1 Food and beverages 11 Food and beverages / Primary 111 Food and beverages / Primary / Mainly for industry 112 Food and beverages / Primary / Mainly for household consumption 12 Food and beverages / Processed 121 Food and beverages / Processed / Mainly for industry 122 Food and beverages / Processed / Mainly for household consumption 2 Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified 21 Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified / Primary 210 Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified / Primary 22 Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified / Processed 220 Industrial supplies not elsewhere specified / Processed 3 Fuels and lubricants 31 Fuels and lubricants / Primary 310 Fuels and lubricants / Primary 32 Fuels and lubricants / Processed 321 Fuels and lubricants / Processed / Motor spirit 322 Fuels and lubricants / Processed / Other 4 Capital goods (except transport equipment) and parts and accessories thereof 41 Capital goods (except transport equipment) 410 Capital goods (except transport equipment) 42 Capital goods / Parts and accessories 420 Capital goods / Parts and accessories 5 Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof 51 Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof / Passenger motor cars 510 Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof / Passenger motor cars 52 Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof / Other 521 Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof / Other / Industrial 522 Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof / Other / Non-industrial 53 Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof / Parts and accessories 530 Transport equipment and parts and accessories thereof / Parts and accessories 6 Consumer goods not elsewhere specified 61 Consumer goods not elsewhere specified / Durable 610 Consumer goods not elsewhere specified / Durable 62 Consumer goods not elsewhere specified / Semi-durable 620 Consumer goods not elsewhere specified / Semi-durable 63 Consumer goods not elsewhere specified / Non-durable 630 Consumer goods not elsewhere specified / Non-durable 7 Goods not elsewhere specified 70 Goods not elsewhere specified 700 Goods not elsewhere specified CAPGOOD Capital goods CONGOOD Consumer goods CONTRAN Consumption goods, including passenger motor cars INTGOOD Intermediate goods, excluding motor spirit TOTAL Total XXX Parts of confidential trade, of trade broken down at chapter level only and of trade under the declaration limit, not elsewhere classified