Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at national level (demo_gind)

National Reference Metadata in Euro SDMX Metadata Structure (ESMS)

Compiling agency: Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat)

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Metadata update
3. Statistical presentation
4. Unit of measure
5. Reference Period
6. Institutional Mandate
7. Confidentiality
8. Release policy
9. Frequency of dissemination
10. Accessibility and clarity
11. Quality management
12. Relevance
13. Accuracy
14. Timeliness and punctuality
15. Coherence and comparability
16. Cost and Burden
17. Data revision
18. Statistical processing
19. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat)

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Demographic Statistics Department

1.5. Contact mail address

Turkish Statistical Institute

Demographic Statistics Department

Devlet Mah. Necatibey Cad. No:114 06420 Çankaya/ANKARA 

2. Metadata update Top
2.1. Metadata last certified 30/06/2022
2.2. Metadata last posted 30/06/2022
2.3. Metadata last update 23/06/2023

3. Statistical presentation Top
3.1. Data description


Indicators related to the population are based on Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS). All Turkish citizens and foreigners residing in Turkey are covered in the ABPRS. Legal residence population (de-jure) definition is used. Foreign population covers individuals:

  • who are holding a valid residence/work permit at the reference day,
  • who have a valid address declaration at the reference day while holding an identity document equivalent to residence permit such as international protection identity document,
  • and who have already renounced his/her Turkish Republic citizenship and who have a valid address declaration at the reference day.

In addition to Syrians under temporary protection, foreigners holding visas or residence permits shorter than 3 months with the purpose of training, tourism, scientific research, etc.  are not covered in the ABPRS.

Population statistics are produced from this system annually since 2008 with the reference date December 31.


INTERNATIONAL MIGRATION (Immigration and Emigration)

Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) produced information on immigration and emigration, namely annual migration flow statistics, for the first time based on administrative registers in 2018. Immigration and emigration statistics for the reference year 2022 will be announced via press release on 24 July 2023.  

Annual migration flow statistics are calculated based on Address Based Population Registration System, where the records of Turkish Republic (T.R.) citizens and foreigners residing in Turkey are kept, and the database on T.R. citizens living abroad. Both these two systems are updated by the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior.

International migration statistics are being produced annually starting from 2016 based on consecutive two ABPRS dated December 31. Immigration and emigration statistics are calculated in line with the criteria used for determination of foreign population in ABPRS. 

Immigration covers Turkish Republic (T.R.) citizens and foreigners who are present in the reference year ABPRS but not in the previous year ABPRS. Emigration covers Turkish Republic citizens and foreigners who are not present in the reference year ABPRS while present in the previous year ABPRS.



Vital events including births, deaths, marriages and divorces are obtained from the central civil registration system-MERNIS database, which is kept and updated by the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior, and statistics are produced. 

Vital events including births, deaths, marriages and divorces are obtained from the central civil registration system-MERNIS database, which are kept and updated by the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior, and produced statistics. 

Live birth: Regardless of the duration of pregnancy, the births where the child lives at least a few minutes and shows evidence of life like crying, breathing or moving.

Death: Death is the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place.

3.2. Classification system

For tables by country of citizenship and country of birth, TurkStat Classification Server and country list of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are used for country names.

3.3. Coverage - sector

Not applicable.

3.4. Statistical concepts and definitions
3.4.1 Please indicate the definition of:
Population The mother's residence The data deaths
1.Usual Residence Population 2.Legal Residence Population 3.Registered Residence Population 4.Other 1.Usual Residence Population 2.Legal Residence Population 3.Registered Residence Population 4.Other 1.Usual Residence Population 2.Legal Residence Population 3.Registered Residence Population 4.Other
   X  X    X        X      


3.4.2 Please describe the national definition of:
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants

In ABPRS, Turkish Republic citizens and foreign nationals residing within the boundaries of the country are covered.

Persons who stay in institutional places (military barracks, prisons, nursing homes, university dormitories, etc.) are included in the population of localities where the institutional places are located.

