Explanatory notes by table


Table: EDUCTZ – Population by sex, indicator of citizenship, age and highest level of educational attainment

Specific remarks:


DK: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   The total for upper secondary includes some educations that are not in a, b or c


EE: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   ISCED5A column includes higher education together vocational-higher education, because it is not differentiated. Thus, on ISCED 5B level, there are slightly fewer persons and on ISCED 5A level, slightly more persons than there should be.


EL: Notes provided from the Eurostat:

§   Previous ages than 14 have been described into details in the initial table. Though only sums have been given till the age of 14.

§   Additional information can be found in the following link:



ES: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the Eurostat:

§   ISCED 5B is the sum of ISCED 5B  and ISCED 5A


FR: Dimension “educational attainment”, notes provided from the country:

§   The question about education attainment is not asked to people under 15 years old

§   Not available as asked, some columns are aggregated

§   New classification ISCED

Dimension “age”, note provided from the country:

§   Age at last birthday

Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the Eurostat:

§   The ISCED 5B is a sum of ISCED 5B and 5A.


IE: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   In the upper secondary education the ISCED 3a is equal to the ISCED 3a and ISCED 3c.


IT: Dimension “educational attainment”, notes provided from the country:

§   'Pre-Primary (ISCED 0)' has not be considered as an educational attainment for the Italian Census

§   First cycle of Secondary School in Artistic Studies' has not been collected as a specific item. Therefore those kind of occurrences are counted in level 3A, while column 3B remains empty

§   Regional professional qualification (second level) is not included in the educational classification used for Italian Census

§   PhD hasn't been collected as a specific item


CY: Dimension “age”, note provided from the country:

§   The figures refer to the usual resident population aged 15 and over only.

Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   The figures entered in the column for pre-primary includes people who have not completed primary education.


LV: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   The totals include unknown

Dimension “age”, note provided from the country:

§   This table contains data for the persons aged 7 and over


LT: Dimension “age”, note provided from the country:

§   The table includes persons of at least 10 years old.

Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   Also ISCED 6 has been summed with ISCED 5a.


LU: Dimension “educational attainment”, notes provided from the country:

§   Pre primary is included in unknown

§   ISCED6 in tertiary is included in 5a

§   Unknown includes other education.


HU: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   In the upper secondary education ISCED 3a, it is included the population having completed at least one year of third level education, though not having a diploma.


NL: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   Pre primary includes no education at all and unknown


AT: Dimension “educational attainment”, notes provided from the country:

§   Data on educational attainment only for population aged 15 years or more.

§   Compulsory schooling is 9 years in Austria therefore it is assumed that lower secondary education has been completed what is of course not always true for immigrants and also sometimes for Austrians but was not part of the Census programme.

§   No question if no education at all (too sensible).

Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the Eurostat:

§   ISCED 5A and ISCED 6 have been summed


FI: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   Unknown includes those persons who have only lower secondary education or less. Data on educational attainment is insufficient for foreign citizen, so most of them are included in the group unknown.


UK: Dimension “age”, note provided from the country:

§   Educational attainment is only available for those aged 16 to 74.

        Dimension indicator of citizenship, note provided from the country:

§   Questions on citizenship were not asked in the UK. Following Eurostat guidance, UK has provided Country of Birth in this table.

Note provided from the country:

§   Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data.

Dimension “educational attainment”, notes provided from Eurostat:

§   ISCED 0 includes the ISCED 1

§   ISCED 3 includes ISCED 3C, 3B, 3A

§   Tertiary includes the ISCED 5B, 5A, 6


BG: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from Eurostat:

§   All the data that have not been specified according to the general hierarchy of Eurostat and there is not descriptions for them, have been added in the unknown value.


RO: Dimension “indicator of citizenship”, notes provided from the country:

§   Both sexes, males, females for non-nationals other EU citizens exclude Luxembourg

§   Both sexes, males and females for non-nationals non EU citizens include Luxembourg, not stated citizenship and stateless


TR: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   Masters degrees are included under ISCED 6 rather than ISCED 5a


LI: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from Eurostat:

§   All the results for the school in mandatory “Schulpflichtig” have been summed in the unknown values.


CH: Dimension “educational attainment”, note provided from Eurostat:

§  All the “scholaires” younger than 8 years old have been added in the unknown values


Table: EDUISCO 1 – Resident population aged 15-74 by sex, age group, highest level of educational attainment, current economic activity

Specific remarks:


DK: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   The total for upper secondary includes some educations that are not in ISCED 3a, 3b, 3c.


EE: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, notes provided from the country:

§   5A column includes higher education together with vocational-higher education, because it is not differentiated.

§   Thus, on 5B level, we have a bit fewer persons and on 5A level, a bit more persons than it should be.


ES: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from Eurostat:

§   ISCED 5B is the sum of ISCED 5B  and ISCED 5A


FR: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, notes provided from the country:

§   Pre primary no available as asked, we had to aggregate some columns.

§   Educational attainment: new classification ISCED.

Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, notes provided from Eurostat:

§   No education at all includes pre-primary ISCED0.

§   Upper secondary ISCED3 includes post secondary ISCED4.

§   ISCED 5B is the sum of ISCED 5B  and ISCED 5A

Dimension “current economic activity”, notes provided from the country:

§   Economically inactive is everybody except those who have a job (employed), those who are unemployed, the conscripts called up for national service.

§   Not classified by status means conscripts called up for national service. In France, they are classified as economically active.

Dimension “age group”, note provided from the country:

§   Age at last birthday.


