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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

17 júl

Future/Island 2019


A one-day boutique conference taking a deep dive into the skills of the future and exploring the future of how we work, learn and play.

As part of The Festival of Curiosity, the Future/Island conference is a new addition to the festival in 2019.  We are inviting experts in innovation, HR, public engagement, education, the arts, design, STEAM, and research together to take a deep dive into the skills of the future.

How will our work environments and education systems adapt to the skills of the future? What roles do science, research, creativity, and design have in shaping future jobs as we re-imagine how we live, how we learn and how we work?

With AI and automation making rapid change worldwide will creativity, communication and empathy become sought after skills of the future? What roles do the arts and science have in bolstering Ireland’s creative economy?

With speakers including IKEA intelligence specialist Lydia Choi Johansson (IKEA Play Report), Twenty One Toys founder Ilana Ben-Ari (The Empathy Toy and  The Failure Toy), Jurassic Park Science Adviser and founder of Horner Science Jack Horner (Virtual and Augmented Reality in Education and Public Engagement). See list of speakers below.

Who should attend?

Educators, Innovation Managers, HR Leaders, Researchers, Designers, Science Communicators, Public Engagement Specialists, Policy Makers and those interested in networking with leaders from different disciplines to explore new perspectives on the skills of the future, designing work & learning environments, the creative economy and the future of public engagement.

Event Details
As planned
Gerð viðburðar
Vefsvæði viðburðar
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
The Festival of Curiosity
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy

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EPALE Moderator

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