Farm structure (ef)

National Reference Metadata in Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Norway

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Norway

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Division for property, housing, spatial and agricultural statistics.

1.5. Contact mail address

Postboks 1400 Rasta, 2225 Kongsvinger, Norway

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 19/04/2023
2.2. Metadata last posted 02/03/2022
2.3. Metadata last update 19/04/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

The data describe the structure of agricultural holdings providing the general characteristics of farms and farmers and information on their land, livestock and labour force. They also describe production methods, rural development measures and agro-environmental aspects that look at the impact of agriculture on the environment.

The data are used by public, researchers, farmers and policy-makers to better understand the state of the farming sector and the impact of agriculture on the environment. The data follow up the changes in the agricultural sector and provide a basis for decision-making in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and other European Union policies.

The statistical unit is the agricultural holding (farm). The aggregated results are disseminated through statistical tables. The data are presented at different geographical levels and over periods.
The data collections are organised in line with Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and have a new structure, consisting of a core data set and several modules. The regulation covers the data collections in 2020 (the agricultural census), 2023 and 2026. The data are as comparable and coherent as possible with the other European countries.

3.2. Classification system

Data are arranged in tables using many classifications. Please find below information on most classifications.

The classifications of variables are available in Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1874.

The farm typology means a uniform classification of the holdings based on their type of farming and their economic size. Both are determined on the basis of the standard gross margin (SGM) (until 2007) or standard output (SO) (from 2010 onward) which is calculated for each crop and animal. The farm type is determined by the relative contribution of the different productions to the total standard gross margin or the standard output of the holding.

The territorial classification uses the NUTS classification to break down the regional data. The regional data is available at NUTS level 2.

3.3. Coverage - sector

The statistics cover agricultural holdings undertaking agricultural activities as listed in item 3.5 below and meeting the minimum coverage requirements (thresholds) as listed in item 3.6 below.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

The list of core variables is set in Annex III of Regulation (EU) 2018/1091.

The descriptions of the core variables as well as the lists and descriptions of the variables for the modules collected in 2020 are set in Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1874.

The following groups of variables are collected in 2020:

  • for core: location of the holding, legal personality of the holding, manager, type of tenure of the utilised agricultural area, variables of land, organic farming, irrigation on cultivated outdoor area, variables of livestock, organic production methods applied to animal production;
  • for the module "Labour force and other gainful activities": farm management, family labour force, non-family labour force, other gainful activities directly and not directly related to the agricultural holding;
  • for the module "Animal housing":  animal housing, nutrient use and manure on the farm, manure application techniques, facilities for manure.
3.5. Statistical unit

See sub-category below.

3.5.1. Definition of agricultural holding

The agricultural holding is a single unit, both technically and economically, that has a single management and that undertakes economic activities in agriculture in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 1893/2006 belonging to groups:

- A.01.1: Growing of non-perennial crops

- A.01.2: Growing of perennial crops

- A.01.3: Plant propagation

- A.01.4: Animal production

- A.01.5: Mixed farming.

Regarding activities of class A.01.49, only the activities “Raising and breeding of semi-domesticated or other live animals” (with the exception of raising of insects) and “Bee-keeping and production of honey and beeswax” are included.

Related to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091, article 2 (a), there are three minor differences between the national definition and the EU definition of the holding. See item

3.6. Statistical population

See sub-categories below.

3.6.1. Population covered by the core data sent to Eurostat (main frame and if applicable frame extension)

The thresholds of agricultural holdings are available in the annex.

3.6.1. Thresholds of agricultural holdings Raised thresholds compared to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091
Yes Lowered and/or additional thresholds compared to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091
3.6.2. Population covered by the data sent to Eurostat for the modules “Labour force and other gainful activities”, “Rural development” and “Machinery and equipment”

The same population of agricultural holdings defined in item 3.6.1.

The above answer holds for the module ‘Labour force and other gainful activities’. The module ‘Machinery and equipment’ is not collected in 2020. The module 'Rural development' is not applicable to our country.

3.6.3. Population covered by the data sent to Eurostat for the module “Animal housing and manure management”

The same population of agricultural holdings defined in item 3.6.1

3.7. Reference area

See sub-categories below.

3.7.1. Geographical area covered

The whole mainland of Norway is covered. Agriculture does not exist in the islands Svalbard and Jan Mayen.

3.7.2. Inclusion of special territories

Not applicable

3.7.3. Criteria used to establish the geographical location of the holding
The main building for production
3.7.4. Additional information reference area

Not available

3.8. Coverage - Time

Farm structure statistics in our country cover the period from 1999 onwards. Older time series are described in the previous quality reports (national methodological reports).

3.9. Base period

The 2020 data are processed (by Eurostat) with 2017 standard output coefficients (calculated as a 5-year average of the period 2015-2019). For more information, you can consult the definition of the standard output.

