Pupils and students - enrolments (educ_uoe_enr)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Estonia

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Estonia

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Population and Social Statistics Department

1.5. Contact mail address

Tatari 51
15174 Tallinn

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

A general description of the statistical process and its outputs, and their evolution over time.


The following documents provide general information on the educational system; please add the relevant links for your country.

General link to Eurydice:  https://eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-policies/eurydice/home_en

National system broad overview:  https://eurydice.eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-education-systems/estonia/estonia

 National Education System Description:  https://eurydice.eacea.ec.europa.eu/national-education-systems/estonia/estonia

 National Education System - Provisions regarding language learning: https://www.hm.ee/en/estonian-and-foreign-languages/foreign-languages/foreign-language-learning-estonia

 Structure of Education and Training Systems:  https://eurydice.eacea.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/inline-images/EE_0.jpg


Link to the ISCMAP programmes and qualification:  see Annex 1

National link to programmes and qualifications:

 Pre-school, basic and secondary education

Vocational education

Higher education

Adult education

2.2. Classification system

International Standard Classification of Education ISCED 2011 (ISCED-P)

Fields of education and training 2013 (ISCED-F)

2.3. Coverage - sector

Formal education

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

For statistical concept used in this data collection please refer to the Manual for the joint UNESCO-UIS/OECD/EUROSTAT (UOE) data collection on education statistics.

2.5. Statistical unit
  • students enrolled and repeaters
  • new entrants
  • graduates and first-time graduates; graduates with credit mobility
  • educational personnel
  • class size
  • expenditure
  • enrolments in studies of foreign languages
2.6. Statistical population

The statistics refer to the education system, as defined in the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011). The basic unit of classification in ISCED 2011  is the educational program. The data collection covers formal education programmes for children, youth and adults, including those with special educational needs, irrespective of the institutions or organizations providing them or the form in which they are delivered. They cover school-based general education and vocational education/training (including combined school- and work-based programs). The data collection covers educational activity within the country's own territory.

2.7. Reference area

Estonia as a whole.

2.8. Coverage - Time

From 2005 onward.

2.9. Base period

Not available.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

For each UOE table, please list the source(s) used to compile information: UOE table, name, type, date of availability and responsibility.


Sources used for data on enrolments
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
ISCED level, type of institution. intensity of participation, sex, age, class, field of education, degree mobility, country of origin, combined school and work-based programs EHIS i.e "Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem", in English - Estonian Education Information System. Register Other: Estonian Ministery of Education and Research (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium)


Sources used for data on entrants
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
ISCED level, sex, age, field of education, degree mobility, country of origin EHIS i.e "Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem", in English - Estonian Education Information System. Register Other: Estonian Ministery of Education and Research (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium)
previously attained highest ISCED level Statistical Population Register Register UOE data provider


Sources used for data on personnel
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
ISCED level, type of institution. employment status (full-time, part-time), sex, age EHIS i.e "Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem", in English - Estonian Education Information System. Register Other: Estonian Ministery of Education and Research (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium)


Sources used for data on enrolments at regional level
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
not applicable not applicable not applicable not applicable



Sources used for data on foreign languages learning
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
ISCED level, age, foreign language studied, language of instruction, type of curriculum EHIS i.e "Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem", in English - Estonian Education Information System. Register Other. Estonian Ministery of Education and Research (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium)



Sources used for data on graduates
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
ISCED level, sex, age, field of education, degree mobility, country of origin EHIS i.e "Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem", in English - Estonian Education Information System. Register Estonian Ministery of Education and Research (Haridus- ja Teadusministeerium)
previously attained highest ISCED level Statistical Population Register Register UOE data provider


Sources used for data on education expenditure
Detailed variables concerned Name of the source Type (Survey / Register / Estimation / Other) Responsible of the source (UOE data provider / Other: which-one?)
Educational expenditure in public institutions

State Accounting System (Saldoandmike infosüsteem)

Register Other: Estonian Ministery of Finance
Educational expenditure in private institutions Survey on educational expenditure in private institutions Survey UOE data provider
Development and research (R&D) expenditure Survey on R&D  Survey UOE data provider
Student loans   Other Other: Estonian Ministery of Finance; central bank of the Republic of Estonia
Number of students in different ISCED levels EHIS i.e "Eesti Hariduse Infosüsteem", in English - Estonian Education Information System. Register
Other: Estonian Ministery of Finance
3.2. Frequency of data collection


3.3. Data collection

Data is collected from educational institutions through registers. For FIN tables private schools expenditure survey data is used. 

