Crop production (apro_cp)

National Reference Metadata in ESS Standard for Quality Reports Structure (ESQRS)

Compiling agency: Statistics Estonia

Eurostat metadata
Reference metadata
1. Contact
2. Statistical presentation
3. Statistical processing
4. Quality management
5. Relevance
6. Accuracy and reliability
7. Timeliness and punctuality
8. Coherence and comparability
9. Accessibility and clarity
10. Cost and Burden
11. Confidentiality
12. Comment
Related Metadata
Annexes (including footnotes)

For any question on data and metadata, please contact: Eurostat user support


1. Contact Top
1.1. Contact organisation

Statistics Estonia

1.2. Contact organisation unit

Economic and Environmental Statistics Department

1.5. Contact mail address

Tatari 51, 10134 Tallinn, Estonia

2. Statistical presentation Top
2.1. Data description

Annual crop statistics provide statistics on the area under main arable crops, vegetables and permanent crops and production and yield levels. The statistics are collected from a wide variety of sources: surveys, administrative sources, experts and other data providers. The data collection covers early estimates (before the harvest) and final data. Data are collected mostly at national level but for some crops also regional data exist (NUTS3).

2.2. Classification system

Hierarchical crop classification system

2.3. Coverage - sector

Growing of non-perennial crops, perennial crops and plant propagation (NACE A01.1-01.3)

2.4. Statistical concepts and definitions

See Eurostat Handbook for Annual Crop Statistics.

2.5. Statistical unit

Utilised agricultural area cultivated by an agricultural holding

2.6. Statistical population

All agricultural holdings growing crops

2.7. Reference area

The entire territory of the country

2.8. Coverage - Time

Crop year

2.9. Base period

Not applicable.

3. Statistical processing Top
3.1. Source data

  Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4
Have new data sources been introduced since the previous quality report?  NO      
If yes, which new data sources have been introduced since the previous quality report?
Type of source?
To which Table (Reg 543/2009) do they contribute?
Have some data sources been dropped since the previous quality report? NO      
Which data sources have been dropped since the previous quality report?
Type of source?
Why have they been dropped?
Additional comments

In Integrated Farm Statistics (IFS) years, survey data are used as the main basis for areas, and in non-IFS years, they are used only for some specific details (in the case of crops in greenhouses and kitchen gardens).

Data sources: Please indicate the data sources which were used for the reference year on which is reported

  Type Name(s) of the sources If other type, which kind of data source?
Table 1: Crops from arable land      
Early estimates for areas Administrative data

Land use data from the IACS

Final area under cultivation Survey
Administrative data

Crop Production Survey

Land use data from the IACS

Production Survey

Survey of Yields, Crop Production Survey

Yield Other

Calculation on the basis of areas and production

Non-existing and non-significant crops Administrative data

Land use data from the IACS

Table 2: Vegetables, melons and strawberries       
Early estimates for harvested areas Administrative data

Land use data from the IACS

Final harvested area Survey
Administrative data

Crop Production Survey, Farm Structure Survey

Land use data from the IACS

Production Survey

Survey of Yields, Crop Production Survey

Non-existing and non-significant crops Administrative data

Land use data from the IACS

Table 3: Permanent crops      
Early estimates for production area Administrative data

Land use data from the IACS

Final production area Survey
Administrative data

Crop Production Survey

Land use data from the IACS

Production Survey

Survey of Yields, Crop Production Survey

Non-existing and non-significant crops Administrative data

Land use data from the IACS

Table 4: Agricultural land use      
Main area Survey
Administrative data

Crop Production Survey

Land use data from the IACS

Non-existing and non-significant crops Administrative data

Land use data from the IACS

Total number of different data sources


Additional comments

Rows of early estimates include data on areas delivered to Eurostat every year in September. From 2013, almost the whole UAA is covered by land use data from IACS.