4. Unit of measure Top

Two kinds of units are generally used:

  • the units of measurement for the variables (area in hectares, livestock in (1000) heads or LSU (livestock units), labour force in persons or AWU (annual working units), standard output in Euro, places for animal housing etc.) and
  • the number of agricultural holdings having these characteristics.

5. Reference Period Top

See sub-categories below.

5.1. Reference period for land variables

The use of land refers to the 12-month period ending on December 31st 2020. In the case of successive crops from the same piece of land, the land use refers to a crop that is harvested during the reference year, regardless of when the crop in question is sown.

5.2. Reference period for variables on irrigation and soil management practices

The 12-month period ending on December 31st 2020. 

5.3. Reference day for variables on livestock and animal housing

The reference day October 1th within the reference year 2020.

5.4. Reference period for variables on manure management

The 12-month period ending on December 31st 2020. This period includes the reference day used for livestock and animal housing. 

5.5. Reference period for variables on labour force

The 12-month period ending on September 30 within the reference year 2020.

5.6. Reference period for variables on rural development measures

Not applicable

5.7. Reference day for all other variables

The reference day October 1th within the reference year 2020.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

See sub-categories below.

6.1.1. National legal acts and other agreements
Legal act
6.1.2. Name of national legal acts and other agreements

The Statistics Act of 16 June 1989 No 54.

There is no separate national legislation concerning the Census of Agriculture. Information is collected according to the Statistics Act of 16 June 1989 No 54. While article 2-2 concerns the obligation to provide information from any person, article 3-2 states the right of Statistics Norway to use administrative data systems in the state administration and in nationwide municipal organisations.

A new version of The Statistics Act was passed by the Storting on 21 June 2019. The second and third paragraphs of section 6 of the Act entered into force on 1 November 2019. Section 19 of the Act entered into force on 1 January 2020. The Statistics Act in its entirety on January 1, 2021. The data collections in 2020 (the Census of Agriculture) was not affected by the new version. 

6.1.3. Link to national legal acts and other agreements

The previous version of the Statistics Act is to be found online only in norwegian:

An English pdf-version is available here

6.1.4. Year of entry into force of national legal acts and other agreements


6.1.5. Legal obligations for respondents
6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

The Statistics Act of 16 June 1989 No 54. § 3-2 states the right of Statistics Norway to use administrative data systems in the state administration and in nationwide municipal organisations. Statistics Norway has entered into contracts with all relevant organisations regarding delivery and quality of administrative data and have annual meetings. Metadata for important administrative sources are stored. This concerns characteristics, definitions, classifications, instructions etc. The form of metadata is written documentation for each source, copies of forms and instructions.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

The Statistics Act provides Statistics Norway's rights and obligations as a producer of statistics. Particularly related to confidentiality are:

Obligation of secrecy (2-4)

  • (1) Any person performing work or service for a body which prepares or produces official statistics has a duty to prevent unauthorised persons from gaining access to or knowledge of whatever information he or she obtains concerning personal matters, administrative or business matters, or of technical appliances and methods used during the preparation or production of statistics. The obligation of secrecy applies only to such information as is collected for producing official statistics.
  • (2) The obligation of secrecy also applies after the person concerned has completed the work service. Furthermore, the person concerned may not use such information as is mentioned in this section in his or her own business or in work or in the service of others.

The use of information (2-5)

  • (1) Information collected in accordance with any prescribed obligation to provide information, or which is given voluntarily, may only be used to produce official statistics or for such other use as is approved by the Norwegian Data Protection Authority and is not detrimental to the security of the realm. If information is handed over, the obligation of secrecy pursuant to clause 2-4 shall also apply to the recipient of the information. When particular reasons so indicate, the Data Protection Authority may nevertheless make exceptions to such obligation of secrecy for certain types of information.
  • (2) Any agency which hands over such information may stipulate conditions, inter alia concerning the use of the information and who shall be responsible for the information and have access thereto, concerning the storage and return of borrowed material, the destruction of copies etc.

The publication of information (2-6) 

  • Information collected in accordance with any prescribed obligation to provide information, or which is given voluntarily, shall under no circumstances be published in such a way that it may be traced back to the supplier of any data or to any other identifiable individual to the detriment of the person concerned, or to the unreasonable detriment of the latter if the supplier of the data or the individual is an undertaking such as company with limited liability, limited partnership and other group of companies, foundation or a public organisation.

Further guidelines are included in Statistics Norway’s safety manual. All Statistics Norway employees must sign a confidentiality agreement.

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

See sub-categories below.

7.2.1. Aggregated data

See sub-categories below. Rules used to identify confidential cells
Threshold rule (The number of contributors is less than a pre-specified threshold)
Dominance rule (The n largest contributions make up for more than k% of the cell total)
Secondary confidentiality rules Methods to protect data in confidential cells
Cell suppression (Completely suppress the value of some cells) Description of rules and methods

Due to the continuous fall in the number of agricultural holdings and increased specialisation at holding level, confidentiality is an increasing problem when disseminating agricultural statistics. Procedures applied are:

1. Aggregation of information, i.e. less detailed statistics

2. Suppression of cells based on less than three observations

3. Suppression of cells if one dominant observation may be identified

In tables, alternatives 2 and 3 frequently result in suppression of more cells than those directly affected to avoid the possibility of calculating values of the suppressed cells through column totals or row totals.

