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The European Commission

Directorate general for Employment and social affairs


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The Disability Unit


The mission of the Unit for the integration of people with disabilities is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities at EU level.

It does so

  • by facilitating the cooperation of the EU Member States in the development of their disability policies;
  • by endeavouring to ensure that the disability perspective is taken into account in the Commission's own internal affairs and in the formulation of relevant Community legislation, programmes and policies.
  • by contributing to the raising of awareness levels throughout the European Union by supporting non-governmental organisations and relevant activities (incl. the organisation of the European Day of Disabled People).

Particular areas of special focus include the development of employment policy for disabled people and harnessing all useful aspects of existing and developing information and communications technologies to their benefit.


Head of Unit: Brendan Sinnott
Information: Enrique ROJAS
Secretariat: Nina Mc ARTHUR
