ILO unemployed persons may be unregistered to Pôle emploi.

The registered unemployment includes 5 categories. Category A (“DEFM A”) corresponds to job-seekers who have been unemployed over the month and are required to actively seek employment. This category is the most conceptually similar to that of the ILO concept. The other categories encompass either jobseekers who have worked for a short period (less than 78 hours during the month, category B) or for a longer period (over 78 hours, category C), or individuals who are not required to seek employment, because of subsidised employment contracts, training, illness or for other reasons (categories D and E).

Being registered to Pôle emploi under category A and ILO unemployment represent two close realities, but they do not necessarily overlap. Therefore, it is possible for an individual to be a DEFM A, but not ILO unemployed; this can be the case, for example, if the only action he or she made is to renew his ou her registration: being registered to Pôle emploi is not considered an active search according to the ILO  criteria. On the other hand, an individual who is ILO unemployed is not necessarily registered to Pôle emploi under category A : he or she can be not registered at all (for example if he or she is not eligible to any unemployment benefit) or can be registered under a different category (category D, for example, if he or she is following a training course but considers that he or she is available and has actively sought employment, or category B or C if he or she worked during the month outside the reference week).

Consequently, some events can affect the number of DEFM A without necessarily affecting that of ILO unemployed, or vice versa. In particular, reforms or changes of the rules that dictate the follow-up with jobseekers registered with Pôle emploi, the assistance they are provided, and the compensation they receive can have an impact on the number of DEFM A without affecting, with the same magnitude, the number of ILO unemployed.

The LFS measures the unemployment using a large set of questions; the situation refers to a fixed reference week; persons in collective dwellings are not interviewed.

The registered unemployment is an administrative information derived from the list management files produced by Pôle emploi; the reference period is the month; collective household are included.

For more information, see https://insee.fr/en/statistiques/2019083?sommaire=2019087 page 79-82.


Assessment of the effect of differences of LFS unemployment and registered unemployment     
Give an assessment of the effects of the differences          
Overall effect Men under 25 years Men 25 years and over Women under 25 years Women 25 years and over Regional distribution (NUTS-3)
LFS: 2.35 millions unemployed persons (in 2020, yearly average)

Registers: 3.93 millions (in 2020, yearly average, DEFM A concept (registered jobless jobseekers who have to seek a job))

LFS: 0.30 million (in 2020, yearly average)

Registers: 0.29 million (in 2020, yearly average,  DEFM A concept (registered jobless jobseekers who have to seek a job)

LFS: 0.91 million (in 2020, yearly average)

Registers: 1.71 million (in 2020, yearly average, DEFM A concept (registered jobless jobseekers who have to seek a job)

LFS: 0.25 million (in 2020, yearly average)

Registers: 0.26 million (in 2020, yearly average, DEFM A concept (registered jobless jobseekers who have to seek a job)

LFS: 0.88 million (in 2020, yearly average)

Registers: 1.66 million (in 2020, yearly average, DEFM A concept (registered jobless jobseekers who have to seek a job)


Note : Data is for France (including oversea departements, Dom)

8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts
Coherence of LFS data with National Accounts data    
  Description of difference in concept Description of difference in measurement Give an assessment of the effects of the differences Give references to description of differences
Total employment In the LFS, the ILO employment concept is used. In the National accounts data, the reference period is the year. The measurement of employment in the LFS is based on the declaration of the private households. The measurement of employment in the National Accounts data is the result of a calculation mixing several databases:

First step: calculation of the domestic employment; This calculation is based on the Insee estimation of employment made from the Business statistics data. The domestic employment takes into account every person leaving abroad but working in France; conversely, every person leaving in France but working abroad is not taken into account. The calculation is made for every Economic activity of the local unit.

Second step: calculation of the domestic Employment by Economic activity of the firm. The Insee estimations of Employment used are given for each Economic activity of the local unit with the Business statistics data (UNEDIC data and INSEE data).

Third step: calculation of the domestic employment in “full-time equivalent” for each firm’s economic activity, using the annual business survey.

