Social Agenda Issue 52 - EN

SOC I A L AG E NDA / J U LY 2 0 1 7 / 5 Pension adequacy: More needs to be done 30 APRIL 2018 The 2018 Pensions Adequacy Report underlined that Member States pay more and more attention to sustainable and adequate pensions in their reforms. However, further measures will be required. Pension systems need to promote longer working lives by encouraging life-long learning, providing a safe and healthy work environment, adjusting pensionable ages, rewarding later retirement and discouraging early exit (see page 8). Skills and qualifications: Europass revised 12 APRIL 2018 EU Member States adopted the Commission's proposal to revise the Europass framework, which aims at simplifying and modernising the Europass CV and other skills tools for the digital age. The new framework will offer an e-portfolio for storing and sharing information, tools for people to self-assess their skills and tools for describing formal and informal learning as well as qualifications. For the first time, Europass will also offer information to support career management, including information on trends and demands in the labour market and on guidance and learning opportunities across Europe. Health and safety: Limits to 5 more chemicals 5 APRIL 2018 The Commission proposed to limit workers' exposure to five more cancer-causing chemicals: Cadmium and its inorganic compounds; Beryllium and inorganic beryllium compounds; Arsenic acid and its salts, as well as inorganic arsenic compounds; Formaldehyde; 4,4'-Methylene-bis(2-chloroaniline) (MOCA). Estimates show that this proposal would improve working conditions for over 1 000 000 EU workers and prevent over 22 000 cases of work-related illness. Transnational companies: A boost to social dialogue 14 MAY 2018 The European Commission published an evaluation of the European Works Council directive, adopted in 2009, confirming its added value for workers and companies. The Commission proposes to create a practical handbook and provide €7 million funding to social partners to support the implementation of the directive and the effectiveness of European Works Councils. Information for workers has improved in terms of quality and scope. However, the effectiveness of the consultation procedure can still be improved. © Belga Image © Belga Image A modernised Europass: with an e-portfolio for storing and sharing information and tools for people to self-assess their skills. Better dialogue: Information for workers has improved in terms of quality and scope. © Belga Image Lifelong learning: Pension systems need to promote longer working lives by encouraging life-long learning. © Belga Image Life-saving measures: improving working conditions for over 1 000 000 EU workers and preventing over 22 000 cases of work-related illness. 8