Birth of a new EU agency

© Belga Image © Belga Image Skills for life and for all: Finnish Minister of Education L.Andersson (L) and Commissioner.M.Thyssen at the European Vocational Skills Week event in Helsinki. European Labour Authority: launched 16 OCTOBER 2019 The European Labour Authority (ELA) started its activities with an inaugural ceremony and the first meeting of its management board. The EU has developed a substantial body of legislation regulating different aspects of cross-border labour mobility. ELA will facilitate access to information and services to citizens and business about their rights and obligations, and cooperation between Member States in the enforcement of Union law, including by facilitating concerted and joint inspections, tackling undeclared work and helping bring about solutions in cases of cross-border disputes (see pages 3 and 14). Vocational skills: for all and for life 14 OCTOBER 2019 The 2019 European Vocational Skills Week took place in Helsinki from 14 to 18 October. The central theme this year was ‘Vocational Education and Training for All – Skills for Life’. In addition, more than 1 000 activities and events took place throughout 2019 at local, regional and national level across the EU and beyond. All stakeholders came together to highlight the benefits of vocational education and training, showcase opportunities and promote an educational pathway that has the potential to transform the lives of young and old alike (see page 12). Logo unveiled: European Commission President Jean- Claude Juncker and Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini inaugurating the European Labour Authority. NEWS IN BRIEF 4 / SOC I A L AG E NDA / NOV E MB E R 2 0 1 9