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Erasmus+ Staff Mobility and training Opportunities in TOGETPRO

Profile picture for user Melani TGP Italy.
Melani Hromin
| Posted on Tr, 03/07/2018 - 11:24

ToGetPro (PIC 916067613) is a legally established consortium of the following Foundations (Fondazioni): Fondazione Ikaros, Fondazione Et Labora, Fondazione ITS, Fondazione Pegaso; with its seats in Bergamo, Milan, Rome and Bologna (Italy).

Its main activities are the design, the management and the implementation of European, national and regional projects, working in a holistic manner on the following topics: new technologies in didactics, training and counselling, e-learning, inclusive education, inclusive innovation, and innovation management.

ToGetPro developed its projects joining and developing European networks for training and work, keeping up to date on important topics like ICT, mobility, labour market, equal opportunities, skills certification, innovative didactics.

It has established a network of professionals with business experience and a network of partnerships with Enterprises, Institutions, Professional Associations, Universities and Research institutions. It has a high-profile staff with experience in the direction, coordination, organization, and implementation of projects and in the administrative area. It has obtained a relevant experience in education and training, in tutoring, in teaching, in the management of group and personal dynamics with adolescents and in the supporting of disabled. It has also has developed an important expertise in the field of formal and informal skills and competences certifications through ECVET system and other types of certification.

The consortium organises Erasmus+ training and job shadowing on the following topics:

  • Health Care
  • ICT skills
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Employability
  • Innovative didactics
  • Combatting school dropout
  • Special education needs
  • Remedial education
  • Inclusion
  • Marketing
  • Communication
  • Public relation
  • Administration and computability
  • Logistics
  • Foreign Languages
  • Human resources
  • Sanitary service

For more information please contact us:

Melani Hromin

To Get Pro – Soc. Consortile ( )

Cell. +39 366-833-7377


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