Social Agenda Issue 53 - EN

Social Europe Employment and Social Developments in Europe Annual Review 201 8 ISSN2315-2540 Work-based learning: Teachers and trainers matter How may teachers and trainers be supported in delivering high-performance apprenticeships and work-based learning? How may such learning and apprenticeships be developed? Prepared by the “ET 2020 Working Group on Vocational Education and Training“ group of experts, this report highlights twelve policy pointers to strengthen support for teachers and trainers in the vital role that they play in vocational education and training, and gives some inspirational examples. Catalogue n°: KE-02-18-612-EN-N Link to the publication:!mU84MF Adult learning: Promoting it in the workplace Between 2016 and 2018, a working group identified policies that promote and support workplace learning of adults in the EU: adults struggling with reading, writing, making simple calculations and using digital tools; and those with medium skills, in need of up-skilling. The report formulates key messages for policy development, along with case studies to inspire new thinking. Catalogue n°: KE-01-18-445-EN Link to the publication:!Tu37Vm Vulnerable children: Changes in child and family policies This annual thematic report of the European Platform for Investing in Children provides a snapshot of recent changes and new developments in the area of child and family policies across the EU in 2017. The report focuses on the situation of vulnerable children (migrant children, children residing in institutions, etc.) and on the key aspects related to socio- economic disadvantage. Catalogue n°: KE-01-18-829-EN-N Link to the publication: !MM77jv Harnessing technological transformation Automation entails capital deepening, especially in the manufacturing sector and for low-skill tasks and routine activities. Other innovative technologies lead to the emergence of new non-standard forms of work, as well as to a more flexible re-organization of working time and space. Both capital deepening and new forms of work raise concerns as well as opportunities, shows the European Commission’s 2018 Employment and Social Developments review. Human and physical capital are complementary. Therefore policies that leverage the strong inter-generational effect of individuals' socio-economic background on their skills and labour market performance, are of critical importance. Social partners could play a positive role in adjusting the existing legal framework to the new forms of work, including by managing the increased flexibility of working time and space in atypical work. Traditional distinctions made by the social protection systems also need to be rethought in order to provide inclusive protection. The European Pillar of Social Rights is a useful framework for adapting labour market and social systems to the new world of work (see page 14 onwards). Volume I catalogue n°: KE-BD-18-001-EN-N Link to the publication:!Qb38gF To subscribe to Social Agenda or to other publications of DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, please fill in the registration form available at:!YM86Rv To download or to order these publications, please go to!bW68yg KE-AF-18-053-EN-N