Population (national level) (demo_pop)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Hungarian Central Statistical Office (HCSO)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Population Census and Demographic Statistics Department

1.5. Contact mail address

Keleti Károly utca 5-7

H-1024 Budapest


2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 07/02/2024
2.2. Metadata last posted 07/02/2024
2.3. Metadata last update 07/02/2024

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description

Data and metadata are transmitted to Eurostat by the Member States in the framework of the Unified Demographic Data Collection which is in accordance with Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 and Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 and their implementing regulations. This Euro SDMX Metadata Structure is used for the purpose of quality reporting. The definition of the quality concepts and guidelines are described in the European Statistical System Handbook for Quality Reports.

3.2. Classification system

The regional breakdown of the Member States in the regional demographic tables is done under the most recent NUTS classification. There are agreements between Eurostat and Candidate countries as well as between Eurostat and EFTA countries, for which statistical regions have been coded in a way that resembles NUTS.

For more information on the versions in force, please see: https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/web/nuts/.

3.3. Coverage - sector

Not applicable.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1 Statistical concepts and definitions used in the statistics transmitted to Eurostat
  1. Usually Resident Population  2. Legal Residence Population  3. Registered Residence Population 4. Other 
Population  X      
Live births  X      
Deaths  X      
Immigrants  X      
Emigrants  X      
Acquisitions of citizenship  X      
Loss of citizenship Not applicable.   
Legally induced abortions        X
Late foetal deaths        X
Infant deaths X      
Marriages        X
Divorces        X


3.4.2 Statistical concepts and definitions used in the statistics disseminated in the National Statistical Institute's website

The population is defined using the concept of usual residence, thus including all persons having usual residence in the national territory of Hungary at the reference time. The number of usually resident population at the end of the reference year is calculated as the sum of two subgroups: Hungarian and foreign citizens.

1) The number of residing Hungarian citizens at the end of the reference year is calculated as:

(0) Resident population of Hungarian citizens in Census 2022;

(+) Live births of residing Hungarian citizens until the reference date;

(-) Deaths of residing Hungarian citizens until the reference date;

(+) Migration balance of Hungarian citizens until the reference date.

2) The number of residing foreign citizens at the end of the reference year is calculated:

Based on administrative data of 31 December each year on residing foreign citizens.

Live births

The definition is in line with UN recommendation, i.e. a foetus is live born if it gives any sign of life after birth, regardless of the length of pregnancy or life after birth. All cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.


The definition is in line with UN recommendation: final passing away of all signs of life at any time after life birth, i.e. cessation of all life functions without the capability of revival. All cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.


National immigrants: Hungarian citizens – born in Hungary or abroad – who previously lived abroad and immigrated to Hungary (registered in the Population and Address Register of the Ministry of Interior or in the social security database of the National Health Insurance Fund). Non-national immigrants: foreign citizens with registration certificate, residence card or residence permit granted in the reference year.


National emigrants: Hungarian citizens who reported their emigration at the National Health Insurance Fund. Non-national emigrants: third country nationals whose residence permit became expired or invalidated in the reference year. The number of emigrating EU citizens is estimated using an algorithm developed on the basis of Census 2022.

Acquisitions of citizenship

Persons with valid address in Hungary who became Hungarian citizens by naturalization (born as foreign citizens).

Loss of citizenship Not available.
Legally induced abortions

Interruption of pregnancy through intentional – surgical – intervention. The 1992 Act No. LXXIX on the protection of the foetus modified the motives – valid since 1973 – of approvals for induced abortions. In accordance, it is allowed to interrupt a pregnancy if it seriously endangers the health of the mother or the foetus, if the foetus presumably suffers from serious disability or other damage, if the pregnancy is consequence of a crime or if the mother is in a grave situation that causes physical or mental harm or serious social threat. All cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.

Late foetal deaths

If after the separation from the mother’s body the foetus did not show any sign of life and the conception longer than 24 (28 until 1996) complete weeks passed or if the age of the foetus cannot be stated, the foetus is 30 cm or more or if the weight of the foetus is 500 g or more, while in case of twin birth if at least one foetus’ born alive. All cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.

Infant deaths

Death after live birth and before completing the age of one year. Stillborn infants and those deceased on the 1st anniversary of the birth are not counted among infant deaths. All cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.


Contracted in the presence of a registrar acting officially in the presence of two witnesses. All cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.