Data source for the humidity

Put x, if used

Surveyed: farmers report the humidity


Surveyed: farmers convert the production/yield into standard humidity     


Surveyed: whole sale purchasers report the humidity


Surveyed: whole sale purchasers convert the production/yield into standard humidity     


Surveyed by experts (e.g. test areas harvested and measured)


Estimated by experts


Other type


If other type, please explain


Additional information



Which method is used for calculating the yield for main arable crops? production divided by harvested area
If another method, describe it.


3.2. Frequency of data collection

  Source 1 Source 2 Source 3 Source 4 Source 5 Source 6 Source 7 Source 8 Source 9
Name of data source

Integrated Farm Statistics (Agricultural Census) 2020

Survey of Yield

Crop Production Survey

Planning (month-month/year)

March 2019 - July 2019

March 2021

March 2021

Preparation (month-month/year)

August 2019 - August 2020

April 2021 - August 2022

April 2021 - September 2022

Data collection (month-month/year)

September - November 2020

September 2022

October - November 2022

Quality control (month-month/year)

September 2020 - December 2021

September 2022

October 2022 - January 2023

Data analysis (month-month/year)

January - December 2021

September 2022

January 2023

Dissemination (month-month/year)

January 2021, May 2021, October 2021, December 2021

September 2022

January 2023

If there were delays, what were the reasons?


3.3. Data collection

Definitions Question In case yes, how do they differ?
Do national definitions differ from the definitions in Article 2 of Regulation (EC) No 543/2009? NO
Are there differences between the national methodology and the methodology described in the Handbook concerning e.g. the item and aggregate calculations? NO
Are special estimation/calculation methods used for main crops from arable land? NO
Are special estimation/calculation methods used for vegetables or strawberries? NO
Are special estimation/calculation methods used for permanent crops for human consumption? NO
Are special estimation/calculation methods used for main land use? NO
Do national crop item definitions differ from the definitions in the Handbook  (D-flagged data)? NO  
In case yes, how do they differ? ( list all items and explanations)
In case data are delivered for one of the items below, describe the crop species included in the item: C1900 - Other cereals n.e.c. (buckwheat, millet, etc.)
P9000 - Other dry pulses and protein crops n.e.c.
R9000 - Other root crops n.e.c.
I1190 -Other oilseed crops n.e.c
G9100- Other cereals harvested green (excluding green maize)
G9900 - Other plants harvested green from arable land n.e.c.
F3900 - Other berries n.e.c.
PECR9 - Other permanent crops


C1900: buckwheat

P9000: chick peas, lentils, mixed grain of pulses, vetches

R9000: fodder roots

I1190: hempseed, sunflower seeds, oil radish, white mustard, soya bean

G9100: all cereals harvested green, including buckwheat

G9900: winter rape and turnip rape harvested green; spring rape and turnip rape harvested green

F3900: buckthorn, chokeberry (Aronia), cranberry

PECR9: christmas trees, willows



Which measures were taken in order to make sure that the requirement stipulated in Art. 3.2 are met?
(Statistics shall be representative of at least 95 % of the areas of each table in the Regulation).

The frame for sample surveys is drawn from the Farm Register, which covers all holdings. The sample is representative of the whole population of holdings.

Is the data collection based on holdings? YES
If yes, how the holdings were identified? Unique statistical farm identifier
If not, on which unit the data collection is based on?

Data on holdings are available from the Farm Register, which is updated regularly on the basis of administrative and statistical sources.

When was last update of the holding register? (month/year)

July 2022 (for Crop Production 2022 purposes)

Was a threshold applied? NO
If yes, size of the excluded area  Area excluded on the basis of the threshold in % of the total area for that crop
Cereals for the production of grain (in %)
Dried pulses and protein crops (in %)
Root crops (in %)
Oilseeds (in %)
Other industrial crops (included all industrial crops besides oilseeds)  (in %)
Plants harvested green from arable land (in %)
Total vegetables, melons and strawberries (in %)
Cultivated mushrooms (in %)
Total permanent crops (in %)
Fruit trees (in %)
Berries (in %)
Nut trees (in %)
Citrus fruit trees (in %)
Vineyards (in %)
Olive trees (in %)

