3.2 What is the source of the electricity we consume?

Over 40 % of the electricity consumed in the EU comes from power stations burning fossil fuels

Around 23 % of the final energy we consume is electricity and it comes from different sources. In the EU in 2017, 44 % of the electricity consumed came from power stations burning fossil fuels and 31 % from renewable energy sources, while 25 % came from nuclear power plants. Among the renewable energy sources, the highest share of electricity consumed came from  wind turbines (11 %), hydropower plants (10 %), biofuels (6 %) and solar power (4 %).

The sources of electricity production vary among the Member States: around 90 % of electricity production came from fossil fuels in Cyprus and Malta, while almost three quarters (71 %) of electricity production came from nuclear power plants in France, followed by 55 % in Slovakia. In Luxembourg and Austria, around 60 % of electricity production came from hydro power plants, while 48 % of electricity production in Denmark came from wind energy.

EU production of electricity by source, 2015
EU production of electricity by source, 2015