A marriage dissolved and annulled by a court's decision entered into legal force. All cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.


3.4.3 Differences in statistical concepts and definitions between the statistics transmitted to Eurostat and those disseminated in the National Statistics Institute's website

No differences.

Live births

For Eurostat: all cases with Hungarian usual residence;

national website: all cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.


For Eurostat: all cases with Hungarian usual residence;

national website: all cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.


No differences.


No differences. 

Acquisitions of citizenship

No differences.

Loss of citizenship

Not available.

Legally induced abortions

No differences.

Late foetal deaths

No differences.

Infant deaths

For Eurostat: all cases with Hungarian usual residence;

national website: all cases occurred in the territory of Hungary.


No differences.


No differences.

3.5. Statistical unit

Number of persons.

3.6. Statistical population
  Statistical population
Population  Not available.
Live births  Not available.
Deaths  Not available.
Immigrants  Not available.
Emigrants  Not available.
Acquisitions of citizenship  Not available.
Loss of citizenship  Not available.
Legally induced abortions  Not available.
Late foetal deaths  Not available.
Infant deaths  Not available.
Marriages  Not available.
Divorces  Not available.
3.7. Reference area

Population, live births, deaths and migration data are available at the national and regional level.

3.8. Coverage - Time

Population data are available since 1869, while the main vital events data (occurred in the territory of Hungary) are available since 1876. Live births and deaths occurred abroad for Hungarian citizens with Hungarian usual residence is available since 2013. Migration flows of foreign citizens are available since 1980, while stocks data since 1995. The international migration of Hungarian citizens is calculated since 1993. Data on legally induced abortions are available since 1954.

3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Data is collected at unit (person) level.

5. Reference Period Top

The reference date for population data is the end of the reference period (midnight of 31 December).
The reference period for vital and dual events data is the calendar year in which the events occurred. The reference period for migration flow data is the calendar year in which the migration occurred.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics. Government Decree 184/2017 (VII. 5.) on Implementing Act of Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics.

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

Not available.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

In data management and related activities, the HCSO acts in compliance with Act CLV of 2016 on Official Statistics and Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-determination and Freedom of Information, and in accordance with the data protection practices developed by the Hungarian National Authority for Data Protection and Freedom of Information. Further, the HCSO also takes into consideration the prescriptions of the Regulation (EU) No 679/2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation).

Confidentiality policy is available on the website of HCSO:


7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Not available.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Preliminary vital events data are published on a monthly basis (t+30 days) through the First Releases.

Preliminary annual population and vital events data are released at the end of January, the final data of vital events at the end of June and the final population data at the end of August in 2023 after the reference year. Wide scope of final data are published in the Statistical Yearbook of Hunguray and the Demographic Yearbook in November.

8.2. Release calendar access

A publicly available release calendar is published on the website of the Statistical Office:


8.3. Release policy - user access

Dissemination policy is available on the website of HCSO:


9. Frequency of dissemination Top

Preliminary vital events data are published on a monthly basis (t+30 days) through the First Releases. Preliminary annual data on population and vital events are available in t+30 days, final data of vital events are released in t+180 days after the year of reference. In 2023 the final population data are released in t+240 days after the year of reference.

Preliminary as well as final data are released on the HCSO website in the “STADAT” subsection of the Data menu. The Statistical Yearbook of Hungary and the Demographic Yearbook are published annually. 

10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

First Releases are published on the demographic data:


10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

The most comprehensive publication is the annual Demographic Yearbook, covering all fields of demography, available in Hungarian and English:


A wide range of population and vital events data are released in the annual Statistical Yearbook of Hungary as well:


10.3. Dissemination format - online database

A Dissemination database is available online with a wide range of demographic data. Users can access the most relevant data in dynamic data tables, by freely choosing the variables and the structure of the tables:


Static data tables are also available website in the “STADAT” subsection of the Data menu:

Hungarian Central Statistical Office (ksh.hu)

10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Not available.

10.6. Documentation on methodology
  Documentation on methodology
Population http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Live births http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Deaths http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Immigrants http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Emigrants http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Acquisitions of citizenship http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Loss of citizenship Not available.
Legally induced abortions http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Late foetal deaths http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Infant deaths http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Marriages http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Divorces http://www.ksh.hu/apps/meta.menu?p_lang=EN&p_menu_id=110.
Surface in km2  Not available.
10.7. Quality management - documentation

Metadata on subject-matter statistics (including population and vital events) are available on the website of the Statistical Office:


The policy of HCSO regarding quality management can be found on the links below:



11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance
   Quality assurance

Definition stated in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 was applied.