Survey method (only for census and surveys)

  Survey 1  Survey 2 Survey 3  Survey 4 Survey 5  Survey 6 Survey 7
Name of the survey

Integrated Farm Statistics (Agricultural Census) 2020

Survey of Yields

Crop Production Survey

Which survey method was used? On-line electronic questionnaire filled in by respondent
Telephone interview, electronic questionnaire
On-line electronic questionnaire filled in by respondent
Telephone interview, electronic questionnaire
On-line electronic questionnaire filled in by respondent
Telephone interview, electronic questionnaire
If 'other', please specify
Please provide a link to the questionnaire

Data entry method, if paper questionnaires?

Administrative data (This question block is only for administrative data)

  Admin source 1 Admin source 2 Admin source 3 Admin source 4 Admin source 5 Admin source 6
Name of the register

Land use data from IACS (Register of Agricultural Support and Agricultural Parcels)




The aim of the Register of Agricultural Support and Agricultural Parcels is to gather, process and preserve data on support granted through the implementation of measures related to the common agricultural policy, state measures for organising rural life and the agricultural market, and measures for organising the fisheries market.

Data owner (organisation)

Ministry of Rural Affairs

Update frequency Continuous
Reference date (month/year)

October 2022

Legal basis

The main legal act for this domain is the European Union Common Agricultural Policy Implementation Act (adopted on 19 November 2014).

Reporting unit

Persons participating in the measures related to the common agricultural policy

Identification variable (e.g. address, unique code, etc.)

The data were linked with holdings through the client ID, personal ID code or commercial registry code.

Percentage of mismatches (%)


How were the mismatches handled?


Degree of coverage (holdings, e.g. 80%)


Degree of completeness (variables, e.g. 60%)

The total UAA is covered. In general, administrative data are of good quality but there is no full information about greenhouse crops, kitchen gardens and some other specific crops.

If not complete, which other sources were used ?

In addition to administrative data, survey data are used to calculate final results.

Were the data used for sample frame? Sample frame
Data used for other purposes, which?
Which variables were taken from administrative sources?

Land areas

Were there any differences in the definition of the variables between the administrative source and those described in the Regulation? NO
Please describe the differences


What measures were taken to eliminate the differences?


How was the reliability, accuracy and coherence (comparison to other available data) of the data originated from administrative data source (ante- and/or ex-post) checked?

Administrative data about areas are of very good quality, and they are also the basis for agricultural supports. Individual data are received and processed. Trends are checked in the case of aggregated data.

What were the possible limitations, drawbacks of using the data from administrative source(s)?

Difference of units

Expert estimations (This question block is only for expert estimates)

  Expert estimate 1 Expert estimate 2 Expert estimate 3 Expert estimate 4 Expert estimate 5 Expert estimate 6
Name of the estimation
Data owner (organisation)
Update frequency (e.g. 1 year or 6 months)
Reference date (Month/Year  e.g. 1/22 - 8/22)
Legal basis
Use purpose of the estimates?
What kind of expertise the experts have?
What kind of estimation methods were used?
Were there any differences in the definition of the variables between the experts' estimates and those described in the Regulation?
If yes, please describe the differences
What measures were taken to eliminate the differences?
How were the reliability, accuracy and coherence (comparison to other available data) of the data originated from experts' estimates (ante- and/or ex-post)checked?
What were the possible limitations, drawbacks of using the data from expert estimate(s)?
Additional comments


3.4. Data validation

Which kind of data validation measures are in place? Automatic and Manual
What do they target? Completeness
Aggregate calculations
Is the data cross-validated against an other dataset? YES
If yes, which kind of dataset? Previous results
Other dataset
If other, please describe

Other statistical surveys, administrative data


3.5. Data compilation

Not applicable.

3.6. Adjustment

Not applicable.

