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The European Commission

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Accessible tourism is now important both to the individual and to the tourism industry. Tourists with disabilities are more and more recognised as an important consumer group. The European Commission has also been involved in the creation of handbooks on accessible tourism.

  • Travel guides for tourists with disabilities
    These guides describe accessible tourism in 18 European countries. For more information and the handbook see:

  • A handbook for the tourism industry: making Europe accessible for tourists with disabilities
    The principal aim of this excellent handbook is to demonstrate that existing facilities can often be easily adapted to suit disabled tourists. The book highlights that research and modest expenditure would enable most of Europe's tourism firms to offer acceptable levels of service to disabled people. Explanations and solutions to some of the difficulties that may arise when a disabled person is travelling are also portrayed in the handbook.
    This handbook can be ordered for 10 euro. "Order information is: Luxembourg: Eur-Op, 1996 - 140 p, Eur-Op catalogue n° CT-82-95-001-**-C, ES, DE, EN, FR, IT