Country of birth

Definition stated in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 was applied. The country in which the birth took place.

Country of birth of the mother Definition stated in Article 2(c) of Regulation (EU) No 205/2014 was applied. The country in which the birth took place.
Country of previous usual residence

The definition stated in Article 2(a) of Regulation (EU) No 351/2010 was applied for Hungarian citizens. For foreign citizens the following imputations were applied:

— EEA citizens: country of citizenship;

— Non-EEA citizens: country of address abroad.

Country of next usual residence

The definition stated in Article 2(b) of Regulation (EU) No 351/2010 was applied for Hungarian citizens. For foreign citizens the following imputations were applied:

— EEA citizens: country of citizenship;

— Non-EEA citizens: country of address abroad.


The definition stated in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 was applied.


The following definition was applied: divorce is a final legal dissolution of a marriage, that is, a separation of the partners which confers on the parties the right to remarriage or to registered partnership in accordance with the civil laws of Hungary.


Definition stated in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 was applied.

First-time marrying person

The following definition was applied: a first-time marrying person is a person contracting marriage for the first time in her/his life.

First-time registering partner

The following definition was applied: a first-time registering partner is a person contracting registered partnership for the first time in her/his life. In Hungary, registered partnerships are legal unions contracted between same-sex partners.

Foetal death

The following definition was applied: foetal deaths are deaths prior to the complete expulsion or extraction of a product of conception from the mother, irrespective of the duration of pregnancy. Death is indicated by the fact that after such separation from the mother, the foetus does not breathe or show any evidences of life, such as beating of the heart, pulsation of the umbilical cord or definite movement of voluntary muscles.


Definition stated in Article 2(e) of Regulation (EU) No 351/2010 was applied.


Definition stated in Article 2.1 of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007 was applied.

Infant death

The following definition was applied: infant death means the death of a live-born infant who has not yet completed 1 year of life.

Late foetal death

The following national definition was applied: late foetal death is if the foetus comes into the world, after the 24th completed week of pregnancy without showing any sign of life (breathing, heart function or pulsation of the umbilical cord), and in case of multiple birth – independently of the age of the foetus - if at least one foetus was born alive. If the age of the foetus cannot be determined, the body length (more than 30 cm) or the body weight (more than 500 g) of the foetus forms the basis of the definition.

Legally induced abortions

The following definition was applied: Legally induced abortion means any interruption of pregnancy, initiated by deliberate action, in conformity with the national laws, undertaken with the intention of terminating the pregnancy.

Level of development

Level of development means the relative degree of development of a country as defined by statistical measures of three basic dimensions – health, education and standard of living. The countries are categorized according to the level of development based on the human development index (HDI)calculated by the United Nations.

Live birth

Definition stated in Article 2 of Regulation (EU) No 1260/2013 was applied.

Live birth order

The following definition was applied: live-birth order means the numerical order of the live birth being recorded in relation to all previous live births of the mother.


The following definition was applied: Marriage is the act by which the legal relationship of the partners is constituted; the legality of the union is established by the laws of the country.

Native born

Definition stated in Article 2(d) of Regulation (EU) No 351/2010 was applied.

Person contracting legal union for first-time

The following definition was applied: person contracting legal union for first-time means a person contracting for the first time in life either a marriage or a registered partnership. In Hungary, registered partnerships are legal unions contracted between same-sex partners.


“Regional” means NUTS level 1, NUTS level 2 or NUTS level 3 within the meaning of Regulation (EC) No 2066/2016 in the version applicable at the reference time.

Registered partnership

In Hungary from 1 July 2009 according to the act No XXIX/2009 registered partnership is contracted between two same-sex persons, aged 18 or more, in the presence of a registrar acting officially in the presence of two witnesses.

Registered partnership legally dissolved “Registered partnership legally dissolved” is a final legal dissolution of a registered partnership, that is, a separation of registered partners which confers on the parties the right to new registered partnership or to marriage under the laws of the country.

Not available.