4. Quality management Top
4.1. Quality assurance

  Completeness Punctuality Accuracy Reliability Overall quality
How would you describe the overall quality development since the previous quality report? Stable Stable Stable Stable Stable
Is there a quality management process in place for crop statistics? YES        
If, yes, what are the components?

Using previously tested questionnaires; using data validation at different stages, starting from data collection; using administrative data as much as possible.

Is there a quality report available? YES        
If yes, please provide a link(s)

Quality report is compiled and delivered to Eurostat.


To which data source(s) is it linked?
Has a peer-review been carried out for crop statistics? NO        
If, yes, which were the main conclusions?


What quality improvement measures are planned for the next 3 years?        
If, other, please specify        
Additional comments        


4.2. Quality management - assessment

See the European level Quality Report.

5. Relevance Top
5.1. Relevance - User Needs

Are there known unmet user needs? NO
Describe the unmet needs


Does the Regulation 543/2009 meet the national data needs? YES
Does the ESS agreement meet the national needs?
If not, which additional data are collected?


Additional comments

The following additional data are collected: some details on crop production areas and production, data on the use of fertilizers.


5.2. Relevance - User Satisfaction

Have any user satisfaction surveys been done? YES
If yes, how satisfied the users were? Satisfied
Additional comments

Previous user satisfaction survey was conducted at the end of 2021.


5.3. Completeness

See the European level Quality Report.

5.3.1. Data completeness - rate

See the European level Quality Report.

6. Accuracy and reliability Top
6.1. Accuracy - overall

See the European level Quality Report.

6.2. Sampling error

Sampling method and sampling error

  Survey 1 Survey 2 Survey 3 Survey 4 Survey 5 Survey 6 Survey 7

Integrated Farm Statistics (Agricultural Census) 2020

Survey of Yields

Crop Production Survey

Sampling basis? List List List
If 'other', please specify
Sampling method? Random
If stratified, number of strata?




If stratified, stratification basis? Size
Size Size
If 'other', please specify

Organic farming

Size of total population




Size of sample




Which methods were used to assess the sampling error?  Comparisons with other sources Other Other
If other, which?

Only data on preliminary average yields were received from this survey. Data on areas were received from administrative sources where there are no sampling errors.

Only data on final average yields and some details were received from this survey. Data on areas were received from administrative sources.

Which methods were used to derive the extrapolation factor?  Basic weight
Basic weight
If other, which?
If CV (co-efficient of variation) was calculated, please describe the calculation methods and formulas




If the results were compared with other sources, please describe the results

Land use data from IACS

Data on areas were received from administrative sources.

Data on areas were received from administrative sources.

Which were the main sources of errors?

All kinds of errors were corrected during data processing.

All kinds of errors were corrected during data processing.

All kinds of errors were corrected during data processing.

Sampling error - indicators

not applicable

Coefficient of variation (CV) for the area (on the MS level)

  Survey 1  Survey 2 Survey 3  Survey 4 Survey 5  Survey 6 Survey 7
Name of the survey

Integrated Farm Statistics (Agricultural Cesnus) 2020

Survey of Yields

Crop Production Survey

Cereals for the production of grain (in %)




Dried pulses and protein crops (in %)




Root crops (in %)




Oilseeds (in %)




Other industrial crops (included all industrial crops besides oilseeds)  (in %)




Plants harvested green from arable land (in %)




Total vegetables, melons and strawberries (in %)




Cultivated mushrooms (in %)




Total permanent crops (in %)




Fruit trees (in %)




Berries (in %)




Nut trees (in %)




Citrus fruit trees (in %)




Vineyards (in %)




Olive trees (in %)




Additional comments

Data on final crop areas were taken from administrative sources. Yields and some details were received from the Crop Production Survey. From the 2020 Agricultural Census (IFS) only some information about greenhouse crops and kitchen gardens were received.



