Social Agenda Issue 52 - EN

Posting of Workers: Revised directive adopted 21 JUNE 2018 The European Parliament and the EU Council of Ministers confirmed the political agreement reached on 1 March on the revision of the posting of workers directive. At the heart of it is the principle of equal pay for equal work in the same place. A revision of the directive was originally proposed by the European Commission in March 2016 (see page 6). 2021-2027 EU budget: ESF+ proposed 30 MAY 2018 The European Commission proposed to reinforce, pool and better target several existing Funds that already put people at the centre. In particular, it proposes to establish a renewed European Social Fund, the 'European Social Fund Plus' (ESF+), and a strengthened and more effective European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). The Commission also proposed to double the funding for Erasmus to €30 billion for 2021-2027 and to make it more inclusive (see page 14). European Semester: Recommendations 23 MAY 2018 The European Commission presented the 2018 country-specific recommendations, setting out its economic policy guidance for each Member State for the next 12 to 18 months. The recommendations pay special attention to social challenges, guided by the European Pillar of Social Rights proclaimed in November 2017. There is a particular focus on ensuring the provision of adequate skills, the effectiveness and adequacy of social safety nets and improving social dialogue. Countries are also recommended to: carry out reforms that prepare their workforces for the future, including new forms of work and increasing digitalisation; reduce income inequalities; and create employment opportunities, for young people in particular (see page 24). NEWS IN BRIEF Equal pay for equal work at the same place: a revised posting directive. © Belga Image © Belga Image Improving social dialogue: A particular focus of the European Semester 2018. © Belga Image People-centred: the proposed EU budget for 2021-2027. 4 / SOC I A L AG E NDA / J U LY 2 0 1 8