11.2. Quality management - assessment
11.2.1. Quality assessment: Type of duration of stay used when counting a person as a migrant according to Art. 2(b) of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007
  1. Actual duration of stay of at least 12 months 2. Intended duration of stay of at least 12 months 3. Actual and intended duration of stay of at least 12 months 4. Other. Please specify
Nationals Immigrants    X    
Emigrants    X    
EEA citizens Immigrants    X    
Emigrants    X    
Non EEA citizens Immigrants    X    
Emigrants    X    


11.2.2. Quality assessment of the definition of acquisitions of citizenship according to Art. 3(d) of Regulation (EC) No 862/2007
  1. Acquisitions of citizenship granted to persons having their usual residence in the territory of the Member State 2. Other. Please specify
Acquisitions of citizenship  X  

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

All user needs (including those that could not be complied) are registered in the system of the Statistical Office. By completing them with data of downloads from the website, we have comprehensive information on user needs, which are taken into account during the design of dissemination products. Concerning population and vital events data, the annual Demographic Yearbook offers a wide range of data, which fulfill most of user needs.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not available.

12.3. Completeness

Not available.

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall
  Overall accuracy and special cases (Inclusion/exclusion of asylum seekers and refugees, persons living on unauthorised or irregular basis, international students, persons who do not register/deregister,...)

The data used for purposes of population estimation – the starting the last census population, the yearly statistics of vital events and the migration data – are based on full scope data collections and data transmissions. Refugees (persons granted international protection) are included, while asylum seekers are not included. The presence of asylum seekers staying in the country for more than 12 months is very rare. There may be differences between the calculated population number and the population number of the next census. The reasons for the differences between the calculated population and the census population stem from the methodology used and the characteristics of data collection. The correction of the calculated population might be required retrospectively because of the differences: the latest correction for the entire period between two censuses (between 1990 - 2001) was based on the census of 1 February 2001. The deviation between the Census data of 1 October 2011 and the calculated population based on Census 2001, was considered to be insignificant (0.26 %). (However, more significant deviations appeared when data was broken down into subcategories). 

The population figures for 1 January 2023 are based on the new 2022 Census data, while the data for the years 2012-2022 are based on the 2011 Census results. This has resulted in significant breaks in subcategories between the 2022 and 2023 population data, for example in the Y_OPEN category, which includes the 100+ age group. The retrospective revision of the 2012-2022 intercensal period based on the new, 2022 census is currently underway.

The presence of unknown values in vital statistics and migration statistics is negligible. In case of unknown values, imputation is carried out using information available from other sources. Persons taken under international protection are part of the population while statistics on asylum seekers is not part of the Hungarian population data. 

The refugees from Ukraine who benefit from temporary protection in Hungary are included in the number of population and incorporated both in the vital events (live births and deaths) and the migration flow.

Live births

The data on live births in Hungary is fully comprehensive and reliable. Information on mothers is generally available, but for fathers, unknown information is more frequent due to non-response, especially for births outside of marriage and civil partnerships.

Live births that occur abroad to persons with a valid address in Hungary are also registered, but with less detail. In these cases, only the necessary data for subsequent registration in Hungary is provided. The compulsory questionnaire that is usually filled out at birth is not completed, resulting in a lack of detailed information such as the parents' education and occupation, as well as the newborn's characteristics at birth, including birth weight and length, live births order and the duration of gestation.

It is important to note that refugees are included in this data, while asylum seekers are not.

In summary the possible unknown categories in the live births data are coming from non-responses and the partially available information on live births that occured abroad.


The data on deaths in Hungary is fully comprehensive and reliable.

Deaths occurred abroad of persons with valid address in Hungary are also registered, albeit with less details.

It is important to note that the data includes refugees but not asylum seekers.

The possible unknown categories in the data are due to non-responses, typically regarding the education attainment of the deceased.


Data on immigrating foreign citizens is comprehensive and reliable. Return migration of Hungarian citizens might be underestimated due to that not all Hungarian citizens report their migratory events to the authorities. Refugees are included in the year when they granted the status. Asylum seekers are not included.


Data on emigrating Hungarian citizens might be underestimated due to that not all Hungarian citizens report their migratory events to the authorities. Refugees are included, while asylum seekers are not included.

Acquisitions of citizenship

Data on the acquisitions of citizenship is reliable.

Loss of citizenship Not available.
Legally induced abortions

Statistical data on legally induced abortion are nearly fully comprehensive and reliable, however item non-response (e.g. marital status, education, economic activity) might cause difficulties.

Late foetal deaths

Statistical data on late foetal loss are nearly fully comprehensive and reliable, however item non-response (e.g. marital status, education, economic activity) might cause difficulties.

