1 Versions

  • 1.0: 27/2/2019: Worked against excel and csv files on disk

  • 1.1: July - September: Moved data storage to Zeus and revised figures to harmonize with AEA and PEFA

  • 2.0: December 2019

    • Transferred the collection of data from the store database to another project, as this data is used in projects other than the MFA project.
    • Processing projection tables from TLSK categories to MFA categories is also something that is not necessary to do often. Moved this process into a “special project” that is not run here. Here we only look at a few views of the database to see if the TLSK categories are somewhat unrelated.
  • 2.01: September 2020.

    • Fixed summarize commands -> summarize(… , .groups = ‘drop’) to not get an error message out of R:dplyr v4.01.
    • Also removed class(df) <- c(class(df), ‘Name of function’) as this is against arbitrary tidyr.
    • Also had to move pointers from G: drive to V: drive as G is disappearing.
    • The definition of BRIDGE_ items in AEA accounting has been corrected. This means that I cannot use the data from the AEA directly to find out how much fuel companies themselves buy abroad if data is missing from the customs data. Had to revise the accounts on this in the document MFA-Table_B.biti.4
  • 2.1: December 2020 - January 2021.

    • Changed the processing for ship fuel quite a bit
    • Aligned the calculations on the MF4232 so that they are similar to what is done in the AEA process
  • 2.3: February 2023 - May 2023.

    • Reviewed the run and looked at the projections… probably need to redo when new customs file comes in
    • SQL runs to update the database are now all run automatically
    • Could revise and keep fuel_cd, or lind_text in the mfa.sub_gogn tables to be able to better track what data I’m working with
    • Could revise and move all the mfa.sub_gogn tables into one structure and get rid of the different Table_B.proc functions that take care of the processing. I have found errors in the preparation which I then have to carefully transfer to the Table_B.proc functions. It is therefore more efficient to do the processing in just one place (in the text)
    • Text could be shortened and revised
  • 2.3.1: July 2023.

    • Rebuilt the mapping table between tlsk and mfa classes (after destroying this table)
    • Received comments regarding the difference in oil consumption from the previous return as it seemed to have moved to the oil level (72 kt utb) from the MF421.
    • Got empty errors in the mapping between customs classes and mfa classes, which I traced back to the view sub_gogn_store. Ended up using the mapping table I produced in “Other - Projecting TLSK to MFA categories. This is a sanity check process that is good to run regularly when updating the store database. In this mapping process, the way customs categories are mapped to MFA changed categories. This caused the quantities in Table B to change and be projected quite differently. However, I put quite a bit of work into examining whether this difference was obviously false. The total quantities in the customs figures increased somewhat.
    • I’m still struggling with how best to work out the numbers for the MF4231, MF4232 and MF4233 correctly. This is a very fragile process.
    • Switching between EU and non-eu is no longer necessary or part of returns. So I decided to throw this part out in order to simplify the processing (this is still in the GITLAB system, but the maintenance of this part is annoying).
  • 3.0.0: February 2024: Re-coding

    • Split the processing into independently executable sub-processes (Same method as in EPEA and EGSS)
    • Added data-quailty score into the processing.
    • Check the calulated data against last submitted data

2 What is the project?

EW-MFA Tables B, C, D and E contain information on how much goods are imported and exported. Initial questionnaires had separation between trade from outside the EU or from within the EU. This part was phased out in 2022.

These data for this table comes first and foremost from the trade database. Eurostat provides annex information that assists in mapping customs numbers against weight. Part of the preparation for the processing here is therefore to review tha mapping from the toll numbers to MFA classes.

The following processes are available/run

Sub processes in compilation of Table B-E
sub_proc skjal_nafn skjal_fannst
table_be_biti_1 MFA-Table_B.biti.1.rmd TRUE
table_be_biti_2 MFA-Table_B.biti.2.rmd TRUE
table_be_biti_3 MFA-Table_B.biti.3.rmd TRUE
table_be_biti_4 MFA-Table_B.biti.4.rmd TRUE
table_be_biti_5 MFA-Table_B.biti.5.rmd TRUE
table_be_store MFA-Table_B.db_storage.rmd TRUE

3 Processing and design

This project will therefore be solved by:

  • Fetching data from the trade database
  • Map Tollnumbers to MFA categories
  • Adjust the figures to follow the residence principle in the EW-MFA
  • Run a merge of the data and calculate annual figures

The basic collection for Table B and Table D are in a database view named mfa.sub_gogn_verslun. The query in this view is:

    g.magn_kg/1000 gildi,
    'TONN' eining,
from vrsl.v_gogn_verslun_ar g
left join mfa.verslun_tlsk_mfa_varpanir_fra tx
    on tx.tlsk = g.tlsk and g.ar between year(tx.gildir_fra) AND year(tx.gildir_til)

where the view vrsl.v_gogn_verslun_ar is a summary view of the vrsl.gogn_verslun data and mfa.verslun_tlsk_mfa_varpanir_fra is a table that contains the mapping between tlsk and mfa_cd.

The trade database (verslun) is inconveniently structured to run timeseries queries, since each year trade is stored in separate tables. The trade data is also somewhat cumbersome to work with, since products are imported and exported under a toll-number (tlsk), which is close to (but not quite) harmonized with the common nomenclature (CN) system. The table vrsl.gogn_verslun is therefore processed snapshot from the trade database, where I have aggregated lines to months (from days) and unified the tables from 1990 to the current year into a single table. The snapshot is updated sporatically (every year), except for the newest year, which is updated each month. The annual update updates any changes and changes to previous years that the trade-db team inserts into the database. This can change the outcome in the EW-MFA compilation.

The mapping between tlsk numbers to mfa categories is also reviewed each year. This review sometimes exposes mistakes, which can change the outcome in the EW-MFA compilation. The data is therefore somewhat “volatile”. A comprehensive view of the TLSK-MFA mapping is also done when a new toll-number registry is issued.

4 Data collection from the trade database

This process - Collects data from the database - Maps tlsk to mfa_cd and ms_id. This step can be fragile, since the tlsk values can change and some ar re-used for different material between years. The most common change is, however, spelling and punctuation corrections, which should not change the mfa_cd mapping - 09-2021: New toll numbers introduced - Joins the data into a single table. - Does some rudimentary data-checks

4.1 Orphans check of TLSK-MFA mapping

Here I check if the quantities in the vrsl.gogn_verslun data are identical to the values in mfa.sub_gogn_verslun. If I have “orphan” toll numbers, viz toll numbers that have no mapping to mfa classes (e.g. when I get new tlsk numbers into the database), the quantity in the mfa.sub_gogn_verslun will be lower than in the vrsl.gogn_verslun.