Total employment by NACE The NACE used in the LFS refers to economic activity of the establishment (plant) ; the NACE used in the National Accounts data refers to the economic activity of the firm.  UNA   UNA 
Number of hours worked Different concepts of hours worked are available through the LFS : the number of hours usually worked per week and the number of hours effectively worked during the reference week or over the year. The data in National Accounts rely only on the concept of the number of hours worked over a year. The LFS provides a direct estimation based on the individual declaration. It can be affected by declaration bias (proxy, memory effect).

The NA use a co mponent method, using the collective weekly worked hours (measured by a survey on firms named Acemo) adjusted to take into account the non-worked hours (public holidays, sickleave...) and the overtime hours and the self-employed. This estimation marginally uses some LFS results.



Which is the use of LFS data for National Account Data?   
Country uses LFS as the only source for employment in national accounts. Country uses mainly LFS, but replacing it in a few industries (or labour status), on a case-by-case basis Country not make use of LFS, or makes minimal use of it Country combines sources for labour supply and demand giving precedence to labour supply sources (i.e. LFS) Country combines sources for labour supply and demand not giving precedence to any labour side Country combines sources for labour supply and demand giving precedence to labour demand sources (i.e. employment registers and/or enterprise surveys)
 N  N  Y  N  N  N
8.6. Coherence - internal

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.2. Dissemination format - Publications
Please provide a list of type and frequency of publications

Informations Rapides: publication of some statistics on employment, unemployment, "halo" around unemployment, underemployment (every quarter)

Insee Première (IP): 4-pages publication; one IP on main results from the survey (once a year); IP on an analysis of a specific topic (no periodicity)

Insee Résultats: web pages with detailed results of the survey (once a year)

Insee Références "Emploi, chômage, revenus du travail" : publication with factsheets about the labour market (once a year)

9.3. Dissemination format - online database
Documentation, explanations, quality limitations, graphics etc.    
Web link to national methodological publication Conditions of access to data Accompanying information to data Further assistance available to users
Link to the national web page (national language(s)):


Link to the national web page (English):



A public file is available to every one on the Insee web site for free. The file is anonymised and contains very few detailed informations (see http://recherche-naf.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/4809583 for 2019 file)

A more complete anonymised file (but with non sensible variables only) is available to every one after having signed a convention with Insee (for non researchers or specific institutions, some fees may be due) or through a specific network (Centre Quételet : http://www.progedo-adisp.fr/serie_ee.php)

The complete file (with undirectly identifying variables) is available to the researchers via a Research Data Center (CASD), after the agreement of the Statistical confidentiality committee that verifies the purpose of the research.

List of variables, questionnaire, documentation on methodology Insee Contact
9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access
Accessibility to LFS national microdata (Y/N) Who is entitled to the access (researchers, firms, institutions)? Conditions of access to data Accompanying information to data Further assistance available to users

A public file is available to every one on the Insee web site for free. The file is anonymised and contains very few detailed informations.

A more complete anonymised file (but with non sensible variables only) is available to every one after having signed a convention with Insee (for non researchers or specific institutions, some fees may be due) or through a specific network (Centre Quételet).

The complete file (with undirectly identifying variables) is available (but charged) to the researchers via a Research Data Center (CASD), only with the agreement of the Statistical confidentiality committee that verifies the purpose of the research.

Convention with Insee

Agreement of the Statistical confidentiality committee for full data


Questionnaire, Explanatory
notes (in french)

Insee Contact
9.5. Dissemination format - other

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.6. Documentation on methodology
References to methodological notes about the survey and its characteristics
Methodological notes are available (in french) on the Insee website: https://www.insee.fr/fr/metadonnees/source/operation/s1459/documentation-methodologique
9.7. Quality management - documentation

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

10. Cost and Burden Top
Restricted from publication

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
Please provide information on the policy for anonymizing microdata in your country

Anonimization is processed at different levels:

- directly identifying variables (name, address, etc.) are deleted from files. They are kept for a limited time by the production team only.

- undirectly identifying variables (company identification number, NUTS3, etc.) are made available only in a protected file. For access, researchers need the agreement of the Statistical confidentiality committee.

- identification variables in the non protected file are fully anonymised.

12. Comment Top

[not requested for the LFS quality report]

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top