Infant deaths

Data on infant deaths are fully comprehensive and reliable.


Data on marriages in Hungary are fully comprehensive and reliable.


Data on divorces in Hungary are nearly fully comprehensive. However, since courts occasionally provide information in statistical questionnaires with delay, a low share of divorces might not appear in a given reference year. Annually, the share of unprocessed statistical questionnaires is approximately 2 percent.

13.2. Sampling error
  Sampling error
Population  Not available.
Live births  Not available.
Deaths  Not available.
Immigrants  Not available.
Emigrants  Not available.
Acquisitions of citizenship  Not available.
Loss of citizenship  Not available.
Legally induced abortions  Not available.
Late foetal deaths  Not available.
Infant deaths  Not available.
Marriages  Not available.
Divorces  Not available.
13.3. Non-sampling error
  Non-sampling error (coverage error, measurement error, non-response error, processing error, model assumption error)
Population  Not available.
Live births  Not available.
Deaths  Not available.
Immigrants  Not available.
Emigrants  Not available.
Acquisitions of citizenship  Not available.
Loss of citizenship  Not available.
Legally induced abortions  Not available.
Late foetal deaths  Not available.
Infant deaths  Not available.
Marriages  Not available.
Divorces  Not available.

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

In accordance with Article 4 (2) of the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 205/2014, each year Member States shall provide the Commission (Eurostat) with national and regional level data as described in Annex II, and related standard reference metadata (in the metadata structure definition defined for the Euro SDMX Metadata Structure) for the reference year within 12 months of the end of the reference year. In accordance with Article 3 (2) of the Commission Regulation (EC) No 862/2007, Statistics on international migration, usually resident population and acquisition of citizenship shall be supplied to the Commission (Eurostat) within 12 months of the end of the reference year.

14.2. Punctuality

Not applicable.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

Geographical breakdown of all demographic data is in line with NUTS classification, therefore data are comparable at international and at national level.

15.2. Comparability - over time
  Comparability - over time

The calculated population has been yearly available since 1876. Until the year 1900, population censuses took into account the civil population and after that date the total population. The starting date of time series might be different by demographic characteristics:

— detailed population number by sex and age-groups is available from 1924,

— population number by marital status is available from 1949.

The regional population calculation became possible after the 1960 census. Up to 1970, data refer to the population present (according to the de facto principle the persons staying in the respective administrative unit on the census day), after 1970 data refer to the resident population.

Live births

The number of live births calculated for the present territory of Hungary is available since 1876. The starting date of time series might be different by demographic characteristics:

— Information on the sex of the child, whether born in/outside of marriage, age of the parents, month of birth is available since 1921. Data are comparable on the national definition used by HCSO.

Data based on the concept of usual residence is available since 2013.


Comparable data on deaths in the territory of Hungary are available since 1876. Information on the sex, age-groups, marital status and month of death is available since 1920. Data are comparable on the national definition used by HCSO. Data based on the concept of usual residence is available since 2013.


Reliable migration statistics is produced since 1995. As regards Hungarian citizens, from 2008 data contain returners who came back from temporary emigration). Until 2008 it contained those returners who came back from a permanent emigration. Data on foreign born Hungarian citizens is produced using administrative data from Population and Address Register of the Ministry of Interior. Data on immigrating foreign citizens is calculated on the basis of the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing database.


Data on emigrating Hungarian citizens is calculated on the basis of the National Health Insurance Fund database.

Acquisitions of citizenship Data are comparable over the full period from 1993.
Loss of citizenship Not available.
Legally induced abortions

Comparable data of induced abortions are available since 1954.

Late foetal deaths

Comparable demographical data on late foetal deaths (stillbirths) is available since 1919. Important methodological changes were implemented in 1997: a late foetal death refers to a gestation age of over 24 weeks instead of the gestation age of over 28 weeks used earlier.

Infant deaths

Comparable data on infant deaths in the territory of Hungary is available since 1900. Data based on the concept of usual residence is available since 2013.


For the years 1876-1918 the number of marriages is partially based on estimations. Detailed demographic data (sex, age and former marital status) became available in 1919/1920. Data referring to 1919 and 1920 contain marriages contracted in territories annexed by Austria in accordance with the WW1 peace treaties. Further, data for certain years during WW2 are incomplete.