## Quantities are identical, all toll numbers are mapped

If this error comes up I need to review each year where the error appears and find what toll-numbers are orphaned.

  • if the difference is > 0 I most likely have a active_from/active_to date overlap for the TLSK->MFA mapping, or that the same tollnumber has two mapping routes.
  • if the difference is < 0 I wil most likely need to add a line to the TLSK->MFA mapping table

4.1.1 Exploration of the sub_gogn_verslun table

The data from the mfa.sub_gogn_verslun view is stored in a parquet file on the local drive in order to speed up processing. The file is not automatically deleted if it is outdated and may need to be manually removed if there are changes to the mapping.

  • Number of lines: 278683
  • First year: 1990
  • Newest year: 2024
Tail of the data after summarization
ar tlsk eink mfa_cd ms_id eining gildi
2024 97040000 X MF5 SM_FIN TONN 0.048
2024 97051010 M MF5 SM_FIN TONN 0.005
2024 97052910 M MF5 SM_FIN TONN 0.008
2024 97052910 X MF5 SM_FIN TONN 0.142
2024 97053900 M MF5 SM_FIN TONN 0.019
2024 97069040 M MF5 SM_FIN TONN 0.037

Key dimensions in the data

  • mfa_cd = MFA category of the material
  • ms_id = State of manufacturinig of the product
  • eink = import (M) or export(X) identification

All values shouild be in tonnes. The data is a left-join between tlsk and mapping. Some mfa_cd may therefore be NULL. This is acceptable for some tollnumbers, mainly those that start on 999, since this is an unspecified or unknown product. Tollstjóri has been notified that using this number is not an acceptable practice, but some values remain

4.1.2 Total import/export by year

4.1.3 Import in key categories

Some quantities are imported and exported in large quantities. Errors in values here can affect the EW-MFA outcome. Here I choose MFA classes that exceed 100 kt import or export per year

The largest value is for MF227, which is aluminum. The imported material is actually aluminum oxide, where the exported material is mostly pure aluminum (Al) or aluminum alloys. The weight fraction of aluminum in pure aluminum oxide is 52.926%, which means that if Al2O3 were the only material in MF227 import and pure Al is the only material in MF227, the ratio of export to import should be close to this value.

pure exported aluminum has the toll-number 76011000, whereas aluminum oxide has the toll-number 28182000. This allows me to calculate slightly “cleaner” ratio.

Yield values > 100 can arise when the factories have stocked up manufactured goods (when the market is slow) and export larger quantity than would be expected from the imported raw materials. The yield has been decreasing in the recent years, as the manufacturers have started producing aluminum alloys and shaped aluminum products (rods, platec etc.) rathern than just pure Aluminum blocks.

Other material classes that are noticable in import are the fuel classes MF4231, MF4232 og MF4233. The other major export (MF141) is fish.

4.1.4 Quantity of toll numbers that have NULL mapping to MFA:

I am not too concerned if there are some unmapped toll numbers, as long as the quantity does not go much over 1000 tonnes. The key orphan tollnumbers are 988xxx and 999xx.

4.2 Data for the assembly

The structure of the data in the trade database is slightly different than the structure of corrections and additions that are produced in later stages of the assembly, although the values are eventually all aggregated down to the same form. Tables B and D also have sub-parts which consider the state of manufacturing. This changes the form needed for the assembly data.

##                 Length Class  Mode
## table_b_verslun 10     tbl_df list
## table_d_verslun 10     tbl_df list
## MFA-Table_B.biti.1.rmd completed

5 Residence principle adjustments for the trade data and fuel used for transport

Some corrections need to be made to trade figures, where import and export are not directly mapped to material consumption, or when more detailed information is needed for the material category. There are some minor adjustments that may be nescessary for the biomatter category (not everything that is labeled as grain is grain etc.). The largest adjustments are, however for fuels, or

  • MF 4.2.3 Fuels bunkered (Imports: by resident units abroad; exports: by non-resident units domestically)
    • MF Fuel for land transport
    • MF Fuel for water transport
    • MF Fuel for air transport

Here, each category needs to be examined individually in order to assess whether figures from the Energy Authority (Orkustofnun; OS) or from the Air Emission Account (AEA) accounting can be used to retrieve more accurate information. The method here is to:

  • Take in ALL fuels from the trade databse and put into a single category; MF421: Crude oil, condensate and natural gas liquids.
  • Find fuel values from the AEA and OS assembly and put these values into the proper MFA categories
  • Subtract this quantity from the MF421 quantity

The processing uses the following datasources and steps:

  • Fuel quantity that is recorded in the AEA reporting. This includes fuel purchased abroad and fuel purchased by non-nationals on the territory
  • Fuel quantity that is recorded in the UN-NIR reporting in order to reach back to 1990. These figures do not include fuel purchased abroad
  • Make up the subtraction from the import/export values
  • Verify that the subtracted quantity does not exceed the value originally assigned to MF421.

5.1 Road transport

Diesel and gasoline are used in road transport. Gasoline is not used for any purpose other than for cars, while diesel oil is imported for ships, for heating, for energy production and for road transport.

Here are three things I can do:

  1. Put all Diesel and gasoline in MF421 and then subtract any amount that I allocate to MF4321 from this quantity
  2. Put all Diesel and gasoline in MF42 category (not used) and then subtract allocated quantity from this volume. If there is any surplus left when the fuel for road transport and ships is exported (possibly that which goes to smelters and fishing), I will transfer the remainder into MF421. This means that the remainder has to be calculated separately at the end of the process, which is a big drawback.
  3. Put all gasoline in MF4231 and Diesel in MF421 or MF42 and transfer known quantities between classes. In this method, care must be taken that only diesel oil is deducted, but gasoline sold to foreign tourists must also be transferred to category 4231-X

Results from method 1: I had a hard time in ballancing the correct amount between classes without getting a minus count in class MF421 for a few years, especially when looking at the amount exported. This happens since the fuel type in OS and AEA data is not directly identifiable from the TLSK number.

Method 2: Here I first try to put all the fuel that is obviously for ships and road transport into MF42, which is a category that should not be used otherwise. This keeps the MF421 “clean” until I put the ball from the MF42 back in there. This can be done in one final step after road transport and shipping are clear. Vinnslan er því efirfarandi:

  1. Definition of fuel categories that are used in road transport and are in the MF42 category. Put on that candidate MFA class
  2. Retrieve information from AEA and OS data regarding road transport in order to obtain a comparable amount of fuel (AEA+OS set)
  3. Use the quantities in the MF42 fuel to calculate the percentage coming from the EU28 countries (f.eu28)

January 2021 Went back to recording all fuel to MF421 and set up the processing as a debit account from MF421 to MF4231

In the AEA accounting, I have made calculations on the fuel consumption of foreign tourists since 1995. These figures are based on the OS figures This means that I basically just need to

  1. Add total consumption from 1990 to 1995
  2. Determine the share of foreign tourists (small) for this time. The tourism boom in Iceland didn’t start until after 2010 (the Eyjafjallajökull eruption).