Foreign population covers individuals;

  • Holding a valid residence/work permit at the reference day,
  • Holding an identity document equivalent to residence permit (international protection, etc.,) with a valid address declaration at the reference day,
  • Who have already renounced his/her T.R. citizenship and who are residing in the country with a valid address declaration at the reference day.

In addition to Syrians under temporary protection, foreigners holding visas or residence permits shorter than 3 months with the purpose of training, tourism, scientific research, etc.  are not covered.


Regardless of the duration of pregnancy, the births where the child lives at least a few minutes and shows evidence of life like crying, breathing or moving.


Death is the permanent disappearance of all evidence of life at any time after live birth has taken place.

The annual immigration flow statistics are produced based on the analysis of the administrative records of Republic of Turkey citizens and foreigners.

Immigration and emigration statistics are calculated in line with the criteria used for determination of foreign population in ABPRS. Thus foreigners who are holding 3 months or longer residence/work permit or a document equivalent to residence permit or who are under international protection are covered within the scope of foreign population. In addition, individuals who renounced the T.R. citizenship with the authorization of T.R. and who are staying in Turkey are also covered in the foreign population. Foreigners who came from Syria and who are stayingin Turkey with temporary protection status are not included in this study.


Immigration: Migration from abroad within a year in order to reside in Turkey.

Immigration covers Turkish Republic (T.R.) citizens and foreigners who are present in the reference year ABPRS but not in the previous year ABPRS. 


The annual immigration flow statistics are produced based on the analysis of the administrative records of Republic of Turkey citizens and foreigners.

Immigration and emigration statistics are calculated in line with the criteria used for determination of foreign population in ABPRS. Thus foreigners who are holding 3 months or longer residence/work permit or a document equivalent to residence permit or who are under international protection are covered within the scope of foreign population. In addition, individuals who renounced the T.R. citizenship with the authorization of T.R. and who are staying in Turkey are also covered in the foreign population. Foreigners who came from Syria and who are stayingin Turkey with temporary protection status are not included in this study.


Emigration: Migration to abroad within a year in order to reside.

Emigration covers Turkish Republic citizens and foreigners who are not present in the reference year ABPRS while present in the previous year ABPRS.


3.4.3 Please provide details of the deviations of the  national definition used from the usual residence definition.
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants
In Turkey, Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) is the sole system that annual population statistics are produced. Foreign population in population registration system is calculated according to definition of international legal (de-jure) population by considering:
  • Population obtained from ABPRS which is updated by the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior,
  • The institutional population,
  • Foreigners who are holding 3 months or longer residence permit/work permit valid at reference day. This information is derived from administrative records.

Annual migration flow statistics are calculated based on Address Based Population Registration System, where the records of Turkish Republic (T.R.) citizens and foreigners residing in Turkey are kept, and the database on T.R. citizens living abroad. Both these two systems are updated by tthe General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior

International migration statistics are being produced annually starting from 2016 based on consecutive two ABPRS dated December 31.

Immigration and emigration statistics are calculated in line with the criteria used for determination of foreign population in ABPRS.

Annual migration flow statistics are calculated based on Address Based Population Registration System, where the records of Turkish Republic (T.R.) citizens and foreigners residing in Turkey are kept, and the database on T.R. citizens living abroad. Both these two systems are updated by the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior

International migration statistics are being produced annually starting from 2016 based on consecutive two ABPRS dated December 31.

Immigration and emigration statistics are calculated in line with the criteria used for determination of foreign population in ABPRS.

3.5. Statistical unit

Number of persons.

3.6. Statistical population
In case of survey as data source, please describe the target statistical population (one or more) which the data set refers to:
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants
3.7. Reference area

Data are available at statistical regions level.

3.8. Coverage - Time

For population, the reference date is 31/12/2022. Population data is available for the 2007-2022 period as end of the year. 

For annual international migration statistics are available for the period 2016-2021. Immigration  and emigration statistics for the reference year 2022 will be announced via press release on 24 July 2023.   TurkStat will send total number of immigration and emigration data after the international migration statistics for 2022 are announced.

For live births 31/03/2023 (cut-off date) and year 2022 (1 January - 31 December 2022). For vital statistics calendar year.