IE: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§     ISCED 3c is categorised under ISCED 3a - breakdown not possible.

Dimension “current economic activity”, note provided from the country:

§     Employed: including occupation not stated.


CY: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   The figures in the category pre-primary include those who have not completed primary.


LT: Dimension “age group”, note provided from the country:

§   The question was put to persons 10 years of age and over.

Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” notes provided by the Eurostat:

§   Upper secondary ISCED3 includes post secondary ISCED4.

§   Tertiary ISCED5a includes tertiary ISCED6.


HU: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” note provided from the country:

§   Upper secondary ISCED3a, includes the population completed at least one year of the third level education, though not having a diploma.


NL: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” note provided from the country:

§   Pre primary includes no education at all and unknown.



FI: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” note provided from the country:

§   Unknown includes those persons who have only lower secondary education or less.

Dimension “current economic activity”, note provided from the country:

§   Totals include unknown occupation.


UK: Dimension “current economic activity”, note provided from the country:

§   Information on economic activity is only available for persons between the ages of 16 and 74.

Note provided from the country:

§   Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data.

Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the Eurostat:

§   Primary (ISCED1) includes pre-primary (ISCED0) value.


TR: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” note provided from the country:

§   Master degrees are included under ISCED 6 rather than ISCED 5a.

Dimension “current economic activity and occupation”, note provided from the country:

§   Occupation is classified according to ISCO 68.

Note provided from Eurostat:

§   Additional information can be found in the following link: cens_01_TR-11


LI: Dimensions “sex” and “age”, notes provided from Eurostat:

§   For ‘total sex’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons economically inactive 4102 are pupils less than 8 years old.

§   For ‘males’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons economically inactive 2098 are pupils less than 8 years old.

§   For ‘females’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons economically inactive 2004 are pupils less than 8 years old.  


CH: Dimensions “sex” and “age”, notes provided from Eurostat:

§   For ‘total sex’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons not classified by status 857 472 are pupils less than 8 years old.

§   For ‘males’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons not classified by status 439 101 are pupils less than 8 years old.

§   For ‘females’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons not classified by status 418 371 are pupils less than 8 years old.


Table: EDUISCO 2 – Resident population aged 15-74 by sex, age group, highest level of educational attainment and occupation

Specific remarks:


DK: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   The total for ‘upper secondary’ includes some educations that are not in ISCED 3a-3b-3c.


EE: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   5A column includes higher education together vocational-higher education, because it is not differentiated. Thus, on 5B level, we have a bit fewer persons and on 5A level, a bit more persons than it should be.


ES: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from Eurostat:

§   ISCED 5B is the sum of ISCED 5B  and ISCED 5A


FR: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, notes provided from the country:

§   Pre primary no available as asked, we had to aggregate some columns.

§   Educational attainment: new classification ISCED.

Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, notes provided from Eurostat:

§   No education at all includes pre-primary ISCED0.

§   Upper secondary ISCED3 includes post secondary ISCED4.

§    ISCED 5B is the sum of ISCED 5B  and ISCED 5A

Dimension “age group”, note provided from the country:

§   Age at last birthday.


IE: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   ISCED 3C is categorised under ISCED 3A - breakdown not possible.

Dimension “current economic activity”, note provided from the country:

§   Employed includes occupation not stated.


CY: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the country:

§   The figures in the category pre-primary include those who have not completed primary.


LV: Dimension “Occupation”, note provided from the country:

§   ISCO-88 has been used for the coding of occupations.


LT: Dimension “age group”, note provided from the country:

§   The question was put to persons 10 years of age and over.

Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” notes provided by the Eurostat:

§   Upper secondary ISCED3 includes post secondary ISCED4.

§   Tertiary ISCED5a includes tertiary ISCED6.


RO: Dimension “occupation”, note provided from the country:

§   Employed excludes persons with non stated occupation.


HU: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” note provided from the country:

§   Upper secondary ISCED3A, includes the population completed at least one year of the third level education, though not having a diploma.


NL: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” note provided from the country:

§   Pre primary includes no education at all and unknown.


FI: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” note provided from the country:

§   Unknown includes those persons who have only lower secondary education or less.


UK: Dimension “Occupation”, note provided from the country:

§   This table uses the mapping of occupation to ISCO 88 COM.

Note provided from the country:

§   Cells in this table have been randomly adjusted to avoid the release of confidential data.

Dimension “highest level of educational attainment”, note provided from the Eurostat:

§   Primary (ISCED1) includes Pre-primary (ISCED0) value.


TR: Dimension “highest level of educational attainment” notes provided from the country:

§   Masters degrees are included under ISCED 6 rather than ISCED 5a.

Dimension “Current economic activity and occupation”, note provided from the country:

§   Occupation is classified according to ISCO 68.

Note provided from Eurostat:

§   Additional information can be found in the  following link: cens_TR-11


LI: Dimensions “sex” and “age”, notes provided from Eurostat:

§   For ‘total sex’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons economically inactive 4102 are pupils less than 8 years old.

§   For ‘males’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons economically inactive 2098 are pupils less than 8 years old.

§   For ‘females’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons economically inactive 2004 are pupils less than 8 years old.  


CH: Dimensions “sex” and “age”, notes provided from Eurostat:

§   For ‘total sex’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons not classified by status 857 472 are pupils less than 8 years old.

§   For ‘males’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons not classified by status 439 101 are pupils less than 8 years old.

§   For ‘females’ and ‘total age’: in the unknown value for persons not classified by status 418 371 are pupils less than 8 years old.