June 2023 Updated the mapping table for the customs files, then something went wrong and this run stopped working. I was also just starting to see some suspicious numbers in the MFA accounts for the MF.4.3 class that I got comments on.

July 2023 The method I was using ended up deducting too much from the MF421 category at the end, so the total for 2021 and the previous few years was negative. This was an error I missed in the return documents in Table_D:MF421!! ANNOYING

5.1.1 Retrieve data from class MF421 that could belong to road-transport

The following toll categories are taken as potentially used in road transport:

Toll numbers and mapping for road transport
tlsk kandidat.mf vörpun fuel_cd
27100019 MF4231 annað bensín -> samgöngur BENSIN
27101129 MF4231 annað bensín -> samgöngur BENSIN
27101229 MF4231 annað bensín -> samgöngur BENSIN
27102029 MF4231 annað bensín -> samgöngur BENSIN
27101121 MF4231 Blýlaust bensín -> samgöngur BENSIN
27101221 MF4231 Blýlaust bensín -> samgöngur BENSIN
27100012 MF4231 Blýlaust bensín -> samgöngur BENSIN
27102021 MF4231 Blýlaust bensín með <30% lífdíselolíu-> samgöngur BENSIN
27100060 MF4231 Gasolíur -> samgöngur DIESEL
27101930 MF4231 Gasolíur -> samgöngur DIESEL
27102065 MF4231 Gasolíur með <30% af lífdíselolíu -> samgöngur DIESEL

Fuel in the trade database that may be related to road transport is stored in category MF421. The table above shows mapping from of this fuel into the candidate MF category. These values will then be subtracted from the quantity in MF421.

Summary of
ar mfa_cd 27100012 27100019 27100060 27101121 27101129 27101930 27101221 27101229 27102021 27102029 27102065
1990 MF421 46134.50 81189.647 335775.7 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1991 MF421 78204.33 53827.037 247711.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1992 MF421 88894.31 52212.869 310076.6 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1993 MF421 70688.35 48486.839 283007.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1994 MF421 121002.62 20189.491 294202.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1995 MF421 114670.24 16212.763 296041.5 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1996 MF421 140630.14 6825.718 355160.2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1997 MF421 132528.29 NA 336953.8 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1998 MF421 141033.61 NA 371387.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
1999 MF421 147748.83 NA 402246.4 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2000 MF421 152474.93 0.740 443687.1 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2001 MF421 137914.92 0.623 375114.3 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
2002 MF421 NA NA NA 145010.5 3.404 402834.07 NA NA NA NA NA
2003 MF421 NA NA NA 139395.2 5.365 386246.32 NA NA NA NA NA
2004 MF421 NA NA NA 151987.5 101.662 479476.76 NA NA NA NA NA
2005 MF421 NA NA NA 163308.5 3.351 423218.28 NA NA NA NA NA
2006 MF421 NA NA NA 165290.4 39.901 450527.08 NA NA NA NA NA
2007 MF421 NA NA NA 156543.8 17.163 420917.29 NA NA NA NA NA
2008 MF421 NA NA NA 151944.5 4.953 390843.35 NA NA NA NA NA
2009 MF421 NA NA NA 156515.8 9.170 375021.19 NA NA NA NA NA
2010 MF421 NA NA NA 143990.5 1.781 321326.61 NA NA NA NA NA
2011 MF421 NA NA NA 144549.6 2.417 333872.09 NA NA NA NA NA
2012 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 322111.21 137746.56 0.418 228.765 NA NA
2013 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 316212.00 132823.19 2.928 NA 2.352 NA
2014 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 341791.59 133080.52 2.288 NA 0.034 NA
2015 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 404858.88 139315.99 2.734 NA 0.016 NA
2016 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 397962.28 136733.37 0.383 0.001 0.090 NA
2017 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 396555.05 139090.39 3.605 NA NA NA
2018 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 441458.24 134806.54 1.888 0.015 0.064 NA
2019 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 467563.27 123742.90 1.078 NA 1.222 NA
2020 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 448057.34 94514.14 7083.174 NA 0.081 NA
2021 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 507799.21 83544.68 20736.121 NA 0.148 53.576
2022 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 623066.96 101116.72 14158.969 NA 0.006 NA
2023 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 617449.37 109751.29 11953.068 NA NA NA
2024 MF421 NA NA NA NA NA 93213.85 15160.01 645.763 NA NA NA

The function Table_BE.kandiat_eldsneyti_til_samgangna_ur_mf421.fGet(df.verslun) is a wrapper that does the following

  1. Collects the fuel from the data and selects numbers for toll numbers marked road transport
  2. Puts fuel_cd on the data along with candidate.mfa class.
  3. Calculates total quantity by fuel_cd (group-by) and calculates f.eu28 value for each category.

This returns the table with the following columns

  • gildi: Value in tonnes
  • kandidat.mf: Candidate mf for the fuel

In fact, all exports of gasoline could be ignored here, as this is an insignificant amount. There is some export of diesel oil, but this export is primarily to ships and only a fraction to foreign tourists.

5.1.2 Data from AEA accounting (and OS numbers)

Here we are missing fuel consumption recorded in the AEA accounts and in the data from the Energy Agency concerning fuel from the pump. This processing has two functions.

  • Table_BE.eldsneyti_af_daelu.fGet(this.connection): retrieves fuel figures from AEA accounting and from OS figures accounting. The function returns data down to year, fuel_cd, characteristics (M or X).
  • Table_BE.eldsneyti_af_daelu_by_group.fGet(db): takes the data from the fGet function (just that function) and cleans it up.

The outcome here is:

  • ar: year
  • eink: identity M=import, X=export
  • fuel_cd: identity of the fuel,
  • gildi: tonns of fuels

These numbers from the AEA are the numbers I’m going to put into the MF4231 next. Then I subtract the same amount from the MF421 amount

5.1.3 Quality control and comparison of the numbers

The most important thing here is that the amount of fuel recorded in the AEA/OS numbers is not higher than the amount recorded in the import numbers. Normal behavior is:

  1. Gasoline volume is almost the same in AEA/OS as imported volume.
  2. Considerably more diesel oil is imported than is used in road transport.
  3. Gasoline exports “sales to foreign tourists” should always be higher than the recorded exports in the trade figures. Sales to foreign tourists are not counted in the customs data, but this is calculated separately in the AEA figures
  4. Export of diesel in road transport is negligible compared to export in the trade figures Import of gasoline and use

5000 tons is about 4% of the imported amount. Fluctuations within these limits are therefore acceptable. It just annoys me that the difference in gas can be as much as 16% between what I calculate in AEA and here for the most recent years, but in these years there is always a risk that I overestimate the amount. Export of petrol

Here again it is obvious that the exported quantity is much more than the imported quantity. The exported quantity here is sales to foreign tourists, while gasoline is not exported in the trade data except in exceptional cases.