There are few dominant holdings in Norwegian agriculture. Thus, alternative 3 is infrequently used.

7.2.2. Microdata

See sub-categories below. Use of EU methodology for microdata dissemination
Yes Methods of perturbation
None Description of methodology

The methodology is described in the dedicated section of Eurostat”s website:

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

There is no separate release calendar concerning IFS but Statistics Norway have the statistics calendar with all upcoming releases and publications.

8.2. Release calendar access

The statistics calendar can be accessed from Statistics Norways website or directly by the link

8.3. Release policy - user access

The general data release policy for Statistics Norway is that no external users have access to statistics or analyses before they are announced in the statistics calendar and published available for everyone at at 08.00 (CET). This is one of Statistics Norway’s key principles for ensuring that all users are treated equally. The media is never given access to statistics or analyses prior to their release. This release policy also applies to Integraded Farm Statistics. The complete principles for equal treatment of users in releasing statistics and analyses, and a few limited exceprions i.e. advanse access for external users, can be found at

8.3.1. Use of quality rating system
No Description of the quality rating system

Not applicable

9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Most of core data are disseminated every year. Module data are disseminated according to Regulation 2018/1091.

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

See sub-categories below.

10.1.1. Publication of news releases
10.1.2. Link to news releases

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

See sub-categories below.

10.2.1. Production of paper publications
10.2.2. Production of on-line publications
10.2.3. Title, publisher, year and link

Not applicable

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

See sub-categories below.

10.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Total number of accesses on data tables in 2021 are:

  • Structure of agriculture (the population of agricultural holdings): 10736
  • Census of Agriculture: 2445
10.3.2. Accessibility of online database
10.3.3. Link to online database

Structure of agriculture (the population of agricultural holdings):

Census of Agriculture:

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

See sub-category below.

10.4.1. Accessibility of microdata
10.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available

10.5.1. Metadata - consultations

Not requested.

10.6. Documentation on methodology

See sub-categories below.

10.6.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not requested.

10.6.2. Availability of national reference metadata
10.6.3. Title, publisher, year and link to national reference metadata

Landbruksteljing 2020, Dokumentasjon. Harald Myrli mfl. To be completed 2022. 

10.6.4. Availability of national handbook on methodology
10.6.5. Title, publisher, year and link to handbook

Not applicable

10.6.6. Availability of national methodological papers
10.6.7. Title, publisher, year and link to methodological papers

Not applicable 

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Not available

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

See sub-categories below.

11.1.1. Quality management system
11.1.2. Quality assurance and assessment procedures
11.1.3. Description of the quality management system and procedures

Not applicable

11.1.4. Improvements in quality procedures

Not applicable

11.2. Quality management - assessment

Not available

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

The main groups of users are authorities involved in agriculture at national, regional and local level, the farmers' associations and research institutions. The main groups of variables are used for monitoring the development in agriculture, e.g. related to the distribution of holdings, different crops and livestock by region, amount of farm work and work in OGA on the holding and OGA off the holding.  Furthermore, types of animal housing, manure storage by capacity and spreading of manure are important related to emission to rivers, lakes and air. Information may result in changes in agricultural policy.

12.1.1. Main groups of variables collected only for national purposes

Characteristics surveyed only for national purposes:

Man-hours in forestry on the holding for labour force directly employed by the holding

Man-hours in OGA on the holding for labour force directly employed by the holding

Non-family labour employed on a non-regular basis by gender

Farm work by persons not directly employed by the holding distributed by kind of work

Other gainful activities of the holding: there are 7 more categories than listed in the EU-regulation. Some of them are out of scope for IFS, e.g. rental from sites. Other may be included in OGA n.e.c.

  • Rental from hunting or fishing rights
  • Rental from farmhouse or farm building
  • Rental from agricultural land
  • Rental from sites
  • Rental from stabling of horses, riding facilities etc.
  • Sales of own unprocessed farm products in own shop, Farmers Market, outdoor sales etc.
  • Cultivation and sales of Christmas trees and greenery
  • Fur farming

The Norwegian questionnaire covered some more details regarding animal housing and manure management than decided in the EU-regulation. Additional topics are:

  • Water added to liquid manure before spreading on utilised agricultural area: yes/no. If yes; i) less than one portion of water to one portion of manure, 2) one portion of water or more
  • Is there an opening (slatted floor, area of grate etc.) between the animal housing and the manure stored below animal confinement: yes/no
  • What kind of bedding was used to absorb moisture from manure in the animal housing? Straw / sawdust, wood chippings / turf, dried manure etc. / no bedding
  • Percentage distribution of manure by type of storage at the beginning of spring work 
  • Presence of milking robot: yes/no
  • Have other pigs than breeding sows access to outdoor area: yes/no

The background for these additional topics are emission of greenhouse gasses to air and run-off to lakes and rivers caused by storage and spreading of manure.

