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EPALE - Електронна платформа за учене на възрастни в Европа

Event Details

17 Юни

CELTA Course in Vilnius, Lithuania

Vilija Lukošūnienė
Служебна карта за най-добър участник.

Course Description

The Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) is an introductory course for candidates with little or no previous English Language teaching experience. It is also suitable for candidates with some experience but little previous training. As a qualification that is recognised around the world, it gives you the skills you need and opens up a whole world of exciting teaching opportunities.


  • teaches you the principles of effective teaching
  • provides a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners
  • gives you hands-on teaching practice
  • builds your confidence.

There are five main units of learning:

  • Learners and teachers, and the teaching and learning context
  • Language analysis and awareness
  • Language skills: reading, listening, speaking and writing
  • Planning and resources for different contexts
  • Developing teaching skills and professionalism.

What to expect

The course includes input sessions (training), tutorial support and consultation, supervised lesson planning, assessed teaching practice supervised by a course tutor, feedback on teaching practice, peer observation of teaching practice and observation of experienced English Language teaching professionals.

Additionally, you will be required to undertake ‘non-contact’ hours for reading, research, assignment writing, lesson preparation and record keeping.


As you can see from the above, the workload is intense. The intensive course will run all day on weekdays for four weeks, and in addition you will need to do about 3-4 hours a day on top of this, and 6-12 hours at the weekend.

Entry requirements

Entry to the course is through application form, language task and selection interview.

Applicants must:

  • be at least 18 (It is recommended that candidates should be aged 20 or over, but candidates aged between 18 and 20 can be accepted at the centre’s discretion.)
  • have an awareness of language and a competence in both written and spoken English which will enable them to undertake the course and prepare for teaching a range of levels. (C2 / C1 on the Common European Framework (CEF))
  • have the potential to develop the necessary skills to become effective teachers and to complete successfully the written assignments and the assessment of teaching practice.
  • have a standard of education equivalent to that for entry into higher education (Applicants who do not have formal qualifications who can show they would be likely to complete the course successfully may be accepted at the centre’s discretion.)

Input sessions

Each day you will have two input sessions designed to increase your subject knowledge as well as provide you with the skills required in the classroom. Sessions include topics such as ‘Classroom Management’, ‘Teaching Vocabulary’ and ‘An Overview of Tenses in English’.

Teaching practice

During the course you will teach a total of 6 hours. You won’t teach every day, but when not teaching you will observe your peers and give feedback, as they will do for you. One of the tutors will be assigned to your group to help with lesson planning, observe your teaching and lead the feedback sessions.

You will be teaching ‘real’ students in a ‘real’ classroom setting and will teach two different groups at different levels. Initially you will have a lot of tutor support, but as the course goes on and your confidence increases this will be reduced. 


As well as observing your peers, time will be set aside (6 hours) for observation of more experienced teachers. This will give you an opportunity to see how the skills you are learning are applied in ‘the real world’.

The Trainers

All the trainers on the CELTA course are approved by Cambridge English and have experience of delivering CELTA courses, and teaching, in a variety of contexts around the world. International House trainers also have experience training on a variety of teacher training courses, and bring a wealth of experience and ideas from years of teaching to the course.

Working after the course

The CELTA is recognised throughout the world, and as such, your post-course work opportunities are extensive. Tutors can advise you about opportunities with International House worldwide, as well as giving advice on job seeking in general.

Event Details
As planned
Уебсайт на събитието
Тип организатор
Друго събитие
Organiser name
Soros International House
Registration URL
Данни за контакт
Daiva Malinauskienė
tel. number +370 600 20636
Брой делегати
< 100
Целева група
Мрежи и организации за учене за възрастни
Цели и задачи
The Cambridge Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (CELTA) is an introductory course for candidates with little or no previous English Language teaching experience. It is also suitable for candidates with some experience but little previous training. As a qualification that is recognised around the world, it gives you the skills you need and opens up a whole world of exciting teaching opportunities.

• teaches you the principles of effective teaching
• provides a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners
• gives you hands-on teaching practice
• builds your confidence.
Очаквани резултати от ученето
CELTA is a very challenging but extremely rewarding course and experience. You will learn many new teaching techniques, be observed teaching and receive professional feedback designed to help you become a better teacher. After the course you will be a more confident teacher with practical knowledge about teaching which you will be able to apply immediately in your classroom.
Признаване / сертифициране на участието и/или резултатите от ученето
Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
Такса за участие

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