Explanatory notes by table


Table: POPMAR – Population by sex, age, marital and cohabitational status

Specific remarks:


ES: Dimension “marital and cohabitational status”, note provided from the country:

§   The table is referred to usual resident population living in family dwellings


FR: Dimension “marital and cohabitational status”, notes provided from the country:

§   The cohabitation status is the de facto family status of the person, while the marital status is the de jure status of the person

§   Persons living in consensual union of which the members of a couple are married or not

       Dimension “age”, note provided from the country:

§   Age at last birthday

       Note provided from the country:

§   Data are not one year prior to the census but at the previous census (1990).


IE: Dimension “marital and cohabitational status”, note provided from the country:

§   Totals in marital status include present and absent persons living in private and institutional household


IT: Dimension “marital and cohabitational status”, note provided from the country:

§   Legally separated are included into divorced


AT: Dimension “marital and cohabitational status”, note provided from the country:

§   No question on place of residence one year prior to census.


PT: Dimension “marital and cohabitational status”, note provided from the country:

§    The collection of data corresponds to the de facto situation


SI: Dimension “marital and cohabitational status”, note provided from the country:

§   Data on children living with parents in consensual unions are included in the row “Others”


UK: Dimension “marital and cohabitational status”, notes provided from the country:

§   The marital status of people aged less than sixteen counted as non-single on the Census form was left unchanged if also identified as born outside   the UK. Many, however, are thought to be due to one, or a combination, of date of   birth, marital status and country of birth being entered or captured incorrectly.  

§   Married includes those who are separated and re-married.

§   Multi-family households include households with only one family where there are other people in the household


Table: POPSOCIND – Population by sex, age and selected social indicators.

Specific remarks:


ES: Dimension “social indicator”, note provided from the country:

§   Non national and born outside the parent country are referred to usual resident population.


FR: Dimension “social indicator”, notes provided from the country:

§   Born outside the parent country includes born outside metropolitan France, overseas departments and overseas territories

§   Living outside the parent country  includes living outside metropolitan France, overseas departments and overseas territories, at the previous census

§   Economically inactive includes everybody except those who have a job, those who are unemployed, the conscripts called up for national service;

§   A child  means single person(who is not a parent, cohabitant or spouse) living in a private household with at least one parent (mother or father);

§   The question about education attainment is not asked to people under 15 years old. Primary level or less means for the country ISCED 0 and 1 ( included no diploma). Tertiary level means for the country  ISCED 5 and 6;

§   A two-family household, in France, means that a household may have 0, 1 or 2 families, not more.

       Dimension “age”, note provided from the country:

§   Age at last birthday

       Note provided from the country:

§   Data are not one year prior to the census but at the previous census (1990).


IE: Dimension “social indicator”, note provided from the country:

§   Working as a part-time excludes these who were away from work, ill, on holiday, on maternity leave or temporarily laid off


CY: Dimension “social indicator”, notes provided from the country:

§   The figures in the category primary level of education attainment or less include those with no education at all.

§   The figures for primary level of educational attainment or less, tertiary level of educational attainment or less, economically inactive, attendant at educational institutions, unemployed, employer, working part- time, Occupation ISCO1 and Occupation ISCO2, refer to those who are aged 15 and over only.


LT: Dimension “social indicator”, note provided from the country:

§   Primary level of education attainment or less includes only primary level of  education attainment


LU: Dimension “social indicator”, note provided from the country:

§   Living outside the parent country are those who lived outside the parent country before 31.12.1995


NL: Dimension “social indicator”, notes provided from the country:

§   Persons aged 15 and less and persons aged 75 and over are, by definition, economically inactive.

§   Persons between the age of 4 and 16 are by definition attendant at educational institutions, persons aged 31 and over are by definition not attendant at educational institutions.

§   Persons aged 65 and over are by definition not unemployed.

§   Employer includes other employed.

§   Persons aged 15 and less and persons aged 75 and over are, by definition, not employed.


AT: Dimension “social indicator”, note provided from the country:

§   Data on educational attainment of the population only for population aged 15 years or over (compulsory schooling 9 years).


SI: Dimension “social indicator”, notes provided from the country:

§   The category non national includes only population with stated foreign


§   The category attendant at educational institutions includes persons whose activity was stated as children, pupil, and student and are attending school.


FI:  Dimension “social indicator”, note provided from the country:

§   Some persons who are in the class attending educational institutions are employed at the same time and therefore they are not including to the class economically inactive.


UK: Dimension “social indicator”, note provided from the country:

§   Information on economic activity is only available for persons between the ages of 16 and 74.


TR: Dimension “social indicator”, note provided from the country:

§   Persons for whom the status for born outside parent country or non-national are excluded from this table. Therefore this information is not equal to the total of table 3, 4, and 7.


CH: Dimension “social indicator”, notes provided from the country:

§   Born outside the parent country included also unknown in the Swiss census.

§   Living outside the parent country at previous year contains data of persons that live outside the parent country 5 years before the census. The children 0-4 are counted separately. Unknowns are present

§   Economically inactive included 0-14 year’s old young people.