Here it would be tempting to coldly subtract the gasoline imports from the MF42 category since the AEA/OS data gives the correct figures. Import of disel oil

The use of Diesel is clearly negligible compared to the imported amount Export of diesel oil

Exports here are again primarily to foreign tourists. However, according to trade data, exports are very high to fishing vessels and to some extent to cruise ships and cruise ships.

5.1.4 Final installation of data for road transport

In the previous process, there was a lot of fuss around the division of fuel between EU and NON.EU countries, where I used a number of tourists to divide the fuel. Since this processing is not necessary, the processing is considerably simplified.

So I basically just need to take the amount I’ve settled on from the AEA data and subtract the same amount from the store numbers in the MF421 category. Since the MFA processing does not look at duty categories, I am pretty sure that this amount in the deduction never zeros out the amount in the MF421.

2023/07/14: I have to be careful NOT to blindly withdraw the export of gasoline and Diesel oil from MF421!! I can deduct Gasoline and Diesel from the import figures (M), but I should NOT deduct the Gasoline and Diesel figures from the exports in the customs data as these exports are not customs registered. QUALITY CHECK: Do I have a module error?

I’m going to add an amount to the MF4231 and subtract the same amount from the MF421. If I have the wrong module on the MF4231 data, everything goes to shit. Here it is good to check again whether the amount I have in the supplement, e.g. for petrol, is still similar to what is in the retail figures.

Here, I prefer to check whether the amount I am going to enter is somewhat 1000 times more or less than the amount that is in the store numbers (i.e. more than 1000% difference)

## This error was not found QUALITY CHECK: Do I have a deduction error?

The process here is finding values to subtract from MF421. The sales to tourists is, however, not quantity that is

Addition and subtraction terms
mfa_cd eink neg gildi
MF421 M TRUE -7800.1160
MF4231 M FALSE 7800.1160
MF4231 X FALSE 325.3631

The values in the eink=‘M’ should cancel out, but the eink=‘X’ should not.

5.1.5 Final run and save to database:

In update 05-2023, I decided to automatically insert the data into the bases regardless of what is already there, since it was otherwise such a long process. The processing here saves all data into its own sub_gogn table. In other parts, I have put all the numbers I generate into the same data table so as not to end up with a myriad of tables in the database. However, this will be an update that I will do later in Table B

  • Lines: 188
  • First year: 1990
  • Newest year: 2022

The following sql processin is then done

truncate table mfa.sub_gogn_vegasamgongur
insert into mfa.sub_gogn_vegasamgongur(
  eu28, ar, mfa_cd, ms_id, 
  eink, fuel_cd, gildi, 
  vinnsla, reiknad_dags)
  eu28, ar, mfa_cd, ms_id, 
  eink, fuel_cd, gildi, 
  vinnsla, reiknad_dags
from tmp_sub_gogn_vegasamgongur
drop table tmp_sub_gogn_vegasamgongur

5.2 Data for the assembly

The same data as is stored in the database is also put into the data assembly for later checks and validations

##                       Length Class  Mode
## table_b_verslun       10     tbl_df list
## table_d_verslun       10     tbl_df list
## table_b_vegasamgongur 10     tbl_df list
## table_d_vegasamgongur 10     tbl_df list
## End of MFA-Table_B.biti.2.rmd

5.3 Fuel for air transport

Aircraft fuel is recorded in the commercial data much more precisely than for other fuels. There is therefore no need to go to the AEA accounting, except in order to find the fuel purchased for the, as the AEA accounting has a longer time series for fuel bought abroad by Icelandic aircraft than is in the commercial base

5.3.1 Data collection from the trade database

In older processing, all fuel was first classified as MF421. Then the “potential” mapping of the fuel was retrieved in the function fGet.fuel_map() and the share of fuel was subtracted from the quantity in MF421. This method is still used for marine fuels and for road transport fuels that are not obviously used for road transport (e.g. Gas oils). Fuel for aviation is, however, quite easily identifiable in the description of the customs category.

Toll numbers marked with MF4322
tlsk mfa_cd ms_id titill
27101110 MF4233 SM_FIN Flugvélabensín
27100011 MF4233 SM_FIN Flugvélabensín
27100020 MF4233 SM_FIN Bensínkennt þotueldsneyti
27100042 MF4233 SM_FIN Þotueldsneyti
27101912 MF4233 SM_FIN Þotueldsneyti (jet fuel)
27101918 MF4233 SM_FIN Eldsneyti keypt erlendis af íslenskum flugvélum
27102010 MF4233 SM_FIN Flugvélabensín með <30% af lífdíselolíu
27102030 MF4233 SM_FIN Bensínkennt þotueldsneyti með <30% af lífdíselolíu
27102052 MF4233 SM_FIN Þotueldsneyti með <30% af lífdíselolíu
27101210 MF4233 SM_FIN Flugvélabensín
27101230 MF4233 SM_FIN Bensínkennt þotueldsneyti

These customs categories are already marked in the trade data, so I don’t need to process them further, unless I only need data (older time series)

A review of the quantities of fuel registered in the trade database reveals several interesting aspects

  1. There is a big jump in imported fuel in 2013. This is due to fuel purchases for Icelandic aircraft abroad, which are missing from the figures for previous years.
  2. The customs data does not have any fuel sold to foreign airlines for the year 2005. This is a built-in flaw in the data that we need to fix by retrieving data from the AEA and OS data.

5.3.2 Data collection from data from the Energy Agency and the AEA accounting

The data from the Energy Agency has an older classification for fuel bought abroad and fuel sold to foreign companies. This data is retrieved by the function Table_BE.os_flug.x_eldri().

