Birth of a new EU agency

SOC I A L AG E NDA / J U LY 2 0 1 7 / 3 Reinforcing the social dimension In less than a year, a European Labour Authority has been created. It will facilitate access to information and services relating to cross-border mobility, and enhance cooperation between the bodies of the Member States that are in charge of implementing and enforcing EU legislation in this area. Responsible for the actual establishment of the Authority and for its initial operation, the European Commission has been keeping up the momentum. The Authority was inaugurated in October 2019, less than three months after the adoption of the relevant regulation. Its management board met for the first time on this occasion. The Board adopted its work programme and budget for 2019, and discussed the priorities for 2020, in particular informing citizens and coordinating concerted and joint cross-border labour inspections. The Authority’s fast growing staff is expected to reach a total of around 140 people, including National Liaison Officers seconded by EU countries. In the course of 2020, the Authority will recruit its Executive Director and move from Brussels to its own premises in Bratislava. The EU sets rules on rights and obligations relating to cross-border mobility but it is the national authorities that are responsible for enforcing them. This requires strong administrative and operational cooperation between countries. While citizens and employers need to know where to find the right information. Labour mobility across Europe is a growing phenomenon: over 17 million citizens live and work in another EU country – twice as many as a decade ago. This right is particularly cherished by EU citizens. They say this in opinion polls but also by voting with their feet: more than one million extra EU citizens use it every year. The Authority will make it easier for them to know and exercise their rights. At the same time, it will help Member States ensure compliance with the rules and fight abuses together and more effectively. Created by the outgoing European Commission in record time, the European Labour Authority will play a key role in reinforcing in a tangible way the social dimension of the EU, as called for by President-elect Ursula von der Leyen. Joost Korte Director General of the European Commission's Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Directorate General n°56 Welcome to SOC I A L AG E NDA / NOV E MB E R 9