Table: POPCTZ – Population by sex, country of citizenship and age group

Specific remarks:


EE:  Dimension “country of citizenship”, notes provided from the country:

§   Row Other includes persons with citizenship undetermined. It was recorded for persons who had an “alien passport,” and for persons who asserted that they had not received the document and did not know their citizenship. This includes 170.349 persons who are long term residents of Estonia, i.e. 94% of who were citizens of Former USSR (before 1991)

§   Total row of Asia includes five answers where citizenship is recorded only as Korea (two were men and three women). In Estonian’s questionnaire form, Korea was not specified as Republic of Korea or Korean DPR


FR:  Dimension “country of citizenship”, notes provided from the country:

§   Parent country includes metropolitan France, overseas departments and overseas territories

§   All countries of citizenship should be listed. Only one country of citizenship should be used for each person. In case of double citizenship priority should be given to the parent country citizenship.

        Dimension “age group”, note provided from the country:

§   Age at last birthday

        Dimension “country of citizenship”,, notes provided from Eurostat:

§   European New independent States includes: Belarus, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Ukraine.

§   Additional information can be found in the  following link: cens_01_FR3


IE:   Dimension “country of citizenship”, note provided from the country:

§   This table is based on persons usually resident and present in the State on census night. It does not include 27,052 persons who were absent outside State for less than 3 months.

        Dimension “country of citizenship”, note provided from Eurostat

§   Additional information can be found in the following link: cens_01_IE-3


LV:  Dimension “country of citizenship”, note provided from the country:

§   The population number of parent country includes also 503999 Latvian non-citizens (219424 males and 284575 females)


AT:  Dimension “country of citizenship”, notes provided from the country:

§   East Timor was classified together with Indonesia

§   West Bank and Gaza strip was classified together with Palestine

§   Bermuda was classified together with United Kingdom

§   Western Sahara was classified together with Morocco


RO: Dimension “country of citizenship”, notes provided from the country:

§   Other EU excludes Luxembourg

§   Remainder of Europe includes Luxembourg, Switzerland and Norway



Table: POPCBIRTH – Population by sex, country of birth and age group

Specific remarks:


CZ: Dimension “country of birth”, notes provided from the country:

§   In the table are added nine rows (3 for total, 3 for males and 3 for females). Other Europe, other Asia, and underneath the last row other is a row  including East Timor

§   Note provided from Eurostat:



EE:  Dimension “country of birth”, note provided from the country :

§   To the continent totals have been added persons whose country of birth is recorded on continent level only: In case of Europe 66 persons. In case of Asia 7 persons whose country of birth is unknown and 13 persons whose country of birth is recorded Korea only. In case of America 1 person. In case of Africa 1 person.


FR:  Dimension “age group”, note provided from the country:

§   Age at last birthday

Note provided from the Eurostat:

§   Additional information can be found in the following link:



IE:  Note provided from Eurostat:

§   Additional information can be found in the following link:



AT: Dimension “country of birth”, notes provided from the country

§   East Timor was classified together with Indonesia.

§   West Bank and Gaza strip was classified together with Palestine.

§   Bermuda was classified together with United Kingdom".

§   Western Sahara was classified together with Morocco.


UK: Dimension “country of birth”, notes provided from the country:

§   Remainder of Europe includes Ireland part not stated.

§   Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data.

Note provided from Eurostat:

§   Additional information can be found in the following link:



RO: Dimension “country of birth”, notes provided from the country

§   Other EU excludes Luxembourg

§   Remainder of Europe includes Luxembourg, Switzerland, Norway.


Table: POPRES – Population by sex, age group and place of residence one year prior to the census

Specific remarks:


ES: Dimension “place of residence”, note provided from the country:

§   Other (including not stated) for non nationals both sexes includes Taiwan.


FR: Dimension “place of residence, notes provided from the country:

§   Elsewhere in the parent country (metropolitan France  and overseas departments and territories)

§   Parent country is  metropolitan France, overseas departments and overseas territories

       Dimension “age group”, note provided from the country:

§   Age at last birthday

       Note provided from the country:

§   Data are not one year prior to the census but at the previous census (1990)

       Dimension “place of residence”, notes provided from Eurostat

§   Macao and Bahrain are added in the “other” row.

§   Additional information can be found in the following link: cens_01_FR-5


IE:  Dimension “place of residence”, notes provided from the country:

§   Non nationals includes nationality not stated (47,425 persons).

§   Elsewhere in same Nuts 4 is based on 26 counties (not possible to give

breakdowns for parts of Dublin, Galway, Waterford, Cork, Limerick and Tipperary)



IT:  Note provided from Eurostat:

§   Taiwan has been aggregated in “Other” entry.


LU: Note provided from the country:

§   The data have been collected before 31 December 1995


HU: Dimension “place of residence”, note provided from the country:

§   Excludes those born after January 31, 2000 as well as the population having stayed in an unknown place one year prior to the census.


SE: Note provided from Eurostat:

§   Incorrect data


UK: Dimension “place of residence”, notes provided from the country:  

§   Migrants living in the same NUTS 5 area one year ago are shown as living in the same NUTS 4 area one year ago.

§   Migrants with 'No usual address one year ago' appear in the category for

'Elsewhere in the country'.

Note provided from Eurostat:

§   Additional information can be found in the following link:



CH: Note provided from the country:

§   The data have been collected 5 years prior to the census