Nokkrar línur frá orkustofnun fyrir eldsneyti keypt erlendis og selt til erlendra flugfélaga
ar eink gildi vinnsla
2013 M 188059.2 Table_BE.os_flug.x_eldri
2014 M 232123.8 Table_BE.os_flug.x_eldri
2015 M 239036.6 Table_BE.os_flug.x_eldri
2016 M 332951.3 Table_BE.os_flug.x_eldri
2017 M 358592.5 Table_BE.os_flug.x_eldri
2018 M 399038.1 Table_BE.os_flug.x_eldri

In the AEA accounting, the turnover figures of airlines were also examined in order to prepare data for the purchase of errands. This data can be retrieved by running the following sql script:

  'M' eink,
  sum(f.eydsla)/1000 gildi_tonn
from aea.gogn_mapped_eldsneyti_flug f
group by f.ar, f.nace_cd

These numbers are retrieved in the function Table_BE.verslun_gogn.aea_abroad(this.connection)

Nokkrar línur frá AEA fyrir eldsneyti keypt erlendis
ar eink gildi vinnsla
2023 M 71283.743 Table_BE.verslun_gogn.aea_abroad
2023 X 7165.432 Table_BE.verslun_gogn.aea_abroad
2022 M 419937.082 Table_BE.verslun_gogn.aea_abroad
2022 X 29202.423 Table_BE.verslun_gogn.aea_abroad
2021 M 146888.836 Table_BE.verslun_gogn.aea_abroad
2021 X 28433.154 Table_BE.verslun_gogn.aea_abroad

The AEA and OS numbers can be combined to select a full set. This processing is in the function Table_BE.eldsneyti_flug.os_aea(aea, os)

These figures need to be added to the figures already obtained from the trade data. This means that older time series will be slightly confusing, but this can be improved by inserting correction entries in the base to subtract or add fuel.

This function also takes care not to return data that has already entered the database.

Here you need to look specifically at

  1. Export (X) does not have an overlap between store and addition
  2. That the volume numbers on (M) for 2013 with addition are roughly comparable to the jump in volume around 2013

This data has a certain irregularity in it, which is normal, but must be corrected at the end of the processing. The final step is to select data from this collection that has not entered the database.

Additions and subtractions
eink mfa_cd neg gildi
M MF4233 FALSE 4332311
X MF4233 FALSE 437871

5.3.3 Final storage of the data

In update 05-2023, I decided to automatically insert numbers into the base. This just speeds up the processing of the entire run and I no longer have to go in and run the base sql scripts manually.

Health check of the data that was entered. Only data that is not already in the store numbers is being entered here. This means that the data does not cover the current year, this is normal.

Yfirlit yfir gögn sem voru sett inn
ar dalkar radir M X
1990 10 1 155.7545 37.654
1991 10 1 141.3288 NA
1992 10 1 152.3553 31.061
1993 10 1 127.4286 30.058
1994 10 1 146.1094 32.066
1995 10 1 104.9237 37.968
1996 10 1 151.1956 40.081
1997 10 1 169.1282 41.134
1998 10 1 178.7968 41.543
1999 10 1 216.3527 43.632
2000 10 1 245.8884 44.237
2001 10 1 201.2684 30.023
2002 10 1 180.4010 28.414
2003 10 1 216.1555 NA
2004 10 1 222.9716 NA
2005 10 1 242.4705 NA
2006 10 1 249.0053 NA
2007 10 1 234.3578 NA
2008 10 1 217.4630 NA
2009 10 1 158.9764 NA
2010 10 1 192.4320 NA
2011 10 1 197.3506 NA
2012 10 1 230.1966 NA

Data is expected to be NULL for X after 2003. After this the following sql processes are executed

truncate table mfa.sub_gogn_flugsamgongur
insert into mfa.sub_gogn_flugsamgongur(
  eu28, ar, mfa_cd, ms_id, 
  eink, gildi, eining, vinnsla, 
  eu28, ar, mfa_cd, ms_id, 
  eink, gildi, eining, vinnsla, 
from tmp_sub_gogn_flugsamgongur
drop table tmp_sub_gogn_flugsamgongur

5.3.4 Data for the assembly

The same data as is stored in the database is also put into the data assembly for later checks and validations

##                       Length Class  Mode
## table_b_verslun       10     tbl_df list
## table_d_verslun       10     tbl_df list
## table_b_vegasamgongur 10     tbl_df list
## table_d_vegasamgongur 10     tbl_df list
## table_b_flug          10     tbl_df list
## table_d_flug          10     tbl_df list
## MFA-Table_B.biti.3.rmd completed

5.4 Fuel for ships and marine transport

Here we find ourselves in a bit of a gap between the fuel sold to ships and the fuel imported to Iceland. Some of the imported black oil is used for domestic heating, and a large part of the imported diesel oil is used for road transport. There is also a big discrepancy in what the Norwegian Energy Agency says about the use of materials by “Other ships”. After 2019, almost no black oil has been used by Icelandic ships, and little or nothing has been imported. The 2022 tariff redefinition could even eliminate “fuel oil” from the list.

After a lot of trouble I decided to use data from aea processing to find these numbers and not have a lot of design in the EW-MFA processing in this

5.4.1 Fuel mapping for ships and marine transports

The trading data is set up so that all oil content (even fuel bought abroad) is put into MF421. Customs categories that are used in maritime transport are marked separately in this process.

Product categories in trade data in category MF421 marked as marine fuel, including fuel purchased abroad (new data)
fuel_cd tlsk kandidat.mf vörpun
27101948 27101948 MF4232 Eldsneyti keypt erlendis af íslenskum skipum -> sjósamgöngur
RFO 27101940 MF4232 Brennsluolíur -> Sjósamgöngur
RFO 27100070 MF4232 Brennsluolíur -> Sjósamgöngur
RFO 27102070 MF4232 Brennsluolíur með <30% af lífdíselolíu-> Sjósamgöngur
DIESEL 27100060 MF4232 Gasolíur -> sjósamgöngur
DIESEL 27101930 MF4232 Gasolíur -> sjósamgöngur
DIESEL 27102065 MF4232 Gasolíur -> sjósamgöngur

This mapping is used to pick up fuels from the trade data.