3.4. Data validation

UOE data relies mostly on register information (EHIS). Register quality is assessed by Estonian Ministery of Education and Research.

Final data goes through validation process at Statistics Estonia. 

3.5. Data compilation

Operations performed on data to derive new information according to a given set of rules.


Weighting methods
Weighted figures for differing reference periods Weighted figures for differing theoretical ages Conversion factors from part-time to full-time equivalent (FTE) data

Number of students adjusted to statistics on educational finance:

The enrolment data adjusted to the financial year t (= calendar year) are calculated by taking 8/12 of the year t and 4/12 of the year t+1. E.g., this means the adjusted enrolment data for the financial year 2017 are calculated by taking 8/12 of the enrolment data 2017 (refers to school year 2016/17)  and  4/12 of the enrolment data 2018 (refers to school year 2017/18).

 not applicable

Enrolment (ENRL)  1 part-time student = 0.7 full-time student (exeption in ISCED 4 - 0.52 full-time students)

Personnel (PERS) - exact information on agreed working hours is available in the register-based employment statistics. Adding the individual working hours provides information about FTE. E.g.: 70% and 60% will refer to a 1,3 FTE.




Estimations methods used in the UOE questionnaires
Type of data Detailed variables concerned ISCED level Reference year(s) Data source (internal to UOE or not) Data type (sample-based or not) Data source name in English Reason Description of the estimation method
Expenditure Educational expenditure in different ISCED levels 1-4   internal     We have information on expenditure for the whole institution. Total expenditure in one education is distributed proportionally by number of students at each level.
3.6. Adjustment

Made only for FIN- STUD data to adjust enrolment data for financial year.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

To assure the quality of processes and products, Statistics Estonia applies the EFQM Excellence Model, EU Statistics Code of Practice, and the ESS Quality Assurance Framework (QAF). Statistics Estonia is also guided by the requirements provided for in § 7. „Principles and quality criteria of producing official statistics” of the Official Statistics Act.

4.2. Quality management - assessment

Statistics Estonia performs all statistical activities according to an international model (Generic Statistical Business Process Model – GSBPM). According to the GSBPM, the final phase of statistical activities is overall evaluation using information gathered in each phase or sub-process (this information includes, among other things, feedback from users, process metadata, system metrics, and suggestions from employees). This information is used to prepare the evaluation report which outlines all the quality problems related to the specific statistical activity and serves as input for improvement actions.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

Ministry of Social Affairs

Ministry of Education and Research


5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Since 1996 Statistics Estonia conducts reputation surveys and user surveys.

All results are available on the website https://www.stat.ee/en/statistics-estonia/about-us/user-surveys

5.3. Completeness

The extent to which all statistics that are needed are available.

Use of administrative data ensures almost complete coverage and up-to-date data.


  Enrolments Personnel New entrants Graduates Credit mobility Language learning Educational expenditure
Data not covered Homecoming nationals

1) Vocational personnel is not split between ISCED levels

2) Research staff in tertiary education with no teaching responsibilities

everything is covered everything is covered Credit mobility in ISCED 8 language learning in vocational schools is underrepresented household expenditure outside educational institutions
Reasons for unavailable data and, planned actions to improve coverage This information is not directly available in the register. Registry used involves only academic staff, who have some teaching responsibilities.      At the moment the implementation of credit mobility data collection is still in progress Some vocational institutions are still developing their data transmission regarding language learning data. In the coming years the data quality is getting better. There is an opportunity in the future to start developing a methodology to involve Household Survey results into UOE FIN reporting.
5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

Not available.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

Using administrative data ensures data accuracy.

6.2. Sampling error

Not applicable.

6.2.1. Sampling error - indicators

Not applicable.

6.3. Non-sampling error

See below.

6.3.1. Coverage error

Divergence between the frame population and the target population.


Vocational training Programmes shorter than one semester
(or Implementation of the semester rule)
Are vocational and technical training programmes in enterprises included in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If Yes, how is the 10% school based component over the whole length of the programme assessed? Do (formal) programmes of shorter duration than one semester, full time equivalent duration as defined nationally, exist (YES/NO)? If Yes, how their duration (shorter than one semester) is assessed? Are all programmes of shorter duration than one semester, full time equivalent duration as defined nationally excluded from the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If NO, how does the coverage deviate from the UOE Manual recommendation?
NO   YES Duration of a program is measured with EKAP points (Estonian vocational education calculation points) . In vocational education the study load for one semester is 60 EKAP.  NO  The deviation is minimal (in year 2019 0,3%).