12.1.2. Unmet user needs

Important user needs are met. 

12.1.3. Plans for satisfying unmet user needs

Not applicable

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

In advance, an advisory committee with participation from important users were consulted.

12.2.1. User satisfaction survey
12.2.2. Year of user satisfaction survey

Not applicable

12.2.3. Satisfaction level
Not applicable
12.3. Completeness

Information on low- and zero prevalence variables is available on: Eurostat's website.

12.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not applicable for Integrated Farm Statistics as the not collected variables, not-significant variables and not-existent variables are completed with 0.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall

See categories below.

13.2. Sampling error

See sub-categories below.

13.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Please find the relative standard errors for the main variables in the annex.

13.2.1. Thresholds of agricultural holdings
13.2.2. Reasons for non-compliant precision requirements in relation to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091

There are no cases where estimated RSEs are above thresholds. 

13.2.3. Methodology used to calculate relative standard errors

Statistics Norway has developed the SAS application STRUKTUR, which is used to estimate RSEs. Furthermore, STRUKTUR could also be used in data inspection related to editing of data. Documentation of STRUKTUR is only available in Norwegian.

13.2.4. Impact of sampling error on data quality
13.3. Non-sampling error

See sub-categories below.

13.3.1. Coverage error

See sub-categories below. Over-coverage - rate

The over-coverage rate is available in the annex. The over-coverage rate is unweighted.
The over-coverage rate is calculated as the share of ineligible holdings to the holdings designated for the core data collection. The ineligible holdings include those holdings with unknown eligibility status that are not imputed nor re-weighted for (therefore considered ineligible).
The over-coverage rate is calculated over the holdings in the main frame and if applicable frame extension, for which core data are sent to Eurostat. 

The over-coverage rate has increased in 2020 compared to 2016. The population frame for the IFS 2020 included more possibly relevant units to ensure that all relevant units were included. In 2016 the population was drawn from units that had already applied for grants and were deemed relevant.

Annexes: Over-coverage rate and Unit non-response rate Types of holdings included in the frame but not belonging to the population of the core (main frame and if applicable frame extension)
Below thresholds during the reference period
Temporarily out of production during the reference period
Ceased activities
Merged to another unit Actions to minimize the over-coverage error
None Additional information over-coverage error

Not available Common units - proportion

Not requested. Under-coverage error

See sub-categories below. Under-coverage rate

The population of agricultural holdings does not seem to have significant under-coverage. Types of holdings belonging to the population of the core but not included in the frame (main frame and if applicable frame extension)
New births
New units derived from split
Units with outdated information in the frame (variables below thresholds in the frame but above thresholds in the reference period) Actions to minimise the under-coverage error

The bulk of the holdings is applying governmental production subsidies and hence subject to thorough checks organised by the Norwegian Agricultural Authority. The status of the additional holdings is more uncertain. This sub-population is based on data from different registers. It is rather easy to identify that some activity has taken place during the calendar year 2020, while it is rather difficult to prove whether the holding was active at the survey date October 1th, had stopped farming before that date or had started farming later. Furthermore, for some of these holdings it is difficult to estimate an accurate agricultural area by crop and the number of different livestock categories. Due to rapid structural changes, there is a risk of including a holding in the sub-population of additional holdings that is already unified with another holding applying government subsidies. Various checks were done to avoid such an error. Additional information under-coverage error

Not available Misclassification error
No Actions to minimise the misclassification error

Not applicable Contact error
No Actions to minimise the contact error

Not applicable Impact of coverage error on data quality
13.3.2. Measurement error

See sub-categories below. List of variables mostly affected by measurement errors
  • WH_HLD_AWU_PC Working hours by holder - % band Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC1T24 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Male - 1-24% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC25T49 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Male - 25-49% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC50T74 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Male - 50-74% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC75T99 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Male - 75-99% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_M_PC100 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Male - 100% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC1T24 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Female - 1-24% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC25T49 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Female - 25-49% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC50T74 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Female - 50-74% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC75T99 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Female - 75-99% Annual work unit (AWU)
  • FLF_D_RFAM_F_PC100 Family farm labour force directly employed by the farm on a regular basis - Female - 100% Annual work unit (AWU) Causes of measurement errors
Complexity of variables
Unclear questions
Respondents’ inability to provide accurate answers Actions to minimise the measurement error
Pre-testing questionnaire
Explanatory notes or handbooks for enumerators or respondents
On-line FAQ or Hot-line support for enumerators or respondents Impact of measurement error on data quality
Low Additional information measurement error

Serious systematic measurement errors are neither discovered in the questionnaires nor in the editing process. Nevertheless, some characteristics are difficult to answer accurately for the respondents. This concerns particularly amount of work carried out by holder, spouse/cohabitant of holder and family members. There is great variation in the amount of work carried out by the labour force on holdings and thus it is difficult to assess, and possibly correct information reported. The editing process included checks to detect obvious errors. Total farm work was compared with farm type and size of the holding. Extremely high or low values (outliers) were corrected. Extremely high values (outliers) of the aggregate of farm work, work related to OGA and other work per person were corrected.