It is worth noting here that exports only go back to 1998 or so. Exports are also insignificant until 2003. However, I know that foreign vessels have been taking some oil back until 1995. This means that I cannot guarantee that the use in MF4232 is not greater than the exports recorded in MF421. I can be pretty sure that imports into MF421 are always greater than usage into MF4232, as long as I leave out tariff class 27101948 and don’t deduct foreign bought fuel coming into MF4232 from the amount in MF421

5.4.2 The processing

Here I would like to use a similar idea as I did in road transport, i.e. Use AEA, NIR and OS to find the amount of fuel based on emission/use. This is less accurate, but easier to process than what I’ve done using oil numbers directly. With this I can use the design work I do in AEA and coordinate the result. The processing is therefore:

  1. Retrieve data from aea.gogn_mapped_eldsneyti_skip_lind. This table has the uses I have identified on ships by fuel. This model is an important design point in AEA and other environmental calculations that would be good to be able to ensure is correct.
  2. Retrieve data from aea.v_skilaskjol_gogn_full. This view has data from the returns table in AEA. In some cases, I have a rougher approach for the latest year
  3. Retrieve data from umhverfisstofnun.v_unfccc_sector_data. This view has data going back to 1990

The process is then:

  1. Use the oil numbers directly that come out aea.gogn_mapped_eldsneyti_skip_lind and subtract this amount from MF421.
  2. Calculate a factor for tons of oil per CO2 emission in AEA to get an estimate of tons of oil for the most recent year
  3. Calculate a factor for tons of CO2 in AEA per ton of CO2 in NIR to get an estimate of tons of oil for the years 1990-1994

I then compare these numbers with imports in the trade data (which is automatically recorded in MF421). Then I need to prepare a subtractor for the chart to move the oil from MF421 to MF4232. This is quite obvious for tariff class 27101948, but is not obvious for other classes. Here I have to be careful not to end up in the red. Step 1: Retrieve numbers from aea.gogn_mapped_eldsneyti_skip_lind

Class MF4232 is only for water transport, so I can get rid of “BRIDGE_FISHING” and “A03” from the data. I can also get rid of “BIO” fuel. NR_WATER_TRANSPORT is fuel exported. So I only have fuel that is for H50 and BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT

Gögn fyrir 2020 úr aea.gogn_mapped_eldsneyti_skip_lind
ar fuel_cd nace_cd is_bio magn eining lind
2020 DIESEL BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 1105.0000 tonn os_fuel.skip(Dísilolía, erlend fiskiskip)
2020 DIESEL H50 FALSE 2962.0000 tonn os_fuel.skip(Dísilolía, önnur skip, innlend notkun)
2020 MGO BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 7512.6870 tonn os_fuel.skip(Flotadísilolía, erlend fiskiskip)
2020 MGO BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 15437.0000 tonn os_fuel.skip(Skipagasolía, erlend fiskiskip)
2020 MGO BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 22519.7350 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_utflutt.brige_nr
2020 MGO BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 17320.3360 tonn os_fuel.skip.eftir_ad_leidretta(Flotadísilolía, önnur skip, millilandanotkun)
2020 MGO BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 6955.0000 tonn os_fuel.skip.eftir_ad_leidretta(Skipagasolía, önnur skip, millilandanotkun)
2020 MGO BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 63336.9735 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis.bridge_mgo(DK)
2020 MGO BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 906.0705 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis.bridge_mgo(NL)
2020 MGO BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE -22519.7350 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_utflutt.bridge_leidretting
2020 MGO H50 FALSE 113.6990 tonn os_fuel.skip(Flotadísilolía, önnur skip, innlend notkun)
2020 MGO H50 FALSE 4758.0000 tonn os_fuel.skip(Skipagasolía, önnur skip, innlend notkun)
2020 MGO H50 FALSE 17320.3360 tonn os_fuel.skip.eftir_ad_leidretta(Flotadísilolía, önnur skip, millilandanotkun)
2020 MGO H50 FALSE 6955.0000 tonn os_fuel.skip.eftir_ad_leidretta(Skipagasolía, önnur skip, millilandanotkun)
2020 MGO H50 FALSE 63336.9735 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis.nace_mgo(DK)
2020 MGO H50 FALSE 906.0705 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis.nace_mgo(NL)
2020 MGO H50 FALSE -22519.7350 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_utflutt.h50_leidretting
2020 RFO BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 54.2970 tonn os_fuel.skip.eftir_ad_leidretta(Likan label= Áælað m.v. innflutning)
2020 RFO BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 63336.9735 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis.bridge_mgo(DK)
2020 RFO BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT FALSE 906.0705 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis.bridge_mgo(NL)
2020 RFO H50 FALSE 54.2970 tonn os_fuel.skip.eftir_ad_leidretta(Likan label= Áælað m.v. innflutning)
2020 RFO H50 FALSE 63336.9735 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis.nace_rfo(DK)
2020 RFO H50 FALSE 906.0705 tonn tollagogn.eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis.nace_rfo(NL)

Inspection shows that BRIDGE_WATER_TRANSPORT are mostly the same numbers as in the H50 category (e.g. for RFO). I can therefore get rid of this NACE category. I can also very easily set up import and export labels on the data. However, I do not have a good description of which customs categories are behind, but I can assume that all this fuel is already marked with MF category MF421 and with candidate category MF4323 (according to collection above) Step 2: Retrieve figures from AEA return data

Here I also select NACE categories H50 and BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT, as these should be the same or similar numbers.

AEA losunartölur fyrir CO2 árið 2020
ar efni_cd nace_cd titill_is gildi
2020 CO2 H50 Flutningar á sjó og vatnaleiðum 444.8979
2020 CO2 BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT Þar fyrir utan: Sjóflutningur erlendra aðila hérlendis 149.5390

The ratio between emissions and material consumption should be fairly constant, since almost all of the fuel for these companies is in shipping. Here I need to calculate the total amount of oil regardless of type. I know that the normal value for CO2 emissions per tonne of oil is around 3.2-3.4 tonnes of CO2 per tonne of oil.

Emission coefficients kt-CO2 per tonn ship fuels
2016 0.0031762 0.0032714
2017 0.0031674 0.0032363
2018 0.0031742 0.0032328
2019 0.0031772 0.0032462
2020 0.0032108 0.0032209
2021 0.0032108 0.0032269
2022 0.0032108 0.0032345

Here, it is natural that the H50 has a higher emission factor, as part of the emission comes from the burning of fuel on land. These figures allow me to get a total of tons of oil for the year beyond what is in the quantity figures. Step 3: Retrieve numbers from NIR return data

NACE categories H50 and BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT, where these should be the same or similar numbers.

NIR losunartölur fyrir CO2 árið 2020
sector sector_title efni_cd ar losun eining ID_unfccc_mengunarefni ID_unfccc_sheet_key ar_skrad
1.A.3.d 1.A.3.d - Domestic Navigation CO2 2020 24.90962 kt 4 321 2023
1.Memo.1.b 1.Memo.1.b - Navigation CO2 2020 77.19078 kt 4 347 2023

These numbers do not differentiate between imports and exports, so it is never as accurate as the AEA calculation. However, I can prepare a model of what the emissions in these items are compared to emissions in NACE categories

2023-07-11: Here’s a pretty obvious flaw I’ve been struggling with in the data. The oil figures for the H50 from 1995-2003 are beyond insane. This needs to be fixed in the next submission

2023-07-11: The same gap exists between NIR and recorded oil consumption in the AEA system. This usage is therefore wrong, especially for H50. The usage is not identical from map for BRIDGE_NR_WATER_TRANSPORT

Here I have two options:

  1. Submit wrong numbers and correct next year
  2. Calculate oil consumption based on NIR data for the period 1990-2003 for the current return

2023-07-11: Decided to use method 2 for returns in 2023. Method 1 will be the default in the next returns Step 4: Arrange the data in a data frame. Here, the attempt is to make sure that I am not going over the subtraction terms at every step

The steps are as follows:

  1. Take all the fuel in aea.gogn_mapped_eldsneyti_skip_lind and signal in MF4232

Comments here.