For deaths 31/03/2023 (cut-off date) and year 2022 (1 January - 31 December 2022). For vital statistics calendar year.

Deaths by 2020 and 2021 have been published on 23 February 2023 due to the fact that the studies on the statistics produced from the administrative registers of relevant governmental bodies are completed. Also, deaths by 2022 have been announced on 22 June 2023 with revision of refence years 2017-2021.

3.9. Base period

Not applicable.

4. Unit of measure Top

Counts of statistical units.

5. Reference Period Top

The reference date for population data is the end of the reference year (midnight of 31st December).

International migration statistics are being produced annually starting from 2016 based on consecutive two ABPRS dated December 31. Annual statistics are available for the period 2016-2021.

The reference period for vital events data is the calendar year in which the events occurred.

6. Institutional Mandate Top
6.1. Institutional Mandate - legal acts and other agreements

Turkish Statistical Institute 

The compilation and dissemination of the data are governed by the Turkish Statistical Law No. 5429 of November 10, 2005.

The purpose of this law is to determine basic principles and standards concerning the production and organisation of official statistics; and to regulate the formation, duties, and authorities of the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) which is to compile and assess data and information, produce, publish, and disseminate statistics on the areas that country needs, and to ensure coordination among institutions and organizations that are involved in the statistics process prescribed in the Official Statistics Programme (Article 1).

The Official Statistics Programme establishes the framework for official statistics that shall be produced on subjects required at national and international level. Censuses and surveys are carried out within the framework of this Programme. Taking into account the existing resources, the burden on the respondents and the cost-benefit analysis, the Programme covers statistics needed to determine and monitor the situations of the country in the fields of economy, social issues, demography, culture, environment, science, technology and any other required areas (Article 3).

The Presidency, institutions and organisations taken part in the Programme shall take the measures to ensure the easy and equal access to the official statistics by all users by obeying the standards and release calendar specified in the Programme.


Data on population and housing are compiled according to the responsibilities stated in Paragraph (a) of Article 29 of the Turkish Statistical Law on collecting the required statistical information on population, housing, education, culture, tourism, health, sports, justice, media, politics and other social subjects, analyzing them and calculating related indicators.

TurkStat carried out the field application in order to develop the ABPRS. The aim of this study was to develop existing administrative records based on addresses. Population Services Law No. 5490 dated April 25, 2006 is the legal base for the ABPRS. Purposes of establishing the ABPRS are to establish National Address Database (NAD) that covers all addresses within the boundaries of the country, to obtain the address information of Turkish citizens and foreigners living in Turkey, to match the address information and the population registers (MERNIS) by using the Turkish Republic identification numbers for Turkish citizens, to match the address information and passport numbers of foreigners and to keep this information in a separate database.

Vital Statistics

Vital events including births, deaths, marriages and divorces are obtained from the central civil registration system-MERNIS database, which is kept and updated by the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior, statistics are produced. MERNIS was converted to the online system in 2001. After that, birth statistics has been produced since 2001 from population registers. While birth statistics has been published according to the place of event (the place of birth occurred) in 2001-2008, it has been published according to the usual residence after 2009. Death statistics has been produced from MERNIS database since 2009. Death data taken from MERNIS database are matched with the causes of death data of TurkStat. So, death events not included in MERNIS database are added to the statistics. Main fertility and mortality indicators have been produced by NUTS-III level since 2009. 

6.2. Institutional Mandate - data sharing

According to the Article 12 of Turkish Statistical Law, which is on access to statistical results, are given as follows; 
Article 12- The Presidency and institutions and organisations taken part in the Programme* shall take the measures to ensure the easy and equal access to the official statistics by all users by obeying the standards and release calendar specified in the Programme. The statistical information compiled by the Institute cannot be given to any person or authority before this information is made open to public.

*Programme: The Official Statistics Programme


Population Services Law No. 5490 charged TurkStat for establishing the ABPRS, and the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior for developing and maintaining the system. Changes in usual residence addresses are entered to the system by the Provincial and District Directorates of the GDCRC. Updated information on population size and the basic characteristics of population is obtained from the system and announced by the TurkStat. For their administrative works, governmental organizations and establishments are able to access to the registers in the system by a protocol with GDCRC according to the Law.

