Eurostat Structural Indicators


Social Cohesion


Population in jobless households

Persons living in households with no member in employment as a share of total population (excluding persons in households where all members are aged less then 18 years, or 18-24 years and in education, or 65+ years and more and not working).


i: Notes


DK and FI data are based on annual averages. 

No SE data available due to lack of household composition variables in the labour force survey

FR data do not cover the overseas departments (DOM)

PL data does not cover children aged less than 15 years until 2005

BG no children data available until 2000

EE no children data available until 1997


The EU aggregates are provided:

     until 2000, on the basis of the available country data

     from 2001, using the closest available year result in case of missing country data but excluding Sweden.


Due to changes in the survey characteristics, data lack comparability with former years in IT (from 1993), PT (from 1998), BE (from 1999), PL (1999: quarter 1 for that year), BG (from 2001), LV and LT (from 2002), RO (from 2002: new employment definition), LU (from 2003: annual averages), HU (from 2003) and AT (from 2004: implementation of a continuous survey covering all weeks of the reference quarter).


Households composed solely of students can not be excluded from the calculations in DE (1992-1995), IE (1999-2001), AT (1998), UK (1995-1998, 2004), BG (2000), CZ (1997-2001), HU (1996), LV (1998-2001), NL(2004), PL (1997) and SI (1997-1999) or can not be isolated in a comparable way in NL (until 1999), PT (until 2000) and FR (until 2003) due to differences in the period of reference (one week preceding the survey) as well as for DK (from 2002, based on the main status).


Comparable data not available for US and JP.