Early childhood education programmes
ISCED 01 programmes Reporting of Age in ISCED 0 Personnel in ISCED 0 What is the starting age of compulsory Primary education (ISCED 1)? This is needed for the calculation of ECE indicators such as 'Pupils aged between 4 years old and the starting age of compulsory education, by sex - as % of the population of the corresponding age group'
Do Early Childhood Educational Development programmes (ISCED 01) exist in the country 
If Yes, are these programmes included in the UOE data collection 
Are children under the age of 3 reported as participating in ISCED 02 Pre-primary education programmes? (YES/NO) If YES, please explain why. Are Classroom Teachers and Teacher Aides reported separately in the UOE data collection? (YES/NO) If NO, why? How are they reported? What is the minimum level of qualification required to become a Classroom Teacher at ISCED 01 and 02? Please give ISCED level. What is the minimum level of qualification required to become a Teachers’ Aide at ISCED 01 and 02? Please give ISCED level.
NO There is an integrated system in Estonia, and we report ISCED 01 and ISCED 02 together.  YES  There is an intergated system in Estonia, and we report ISCED 01 and ISCED 02 together as ISCED 0.  YES  Estonian Education Information System does not include teachers Aides.  ISCED 6  ISCED 4  7


Special education needs (SNE) programmes

Are students in special education included in the data provided on enrolments, entrants, graduates and regional data 
If NO, could you please specify for which questionnaires and explain why?


Adult education programmes and "continuing education"

Are adult education programmes included in the data? (YES/NO)  If NO, why?  If YES, does the national definition of “adult” or “continuing” education fully comply with the category as defined by the UOE manual? If the national definition of “adult” or “continuing” education programmes does not fully comply with the category as defined by the UOE manual, how it is assessed that the national “adult” or “continuing” programmes are similar or equivalent to corresponding initial education? 
 YES, Education programmes on ISCED 1, 2 and 3 levels include evening studies.    YES  

Students enrolled in educational institutions organised by ministries other than ministry of education

Do educational programmes organised by Ministries other than Ministry of education exist in the country (YES/NO)? If Yes, what is the coverage of these programmes in the UOE data collection? If Yes, and if relevant, which of those programmes are excluded from the UOE data collection? NO  


Domestic educational activities Distance learning / e-learning programmes
Are all country’s domestic educational activities reported in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)? If NO, which domestic educational activity (e.g. for example Distance learning/e-learning involving two countries, commuting students, foreign campus, European administration schools, etc.) are not reported and why? Are distance learning programmes data reported in the UOE questionnaires? (YES / NO / Partially / Not relevant) If NO, please explain why. If Partially, which ones are excluded and for what reasons? If distance students are included in the data, are national distance learners in programmes organised by institutions outside your country excluded?

All students enrolled in the domestic education institutions are included. 


All domestic students enrolled abroad are not included.

YES     When a student is enrolled into Estonian domestic education institution, regardless of the programme type or location, the student is included into UOE data. E.g. some Estonian universities have out-posts in Finland. These students are not reported by Finland, they are reported by Estonia. 


Students participating in exchange programmes (credit mobile students) Foreign languages learning
Are students in short term postings (i.e. exchange programmes (credit mobility)) excluded from the population of students in the data collection (YES/NO)? If Yes, how the length of their stay abroad is assessed? If NO, why they are not excluded? Are students with SNE (Special Needs Education) enrolled in special schools excluded from the data on foreign languages? (YES/NO) Apart from SNE pupils, is the scope of the population the same as the total of students enrolled? (YES/NO) If NO, which pupils are not included?
YES  A student must be participating in the programme which leads to a full qualification/degree in Estonia to be included. If a student is e.g. only doing few study credits or is on a short-term exchange programme the student is not included.   YES  NO Additionally we have excluded students studying IB and EB curriculums, because these curriculums are not under authority of the Ministry of Education. Students with special education needs with simplified curriculums enrolled in regular schools are also excluded, because many of them are not expected to learn any foreign language and they are studying under the same curriculum as special needs education students in special schools. As a result coverage deviates 3% (in year 2018) from the enrolment scope .