6.3. Non-sampling error
6.3.1. Coverage error

Over-coverage - rate

not applicable

Common units - proportion

not applicable

  Data source 1 Data source 2 Data source 3 Data source 4 Data source 5 Data source 6 Data source 7 Data source 8 Data source 9
Name of the data source

Integrated Farm Statistics (Agricultural Census) 2020

Survey of Yields

Crop Production Survey

Error type No error No error No error
Degree of bias caused by coverage errors None None None
What were the reasons for coverage errors?




Which actions were taken for reducing the error or to correct the statistics?




Additional comments





6.3.2. Measurement error

  Data source 1 Data source 2 Data source 3 Data source 4 Data source 5 Data source 6 Data source 7 Data source 8 Data source 9
Name of the data source

Integrated Farm Statistics (Agricultural Census) 2020

Survey of Yields

Crop Production Survey

Was the questionnaire based on usual concepts for respondents? YES YES YES
Number of surveys already performed with the current questionnaire (or a slightly amended version of it)?




Preparatory (field) testing of the questionnaire? NO NO NO
Number of units participating in the tests? 




Explanatory notes/handbook for surveyors/respondents?  YES YES YES
On-line FAQ or Hot-line support for surveyors/respondents? YES YES YES
Were pre-filled questionnaires used? YES YES YES
Percentage of pre-filled questions out of total number of questions

All data on crop areas available from administrative sources were used to pre-fill the corresponding fields in the questionnaire.

All data on crop areas available from administrative sources were used to pre-fill the corresponding fields in the questionnaire.

All data on crop areas available from administrative sources were used to pre-fill the corresponding fields in the questionnaire.

Were some actions taken for reducing the measurement error or to correct the statistics? YES YES YES
If yes, describe the actions and their impact

Comparison with administrative sources. The data were corrected if necessary.

Average yields were calculated for each holding and compared with normal values.

Average yields were calculated for each holding and compared with normal values.


6.3.3. Non response error

Unit non-response - rate

not applicable

Item non-response - rate

not applicable

  Survey 1 Survey 2 Survey 3 Survey 4 Survey 5 Survey 6 Survey 7

Integrated Farm Statistics (Agricultural Census) 2020

Survey of Yields

Crop Production Survey

Unit level non-response rate (in %)




Item level non-response rate (in %)              
               - Min% / item




               - Max% / item




               - Overall%




Was the non-response been treated ? YES YES YES
Which actions were taken to reduce the impact of non-response?

Unit non-response was compensated for by imputation.

Unit non-response was compensated for by reweighting.

Unit non-response was compensated for by reweighting and imputation (imputation only for production and not areas as latter are available from administrative source).

Which items had a high item-level non-response rate? 




Which methods were used for handling missing data?
(several answers allowed)
Follow-up interviews
Follow-up interviews
Follow-up interviews
In case of imputation which was the basis?
In case of imputation, which was the imputation rate (%)?




Estimated degree of bias caused by non-response? None Insignificant Insignificant
Which tools were used for correcting the data?

Usual data processing tools

Usual data processing tools

Usual data processing tools

Which organisation did the corrections?

Statistics Estonia

Statistics Estonia

Statistics Estonia

Additional comments

There was no item non-response in the case of crop areas as the data were available from administrative data sources and the questions were pre-filled using these data.

Only data on average yields are calculated and preliminary production data are estimated on the basis of data on areas (from administrative sources) and average yields.

There was no item or unit non-response in the case of crop areas as the data were available from administrative data sources and the questions were pre-filled using these data. In the case of production data, imputation was used on the basis of average yields.


6.3.4. Processing error

Not applicable. Imputation - rate

Not applicable.

6.3.5. Model assumption error

Not applicable.

6.4. Seasonal adjustment

Not applicable.

6.5. Data revision - policy

Not applicable.

6.6. Data revision - practice

Not applicable.

6.6.1. Data revision - average size

Not applicable.

7. Timeliness and punctuality Top
7.1. Timeliness

Time lag - first result

First results were published before harvest.