  • It’s annoying how “checkered” the data is for MF4232 in import (M)
  • It’s interesting how close I am to the migration in the MF421 being exactly the same numbers as the MF4232 numbers. Here I can basically “wipe out” the MF421 numbers from the store data (put this in a deduction)
  1. Set export figures in MF421 to deduction category. This means that the fuel I have marked as likely for shipping in the trade figures will be deducted in MF421, but the amount I find in aea is instead put in MF4232. As a backup (and since this is math) I don’t deduct 100% of the fuel, but only about 95%

  2. Deduct fuel in the customs category “fuel purchased abroad by Icelandic ships” from MF421. This fuel is included in the MF4232 numbers from the AEA, but only in customs data from 2013

The result after these two steps:

  1. Calculate the amount of oil based on NIR data and enter the numbers for 1990-1994 Here I can add quantity in MF4232 for years 1990-1994.

  2. For the 2023 return, I seem to have too little oil recorded in the aea.gogn_mapped_eldsneyti_skip_lind table for the years 1995-2002. I can prepare a supplement according to a schedule from the NIR and add in for these years. This correction is only made for selected years (2023) but is otherwise not included

Mismunur á magni sem reiknast úr NIR og því sem ég er með í aea.gogn_mapped_eldsneyti_skip_lind
ar eink nir_gildi mapped_tonn mismunur
1995 M 54348.58 12831 41517.580
1995 X 42610.75 44406 -1795.250
1996 M 84340.19 14062 70278.186
1996 X 66124.98 39000 27124.976
1997 M 86957.98 8532 78425.975
1997 X 68177.39 46920 21257.394
1998 M 96614.41 7871 88743.414
1998 X 75748.30 54503 21245.302
1999 M 76421.66 6419 70002.659
1999 X 59916.64 50927 8989.638
2000 M 89112.45 5941 83171.448
2000 X 69866.56 67069 2797.559
2001 M 106626.34 7126 99500.342
2001 X 83597.92 46337 37260.923
2002 M 138882.95 6403 132479.954
2002 X 108887.98 64806 44081.975

5.4.3 Result of this mess?

Skref Fjöldi raða Samtals magn fyrir öll ár
aea_oliutolur 467 3965306.6
utflutningur.verslun421.fradrattur 53 -1483923.9
eldsneyti_keypt_erlendis_ut 12 -897253.1
nir_vidbot1990_1994 10 634513.1

Here I was hoping that the net sum of everything would be zero, but the data has a mis-long timeline. This data is otherwise plus numbers that should all go to the MF4232 class and minus numbers that should all go to the MF421 class. Am I getting negative numbers?

I think this result is quite acceptable. I can always try to revise the projection in aea to fuel, but this is not an out of the box result (and much easier than the previous processing).

5.4.4 Final storage of data

In update 05-2023, I decided to automatically insert all data generated in this process into the database instead of doing this manually. This only simplifies the overall run. The data entered here comes from the following list.

Following sql queries are then done

truncate table mfa.sub_gogn_skipasamgongur
insert into mfa.sub_gogn_skipasamgongur(
  eu28, ar, mfa_cd, ms_id, 
  eink, gildi, eining, vinnsla, 
  eu28, ar, mfa_cd, ms_id, 
  eink, gildi, eining, vinnsla, 
from tmp_sub_gogn_skipasamgongur
drop table tmp_sub_gogn_skipasamgongur

5.4.5 Data for the assembly

The same data as is stored in the database is also put into the data assembly for later checks and validations

##                       Length Class  Mode
## table_b_verslun       10     tbl_df list
## table_d_verslun       10     tbl_df list
## table_b_vegasamgongur 10     tbl_df list
## table_d_vegasamgongur 10     tbl_df list
## table_b_flug          10     tbl_df list
## table_d_flug          10     tbl_df list
## table_b_skip          10     tbl_df list
## table_d_skip          10     tbl_df list
## MFA-Table_B.biti.4.rmd finished

5.5 MF421 class fixes

In the older processing of the trade figures, I put some fuels (for road transport and shipping) into category MF42. In the correction figures, I calculated a subtraction term based on the OS and AEA data. In some cases, the total deduction is more than the amount entered from the store data. In other cases, some fuel remains. Here I assume that the difference is going to heating, melting or on a fishing vessel. This fuel is about to go into the MF421.

2023-07-12 I think this work process unnecessary and it is therefore omitted

6 Storing data on database

Althought most of the data is based on a view that is automatically updated, I still find it useful to still store the processed data, which can be some 290 thousand lines in full breakdown, in a table in the database. This the data is automatically purged and updated when the script is run, but this method matches the current design of the calculation. The data is stored in the table mfa.gogn_tafla_be (this used to store the eu28/non-eu data as well). The stored data does not have a set of unique columns, although the columns ‘table_cd’, ‘mfa_cd’, ‘ms_id’, ‘ar’, ‘vara_cd’ could become unique in later designs.

After this the following sql processes are executed

truncate table mfa.gogn_tafla_be
insert into mfa.gogn_tafla_be(
  table_cd, mfa_cd, ms_id, ar, gildi, eining_inn, vara_cd, lind_texti, vinnsla, reiknad_dags)
 table_cd, mfa_cd, ms_id, ar, gildi, eining_inn, vara_cd, lind_texti, vinnsla, reiknad_dags
from tmp_gogn_tafla_be
drop table tmp_gogn_tafla_be

7 Comparison with previous submissions

The stored data is then checked for consistency and basic quality.

7.1 Table B

7.1.1 Import values

The top part of the table contains the import of material in kilotonnes. This total is summed up at the bottom of the table. There are a lot of values in this table, which means things can easily change without me noticing it.