National programmes not covered by the UOE data collection, by ISCED level - Reasons why they are not covered
Programmes not covered at ISCED 0 - pre-primary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 1 - primary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 2 - lower secondary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 3 - upper secondary level of education Programmes not covered at ISCED 4 - post-secondary non-tertiary Programmes not covered at ISCED 5A - Tertiary first stage, academically-oriented Programmes not covered at ISCED 5B - Tertiary first stage, academically-oriented Programmes not covered at ISCED 6 - Tertiary first stage, academically-oriented


Tertiary education programmes (ISCED Levels 5-8)
Orientation of programme in tertiary education Personnel in tertiary education, Academic staff
Does the orientation (general/academic, vocational/professional) in tertiary education (ISCED levels 5 to 7) exist in the country
If YES, what is the national definition of the programme orientation? Are PhD candidates who are employed and hold titles such as teaching assistant, teaching associate, teaching fellow, research assistant reported as academic staff in the UOE data collection (YES/NO)?
 NO    YES, all academic staff with at least some teaching responsibilities is included, PhD candidate who works solely as research assistant is not included.


Graduates: unduplicated count

Is the method of unduplicated count used for calculation of Graduates in the UOE data collection
If YES, please explain the method.
YES First-time graduates are defined based on two registers: Estonian Education Information System and Statistical Population Register. 

If there is no data on prior qualifications or degrees taken at the ISCED level in question in the registers the graduate is classified as a first-time graduate at that level. If there is data on prior qualification or degree at the level in question the graduate is excluded from first-time graduates at that level.

First-time graduates at the tertiary level are defined by monitoring if the graduate has a previous degree at tertiary level. If no the graduate is a first-time graduate at tertiary level. The specific ISCED level of the tertiary first-time graduate is defined by the degree the graduate has taken in the year in question.  


Financial expenditure

There is a negligible over-coverage (approx. 0,7%) in FIN1 And FIN2 table on ISCED 0 level, because in a few ISCED 0 institutions there are some out of ISCED programmes taking place but the costs for these programmes are not possible to deduct yet. 

ISCED 0 Personnel

UOE data on personnel at ISCED 0 are being submitted in accordance with UOE manual with following exceptions:

  • In Estonia we do not report Teacher Aides, because this information is not collected into the registry.
  • In Classroom Teachers for ISCED 0 we report also speech therapists and special educators who work in kindergarten along regular teachers to help a children reach the curriculum standards.  

Ukrainian refugees

Estonia will not change the counting date for enrolled students (10th November). The ENRL figures will include Ukrainian refugee students in 2022/23, that will be submitted in UOE2024 data transmission. Over-coverage - rate

Not applicable. Common units - proportion

Not applicable.

6.3.2. Measurement error

Not applicable.

6.3.3. Non response error

Not applicable. Unit non-response - rate

Not applicable. Item non-response - rate

Not applicable.

6.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

6.5. Data revision - policy

Data presented in UOE are revised in cases of methodological changes, or if errors are found.

6.6. Data revision - practice

Any change in a value of a statistic released to the public since year 2019.


Type of data reviewed Detailed variables concerned Reference time period Year when the revision was made Reason having led to the revision Consequences on accuracy
 Entrants data on new entrants  2017  2019  to apply the new definition of entrant in consistency with UOE manual definition; to apply headcount principle; change in classification of institutions  Improvement on the accuracy of the data. 
Entrants data on new entrants 2016 2020  to apply the new definition of entrant in consistency with UOE manual definition; to apply headcount principle; change in classification of institutions  Improvement on the accuracy of the data.
Enrolments data on enrolments 2017 2019 to apply headcount principle; corrected FTE coefficients; change in classification of institutions 
Improvement on the accuracy of the data. Data is now presented on students enrolled and not on enrollments.
Enrolments data on enrolments 2016 2020 to apply headcount principle; corrected FTE coefficients; change in classification of institutions 
Improvement on the accuracy of the data. Data is now presented on students enrolled and not on enrollments.
Enrolments data on enrolments 2017,2018,2019 2021  ISCED 0 values are corrected to exclude some out-of-ISCED children in care programs. Improvement on the accuracy of the data in ISCED 0.
Enrolments FTE data 2020 2022 FTE calculations were corrected. Previosly FTE values were a litlle underestimated. No major influence on trend values. Years before will not be corrected. Improvement on the accuracy of the data.
Graduates data on graduates 2017 2019 change in classification of institutions; first submission of first-time graduates data,  Complition of missing data required. Better consistency with UOE manual.
Graduates data on graduates 2016 2021 change in classification of institutions; first submission of first-time graduates data, Complition of missing data required. Better consistency with UOE manual.
Personnel data on personnel 2017 2019 change in classification of institutions Better consistency with UOE manual.
Personnel data on personnel 2016 2020 change in classification of institutions Better consistency with UOE manual.
Foreign languages  data on languages  2017  2019 changes in methodology Better consistency with UOE manual.
Expenditure data on expenditure 2017 2020 We have updated values of expenditure in government dependent private institutions and independent private institutions. In addition, we have changed student loans values, as previously an incorrect figure was used to calculate the values.  Small correction.
Expenditure data on expenditure 2013,2014,2015,2016 2020