13.3.3. Non response error

See sub-categories below. Unit non-response - rate

The unit non-response rate is in the annex of item The unit non-response rate is unweighted.
The unit non-response rate is calculated as the share of eligible non-respondent holdings to the eligible holdings.  The eligible holdings include those holdings with unknown eligibility status which are imputed or re-weighted for (therefore considered eligible).
The unit non-response rate is calculated over the holdings in the main frame and if applicable frame extension, for which core data are sent to Eurostat. Reasons for unit non-response
Refusal to participate
Inability to participate (e.g. illness, absence) Actions to minimise or address unit non-response
Follow-up interviews
Legal actions
Imputation Unit non-response analysis

605 respondents did not respond at all or the filling in of the questionnaire was so poor that the information was useless. Reasons for non-response have not been investigated. The most probable reason is that some respondents are generally unwilling to complete questionnaires. Furthermore, non-respondents have not been analysed with respect to survey variables. Based on assessments, there is no significant bias among the non-response holdings. Item non-response - rate

The item non-response rates are not calculated. Item non-responses was relatively low on most questions due to validation checks and mandatory completion checks in the electronic questionnaire. In some cases where the initial question was answered incorrectly, no further questions were opened. If later checks of the form against register data on livestock or agricultural area showed that this was incorrect, the form was sent back to the respondent. Only in cases where it was still not answered, it was imputed. Variables with the highest item non-response rate

Not applicable Reasons for item non-response
Skip of due question Actions to minimise or address item non-response
Follow-up interviews
Imputation Impact of non-response error on data quality
Low Additional information non-response error

Not available

13.3.4. Processing error

See sub-categories below. Sources of processing errors
Imputation methods Imputation methods
Deductive imputation
Ratio imputation
Nearest neighbour imputation Actions to correct or minimise processing errors

Not available Tools and staff authorised to make corrections

Data were checked and edited by means of a general data editing software application called DYNAREV, developed in Statistics Norway. Only staff at Statistics Norway involved in the Census of Agriculture 2020 were authorised to make corrections. Impact of processing error on data quality
Low Additional information processing error

Not available

13.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable 

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

See sub-categories below.

14.1.1. Time lag - first result

The population of agricultural holdings 2020: release of preliminary statistics on 12 February, i.e. 1 month, 12 days. The Census of Agriculture 2020: release of preliminary statistics on 17 March 2021, i.e. 2 months, 17 days.

14.1.2. Time lag - final result

The population of agricultural holdings 2020: release of final statistics on 28 September 2021, i.e. 8 months, 28 days. The Census of Agriculture 2020: release of final statistics on October 1th 2021, i.e. 9 months, 1 day.

14.2. Punctuality

See sub-categories below.

14.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

See sub-categories below. Punctuality - delivery

Not requested. Punctuality - publication

The population of agricultural holdings 2020: planned release of final statistics was postponed from 30 June 2021 to 28 September 2021, i.e. 90 days. The Census of Agriculture 2020: planned release of final statistics was postponed from 30 August 2021 to October 1th 2021, i.e. 32 days .

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

See sub-categories below.

15.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable, because there are no mirror flows in Integrated Farm Statistics.

15.1.2. Definition of agricultural holding

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091

Related to Regulation (EU) 2018/1091, article 2 (a), there are three minor differences between the national definition and the EU definition of the holding.

The Norwegian definition:

  • excludes cultivation of Christmas trees (NACE, class 01.29);
  • excludes holdings exclusively maintaining agricultural land in good agricultural and environmental condition (NACE, class 01.61);
  • excludes holdings exclusively raising animals for the production of fur. Reasons for deviations
  • Excluding cultivation of Christmas trees (NACE, class 01.29): According to Norwegian legislation, area for cultivation of Christmas trees is defined as forest area. (Even if the area has been agricultural land before planting of Christmas trees.)
  • Excluding holdings exclusively maintaining agricultural land in good agricultural and environmental condition (NACE, class 01.61): There is no subsidy scheme for such agricultural land in Norway. Thus, the area is included in unutilised agricultural land.
  • Excluding holdings exclusively raising animals for the production of fur: Holdings with only fur animals are not included in our data collection because they do not meet the thresholds.
15.1.3. Thresholds of agricultural holdings

See sub-categories below. Proofs that the EU coverage requirements are met
      Total      Covered by the thresholds Attained coverage Minimum requested coverage
  1 2 3=2*100/1 4
UAA excluding kitchen gardens 982791 982791 100% 98%
LSU 1187548 1187548 100% 98%