Here I calculate the difference between the newest submission of the MFA and the data as it is here in the compilation. Some values may need to be tweaked by hand, but most of the table is prepared in this processing. The matrix is then collored by:

  • Is there a new value in the compilation? (New value)
  • Is there a value in last submission, but no value in the new compilation (New value missing)
  • Is the old value greater than the new value (OLD>NEW) - the difference is shown
  • Is the old value smaller than the new value (OLD<NEW) - the difference is shown
  • Is the old value repeated (REP)

Major changes in the outcome result from

  1. Review of the toll-number/MFA mapping table
  2. Rebuilding of the extraction from the trade database to the environmental group database (the trade database is poorly structured, so an snapshot of the tables is extracted to the environmetal group database) MF1_ outcome

## Warning: Removed 309 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). MF2_ outcome

## Warning: Removed 278 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). MF3_ outcome

## Warning: Removed 276 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). MF4_ outcome

## Warning: Removed 228 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). MF5, MF6 outcome

## Warning: Removed 4 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). Total for all categories

## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`).

7.1.2 State of manufacturing

The state of manufacturing is a fragile part of the account. I have rarely managed to get the sum of all states of manufacturing to match upp with the total of all products, probably since I am doing some adjusting with fuels that may have different SM designation in imports than what I assign in the processing. Per state

## Warning: Removed 6 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). Sum over states from previous years

## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). Sum over states and sum over products for the current assembly

One problem has commonly been that the sum of all products by state of manufacturing has been different than the sum over the import quantity. This shouldn’t happen, but can happen if there is a mismatch in the SM designation for the import products and from the products that I use in residental principle adjustments. Example of this is if I record gasoline as SM_FIN into MF421, but then allocate crude oil (residual oils) for the shipping industry (MF4233). This means i will be adding X amoung of SM_SFIN to the shipping industry and then subtracting the same amount from the gasoline value (SM_FIN). This crude-oil was, however, never in the MF421 category, which means I need to retroactively fix the value. This can cause a small mismatch.

1990 1943.1267 1943.1267 0
1991 1798.1044 1798.1044 0
1992 1890.8251 1890.8251 0
1993 1842.2589 1842.2589 0
1994 1964.1670 1964.1670 0
1995 1927.4939 1927.4939 0
1996 2120.9677 2120.9677 0
1997 2103.4291 2103.4291 0
1998 2706.0535 2706.0535 0
1999 2768.3411 2768.3411 0
2000 3058.3448 3058.3448 0
2001 2940.6340 2940.6340 0
2002 2980.7924 2980.7924 0
2003 3137.4955 3137.4955 0
2004 3498.3458 3498.3458 0
2005 3735.3203 3735.3203 0
2006 4187.6693 4187.6693 0
2007 4313.8796 4313.8796 0
2008 4892.0926 4892.0926 0
2009 4212.6692 4212.6692 0
2010 4221.5150 4221.5150 0
2011 4253.2343 4253.2343 0
2012 4384.1653 4384.1653 0
2013 4457.0634 4457.0634 0
2014 4527.1802 4527.1802 0
2015 5061.7416 5061.7416 0
2016 5331.7062 5331.7062 0
2017 5814.6164 5814.6164 0
2018 6069.7840 6069.7840 0
2019 5376.3967 5376.3967 0
2020 4655.0319 4655.0319 0
2021 5115.1077 5115.1077 0
2022 5727.8255 5727.8255 0
2023 6485.8153 6485.8153 0
2024 840.3645 840.3645 0

7.2 Table D

7.2.1 Export values

The structure of this table has the same structure as Table A

Here I calculate the difference between the newest submission of the MFA and the data as it is here in the compilation. Some values may need to be tweaked by hand, but most of the table is prepared in this processing. The matrix is then collored by:

  • Is there a new value in the compilation? (New value)
  • Is there a value in last submission, but no value in the new compilation (New value missing)
  • Is the old value greater than the new value (OLD>NEW) - the difference is shown
  • Is the old value smaller than the new value (OLD<NEW) - the difference is shown
  • Is the old value repeated (REP)

Major changes in the outcome result from

  1. Review of the toll-number/MFA mapping table
  2. Rebuilding of the extraction from the trade database to the environmental group database (the trade database is poorly structured, so an snapshot of the tables is extracted to the environmetal group database) MF1_ outcome

## Warning: Removed 511 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). MF2_ outcome

## Warning: Removed 145 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). MF3_ outcome

## Warning: Removed 220 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). MF4_ outcome

## Warning: Removed 55 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). MF5, MF6 outcome

## Warning: Removed 5 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). Total for all categories

## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`).

7.2.2 State of manufacturing

The state of manufacturing is a fragile part of the account. I have rarely managed to get the sum of all states of manufacturing to match upp with the total of all products, probably since I am doing some adjusting with fuels that may have different SM designation in imports than what I assign in the processing. Per state

## Warning: Removed 6 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). Sum over states from previous years

## Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (`geom_text()`). Sum over states and sum over products for the current assembly

One problem has commonly been that the sum of all products by state of manufacturing has been different than the sum over the import quantity. This shouldn’t happen, but can happen if there is a mismatch in the SM designation for the import products and from the products that I use in residental principle adjustments. Example of this is if I record gasoline as SM_FIN into MF421, but then allocate crude oil (residual oils) for the shipping industry (MF4233). This means i will be adding X amoung of SM_SFIN to the shipping industry and then subtracting the same amount from the gasoline value (SM_FIN). This crude-oil was, however, never in the MF421 category, which means I need to retroactively fix the value. This can cause a small mismatch.

1990 967.3083 967.3083 0
1991 754.1475 754.1475 0
1992 912.6352 912.6352 0
1993 1021.2472 1021.2472 0
1994 1265.9715 1265.9715 0
1995 1283.4495 1283.4495 0
1996 1318.3040 1318.3040 0
1997 1351.2389 1351.2389 0
1998 1291.0746 1291.0746 0
1999 1299.5669 1299.5669 0
2000 1436.7444 1436.7444 0
2001 1490.3184 1490.3184 0
2002 1524.4889 1524.4889 0
2003 1490.5871 1490.5871 0
2004 1570.2374 1570.2374 0
2005 1522.9484 1522.9484 0
2006 1437.3386 1437.3386 0
2007 1710.3944 1710.3944 0
2008 2076.2354 2076.2354 0
2009 2027.2363 2027.2363 0
2010 2056.3612 2056.3612 0
2011 2123.6319 2123.6319 0
2012 2208.0015 2208.0015 0
2013 2234.0759 2234.0759 0
2014 2180.3119 2180.3119 0
2015 2186.4681 2186.4681 0
2016 2191.4453 2191.4453 0
2017 2230.3521 2230.3521 0
2018 2512.0543 2512.0543 0
2019 2283.8188 2283.8188 0
2020 2290.5784 2290.5784 0
2021 2333.0278 2333.0278 0
2022 2528.2879 2528.2879 0
2023 2398.4725 2398.4725 0
2024 412.1943 412.1943 0
## MFA-Table_B.rmd completed