We have changed values of expenditure on teaching and non-teaching staff in government dependent private institutions (Y1 and Y5) for tertiary level. 

 Improvement on the accuracy of the data.
data on R&D expenditure 2016 2021

Revised R&D values for ISCED 6+7+8 in rows G5c, F5c, E5c, X40, Z40.

Improvement on the accuracy of the data.
Expenditure data on private institutions 2017,2018 2021

Amended data for private instititutions.

Improvement on the accuracy of the data.
 Class  data on class size  2013,2014  2021  Review of data to exclude all special needs children classes.  Better consistency with UOE manual and comparable data across timeline.
6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Not available.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

Length of time between data availability and the event or phenomenon they describe. Typically includes:

 Information related to the latest reference year (academic year t/t+1, or financial year t)

 Data collection  Post-collection phase  Dissemination/publication in your country  Additional comments on deadlines and timeliness
Type of data Start date End date Start date End date Start date End date
enrollments, entrants, graduates, personnel, class size, languages (register data) 10th November year t 10th November year t November year t January year t + 1  Febuary year t + 1  May year t + 1   
educational expenditure in private schools (survey data) January year t + 1  March year t + 1  April year t + 1  May year t + 1  June year t + 1  June year t + 1   
educational expenditure in public schools (State Accounting System) January year t + 1  August t+1      May year t + 3  May year t + 3  
7.1.1. Time lag - first result

Not available.

7.1.2. Time lag - final result

Not available.

7.2. Punctuality

See below.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

The number of days between the delivery/release date of data and the target date on which they were scheduled for delivery/ release.


Submission dates for the latest reference year (academic year t-t+1, or financial year t)
Deadline for transmission of data: 30 September t+2 Deadline for transmission of data: 30 November of t+2
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure
26 September year t+2 22 September year t+2 22 September year t+2 22 September year t+2 not applicable 07 October year t + 1 30 November year t + 2


If relevant,reasons for late delivery and action taken or planned for improving punctuality
Enrolments Entrants Personnel Foreign languages learning Regional data Graduates Education expenditure

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

The extent to which statistics are comparable between countries.

The data is largely nationally comparable.

Additional information:

  • In Estonia pre-primary education is an integrated system for children from 0 until 6 years.  It is not possible to distinguish between ISCED-P 010 and 020 levels. Therefore it is only possible to present numbers under ISCED 0 Total.  
  • In expenditure data, we have not yet developed a methodology to present data on for H18 (Payments outside educational institutions) and E10 (Scholarships and other grants to households and students) 
8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

8.2. Comparability - over time

The extent to which statistics are comparable or reconcilable over time.

All data except Educational expenditure are largely comparable over time.


Main changes over time
Type of data Detailed variables concerned Reference year(s) Changes in the educational system Changes in the coverage Changes in the methodology Other changes
Entrants  all  2016    Number of entrants has sharply decreased because previous studies were taken into account as much as possible.  With old methodology ENTR tables were filled with all entrances to the level. With new methodology we are able to subtract large part of entrants that have previously studied on that level. Still, there is some duplicated count on older entrants. With the next data submission we will be able to combine student entrances with Statistical Population Register with information on the highest education completed and that problem will be removed. Improvements in methodology mean comparisons between year 2016 and year 2015 are not possible. application of headcount principle (before entrances were counted instead of entrants)  
Enrollments all 2016     application of headcount principle (before enrollments were counted instead of enrolled students); corrected FTE coefficients;  
Graduates all 2016     application of headcount principle   
Personnel all 2015     application of headcount principle   
Non-finance type of institution 2016     There has been a significant change in the classification of institutions since the year 2016 (school year 2016/17). A major part of ISCED 0-3 independent private institutions was classified as government dependent private institutions due to core funding received from government agencies. Government dependent private universities (ISCED 6-8) were classified as public universities due to overall control criteria. These changes lead to non-compatibility between institution types between year 2016 and year 2017  
Non-finance type of institution 2020    

