Social Agenda Issue 54

SOC I A L AG E NDA / J U LY 2 0 1 7 / 5 © Belga Image Paid paternity leave: Ten days at least of paternity leave for fathers following the birth of their child, to be compensated at the level of sick pay. Work-life balance for parents and carers: Making headway 24 JANUARY 2019 The European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers reached a provisional agreement on the European Commission's proposal for a new Directive on work-life balance for parents and carers. The Directive will open up opportunities for working women and men to share caring responsibilities, for children and relatives, on an equal basis. It sets a European minimum standard of 10 days of paternity leave for fathers following the birth of their child, to be compensated at the level of sick pay. It strengthens the existing right to 4 months of parental leave, by making 2 months non-transferable between parents and introducing compensation for these 2 months at a level to be determined by the Member States. It will also contain European provisions for carer's leave by attributing 5 days per worker per year, as a new European entitlement for workers. The new rules also strengthen the right for all parents and carers to request flexible working arrangements. This provisional agreement now has to be formally adopted by both the European Parliament and the Council. People with disabilities: Breda is Access City 2019 4 DECEMBER 2018 The 2019 Access City Award went to the city of Breda, Netherlands, for continuously making improvements to make life easier for people with disabilities. In Breda, public places such as parks and stores are accessible to everyone. Digital technologies ensure that all citizens can get around using public transport. Évreux, France and Gdynia, Poland, are the second and third place winners. The jury praised Évreux for its particular focus on invisible disabilities and Gdynia for its initiatives to include people with intellectual disabilities. Finally, Kaposvár, Hungary and Vigo, Spain, both received a special mention. Kaposvár was recognised for its continued improvements and Vigo for its innovative architecture in a challenging topography. Marianne Thyssen: 2018 Woman in Power 30 NOVEMBER 2018 The EuropeanCommissioner in charge of employment, social affairs, skills and labourmobility (see page14onwards) won the 'Woman in Power' category for showing extraordinary political leadership in Europe, at the 2018 Women of Europe Awards organised by the European Movement International and the European Women’s Lobby. She received the award for the work she has done in the social field, and dedicated her victory to "the many strong, driven and determined women I meet, making a difference all over Europe”. Marianne Thyssen added: “It's a token of appreciation. But it also gives me a boost to continue working hard for a strong and fair European Union until the very last day of my mandate. I would like to dedicate this award to the many women who implement the European Pillar of Social Rights on a daily basis. Perhaps less visibly than we do, but in a very tangible way." © Belga Image Making life easier: In Breda, parks and stores are accessible to people with disabilities. © Belga Image Political leadership: Commissioner Thyssen won the prize for the “Woman in power” category at the 2018 Women of Europe Awards. SOC I A L AG E NDA / MA R C H 9