Statistics Norway is annually establishing  a register of agricultural holdings. Several data sources are used, of which the most important is the register of holdings eligible for national support for agricultural land and livestock. The register is updated twice per year. However, greenhouse area is not included in the register. Due to this, greenhouse areas are obtained from the yearly survey on horticultural production and supplemented by data from the Norwegian Gardners Association. Other sources involved are the register of slaughtered animals and the register of grain, field peas, beans, lupins, rape and turnip rape seeds. For the IFS 2020 census, questionnaire was sent to 41 279 holdings of which 38 713 were approved. Differences between the national thresholds and the thresholds used for the data sent to Eurostat

The thresholds applied for the national data collection is equal to the thresholds applied for the data sent to Eurostat. Reasons for differences

Not applicable

15.1.4. Definitions and classifications of variables

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 and EU handbook

Not applicable The number of working hours and days in a year corresponding to a full-time job

The information is available in the annex. 
The number of working hours and days in a year for a full-time job correspond to one annual working unit (AWU) in the country. One annual work unit corresponds to the work performed by one person who is occupied on an agricultural holding on a full-time basis. Annual working units are used to calculate the farm work on the agricultural holdings.

Annexes: Point chosen in the Annual work unit (AWU) percentage band to calculate the AWU of holders, managers, family and non-family regular workers

The information is available in the annex of item AWU for workers of certain age groups

The information is available in the annex of item Livestock coefficients

Not applicable Livestock included in “Other livestock n.e.c.”

Not applicable Reasons for deviations

Not applicable 

15.1.5. Reference periods/days

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Regulation (EU) 2018/1091

Not applicable Reasons for deviations

Not applicable

15.1.6. Common land
The concept of common land does not exist Collection of common land data
Not applicable Reasons if common land exists and data are not collected

Not applicable Methods to record data on common land
Not applicable Source of collected data on common land
Not applicable Description of methods to record data on common land

Not applicable Possible problems in relation to the collection of data on common land and proposals for future data collections

Not applicable

15.1.7. National standards and rules for certification of organic products

See sub-categories below. Deviations from Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007

There are no substantial differences between national standards and rules according to Council Regulation No.834/2007. Reasons for deviations

Not applicable

15.1.8. Differences in methods across regions within the country

Not applicable

15.2. Comparability - over time

See sub-categories below.

15.2.1. Length of comparable time series

There have been no changes in time series since the agricultural Census 2010

15.2.2. Definition of agricultural holding

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

Regulation (EU) 2018/1091 newly considers agricultural holdings with only fur animals. However even if our country raises fur animals, holdings with only fur animals are not included in our data collection because they do not meet the thresholds.  The thresholds for animals are expressed in livestock units (LSU) and fur animals are not associated LSU coefficients. We did not add thresholds related to fur animals; there is no reason for it (fur animals do not contribute towards 98% of the total LSU).

15.2.3. Thresholds of agricultural holdings

See sub-categories below. Changes in the thresholds of holdings for which core data are sent to Eurostat since the last data transmission
There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

Changes: Threshold: Cultivating at least 0.5 ha of utilised agricultural land has been changed to cultivating at least 2.0 ha. Threshold: Cultivating at least 0.1 ha of orchard has been changed to cultivating at least 0.2 ha. Threshold: Cultivating 0.1 ha of berries has been changed to 0.2 ha. Threshold: had at least 25 beehives in use has been changed to 25 'bee flocks' being able to pass the winter. One beehive may include two 'bee flocks'.

15.2.4. Geographical coverage

See sub-categories below. Change in the geographical coverage since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been no changes Description of changes

Not applicable

15.2.5. Definitions and classifications of variables

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

Legal personality of the agricultural holding

In IFS, there is a new class (“shared ownership”) for the legal personality of the holding compared to FSS 2016, which trigger fluctuations of holdings in the classes of sole holder holdings and group holdings.


Other livestock n.e.c.

In FSS 2016, deer were included in this class, but in IFS they are classified separately.

Also in FSS 2016, there was a class for the collection of equidae. That has been dropped and equidae are included in IFS in "other livestock n.e.c."


Livestock units

In FSS 2016, turkeys, ducks, geese, ostriches and other poultry were considered each one in a separate class with a coefficient of 0.03 for all the classes except for ostriches (coefficient 0.035). In IFS 2020, the coefficients were adjusted accordingly, with turkeys remaining at 0.03, ostriches remaining at 0.35, ducks adjusted to 0.01, geese adjusted to 0.02 and other poultry fowls n.e.c. adjusted to 0.001.


Organic animals

While in FSS only fully compliant (certified converted) animals were included, in IFS both animals under conversion and fully converted are to be included.