International Migration Statistics

Annual immigration and emigration flow statistics are calculated based on ABPRS.  The main data sources are ABPRS, records of Turkish Republic citizens living abroad, residence permits, work permits, Central Population Administration System (MERNIS) records dated 31 December, and birth/death records. 

The results of international migration statistics are disseminated in line with the Official Statistics Programme. The statistics are published on the dates determined according to the National Data Release Calendar. Immigration  and emigration statistics for the reference year 2022 will be announced via press release on 24 July 2023. TurkStat will send total number of immigration and emigration data after the international migration statistics for 2022 are announced.

7. Confidentiality Top
7.1. Confidentiality - policy

Confidential data

According to the Turkish Statistical Law;

Confidential data can be accessed only by those involved in the production of official statistics, to the extent that they need for performing their duties properly. If the number of the statistical unit in any cell of the data table formed by aggregating the individual data is less than three or one or two of the statistical units are dominant even if the number of units is three or more, the data in the concerned cell is considered confidential. The confidential data are compiled, processed and preserved for the production of official statistics cannot be delivered to any administrative, judiciary or military authority or person, can not be used for purposes other than statistics or as an instrument of proof. Civil servants and other staff in charge of compiling and processing these data are obliged to comply with this rule. This obligation continues after the related personnel leave their duties and positions. The rulers of the institutions and organizations producing official statistics shall take all measures to prevent any illicit access, use or revelation of the confidential data. Data or information obtained from sources that are open to all people shall not be deemed confidential (Article 13).

Data confidentiality ceases when a statistical unit gives written approval for the revelation of confidential data concerning itself.

Principles and procedures relating to data confidentiality and security shall be regulated through statutes to be issued in line with national and international principles and by soliciting the opinion of relevant institutions and organizations.

Use of individual data
Individual data may be given with the written permission of the Presidency after obscuring those parts which may lead to direct or indirect identification and on the condition that such data is used in scientific studies without any reference to distinct statistical units. People who are entitled to use individual data cannot give these data to third parties (Article 14).

7.2. Confidentiality - data treatment

Not applicable.

8. Release policy Top
8.1. Release calendar

Population statistics:

06 February 2023 for the reference date 31 December 2022. 

Immigration and emigration statistics for the reference year 2022 will be announced via press release on 24 July 2023. TurkStat will send total number of immigration and emigration data after the international migration statistics for 2022 are announced.


Vital statistics:

Birth Statistics: 15 May 2023 for the reference year 2022. Deaths by 2020 and 2021 have been published on 23 February 2023 due to the fact that the studies on the statistics produced from the administrative registers of relevant governmental bodies are completed. Also, deaths by 2022 have been announced on 22 June 2023 with revision of refence years 2017-2021.

8.2. Release calendar access

Population and international migration statistics: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=nufus-ve-demografi-109&dil=2

Vital statistics: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=nufus-ve-demografi-109&dil=2

8.3. Release policy - user access

Users can access to national data publishing calendar from the following related link: https://www.tuik.gov.tr/Kurumsal/Veri_Takvimi

9. Frequency of dissemination Top


10. Accessibility and clarity Top
10.1. Dissemination format - News release

Address Based Population Registration System: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=The-Results-of-Address-Based-Population-Registration-System-2022-49685

International Migration Statistics:  https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Internal-Migration-Statistics-2021-45869

Birth Statistics: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Birth-Statistics-2022-49673

Death and Causes of death statistics: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Bulten/Index?p=Death-and-Causes-of-Death-Statistics-2022-49679

10.2. Dissemination format - Publications

Not applicable.

10.3. Dissemination format - online database

It is possible to reach ABPRS annual data by using “Statistical Tables and Dynamic Search” section through the web-site of TurkStat for population statistics.


It is possible to reach annual data by using “Statistical Tables and Dynamic Search” section through the web-site of TurkStat for international migration statistics. 