Time lag - final result

T+1 months

  Cereals Dried pulses and protein crops Root crops Oilseeds Other industrial crops Plants harvested green Vegetables and melons Strawberries Cultivated mushrooms Fruit trees Berries Nut trees Citrus fruit trees Vineyards Olive trees
How many main data releases there are yearly in the national crop statistics for the following types of crops?
















How many of them are forecasts (releases before the harvest)?
















When was the first  forecasting published for the crop year on which is reported? (day/month/year) 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 12/07/2022 12/07/2022
When were the final results published for the crop year on which is reported? (day/month/year) 27/01/2023 27/01/2023 27/01/2023 27/01/2023 27/01/2023 27/01/2023 27/01/2023 27/01/2023 27/01/2023 27/01/2023
Additional comments

The first forecasting is only for areas.

The first forecasting is only for areas.

The first forecasting is only for areas.

The first forecasting is only for areas.

The first forecasting is only for areas.

The first forecasting is only for areas.

The first forecasting is only for areas.

The first forecasting is only for areas.


The first forecasting is only for areas.

The first forecasting is only for areas.






7.2. Punctuality

See the European level Quality Report.

7.2.1. Punctuality - delivery and publication

See the European level Quality Report.

8. Coherence and comparability Top
8.1. Comparability - geographical

Not applicable.

8.1.1. Asymmetry for mirror flow statistics - coefficient

Not applicable.

8.2. Comparability - over time

Length of comparable time series

not applicable

  Crops from arable land
(Table 1)
Vegetables, melons and strawberries (Table 2) Permanent crops
(Table 3)
Agricultural land use
(Table 4)
Have there been major breaks in the time series in the previous 5 years? NO NO NO NO
If yes, to which were they related?
If other, which?
Which items were affected?
Year of break (number)
Impact on comparability
Additional comments


8.2.1. Length of comparable time series

not applicable

8.3. Coherence - cross domain

With which other data sources the crop statistics data have been compared?  IACS
If others, which?

Integrated Farm Statistics (Agricultural Census) 2020

If no comparisons have been made, why not?

Estonia has not conducted a separate Orchard Survey as we are below the threshold.

Differences between ACS and other data sources (%)

Results of comparisons IFS 2020 Vineyard survey 2020 IACS Other source(s)  In case of other sources, which?


Dried pulses and protein crops    


Root crops    




Other industrial crops (than oilseeds)    


Plants harvested green    


Total vegetables, melons and strawberries    


Vegetables and melons    




Cultivated mushrooms




Total permanent crops




Fruit trees


Not applicable.






Nut trees




Citrus fruit trees


Not applicable.





Olive trees


Not applicable.


If there were considerable differences, which factors explain them?

Only areas of kitchen gardens and greenhouse crops have been received from FSS data.

Differences with IACS exist only in the case of crops the areas of which are calculated on the basis of questionnaire data. The total difference for the whole UAA was 0.1%.



8.4. Coherence - sub annual and annual statistics

Not applicable.

8.5. Coherence - National Accounts

Not applicable.

8.6. Coherence - internal

Not applicable.

9. Accessibility and clarity Top
9.1. Dissemination format - News release

Availability Links


9.2. Dissemination format - Publications

  Availability Links
Publications None
Publications in English None


9.3. Dissemination format - online database

Data tables - consultations

not applicable

  Availability Links
On-line database accessible to users YES

Website National language


9.4. Dissemination format - microdata access

Availability Links


9.5. Dissemination format - other


9.6. Documentation on methodology

  Availability Links
Methodological report None



Quality Report English
Metadata National language

Online database includes metadata.

Additional comments  


9.7. Quality management - documentation

Not applicable.

9.7.1. Metadata completeness - rate

Not applicable.

9.7.2. Metadata - consultations

Not applicable.

10. Cost and Burden Top

Efficiency gains if compared to the previous quality report?
If other, which?


Burden reduction measures since the previous reference year 
If other, which?


11. Confidentiality Top
11.1. Confidentiality - policy
Restricted from publication
11.2. Confidentiality - data treatment
Restricted from publication

12. Comment Top

Related metadata Top

Annexes Top