There has been a minor change in the classification of institutions  since year 2020 for ISCED 0-3 general education. In previous years we have reported independent private institutions although there are very few in Estonia (2% of all private students, 0,1% of all students). The numbers are negligible. From year 2020 we will include students from these schools in government-dependent private institution group. 

Expenditure type of institution, data source for tertiary education 2017    

A major part of ISCED 0-3 independent private institutions was classified as government dependent private institutions due to core funding received from government agencies. Government dependent private universities (ISCED 6-8) were classified as public universities due to overall control criteria. These changes lead to non-compatibility among institution types between year 2016 and year 2017.

Additionally there has been a change of data source for public universities. During 2014-2016 State Treasury System data was used and now since 2017 we have reestablished a survey questionnaire for public universities to collect data directly according to the UOE manual. As public universities make up a major part of tertiary education in Estonia, then a comparison between 2016 and 2017 at the tertiary level should be done with caution.

Expenditure pre-primary education 2014  

It is important to take note, that educational expenditure comparison in ECEC can be done only since year 2014, because before that year 70% of the pre-primary education was considered non-educational and therefore not submitted to UOE data collection.
As from 2014, all the expenditure (100%) on pre- primary education is considered educational.

Expenditure type of institution 2019     There has been a minor change in the classification of institutions  since year 2020 for ISCED 0-3 general education. In previous years we have reported independent private institutions although there are very few in Estonia (2% of all private students, 0,1% of all students). The numbers are negligible. From year 2020 we will include students from these schools in government-dependent private institution group.   
 Language learning  all  2017    In addition to pupils with special needs education enrolled in special schools there are now some additional exclusions of language tables. Students studying IB and EB curriculums are excluded, because these curriculums are not under authority of the Ministry of Education. Students with special education needs with simplified curriculums enrolled in regular schools are also excluded, because many of them are not expected to learn any foreign language and they are studying under the same curriculum as special needs education students in special schools.  application of headcount principle   
8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

Not available.

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

The extent to which statistics are reconcilable with those obtained through other data sources or statistical domains.


Name of the national publication Coherence issues

Statistical databases:

Ministry of Education and Research: https://www.haridussilm.ee/ee

Statistics Estonia: https://andmed.stat.ee/en/stat/sotsiaalelu__haridus

 In national statistics the head-count principle is not applied and if a person studies on multiple programmes then there is double counting. In UOE the number of students is pro-rated so that a student is counted once only. 
8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not available.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

The extent to which statistics are reconcilable with National Accounts.

Educational expenditure figures are largely based on national accounting system, so the coherence should be ensured.

8.6. Coherence - internal
  • Inconsistency between finance and non-fiance data with reference to the change in methodology for the classification of educational institutions. See methodology in 8.2. In finance data the methodology will be applied since 2017 forward. In non-finance data it is applied since 2016.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

Notifications about the dissemination of statistics are published in the release calendar, which is available on the website. On 1 October each year, the release times of the Statistical Database, news releases, main indicators by IMF SDDS and publications are announced in the release calendar (in case of publications – the release month).


9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not available.

9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Not available.

9.3.1. Data tables - consultations

Not available.

9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not available.

9.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available.

9.6. Documentation on methodology

Not available.

9.7. Quality management - documentation

Not available.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not available.

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

Not available.

10. Cost and Burden Top

Indication of the cost associated with the collection and production of a statistical product and burden on respondents.


Time spent (in working days) Comments
not available  

11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy

The dissemination of data collected for the purpose of producing official statistics is guided by the requirements provided for in § 34 and § 35 of the Official Statistics Act.

11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

The treatment of confidential data is regulated by the Procedure for Protection of Data Collected and Processed by Statistics Estonia: https://www.stat.ee/en/statistics-estonia/data-protection-privacy-policy 

12. Comment Top

Not available.

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top
Annex 2 - Provisions for language learning 2021 – Estonia
Annex 1 - ISCED Mapping for schoolyear 2020/2021 (UOE2022) – Estonia