It is possible to reach annual data by using “Statistical Tables and Dynamic Search” section through the web-site of TurkStat for vital statistics.


10.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Not applicable.

10.5. Dissemination format - other

Website links as follows:

Population statistics: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=nufus-ve-demografi-109&dil=2

International migration statistics: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=nufus-ve-demografi-109&dil=2

Vital statistics: https://data.tuik.gov.tr/Kategori/GetKategori?p=nufus-ve-demografi-109&dil=2

10.6. Documentation on methodology
Please provide a link to national methodology reports and reference metadata files available on-line concerning the supplied data.
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants Net migration

All other documents such as guidelines are available but they are not published or shared to public, used only for internal use.


All other documents such as guidelines are available but they are not published or shared due to internal use.


All other documents such as guidelines are available but they are not published or shared due to internal use.


All other documents such as guidelines are available but they are not published or shared to public, used only for internal use.


All other documents such as guidelines are available but they are not published or shared to public, used only for internal use.


All other documents such as guidelines are available but they are not published or shared to public, used only for internal use.

10.7. Quality management - documentation

Documentation on procedures applied for quality management and quality assessment are available.

For population, vital statistics and international migration statistics, internal quality reports are published at the official website in 45 days following the related press release.

11. Quality management Top
11.1. Quality assurance

TurkStat Quality Assurance Framework is available at website of the TurkStat.


Instutional Quality Reports are also available at the metadata section of the related press release


11.2. Quality management - assessment

Not applicable because compiling process does not base on sampling.

12. Relevance Top
12.1. Relevance - User Needs

As long as it is available, users can usually obtain the related statistical data under certain confidentiality applications.

12.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Not applicable.

12.3. Completeness

Population statistics: 100%

Vital statistics: 95%-100%

International migration statistics: 100%

13. Accuracy Top
13.1. Accuracy - overall
Please report on the reasons for any unreliability of the data on:
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants Net migration
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable  Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
13.2. Sampling error
In case of survey as data source, please provide information on the part of the difference between a population value and an estimate thereof, derived from a random sample, which is due to the fact that only a subset of the population is enumerated.
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable  Not applicable Not applicable
13.3. Non-sampling error
In case of survey as data source, please provide information on the error in survey estimates which cannot be attributed to sampling fluctuations.
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants
Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable

14. Timeliness and punctuality Top
14.1. Timeliness

Fully compliant.

14.2. Punctuality

Fully compliant.

15. Coherence and comparability Top
15.1. Comparability - geographical

For both vital and population/international migration statistics, comparability process is performed by statistical regions. 

15.2. Comparability - over time
Please provide information on the length of comparable time series (indicate the first reference year for which data are availble), reference periods at which series occur, the reasons for the breaks and treatments of them.
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants
Beginning from the year 2007, there are 16 annual population data exist as a time series. Beginning from the year 2009, live birth data are given by usual residence of mother as time-series. Beginning from the year 2009, death data are given by usual residence of deceased person as time-series. Deaths by 2020 and 2021 have been published on 23 February 2023 due to the fact that the studies on the statistics produced from the administrative registers of relevant governmental bodies are completed. Also, deaths by 2022 have been announced on 22 June 2023 with revision of refence years 2017-2021.

Beginning from the year 2016, there are 6 annual immigration statistics.

Immigration and emigration statistics for the reference year 2022 will be announced via press release on 24 July 2023. 


Beginning from the year 2016, there are 6 annual emigration statistics.

Immigration and emigration statistics for the reference year 2022 will be announced via press release on 24 July 2023. 

15.3. Coherence - cross domain

Birth statistics: Performing coherence with birth records taken from Ministry of Health Birth Notification System and infant records taken from Ministry of Health Death Notification System.

Death and Causes of Death Statistics: Performing coherence with the causes of death data and infant records taken from Ministry of Health Death Notification System.

15.4. Coherence - internal

Population statistics: Cross validations are carried out to check consistency between the different tables of each domain concerning population statistics.

Birth statistics: Cross validations are carried out to check consistency between the different tables of each domain (e.g., the totals of births must be equal to the sum of births by rank).