15.2.6. Reference periods/days

See sub-categories below. Changes since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been some changes but not enough to warrant the designation of a break in series Description of changes

The reference period for livestock variables has been changed due to a shift in the reference day in the applications for agricultural production subsidies. For the same reason this was also the reference period for labour force. 

The calendar year has been chosen as the reference period for manure management, land variables and irrigable area as it was considered the most accurate and straightforward for respondents to relate to.

We acknowledge that the shift in reference period may require some adjustment for respondents and users of the statistics, but it is not believed that this will have a significant impact on comparability with previous years.

15.2.7. Common land

See sub-categories below. Changes in the methods to record common land since the last data transmission to Eurostat
There have been no changes Description of changes

Not applicable 

15.2.8. Explanations for major trends of main variables compared to the last data transmission to Eurostat

All animal populations for 2020 have been corrected based on their application for governmental grants. This was not done for 2016, which was a sample survey.

  • E0000T (Seeds and seedlings - outdoor): Collected from register for 2020;
  • C1200T (Rye and winter cereal mixtures (maslin) - outdoor): Triticale was not reported for 2016, only Rye was reported for 2016;
  • N0000T (Flowers and ornamental plants (excluding nurseries) - outdoor): this is still only hobby production;
  • P1000T (Field peas, beans and sweet lupins - outdoor): cultivated by a small population of holdings and collected from register for 2020;
  • V0000_S0000S (Fresh vegetables (including melons) and strawberries - under glass or high accessible cover): cultivated by a small population of holdings and collected based on a sample survey in 2016.

Labour force (AWU): Between FSS 2016 and IFS 2020, the share of female family and non-family labour force (AWU) directly employed in sole holder holdings decreased from 49,7% to 18,3%.

National statistics show that the number of hours worked by regular and non-regular female employees are stable to approximately 25% in the total number of working hours worked by regular and non-regular employees (family members are not included in this analysis).

The number of hours worked by non-regular female employees are more or less equal to the number of hours worked by non-regular male employees. However, the number of hours worked by regular male employees are higher than the number of hours worked by regular female employees.

15.2.9. Maintain of statistical identifiers over time
15.3. Coherence - cross domain

See sub-categories below.

15.3.1. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable to Integrated Farm Statistics, because there are no sub annual data collections in agriculture.

15.3.2. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable, because Integrated Farm Statistics have no relevance for national accounts.

15.3.3. Coherence at micro level with data collections in other domains in agriculture

See sub-categories below. Analysis of coherence at micro level
No Results of analysis at micro level

Statistics Norway does not collect IFS characteristics in other questionnaire-based surveys.

In other questionnaire-based surveys, e.g. annual survey on horticultural and permanent crops production and annual survey on potato and coarse fodder production, relevant area information from the total population of agricultural holdings is pre-printed. Usually these areas are not changed by the respondents.

Some problems occur related to the harmonization of organic farming areas: The System of Governmental Production Subsidies covers only a rough distribution of certified areas and areas under conversion by crop. The Organic Farming Register is used for the detailed distribution of crops. However, missing harmonisation between the two sources result in some under-coverage of organically cultivated crop areas and crop areas under conversion.

15.3.4. Coherence at macro level with data collections in other domains in agriculture

See sub-categories below. Analysis of coherence at macro level
Yes Results of analysis at macro level

Q0000 (Fallow land) includes both green manure and fallow land in IFS. In APRO statistics, green manure is included in ARA99 (Other arable land crops n.e.c.), not in Q0000 (Fallow land), hence there is a discrepancy between IFS and APRO statistics.

ARA99 (Other arable land crops n.e.c.) includes green manure and seeds and seedlings in APRO statistics. Lawn roll is however excluded from ARA99 (Other arable land crops n.e.c.) in the reporting to Eurostat for APRO statistics, since this is part of Other industrial crops n.e.c - outdoor (I9000T). ARA99 is therefore significant larger in APRO statistics than in IFS statistics.

I0000 (Industrial crops): the higher value of IFS statistics compared to APRO statistics is caused by the fact that Aromatic, medicinal and culinary plants - outdoor (I5000T) and Other industrial crops n.e.c - outdoor (I9000T) are not included in the category I0000 in APRO.

C1300 (Barley): In APRO statistics, the precise value is 128,1 ha, while in Eurobase this value is rounded to 100 ha.

P0000 (Dry pulses and protein crops for the production of grain (including seed and mixtures of cereals and pulses)): The reported value for APRO statistics is 162,40 ha. The value for APRO statistics in Eurobase is rounded to 200 ha.

15.4. Coherence - internal

The data are internally consistent. This is ensured by the application of a wide range of validation rules.

16. Cost and Burden Top

See sub-categories below.

16.1. Coordination of data collections in agricultural statistics

At Statistics Norway there is no other questionnaire-based surveys with the same kind of questions as in the IFS. Other institutions may carry out surveys with equal or similar questions as Statistics Norway. E.g., the Institute for Rural and Regional Research conducts a trend survey in agriculture every second year. This survey includes to a certain degree the same kind of questions.

