Social Agenda Issue 54

SOC I A L AG E NDA / J U LY 2 0 1 7 / 3 Between 23 and 26 May 2019, EU citizens will elect the next European Parliament. Ahead of the vote, a series of European Commission proposals are going through the final stages of the EU decision-making process. They reinforce social rights in a very concrete way, addressing issues such as work-life balance, working conditions, access to social security for all, free movement of people within the EU and the accessibility of products and services to people with disabilities. In many ways, these proposals are like a breath of fresh air for Social Europe. They introduce paid paternity and carers’ leave at European level. They use single market instruments to give disabled people equal access across the EU to a whole series of services and products, which will carry the famous EC mark. They also provide information on employment conditions and new rights for workers who are in new and less stable forms of employment. Since 2014, when Marianne Thyssen and the college of European Commissioners headed by Jean-Claude Juncker took office, employment, social affairs and inclusion have been at the heart of the EU political agenda. The up and coming European elections are a crucial opportunity to steer the EU in the right direction. The more EU citizens cast their vote, the better their voice will be heard. The EU institutions and the wider community of actors - the social partners and civil society, as well as the other beneficiaries of EU funds - can do a lot to ensure a large voter turnout. Young people in particular need to make their voice heard. The last five years have seen the EU Youth Guarantee and Youth Employment Initiative gather momentum and display their full potential. Today, there are almost 2.5 million less unemployed young people than was the case at the end of 2014. The number of young people neither in employment, education or training is also going down. So I call on you: On 23-26 May, do vote and make your voice heard loud and clear! Make your voice heard! Welcome to n°54 Joost Korte Director General of the European Commission's Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion Directorate General SOC I A L AG E NDA / MA R C H 9