Time series analysis by tables.

Death and Causes of Death Statistics: Cross validations are carried out to check consistency between the different tables of each domain (e.g., the totals of deaths must be equal to the sum of deaths by months).

Time series analysis by tables.

International Migration Statistics : Cross validations are carried out to check consistency between the different tables of each domain concerning migration statistics.

16. Cost and Burden Top

Not applicable.

17. Data revision Top
17.1. Data revision - policy

Population Statistics: Published data are final and are not subject to revisions.

International Migration Statistics : Published data are final and are not subject to revisions.

Birth Statistics: Detailed information on the revision policy of the data published in the press release can be found from the link below.


Death and Causes of Death Statistics: Detailed information on the revision policy of the data published in the press release can be found from the link below.


17.2. Data revision - practice

Population Statistics : Published data are final and are not subject to revisions.

International Migration Statistics : Published data are final and are not subject to revisions.

Birth Statistics: Birth data were revised 5 years retrospectively due to delayed registrations in the administrative records.

Death and Causes of Death Statistics: Death data were revised 3 years retrospectively due to delayed registrations in the administrative records. Death data taken from MERNIS database are matched with the causes of death data of TurkStat. Then, death registers not included in MERNIS database are added to the MERNIS death data and also death statistics for the whole Turkey has been published by TurkStat. The causes of death data were revised 1 year retrospectively due to the cases of judicial processes.

18. Statistical processing Top
18.1. Source data
Please report on the data sources used for the first reference year and inform of any changes thereto,  to produce:
Population Live births Deaths Immigrants Emigrants

Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS)

According to the Population Registration Law No. 5490, addresses of the Turkish citizens and foreigners residing in Turkey, of which were identified in the National Address Database (NAD), were obtained and this information were matched, for Turkish citizens, with the registers of the MERNIS database by using the Turkish Republic identification numbers.

National Address Database (NAD):

Database that covers all address components within the borders of the country. Numbering study, which was the source for the NAD, was carried out by municipalities in localities having municipal organizations, and by special provincial administrations in villages.

Later on, by entering address information to the system via a web-based program developed by the Turkish Statistical Institute, NAD was established and transferred to the GDCRC. Municipalities are obliged to enter the address changes into the system regularly, and to give construction and occupancy permits through this system by using the database. Administrative attachment, name and legal entity changes of provinces, districts, towns, villages and quarters (including small areas connected some villages) are reflected to the NAD by the GDCRC. In the NAD, name and/or number of square, avenue, main street, street, building and dwelling (dwelling unit, office, etc.) are updated by municipalities and special provincial administrations.

Changes in usual residence addresses of persons are entered in the system by the local population registration offices according to the declarations of the persons. Updated information from the ABPRS and other administrative registers is published annually by the TurkStat.

Central Civil Registration System (MERNIS):

It is a database within the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior which includes population registers in the form of family ledgers. Birth, death, marriage and divorce events, citizenship and other vital events are registered by local population directorates of the  GDCRC. Population registers are kept in the form of family ledgers which is arranged according to the father for each family.

Another comlementary source on live birth is Ministry of Health Birth Registration System and TurkStat causes of death data.

Central Civil Registration System (MERNIS):

It is a database within  the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior which includes population registers in the form of family ledgers. Birth, death, marriage and divorce events, citizenship and other vital events are registered by local population directorates of the GDCRC. Population registers are kept in the form of family ledgers which is arranged according to the father for each family.

Another complementary source on deaths is Ministry of Health Death Notification System and TurkStat causes of death data.

The main data sources are ABPRS, records of Turkish Republic citizens living abroad, residence permits, work permits, Central Population Administration System (MERNIS) records dated 31 December. The main data sources are ABPRS, records of Turkish Republic citizens living abroad, residence permits, work permits, Central Population Administration System (MERNIS) records dated 31 December.
18.2. Frequency of data collection

Population Statistics:

Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS) was established based on existing administrative registers.