16.2. Efficiency gains since the last data transmission to Eurostat
Further automation
Increased use of administrative data
16.2.1. Additional information efficiency gains

Not available

16.3. Average duration of farm interview (in minutes)

See sub-categories below.

16.3.1. Core

Not available. The variables are collected with a web-questionnaire.  

16.3.2. Module ‘Labour force and other gainful activities‘

Not available. The variables are collected with a web-questionnaire.  

16.3.3. Module ‘Rural development’

Not relevant

16.3.4. Module ‘Animal housing and manure management’

Not available. The variables are collected with a web-questionnaire.  

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Statistics Norway publish both preliminary and final results of the Census of Agriculture 2020. IFS data submitted to Eurostat are based on the final data. Statistics Norway distinguishes between revisions and corrections. Revisions is related to preliminary and final versions of the related statistics. Corrections are related to detected errors in preliminary or final versions of statistics after publication.

17.2. Data revision - practice

Both the population of agricultural holdings and the Census of Agriculture are disseminated as preliminary and final versions. 

Statistics Norway receives preliminary and final versions of the System of Governmental Production Subsidies. The preliminary data are used to:

•             Present up to date statistics on holdings, crop areas, livestock etc.

•             Frame for population to Census of Agriculture and other questionnaire-based surveys conducted by Statistics Norway.

The final data of the System of Governmental Production Subsidies and data from other administrative registers are used to establish the final version of the population of agricultural holdings. The population is used to:

•             Present final statistics on holdings, crop areas, livestock etc.

•             Frame for adjusting the population from the preliminary version.

IFS data submitted to Eurostat are based on the final data for both the population of agricultural holdings and the Census of Agriculture.

17.2.1. Data revision - average size

Not requested.

18. Statistical processing Top

18. Timetable statistical process
18.1. Source data

See sub-categories below.

18.1.1. Population frame

See sub-categories below. Type of frame
List frame Name of frame

The population of agricultural holdings Update frequency
18.1.2. Core data collection on the main frame

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable for 2019/2020. Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable
18.1.3. Core data collection on the frame extension

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Not applicable Sampling design

Not applicable Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable
18.1.4. Module “Labour force and other gainful activities”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design

Not applicable Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable If sampled from the core sample, the sampling and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.5. Module “Rural development”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Not applicable Sampling design

Not applicable Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable If sampled from the core sample, the sampling strategy and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.6. Module “Animal housing and manure management module”

See sub-categories below. Coverage of agricultural holdings
Census Sampling design

Not applicable Name of sampling design
Not applicable Stratification criteria
Not applicable Use of systematic sampling
Not applicable Full coverage strata

Not applicable Method of determination of the overall sample size

Not applicable Method of allocation of the overall sample size
Not applicable If sampled from the core sample, the sampling strategy and calibration strategy
Not applicable
18.1.12. Software tool used for sample selection

Not applicable

18.1.13. Administrative sources

See sub-categories below. Administrative sources used and the purposes of using them

The information is available on Eurostat's website. Description and quality of the administrative sources

See the attached Excel file in the Annex.

Annexes: Description and quality of the administrative sources Difficulties using additional administrative sources not currently used
Problems related to data quality of the source
18.1.14. Innovative approaches

The information on innovative approaches is available on Eurostat's website.

18.2. Frequency of data collection

The agricultural census is conducted every 10 years.  The decennial agricultural census is complemented by sample or census-based data collections organised every 3-4 years in-between.

18.3. Data collection

See sub-categories below.

18.3.1. Methods of data collection
Use of Internet
18.3.2. Data entry method, if paper questionnaires
Not applicable
18.3.3. Questionnaire

Please find the questionnaire in annex.

18.3.3. Questionnaire English translation
18.3.3. Questionnaire Norwegian version
18.4. Data validation

See sub-categories below.

18.4.1. Type of validation checks
Data format checks
Completeness checks
Routing checks
Range checks
Relational checks
18.4.2. Staff involved in data validation
Staff from central department
18.4.3. Tools used for data validation


18.5. Data compilation

Not applicable

18.5.1. Imputation - rate

The rates are unweighted

FLF_ND 1,98
18.5.2. Methods used to derive the extrapolation factor
Not applicable
18.6. Adjustment

Covered under Data compilation.

18.6.1. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable to Integrated Farm Statistics, because it collects structural data on agriculture.

19. Comment Top

See sub-categories below.

19.1. List of abbreviations

CAP – Common Agricultural Policy

FSS – Farm Structure Survey

IFS – Integrated Farm Statistics

LSU – Livestock units

NACE – Nomenclature of Economic Activities

NUTS – Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics

SO – Standard output

UAA – Utilised agricultural area

OGA - Other gainful activities

NAA - Norwegian Agriculture Agency (NAA is running the system of governmental production subsidies in agriculture)

PROS - The system of governmental production subsidies

19.2. Additional comments

No additional comments.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top