For the years 1876-1918 the number of divorces is partially based on estimations. Detailed demographic data (sex, age and marital duration) became available in 1901. Data for certain years during WW1 and WW2 are incomplete.

Surface in km2

Not available.

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

The different subject-matter areas use the population data, therefore the statistical domains are coherent. The population data is suitable for calculating specific socio-economic indicators as regards the age, sex, marital status and region. There is a difference between data supplied in residence permits statistics (RP) and migration statistics (IM), the reason for the difference lies in distinct conceptual approaches.

The reason for the relative difference between IM and RP stock statistics is that the National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing (NDGAP) does not provide the Eurostat with the number of persons who are in possession with long-term residence permits. According to the methodological standpoint of NDGAP, the NDGAP strictly provides Eurostat only with the number of persons who are in possession with a ‘residence permit’ and not with different types of ‘permanent residence permits’. According to this standpoint of NDGAP, it provides Eurostat not with all types of permits that entitle a third-country national for a long-term stay in Hungary.

Another reason for the difference of RP and IM data that NDGAP does not provide the Eurostat with the number of residence permits issued for EFTA citizens and with the number of residence permits issued for persons taken under international protection (EFTA citizens are issued with so called ‘registration certificates’ and persons taken under international protection are issued with a special type of identity card, and not with a residence permit).

15.4. Coherence - internal

Data are coherent.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Not available.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

The general principles to review statistical data in HCSO can be found at:


17.2. Data revision - practice

Major revisions:

Corrections might be required because of potential differences between the estimated number of population and the population counted by the next census. The difference between the census and the estimated number of population may have methodological reasons. The discrepancies may require retrospective corrections as regards the estimated number of population, on the basis of the census data. The revision is made every ten years, and the estimated numbers of population in the years of the inter-census period are corrected on the basis of the latest census numbers retrospectively, depending on the extent of deviation. The last correction for the entire period between two censuses was based on the Census of 1 February 2001 for the years between 1991 and 2000.

The discrepancies between the 2011 census data and the population estimations for 2011 January based on the 2001 census were not significant (0,26%), for which no retrospective data adjustment was made. However, the population estimation for 1 January 2012 was adjusted using census data of 1 October 2011. The reason for this was the conversion to the new, 2011 census base.

Data on foreign citizens residing in Hungary on 1 January 2012 were recalculated based on Census 2011 due to the major difference between Census results administrative sources.

The retrospective revision of the 2012-2022 inter-census period based on the new, 2022 census is currently underway.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data
  List of data sources

Census data serve as a basis for population statistics. Vital events and migration data are added annually.

Live births

Data on live births are provided by civil registrars and health institutions.


Data on deaths are provided by civil registrars and health institutions.


Sources for migration data are administrative registers: Population and Address Register of the Ministry of Interior, National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing Register, social security database of the National Health Insurance Fund.


The sources for migration data are administrative registers: National Directorate-General for Aliens Policing Register, social security database of the National Health Insurance Fund.

Acquisitions of citizenship

The source for data on Acquisitions of citizenship is the Population and Address Register of the Ministry of Interior.

Loss of citizenship

Not available.

Legally induced abortions

Data on legally induced abortions are provided by health institutions.

Late foetal deaths

Data on late foetal deaths are provided by health institutions.

Infant deaths

Data on infant deaths are provided by civil registers and health institutions.


Data on marriages are provided by civil registers.


Data on divorces are provided by courts and civil registers.

Surface in km2

Not available.

18.2. Frequency of data collection

Collection of vital events data is continuous, data supply is connected to the events. Administrative input data sets for migration data are received twice a year.

18.3. Data collection

Vital statistics are based on the primary data collections of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office. Statistical data production on vital events is in connection with the occurrence of such events and is obligatory on the basis of the Act CLV of 2016. on Official Statistics. Input data from administrative sources for producing migration statistics are received quarterly.

18.4. Data validation

Quality and consistency checks are carried out in the phases of data processing in order to handle logical contradictions and errors in records.

18.5. Data compilation

Data on births and deaths statistics are collected by civil registrars and health institutions, then compiled by the HCSO, where coding, editing and corrections are carried out. As regards migration data production, once administrative data sources are received by the HCSO, these are linked, edited and flows and stocks are calculated. The output is disseminated after data verification.

18.6. Adjustment

The reason for the statistical adjustment is that population and vital statistics data are compiled from several data sources, which are not fully harmonized.

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