Changes in usual residence addresses are entered to the system by the Provincial and District Directorates of the GDCRC. ABPRS is updated by the following three ways:

  • Updating the addresses in the NAD by municipalities,
  • Updating the changes in administrative units by the GDCRC,
  • Updating the usual residence of persons by the GDCRC.

Updated information on population by localities and the basic characteristics of population are obtained from the system annually by the TurkStat. ABPRS results by the end of the year (December 31st) have been announced to the public in January/February with a press release. 

Vital Statistics:

Vital statistics are also produced from The Central Civil Registration System (MERNIS) annually. 

International Migration Statistics:

International migration statistics are produced annually based on ABPRS. Annual migration flow statistics are calculated based on ABPRS, where the records of Turkish Republic (T.R.) citizens and foreigners residing in Turkey are kept, and the database on T.R. citizens living abroad. Both these two systems are updated by the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior.

In addition to the ABPRS and records of Turkish Republic citizens living abroad, residence permits, work permits, MERNIS records dated 31 December, and birth/death records are used.

18.3. Data collection
  1. National Address Database (NAD): It covers all addresses within the boundaries of the country. Numbering studies, which were the source forthe NAD, were carried out by municipalities in localities having municipal organizations, and by special provincial administrations in villages. After infrastructural studies of the NAD were implemented by the TurkStat, the database was established. Addresses on the NAD were controlled and problems related with addresses which were wrong or not found in the field or were not present in the NAD were solved and corrections were done on the database. In this manner, the NAD and addresses in the field were identical. The database is updated by municipalities and provincial administrations.
  2. Address Based Population Registration System (ABPRS): The field application was carried out by TurkStat in order to collect the usual residence addresses of Turkish citizens and foreigners living in Turkey. Field application was realized by the enumerators by visiting all addresses and filling in the forms in the localities, where the numbering studies had been finished. Usual residence addresses, which were collected in the field, and MERNIS registers were matched by using the Turkish Republic identification numbers in electronic format through a web-based program developed by TurkStat. Information of foreign citizens and their usual residence addresses were matched by using passport numbers and this information was kept in a separate database. Following the establishment process, the system are kept and maintained by GDCRC. These records are transferred to TurkStat simultaneously.
  3. The Central Civil Registration System (MERNIS): It is a database maintained by  the General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) affiliated to the Ministry of Interior which includes population registers in the form of family ledgers. Birth, death, marriage and divorce events, citizenship and other vital events are registered by local population directorates of the GDCRC. Population registers are kept in the form of family ledgers which is arranged according to the father for each family. 
  4. Causes of death data: Death certificate is filled out by the physicians in the hospitals, family health centers, institutions of municipal medicine, institutions of forensic medicine and other health institutions via Death Notification System (DNS). Coding the diseases at the sections for the determination of causes of death are done according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) and underlining causes of death are determined in TurkStat Regional Offices. 
  5. Residence/work permits: In terms of international migration, records of residence permits kept by Presidency of Migration Management and records work permits kept by Directorate General of International Labour Force are used.
  6. Records of foreigners and Turkish Republic citizens living abroad: Records of foreigners and Turkish Republic citizens living abroad are kept and maintained by GDCRC. These records are transferred to TurkStat simultaneously.
  7. Birth Notification System: The system was established by Ministry of Health in cooperation with Ministry of Interior - General Directorate of Civil Registration and Citizenship Affairs (GDCRC) to provide the direct reporting of newborn babies from hospitals to the civil registration services.
18.4. Data validation

Population statistics : Cross validations are carried out to check consistency between the different tables of each domain concerning population statistics. 

Time series analysis by tables.

Birth statistics: Cross validations are carried out to check consistency between the different tables of each domain (e.g., the totals of births must be equal to the sum of births by rank).

Time series analysis by tables.

Death and Causes of Death Statistics: Cross validations are carried out to check consistency between the different tables of each domain (e.g., the totals of deaths must be equal to the sum of deaths by rank).

Time series analysis by tables.

International Migration Statistics : Cross validations are carried out to check consistency between the different tables of each domain concerning population statistics. 

Time series analysis by tables.

18.5. Data compilation

Not applicable because of administrative register based statistical production.

18.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

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